Art of War, The--Part 5

January 9, 2006

Table of Contents

By Maria 3578 10/05

GN 1164 FD/MM/FM

Cover quote:

If you fall into old ways and pitfalls of the past, call on the keys of freedom from the old and I will lift you up out of the trappings of the past and take you to the mountaintops of the future, enabling you to breathe the fresh air of change and follow the glorious vision of the future of my family.

Dearest Family,

1. When we prayed and asked our Husband what He wanted to share with you in this next lesson on the art of war, He punched through with a topic that I had been planning to cover at some point, but that I wasn't expecting that He would want to include in the "Art of War" series. It's the topic of being new bottles!

2. I want to reassure you right from the beginning that being a new bottle has nothing to do with age or experience. So you who are older or more experienced are not the least bit disadvantaged in this area. This GN is not directed more at those who are older‚ nor will this counsel be easier to implement for those who are younger. It's going to be good and challenging and "stretching" for everyone!

3. Being a new bottle has everything to do with being new in spirit—and in such things as openness, flexibility, willingness to change and embrace the new, a lack of self-righteousness, a desire for freedom of the spirit, etc. That's a very important point to understand. A young person can be a terrible old bottle, and an older person can be a wonderful example of a new bottle!

4. I know this topic doesn't seem very "wartime" related, but in fact it's crucial to becoming better and more effective fighters. The Lord explained:

5. (Jesus:) In this time of change, when I'm calling on everyone to exercise so much flexibility, realizing what makes a new bottle and how to become more new-bottlish is one of the most important lessons I want to share with the Family.

6. Without flexibility of spirit‚ you break and crack with changes‚ and My New Wine—the fruit of the Word in you—is lost. But if you can remain young and fresh in spirit, and be molded and moved as My hand moves, then you are strong, reliable, and ready to receive My New Wine.

7. Being flexible, moldable, and open to change is essential if you want to truly be an offensive warrior. If you let your own flesh or your own spirit hold you back, you're in a sense "fighting God and the Devil too," and it makes everything much more difficult. But if you are yielding and moving and changing with the Spirit, if you're becoming more of a new bottle each day, then My power is strong in you, My New Wine is filling you up, and you have what you need for any battle the Enemy might bring against you.

8. So while this doesn't seem like a "wartime" topic, it is in fact very much related to becoming better fighters. And all My brides, regardless of age‚ need this information on how to become more alive in the spirit, more flexible and moldable—and thus more effective in this war. (End of message.)

9. (Mama:) I've asked the Lord for some specific counsel and lists of what defines a new bottle, and how you can stay that way, and I think you'll be thrilled with His instruction. Regardless of whether or not you feel you can change, the Lord knows you can! So take this next course in offensive warfare with the same determination that you embraced the other courses, and you'll graduate with honors! I know you will!

The difference between an old bottle and a new bottle!

10. To begin with, we asked the Lord what makes the difference between an old bottle and a new bottle. How can we remain new bottles?

11. (Jesus:) New bottles are beautiful, strong, courageous, and the type of material I need for this outfit. They become a vessel for My Words of life, which they are able to continually pour out and receive again and again without wearing out or falling apart. They are well-used and ready to be of service. It doesn't matter for what—they just love being used.

12. New bottles are crazy. They aren't afraid of being looked on as odd or unique. They just do whatever is necessary to drink in the truth, to give out the truth, and to possess the truth. They realize they are weak vessels, yet have faith in the One Who pours in the New Wine and the Words of David when I tell them that they will not shatter as long as they remain flexible and filled with the spirit.

13. New bottles possess the mind of God. They open themselves to My thoughts‚ feelings‚ and emotions, and aren't embarrassed by the things I fill them with. They yield easily to My will. They are fascinated by the things I tell them. They do their best to impart the things of My Spirit to each other and the lost. They are transparent. They don't look for a way to hide My Spirit, but they let their lights so shine before men.

14. All it takes to be a new bottle is to remain open, yielded, and willing. You have to desire the fruits of the spirit, the freedom of the spirit. You need to keep receiving My truths and keep up with My cycle.—The cycle of giving out so that I can keep pouring back in.

15. New bottles receive My Word with openness, receptivity, and spiritual hunger. You aren't receiving My Word through a tight bottleneck and only receiving it one taste at a time to make sure that you like it before you allow it to completely enter your being. You let it flow in, in a believing and trusting manner.

16. Being a new bottle is a sign of freedom. There is nothing that can bind you or keep you from moving forward—or in any direction I ask you to. You're not stuck in a rigid mold. You don't know what the word "mold" is. You've heard of it, but it's difficult for you to relate to it. Instead you are very familiar with the word "change." You hear the word change and you know it's calling to you.

17. Just as it's thrilling to be a new bottle, it's easy to become an old bottle. Staying a new bottle takes effort; it takes movement and change. All you have to do to be an old bottle is allow yourself to continue on without effort, and soon you'll be stuck in a rut, stuck in a mold, and afraid or hesitant to do anything out of the ordinary or new.

18. Becoming an old bottle doesn't happen overnight. It's a process. You first stop receiving the new‚ because you become content with what you have. You are filled and feel that's all you really need. You then become stingy with what you have and don't want to give it out to others. Pretty soon, you realize your transparency and are eager to hide what others can see. You then become stagnant‚ and the once nice-tasting wine you carried becomes putrid.

19. Sadly, for some time the Family was becoming more and more "aged" in spirit, and your body was showing it. Your arteries were clogged with compromise, your muscles were flabby with lethargy, your blood wasn't carrying the life-giving oxygen of the Spirit and New Wine to every area of the body, because as a body you weren't working out, desperate to stay young and new and fresh. I kept pouring out My New Wine, but it wasn't being processed, accepted, assimilated‚ implemented and lived to the extent that I intended. Formality, stagnation‚ compromise, and complacency had settled in.

20. But now a new day has dawned and the cycle of life has begun again. I'm training you, working out with you, and your blood is pumping again. I'm revitalizing you. Your old blood is being flushed out and new blood is replacing it. You, My children‚ are shedding the old tattered clothes and replacing them with new garments. You are once again claiming your inheritance.

21. Many of you are ready to trade your old bottles in for new ones‚ and you're eager to once again receive My Wine that is pouring out. My children are singing a new song. A revolution is taking place. It's tough to gain momentum, but you are pushing forward, moving ahead, and pretty soon you'll gain speed. You'll be able to fly into the future!

22. In order to trade in your old bottle for a new one, you must desire to become flexible, volatile in spirit, renewed, and yielded. You need to watch out for the old creeping back in—such as compromise, criticalness, self-righteousness, disunity, and all that poisons the wonderful-tasting wine of the Spirit. You need to do what David taught you to do at the beginning of the Family, and which I required of you every day from that point on, and that was to die daily.—To be reborn into My Kingdom every day.

23. Watch out for sleepiness, that feeling of wanting to settle down and rest from your destiny. That is the danger sign of once again letting your bottle become old, rusty, and useless.

24. My brides, stay free! Let go of the old and embrace the new. The new isn't always something you have never seen or heard of before—although sometimes it is. Most of the things of the Spirit that I speak to you about in My Word you have seen and heard. It's called "new" because the things of the Spirit never become old, they never stagnate, they are always flowing, always changing, always moving. They awaken your senses in different ways. They shed light on different things in your life that you never saw before. You become liberated, intoxicated, and thrilled. Every day with Me is sweeter than the day before, and every day you love Me more and more.

25. When you let My new blood flow through you and you desire to stay this way, that is when I am able to take over and possess you more. I will then be able to work greater works within you. I will then be confident that what flows through you is of My Spirit and not of your own. Your own spirit will be silent and My Spirit will come to the fore.

26. With My Spirit flowing through you in greater abundance‚ you will recognize when you begin to work in the arm of the flesh, and you will immediately call out for the keys to assist you to do things in the spirit. When you begin to recognize the old trying to usurp power over the new, that's when you can be sure that you have been liberated by My Spirit. Because your eyes will be open; you will be seeing things with My new light.

27. You don't have to worry that you can never become a new bottle. You want to be yielded, right? You desire to change? You long for the freedom of the spirit? You are reaching out for the water of My living Word? Then you're on the road of progress and change! For I am washing away the old and replacing it with the new.

28. But you have to create the vacuum. You have to suck. You have to desire. Become like a babe again; pray that I will restore the joy of your salvation, and I will fill you.

29. Yielding to My Word and obeying the things of My Spirit gives Me direct access so that I am able to work, live, and think in you. And this must be an ongoing process‚ with you striving to continually yield and obey and then give out and be refilled, so that I can keep you alive in spirit.

30. It's My Word, and obedience to My Word, that keeps you young and flexible in spirit, because My Word never stagnates. My Word will always ask something new of you, something that requires you to stretch and be humble and yield. If you keep obeying Me in those areas that stretch you and humble you and sometimes even break you, then there is no room for self-righteousness‚ inflexibility, and an old-bottle spirit.

31. So if you are less than flexible, backtrack and see what I might have asked of you that you haven't been willing to do. Start there, with obedience to My Word—wholehearted‚ all-the-way, as-if-your-life-depended-on-it obedience. That will stir up your spirit, get you desperate with Me, force you to do the humble thing, and through all of that stretching and yielding‚ you will be born again. You will regain the joy of your salvation. You will once again realize the thrills of the spirit that have been missing from your life.

32. Keep the hot, life-giving blood of the spirit flowing through your veins. This will keep you fresh, alive, and youthful. You will not easily tire or get bored, you will not be looking for ways out of living the truth, but you will be diving into the deep waters of My truth and letting it become one with you.

33. Keep the blood flowing. Keep My living Wine pouring. Don't keep it for yourself. Keep the Revolution alive by letting this new blood of My Spirit revitalize you and give back to you the life that was stolen from you through compromise, self–righteousness‚ yielding to your own way, and becoming too comfortable. Claim that new life, for it is yours!

34. You are all My youthful brides, regardless of age. It doesn't matter how old you are, you can be My youthful bride and have this new blood that I speak of. The blood that flows through the veins of My Family is all the same blood. If a young person decides they don't want My blood, then they become old in spirit; while if an older person continues to receive My new blood, they retain a youthfulness and grace that is apparent.

