In Good Company!

October 3, 2005

Table of Contents

GN 1150 FD/MM/FM

"All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2Tim.3:12).

By Maria FD/MM/FM 3557 5/05

Dear Family,

1. It's a privilege that we've been counted worthy to suffer persecution for righteousness' sake over the years. And the fact that we have recently been the subject of some negative media publicity is a sign that we're still "live ones," and that the Enemy is mad because of what we're doing for Jesus and the souls we're saving. Although we probably all wish this publicity would have come to pass in some way other than it did, we have weathered it with the unfailing assurance that our Husband is in complete control and knows exactly what's best—for each of us personally, as well as for us as a Family.

2. Although we've been through some attacks via the media this year, we can rejoice and praise our Husband for all of the miracles He has performed—the strengthening of our personal faith, the victories amidst the battles, the witness and truth that has been spread far and wide, and the many answers to prayer. And we can know that the Lord will help us to endure and weather any storms in the future that He sees fit to bring our way. As He said when talking about 2005 in "Getting Stronger, Part 2": "For the year of 2005 I am going to pour upon you a special anointing of endurance and vigilance. The anointing of endurance will help you to 'endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,' knowing that the end results of whatever challenges you face are going to be to your benefit" (ML #3518:276, GN 1109).

3. We can stand on that promise! The end results of whatever challenges we face are going to be to our benefit! So even though we've been slandered some this year, and things haven't looked too great in the natural at times‚ and we know we will probably face more negative publicity and persecution in the future, let's hold on to this promise and the many hundreds of other promises our Husband has given us—all of the specific promises in the Bible, and all of the more recent ones He's given us in the last 30 or so years. He will fight for us! He will not fail us! He will cause the wrath of man to praise Him! He will bring a victory out of our seeming defeats! He will cause the Gospel to be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations—even if His means of doing so aren't the most conventional!

4. Through the battles we have fought on a number of fronts, we have been able to employ and exercise our weapons of praise as never before! The negative publicity we've faced has provided us with the perfect opportunities to defeat the Devil through praise! He wanted to make us scared, fearful, or doubtful. He wanted us to worry about the future. He wanted us to feel intimidated, threatened, or powerless. He wanted us to quit. He wanted us to think that the odds were in his favor and we might as well just wave a white flag of surrender. But we were able to counter his attacks with praise. He has hated watching us praising this year, and it's really done him some damage in the spirit. Hallelujah!

5. We're not alone in the battles we face! We have our strong and mighty Defender at our side. We also have Dad and all of our spirit helpers around us, to aid us and support us. There are so many great men and women from the past who will help us to fight the battles, and who really know what it's like. Think about dear Martin Luther and how hard he had to fight to proclaim the truth during his lifetime, despite opposition from so many. He knows what it's like. Think about Joan of Arc and how maligned she was for her faith and belief in hearing from the spirit world; it eventually cost her her life. She knows what it's like. Think about all of the great fighters from history who weren't intimidated by the attacks of the Enemy. They all know what it's like and they will help us to fight in the spirit and win!

6. Think about David, just a little boy with a sling and a few stones. Yet he slew Goliath—the great Philistine who all of the strong and trained Israelite soldiers were afraid of. He had God on his side, and won the battle. Think about John Paul Jones‚ whose crew was half defeated. He was badly wounded and his ship was sinking. Talk about the odds being against him; if anyone had reason to give up, it would have been him. But instead, he fought on and won the battle. Think about Jesus and all of the persecution He faced on Earth. He was constantly evading His enemies and those who wanted to defeat Him and His simple message of love, salvation, and truth.

7. I praise You, dearest Love, that we're in good company! We're not alone when we face various battles and tests, and there are many in Heaven who understand exactly what it's like to be persecuted for righteousness' sake—including You. You said that because the people in Your day persecuted You, they would also persecute us. We thank You for how that promise is being fulfilled. We thank You for counting us worthy to suffer for Your sake. We praise You for the privilege that it is to be called to stand up for the truth in the time of the End. We are honored to do Your will, to proclaim Your Word, to set the souls of men free through salvation, and to win disciples of all nations, even if it means we are slandered by those who are fighting You and Your truth.

8. Thank You, Jesus‚ for the fighting songs written by some of the great men and women of God who have gone before us that remind us of the spiritual warfare. These songs are powerful, and were obviously written by those who were besieged and attacked by the Enemy. But these songs can still have so much meaning to us today‚ and spur us on!

The fight is on, O Christian soldier,

And face to face in stern array‚

With armor gleaming and colors streaming,

The right and wrong engage today!

The fight is on‚ but be not weary;

Be strong, and in His might hold fast;

If God be for us‚ His banner o'er us,

We'll sing the victor's song at last!

9. Thank You, our darling Lover, that You are on our side, and we're going to sing the victor's song! Thank You for helping us to be good fighters, ready to face any battle. We praise You for the supernatural strength You're giving us through the keys of Your anointing and empowerment. Because You give us courage and grace and power and so many unbreakable promises of Your protection, we don't have anything to fear.

Lead on, O King Eternal,

We follow, not with fears;

For gladness breaks like morning

Where'er Thy face appears;

Thy cross is lifted o'er us;

We journey in its light:

The crown awaits the conquest;

Lead on, O God of might!

10. We praise You for Your foresight‚ our mighty Jesus. You told us well in advance through prophecy that we could expect persecution, and through the media coverage we've faced this year, You're simply fulfilling Your Word. This gives us even more faith to trust You and believe the promises that You are giving us today—promises of deliverance‚ of victory, of overcoming the Enemy and his attempts to stop us.

We are out today on the firing line,

For the truth and right we will boldly fight.

We are out today on the firing line,

A victorious loyal band.

See our banners wave, hear the bugles blow,

Sounding out o'er sea and land;

In a steady line on to vict'ry go,

And shoulder to shoulder stand.

Down the battleline pass the word along,

Let your faith be firm and your courage strong.

Though the foe be fierce and the fight be long.

We'll shoulder to shoulder stand.

Till in every land is our flag unfurled,

Till the Enemy from his throne is hurled;

Preaching full salvation to all the world,

We'll shoulder to shoulder stand.

11. Thank You for the strength we have in You, and the support we have in our brothers and sisters. Thank You that we're standing together, shoulder to shoulder. It's also wonderful that You're strengthening our faith and helping us to trust You more—even if our Foe is fierce and the fight is long. Thank You for the spiritual weapons You've given us to defeat the Enemy and win victories even when the odds seem to be against us.

