Art of War, The--Part 3—Letter Links 1: The Power of United Prayer

August 31, 2005

Table of Contents

(ML #3558, GN 1146)

FD/MM/FMJuly 2005

Problems and Solutions!—Part 2

ML #3070:78-82, 103-105, Lifelines 23

78. (Dad:) I wish people could understand and realize how eager the Lord is to answer their prayers and to hear their cry. As soon as they put their will on the Lord's side and they cry out to Him for help, admit how much they need Him, resist the Enemy and turn to the Lord, He is immediately there to help them. Just like I said in the Letter "Crystal Pyramid"—as soon as you turn from the darkness and face the light, immediately the warmth and power of the light can begin to pull you toward the crystal pyramid, and then the darkness has no more power over you.

79. As soon as they cry out to the Lord to be set free, He sets them on the path of deliverance, the path of freedom.

80. For those who are willing to come before the body, to receive united prayer, to humble themselves and confess and have the laying on of hands and public prayer for deliverance, it's good, because it's a testimony to others, it glorifies the Lord, and there is power in united prayer. But if people can't do that—either because their pride won't let them or they don't see the need for it—even if they just cry out to the Lord in their heart with the faintest cry, He will hear them and He will have mercy.

81. Even the tiniest, humblest cry can release the great power of the Lord. Even if people don't realize what they're doing, the Lord counts it to them as righteousness. He gives them what they need‚ and then later, with time, He teaches them and explains to them what happened and helps them to understand.

82. They don't have to understand all the whys and wherefores and everything that's happening at the moment that they cry out to the Lord.—Just like some people receive the Lord when they cry out for the truth, not really understanding anything about salvation, not really knowing the whole truth. But when they cry out to the Lord in whatever way they can‚ He hears their cry, He answers‚ and He comes into their heart. And then later, with time, they understand more of the truth, and they grow and they mature.

103. (Mama:) You'll notice above that Dad said, "For those who are willing to come before the body, to receive united prayer, to humble themselves and confess and have the laying on of hands and public prayer for deliverance, it's good, because it's a testimony to others, it glorifies the Lord, and there is power in united prayer." If you can manage to muster up the courage and humility to ask for united prayer to be delivered from your battles with doubts‚ it's much better than trying to fight on your own, as Dad has taught us over the years! You'll get more support in the spirit that way, your prayers will be more powerful, and it will be easier to break the hold of the Enemy. "One can chase a thousand, but two can put ten thousand to flight!" (Deut.32:30).

104. If you have united prayer, then others are aware of your battles and needs, and you'll have many more people praying for you and upholding you as you continue to progress on the road to commitment. Plus, if others have had a part in praying for you‚ then when the Lord gives you the victory, it will glorify Him more and people will know that He has done a miracle in your life. So I highly recommend having united prayer, if possible.

105. But if you can't bring yourself to have united prayer, at least not right now‚ then remember, Dad said: "But if people can't do that—either because their pride won't let them or they don't see the need for it—even if they just cry out to the Lord in their heart with the faintest cry, He will hear them and He will have mercy." The Lord will be attentive to even your faintest cry, ... and He will help you step by step, so don't give up!

Freedom Through United Prayer

ML #3171:3-49, GN 776

The Benefits of United Prayer

3. (Jesus: ) The Enemy will try to tell you that there's no way you can ask for prayer against bitterness [or whatever problem you might have]. He'll tell you it's impossible; it'll be too humbling, and it's just going to cost too much to do it. Plus, he'll tell you that it's not even necessary. He'll tell you any and all of the lies that he can possibly tell you!

4. This is a golden opportunity for you to have prayer and be delivered completely by faith. It's not an easy thing to do, but it's so much easier than dragging bitterness [or the weight of whatever other spiritual problem] around with you for years and years to come. You can have great deliverance and freedom from its terrible bondage by humbling yourself momentarily and having prayer, and then you'll reap the wonderful freedom and blessings of prayer for eternity!

5. Holding on to your bitterness will hold you back from making progress, or believing in My Words, or accepting My gifts and blessings in your life. If you're willing to let go of this bitterness‚ then your whole life can change! You can be even happier, and more fulfilled and used and challenged.

6. There are so many advantages to asking for prayer and taking the step of faith to forsake your bitterness. You'll be free of the terrible burden and weight you feel. You'll be free of the negative thoughts and feelings that are always going through your mind as you mull over the ways things worked out and how bad you feel about it all. You'll be free of the ill effects on your spirit and even your health. You'll be more easygoing, full of faith, and find it so much easier to accept the things that happen from day to day with a spirit of faith and positiveness. You won't be looking at everything through the thick, dark cloud of bitterness and selfishness. This can all be replaced with a spirit of meekness and greater acceptance, which will make you happy.

7. The Devil is so happy when people choose to stay bitter, because basically they're operating at half potential—even less than half potential in many cases, because they're slowly dying more and more in the spirit. The bitterness is continuing to poison their whole outlook and attitude, rendering them practically powerless.

8. It's very hard for you who are afflicted with bitterness to see anything clearly through the eyes of My Spirit, because you're blinded by bitterness. So you have to take a very big plunge of faith to ask for prayer and deliverance, and it's to your credit when you do. It shows a very desperate spirit when you humble yourself to ask for prayer, and that very desperation of spirit draws the power of Heaven to be released and come to your aid.

9. There's no hesitation in Heaven! It's not just a puny little answer to your prayer, but rather there's a great thrust of help from the spirit world, a great and powerful and mighty anointing of My Spirit in answer to your prayers.

10. At your faintest cry for help, all the power of Heaven is released. Even a faint cry resounds in My courts when it is powered by your desperation and desire for help and change. My ear is not heavy‚ that it cannot hear the pleas of My children. Though the cry be faint‚ if it is sincere and wholehearted‚ then My promises hold true.

11. The mighty force of My hand is raised to break the chains of bitterness and free you, My darling child. I only wait for your step of faith—and it need not be great. You need not feel that you must be eloquent or worthy or have great faith—you only need to ask for My help‚ and it will be given to you. Then believe in your complete deliverance by faith. (End of message.)

Follow Through!—Don't Be Dissuaded!

12. (Mama:) After you've made a commitment to ask for prayer, even after you've discussed your problems with your shepherds and decided when you'll actually do it, you can still get hit with some pretty big battles which can sometimes make you waver in your resolve and determination to follow through. Here's a very encouraging message that the Lord gave for someone in our Home who was going to be sharing lessons and having prayer. It shows how much the Enemy fights our asking for prayer, and how important it is.

13. (Jesus: ) Honey, just stick to your convictions about asking for prayer, because you're doing the right thing, and it's going to bear good fruit. I'll use the prayers of your loved ones, and your faith and humility‚ to do all the things that you can't do in your own flesh.

14. Don't be surprised that you're having all kinds of negative thoughts, and you're even wondering if it's worth it at all, and whether you should even go through with having prayer. It's because the Enemy is attacking you relentlessly to try to persuade you not to go through with it, because he knows that you're on the verge of a big victory—the kind that comes through the power of united prayer! You're going to find that the hardest part is just the waiting, the anticipating, because that's when the Enemy is working overtime to try to hinder you, to plant his lies and negative seeds, and do his best to discourage you from moving forward.

15. But fear not, My love‚ because once the time comes, it's not going to be half as hard as the Enemy is trying to persuade you that it will be. It's going to be a real liberation, a real blessing! The spiritual powers of Heaven will be released on your behalf to help you from now on and forever!