35. It's a little like the story of Shangri-la. Those who left the place of youthfulness and freedom searching for the things of the world lost their youthfulness. They became old and even died. But those who remained, who found life and liberty by remaining near the fountain of youth, flourished.

36. Don't let the lures of this world turn you back from My New Wine to where you become stiff, narrow-minded, and unmoving, and develop spiritual arthritis. Rather let your heart be changed, your mind be filled, and your spirit be open to Me. I will then take you, renew you, and you will be a part of My new revolution which is going to change this world.

37. Come, My brides, and be filled! Come and let Me break you out of your molds‚ your resistance, and take away from you the old blood and give you the new blood of My Spirit. You will love this new life, this new style of living and fighting and winning for Me! (End of message.)

38. (Mama:) As the Lord said in that message, it all comes down to how much you're obeying the Word, because the Word will keep you alive and stretching spiritually. Being a new bottle is a pretty good indication that your overall spiritual health is good and that you're growing and progressing. If you're a new bottle, you find it easier to fight and win battles than if you're an old bottle.

39. Being a new bottle is a matter of the spirit, it's not something you can pin down to a 1-2–3 list. But there are manifestations in the physical, and whether you're a new bottle or an old bottle has an effect on others around you, and thus it affects the cohesiveness and effectiveness of your winning team. Basically‚ the "state of your bottle" affects every aspect of your life and service to the Lord, your ability to win battles and emerge victorious, and how useful you are. It's an aspect of your spiritual health that's well worth taking a look at and investing some time and effort in becoming vibrantly healthy again.

Telltale signs of becoming an old bottle

40. Here's a little diagnostic test from the Lord, some counsel on how you can tell if you have become or are becoming an old bottle. He covers the general spiritual principles in this first message, and then there is a second message which is a list of physical manifestations, questions you can ask yourself to see how you're doing in this department.

41. Don't worry or be fearful or embarrassed about what you'll find out or how you'll measure up. If you find out that you could stand to "lose a few years" in spirit, just be happy and thankful that you found out! After this I'll share with you some specific counsel on how to reverse the cycle and become a new bottle, and what are some of the signs of being a new bottle—which provides an excellent list of ideas and things you can start doing if you want to have more of the Lord's hot new blood running through your veins!

42. (Jesus: ) Whether you are a new bottle or an old bottle, or are becoming an old bottle, depends on whether you are flowing with the Holy Spirit or not, whether you are avidly jumping into the current of the Spirit and riding with Her, or whether you are holding back and balking at Her and not going with Her.

43. It all comes down to how you receive My New Wine—via the GNs, and via your live contact with Me moment by moment. Whether you are thirstily drinking it in and accommodating it within your spirit, or whether you are rejecting it—even in part—and aren't able to readily receive it. It depends on whether you are moving ahead into the new ways that I am giving you, or whether you are clinging to the old ways—even old ways that once came from Me.

44. As David said, the most important principle for each of you to operate by is to follow God fresh every day—not going by the old, but going by today. That's what made him unique in his day. He didn't go by the old or by what I said yesterday, but he was alive, filled with the Spirit, and desperate to follow what the Spirit wanted to do now—not yesterday, not even two minutes ago. He was alive and filled with the New Wine and open and yielded to what the Holy Spirit was doing today‚ now, this moment. In tune with God step by step was how David operated, and it should be the same with you.

45. Are you putting the Spirit first? Are you willing to do whatever She says, even when it seems that it would be at the cost of your own personal happiness? Are you holding on to some things that are keeping you from following Her moment by moment?—Whether it's your pride, your "experience," your ideas of how things will or won't work, your desires or plans, how you feel you should be treated, or what you should do or not do?

46. (Jesus:) We three—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost—are one. So whether I use the term My Spirit‚ Holy Spirit, New Wine‚ or My Word, it is all the Spirit that I'm referring to, and that I'm encouraging you to be flowing with.

47. I lead you in different ways at different times. Sometimes I'll speak to you through the Word. Sometimes you'll sense the moving of My Spirit in your heart. Sometimes I'll use something someone else does to convict you. There are many other ways that I get your attention or whisper to you. But it's all My voice.

48. It's the same with the various terms that I use to describe My Spirit and the flowing‚ moving nature that is a part of Me, a part of Us. You don't have to understand it all. All you have to do is recognize My voice in your heart, the breath of the Spirit, and follow. (End of message.)

49. Are you set free from anything that would keep you from following Me? Are you Mine? Are you willing to set sail with the Holy Spirit regardless of what it seems She will do to your own personal situation?

50. Do you let the New Wine break your bottle and strip off your pride, and are you willing to let your pride go?

51. Are you putting the Spirit above your own family, friends, mates, and co-workers?—Or are you holding back from what She wants you to do in deference to your personal situation?

52. These are all things you must count the cost of. I'm not saying that I'm going to wreak havoc in your lives. You all know by now that I only do the best possible things for you overall. You all know "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding‚" and "delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart" (Pro.3:5; Psa.37:4). But the question is, are you willing to trust Me for everything?

53. Are you willing to put your life, your pride, your reputation‚ your family and friends on the line to follow Me and My ways and what I want done now? You know I won't forsake you if you do. You know I will bring the very best to you and them if you do. But are you willing, like Abraham, to sacrifice everything for Me? Can you be stretched that far? Do you trust Me that much?

54. Absolute trust in Me is at the root of being a new bottle, because when you trust Me completely, you're willing to flow with Me when I lead somewhere new, without worrying what will happen to you or those you love as a result.

55. Are you willing to follow Me and My ways over your own personal desires, preferences, or "comfortable situation"? Do you love and trust Me that much? Or is there a place where you will not go‚ a limit on how far you will go and sacrifice for Me? And if there is a limit, what is that limit? And then, are you willing to let Me lift that limit and stretch you some more, knowing that in the end I do all things well and that I will make it even better for you and for everyone else as a result of such yielding?

56. Do you put Me first above the things of the world? Are you willing to let Me check you, change you, and keep you free in the areas of worldly habits, attitudes and addictions? Are you willing to let Me stretch you? Are you willing to obey Me when I tell you that something isn't good for you and is hurting your spirit? Am I first and foremost in your life?

57. I am going places! I am moving ahead, constantly, day by day, trying to bring together My troops to move them to an expected end, a place I need My army to be by the time the Endtime events occur. I need you to be there, to be in tune with Me, to be ready to be the physical manifestation of My Spirit on Earth, to be inhabited, possessed, and literally run and owned by Me.

58. Are you willing to put yourself so completely in My hands that you will do this for Me? Are you willing to trust Me for all that you have, all that you are, all that you might become? That is the question. And your answer is the pivotal point that determines what direction you are going, whether you are being renewed day by day by riding the fresh, live wave of the Holy Spirit through obedience, yieldedness, and forsaking your own ways, or whether you are disobeying and falling further and further behind Her each day.

59. You have time to make these changes. You have time to decide what is holding you back from Her, and make the decision to jettison those wrong ideas and get on board. That's what I am working with you on. But the time will come when I must get up and go, and at that time it is important that, like the five wise virgins, your lamps will be full of the oil of My Spirit so that you will be able to move with Me (Mat.25:1-10).

60. I'm training My army right now. I'm teaching you to be full of My Spirit. Because the time is coming when My Holy Spirit will move across the face of the Earth, and you who are filled with Her and yielded to Her will automatically follow right with Her, like magnets‚ doing what She says, moving when She moves‚ not afraid of anything, but trusting completely in Her, attached through the magnetic fields that I am now building between you and Her.

61. So the questions to ask yourself and the areas to improve in are:

62.Are you eager to read and implement the New Wine? Do you have the heart and desperation to put the New Wine into effect immediately?—Or are you riding behind and questioning whether you will put it into effect or not?

63.Are you willing to dive into the New Wine even at the cost of losing your pride or being humbled because of it? Are you letting it stretch your bottle, and are you willing to accommodate it at the cost of anything or everything else?

64.How important is the New Wine to you? Is there anything you wouldn't be willing to give up in order to follow it?

65.Do you prefer the old wine to the new?

66. (Question: ) In order to be a new bottle, is it necessary that we always prefer to read the new wine and not the old?

67. (Jesus:) No‚ it's not that you should always prefer the new wine over the old. There is lots of wonderful vintage wine which is just as powerful and true today as ever. But you should not be stuck only on the old wine, without drinking in the new wine. If all you want to read and absorb is the old wine, then you're going to get left behind in the past. You need both new wine and old.

68.Are you willing to flow with My latest directions and counsel, even if it's different from what I said yesterday?

69.Are there things in the New Wine that you doubt and that you are not making an effort to believe and obey—even if by faith alone?

70.Are you willing to tell your friends and those you witness to about the New Wine when I lead that way? Are you willing to be an example of living the New Wine in front of anybody where it is appropriate? Even if you're somewhat nervous or shy about it, do you do it anyway, knowing that's what I want of you, My bride? I don't condemn you for being shy‚ but if you are willing to take off the clothes of your pride before others and Me, I am proud of your loyalty to Me above them, and that is when I cover you with My Spirit. So the question is, are you willing to take off your pride in order to have My Spirit?

71.Are there things you're not willing to do for Me?

72.Are you willing to speak in tongues in front of others if that's what I ask of you?

73.Are you willing to let My Spirit flow through you unabashedly?

74.Are you willing to give public prophecies?

75.Are you willing to praise Me with all your heart in front of others?—Or are you ashamed of Me‚ ashamed to show your love for Me and desire to be one with Me in front of others?

76. Do you love Me intimately—both alone and with others? Are you willing to take off your spiritual clothes and enter My bedchamber with only the garments of humility? If so‚ our passionate loving and My seeds of the spirit will renew and refresh you and keep you humble, young and vibrant.

77.Do you show hope for everyone you talk to the way I would?—Or do you condemn them in your heart for where they're falling short?

78.Do you tend to look at the good or the bad in a person? Are you fighting to see the good side of them, their possibilities and potential, the beautiful things about the way I made them, and their love for Me?—Or do you weigh in more on the side of seeing their lacks‚ problems, and faults? When they walk across the room, do good thoughts go through your mind about them, or critical thoughts?