12. Thank You, our all-knowing Lord, for the truth that You are allowing to be spread throughout the world. Even though the truth is often laced with a lot of lies and distortions by others‚ at least that causes people to read about us and get little glimpses of the truth. If nothing about us or our past was sensationalistic, then the newspapers would never publish anything about us, and the TV shows wouldn't give us airtime. So through media coverage You're making us known‚ and we know that even if a lot of it is negative in the future, Your sheep will hear Your voice. Those who are interested in the truth will seek it out. Those who have a sense of fairness and justice will be motivated to find out more, and Your love and truth will reach the lives of so many.

13. Jesus, You're our mighty fortress, our strong defense, our shelter in the midst of troubles, the rock of our salvation, the wings that shelter us from all harm, and our wonderful Husband and Deliverer. We praise You for Your power to keep us and protect us and deliver us, which is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

A mighty fortress is our God,

A bulwark never failing;

Our helper He, amid the flood

Of mortal ills prevailing.

For still our ancient foe

Doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and power are great‚

And, armed with cruel hate,

On Earth is not his equal.

And though this world with devils filled‚

Should threaten to undo us;

We will not fear, for God hath willed

His truth to triumph through us.

The prince of darkness grim

We tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure,

For lo! His doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly powers,

No thanks to them abideth:

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Through Him Who with us sideth.

Let goods and kindred go,

This mortal life also;

The body they may kill:

God's truth abideth still;

His Kingdom is forever!

14. Thank You, Jesus, that though the Enemy is threatening to undo us and the work we're doing for You, that we can stand on the promise that Your truth will triumph through us. We don't have to tremble when the Enemy attacks‚ because we know his doom is sure. You have all power in Heaven and in Earth, and that includes power over the Enemy and all of his puny attacks.

15. We have nothing to fear, dear Family‚ but everything to look forward to. Even if things look bad, and get bad, which we know they will the closer we get to the End, we still have nothing to fear. The Lord is going to keep us and protect us and prosper us. We are privileged to fight battles as we stand up for the truth, and through them be strengthened as never before. We're going to get a little bit beaten and battered, and we might not be enjoying calm seas and clear skies all of the time, but our Husband has assured us there'll be peace after every storm.

16. So don't be dismayed by circumstances and conditions! We don't gauge situations by conditions but by our Lover's promises! Let's keep our eyes on the goal and fight together with all of our strength and might—and every spiritual weapon we possess—so that we can go from victory to victory! Our Husband, Who has never failed us yet, will not fail us now or in the future. He is nearest when we need Him most!

17. Following are a variety of messages from our Husband, received during the beginning of this year when we were experiencing some negative media coverage in different parts of the world. Even though they were received a few months ago‚ we wanted to get them to you anyway, because we believe they will be encouraging, faith–building, and strengthening for us in the future. As long as we're on the attack and doing our job to save souls, we can be sure the Enemy is going to continue fighting us in various ways—and we need all of the spiritual ammunition we can get. So I pray that you are motivated, challenged, inspired, and thrilled with the promises our Lover gives, and that they will spur you on as we fight together for the wonderful outcome of every victory, as our Husband has promised!

Fighting with you for the glorious victories ahead,


18. P.S. As I was working on this GN, I realized that some of the messages from the Lord might be helpful for you, dear Family, in explaining the concept of persecution and the battles the Family sometimes faces, to outsiders‚ friends, relatives, and sheep. So we prayed about it, and the Lord said it would be fine for you to share excerpts of this GN with them, if you feel it would be helpful and if He confirms your doing so. Or you could use some of the principles and explanations in your own words when explaining things to them and answering their questions.

19. Peter and I are praying for you as you strengthen and encourage your friends, contacts, and sheep as the Lord leads you to. Our Husband has promised that they will be strengthened if we continue to pour into them and give them the answers they seek. We love you.

Keep Witnessing and Winning the World!

20. (Jesus:) My loves, in times of persecution it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of what's happening in the spirit and why. If the persecution is a sneakier, more devious attack, it's not only persecution, but added to that, heavy psychological warfare against your faith. It's a much more personal attack.

21. But you see‚ regardless of how the Enemy attacks and what new dirty tricks he pulls out of his bag, regardless of what he tries to get you to believe are the reasons, his reason for attacking you remains the same: You, as a Family‚ are the ones who do the most damage to his kingdom on a daily basis by freeing the souls of men he has worked so long and hard to enslave.

22. That is what he lives, breathes‚ and fights for‚ and what he will ultimately be destroyed for. The whole point of wanting to be God is to be the ultimate power—to have power over the very souls of men.

23. So a group of people who continually hit him where it hurts most, by not only freeing his captives on a daily basis but teaching others to do the same, becomes his prime target. You‚ My children, are the most active soul winners on this planet‚ and now that your sample is being strengthened and the lost are going to begin to flock to you like never before, the Enemy wants to try to stop you before you become too powerful.

24. He desperately hopes to make you think that there must be something terribly wrong with the Word, or the Word givers. He tries to get you to believe that since there are "so many" who used to be like you who are now fighting you, there must be something wrong, some kind of reason. He desperately tries to get you to doubt, and to give up your crown and stop fighting him.

25. You may think you aren't that important and that you aren't doing that much, but you are thorns in his side. You cause him endless amounts of pain, and it angers him terribly! He knows the easiest and best way to stop you is to get you to give up, and to stop witnessing and spreading My Words of light and truth, love, and salvation.

26. It's not just what you are going to become in the future that bothers, scares, and makes him want to destroy you. It's what you're doing today. Look at your stats. Look how many people you are continually snatching from his kingdom, putting them on My side forever.

27. Satan hates Me with a vengeance. He will stop at nothing to hinder even one soul from accepting Me, from choosing Me, and from accepting My free gift of salvation. Once a person has done that, no matter what he does, he's always Mine.

28. The Enemy's greed, lust, and desire for souls is like a wild animal's desire for blood. It's what sustains him and keeps him going; it's his lifeblood. So of course he's going to do everything he possibly can to stop you from doing your job and from taking his kingdom away bit by bit. It's a simple truth, but it's reality, and you have to choose whether or not you're going to believe it.

