
June 15, 2004

By MariaMaria #681 FD/MM/FM 3493 4/04

Dear JETTs and junior teens‚

1. I love you, and Peter loves you, too. I want to take a little time to write you specifically and let you know that we've been thinking about you and your age group a lot recently as we have been working on the restructuring of the Family, and especially as the renewal period is getting close. You've been on our hearts, and we've been thinking about your needs and how this time will affect you, and especially praying a lot for you.

2. I realize that the thought of the renewal and all that you'll be giving up during this time is probably not a happy thought for most of you, or maybe any of you. Putting myself in your shoes, I could see that the renewal is probably something you are dreading, and you might even feel resentful about going through the fast of worldly input, especially if you don't really understand the reasons behind it. That's why I want to explain a little bit about what the Lord wants to give your age group during this time, and also some things He's said that might help make it a bit easier.

3. Your parents or shepherds have probably talked with you about the renewal already, and you may have even read "Renewal: The Big Picture." That has probably given you some insight into why the renewal is needed, what the Lord promises it's going to do for us as a Family, and how it will cleanse and strengthen and prepare us for the days ahead. But I asked the Lord if He had anything further for you, or if He wanted to address some of the things you might be specifically concerned about, and also give an explanation and more information about what He wants to give you through it—not just the whole Family, but you and your friends and those of your age group—if you go for it with all of your heart. He did, and that's what I'm going to be sharing with you here in this GN that is especially for you.

4. After reading this, however, I wouldn't be surprised if you have further specific questions on your heart. If you do, please go to the Lord and ask Him about it. Or, if you don't feel you can ask the Lord yourself, then ask one of your older brothers or sisters, or friends, or parents, or shepherds, or someone to pray about your question for you. Or even if you don't have a specific question, but you're having a battle about the renewal, you shouldn't feel bad if you have to ask Him for some personal encouragement.

5. If there's something that just seems really unappealing or uninspiring, and yet you have to do it because the Lord is asking it of you, you should go to Him and say, "Lord, You said to do this, but it's really hard for me. Please tell me the reasons that this will be good for me personally. What do I have to gain from obeying You in this way? What are the blessings that You have for me? What good things will I lose if I don't?"

6. I guarantee that hearing the Lord's answer will help to make things easier. Just hearing the benefits can help put things in a much better perspective. Even if you have to go to the Lord for a new answer every day, don't feel bad about it. Don't just suffer in silence and try to "bear it" without going to the Lord about it. Because then you'll be miserable‚ the renewal period and the restrictions will seem very long, and you'll probably miss out on quite a lot. I'm sure you wouldn't want to do that.

7. So here's my prayer and the Lord's answer for you.

8. (Mama prays: ) I've been feeling concerned about our dear JETTs and junior teens as we go into the renewal. We have asked You whether they should participate in the fast of worldly input‚ and You've confirmed that everyone in the Family needs it‚ all the way down through the children. But I'm concerned that to our JETTs and junior teens it's just going to feel like a huge bummer—and a really long bummer too. Five-and-a-half months is a long time, and because they're forsaking some of the things that they enjoy and look forward to the most, or that help them to not feel bored, then they really need to have a vision for why they're doing it.

9. You've said that they need it, along with everyone else in the Family, and You've given wonderful promises about what the Family will gain from it, how our lives can change and become so much better and happier if we will just give You a chance. But I want to ask You to please give a message specifically for our JETTs and junior teens about what they can expect—something that they can hold on to when it's difficult, something that will help to explain the issues that really matter to them. I don't even know what all those issues are, Lord, but You do. So please give whatever You want to give to this precious group of up-and-coming disciples. They're going to be giving up a lot for You during this time, so please give them a glimpse of what they can expect in return‚ and why You're asking it of them.