79.Is your general attitude about each person you know mostly positive, uplifting, encouraging and hopeful about them in some way?—Or is it negative, somewhat downhearted, and looking down at them?

80.When someone says something that shocks you, do you sit there and take it the way I would? Do you stretch the arms of your receptivity in order to take it in? Do you send up a prayer to Me asking for longsuffering and understanding? Do you receive My view or answer, and then do you let Me respond in love through you?—Or do you jerk and respond with your own carnal emotion or sensitivity or take offense? Remember, My thoughts are not your thoughts, so do you respond with yours or do you ask Me for Mine? You know it's Mine if it's full of patience, longsuffering, love and understanding, for all those things are parts of My Spirit; whereas things like impatience, a short fuse‚ frustration, self-righteousness and the like are of the carnal mind. Which do you yield to in times of stretching? Do you stretch enough to let My response flow through you even at the cost of what you would prefer to do in your own carnal nature? Who owns your responses? You? Or Me?

81.Do you treat others impartially?—Or do you show preference to your own flesh family, mates, co-workers and friends, those you naturally get along with better or like more or who agree with you?

82.Do you put being right above love? When you're talking with someone, what do you yield to more: Being right about what you say?—Or being loving and letting My love rule in you even at the cost of being right according to the letter of the law.

83.What is your law?—The rule, or love?

84. The old bottle is led by the rule. The new bottle is yielded, renewed, and refreshed day by day by following My Spirit of love as intended by the rules, and is willing to let My love stretch his bottle a little bit more every day, and he doesn't break. The old bottle breaks under the stretching and spills My New Wine. He just can't hold it. So, can you stretch, hold it, and implement it? And are you striving to do that day by day?

85. If you are, you're a new bottle, because you're stretching every day. Even if you aren't perfect, which none of you are‚ but you are stretching, then I consider you as opening up to be filled with the new blood of the Spirit every day, and as you continue in this direction you are filled more and more.

86. I'm not talking about perfection here, but rather direction. If you're going in the direction of stretching, then you are a new bottle, being filled more and more every day with the new. On the other hand‚ if you aren't stretching and opening up every day, then you are closing off and are going the direction of settling into the mold of the old, and are becoming an old bottle.

87. I love all My children, but My new bottles are the ones who are moving with Me into the future day by day‚ and thus will be the ones that I will be able to work through and manifest Myself through. Why? Because they yield to Me day by day‚ and as they do now, they will do then. (End of message.)

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.—George Washington (1732-1799)

88. (Jesus:) How can you tell if you're becoming an old bottle in spirit? Take the time to analyze your thoughts and your actions, and weigh them against My Word. Here is a list of questions you can ask yourself, or ask Me to answer for you, which will help you to see how you're doing in the "new bottle department."

89.When the New Wine comes out, how actively do you apply it to your life? For example, not just, "Oh yes, inspiring‚ that's good." But rather, "Wow! How am I doing in this area, Lord? Oh yes, good idea‚ I'll do that today. Joe [insert name here of mate, friend, co-worker‚ Home member, or whoever you can/should ask], would you please check me if you see me doing such-and-such? I really need to change! The Lord told me to try such-and-such, and today's my first day."

90.When changes are initiated in the Family, or in your Home, is your first reaction to worry about how it might affect you negatively, or do you call on Change and use the weapon of praise to help you to rise above any inconveniences and hiccups that are a part of life and change?

91.When your Home decides to try a new idea, whether it's in the way the Home is run, or in methods of outreach, or in the scheduling, etc.‚ is your first reaction to think of all the many reasons why such a thing may not work? Or, once the Lord has confirmed it, do you get wholeheartedly behind it and do your best to help it get off the ground?

92.Is it difficult for you to participate in different, perhaps humbling, spiritual activities, such as out-of-the-ordinary praise time ideas, or prayer methods? If it's difficult, what do you do about it? Do you try to avoid it as much as possible, or do you take it as an excellent opportunity to do the humble thing and grow and stretch?

93.Do you cringe when someone comes up with a new way of doing something? Is your first thought to try and find a reason why it can't work?—Or do you go out of your way to try to help them find solutions and make it work?

94.Do you find it hard to trust the other generation, whether FGA or SGA, and so resort to entrusting responsibility only to those whom you personally trust or know will treat the responsibility more like you would?

95.When someone receives a prophecy from Me which allows them to do something perhaps a bit too radical for your liking, do you immediately wonder if they "got it right" and if that prophecy was really of Me?

96.When replacements are needed for certain Home duties such as dishes, etc., is your first reaction to analyze who would most deserve to fill that need, as opposed to you?

97.Is it difficult for you to raise your arms when you praise Me if no one else is doing it? Even if it's difficult, do you do it anyway?

98. Do you try to avoid praying publicly because you're shy or feel your prayers aren't as eloquent or "flowing" as others? Or do you enter in anyway‚ knowing that your participation and desperation of spirit bring results that are worth a little humbling of your pride?

99.Is the way you pray or praise contingent on those who are around you? Your relationship with Me and your love for Me should never be dependent on the way others are. If you feel like raising your arms when you praise Me, then do so, even if others aren't. If you are moved to speak in tongues in praise, then do so, not for outward show, but from the depths of your heart. After all, we have a relationship, not a religion. You are a revolution, not just a church. You are My Endtime bride, not My old church matrons.

100.Is your Word time so regimented that you don't have much room for variety or variation in how you spend it?—Or do you love trying new things‚ and always stay on the lookout for new experiences?

101.Is it hard for you to incorporate fun ideas into your united or personal Word time, fearing that it will take away from the feeding and spirit of it all?—Or do you actively seek after the new, the variety that I love to give, while still keeping the spirit strong and the focus clear?

102.Is it difficult to delegate work when you have too much on your shoulders?—Or do you rejoice for the opportunity of others being able to share in the blessings, the credit, and the feeling of fulfillment of being used in something important that they are desperately needed for?

103.Do you find it hard to get along with or be around others who have personalities that you feel clash with yours?—Or do you actively seek to learn from them‚ to appreciate the ways they're different, because in teamwork your Home is more balanced and can be more effective for Me?

104.Do you shy away from activities or parties or gatherings where you know you might need to break out of your box of pride a bit and do things that would be humbling for you? Or even if they're difficult, do you enter in the best you can and be happy for the time to bond in a very special way with your loved ones as you all do the humble thing together?

105.When participating in united activities, are you always looking for the less humbling way to do things?—Or do you call on your Elerian for help in the freedom of the spirit department, and then go the distance, really putting your heart into it, which makes it not just a good experience for you, but really fun for others too?

106.When someone does something radical, like praising loudly in tongues when no one else is, do you feel embarrassed for them and cringe to hear it?—Or do you join them in My Spirit and support them for loving Me regardless of what anyone else thinks?

107.Is it hard for you to participate in sports and activities that you are not particularly good at, fearing how it would make you look in the eyes of others?—Or do you appreciate the opportunity for others to shine and for you to make them look good, because you're less good at it, and you can still enjoy it anyway?

108.Is it hard for you to learn a new skill or a new language, as you don't want to look "dumb" in front of others?—Or do you do your best to try, and just thank others for being willing to teach you and have patience with you?

109.Does your image mean a lot to you in that you're always worried about how you look or how you dress, for fear of what others may or may not think of you? Are you willing to change your dress, style and appearance so that it's appropriate for your witness, testimony or occasion, without worrying too much about it?

110.Do you shy away from meeting people or conversing with others for fear of not knowing what to say, or because you simply don't care to mingle with certain types of people? Or even if it's difficult for you and not your natural preference, do you pray and ask Me to help you to be My love for them, and then go into it with the motive of making others happy and encouraging them‚ even if it's very hard for you?

111.Is it difficult for you to adapt to little (or big) changes of plans during your day, such as appointments being canceled, someone needing a ride right away, the electricity going out‚ dinner being late, a childcare worker being sick, anything that might require your sacrificial help or a change of your plans?—Or do you pull out your weapon of praise and make the best of the situation, and thus become an encouragement and strength to others as well?

112. Do you tend to be a "squeaky wheel" that always has a reason why you can't change or adapt or rearrange some aspect of your life personally in order to suit the needs of the body? Do you tend to make other people adapt to you—or at least wish they would, and complain when they don't? Or do you make a conscious effort to flow with things, even if it requires some personal sacrifice, knowing that I more than repay?

113.Have certain physical things become overly important to you‚ and you feel they have to be a certain way or you just can't be happy? (For example, preferences about your coffee, your bed, your witnessing partners, your daily schedule, your appearance, or whatever the case may be?) Or are you faithful to praise your way through inconveniences and changes, and adapt to new things?

114.Is it difficult for you to accept input and constructive criticism from others on your work, your projects‚ your mode of operation, etc., especially from those of the other generation?—Or do you ask Me to help you and then go out of your way to show yourself open, desirous of input, and thankful when someone takes the time and humility to give it to you?

115.Is it difficult for you to leave "work mode" when it's time to fellowship or relax? Are you constantly thinking of work and your to-dos during that time?—Or are you trusting Me for your work and responsibilities‚ working hard when it's time to work, and then participating wholeheartedly in recreation activities when it's time to relax, knowing that because you've committed everything to Me, I'm going to do what you can't do and take care of the rest?

116.If your work is interrupted by someone, do you become agitated and frustrated by the interruption?—Or do you stop and be My love and hands and feet for that person in whatever way they need it, knowing that their need is likely just as important as your work?

117.Is it hard for you to stop and take time for others when you have a lot of work to do or a lot on your mind?—Or do you ask Me for My love, and then give it your focus?

118.Do you take time for the children in your Home, acknowledging them when you see them, and taking a moment to talk and interact with them?

119.When faced with a very big need, or even an impossibility, is your first reaction to fret and try to figure out the problem in your own strength?—Or do you come to Me, and ask others for their input when appropriate?

120.Is it difficult for you to bring your outreach and fundraising methods before Me, to see if I might have a change of plans and methods for you and your Home?—Do you actively look for opportunities that might lead to new and better ways of doing things, or new direction from Me?