29. Whenever you're hit with battles of any kind, from sickness, to persecution, to disunity, the Enemy's goal is to get you focusing on anything other than fighting him. One of the many beauties of persecution, though, is that in the end it always causes My truth and message to be spread further than ever before. Even if it causes many to reject you and reject Me, even if it seems to be a huge setback and disruption to you, My sheep still hear My voice, and follow Me.

30. So when you're faced with persecution, My loves, focus on the truth, on the big picture, on the reality. Don't let the Enemy come in with his distortions, confusions, and lies. Keep your eyes, minds, and hearts fully fixed on Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Hold on to your crowns so that you will be true overcomers, and will enter into My joy to rule and reign with Me forever.

31. Hit the Enemy back by witnessing more zealously than ever, by winning as many souls as you can—and not just winning them, but training them to teach others. You are the overcomers because I am in you‚ and together we will win and come out on top. Just like Father David used to say‚ "We may lose a few battles, but we'll win the war!" That's the truth. Keep fighting, keep witnessing, and you will win! (End of message.)

My Fearless Fighters!

32. (Jesus:) The fight is on, and the spiritual war rages. The Enemy has pulled out his big guns, and he's firing in every direction in the hopes of creating casualties, in a desperate attempt to defeat the Family. But take heart, for even though he fires frantically like a maniac at you, although his evil intention is to do you harm and destroy My work, in truth he fires at you out of fear.

33. Look at the spiritual weapons in your hands. See how they glow, glisten, and are filled with power. You have powerful weapons to counter and defeat the blows of the Enemy, no matter how nasty his onslaughts may be. You are more powerful‚ because you have Me on your side. I am your strong tower‚ your fortress of protection. You have run into Me, and I will protect you; I will be a bulwark surrounding you, impenetrable and impervious to the Enemy's attacks.

34. The Enemy has turned on his sirens, screaming out his pursuit of you. He uses his flashing lights and bellowing voice to try to intimidate My children, to cause you to cower. He tries to wear down your resolve, to weaken your faith. But Satan is a fool‚ the greatest fool there is. There are also some on Earth who are fooled into thinking that they have the power to destroy Me—Me working through you. But what they do not realize is that one touch of My finger will silence their flashing lights and screaming sirens.

35. I am your Husband; it is My duty to protect you‚ to encircle you with My arms of protection, security, and care. If I did not care for you, then I would be worse than an infidel. But I am no infidel; I will protect you. I will cause great victory to be brought forth.

36. Times of persecution, and the battles that rage, will pass. It is an additional means through which I choose to strengthen you, My children. I have spoken much about coming persecution, so think it not strange that these days of persecution have come. But just as I have always rescued and caused My Family to triumph, so will I bring great victory today and in the future.

37. So fear not, for I care for My Own. I will use even the trials and battles to bring forth the fruit of victory. The devices and strategies of your enemies will be turned back upon them. My wildcats of Heaven have been set loose, and they will fight on your behalf.

38. Trust that I will care for you. Strengthen your faith by drawing closer to Me. Dive deeply into My Words so that your resolve can be steadfast and sure, and so that your faith remains unwavering and fearless. I call you forth as My fearless fighters, those who will readily and freely challenge the Enemy, those who will not take his attacks and onslaughts lying down.

39. I see the warrior in each of you, and I am sounding the battle cry within your hearts. Gird yourself with your armor. Sharpen and prepare your weaponry for battle. The day to march into battle has come. (End of message.)

You Will Win with My Power!

40. (Jesus: ) You are My children and I am your Father. I am your Husband. I am your Lover. Have I ever failed you before? Have I ever allowed something to happen that you couldn't bear or rise above? No, I do all things well. I allow persecution for many reasons, and I promise you that any persecution that befalls you will bring about good.

41. Look back in history. Did persecution of My children ever stop them or cause them harm? No‚ to the contrary, it enhanced their ministry; it brought people to Me, and people got saved. Many miracles happened in times of persecution, and this is My plan for My Family. I have allowed you a small taste now, at a time when you, My Endtime children, have been renewed. You have turned from your wayward ways and have desired to give Me your all. So now is the time that I have ordained to get out the message to the world, and to cause My Family to be known far and wide once again.

42. The way ahead may seem bleak‚ and you are unsure of what is going to befall you, but I wish to encourage your hearts and spirits that I am in perfect control. I am allowing the negative media publicity in order to get the message out and to draw My sheep to the fold of David. I have prepared you for this day; I have given you the power that you need to fight and to overcome. My power in you is so much greater than the power of the Enemy‚ and I in you will triumph.

43. I have ordained this day, and I have called you to the Kingdom for such a time as this. Doesn't it say in My Word that you, My children, will face dark days? Well, those dark days are upon you. This is the beginning of the End. But I have also promised that for you they will be glorious days—days of miracles, of witness, and of reaping.

44. I have given you all that you need for the days ahead, and for the days that are upon you, so fear not. You have no reason to fear, for you are in My hands and I will protect you. As long as you're faithful to use the weapons that I have given you and to not make a move without My leading, I will keep you safe under the shadow of My wings. You will not only be protected, but you will gain ground from the Enemy as you launch your attacks and win. You will win with My power.

45. Nothing can stop My rain, and nothing shall. The Enemy seeks to destroy you‚ My brides, for he fears you greatly‚ and he sees that his time is quickly drawing to an end. He also sees that his plans to weaken and destroy My Family have come to naught. He sees the great army marshaling its forces against him; he sees the strengthening and the great returning of My children to Me, and he's scared. He's mad, too! His plans have failed, so he's on an all-out attack against you.

46. In his pride he is trying to stop My Own; but he cannot, for I am more powerful, and I will not lose. I will turn his works of evil on his own head. I will bring destruction to his plans. I will wreak havoc upon his minions! I am the Lord your God, your protector and your strong arm.

47. Trust in Me, for I will cause even the words of your enemies to glorify Me. March on strong! The fight has begun and I lead the way to victory. (End of message.)

Nothing Can Beat My Royal Flush!

48. (Jesus:) "And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Today is a day of rejoicing for My Name's sake, of counting yourselves worthy to suffer for My Name. The Family has gone over the top and will now be advancing and taking back territory from the Enemy, and this infuriates him!

49. He has been preparing this card, the ace up his sleeve in the form of negative publicity, for a while now, and he's finally seen what he thought was his best shot at playing it—trying to get you all while you were still as weak as possible in his eyes. But what he has once again not seen or counted on was your fighting spirits, your cohesiveness, vision, and unity, which only increase and crystallize in times of attack. So he has pulled his ace out and stacked the deck the best he could‚ only to realize that nothing can beat My royal flush.