16. Don't worry that you're not going to know what to say or that you're going to stumble over your words and make a big mess, because I won't let that happen. I'll make it easy for you and anoint you to be able to present your prayer request simply and easily, without making mistakes or getting confused. I'll honor your faith and humility to come before your loved ones, and I'll make it easy for you. The Enemy tries to tell you how hard and painful it will be. But it's not going to be like that, because I'll be there with you, helping you.

17. Just hold fast to My Words and the things that I've spoken to you, My promises, and don't listen to one word of the Enemy's doubts. You'll receive a great victory! You'll be blessed with a greater anointing of My Spirit. You'll be set free from the things that are holding you back. You'll move forward with My Spirit. You'll be happier, freer, and I'll use you even more mightily!

18. Your loved ones will not be critical, or look down on you, or think how bad you are‚ because they know they're weak too, and have had many lessons to learn in their lives. They'll be very sincere in prayer, and they'll be humbled by your example of asking for prayer. For others are fighting battles in their lives too, and there are some who also need the united prayers of their loved ones.

19. Be encouraged, My love, and keep your faith, for this will be a great victory and will bring the blessings, freedom, happiness, commitment and fulfillment that you desire. You'll lose nothing and will gain much. It's well worth it! It's the best thing you could possibly do, and it's the very thing that the Enemy hates you doing because he knows it means victory. Keep fighting for the best and don't let anything stop you. (End of message.)

What Happens in the Spirit World When You Have United Prayer!

20. (Mama:) Do you ever wonder what happens in the spirit world when you have united prayer? This next message gives some insight into this very question. This is an excerpt of a message of encouragement that the Lord gave for the person mentioned above‚ who had the courage to sweetly share her lessons before the whole Home and have united prayer.

21. (Jesus:) Just as the clouds roll away and part, revealing the light and heat of the sun, so have the Heavens opened and the power of your spirit helpers been released to strengthen and anoint and empower you! You've called upon Heaven, and the power of Heaven has been activated by your call‚ and you've been given the reward of your prayers. You've won a great victory! Even if you don't see or feel or taste the full victory this minute, know that you have it by faith‚ and nothing can take it away from you as long as you keep believing and trusting and holding on to it. Just keep believing‚ and you'll see the complete fulfillment of My every promise to you.

22. Even when you feel you've failed, even when you make a mistake, or even when you just don't feel victorious and you're discouraged, you will still have the victory, as long as you keep believing and accepting that I have given it to you by faith. It doesn't matter how you feel—just hang on to it, for it's always yours.

23. Just like the anecdote about the little box that absorbed the sunlight and then would shine in the dark—so is your victory! You've absorbed the power of Heaven so that you can shine in the dark, and nothing can take My anointing and power away from you. Only if you fail to keep yourself under My sunlight and My power through disbelief, discouragement and unyieldedness will your little box of sunlight start to grow dim. But as long as you stay directly in My light‚ and continue to absorb your power and strength and yieldedness and everything from Me, then you'll be strong! You'll be an overcomer and you will walk in victory.

24. Go in faith, My precious one, and rejoice, for you're a winner! You're a conqueror! You've climbed over many obstacles, and are now on your way to greater blessings, greater usefulness, and greater service. (End of message.)

25. (Mama:) Here's another message on the subject of what happens when you have united prayer, which I think will make you even more aware of and thankful for our teamworkers in the Heavenly realm, our partners and fellow warriors in the spirit world!

26. (Jesus: ) The forces of Heaven are ready and waiting at your command, My loved ones! All of you children of David have been given the privilege of special forces to help you fight and overcome the attacks of the Evil One. For he knows that his time is short, and he knows the great threat that you are, so he's pulled out his big guns against you. But the powers of Heaven dwarf his in comparison‚ and they wait to do battle.

27. The specially trained fighters of the spirit world in My Kingdom love the fight! They love to defeat the Enemy, and they do so quickly and valiantly! The moment one of My children calls for help, they're dispatched to conquer. My fighters have never lost a battle; they hold a perfect record, and their power is limitless. The only thing which limits them is you.

28. When you cry unto Me with a whole heart in yieldedness and humility, My forces are loosed to fight with all the power of Heaven and Earth. They're given unlimited access to the kingdom of the Evil One and whatever stakes he's set in your heart‚ or any hold he has there, and they remove all traces at that very moment. They clean and cleanse the ground of your heart—all that you've lifted up to Me for victory over—and they set you free! They don't stop short of the victory, and there's never a time when at that moment you're not completely free of the burden and sin which you asked Me to remove.

29. After that moment, it's up to you to go on the attack to continue in yieldedness and obedience to what I've asked of you‚ or the conditions I've given you for victory, so you can stay clean and free from the Enemy's hold in your life. But at the moment of united prayer, you never need worry that maybe your heart was not all completely cleansed, for the moment that you call on Me unitedly, you're set free!

30. Of course, for different degrees of war you require different weapons. Sometimes it's enough to just ask for prayer at a meal, at devotions, before going to bed, or at another time when you're united together. Other more serious problems require more preparation of spirit and a time of warring together in the spirit to rebuke the Enemy. If you come to Me, I will show you how to proceed in your particular situation.

31. Whatever the circumstance‚ as you obey what I've shown you and call on Me with your whole heart, I always answer! I free you at that very moment, and cast the Enemy far away from you according to your prayers. But then it's in your court to continue to be desperate with Me, and follow Me step by step to rebuild that part of your life and the wall which has been broken down, that the Enemy not enter there again.

32. I love you, My precious children, and deliverance is in My hand for you at all times. I've given you this gift of strength in Spirit when you're united together, and you're able to command the elite fighters of Heaven to do battle on your behalf. So avail yourselves of them, for they wait for your command! (End of message.)

How to Hold on to Your Victory!

33. (Mama:) I think it's common for anybody who has prayer for deliverance of any long-standing problem to wonder whether it's really gone that easily. That's understandable—especially if it's something that you've battled with for a long time. It takes great faith to believe that the problem is gone from one minute to the next. You might find yourself wondering, "Is the bitterness [selfishness, pride, jealousy, etc.] really gone with just that one prayer? Is it that easy? Or is there something I have to do to either make sure the prayer 'takes' or to ensure I'll hold on to the victory?"

34. The above message talked somewhat about what you need to do after you have prayer to make sure you close the door on the Enemy completely. But I believe this next message will shed further light on any questions you might have on this subject, and give you a lot of faith in the power of united prayer!

35. (Jesus:) My Words are true, and just as I've promised, when you pray for My help and for deliverance from the problem of bitterness [or whatever problem] and the grasp it had on your mind and spirit and life‚ you really are delivered from its grip! This weak area is no longer a tool in the Enemy's hand. Where he previously had free rein to do as he wished, a standard has been raised against the spiritual inroad of the Enemy.

36. But it doesn't mean that you won't have to continue to fight against the attempts of the Enemy to still try to discourage you and weaken your faith in the victory. This will now be the Enemy's main target of attack—he will try to cause you to not believe in the victory‚ to doubt your deliverance, to criticize your own progress‚ to belittle your faith in My power and in the power of the prayers of your loved ones, to cause you to doubt My Words of prophecy, to get you to look at how you feel and to walk by your feelings instead of faith in Me, to look at your circumstances and the condition of your vessel instead of fixing your eyes on Me and My Words.

37. You must continue to fight and have faith, and simply trust that I'm able to perform all that I've promised and spoken. In doing this, you'll allow the victory to blossom. You'll continue to receive and accept and manifest your faith in My Word, in My power to help you, and you'll keep your victory and continue to make progress.