121.Do you make an active effort to use your spiritual weapons in public and private, and grow in their use, trying new things?

122.Is it difficult to share your heart with others, or how I'm working in your life, for fear of appearing weak?—Or do you actively solicit prayer and help and input, knowing that humbling yourself in front of your mates will only make you stronger and a better team for Me?

123.When you're discussing ideas with others, do you promote your own ideas more than you listen to others and consider their ideas?—Or do you put others first‚ listen to them, and take their ideas to Me, knowing that it will encourage them to know that I've spoken through them and used them?

124.Are you open to praying about new ideas and suggestions, even those that go contrary to your personal opinions and preferences? Do you actively seek additional input, even when you think you know what to do and what My will is, realizing that there is wisdom and safety in counsel, and that counsel almost always makes things better and more well rounded?

125. (Jesus:) Pride is what makes you an old bottle‚ and humility is what keeps you a new one. If you want to know if you're a new bottle, check your humility level. The more you choose to do the humble thing, the more you become a new bottle in the spirit. The reverse is just as true: The more you choose the way of the flesh, the proud thing, the thing that comes most easily and comfortably for you‚ the more you stagnate and become an old bottle in the spirit.

126. Anything that is humbling is good for you because it keeps you fresh, young, and alive in spirit. If you want to become and remain a new bottle, seek out the humble things and do them! (Note: For more ways to do the humble thing, see the list following paragraph 97 in "Do the Humble Thing," ML #3251, GN 853.)

127. (Mama: ) That's a good list, isn't it? I think probably all of us have several things we can do better on in the area of being a new bottle, more open to change and desirous of the Lord's moving Spirit! Having one of those symptoms doesn't mean you're an old bottle, but it does give you an idea of things you can be on guard about, or notice in yourself when you do them, and pray and ask the Lord to help you be more full of His fresh, alive, flowing, flexible Spirit!

Qualities that are signs of a new–bottle spirit!

128. Here's a list of some of the qualities that a new bottle has‚ given by our Husband. Lord help us all to be more like this!

• A new bottle is excited about and wholeheartedly embraces My new, hot, fresh Words from Heaven.

• A new bottle does his best to put those Words into practice.

• A new bottle has faith in the way I am leading, and praises Me for changes, trusting that they will bring about good fruit.

• A new bottle is happy and rejoices when others are given new jobs or responsibilities.

• A new bottle praises, prays, and loves Me out loud in humility.

• A new bottle talks about the New Wine in a supportive, positive way, and tries out the latest "Word happenings."

• A new bottle approaches problems in a spirit of faith, praise, love and humility.

• A new bottle is careful to hear from Me, and to counsel with his shepherds when he's tempted to get critical of others or self–righteous toward them.

• A new bottle regularly prays for humility, makes a conscious effort to do the humble thing on a regular basis, and praises Me by faith when I bring humbling his way.

• A new bottle asks for united prayer when he needs it.

• A new bottle apologizes when he has had a disagreement or personality clash with another Family member, whether or not he feels he was the one in the wrong.

• A new bottle gives his fellow team members the benefit of the doubt.

• A new bottle follows the Word and what I show him to do personally, even if it seems "crazy" or runs contrary to his carnal mind.

• A new bottle keeps a sense of humor and uses it in My Spirit. He isn't bound up and self-righteous and afraid of the opinions of others. Laughter and happiness are symptoms of a new-bottle spirit.

• A new bottle takes correction from others—whether shepherds, friends, or peers—and seeks Me with an open heart as to how to apply it.

• A new bottle is open to shepherding from his Home shepherds; he trusts that the Lord has anointed his Home shepherds to shepherd him, and thus willingly opens himself up to their help and counsel, even if they're a peer, they're younger than him, or there's some other reason that makes it awkward at first or difficult for him to accept.

• A new bottle welcomes input and counsel, even if it's personal. He wants to change and grow and progress, and he takes every opportunity to do so.

• A new bottle speaks positively to and about others—he doesn't gossip.

• A new bottle speaks faith and positiveness in difficult situations.

• A new bottle is willing to put aside his plans to help another when I show him that it's needed.

• A new bottle is willing to do any job, no matter how lowly, in order to help his team be a winning team.

• A new bottle fights against and resists comparing with all the spiritual weapons at his disposal. He cares more about seeing his team win than having a title or seemingly exalted position.

• A new bottle loves to see others happy, and does all he can to help them be so.

• A new bottle is not hung up on status or the seeming "importance" of the job.

• A new bottle fights to see Me and My anointing in his teammates.

• A new bottle is happy and free in the spirit, and walks around looking like it.

• A new bottle is willing to think/pray/counsel/implement "out-of-the-box."

• A new bottle is open to and has a hunger for the ideas and suggestions of others, even those younger or less experienced.

• A new bottle is willing to do seemingly "crazy" and "illogical" things if that's the way I'm leading.

• A new bottle has faith in his teammates' channels, and strives with all his heart to be a team player.

• A new bottle is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty.

• A new bottle is willing to be a fool for Me, even in the face of negative peer pressure.

• A new bottle is not afraid to try new and greater works for Me when I call him to. He takes hold of the power of the keys and gets My help and the help of his spirit helpers, shepherds, and whoever else he needs to learn from and work with.

• A new bottle manifests the fruits of the spirit.

• A new bottle doesn't easily get sensitive or offended.

• A new bottle strives to please Me above all—he never puts his reputation above obedience.

• A new bottle is willing to stretch his faith when his faith needs stretching. In fact, he actively seeks ways to stretch and grow in faith.

• A new bottle goes with the flow and rises above. Things don't have to be done "his way" in order for him to be happy.

• A new bottle is not afraid to change direction when need be.

• A new bottle welcomes the fellowship and input of the other generation.

• A new bottle looks at people's hearts—not their past, or their reputation, age‚ or experience.

• A new bottle readily jumps in with both feet concerning any new moves of the spirit. He loves to try them and make them a part of his life.

• A new bottle talks about the New Wine supportively and immediately applies it in his life.

• A new bottle has a good link and connection with Me.

• A new bottle lets Me shine through.

• A new bottle manifests the fruits of the spirit in his life and sample.

• A new bottle doesn't get hung up on whose idea gets used.

• A new bottle doesn't simply default to "how we did it in the past."

• A new bottle is young in heart and spirit, no matter what his age.

• A new bottle is someone people like to be around and fellowship with. New bottles have a sense of fun and enjoy their lives for Me. They have a lack of self–righteousness and they're not judgmental. They make others feel comfortable and welcome. Thus, people are drawn to them and like to be around them.

• A new bottle patterns his life after "J.O.Y."

• A new bottle attempts to relate to and understand and learn from the other generation.

• A new bottle doesn't label people or put others in a box.

• A new bottle keeps his connection strong with Me and the Word; he places priority on his relationship with Me above all else.

• A new bottle fights to stay stirred up in the spirit.

• A new bottle makes an effort to keep the joy of his salvation, the joy of living, and appreciation for the little things.

• A new bottle shuns System attitudes and philosophies.

• A new bottle loves to do things that are radical or revolutionary.

• A new bottle is not ashamed to show his love for Me in public.

• A new bottle practices loving Me intimately.

• A new bottle comes to Me in times of trial and testing, and throws himself on Me. He bares his heart before Me, he asks for prayer from his loved ones, and he fights the good fight.

• A new bottle has solid Word-time habits. He doesn't allow a multitude of to-do's to crowd out or overshadow the most important thing in his life, and the source of his faith and strength—his time with Me. He believes My promises that if he puts Me first, I will take care of the rest.

• A new bottle doesn't try to "patch up an old garment" (Mat.9:16–17) or get by with as few changes as possible, but when I present change—whether for the Family, his Home, or him personally‚ he goes all the way with it and is willing to leave the old behind.

• A new bottle lets Me carry the weight, and fights against the Enemy's spirit of pressure and stress. He trusts Me to bear the burdens for him.

• A new bottle strives to be his brother's keeper in a spirit of humility and love.

• A new bottle is adaptable and flexible in spirit.

• A new bottle is a fighter in spirit, not a coward.

• A new bottle has convictions, and will sniff out inroads of compromise in his life.

129. (Mama: ) A sign of being a new bottle that several of the preceding points touched on was freedom of the spirit. In a future "Art of War," I'll share with you some counsel that the Lord has given about the freedom of the spirit and what an important quality it is, and how it ties in with being able to use the spiritual weapons fully. It's closely related to being a new bottle, but is enough of a separate topic that we don't have space to fit it all here. The Lord gives us so much good counsel‚ it's hard to not give it all to you at once!

130. In brief: Freedom of the spirit basically comes down to desiring the spirit enough that you're willing to trade in your pride in order to have it. If you want to be freer in the spirit, a good place to start is in your use of the spiritual weapons, asking the Lord how you can stretch and grow and progress in your use of them. Most of our spiritual weapons require humility, so the more you use them, the more you'll stretch your humility muscles; and the more you grow in humility, the more free in the spirit you will become.

I like a man who grins when he fights.—Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

How to reverse the trend!

131. If the list of new bottle attributes is convicting for you and you want to start shedding the spiritual years right away, I think you'll find this next message from our Husband very encouraging and helpful. We asked Him: "If you've become a bit of an old bottle, what can you do to improve and reverse that trend?"

132. (Jesus:) So you've found yourself a bit of an old bottle in some ways and you're wondering what you can do to improve? You look at your wineskin and find that you've got some cracks, and the New Wine of My Spirit is being lost to you in places because you just can't handle it and absorb it? You feel brittle and dry and not very flexible anymore, and you might wonder what you can do to get all loosened up again‚ or if it's even possible.

133. Don't worry, My love. It can be done, and if you're willing‚ it will be done! Any old bottle can become a new bottle practically overnight. All it takes is saying yes‚ whereas before you were saying no.—Just like any new bottle can become an old bottle when they stop saying yes and start saying no. It can be an instantaneous decision. It might take some time for you to become as fresh and flexible and limber as you want to be, but the most important part is the mindset shift‚ and that can happen instantly.