50. The Enemy has gone over the top and exposed himself, and this will yet bring him and his cause much harm, setback, and problems. He has touched the apple of My eye and slapped Me in the face! Will I, God and Master of the universe, walk away from the challenge? No, My loves. Even now My hand envelops and surrounds each of you. Even now heavenly key craft hover over each Home, and over all who entrust themselves to My care. Your guardians and helpers in the spirit world work double-time to protect you in every way, to prepare the way ahead of you, to comfort and strengthen, to empower, and to ensure that not a hair of your head is singed unless it is somehow going to be for your greater good, that it somehow will cause you to fulfill a greater role in My eternal plan, which you will be happy and grateful for in the long run.

51. Nothing will come of the Enemy's attacks. Nothing! His attempts will fade out and be overturned as surely as a mile-high wall of water covers the weak beginnings of a brushfire. The Enemy thinks his fire is big and the field is ripe for it, but he has no idea what a flood of water I will unleash in return.

52. I am a God of love and mercy, and of forgiveness and longsuffering, and I love even those who fight against you, because I am married to the backslider. But I must protect you who stay by My side and who love Me in return. I must protect My work and My cause, and I will do so.

53. You have nothing to fear, My loves, nothing to worry or fret yourselves over‚ and everything to rejoice and unite for! You will come through every battle victorious, and this year will crystallize your efforts—the strengthening and uniting I am putting My Family through.

54. The world is engaged in a spiritual warfare, and all must make choices. All are being driven to a choice, either for Me or against Me. And as men choose, they are drawn closer to the side they choose—either Me or the Enemy—and we each gather our forces and prepare for more and bigger clashes.

55. Rejoice, praise, love, and thank Me for all that I am allowing in your lives. Thank Me that I've seen fit to let the End draw this much nearer, and that the Enemy's attacks will strengthen and propel you forward in a way you could not have done on your own. Although in the media you will always have tribulation, be of good cheer! Your good works and the firsthand witness and testimony people see in each of you will overcome the world and speak much louder than news articles or television coverage ever could.

56. Be faithful in this: Know that your personal sample, your witness, the smile on your face‚ your words and deeds of outgoing love and consideration are your witness to the world and your final triumph. Those in the world will ultimately believe what they have seen, and those who are in any way open to Me will be touched and moved by the contact they have had with you, and they will know you have been with Me.

57. Your personal sample is ultimately the most important. Every time you touch another's life, every time you so much as walk by a person‚ you are documenting your future and affecting their life, or you should be. Every loving look, every smile, every prayer‚ every word of witness, every deed of kindness, honesty‚ selflessness or love will help turn this tide of media coverage. So make your contact with others memorable, and help people to feel and see Me in you and in all you do.

58. People will forget most of what they read in the newspapers or hear and see on the TV. But they won't forget the love you give to them, the truth you share with them, and the way you—through My power and spirit—improve their lives for the better.

59. Think about the story of the blind man in the Bible, the one that I gave sight to. Afterwards My enemies said to him, "Don't you know what this man has done? Why are you associating with Him? He's a sinner." And the man said, "I don't know what He has done. I don't know if He's a sinner. All I know is that once I was blind and now I see" (John 9:24-25).

60. In essence, what he was saying was, "I don't care what you think about this man. I don't care what He's done in the past or what you think He's done. All I know is that He gave me the most precious gift that anyone had ever given me. He gave me my sight. He loved me enough to care. That's all that matters to me. I experienced His love firsthand."

61. People are going to say the same things about you when they feel your love, when they know you care, and when they receive the truth from you.—Especially in the future when there will be more miracles of healing, deliverance‚ hearing from beyond, etc. Those you help will say to your accusers: "We don't care what you say about these people. We don't give a damn about their past or any of their mistakes. All we know is what we have seen and heard and experienced. This is how they have helped us. We have nothing but good things to say about them."

62. So forge ahead, fight, witness, and love as if there were no tomorrow, and you will swell the waters of My love and witness, with which I must now flood the land.

63. Climb off the fence of indecision, rid yourself of your last reservations, and go all the way for Me, in everything. Allow Me to protect and use you as a tool in My hands now, and to make you a part of the mighty wave that will soon cover the land with greater works and undeniable signs of My power, before great darkness then covers the Earth. Come with Me‚ unite, strengthen yourselves. Make firm your calling and commitment, and stick to your convictions and principles. Things are getting hot!

64. Now is not the time to toy around with negative thoughts or doubts. It's time to stand firm and fast. Be strong in Me, and make full use of all that you have learned and studied your entire lives. It's time to stand on your own two feet and be strong disciples, to come to Me for the answers to any questions and doubts, to embrace My Words—the personal words I give you, as well as the written Word—and to stand tall and strong for Me.

65. I don't just need soldiers. I need officers, those who will embrace their training and live up to their full capabilities; those who will believe, be, and do for Me what I know they are capable of; who will recognize and embrace their destiny. (End of message.)

Leave It to the Lord!

66. (Dad: ) Will the Lord not care for His Own? You're the apple of His eye, folks! Don't forget that! The Lord's got everything under control, and whatever He allows is working toward His greater purpose and plan.

67. Oh, Jesus, help Your children to put their trust in You! Keep them in Your mighty hands, Lord. Help them not to stray from Your protection, but to stay within the safe haven of Your walls through fervent prayer and desperately seeking You for Your will. Jesus, I've seen Your power firsthand, and I know You will not fail to protect and preserve this Family. It's Your work, Lord. It's Your doing, and we praise You that You're going to keep it going strong right till the very End. Hallelujah! Amen?

68. Wow, it's getting exciting! Things are heating up! You should be excited, because the Lord is getting the chance to work miracles‚ and He's going to come through for you. It takes impossible situations for Him to really show off His power. And boy, does He like to show off when the time is right! Claim the keys of miracles and watch Him work. Praise the Lord! He's going to do it. (End of message.)

The Lord Holds All!

69. (Dad:) "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me." Sing with me. "Why should I be discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely, and long for Heaven and Home? For Jesus is my portion, unfailing Friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." "I see His hand of mercy. I feel His loving care, and just the time I need Him‚ He's always near." Isn't He always more than near? Isn't He an intimate Lover? Doesn't He hold you close? I know you feel it, because I felt His love too. It was different when I was there‚ but not that much different.