38. You might be tempted to feel that the things I've spoken are too great‚ too glorious, and perhaps even exaggerated, and the promises of freedom that I've given, the deliverance and the great change that you'll experience‚ isn't so. You might be tempted to question, "Is it really that easy?" And in your carnal mind it might look like it can't really be so "easy."

39. But remember, My love, I look on the heart. I judge by the heart, and not by outward appearance or circumstances. It wasn't easy for you to humble yourself and come before the body and confess your faults and weakness and need for help. It wasn't easy to publicly admit your failing and your need to change, your desire to change. It wasn't easy to admit that you couldn't do it on your own, that you weren't strong enough‚ or capable, or self-sufficient, or wise enough, but that you needed the help of others. So when the Enemy tries to tell you that it can't be that easy, or you find yourself doubting My promises of deliverance‚ just remember that I look at your heart. I've seen your desperation, and I know that this decision and commitment was a battle and a fight and it didn't come easily for you.

40. The power of the deliverance is given according to the desperation and sincerity of the heart. Those who desire and sincerely hunger after My power and strength and help are given much. Your desire and need and hunger for a complete deliverance draws the power, and is therefore rewarded. And as you continue to desire and hunger and thirst after My Spirit and follow Me, you'll continue to be rewarded and given greater freedom and power in My Spirit. You'll continue to walk in deliverance and freedom from the attacks of the Enemy.

41. You've been given the keys to change. The door has been opened to you, and all you have to do is walk through and accept this gift of My forgiveness. Now that you've overcome this one hurdle, it doesn't mean that you can just lie back and let life pass you by and expect that you'll never have to fight the temptation to be bitter [or jealous, proud, negative‚ etc.] anymore, or the temptation to have those thoughts or feelings. You'll have to fight the temptations that come your way, but you'll no longer be under their complete control.

42. You are in control now, and you can now choose to reject and refuse to be bitter. Every time you reject and refuse the Enemy's temptation to be bitter, to think bitter thoughts, make bitter comments, or allow a spirit of bitterness to influence your actions and how you live‚ you're manifesting your faith in My Words, and your faith in the victory which has been given to you. You're walking in faith and belief, and this has great power to help you to stay victorious. But the minute you begin to doubt, to analyze, to look at how you feel and at your problems, weaknesses and circumstances, the less you'll be able to walk in faith, and you open the door to the Enemy's voice, to his criticisms, to his temptations, lies and doubts.

43. It doesn't even matter if you get discouraged with yourself and feel that you're not making as much progress as you want to, because I don't expect you to be perfect and never make mistakes. What matters is that you keep fighting, keep believing, and keep accepting My Words by faith. Keep hanging on to My Words, and trust that as you do, you'll grow stronger and stronger and be better able to fight off the attacks of the Enemy. The more you resist and refuse to believe the Enemy's lies and doubts, the stronger you'll grow, and the more you'll personally see your victory manifested in your life.

44. You do have the victory because I've promised it to you, and you just have to hang on to My promises. Just because you'll have some battles and have to keep fighting doesn't mean that My Word is not true and that you don't have the victory; it just means that the Enemy is fighting you. It's a spiritual battle and you have to keep up the attack. Your muscles of faith are weak in this area. You're a newly delivered soul and you can't expect to never ever be tempted. You have to strengthen your faith. You have to strengthen your reflexes against the attacks of the Enemy, and the way you do this is by strengthening yourself in My Word—My specific Word that will give you faith to fight in this area, and to refuse the lies of the Enemy and believe Me.

45. The worst thing you can do is to allow feelings of discouragement to go on and on. You must not let the Enemy hold you back and sit on you through discouragement, but you must fight it and resist it and do whatever you need to do to pull out of feelings of discouragement. Ask someone to pray for you. Go to someone you're close to and tell them you're feeling discouraged and ask them to pray for you. Quote My Word, read My Word, or sing songs—anything that will help you to not get into the downward spiral of the Enemy's discouragement.

46. This is the part that only you can do. You have to do the fighting to break the habit of thinking bitter thoughts, negative thoughts, and allowing yourself to become discouraged. Every time you fight, you're using your victory, you're living in your victory, you're walking in your victory, and letting it continue to change you.

47. I did the easy part of giving you deliverance. And although it's just that easy to be delivered, it's a fight and hard work to overcome the bad spiritual habits of entertaining bitterness [or jealousy, negativity, pride‚ fear, etc.]. But it's not impossible; it's not too hard, even for you. It's possible, and you can do it! And you will do it as long as you keep trying.

48. Just keep working at it, keep trying, and if you slip and go back a couple of steps, so what? Don't let that stop you, and don't let the Enemy condemn you. Just pick up where you left off and keep trying. Keep fighting and keep picking up your sword of the Spirit. Because every time you do‚ you're strengthening your muscles to wield it, and you're becoming stronger in your power and skill and faith to resist the attacks of the Enemy. (End of message.)

49. (Mama:) That's such a helpful prophecy! In order for you to be able to get more out of it, I'll list the main points the Lord brought out so you can review them easily and as often as you feel the need, so you can hold on to your victory and grow stronger day by day.

1) Fight the Enemy's attempts to discourage you, or to get you to doubt that you have the victory.

2) Realize that the Enemy's main target of attack is to try to cause you to not believe in the victory, to doubt your deliverance, to criticize your progress, to belittle your faith in the Lord's power and in the power of prayer, to cause you to doubt prophecy, to get you to look at how you feel and to walk by your feelings instead of faith‚ to look at your circumstances instead of fixing your eyes on the Lord and His Word.

3) Continue to trust the Lord and know that He's able to do all that He's promised.

4) Fight the temptations that come your way, knowing that you are in control! You can choose to reject thoughts that are not of the Lord, and when you do, you're manifesting faith.

5) Remember that the minute you begin to doubt, to analyze, to look at how you feel and at your problems and weaknesses and circumstances, the less you'll be able to walk in faith. Then you open the door to the Enemy's voice—his criticisms, temptations, lies and doubts.

6) Keep fighting, believing and accepting the Word by faith.

7) Hang on to the Word. The more you resist and refuse to believe the Enemy's lies and doubts, the stronger you'll grow, and the more you personally will see your victory manifested in your life.

8) Just because you have some battles and have to keep fighting doesn't mean that you don't have the victory. It just means that the Enemy is fighting you.

9) Strengthen your faith and your reflexes against the attacks of the Enemy by strengthening yourself in the Word, including the specific Word of personal prophecy that will give you faith to fight.

10) Remember that allowing discouragement to go on and on is the worst thing you can do. When you first get discouraged, ask someone to pray for you. Also, quote the Word, read the Word, or sing songs. Do anything that will help you to not fall into the downward spiral of the Enemy's discouragement.

11) Keep trying, and if you slip and go back a couple of steps‚ don't let that stop you, and don't let the Enemy condemn you. Just pick up where you left off and keep trying!

12) Realize that it's a fight and hard work to overcome the bad spiritual habits of entertaining bitterness [or jealousy, negativity, pride, fear, etc.], but you can do all things through Jesus Who strengthens you. "All things are possible to him that believeth!" (Mark 9:23).

Charter Responsibilities

ML #3197:139-143, GN 803

Endeavor to Overcome Your Weaknesses and Besetting Sins

U. Endeavor to overcome, and when necessary request united prayer against, those personal weaknesses and besetting sins that cause physical or spiritual disruption in the Home‚ and/or physical, spiritual, or emotional harm to themselves or others.

139. (Peter: ) Everyone has weaknesses, besetting sins and spiritual problems of some sort or another. Although there are some weaknesses that we may have to struggle with until we get to Heaven, the Lord expects us to work on making progress in those areas. We are responsible to actively take a stand against any areas in our lives where the Enemy has sway. If we are jealous, proud, self-righteous, bitter, critical or unloving‚ etc., the Lord expects us to work on these things‚ and if necessary, get united prayer against these having any hold on our lives.