134. The second you get to the place where you want to stop fighting against what I'm trying to do, or worrying about where the wind of My Spirit will blow you, and decide that you would rather ride the current, swallow the New Wine, and flow with the river, then you're instantly transported onto the right path, and all you have to do is keep walking it. All you have to do is keep making decisions that support your change in attitude. You've decided to flow with My current, so you can't start struggling against it again. You have to keep deciding to let things flow, let them happen, and go ahead and do the things My Spirit is asking you to do and not put up any of your old barriers.

135. Here are some tips that can help you in your new lifestyle of flowing and riding instead of stalling and fighting. These are things that you personally can do to help your old, dry, cracking wineskin to become supple and new again, ready to handle My strongest brew.

136. Don't think, just do.

137. When there is a new move of My Spirit, a suggestion, an action, an assignment, an activity—whatever it is that seems to go against your grain but is something that I've been speaking to you about and that you know is of My Spirit and is the direction you should be going and here is an opportunity to do so—just do it. Start in without even thinking about it. Volunteer to go first. Put your hand up in the meeting, or send a quick "yes" response by e-mail—whatever action you need to take to get the process going‚ go ahead and do it. Take the action of leaping off the diving board by just walking up and leaping without thinking. Let Me worry about the landing.

138. Go find some action.

139. At the same time, you can't wait for some "new bottle" proposition to be dropped in your lap. If you want to stretch and limber up your wineskin, you have to go to the Word and find the things that will bring you that stretching, and then set about doing them. Being willing to flow with the things that come into your path is important, but that alone won't be enough. You need to go find activities to stretch you.

140. Looking in the Word is always the best place to start. Look for things you haven't put into practice or things that you haven't taken to heart. Try to apply something personally that you passed over before as not applying to you, and actualize it in your life. Or actually go ahead and initiate something bottle-breaking in your life. Do this, and do it often. Bring in the new, and let it replace the old.

141. Hang out with other new bottles.

142. Having spiritual fellowship with the same people all the time can tend toward stagnation if you don't really make an effort to stay on your toes and keep things stirred up. It can lead to the "grading on the curve" mentality where you start to compare yourselves to yourselves rather than to the standards in My Word.

143. Aside from striving against familiarity, it can be a good idea to do something with a different person or set of people. Have your Word time or a conversation about the new moves of the spirit with someone that you don't normally interact with on that level. Seeing someone else's faith in action in new and different ways can often shine the light on areas in your heart that you've let become stagnant and can challenge you to grow in new ways.

144. Also try to seek out those who are living the New Wine and are new bottles, and try to fellowship and enter in with them and the things they do. Even if you're just part of a Home that has devotions and inspiration all together, try to leave the crowd of the "bystanders" and enter in with the "participators." If the people around you tend toward spiritual sluggishness and lack of vision, then get yourself some new friends. Interface with people who are stirred up and want to go places for Me.

145. In a far-flung fruitful field where you don't have other options for fellowship, seek Me about what you can do to turn things around in your Home. Maybe I'll give you ideas of some new discussion topics or Word studies or things you can do to bring the fresh‚ hot spirit of My New Wine flooding back into your fellowship.

146. Find precedents in the Word.

147. Sometimes it can be healthy to study and search the Word for all the radical and far-out things that are in it—things that you might have forgotten or maybe more truly prefer not to think about as much. It can be eye-opening to see that, ranging from the great men and women in the Bible, to your Father David, and now to Mama and Peter, sometimes I have My people say and do crazy things just to keep them stirred up and different. If they're regularly willing to be fools for Me and say and publish what might seem pretty out there, even if they don't understand it, chances are that they won't solidify into old bottles. Search the Word for those kinds of crazy things and let them strengthen your faith.

148. Re-envision yourself with the fact that you don't always have to understand, and not everything can be explained completely or even always seems to have a good reason at the time. Open your mind to remembering that some things are simply to keep you small in your own eyes—an obvious fool for My sake that I can really use.

149. Stop judging others.

150. An attitude that often makes people become old bottles is a self-righteous judging and criticizing of others. You might be in the habit of quenching the fire of the spirit for fear of wildfire, or you might have gone so overboard trying not to seem spiritual or display "false humility" that now you have no humility of any kind, and no kind of spirituality at all.

151. But when it comes time that you want to make a change and you want to start doing some of the things that you know you should, sometimes your old criticalness can surface and hold you back. Whether you're conscious of it or not‚ you can start to fear that others will look at you and judge you the way you have at times looked at and judged others. You're very aware of what the actions of a new bottle look like to an old bottle‚ and you might be afraid of that kind of judgment being passed on you.

152. Well, one of the best ways to quit it and move on and start acting as you know you should and the way you want to be, is to really go on the attack about the way you think of others. Stop—and I really mean stop, every time you catch yourself—looking down on others, questioning their motives, criticizing their faults, bringing up (whether in your mind or verbally) the times they've gone overboard, or looking for the faults rather than for the good motives and all the good that they were shooting for. Give others more benefit of the doubt, and actively stop questioning their motives. Cut people a lot of slack and give them a wide margin of error. Be loving, merciful, and kind.

153. If you see something that's wrong, pull out your weapon of praise and prayer, commit it to Me, and look for the good. It is a principle of the spirit that this will increase your faith to step out as well. It will help you to become more confident yourself to take "risks" in the spirit, and even sometimes in the flesh, to do things that might possibly be misinterpreted or seem kind of wild. The mercy, love, and support you give to others will come back to you, and if you're giving it, you'll start to have more faith to receive it.

154. Talk less, pray more.

155. One thing to watch out for as a "recovering old bottle" is the words and opinions that can shoot out of your mouth very quickly. It's easy to form attitudes over time, and those tend to emerge quickly and become a very strong weight of opinion in any discussion or conversation. So when you're trying to ditch your old conservative ways and prepare yourself to cut loose in the wild abandon of My Spirit, it's important to weigh your words even more carefully.

156. Words are the expression of your heart and attitudes, and often until you commit to actually speaking the words, those attitudes and feelings aren't fully formed and can be changed. Don't let your "old man" do the talking. Pray before you say! When you feel an opinion or comment flying to your lips, stop, wait, pray. Ask Me whether what you're going to say is in line with My Spirit and My views, or you're speaking from your old viewpoints and inclinations.

157. The slower you go and the more often you let things pass, the more you might find that you didn't need to speak at all. Or if you did need to speak, you benefited from a time to realign your mind with Mine so you weren't the reactionary old bottle that you used to be, but rather a clear channel for My opinions, which are formed and based on the New Wine that it is your goal to hold in your new bottle.

158. Let go, let God, and let others.

159. Something that often goes hand in hand with being an old bottle in the spirit is becoming very stuck in your ways in the physical and very into having things always done a certain way and just generally being inflexible. Something that frees you from this and helps you to limber up in general is to let go of holding onto everything so tightly in your life.

160. Aim to trust others more and not snoop or oversee them as closely. Aim to not worry when you haven't heard back about something you wanted to hear back about. Flow with schedule changes. Generally relax and trust Me and others to keep the world working without you fussing over every little thing. Let your faith grow by allowing some things to take care of themselves without direct intervention from you. If you're having a hard time committing something to Me or trusting someone else to do something, commit it to Me in prayer and leave that burden in My hands. I've promised to never disappoint you.

161. Forget the past.

162. If you want to move forward with Me and flow with wherever I am leading, one of the prerequisites is that you can't depend so much on your past experience and the way you used to do things. If you're resting on your laurels or feeling that you've done so much and experienced so much and made so much progress in the past that you are fully equipped now for whatever lies ahead, you'll almost certainly stagnate spiritually, because your hunger for the new won't be there. You'll figure that whatever happens, you have the experience and know-how from your past to cope with it.

163. So to get into a flexible, new-bottle mindset, I suggest that you rely less on the past and try to continually think of yourself as a newbie, as someone who still has much to learn.

164. A symptom of being an old bottle is talking a lot about the past. Do you find yourself always likening every situation to something you've seen or done before? If so‚ you could be in danger of never letting yourself see new things or think outside the box of your experiences because you're so into pigeonholing everything into some past event or circumstance.

165. Try to talk about the past less and try to ask Me everything more. Even if you feel fairly experienced in something or you have a pretty good idea of how you'll handle something, try to always be open to the fact that there are all sorts of ways to do things, all sorts of approaches, and maybe what worked yesterday isn't My way for today. If "this is just the way it is‚" or "this is how I've always done it" or "I've been doing this for years and this is what works best" are frequent parts of your vocabulary, maybe you should become more open to new things and new ways. The more you can minimize the past, the more room you make for the future.

166. Try everything.

167. Don't have an "I know I don't like it because I never tried it before" attitude about Me, or My new ways, or the ideas I give others, or even little physical, practical things. Stay open to giving everything that I suggest your best shot. Even if it seems like it's really not you and really will not work for you, saying, "No, that's not for me" before you've given it a fair shot—whether it be a praise method, an outreach program, a spiritual move‚ a change‚ a new job—is a sure way to cut off not only My blessings, but also your chances of ever being pleasantly surprised by something you didn't think you'd like, not to mention you'll stagnate like an old pond, never move forward, and eventually will be retired from usefulness. Every "no" stops you dead in your tracks, while every "yes" gives you wings to soar on My currents.

168. No excuses.

169. With God, all things are possible. But the moment you start hiding behind excuses, you start limiting God. Take a look at your life and what I've called My disciples to do. Take a look at the New Wine that I want to pour into your bottle and see what excuses you often use to dodge that wine and move out of the way before it pours on you. It could be anything—"I'm too old" or "I have kids" or "That's not my style" or "I'm too young" or "I'm a guy" or "I'm a girl" or "I've never done it before" or "I'm too shy" or any other of an infinite number of ways people try to wiggle out from under My conviction.

170. Take a look at yourself and see which ones you're using‚ and then look again at My promise that very clearly says "all things are possible" (Mk.10:27; Luke 1:37). Decide to stop letting excuses hinder the flow of power and possibilities that I want to bring into your life.

171. Do it because Daddy said so!

172. If you wait for your spiritual father‚ Me‚ to explain every little bit of New Wine to your perfect understanding and satisfaction before you'll drink it in and make it a part of you, then you won't be drinking or enacting very much. Real new bottles just do it because I said so, and that's an attitude you'll need to have if you want to be a new bottle too. Do you always understand? No, not really, but you understand enough to give it a try anyway simply because I said to. There's a lot of freedom to be found in that kind of obedience.