70. He really is the Lord over all, and when you need Him He is always, always there. So don't be worried if your Enemy comes nipping at your heels, because He is the Good Shepherd and He has a big stick with an incredible wallop. You don't worry about a little ant biting you, because you can just squish it. That's how the Enemy and his forces are to the Lord—little pests running around trying to get into the honey or the cookies. You don't have to fear them. You just need to ask the Lord to keep things under control with His spiritual pesticide—and He will. There is nothing to worry about when you are in His care. You will emerge victorious.

71. You're desperate and fighting together, and that's the beauty of persecution. You needed this battle. You went through the renewal and you're all washed clean, but the Lord and I can't let you slide back—and without another incentive to keep gaining ground, you'd fall back in some areas. That's what this media publicity is doing; it's causing you to be so busy that you have no time to look at the other things around you. You're not half as tempted by the world, because you're desperate for the Lord's protection. And seeing what the world has done to some others makes you not want to fall into that pit.

72. The Lord is allowing this for the good of the Family. There have been tremendous victories. There's been tremendous change in the spirit. Now the Lord is cementing those changes through this little bit of persecution, to show and prove why He had us make those changes—because without the renewal, many would have fallen by the wayside over this calamity and resultant media coverage.

73. "Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey!" That's right. Trust Him. Rely solely on His strength and power to bring you through, and He will. He will not suffer one hair of your head to be harmed.

74. When you hear the waves roaring, do not fear. Do not fear the Devil's threats. The Devil has nothing on you‚ no hold, none at all. The Lord holds all, and has the whole playing field in His hands. So trust and love Him‚ and He will not let the Devil get in a single foul play without His full defense team in place. And I'm right with you! I have a vested interest in all of you being well cared for and taken care of, because you're my children in spirit, and I will personally entreat the Lord for each one of you.

75. A three-fold cord is not easily broken. Jesus, you, and I are going to fight and get through anything together and gain glorious victories! I can tell you that much—the victory will be glorious! (End of message.)

When You Think of Persecution...

76. (Jesus:) When you think of persecution, think of Daniel in the lion's den. Think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Think of Elisha surrounded by his enemies, but having no fear as he showed his servant the fiery host that was on his side. Think about King Herod, who was eaten by worms, the lowliest of creatures, for his blatant disregard for Me.

77. Think of Moses crossing the Red Sea, and the host of Pharaoh's forces that were drowned as they pursued. The children of Israel did not have to do a thing to fight their enemies at that time; all they had to do was follow My leading. I swallowed up their enemies when they followed where I led My people.

78. Think of the Philistines taunting and ridiculing Samson, My chosen one, and how I defeated and brought to naught all they were trying to do‚ and gave the upper hand to My children when Samson brought down the house upon all the noble men and women of his enemies. Think of David, who defeated the giant with just one little stone.

79. Think of the more modern miracle of how I won the victory when the Boxers were just about to take over the fort in Peking by sending legions of angels to fight on the side of My Own. (See Treasures‚ page 652.)

80. Are you not more beloved in My eyes because you love Me intimately—not just as friends, but as lovers? Have I not promised that greater works than these shall ye do? Well, My loves, you have nothing whatsoever to fear, and all the promises in My Word to look forward to seeing the fulfillment of.

81. So stand fast in your knowledge of My words of things past and things to come, and know that things will only get better and more exciting, for you are on the right side. You're on the side of the Creator of all things, and there is nothing that can ever counter that. I love you, and I will not fail you in any of My promises to you! (End of message.)

The Day of March Has Come

82. (Jesus:) My beloveds, I know the battles are hard. It's not easy for any to face the ferocity of Satan's wrath against you in this day, but it is for a purpose.

83. You have longed for the time when you can fight for Me, when you can stand up for Me, and when you can defend your faith. You have desperately sought Me to restore your convictions and your spirit, and I have done so. You are strong enough for the battles of today, My loves, because you depend not on your strength but on Mine. You are ready to face new conflicts, for what stirs within you is the Spirit of God, and the power of the keys will deliver you.

84. Fear not! Do not be afraid of your enemies‚ because I am with you and I will not forsake you.

85. This is the year of strengthening—strengthening through conflict. This is the hour for which you have trained and prepared. Therefore gird on your armor, the whole armor and weaponry of God, and let the power which I have instilled in you be manifested. Prepare yourselves, for the day of march has come! (End of message.)

You Are My New Church

86. (Jesus:) I have called you out of the System. I have commissioned you to come out from the world and stand as beacons of My light in the midst of darkness. The Family is different and will never be accepted by those who love the ways of the world.

87. You are My new church. The Family is My hope of the future, My army of dedicated disciples who will fight the future battles until the final victory is won. You will be persecuted and despised by those who do not want change‚ who do not want anything different from the status quo or their normal churchianity. I have taught and trained the Family for this time‚ for these days of the End, and for persecution.

88. Some will fall away, but this is part of My plan, My loves, in order to purify the Family, so that the army that remains will fulfill the commission I have entrusted you with—to preach not only salvation by faith, but the meat of the Word.

89. You are not like any other Christians. You are radical and militant in your faith to follow Me and to obey My will. Not everyone will agree with you. But this is the test of faith that I have planned for the Family, for this is what will strengthen you and cull out the weak, and leave the full–of-faith soldiers that I need.

90. The battles of the future will be like none the Family has fought before‚ but I will be faithful to arm you with the weaponry of the spirit and to lead and guide you through each battle to victory.

91. Do not look at circumstances, but focus on the keys, which are mighty to deliver you through every battle. You will see the manifestation of their power and the power of your many spirit helpers as the need arises. I will never leave you, but will always be by your side to direct your steps according to My will. (End of message.)

The Enemy Is Defeating Himself

92. (Jesus: ) I have given My promises in the Bible and throughout the centuries that I will protect and keep My children. It is not your job to ask when persecution will come, who will bring it‚ or how it will affect you. It is your job to believe that when it comes, I will protect, provide for, and see you through every persecution you face.

93. You, My Family brides, can be thankful that you suffer persecution for your righteousness' sake. You are not being persecuted for your evil, for your lack of obedience, or for your failure to do the job. You're being persecuted because you are doing the job, because you are reaping a harvest, and because the victories you have won scare the Devil to death!