140. Are you constantly thinking negatively? Are you overly sensitive? Do you have a drinking problem? Do you easily let your emotions run away with you, causing problems within the Home? Are you a chronic complainer, or constantly bickering with others? Are you plagued with fear and worry? Do you unprayerfully run off at the mouth? Do you have major doubts or other serious problems? Then you're expected to fight against them, and read and study what the Word has to say about these problems and how to overcome them!—To individually pray against them‚ and ask for prayer from others when you feel oppressed or battered or discouraged about them, and do all you can to overcome them.

141. If your teamwork shows you how your problems are negatively affecting others or your Home, then you are responsible to do all that you can to gain a victory and overcome these problems‚ not the least of which is asking for united prayer and help from the members in your Home. Don't let your pride prevent you from getting the prayer and help you need. Humble yourself and you'll feel thankful and so relieved that you took a stand against the Enemy in your life, and that you're obeying the Lord and living up to your responsibility as a Charter Member.

142. We don't expect you to be perfect—none of us are—and Mama and I also have our weak areas that we have to seek the Lord about and fight to overcome. You may always have weaknesses in certain areas, but you don't have to be as weak in those a year from now as you are now. The question is whether you're fighting to make progress in those areas or just accepting it as "the way you are" and "letting it all hang out."

143. As Dad said in "Greater Victories": "You have to fight the Devil and your old self every day! You are a new creature, yes!—But boy, how that old self likes to try to pop up again! Paul said, 'I've fought a good fight!'—and probably most of it was against his old self! (2Tim.4:7). It's a battle every day—especially with your besetting sins—'the weights and the sins that do so easily beset you' (Heb.12:1), like your selfishness and laziness and jealousy.… You never stop battling, you never stop winning victories, you never stop progressing or you'll backslide! You can never stand still. You don't just get the victory once and for all over some besetting sin, you have to keep fighting it. But the more you win, the easier it gets, with His help.—On that one!" (ML #727:10,11,17).

You Can Make It!—Part 1

ML #3277:107-128, GN 880

Confess Your Faults and Ask for Prayer

107. (Mama:) This next beautiful message from Jesus is about the importance of confessing your faults and asking for prayer. United prayer is probably one of the most effective weapons against the Enemy when you're trying to overcome something—whether it's a physical bad habit or a spiritual weakness or problem. There's just something about it—the Lord honors your humility in asking others to help you and pray for you, and He honors your public declaration of faith.

108. (Jesus: ) Continue to humble yourself under My hand and I'll continue to prosper you and lead you in My ways. It pleases Me when you come not only to Me with your faults and shortcomings, but before others so that they may pray for you and uphold you before My throne of grace—that you may obtain the victories, and that you may receive the anointing and the strength to overcome your sins‚ shortcomings and bad habits.

109. So I ask that you be more open about your faults—that you humbly confess your sins and shortcomings and make them known to your shepherds and to your co-workers, so that they can help you through their prayers and their counsel, and so that they can bring these things before Me. For in the multitude of prayer warriors there is strength. As I have said, there is great power in united prayer and in confessing your faults one before another, that you may be healed and strengthened.

110. To be fully used of Me, to fully avail yourself of My peace‚ My power, and the ability to [help you overcome your weakness], you must continue to obey what I show you; and most of all, you must ask for prayer. Humble yourself before others, before your co-workers and your shepherds, and ask for prayer. Acknowledge that you have fallen in this area and that you need My help, that you need their prayers, their counsel. This will be the first step in having a complete victory in your life in this area.

111. Beware of the fear of man. Beware of covering up things in your personal life for fear of what others may think. Get everything out in the open. Even if you have a change, even though you change from night to day, continue to confess your faults. For I say that now even as you are praying and seeking Me, I have given you the victory over these things and you have taken the challenge to grow.

112. A lot of times when My children make mistakes and fall short and sin‚ but then make some progress and start changing, they feel there is no need to confess their faults, there is no need to bring things to the light of My truth and to their shepherds. They feel that they are already changing and that they don't need help anymore. But I like the humble way, the way of confession, the way of openly bringing out your faults so that others may benefit from the comfort and the training that I give you. So remember that "fact" next time you do something that you know is not of Me, that you know is a manifestation of a shortcoming and of one of your besetting sins, and not the sample of My Word. Remember it's healthy to confess it even if the next day you do wonderfully. Confess it nevertheless and ask for prayer.

113. I want you to learn that you have nothing to fear—that I am not going to run around with a hammer to bang you over the head when you make a mistake. Neither should your shepherds and co–workers, for that is not the way I work. I want you to understand that there is no need to fear or worry. If you learn the importance of confessing every fault, then you will have learned wisely and you will be a wiser man. For he that is weak in himself is wise and strong in Me.

114. Keep going, keep progressing, keep fighting and keep obeying‚ and great will be your reward in every way. I will empower you and I will use you with the might and fullness of My Spirit as you do these things. (End of message)

How to Change Bad Habits and Attitudes

115. (Mama: ) When you've had a weakness with something for a long time, a bad habit, or even a spiritual problem‚ you can begin to wonder if you'll ever be able to change—because you've been that way for so long. It's easy to just consider it part of your character—just "the way you are," and feel that you shouldn't be expected to change. Granted, long-standing problems are very difficult to overcome, because the habits, reactions and thought patterns are so deeply engrained. But it is possible to change!

116. (Jesus: ) Yes, a person's background, their training even in early years, can affect them today. But I have promised that if any man be in Christ, old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. It is possible to change and to become new. It very much depends on the attacking initiative, the desire, the awareness of the need, the willingness to be reminded and corrected again and again.

117. It is possible to change even long-standing bad habits provided there is enough incentive and desire, and the person is willing to invest the time and prayer needed, and provided the person is willing to receive instruction. Because more often than not, people are not aware of their bad habits, and that's why especially in the beginning when people are trying to improve in certain areas they need reminders; they need things pointed out, because they just don't see it. Then little by little they become more aware and they start to be able to receive the checks more easily themselves and to see the error of their ways and to be self-correcting and self-shepherding.

118. But that's why there must be a great desire for change, because with that desire comes receptivity and openness to reminders and to correction from others. Otherwise‚ there's too much sensitivity and pride. Because if the reminders are met with resistance, then those doing the reminding eventually get weary. It takes too much time, too much work, and they figure that the person they're reminding doesn't want it anyway.

119. The most important factor to change long-standing bad habits is prayer. It's not enough just to pray yourself, but you need to ask for prayer from the body. There's great power in united prayer! Also, after you've had united prayer, then your loved ones and your mates are aware of your struggle. They know of the challenge that is ahead of you and they're able to pray for you during their private times of prayer and meditation. They're also able to encourage you in your fight.

120. Pray also for the desire to change, and that you will not become weary in well doing. Ask Me to show you the goal to strive for, and pray that you can keep your eyes on that goal. Overcoming a bad habit or a long-standing weakness is possible, with My help—but it takes fight, receptivity, and openness to suggestions and reminders and correction. It takes a desire to persevere and a genuine desire for change. Above all‚ it takes My love and humility. But it is possible! (End of message.)

121. (Jesus:) O beloved ones who suffer in heart, thinking that I cannot change you or help you to change in spite of long-standing NWOs—those which have become almost like a part of your personality. And who do I speak to that does not have an NWO that fits this category? No, not one. Neither do I condemn you. I say, "Go and sin no more." You say, "But, Lord, that's the trouble. I keep sinning. I keep falling. I keep failing." Man sees not as God sees. For as the Heavens are above the Earth, so are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts.