10. (Jesus:) I see each of you, My JETTs and junior teens of the children of David, and I see what you can become. I know you've heard this many times in the past, but I have a special plan and role for each of you. I don't mean that in just a general sense, either. I have plans for your future—working within your choices, of course. I know your personal likes and dislikes, as well as your unique strengths and weaknesses, and I've made you the way you are for a reason. According to your particular talents and the things you personally like to do‚ I have special gifts to give you‚ gifts that will enhance your natural talents and abilities. Eventually those gifts will set you apart, and will draw people to you as My miracle workers of the End. You'll each have to hone your gifts, and you'll have to work at it‚ but they're worth it. Each of you has a very special future ahead, and a special role to play during the exciting Endtime days that you're going to be living in very soon.

11. But there is a problem at the moment. The children of David have become compromised to such an extent that it threatens to change all of My plans for your future—your personal future, and the future of the Family. You aren't prepared, as a group or as individuals, for what I have in store for you in the very near future. Drastic measures are needed to get things back on track and up to speed. And that's part of the reason for this renewal period—to give everyone a chance to lay aside those weights that are holding them back and collectively holding the Family back.

12. There are other reasons for the renewal, as well as benefits, which you have read about in "Renewal: The Big Picture." But what about you and the other JETTs and junior teens in the Family? Do I have special purposes for this renewal for you? Yes, I do.

13. One of My main plans for you, besides the general promises that apply to everyone in the Family, is that I want to give you a chance to know what the Family is really all about. I want you to experience My Spirit in special ways—through inspiring and different times in My Word, through fulfilling and radical witnessing experiences, through the fun activities and events that I will provide for you to enjoy. I've commissioned the adults in your Home, as well as your older brothers and sisters, to help Me to show you My love in these different ways.

14. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you or the Family to stay away from System input forever. But by the end of the renewal, I'm hoping that your desires will have changed. If you give Me even half a chance, your desires will be different, because I will have given you so much in return that what you had before will seem like peanuts. That means that while you'll still enjoy doing things like playing computer games and watching movies in moderation, you'll have a better balance in your life. You'll discover other things that will be fun, enjoyable, challenging and appealing—and some of those will even help to prepare you for the future I have in store for you, and bring you closer to fulfilling My special plan for you.

15. I know it's going to be hard at first. You're going to miss some of those things you enjoy, but that you won't be able to do during the renewal. Initially, you'll probably worry that you're going to feel bored or like there's nothing fun for you to do anymore. But I'm giving your parents and shepherds instructions about things that I want them to do with you, special and fun opportunities that I want to give you during this time. And if you will put your heart into those opportunities, even if they don't seem fun at first, as you get started and get going with them, you'll find out how fun they are. And who knows? Maybe by the end of the renewal you won't ever want your life to go back to the way it was before, because you'll be a more well-balanced, motivated‚ creative person. Maybe you'll like the new "you" you've become. It's definitely possible, if you cut Me some slack and give Me a chance.

16. This renewal is part of My plan for you JETTs and junior teens too, not just the adults and senior teens. You're not just caught in the middle and having to go through this because they need it. You need it too, just as much as they do. Everyone in the Family needs it for different reasons, if the Family is going to fulfill its destiny‚ and if each of you is going to fulfill your special calling and role that I've been planning for you and preparing you for.

17. So if you feel a bit frustrated by the restrictions or you even feel upset about them‚ take it out on Me. Don't blame your parents or get upset at them‚ because I'm the One Who's asking this of you. It's part of My plan and My will for you. But I have a good reason for it. It's not in vain; it's not something that you're going to have to sacrifice a lot for and not feel many benefits in return. It won't be like that at all. It will be difficult initially, and you will have to make some big sacrifices in order to obey. But I'm counting all those sacrifices and keeping track, and you're stacking up rewards for them in Heaven. But even sooner than that‚ you're going to feel the blessings and rewards right there on Earth, in your near future—in the days, weeks‚ and months to come. You will be blessed in very special ways. And even more wonderful than that, you'll be ready to go on to My special plans for you.