173. Knock down your pride.

174. Pride is bound to be at the root of over 90% of your problems with old-bottlism. For that reason you should continually kick, destroy, knock down, and combat your pride. You know all those "do the humble thing" lists? Do those! Do that kind of thing as often as you get a chance‚ and when that bad weed of pride is out of your heart, you'll find that so much more of My Spirit will come much more easily.

175. I assure you that as you put these things into practice‚ as well as any more that I show you personally, you will get limber again in no time. In fact, I already see you getting more limber and flexible as you're reading these messages. Just the very act of your wanting to stop being a dam in the river and start floating with the stream instead is making such a difference.

176. Being a new bottle really just comes down to saying "Yes, I will," instead of "No, I won't." And because "yes" and "no" are such polar opposites, you can flip from one to the other almost instantly. It takes time for My Spirit to fully possess you and flow freely through you if you've been damming it up a while. But you can make the decision instantly, and in that instant, you can start progressing and reversing the cycle of spiritual deterioration and decay.

177. So say, "Yes, Jesus, I will!" Pray that I'll stop anything else from coming out of your mouth except, "Yes, Jesus, I will‚" and you'll soon be drinking in the strongest, most potent wine that I have to give, and loving it! No more cracking and spilling‚ just imbibing and getting drunk on the best brands Heaven has to offer! You'll love it. (End of message.)

New bottles are trainable, they are yielded to Me. They are willing to lose sight of the shore. They are willing to stretch. They have the faith to scale mountains‚ to face giants, to try new things, to launch out into the deep. They just want to see the Family fulfill the destiny I have for you. They want to see the Family radical, revolutionary, and stepping out into the new. Some new bottles are young, some are older. Age doesn't matter! What matters is the freshness, vitality, and energy of the spirit.

How to be a new bottle: Embrace the new!

178. (Jesus:) In order to be a new bottle, you have to continuously receive the New Wine of My Spirit. But often My New Wine—whether it's in the form of revelations, instructions, or counsel—isn't easy to receive. It usually hurts a bit, at least initially, stretches your wineskin, and makes you feel uncomfortable. The more "stretchy" you get in the spirit‚ the less your "bottle" feels it when I pour in something new. But welcoming My New Wine sometimes requires quite a bit of fight and determination to yield to what I'm choosing to bring into your life.

179. Sometimes My New Wine is sweet to your taste and easy to receive, but that's not always the case. It's because the Enemy fights you, and he's continuously trying to get you to be an old bottle, to harden your wineskin, to make you feel like rejecting the New Wine of My Spirit when it's uncomfortable to receive. So he uses sensitivity in this way—either by making you feel sensitive to the Word and thus not willing to apply it to your life‚ or making you sensitive to what others say so that you don't accept their counsel or correction or instruction, and even making you too sensitive to receive My fresh Words in prophecy.

180. The way to remain a new bottle is to regularly take in the New Wine of My Spirit in all its forms. Drink in the Word regularly, accept and welcome counsel and input from others‚ hear from Me in prophecy regarding issues in your life that stretch your faith, and actively solicit any and all help you can from every avenue. This is how you avoid becoming brittle and dry and content with the old wine.

181. Being a new bottle isn't just a gift some people have. Being a new bottle is a choice you make every day. It's the result of fighting every day to take in the New Wine of My Spirit in all its forms, and letting Me cleanse you and keep you young in spirit. (End of message.)

More promises to claim as you fight to become and stay a new-bottle bride

182. If you drink and absorb the New Wine as a do–it-now bride, you will stay soft and elastic and won't crack no matter what strange truths come your way.

183. To stay a new bottle, you need to embrace Change. As you do, and as you call on the keys of change to enhance Change's power, you will be able to flow with any new ventures the Word or your Home initiates. Instead of facing changes with worry, or thinking of how tired you are, Change and his helpers will help you to look at change with expectancy, eagerness, and enthusiasm!

184. I've told you this before, but the best way to stay a new bottle is just to say yes to Me. I promise that you will never be sorry. Saying yes to Me is a sign of your faith and trust and is afforded all the promises that go along with that. If you want excitement in your life and want to break out of your ruts, this is the best way to get things moving. And when My Spirit starts moving, you can expect anything—great and wonderful things!

185. Humility is another way to stay young in spirit. When you start thinking too highly of yourself, or that you know it all, or can't learn from others, that is when you will soon be getting brittle and cracking up. But if you're always seeking to do the humble thing and to learn from others, you'll be amazed at the variety and excitement that it will bring into your life. And not only that, but I will bless your interactions with others.

186. If you want to be a new bottle, determine that you will try something new every day. For example: Taste a new food, go to a new place, do a new thing, try something a different way, do the thing you have never done before, win a new soul, praise a new way, etc. The point is, don't settle for what you've already done—stretch and expand your horizons. This will not only keep you a new bottle‚ but you'll have a new respect and zest for life! You'll wake up in the morning excited about the new things you'll do and learn. The wonder of life and My creation will take on a new meaning and depth. I promise you will be thrilled and your life will be richer and fuller!

187. Be not encumbered with the cares of this life‚ but rather do what you can and trust Me to take care of the rest. If you let the cares of the world and the running of the Home weigh on you, this is one sure way to lose your freshness of spirit. But through the power of the keys you can be a Mary instead of a Martha. You will be a Mary if you claim the influence of key power over every aspect of your life. So let the keys tap you into the "Mary spirit" of Heaven, and you will have the power to cast your cares on Me, to enjoy the moment, and revel in Me.

188. Through the power of the keys to rise above, you can have the power to not be subject to time, and the freedom to savor each moment. If you realize that that moment will never happen again‚ you won't be so quick to want to get it over with, but you will be free to experience it.

189. If you can praise Me no matter what I bring into your life, this will cause a "new blood" revolution in your life that is unprecedented! If praise is your first reaction to all things, then My joy will dwell richly in your life, and this joy will catapult you to new and unexpected highs. Praise is a declaration that I do all things well. Praise is not only a declaration that I can bring good out of a bad situation, but an acceptance that I have brought it into your life and you are thankful for it.

190. Stop talking about the old, and talk about the new! The old was good for its time, but I am a changing God; it's part of My divine nature. So expect that there will be new things to do and new ways to do them. Get excited about the new things I'm doing. Be looking for My new moves of the spirit. Get on the cloud of My will and let Me whisk you along! You'll love the ride, and you'll be excited about how much fun you can have as you go with the flow.

191. Remember the promise that you can do all things through Me? Well, step out of your ruts and put that promise to the test!—And not only that one, but the thousands of other promises I have given you. I will not fail in all My good promises to you, but I will come through and perform My part. Put Me to the test and stop putting Me in a box. I want to break out of your boxes‚ and I want to take you along with Me! Let's go, My love. Let's shock the world with how radical and wild I can be. Hang on to My promises and trust Me, and you will really wow the world!

192. Start living today! Some of you, My poor brides, are not truly living life to the full. If you would‚ you would never become an old bottle, for there is always more to learn, to do, and to become. Never settle for what you have, but always keep striving for more of My Spirit and truth. Enjoy and delight in the life I have given you and all that I bring your way each day, each moment‚ praising Me and yielding and flowing with it, and I promise your life will be richer, fuller, more enjoyable and fruitful.

193. You have an invaluable resource tucked inside you that can tap into the reservoirs of Heaven. That resource is your spiritual vacuum and hunger, and in spiritual terms, it's one of the greatest resources there is. So if the desire for change is there, that desire can pull down the supernatural power you need to become a new bottle‚ with My new blood of the spirit flowing through your veins.

194. How you feel in the natural has very little to do with My ability to change you, so long as your spirit is hungering and thirsting after change. That desire will be met with My supernatural ability to change and perform miracles within you. As you call on My keys of change and you desire to become a new bottle, I will fill you to overflowing with My Spirit and all the spiritual elements you will need to be My disciple of the future!

195. Feeling unable? Needing some attitude changes? Feeling like you just don't have it within you to make the changes in attitude needed to be My new bottle? Take heart, My loves, because all that is necessary to bridge these feelings is your desperation, humility, and desire to be made anew. So take two good healthy slices of that desperation and desire, sandwich it together with a generous helping of faith‚ and your satisfaction is guaranteed.—Your hunger for change will be filled! Your desire for more of My new blood pumping through your spiritual veins will be rewarded.

196. The keys specialize in tall orders. So when a great change is needed in order to become one of My new bottles, don't be afraid to make your order. It can be as long or tall as is needed, and isn't contingent on whether you feel you can change or not. All it takes is a desire for change on your part and then making that order by faith, and the keys will deliver!

197. Change is inevitable, but the power of the keys can do an excellent job of smoothing the transition from the old into the new.

198. If you're going to go through the trouble of letting Me make you into a new creature, why not enhance the process by calling on the keys of change? You'll be floored as old attitudes change before your very eyes.

199. Claim the keys of acceptance and faith as you drink in the New Wine of My instruction‚ and I will make you into the new-bottle revolutionary I need you to be.

200. Through the power of the keys of openness I can give you the clarity of mind to see yourself the way that I see you, enabling you to become the radical Endtime disciple and leader that you are destined to be.

201. The Enemy may seek to snare you in the darkness of your old self, but the keys of imprisonment, when wielded with full faith and power and through a yielded heart, can bind his power and free you to follow Me closely as I lead you into the light of a new day.

202. Call on the keys and I will help you to clear out the old and be filled with the newness of My Spirit for this new day!

203. If you want to remain My "new blood" disciple, claim the keys of constant revolution and the cobwebs of lethargy will not be able to get a hold on you.

204. If you fall into old ways and pitfalls of the past, call on the keys of freedom from the old and I will lift you up out of the trappings of the past and take you to the mountaintops of the future, enabling you to breathe the fresh air of change and follow the glorious vision of the future of My Family.

205. No one has the ability in themselves to be all that a "new bottle" disciple needs to be. But with the unmatched power of the keys you can avail yourself of full possession so that your very being is taken over by My ever-changing and radical spirit, making your life a reflection of Me.