122. So many struggle, so many feel condemned‚ so many lose faith. But this is not My plan. It is not My plan that you feel condemned and lose faith. I know it is a struggle, yes‚ but it is not a struggle without an end. The caterpillar will burst forth into a beautiful butterfly. I will do what I have promised. I will fulfill My Word. My Word will not fail. Be not faithless but believing. Simply believe. Be faithful, even if it means being faithful unto death. For many believed on Me, having never seen. It's all a matter of faith‚ My dear ones—faith in Me, in My Word.

123. Remember Hebrews chapter 11? Let Me remind you about a verse from it: "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise" (Heb.11:39). They went through a lot. I commended them for their faith‚ but they didn't receive the promise on Earth. Why? Because I had planned something better—a better reward. Those folks died in faith, but do you think they lost out? No! And don't think you will lose out for remaining faithful to fight and do your best to let Me change you and help you in all the areas that you have to grow in.

124. It can't be a work of the flesh. You can't do it. Only I can as you give yourself to Me, as you cry out to Me, as you pray. You pray for your illnesses. You pray for your day-to–day situations. You pray for deliverance from your weaknesses, and I am thankful for this. But, My loves, do you pray for Me to change you? Yes, I know you do in the privacy of your room or in your beds‚ but I'm talking about before your other mates—the ones in your Home who you live and work with, the ones who are affected by your actions and you by theirs.

125. Humble yourself in My sight and I will lift you up and give you all the help you need. When you're gathered together during prayer, don't feel ashamed to ask for your needs. It doesn't have to be elaborate or detailed or long. It can be a simple, "I'm battling today with negative thinking. Could you please pray for me?" Or "I'm feeling out of it today, and I don't even know why. Could you please pray for me?" Or "I'm having trouble with my menopause symptoms and I'm feeling depressed. Could you please pray for me?" Or "I'm battling my old NWO of whatever-it-is. Could you please pray for me?"

126. Prayer is powerful, beloved! Prayer moves mountains—mountains of obstacles, mountains of lack of faith‚ mountains of obstructions that hinder My Spirit from moving and changing you! Prayer is the key. It is a mighty weapon and holds great power. When you pray, things change and things will be different! There is great, and I mean great power in united prayer. That is why the Enemy fights it so. Stir yourselves up and rebuke the Enemy, who hinders the use of this great weapon.

127. I prayed many times to My Father, and not once did He fail to give Me what I needed. But if you look at My life through the eyes of the flesh, to many who do not know Me, it looks like I failed. But I arose from the dead that man might have eternal life and that you may know that faith is the victory. It is the victory that overcomes the world. It is the victory that overcomes your NWOs, even if you never see in this life the changes you expect or think should happen. Remember, I see not as you do, I think not as you do, and My ways are not your ways. What you may think is a weakness that is practically part of your personality and that there is no hope of changing, when given to Me in prayer and committed to Me does change. You will make progress if you believe My Word and do all you can, being faithful to follow My instructions and admonitions, then trusting Me for the rest. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man has, and not according to that he has not.

128. So, My dear loves, be assured of My love for you, and that I can change you and will help you. Read Hebrews chapter 11, ponder it, and be encouraged by it! I love you! Keep the faith! Keep fighting! Keep on keeping on, and keep praying! (End of message.)

Leaping the Hurdles, Part 2

ML #3341:98-100, 106-108‚ 132-134, GN 935

Lessons on United Prayer—Helpful for All!

98. The following is a personal prayer request shared with the Home by one of our members.

99. Though there are many lessons in this experience‚ I want to draw your attention in advance to the part of the prophecy below that says, "This battle will be won through united prayer." That's a pretty heavy statement, because most people probably don't fully realize the importance of united prayer in winning these victories. It probably was quite a revelation to this person when the Lord told her that this battle will be won through united prayer, because in united prayer, what do you do? Yes, you have to humble yourself, but that's basically all! You just ask, and then the Lord gives you a tremendous breakthrough and a wonderful miracle through united prayer. He brings all the forces of Heaven to work on your side and on your behalf, and He does what you can't do; He breaks those chains. I don't really think you, dear Family, have yet come to fully realize the tremendous value of united prayer in your battles, or I think you would be more willing to ask for united prayer, like many of the members of our Home have done and continue to do, no matter how humbling it may be.

100. These lessons bring out how the Devil tries to get you to feel that asking for united prayer is just going through the motions, because what is it? It's such a simple little thing. You just gather everybody together and ask them for prayer, and then you're supposed to see a marvelous deliverance. He tries to get you to feel like, "Well, how can you get any big results from so little effort, just a little humility and asking in prayer for something? How can so little expenditure of energy result in something so awesome?" But the Lord says that just "going through the motions" is very, very important. He says these motions are "much, much more effective than you could imagine."

106. (Home member: ) When I prayed about this, the Lord told me to ask a few people in our Home to pray for me first, and He gave me [a] list of things to ask for prayer for, which I'll read to you now‚ and then I'll tell you about an amazing miracle that He did for me at that time and a big deliverance He gave me. The Lord said:

107. The Enemy is really fighting you, and you have to raise a standard against his attacks. This thing is not of you; this is My doing and I'm allowing it to sharpen you, break you, soften you, and remake you. But you have to continue fighting in order to win the prize. I've allowed you to come to the end of your rope, otherwise the victory might have seemed relatively easy for you and you wouldn't have given Me all the glory. I allowed the battles to intensify and for you to feel that you couldn't make it, so you wouldn't be able to go on without the support of prayer and the counsel and comfort of My Words and your mates. I've allowed you to slip back into negative thinking, even to the point of almost hardening your heart‚ so that you would come to this point of united prayer.

108. This battle will be won through united prayer. This is the key, because this is the day of the weak—those who are willing to do anything to move forward and follow Me. That's why I allowed the battles to intensify and for you to feel that you were at the end of your rope‚ and become tempted to quit—so that you would think about asking for united prayer, so that I could perform the complete miracle. (End of excerpt of message.)

132. (Home member:) I was surprised when the Lord told me that the victory would come through united prayer. It was like united prayer from the whole body was the last step in sealing the victory.

133. I must admit that because the battle was so intense, I didn't really, really, really believe that this single, seemingly small step of asking for united prayer was going to be enough to make the kind of difference that I felt I needed and bring about the kind of victory I needed. I guess we don't realize what an important factor united prayer is in winning battles. It's amazing!

134. When I was in the midst of that huge spiritual battle, I asked for united prayer out of obedience because the Lord told me to and because I knew it was good and would help, but I didn't realize what an important factor it was. The Lord even told me that it was the key to the victory, but because I was feeling so rotten and pressured in the spirit and feeling the effects of the battle, in the natural it just didn't seem like it would be enough to do the trick. But the Lord really works through united prayer and it was an important factor in me winning a major victory.

New Era Humility

ML #3344:107, GN 938

United Prayer—The Strength of the New Day!

107. (Jesus:) This sample of asking for united prayer will be the strength of this new day. As you go into this new era of action, this will be your strength, leaning fully on Me and fully on each other. For no one of you will be able to do things on your own, even things that used to come naturally to you, or strengths you used to have. You'll find that your strength is now solely in leaning on Me, solely in asking for the help of your brothers, your mates. Those who would be strong in this new day will follow this example‚ and in doing so, will go on to win the wonderful victories that I have in store for you. (End of message.)