18. These special plans have been in the works for a long time. In Hebrews 11, when it talks about all the great men and women of faith‚ well, those great men and women and many more of the heavenly hosts know about My special plans for each of you, and they're hoping and praying and cheering for you, because they want you to make it. They know how happy it will make you when you find your special place and do what I created you to do. They know how happy you'll be in Heaven and for all eternity when you receive your rewards. So by comparison, this five-and-a-half months where you have to give these things up in order to be more prepared and ready to do your job‚ seems very puny by comparison. If you could see it from their point of view, it's not even a sacrifice; it's just part of the job.

19. I'm not trying to gloss over the difficulties or pretend they're not there, because I understand the things you're going through. But I don't feel bad about asking you to go through the renewal, because I know that it will help to make you happier. And not only that, but it will help to save the Family and all My special plans for you, and that will really make you happy in the long run. Then, of course, there are all the rewards I will give you for these sacrifices, both here as well as in Heaven. And you'd better believe I'll be rewarding you! You'll have so many rewards—lots of cool, mind-blowing rewards that will satisfy you personally—that you'll need all of forever to enjoy them!

20. So try to see it from that perspective, and really give this time your all. If your parents or shepherds suggest a new witnessing method or an activity that maybe doesn't sound so fun at first, give it a try. Put your heart into the renewal, and see if it doesn't give you a new perspective on the Family. See if it doesn't change your life and make you so happy that you never want to go back to the way things were before!

21. I don't mean that you'll never want to play computer games or watch movies. After these five-and-a-half months you'll be able to again. But they'll never be quite as important to you, because you will have found things that are much more satisfying and make you much happier. These things you give up during the renewal will still have their place in your life for some relaxation or down time in the future, but they'll be balanced by so many other ideas and avenues for happiness filling your life that they won't be quite as important anymore. Most of all, you'll be more prepared to fulfill your destiny, and you'll discover that finding out My plan for you, and doing it, will fulfill and satisfy you like nothing else can.

22. I know My promises probably sound grand and elusive to you, and maybe you even downright doubt them. If you feel this way, even slightly‚ then I challenge you to prove My power. Put Me on the spot and ask Me to do whatever it takes to help you through the renewal. I challenge you to challenge Me. I challenge you to come before Me‚ even if you feel your faith is smaller than a mustard seed, and ask Me to—somehow, some way—help you to actually enjoy the next five–and-a-half months. Even if all you can muster up is enough faith and guts to ask Me to prove Myself to you, that is enough. As a result, I will do something—or maybe many somethings—in your life to answer your prayer.

23. I would prefer if you came before Me in the spirit of yieldedness and humility. But even if you're feeling bugged at Me or rebellious or upset, then you can still come to Me. I won't reject you. I won't send you away. I will take you where you're at and accept your faith, even if it's nearly nonexistent. If you have any faith at all, even if it's only a smidgen, then come to Me. Challenge Me to do something in your life—whether it's to help you to find new avenues of fun, or to help you to learn to enjoy witnessing‚ or to help you to be able to sink your teeth into something new, or to gain a desire to serve Me as My disciple. I promise that I will honor your request and do something to change things in your life for the better.

24. I love you‚ My dynamic and determined youth of the children of David. You have a wonderful future‚ a very exciting destiny! You're going to see the end of the world‚ and the beginning of My Kingdom on Earth within your earthly lifetime. And what's more, you're not just going to watch, you're going to play an active role. Talk about making history! Here we go!

25. (Mama:) In that message the Lord mentioned that He has asked the adults and older young people in your Home to be His love for you and help make things happen during the renewal that will give you opportunities to really experience what the Family is all about—the challenge and excitement as well as the fun. I thought you'd appreciate a little peek into what the Lord was talking about specifically. Here is something that He said to the adults and your older brothers and sisters about the four things He most wants you to experience during the renewal. I know your parents and those in your Home are going to try very hard to make this work, so please help them out all you can.


(Mama talking to the adults and senior teens:)

Here are the four main things the Lord said the JETTs and junior teens need during the renewal. It goes without saying, of course, that these are needs that the Lord would like us to continue to fill in our young people's lives‚ even after the renewal is over.