94. In taking up the challenge and making the correct choices to be the Endtime army I have destined you to be, you terrify Satan. He figures that since his inside attacks haven't worked, he must launch outside attacks on you. He figures that he must now take more vicious action against you, because his inside attacks have been thwarted.

95. When a country expels its enemy's diplomats and spies and other agents, the expelled country often seeks vengeance. You've kicked the Enemy out of your midst; you've sealed the breaches, making it impossible for him to reenter. So he now has to launch an outside attack against you to try to break your ranks and create chinks in your armor so he can get back in.

96. He is infuriated that you have seen, exposed, and demolished his secret workings in your lives and Homes. In his anger he is blinded, thinking that an outside attack will open the holes again, cause My Family to compromise again, and give him entrance once again. He thinks that you'll weaken, but he doesn't see that it only makes you stronger and creates in you a greater desire to do My will.

97. He is strengthening you and he doesn't even realize it. He's defeating himself in his desperate attempt to reenter your midst and begin to cause you trouble again. He's so stupidly blind that he doesn't see that what he is actually doing is performing My will and making you even more aggressive against him. He's going to lose more captives because of this. They'll begin to join your ranks in droves, and that is what terrifies him the most.

98. He looks into the future and sees thousands of captives being taken from him, but he doesn't know the specifics of how this is accomplished, and how his attacks will actually bring about his own defeat. So he launches this attack hoping that it'll significantly diminish your power and authority, but what he doesn't see is that in time, his actions cause the future to come about‚ and his attacks cause the victims in his grasp to be freed.


99. (Question: ) Does publishing this reveal the Lord's tactics to the Enemy, making him aware of what the Lord has said and giving him foreknowledge of these things? Would the Enemy then change his plans?

100. (Jesus: ) That would be hindsight rather than foresight, because the Enemy has already launched his offensive. He just does not imagine what the results will be right now. He thinks he will succeed‚ but not only will he not succeed‚ but his own attacks will cause him to be even more defeated. He imagined evil against you, and it turned into good instead.

101. No, it is not a problem if he becomes aware of these things. Satan does not believe My Word anyway; he spends his existence trying to prove it wrong‚ trying to show the universe that he can win over Me, trying to prove that he will be the ultimate victor rather than Me. He knows My power and has great respect for that, but has little respect for My Word. (End of message.)

[End of box]

102. By being so blinded by his own hatred and vengeance, he doesn't see that he is defeating himself by these attacks on you. By shoving his foot out in an attempt to kick you, he will miss you and kick himself in the face and knock himself out. It's pretty dumb from My perspective, but I know it'll work My will and strengthen you, so I allow it.

103. In fact, I encourage it, because I know that it is self-defeating for the Devil, and I can't wait to see the look of terror on his face when he realizes that all this time when he thought he was doing you harm, he has been accomplishing My will and performing a service to you. While he thinks he's destroying you, he is actually saving you and making you into a greater threat to his power and kingdom!

104. So take heart, pluck up your courage, and realize that you are only getting stronger because of this. The Devil is defeating himself and strengthening you, and preparing you to be an even greater threat to his kingdom. He's opening the back doors to his kingdom by throwing his army against your spears‚ and you will be able to launch a crippling attack against him.

105. Fight with all your might! Stand strong! Hold the defenses even as the Devil throws himself against your spears. Hold fast, knowing that he destroys only himself and his own forces, and through this you will gain a great victory that will open the door for the future era of greater works and a greater ministry, with greater fruitfulness and a greater number of disciples and souls won than at any other time in your history.

106. Take courage, knowing that all these things come to pass for a reason, and that reason is to propel you faster and more determinedly into the future of promises that I have made to you. This persecution is like a giant rocket to thrust you out of this stage and into the next. Hold on, because the destination will be terrific! (End of message.)

In My Good Time…

107. (Jesus:) Persecution is just one of those many situations in which you have to trust that I know best and that My plan is being moved along, even if it's nowhere near as fast or as direct as you would like it to be. If there's one thing that you can depend on, it is that My ways are very different from your ways‚ and the way I choose to deal with people and situations is almost always different than what you would do‚ or what you think you would do if you were in My shoes.

108. Humans are generally too impatient, and you don't see the big picture much of the time. In many ways, this is not your fault. You don't live in a place where time has no effect, and you are not all-knowing. You can't see the future like I do. You're not Me, and too often you look for something that is too hasty or not in My nature to do, and you feel disappointed or let down if I don't do it.

109. In the Old Testament there are many precedents for plagues, sudden judgments, even fire directly from the blue sky to consume and destroy the enemies of My people. But that was before I came and atoned for the sins of mankind. Since that time there have been fewer instances of sudden judgment and many more examples of My repeated patience, time and again, waiting for your personal choices to play out, to see if before the end you will choose the right way instead of the wrong.

110. Isn't that a lot more like the God you know and love? Isn't that a lot more like Me? I'm merciful with you and I don't smite you for your slightest errors, nor bring the full penalty of the law down on you each time you make an infraction. So doesn't it make sense that I would also be merciful with your enemies—even those who have committed grievous errors against Me? It is in My nature to let each person's choices come to their own end for the most part—to let people play out their lives and see what they make of them.

111. In some cases I have been known to act suddenly and to judge severely‚ but in most cases this is not what I do. This isn't to say that I don't intervene in the lives of your detractors and apostates. I do. I try My best to bring circumstances into their lives that will either help them to turn back to the light or at least to stop fighting against Me. Or if they resolutely choose to fight Me by fighting you, I bring situations that are more like obstacles, things that trouble them, make life difficult for them‚ and I try My best to contain their damage.

112. Your majesty of choice would have no meaning if you could only choose to do good. If you had a certain limit of bad that you could do, and then I'd smite you severely or take you out of the world altogether, it wouldn't be a choice. People would be good not because they truly believed that it was the right thing to do, but because they feared Me and My judgments. I think you know by now that that runs contrary to My plan for the world. I want to see love and goodness out of the purity and generosity of your hearts, and also out of gratitude for what I've done for you—not because I'll kill or maim you if you don't love Me and please Me.

113. So just as you choose to do good, your detractors in some ways have the right to choose to do evil. And in many cases I allow them to continue doing so, as long as it doesn't hurt you, My brides, or My work, beyond what I am willing to put up with. You might feel uncomfortable at times and like persecution sure isn't easy, but there hasn't been anything yet that has been too hard for you to bear, or anything that has caused My work to be hindered irreparably and that has resulted in many souls lost.