United Prayer Power

ML #3404:1, 6-7, 354-377‚ GN 994-995

1. (Mama:) United prayer is such a powerful weapon; it's no wonder the Enemy fights so hard to keep us from asking for it!

6. If you haven't had united prayer in a while, it might be good to pray personally and ask the Lord what areas you need to be strengthened in, and then request prayer for them from your Home. Our folks often ask the Lord to give their prayer request in prophecy, and then they just read it before all, sometimes with added explanation. That makes it real easy.

7. Whenever someone asks for united prayer, we try to take time right then to hear from the Lord for them, for their encouragement. Usually one or two people will give their messages publicly, and if others also receive something, they'll type it up later and send it to the person. … It's always wonderful to hear the Lord's confirmation that the victory has been won, and He always has something special to encourage the dear one who asked for prayer. Often He'll give promises, or specific instruction and counsel for the future. You might find it helpful to take time to hear from the Lord unitedly for those who ask for prayer in your Home as well.

Why Ask Again?

354. (Mama: ) When you're preparing to ask for prayer, the Enemy will probably try to keep you from it in any way he can. But just go to the Lord with your questions, and know that Jesus wants you to take the step of asking for prayer, because it enables Him to help you so much more than if you didn't ask. No matter what the problem is or what obstacle hinders your asking for united prayer, He has a solution and will give it to you.

355. One of our young staff members who recently asked for prayer had the following question, and received this very good counsel from the Lord, which I think will be encouraging for you as well. I sent it around the week before several folks from our Home asked for prayer, so that everyone could benefit from the counsel and be prepared to do their part to bring about the victory!

356. (Question:) Why should I believe that this time of united prayer should make any more difference than the last time?

357. (Prayer: ) Dearest Jesus, You have told us so many times about the power that there is in united prayer, in the laying on of hands and coming together as a body in order to gain the victory over long-standing battles. But, Jesus, I've had united prayer in the past, and though I want to believe that the united prayer helped me to make the progress I needed, when I find myself falling back into the same traps that I had prayer against, it makes it hard for me to believe that it does, in fact‚ work.

358. So my question is: Why should I believe that having united prayer again will be the solution I need? If it didn't work completely in the past‚ why should it work now? Was there something that I didn't do that made the prayer of less effect? Was I doing something wrong?

359. Please do show me, Jesus. I want to make progress, and if united prayer is the route You want me to take and what will bring the victory, then I want to do it. But I also want to make sure that I do it right, so that I can ensure the victory this time around. I don't want to lose faith in the power of prayer, so help me now as I hear what You have to say about it. Remove anything that might hinder me from getting this clearly. Make me the channel that You need me to be.

360. (Jesus: ) My ability to completely change you is determined by how much you are desirous of change. Everybody wants to make progress in their life, but the extent of progress is the underlying question. To effect a complete turnaround in someone's life, the individual must desire a complete transformation; I am only able to take them as far as they're willing to go.

361. It's like learning a new sport, in a way. If you've never played a particular sport, it's hard to imagine that you will ever become good at it. It's so much easier for you to hide behind the sports that you do know and comprehend. In learning a new sport you have to be prepared to fall on occasion, to seem uncoordinated at times, to be the worst at it, before you make progress. You have to be willing to humble yourself in front of the others you're playing with, to realize that you have many steps in front of you before you'll master the art of that sport. Every time you fall‚ you have to be willing to get up and give it another try.

362. You may commit to the idea of learning a new sport‚ but sometimes as you find yourself in the middle of the fray and you realize that there's so much in front of you to learn, you're bound to question whether or not you'll ever master the sport.

363. It's not sufficient that you determine from the beginning that you want to learn the sport. That's the first step, yes, but each time you get out on the field or court to practice and increase your skill in that sport, you have to recommit to your desire to learn.

364. There are others with you learning the sport as well. Some of them are more advanced, others are on a par with you, while others might struggle behind. Because it's a team game‚ everyone must contribute toward the other's learning. They must guide and show how it's done, or simply encourage each other when you get frustrated with your slow progress. That's the role of all who participate in the game—to not only improve their own skills, but to help the others improve as well.

365. This is what it's like with asking for prayer. You must first make that initial decision to ask for prayer‚ to realize that you will be required to humble yourself before all in order to make progress. That's usually the hardest step to take, because as with your first attempt at a new sport, you're usually the clumsiest and make the most mistakes.

366. However‚ from then on, it still must be a continual commitment on your part to progress, regardless of the falls or your lack of coordination. Those continuing steps become just as important as the initial step you took in asking for prayer. Often those are the most discouraging, though, and this is when your perseverance is stretched and tested to the limit. It's during those times when you feel you should be making progress, but it seems so slow in coming, that you must be even more determined.

367. Remember, in sports you have your good days and your bad days too. There are the days when you go out and it seems everything you've learned is forgotten, and it becomes very frustrating; you're uncoordinated and fall regularly, and it can be discouraging. However, you may go out the next day and everything's fine; in fact, you've progressed! You seem more skilled than you were before, and you wonder how that's possible, seeing as the day before it was the total opposite!

368. Just because you have those less–than-coordinated days doesn't mean that you should quit, because if you did, that would mean that all those previous times of practice were wasted. Who wants to think of laborious work as wasted? No one does. And that's usually the boost that keeps you pursuing your dreams and goals in life.

369. Spiritual progress is often not seen in the same light; but it should be, because it's exactly the same. You have to first commit to the challenge to become what you are not, and you must then see it through, regardless of the mishaps, in order to master what you set out to learn. It's that simple.

370. Another important thing to remember is that when you ask for united prayer, the responsibility of making progress also rests on the body's shoulders. Having humbled yourself in coming before the body, you're admitting that you can't do it on your own; you're asking for help. Just like you ask for guidance from someone who is more advanced in a sport you're trying to master‚ asking for prayer works the same way.

371. Prayer and your commitment to progress then work together to bring about the desired result. You, as the one asking for prayer, must be willing to persevere in spite of the stumbles, and those who have prayed for you must realize that their job doesn't end with the initial prayer—it must continue until you have true victory.

372. It's easy to get desperate for someone when they first confess their need for help. If someone is contemplating a new sport, it's a natural impulse to encourage them to do it‚ offering to help them out if they need it. However, as time goes on, it's easy to get so wrapped up in your own progress that you forget to help someone else.

373. This is something that everyone needs to keep in mind‚ to realize as their responsibility. It's not enough that you get desperate for a person once when they come before the body and ask for prayer; the prayers must continue‚ the fervency must remain. The battle is no longer left to the individual; it becomes a united endeavor. The victory is for all to achieve through each person's individual prayers.

374. This is the course to victory, the way in which united prayer is fully enacted. It must begin with the desire for you to ask for prayer, to realize your need to change and progress. And then as a body you must all commit to stand by the victory you asked Me for, to lift the hands of the one who is in need of help. And the individual must be willing to follow through to triumph, no matter how difficult it may be. Only then can true victory be claimed.

375. The battle that rages now is fiercer than it has ever been. Everyone must rally behind the one who has asked for prayer and support them each step of the way. But you, as the one who has asked for prayer, must remember that the course of victory rests on you as well. You are in the forefront; you must be willing to continue the charge, to lead the others on‚ because it's your battle to win. Others are there to support you in the fight, to be the backup you need, to wield their swords at the Enemy on your behalf; but you are the one who must pursue the victory at all costs. You cannot blame your failure on the others, for in the end it is your decision to win the battle or to lose it.