1) The Word and spiritual input: They need Word classes, devotions, inspirations, and spiritual activities that will turn them on and inspire them. They need to start eating more of the meat of the Word so that they can be stronger disciples. But at the same time, they're not adults and can't be expected to absorb the Word like adults, so they need spiritual input that is fun, alive, inspiring, fresh, original, enjoyable, and that caters to their needs. You are going to have to let a little wildfire burn at times in order for there to be fire at all. It is better to have them burning than for them to be dead.

2) Recreation and fun: They need good, regular, wholesome enjoyment, recreation and fun. Without movies, computer games, and other avenues of worldly entertainment, you are going to need to be more innovative and pray down ideas. There are outings that could be planned in advance or provisioned‚ depending on what's available in your area, as well as outings that don't cost money or require provisioning. Parties and special Home or area activities that cater to the JETTs and junior teens are also part of what will help to fill their physical needs.

This sounds like a lot of work, and you're right. But the rest of you shouldn't feel like you have to do everything for the JETTs and junior teens. Get them involved in the planning too, and teach them to work for their fun. If they start learning how to plan and coordinate things for themselves and their peers, with counsel and oversight, then they will become less dependent on you to think up the ideas and plan every single event for them.

3) Witnessing adventures: The young people need to learn how to witness, feed the sheep‚ and follow up. The renewal is a time when the Lord wants to hook the JETTs and junior teens on the Family and help them to make their calling and election sure as His disciples, or at least begin moving them in that direction‚ and witnessing is a major part. So we need to teach them to be professional witnessers and soul winners. Witnessing‚ and the thrill that comes with it‚ is something the JETTs and junior teens desperately need to experience on a regular basis. More than almost anything else we can do for them, the fulfillment of witnessing is what will motivate them to want to give their lives to Jesus as disciples and missionaries.

4) A personal goal or goals: They need a definite goal or goals so that they aren't floundering or bored during the renewal. They need something that they can work on and invest their energies into in their free time. They won't always be doing school‚ witnessing, helping out in the Home‚ or having fun activities. Sometimes there won't be anything planned for them, so they each need something they can fill those blank spots with. They not only need to have things done with them to fill the spaces in their lives that worldly input previously filled, but they will also need to be taught how to do this themselves—how to take initiative, how to motivate themselves, how to be creative and innovative, because you adults won't be available to wait on them 24 hours a day.

(Jesus:) Every JETT and junior teen needs to find at least one goal that they're going to strive for during the renewal. They need something—at least one thing—that they can sink their teeth into, that they can be working toward. It doesn't necessarily need to be spiritual, although it can be. It could be vocational, recreational, educational, or even physical. They need at least one solid goal, or if they're ambitious, they could decide on a few.

This goal, or goals, is something they would be expected to work toward during the renewal, so that by the end of the renewal they will have accomplished something new, learned something new, or grown in some way. (End of excerpt to adults and older teens.) (ML #3492:20-25,32-34, GN 1077).


26. (Mama:) I hope that helps you to understand things better. I know the Enemy will still fight and things will still be difficult. I'm not expecting this Letter and these messages from Jesus to make everything easy-breezy for you. But I know you've got it in you to obey the Lord and do wonderful things for Him.

27. I also know that you have a lot of love in your hearts, and I'm counting on you to let that love motivate you to be a sample to your younger brothers and sisters. As I'm sure you realize, the renewal is going to be difficult for them too in some ways, especially if they really enjoy their movies or computer games. So I'm praying that you JETTs and junior teens will do your best to yield and obey not only for your own sake and happiness, but also for the sake and happiness of the younger ones in your Home. They look up to you, and they're going to want to do what you do and act like you act, so I'm sure you don't want to make them sad or cause things to be more difficult for them because of your sample.

28. And you know what? As you do your best to be positive and happy for them and to do fun things for them‚ the Lord is really going to bless that. If you're thinking about the younger ones and doing things for their sake, the Lord is probably going to give you extra grace, happiness, and fulfillment. So often when we forget about our own problems and bummers, and instead think about and reach out to others, things automatically change for the better. Like the quotes, "You won't find happiness through the pursuit of it; you'll find happiness through trying to make other people happy!" And, "The heart is happiest when it beats for others."