114. You're being strengthened through these struggles. I would not have you live in a world free of all opposition until you come Home to be with Me. These battles are for your good, and if I intervened and stopped all your enemies as quickly as you would have Me do sometimes, there would be no enemies left, and thus no battle, and thus no victory.

115. Some of you just need to hold your horses until the Millennium. Then you'll have a world where righteousness rules and reigns. Then you'll have a place where everyone will know Me, and those who oppose Me will be judged according to My righteousness. But until then, you're going to have to walk by faith more than by your sight.

116. You're going to have to be patient, knowing that the prayers you pray for your own safety and security, and those that you pray against the actions of those that are fighting you, are being answered by Me in the ways that I know best. As I have promised, nothing can harm you that I don't allow. So you can safely assume that whatever I do allow is somehow good for you and is somehow good for My plan.

117. No grandmaster ever won a chess game without losing a single piece. There are always some seeming setbacks in the greater battle, and you need to be patient when you suffer these, knowing that I have a plan, that you're not suffering needlessly‚ and that in good time I will answer each prayer.

118. Also rest assured that your enemies are not without troubles and tribulations. There is much that I am doing in their lives as you pray, and much that I have yet to do to show them that they are on the wrong track and that they must turn around if they hope to regain their happiness and rightness with Me.

119. When you think about your enemies, I want you to keep in mind the illustration that Father David's mother would use with the train set. She would demonstrate that when you're on a course that is contrary to My plan and will for you, I put obstacles on your track, things to hinder you, to make you pause, to slow you down and try to get you to wake up and see that it's not My will for you to travel the path you're traveling.

120. But in some cases people will just push the obstacles aside as if they didn't even see them, forcing Me to bring bigger things into their lives, then more and more, until either they wreck the train of their lives of their own accord, or they become so numb to My intervention that I leave them be.

121. That is a very sad outcome, and those people can do a lot of damage while being used of the Enemy. But as I've said, it's rare that I interfere with their majesty of choice, lest I remove their chance, no matter how slim, to turn back to Me and repent as the apostle Paul did.

122. I should remind you that there have been many wicked men and women throughout history who turned back to Me and did great works in My Name and led many others to know Me because others were faithful to pray for them, to witness continually to them, and not give up hope. If I had just smitten those people while they were in their sins, they never would have become what I knew they could be.

123. So it is good to pray that I will do what I know is best in the lives of your adversaries. It is good to pray that I will hinder their efforts to hurt you and My work in whatever way I know is best. You should also pray that they'll pay attention to the "stop signs" I put on their tracks, and that they'll wake up and realize that they're heading down a very bad road, and that they'll turn around and go back and seek Me.

124. You are not impotent to effect change in the lives of others. Your prayers can accomplish so much. Anything that is within the scope of My will to do, I will do for you. As I have said, this most often includes things like stopping, holding back, restraining, or turning, revealing, exposing‚ and changing. Those things I will do for you.

125. But unless I have revealed to you for sure that it is My will, you must leave the specifics of judgment with Me, because I have the long view and I know best. Rest assured that in My good time‚ you will triumph as justice and judgment are done. (End of message.)

Your Enemies Will Be Checkmated

126. (Jesus:) Fear not them which kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Me. And since you have been fearing Me and doing My will‚ therefore I will bless and prosper you. Those in My Family are My chosen ones, those who have stood through thick and thin these many years, and I will not fail or forsake you. I will not suffer you to fall at the hands of those who hate you, those who rise up against you.

127. Look at King David and how his enemies sought to defeat him. Even his own son tried to wrest the kingdom away from him. But I kept him through every attack, and he died peacefully of old age. I will extend that same protection to you, because you have been faithful to Me.

128. You know in your heart that the Family has done the best they can do in serving Me. Yes, mistakes were made. You've made mistakes, Father David has made mistakes, Maria and Peter have made mistakes. Everyone in the Family has made mistakes. Everyone in the world has made mistakes‚ because you're all sinners. But one thing you know is true: You have all been steadfast in your devotion to serving Me and preaching the Gospel‚ winning the world with My love, and laying down your lives to do it. Because of that, I cleanse you of your unrighteousness; I forgive your mistakes and I don't hold them against you. I will not cause your mistakes to be revisited upon you or to cause you harm.

129. Your hearts are right with Me, and I say that you are a people after My Own heart, even as David of old, and your own King David‚ were men after My Own heart. So fear not, neither be dismayed. Remember that I have promised you victory, and even the battles will not be as intense as you fear them to be. The Devil's greatest power is in fear, so he tries to exaggerate how bad things will be. Don't be complacent, but don't give in to negativity either. Be ready for the fight‚ but don't be worried. Remember that I can cause you to win the battle without even "firing a shot," just as I did for the children of Israel several times when they cried out to Me and praised Me.

130. Although your enemies don't realize it, everything they do works into My plan somehow. They think they are thwarting My plan, but what they don't know is that I have been prepared for this and have woven it into My plan. It might not have been My first choice for how things would play out, but besides My plan A, which would have been for them to have made the right choices and forsaken their bitterness, I also had plan B, in case they did not. And I have plans C, D, etc.‚ depending on the choices they make.

131. All of these plans reach the same end result—the continuation of your ministry throughout the world, and the fulfillment of My plan that you will shine as lights in the darkness, bringing many to Me through your witness. The Activated vision and Family Homes building strong, lasting works will not be defeated or even derailed. The strengthening of the Family through the new structure will not be derailed or defeated.

132. It's like a chess game. I'm the Grandmaster, and no matter what moves your enemies make, even if they seem to capture an important piece or put you in check, I am able to maneuver around them and bring them to checkmate in the end. So don't be afraid of their moves or how things might look on the board at present. Often in a chess game, one side may make a move that appears to put the other in a difficult position, but it's part of the strategy to inspire overconfidence in the one who is attacking‚ who then falls into the trap of the defender and is defeated. Your Enemy will fall into his own trap and be checkmated. (End of message.)

My Family Will Survive and Thrive

133. (Jesus:) As King David so aptly put it, "I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away‚ and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found" (Psa.37:35-36). Your enemies are spreading themselves like a green bay tree, showing off their supposed power, but they are no match for Me and My power.