376. What will it be for you? Will you pursue victory at any cost? Do you desire to triumph so badly that you're willing to go to whatever lengths to gain it? If so‚ then the victory will be yours. Count the cost from the start. Be prepared for whatever lies in front of you, and then go forward and claim the victory, rallying your fellow soldiers to fight with you. If you're willing to take those measures, then victory will be yours.

377. It's a simple process. You must:
1) desire victory regardless of the cost;
2) be prepared to go to any length;
3) make the commitment; and, finally‚
4) persevere at all costs.

The formula is there. Find out how you can make it a part of your life‚ and let it become the means you need to gain the victories you need. (End of message.)

Action Through Prayer, Part 5

ML #3414:88-98, GN 1000

United Prayer Perks

88. (Question:) We know there is great power in united prayer. Can You give us more details as to what a whole group of us praying can do?

89. (Jesus: ) When two or more of you are gathered together in My Name to lay your requests before My feet‚ each one is testifying to the others that you have the faith for Me to do miracles. So much is dependent on your faith, and by praying out loud before the body you are saying, "I have the faith that the Lord is going to answer this prayer and I want to see miracles." And when I do answer your prayer, not just you but many others will see that I work miracles.

90. It's important that each of you takes personal prayer time, for it's good for your soul to pour out your heart to Me in private. But never neglect the power of united prayer. When I see that there are many people together manifesting their faith to Me and being a testimony to each other, I not only want to answer your prayer, but I sometimes want to do it in an especially marvelous and miraculous way. This will inspire and encourage many‚ increasing their faith for more miracles.

91. Sometimes you simply can't have enough faith on your own, and it helps immensely to see others who have more faith. A prayer of faith not only gets an answer, but it can strengthen others as well.

92. United prayer can be compared to a meeting‚ such as a Home Council. It's true that one member of the Home could probably sit down and try to think of ways to make the Home a better Home, and he or she would probably come up with some good ideas that would work. However, it's incomparably better when as many Home members as possible are gathered together for the discussion, because many opinions and aspects will be brought out by some that others would not have thought of. The end result is much more well-rounded decisions.

93. It's certainly possible for you to pray alone, and this is effective. But when you're all together you'll cover aspects that may have never crossed your mind when praying alone. The prayers therefore become more specific, as do the results.

94. When the angels in Heaven know there will be united prayer, they realize there are going to be some very specific jobs for them coming soon. United prayer is an exciting event in the spirit world. Great things can happen when there is so much desperation and faith concentrated at one time in one room. I'm excited as well to be able to answer prayer in a specific and miraculous way.

95. Another time united prayer is important is when I'm speaking to you about your personal life and teaching you lessons. By asking the body for prayer, you're showing Me by your actions that you're willing to humble yourself in order to make progress and learn. In the process, you're also sharing your lessons with others, which enhances your unity and causes the other members of the body to continue to intercede for you.

96. In general, united prayer engenders more prayer power, because many people are praying while together, and then everyone is aware of what the needs are and can add these requests to their personal prayer list.

97. The Enemy does all he can to fight united prayer because he knows it's so effective. United prayer is like a massive volley of arrows falling on the head of the Enemy. It's true that a single arrow might hit an important target, but a wise general will blanket the enemy with hordes of archers. The Enemy can try to delay or distract you before you begin praying, but once the prayers start coming his way in great numbers, there is little he can do. United prayer is just too much for him to handle.

98. So don't let the Enemy trick you into neglecting united prayer, because it will cause him to turn tail and run in horror. You must be aware that he'll do his best to stop you before you start because that's really his only opportunity. Once you've come together you've brought together an army of spirit helpers, and the Enemy won't stand a chance. (End of message.)

Have Fun With Jesus

ML #3437:42-44, GN 1020

Multiply Your Power By Praying Together!

42. (Jesus:) There's great power in prayer, and there's greater power in united prayer! Do you really want to knock the Enemy for a loop? Pray! You want to knock him for a bigger loop? Pray together and defeat him—together! Being together in the spirit and pulling together in the spirit magnifies your power. Singing together is good, praising together is good, reading together is good.

43. Sometimes it's easy to forget that you're all one body and that you're all going toward the same goal‚ although each member is different and each member does different things. You all need to be reminded that you're one body, and sometimes there's no better way to be reminded than to actually be together glorifying Me, praising Me, and testifying of the miracles I've done in your lives—or just being together to read or to pray about things unitedly‚ or to sing songs. It doesn't have to be long. I'll bless your obedience in doing the best you can to endeavor to keep the unity in a bond of peace.

44. If you know how to seek Me privately‚ then you'll have no problem seeking Me together. If you have communication and a relationship with Me in private—just between you and Me—then getting together and seeking Me together as a Home shouldn't be a problem. What matters is that your communications with Me are heartfelt and sincere‚ whether they are long or short. (End of message.)

Death to Depression

ML #3464:177-199, Post-it GN #11

Why United Prayer Is So Important

177. (Mama:) The Lord has repeatedly told us about the benefits of united prayer and what great miracles He grants us when we humble ourselves to get it. The marvelous benefits of united prayer are available to those who fight depression too. In fact, it's one of the most important steps to attain victory. It's difficult to ask for united prayer for any affliction or spiritual battle‚ but the Enemy seems to especially fight asking for united prayer to be released from the grip of depression, because he knows that if you do, his doom is sure.

178. It's humbling to admit you're suffering from depression, especially when it feels like a big black ominous cloud that has muddied your outlook and stolen your joy‚ but you just don't know why or how to express it. It isn't an easy thing to explain to others, so the Enemy fights you taking the step. He tells you that others won't understand what you're going through‚ or maybe they'll look down on you as being "weak" or "emotionally unstable." But the truth is that others will admire and love you all the more for your humility to admit your need for help‚ and the best part is that your receiving united prayer will drastically turn the tide of battle in your favor.

179. The Enemy will try to tell you that united prayer isn't really all it's cracked up to be, and isn't worth the trouble or the humbling. But the reality is that asking for united prayer brings about crucial change in the spirit world, and through it our Defender releases supremely powerful spiritual helpers to aid you in the fight—valiant warriors who might not have been available to you otherwise.

180. (Jesus:) United prayer will have a great impact on your spirit and will change things in the spirit. United prayer against depression will dissolve the Enemy's gray storm cloud around you and open the way for your spirit and mind to receive a complete, full view of the beauty of My love and of all your blessings. United prayer will begin the healing and cleansing process of your heart. You will receive full healing‚ a full cleansing, and a full recovery from this attack of the Enemy on your soul. You'll be changed, strengthened, and renewed through the power of My Spirit. United prayer against depression will change the course of the battle, give you the upper hand over the Enemy, and set things in motion for victory.

181. These victories are yours to claim right now. I offer you complete deliverance from depression and lack of vision. I offer you freedom from all the negative influences of the Enemy through comparing, bitterness, jealousy, and negative thinking. I have had these gifts of deliverance and these rewards for your faith prepared for you for some time now, and I only await the cry of your voice lifted up to Me, beseeching Me for the complete victory. According to your faith be it unto you. (End of message.)

Victory After United Prayer And Encouragement to Fight On

182. (Mama:) When receiving united prayer, it's a good idea to hear from the Lord afterward to receive His promises for you. United prayer is the first step in loosing the grip of depression on your life, but it will undoubtedly continue to be a fight. The Enemy will attempt to steal your victory, so receiving the Lord's personal Words to you and tailored instruction about how to keep up the momentum of victory is a very important follow-up step.

183. In the days after your united prayer, you can be sure the Enemy will attack your mind with doubts, telling you that the prayer didn't have that much effect in your life and that things are still the same. But you've got to resist his lies, believe the Lord's promises of deliverance, and hold on to the facts of His Word—both the promises in His written Word about the effects and benefits of united prayer, as well as His personal words to you in prophecy.