206. If you want others to see Me in you, call on the keys and I will help your reflection to be My reflection and your ways to be My ways.

207. When old attitudes and habits take hold of you and you just can't get loose, bust out of the chains that hold you back by wielding the keys turned to swords and you'll soar higher than you've ever gone before, unhindered by the past.

208. Claim the power of the keys so that you will remain young and revolutionary in spirit and always on board the train of the Revolution for Jesus.

209. Old mindsets are washed away and your mind is made ready for the new refreshing ways of My Spirit through claiming the keys of the Kingdom.

210. It's much easier to become a new creature when you employ the keys, because they help to speed up the process of change and revolution in your life.

211. If a caterpillar can turn into a butterfly, so can you change from the "old you" to the "new you," with My help and the power of the keys.

212. I have all the power I need to transform you into a new, different, radical, going–forward disciple, and I've given you extra key power to make the transition a smooth and speedy one.

213. Claim My power and the extra enhancement of the keys, and I will free you from the shackles of the old and transport you swiftly into the dimension of the new.

214. If you call on the keys of change and revolution, I will give you a complete spiritual blood transfusion, replacing the "old blood" of the past with the "new blood" of My Spirit.

215. There are no ruts or old habits that are too hard for Me to break, and no quicker way to overcome the past than with My key power to blast you forward.

216. Call on the keys of heavenly vision, so that you can see what ways of your past are old, outdated garments, and I can give you the conviction and desire to replace them with the new and appealing fashions of My Spirit.

217. For a complete makeover in the spirit, call on the keys of change. I will wash away the old and bless you with the new.

218. My undefeatable power of the keys of change and "new blood" can help you out of the deepest ruts, over the most monumental obstacles, and can obliterate the oldest bad habits.

219. Don't just shoot up a little prayer asking Me to help you accept changes, but rather claim the power of the keys of metamorphosis and I will turn you into a new–day disciple with the kind of crazy faith in Me and My Word that can turn the world upside down.

220. The keys of praise will give you a turbo boost along the road of change, so that you can get to your destination faster.

More jewels on new bottles

221. (Mama:) Some of the promises you just read‚ as well as some of the next messages I'll share with you, were originally given for Family leadership—the coach program, the RSs, etc. Portions of them‚ however, are very applicable to all of us, whether we're in leadership or not. So I asked the Lord for permission to make a few small wording changes in parts in order to make them clearer or more applicable to the whole Family, and I'm going to share excerpts of them here with you.

222. (Dad: ) New bottles keep changing, growing, and progressing. It's not a situation of "once a new bottle, always a new bottle." You've got to keep revoluting, changing, and rocking your boat spiritually in order to remain a new bottle. If you think you're a new bottle because you've always been a new bottle, chances are you might be starting to get a little old and brittle.

223. To be a new bottle, you've got to always desire the new. To be a new bottle, you have to welcome change and let it stretch you. To be a new bottle, you have to do whatever it takes to ensure you're not standing still, growing stagnant, or forming attitudes that are contrary to the new moves of the spirit.

224. If you want to be a new bottle, and you've got the desire‚ then ask the Lord for a fresh infilling of His new-bottle Spirit. Tell Him you want to receive His New Wine, even if it stretches you, even if it's uncomfortable, even if you feel like your wineskins are going to burst. I'll tell you what, if you desire the new, you won't break from the flow. That's a promise.

225. The New Wine will revitalize you, make your spirit supple‚ bendable, and moldable‚ and remake you. The New Wine only breaks the wineskins that are resistant to it—the wineskins that don't want it, that refuse to be remade and changed. If you want to be new bottles, you will be‚ as you keep yielding, as you receive the fresh flow of New Wine with open and receptive hearts, and as you yield to the New Wine Maker.

226. Praise and thank the Lord every time you come across an opportunity to stretch, to be made new. Rejoice that the Winemaker isn't putting your wineskin on the shelf to get old with the times. Rejoice that He still considers you worthy of His New Wine. He not only considers you worthy, but He deems you capable and able and new-bottle enough to receive what He has to give.

227. The Lord knows you can take the infilling, if you desire His new-bottle Spirit, His revolutionary new ways. You don't want to be bound by the past; you don't want to be an old bottle. So He's going to keep pouring into you, and He's going to ensure that you remain a new bottle.

228. The Family has got to remain dropped out. The Family has got to maintain the spirit of the revolution. The Family has got to be new bottles. Who wants the old? So keep drinking in the new, keep letting the New Wine change you, and then you will never get old in spirit. You'll be a new bottle forever, and you'll never lose that revolutionary spirit.

229. It doesn't take much to be a new bottle; it's not an impossible goal. All you have to do is keep receiving the new‚ keep letting the Lord pour the new into you, and keep letting God's alive and changing Spirit into your life. It's only when you put a cork in your spiritual life and say, "I'm full," or "I'm content with what I have‚" that God can't pour anything new into you. So keep those corks out. Keep your bottle open at all times for the new; that's how you maintain new-bottle status.

230. Rejoice‚ because the Lord knows you can take the New Wine. Rejoice, because He has faith that you can take the new and run with it. Rejoice, because you're receiving a whole lot of New Wine to keep you revolutionary, alive, young in spirit, and ready to tackle what lies ahead.

231. I'm proud of you—each of you! You may be weak, full of faults, and even incapable in the natural, but if you're new bottles in spirit—always desiring the new, always drinking in the new, always obeying the new—then God will keep using you.

232. Here's to all you new bottles, who are only going to get newer every day with every new decision you make to be renewed! You're new bottles who are going to keep taking in the New Wine from the New Wine Creator. Praise God!

233. You don't have anything to worry about! You don't have to change yourself; just keep taking in the new, and the Lord will do the work of changing you! It's a work of His Spirit. It's His New Wine that cleanses and renews and keeps and guides. His Word—and your obedience to it—will keep you new bottles forever! So drink it in! Amen? (End of message.)

My new bottles have My "blood" flowing through their veins. They allow Me full possession. They look to Me for counsel and guidance through their channel with Me and hearing My voice. They seek My Word for solutions and have a tender, loving‚ giving spirit.

New blood!

234. (Mama: ) "New blood" is a term the Lord has used in speaking to our leadership over the last couple of years, explaining the need for today's Family leadership to be "new blood." That doesn't mean that they must be new to leadership, but they must carry a new-bottle spirit in their leadership. Here are a few excerpts from Jesus about being new blood, given for some of our leadership, that I thought you would all appreciate reading and benefiting from. Anyone who is in a position of responsibility of any kind—which is pretty much all of you—should be striving to be new blood in spirit.

235. (Jesus: ) What is "new blood"? It's desiring My Spirit. It's being led of My Spirit. It's being one with My Spirit. It's being an open vessel, a new bottle who desires only the new and is never satisfied with the old. Your Father David gave "New Bottles" many years ago, and that is the heart and core of "new blood."—Be one of My Spirit-led, new-day, Endtime disciples, one who is hungry and madly desirous of Me and My Spirit! That's "new blood."

236. "New blood" embodies change, movement, revolution. It's never settling down in spirit; it's constantly looking forward. It's not being bound to the past, to conventions, inhibitions‚ or prejudices. It's being truly liberated and set free in Me to follow My Word—to live My Word, to apply My Word‚ to become a living manifestation of My Word! It's being a revolutionary in heart and spirit. It's breaking out of the mold, rejoicing in change, rejoicing in movement, rejoicing in having no limits and no boundaries on how I can use you or work through you!

237. It's having no preconceived ideas on how things should be done. It's being willing to completely turn around and go in a different direction, being led not by the carnal mind or carnal reasoning, but by the very Spirit of God! It's being willing to throw yourself at My feet and abandon everything that pertains to yourself and your nature and past experience, and say, "Here I am‚ dear Lover and Husband, use me as You will! Possess me, and fill me with the Wild Wind of Your Spirit!"

238. Being "new blood" is in essence being a child of the spirit. It's being one who is—and who desires to be—possessed by the Wild Wind of My Spirit. This is where true freedom lies—freedom from anything that would tie you down and encumber you spiritually‚ whether it be the past, personal mindsets, your carnal mind, the cares of this life, or even past ways of operating.

239. Only those who chase after and desire the Wild Wind of My Spirit can truly be "new blood" in spirit. It's because they're not tied down—to anything. They're constantly moving forward, chasing the wind and chasing My Spirit wherever She leads and blows. They're on the move spiritually; they desire to be one with My Spirit, so they ardently and aggressively chase Her and seek to be one with Her. They cling to the ways of the Spirit; their ears are attuned to the whispers and words of the Spirit; they desire the Spirit above all.

240. Thus they are willing to lay aside all else to possess My Wild Wind. They strip themselves bare of their own carnality, of anything of the mind or the flesh that would encumber or weigh them down or hinder or delay them in their wild chase of My Spirit. To possess Her and be one with Her and follow where She leads is all they truly desire. They know that it will cost them everything—not just once, but continually—but to possess Her is worth that much to them.

241. In possessing Her and being in Her embrace lies the essence of "new blood," for My Wild Wind possesses My true Spirit of Love. She possesses My wisdom. She possesses all that My new blood needs in order to stay new and fresh and alive in My Spirit.

242. The blood of My Spirit must run free and thick and unhindered through your veins. You must nourish and feed your blood with the nutrients of My Spirit. You must live off My Spirit! Your heart, your motives, and your very being must pulsate with the Spirit. For only by being alive and possessed by the Wild Wind of My Spirit can you both follow and lead in the coming days. For these are the days of the Spirit, and the days of the flesh are fast fading. And now shall My children and brides enter the full fulfillment of My New Church prophecies of years past.

243. For only My Spirit can lead you in the coming days. And only by staying very close to My Spirit—by chasing Her and desiring Her with all of your being—will you even know how to lead. For how to lead and where to lead you don't know and will not know—your flesh cannot know, your carnal mind cannot know. Only by chasing and capturing the Wild Wind of My Spirit will you know, for She will lead you into all truth. She will show you the way, as you use all the weapons of the spirit at your command and desire Her and chase after Her.