29. I'm also counting on you to go to the Lord with any questions you have on your heart, or ask someone else to hear from Him for you, so that He can explain anything that still needs explaining, give you His personalized counsel, and make the renewal as easy for you as possible. It still may not be easy, but it will be easier.

30. Peter and I love you so very much, and we will be praying for you. Please feel free to write us with anything that's on your heart. We would also love to hear what the Lord shows you, so any time you feel like sending us some of your personal prophecies, we would love to hear them too. Thanks for all you do to help your Homes and make the Family what it is. Through this renewal period and the restructuring, with the help of our dear Jesus, we're going to become a Family to be proud of!

With love and prayers, yours always,


P.S. Are You Ready to Rock the World?

31. Last but not least, here's a challenge for you young people: A revolutionary, stirring message from Jesus! This was originally received for a group of JETTs and teens at a camp in the U.S., but the Lord said that it was His message for all of the young people in the Family. So as you read it, please read it as His personal challenge to you! He needs you! He wants you to be a revolutionary, a world changer—just like He is! He wants you to rock the world, make a difference, and receive a fresh anointing and infilling of His Spirit. And remember that it's the choices you make today that are going to start you on that path of being an iconoclast and revolutionary in spirit!

32. (Jesus:) Have you read My Word? Do you know what it says? Do you know what I want to do with you? I know you've heard time and time again, and it's been drilled into you by your parents, that you're the "Hope of the Future." Many times you've thought about that, and it's been like, "Who cares? How does that help me today?" Many of you have completely given up hope that you can ever be really used by Me. Well, I've got news for you.

33. Did you know that before the sands of time began, I personally created the spark of revolution? Did you know that I made it and I have reserved it for a specific time? Do you know what that time is? It's not 40 years down the line; it's not even ten years away, not even five. It's not next month, next week, or tomorrow. It's right now! The clock has been counting down‚ the grains of sand have been dropping from one glass to the other, and finally there is enough in the hourglass that it'll tip the scales and release this new spark of revolution!

34. This spark is completely different from what your parents experienced. It's not a revival of an old system of ethics; it's not even a return to the old ways of doing things; it's entirely new, and it's happening now! You are the ones it is destined to be poured out upon in abundance. I've prepared this because I knew Satan's plans. I knew from the beginning that he was going to come in and try to steal you away from Me. I knew that he was going to try to put a damper on your spirits to try to make you give up. I saw all this from the beginning; I knew it was going to happen, and I planned accordingly.

35. I created a special spark to be poured out to each of you young people as you read this message. It's a unique creation that is only for you. It's not something that the world is going to receive. It's not even an anointing that I'm giving to your parents; they have their own unique anointing and spark of the Spirit. You‚ dear young people of the Family, are the ones who are going to receive this blessing!

36. Have you been discouraged that you haven't seen miracles? Have you been discouraged that the Antichrist hasn't risen yet, and that all things appear to "continue as they were"? Are you thinking in the back of your mind, "What if they got it all wrong? What if it's not really true? What if I made a mistake?" Well‚ I understand that, and I knew that was going to happen, and I'm ready. The question is, are you?

37. Are you ready for the biggest time in history? Are you ready to be the tools in My hand to cut the Devil to shreds? Are you ready to make ribbons of Satan and his imps? Many of you aren't; in fact‚ most of you aren't. And there are many reasons for this. You've been kind of dead to the spirit. You've questioned, you've taken on the ways of the world, and these things have hidden and covered your shine.

38. You've been had! You've been deluded by the Devil! Doesn't that make you furious? You've been deceptively lulled to sleep until you didn't realize that the puppeteer was holding your strings and had numbed you to his incursions into your life. Doesn't that just sicken you? It does Me.

39. But I have not given up hope. I know that in the hearts of each one of you there is a flame. Why do I know that? Because I put it there! I have the records that show that I placed in your heart a burning fire that is just begging to be released. Won't you let it out? Won't you let it catch the Devil's lies on fire and burn them up?