184. The Enemy won't want to give up easily, but just because he's attacking, it doesn't mean the Lord hasn't delivered you. It would be unrealistic to expect that you'll never be hit with depression again‚ but you can be assured that after you've received deliverance, its grip won't be as severe and intense. If you are fought, you can't just think‚ "I got depressed again, so my prayer must not have worked. I might as well forget it," and then just lie back and let the Enemy walk all over you. You've got to keep fighting to build good habits and a positive mindset—and the Lord will help you! Don't give the Enemy the pleasure of seeing you quit! Keep fighting!

185. Here's a message the Lord gave to someone who received united prayer against depression, which I want to share for your encouragement‚ as well as an example of the personalized fighting tips the Lord gave. He wants to speak to you, too—not only to show you what victories were won through humbling yourself to receive united prayer, but also to give you the formula for continued and enduring victory.

186. (Jesus:) This time of united prayer has had a great impact on your spirit‚ and on the lives of each one who witnessed your sincere heartcry. This united prayer has changed things in the spirit. It's destroyed the Enemy's embankment around you and opened the way for your spirit and mind to receive complete healing and cleansing. You will receive full healing, My love—full cleansing, full recovery from this attack of the Enemy on your soul. You'll be changed, strengthened, and renewed through the power of My Spirit. You'll be made wiser, more mature‚ humble, yielded‚ and more connected to Me than ever before, as you fight this battle to the end.

187. You must hold on to the fact that this united prayer has changed the course of the battle and set things in motion for victory. It's very important that you don't doubt this, but that you hold onto My promise of complete healing and deliverance as a result of your obedience and faith. In the days to come‚ and even right now, the Enemy is attacking, and will attack your mind with negative thoughts, with doubts, with the idea that this united prayer meant nothing, that it didn't have that much effect and things will continue as they were. It's very important that you resist the Enemy's lies and fight for the truth. I've said that I will deliver you, completely heal you‚ and you must hold onto the facts, the truth of My Word!

188. I want to prepare you, My love, that the Enemy is going to come in with another attack on your spirit, especially right now after asking for united prayer. You'll be tempted to feel even worse than ever, even more humiliated, worried, fearful that you won't make it. All this will cause you to doubt My Word, to doubt the power of united prayer, to doubt My promises to heal and deliver and give you complete victory. But you must continue to believe My promises no matter what the Enemy tries to tell you and no matter how you feel. Trust My Word to you and My power to complete the work that I've begun—to deliver, to set you free, to heal.

189. Everything is going to change in your life and spirit. Your ministry, your connection with Me, your interaction with others, your mindset, your attitudes, your hunger for My Spirit, your faith—it's all going to change and be different, renewed‚ refreshed, and alive! You'll be different. You'll change. Your spirit will become more like Me as you keep trusting in Me and following Me very closely. But I want to warn you that it won't be without a fight. This change of spirit that you so desperately want will cost you. It'll cost your all, but it will be worth your all. It won't be dropped into your lap. You'll have to walk in the power of your prayer of deliverance, in the power of the anointing that I will give you—which will be the power to fight.

190. You've gone through the first round of intense battle and have come out victorious. Yes‚ you're victorious! You've just won a great victory! You don't realize it right now, but the victory that's just been won is the most important one, the major victory of this battle. Without this initial victory of confessing your need before the body and asking for united prayer, you wouldn't be able to win the other victories that will come. All the following victories of contentment, inner peace and happiness, vision and concentration in your work, control over your physical needs, were all waiting to be set in motion, and now have been because of this prayer.

191. These victories are yours right now, My love—the complete deliverance from depression and lack of vision; deliverance from the pull of material comforts; freedom from all the negative influences of the Enemy through bitterness, jealousy, and negative thinking. These have been prepared for you, My precious bride, and are waiting to be given to you in full because of your faith and obedience. I've had these gifts of deliverance, these rewards for your faith, prepared for you for some time now‚ and have just been waiting to hear the cry of your voice.

192. They are yours, but you must go the rest of the journey to receive them. You've begun well, you've fought the first battle‚ won a major victory through asking for united prayer, and now you must continue to fight so that you can receive the full power of victory in each area that I've promised. If you want the full power and anointing of each victory, the power and anointing in your ministry, in your personal life, the power over your own spirit‚ then you must walk the mile with Me, fight the battles, and go the distance in order to become the woman that I want you to be.

193. The choice is yours. You don't have to do this. You can stop at this one important victory in asking for united prayer and I will still bless you with a measure of victory and happiness. I've already given you a blessing and reward of My Spirit—the comfort and encouragement that I will care for you, the encouragement of your loved ones, the blessing of My voice of prophecy, the peace of mind that you've done the right thing. But if you want to partake of the full power of the anointing and see the fulfillment of each promise you must choose not to stand still, not to accept only one victory, but you must choose to fight for it all—for the power of your full anointing.

194. You're as a soldier at war who comes before his commanding officer with an assignment completed, having won a victory‚ having completed his mission. His commanding officer commends him, gives him a well-deserved rest and reward for his labors, but also gives him his next assignment. The soldier doesn't want another assignment; he's tired, worn from the battles. He just wants to rest and not have to fight anymore. He was expecting to hear, "Well done. You don't have to fight anymore." But instead he hears‚ "Well done. Now here's the next battle plan for you."

195. You've completed one mission, My love, and I'm proud of you. You've completed one of the most important missions—you've infiltrated behind Enemy lines, and now you have to be even more vigilant than ever. You've exposed the Enemy, you've called for extra troops to fight the battles, you've broadcast his dirty work loud and clear and warned others of the dangers, you've pointed out the landmines hidden in the field that threaten to blow people up, you've raised a call to arms. The Enemy won't take this lightly; he won't sit back and let you expose his plans so easily. He'll fight back, and this is what you have to be prepared for—to fight harder, to be even more determined than ever to win every victory.

196. You have to be prepared to fight to the death, to fight to kill, to fight though bloodied. This is the power of your anointing that is given to you today. This is the greatness of your victory—a special anointing and power to fight the Enemy. If you take up this challenge to fight, you'll go from strength to strength and you'll see the fulfillment of every promise. You'll have complete deliverance, full freedom from the attacks of the Enemy and the things with which he seeks to bind you.

197. Don't be afraid of how you'll do this, of where you'll get the strength from, of how you'll have the power to fight. I know you feel weak and incapable, and feel that you won't be able to do this. You'll be tempted to throw in the towel, to forget the whole thing. But I promise that I'll give you the anointing you need for each battle, for each step of the way, if you hold on and don't give up. All you have to do is take things one day at a time, and keep fighting.

198. Don't look at the whole mountain ahead of you‚ at how far you have to go, but just keep your eyes on Me for today, for today's battle. This battle will be won one step at a time, one prayer at a time, hearing from Me step by step, following the things that I show you step by step. I will speak to you and show you what to do, how to do it, and all you have to do is follow Me. I'll show you how to fight each battle, and I promise that I'll give you the strength for each one as you hold on to your faith and trust Me.

199. Trust Me, My love, for I know what's ahead. I know exactly how much you can endure, and I promise that I won't give you more than you can bear. Know that many have gone before you and live to testify to My power to deliver. They shine with the glow of victory, they give Me all the glory, and they praise Me for the great things I've done in their lives. You too will testify to My power, to My greatness in your life. You too will walk with the glow of victory, the anointing and blessing of My gift of victory to you. Hold on, fight for it, and know that what I've promised, I will fulfill! (End of message.)