244. This is the way of the future, My loves.—To follow the Wild Wind of My Spirit!—And to do that you must be "new blood" in spirit, one who is always looking forward‚ always chasing the Spirit‚ always looking toward the horizon. Just as your David was an example of this, you must be enthralled by the Spirit‚ you must desire Her above all else‚ and you must desire to learn of Her ways‚ how to get closer to Her, how to fully possess Her and Her power.

245. From Her bosom will come My answers and My leadings to see you safely into the future I have for you. And so My new blood must be strongly led of My Spirit. My new blood must be harnessed to My Spirit, daring not to stray to the left or right from being led explicitly and solely by My Spirit.

246. To possess Her and actively chase after Her is spiritual life, regeneration‚ and forward movement. These are the qualifications of My new blood. You must desire My Spirit and to be one with My Spirit and spiritual weapons above all else. Anything that would distract or get in the way must be set aside.—For it is a barrier and ruse of the Enemy that would seek to ensnare you and keep you from entering into My full power.—The full possession of My Spirit.

247. Is it possible to change and become and stay "new blood"? Anyone can change and become and stay "new blood." All it takes is an infusion of My Spirit into your spiritual bodies and veins—a spiritual blood transfusion, if you will. And that transfusion can take place instantly. All it takes is desiring the infusion of the new; and desiring that the blood running through your spiritual veins is only filled with Me and My Spirit and My ways.

248. Your blood and your veins need to run thick with My Spirit! Your veins can't be constricted through compromise; your blood can't be diluted with the cares of this world, the ways of man, the ways of the flesh, or the carnal mind.

249. I promise you that anyone can have that spiritual blood transfusion if they desire it! That transfusion can happen instantly, if someone desperately desires it and opens their heart and spirit fully to Me, desiring to be made anew and become a true child of the spirit. The physical manifestations of that change might take a little longer, but so long as that desire and openness and willingness to be made anew is there, then soon the blood will be fortified and true spiritual strength will return in full, with the veins flowing full of My Spirit, wild and free!

250. You stay "new blood" by:

Never abandoning the chase for the Wild Wind of My Spirit.

Never settling down in spirit. Never being content with what has been accomplished and what ground you have gained. You are always looking forward to the horizon, always following My Spirit's lead, and always being willing to chase Her around the corners—the places where you can't see with your natural sight, but have to walk by faith and trust Her leadings.

Being so in love with Me and My Spirit that it is your life's calling to be one with Us. Nothing or nobody else can pull you away from that high calling and the thrill of the chase. Nothing of this world can lure you away from the race to catch My Spirit and possess Her in full.

Always seeking Me, always seeking My voice and My leadings in everything, never your own. (End of message.)

If you're living the spirit of the Word …

251. (Mama:) Besides doing the humble thing, one of the fundamental basics of being a new bottle is living the spirit of the Word, as opposed to getting stuck on the letter of the law or in your own self-righteousness. Here's some good counsel from the Lord about this.

252. (Jesus:) If you're living the spirit of the Word…

253.You don't mind change, because My Word is always changing. You expect it and are ready for it! You don't mind abandoning old plans or ideas in favor of new ones if that's the way I'm leading.

254.You don't mind confessing your faults or admitting your mistakes, because you aren't promoting yourself as an example of perfection—you're holding up My Word as the example. So if your mistakes can help others look to My Word more, you are happy to share them. You're eager to clarify things that might hurt others' faith in the Word.

255.You're open to others and their input‚ their revelations from My Word‚ what I have showed them. In fact, you stir up the gifts in others, you ask for their help, you encourage them to seek Me about things. You draw on and encourage the strengths of those around you. You're open to their input and ideas because you're not concerned whether any good ideas come from you or not. You just want to live and apply My Words, and help others to do the same.

256.You're not stuck in a rut, because you know that I work in different people's lives in different ways, and it's a marvel and a wonder to you that you love to see. You don't put Me in a box, and you don't doubt the way I'm leading others. You sense My Spirit, you confirm your thoughts with Me, and you have faith in the way I lead and work. You encourage others to follow Me and apply the Word within the framework I've given according to their faith.

257.You love the new revelations and direction that I pour out. You know it works, and you can't wait to make it a reality in your own personal life and Home, because you know it will bring miracles and forward progress when you step out to obey. Obedience to My New Wine is a major priority for you.

258.You have faith; you know that I have the answers and the solutions. When I say something, you know it works if you will obey. You have peace and faith and an attitude of expectancy and excitement about how I'll fulfill My promises. You're happy, full of faith. You're not worried, because you have a clear sense of perspective that I'm in control. You have a peace in your heart because you're doing your best to obey. There aren't personal interpretations or unyielded aspects that you're afraid of being exposed or that you're trying to hold on to or preserve and protect.

259.You have faith in others and My anointing on them. You see potential in others and are inspired and excited by it. You know that there's no limit to what I can do with someone who is yielded and obedient, and you inspire and lead others by that sample. You want everyone to experience the joys of serving Me without reservation.

260.You work in the spirit rather than leaning on the arm of the flesh. Even if you have tendencies toward the arm of the flesh, you continually fight to bring things back to the realm of the spirit—laboring in prayer for situations, seeking Me for counsel, depending on the keys and the miracles that only I can do. You establish safeguards for yourself if necessary, or ask others to safeguard you, to help you operate in My Spirit, in counsel, in wisdom, and not lean to the arm of the flesh. You know that operating in the arm of the flesh is ineffective, unacceptable‚ a waste of effort, and a bad example to others.

261. There are other obvious qualities when you're living the spirit of My Word, but those are a few of them.

When the generals are not afraid, the men they lead need know no fear. When those who are aware of all sides of the battle are convinced of victory, those who know less can trust and attack bravely. We, your generals, are not afraid.—Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (speaking from beyond)

Practical things that you can do

262. I'll give you a few ideas of simple, practical things you can do to become "new blood" yourself, things that help you to stay more open to Me and more easily infused with My fresh, new spirit:

263. —Do the humble thing. Fight pride. Among many other bad effects of pride, pride will cause you to stagnate. It's one of the natural side effects of pride to want things to remain the way they are, to look good on the outside‚ to fear the new, to avoid branching out because it could bring mistakes, to stick with "tried and proven" means, to squelch fire because you're afraid of wildfire. Humility, on the other hand‚ loves the new, loves to prove Me and put Me on the spot. Humility is not afraid of mistakes and lessons and growth and progress.

264. —Be an avid lover and believer of My New Wine. My Words will keep you new, if you live them and obey them. Keep up with the New Wine. Keep up with the revelations of My Spirit. Make it a priority to study them and live them.

265. —Make it a regular prayer request that you will see the new‚ be open to the new, and be flowing and flexible with My Spirit. Praying for it regularly yourself, and asking for prayer from others when you feel the need, will not only do the miracles in the spirit that you need, but it will also keep it in your mind and heart and help you to be more open and aware when I bring things your way.

266. —Realize and have the viewpoint that those you're training—your sheep‚ your children, your young people, or even fellow Home members that you give and receive shepherding from—are going to do things for Me that you've never thought of. They're going to have ideas that have never come to you. I'm going to lead them in new ways. Realizing and accepting that will help you to have a more healthy, open, receptive attitude toward others‚ including those you're training.

267. —Watch out for "automatic" reactions, especially of dismissing ideas, judging situations, or confirming plans without seeking My counsel in prayer, and sometimes the counsel of others. If things "automatically" sound bad to you, stop, check yourself, and see whether you're reacting that way due to past experience, personal preference, or opinion. If you are‚ you could be wrong‚ and you're in danger of becoming an old bottle and squelching what might just be My idea for the hour or for the moment. That's not to say that you should just jump on any new bandwagon that comes along either. Watch out for automatic reactions or quick judgments of situations, because they're often wrong.

268. —Don't get stuck in a rut with personal habits and preferences. I know this sounds minute and practical compared to the other larger spiritual principles, but what you do in your personal life affects your professional life. And if you're the kind of person who has to have everything "just so" in order to be happy or feel content, chances are you're a little slow to embrace the new in the bigger things too. So fight to avoid ruts.

269. Everyone has habits that they cultivate or allow and even enjoy—such as the way you like your coffee, or the time you go to bed. But watch yourself that you don't get so stuck on them that you miss opportunities that I bring along your path to help keep you flexible and changing—such as a special fellowship that's a bit later than what would normally be your bedtime, or adjusting your schedule when there's a need, or voluntarily changing something that you "always do" in order to accommodate someone else or make them happy.

270. To sum it up, My loves, look to Me‚ look for the new things I'm doing and the new ways I'm leading, and I'll show you! It's not really that hard; once you're looking for what new things I want to do in your life, once you're willing and ready, I will bring the opportunities to you. (End of message.)

Letter links

[ ] "A Wonderful Wave of Worldwide Witnessing," ML #154:46-48, DB5

[ ] "Old Bottles," ML #242:1-11,15–18,25-35,37, DB5

[ ] "New Bottles," ML #251:17-21,23-28,31,35-36,43-46, DB5

[ ] "Come On Ma!—Burn Your Bra," ML #286:1-3,6,8-10, DB5

[ ] "The French Connection," ML #335C:12-15‚ DB6

[ ] "State of the Nation '95," ML #3017:81-82,84,97-104,106–113, Lifelines 22

[ ] "Prophecies On Doubts," ML #3041:51-59, Lifelines 23

[ ] "Loving Jesus Jewels," ML #3045:35-38, Lifelines 23

[ ] "Believing Prophecy," ML #3130:88-93,156-157,160, Lifelines 24

[ ] "Overcoming the Generation Gap," ML #3161:30,148-150, Lifelines 24

[ ] "The Weakness Revolution—Part 1," ML #3218:82-87,147-153, GN 819

[ ] "The Family's Future and Expansion Program," ML #3308:7–16, GN 908

[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 3," ML #3501:20–26,32–36,134‚ GN 1088

[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 6," ML #3505:8-25,27‚ GN 1094

[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 16," ML #3542:96-99,121-123,126, GN 1139

[ ] "What Does It Mean To Be Truly Revolutionary?" Maria #44:25-31, DB3

[ ] FJWL 1‚ #377

[ ] FJWL 2, #111