40. If I came back today, many of you would have to stand before Me ashamed because you haven't given it your all. I'm not blaming you for it‚ but I'm not going to sit back and let it pass anymore. If you want to partake of this special gift I have prepared for you, then wake up and smell the coffee! Wake up and get on board!

41. The time of sleeping and conformity is over; if you want to continue down that route, then only one thing awaits you—spiritual death. Are you prepared for that? Are you ready to give away your sword, your shield‚ and your armor, and take a seat in the cesspools of Satan's shit-pits? Are you ready to give it all up? Are you prepared to fail Me and fail God‚ and fail the saints of all time?

42. I didn't think so. You're Mine! You're children of David! In you burns that fire that refuses to let you give up. It won't die. And that is what I awaken today. I demand by the powers of Heaven that each flame be awakened! I reach into each of your lives and I set that flame ablaze!

43. You are My destiny. You and those sitting beside you today are My future. I'm counting on you. I know that your spirits will not die because you are destined to obey. You are called to forsake all, and those with the true heart of David will give all to their dying breath to see to it that this world is never the same.

44. Are you ready to rock the world? Are you ready to shake the foundations of creation? Are you ready to get stirred up and leave your mark on this Earth? Are you a live one or a dead duck? Who among you will heed this call? Who is going to leap to their feet and hold high the flame of righteous indignation and rebel?

45. I only have you; I have no others at this time. I'm counting on you, and if you fail Me, you will forfeit your chance to help Me save the world from falling into darkness, and relinquish your chance to be one of My anointed lights for this time. You are destined to be the lights! You and your fellow young people are destined to be beacons of hope for the dying world. You have been taught and trained, but you have discarded this training. You have allowed your calling to be tarnished by this world. But today I call you out. I call those who are revolutionary to stand up and fight, fight, fight! I command you by the power of Heaven and the power of the keys to rise up in My Name and do miracles! I command you to stand up and walk!

46. All power is given to you in Heaven and in Earth. I command you to use it! I'm giving you a momentous commission. To those of you who stand with Me, I will pour out a great and powerful anointing of My Spirit—the likes of which have never before been seen on Earth or in the Heavens. Today is the day of salvation! Long enough have you sat in the dust, unused, despairing. Today is your salvation day‚ and these are your marching orders: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils, speak with new tongues! Let nothing stand between us, for the day of march has come!

47. Who is with Me? It's a revolution! Let Me hear you shout it! You are the revolution! Say it again! (We are the revolution!) With you the revolution lives or dies. (With us the revolution lives or dies!) You will not see the end of all time without rocking this world first. (We will not see the end of all time without rocking this world first!) You will make a difference; you will rise and take your place beside Me. (We will make a difference; we will rise and take our place beside Jesus!) Let Me hear you affirm your wedding vows to Me! Let Me hear you shout, "I do!" (I do!) I can't hear you! (I do!) Let Me hear you reaffirm your commitment to be the disciples you are chosen to be. Let Me hear you shout it! (I do!) Let Me hear you praise Me for it! Let Me see you rise to your feet in joy and be anointed!

48. My radical youth, be anointed today by the spirit of revolution!—Your revolution, My revolution, The Revolution! Amen? Shout for joy! Lift up your arms in praise that you are not destined to lie in the rotting remains of the past. Rise up and receive now a fresh anointing that will change the world! I'm a World Changer! Are you with Me?

Text box

49. (Jesus:) I have no grandchildren, and it's time to begin the revolution anew in your generation. It's time for you to take your stand and begin making your mark on history!—Not just as the children of the children of David, but as the Endtime powerhouses that you choose to be by My Spirit. Your generation has to choose, not because someone else did it first, but because you choose to explode and light up your world.

50. You're the sparks to light the fuses of many. I'm going to use you to help launch many into the night of the end of this world to fill the sky with the light of My truth. Yours is the first stage in this Endtime display. Play your part well and rejoice for the glorious things to follow.

End of text box.

Copyright © 2004 by The Family

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