134. Your enemies are digging a ditch for themselves that they will fall into. I will simply use their folly to accomplish good. I will use them as instruments in My hands to drag out more "dirty laundry" so that you can then—with My wisdom and My anointing—clear up any confusion, misconceptions‚ and misunderstandings. Then, in time, there will be little new left from the past that the Enemy, through your enemies, can use against you.

135. Their pride will be their downfall. As I have told you, My wheels of judgment grind exceeding slow sometimes, but they grind exceeding fine. And all the while the wheels of My revolutionary racer of the Family will keep speeding you along the road of My will. You might lose a few passengers when things get hot, but that will only make you drive forward ever faster for Me.

136. Do not fear for yourselves and your loved ones, or for your queen and king. Do not fear for anything, but put your trust in Me. This battle is Mine. I may allow your enemies to play a little part, and then surprise them by turning all of their attacks into victories for My children.

137. Remember that your enemies, even your most vicious ones, are your helpers. I'm allowing them to do their thing for a little while, in order to strengthen the Family. But then I'll pull the rug out from under them and bring you a full and complete victory.

138. When the Enemy attacks, or when your earthly enemies pull out all of their "evidence," lean hard on Me. That's the time to trust, not to doubt. That's the time to fight. Their attacks and accusations are like wounds that soldiers get in a battle; they can feel pretty bad, but you must never let them cause you to give up. Just keep looking to Me and clinging to the truth that you know and believe so strongly in your heart.

139. The stinky and ugly gases of the attacks will seem to choke you and fog your way. But then My purifying air of answers and truth will be released at the call of your prayers, and by the actions you take in accordance with My will, to cleanse and remove all of the evil, dirt, and filth of the Enemy.

140. Trust Me to keep you and all of your loved ones around the world. Trust Me to bring victories out of seeming defeats‚ because that's what I specialize in.

141. You will not regret going through this time; you will come out so much better for it—much more effective fighters, stronger in faith, and better able to face the future. This is not the end‚ it's only the beginning. Your enemies and their lies will come and go, but My Family will survive and thrive despite anything.

142. Stand on My promises, My loves. Victory is not just a possibility, but it's the guaranteed result of this battle, if you fight to the finish! (End of message.)

You Will Go from Strength to Strength

143. (Jesus:) As you remain faithful, following step by step, depending on your new weapons, learning to call on your spirit helpers‚ you will go from strength to strength. Yours will be a deep, abiding faith that will not be moved. Yours will be a treasure in the heavenlies that cannot be touched. Yours will be a reward everlasting. (End of message.)

I'm Marshaling My Forces

144. (Jesus:) The days grow darker, and the hearts of men have grown cold, and will only grow colder in the days to come. Yes, 2005 will be a big year—a year where the lines will be clearly drawn. The Last Days are upon you, and the days ahead will wax worse and worse. As you've seen, the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005 has already brought much with it.

145. Do not be surprised when I work in mysterious ways throughout this year‚ for all will be a fulfillment of things I have already spoken to you of. I am preparing and marshaling My forces for the final days of battle for this Earth, placing each one that is yielded to Me in the position that they can be most used in. I have a plan and a purpose in everything that I do, even in the things that aren't My highest will but that I allow to happen because of people's choices and decisions.

146. Keep your eyes and ears open and pointed up toward My Spirit. Look up, and keep looking up, for your redemption draweth nigh. Keep your heart and spirit as clean and close to Mine as possible, for I have called, and now I am choosing who will be My vanguard in these Last Days. Stay close to Me, so that you will hear My call clearly and be prepared to do My highest will, whatever it may be. (End of message.)

Faith Mentality!

147. (Jesus:) My loves, you must replace your fear mentality with a faith mentality. Fear should not be your first response to attacks of the Enemy—or at least not for long. Right now it's natural for you to be shocked or taken aback somewhat by these drastic attacks of the Enemy‚ because up until now you haven't seen these tactics. But as the days grow darker, you must learn to fight such a reaction of initial fear and replace it with faith.

148. You must fight with all you've got! Part of your war tactic needs to be faith in the face of your Enemy, no matter what he throws at you. Faith doesn't come from the arm of the flesh; it's not something you can work up. You must claim faith through the keys, and then expect that I will answer your prayer and give you the faith you need.

149. Have faith that I am all-powerful and ready to send you legions of angels to fight by your side. Trust that I can do anything needed to arm you with the power you need to fight any battle as you claim it by faith. Expect that My promises stand firm and cannot be broken no matter what fears or doubts the Enemy whispers. Shout back in his face, "Liar! Fear has no power over faith in God!"

150. Stop thinking fearful thoughts, which only gives the Enemy more room to send more fear. The minute you're hit with fear, fight! Use your gift of faith. Claim My Word and fight to replace fear with faith.

151. You need to fight for a mindset change from thinking fearful thoughts about persecution and attacks of the Enemy, no matter how drastic those attacks might be. Fight for a full-of-faith mindset. Determine through the power of the keys and prayer that you will have a faith mentality‚ for this is one of your most powerful weapons in battle.

152. It's available for each one of you, My brides, right there at your fingertips through My Word, My key promises, and the power of your spirit helpers. Don't let it go to waste. Don't dwell on the fear tactics of the Enemy. Fight for your faith! Wield your faith! Have a faith mentality no matter what! These are the days you've been preparing for all your lives‚ this is what you've been training for‚ planning for, praying for! Don't let the Enemy's fear mentality stop you from inheriting My promises.

153. You deserve the fruits of faith! You deserve the power and strength and anointing that a faith mentality will bring to you. So don't give up your reward. Fight for it! Have faith, and don't let one single thought of fear slip by without replacing it with My promises. (End of message.)

Remember Who Is on Your Side

154. (Jesus:) Remember Who is on your side. Remember that the omnipotent God of the universe loves and cares for each of His Own, and that I, the God Who sees every sparrow that falls to the ground, am watching over you and stand ready to protect you, defend you‚ and cause you to be victorious. There should be no doubt or question in your mind as to whether you will emerge victorious from any battle, for you are fighting an Enemy that is already defeated.

155. I will defeat the devices of the Enemy, and I will do this in My Own time and in My Own way—but you can rest assured that I will do it. I will fight for you, and I will avenge Mine Own and vindicate you before the world, yea‚ before all the universe and all of the spiritual realm.

156. This is not a small battle contained only to this small planet; this battle represents the polarization of the forces of good and evil that is occurring at this time. The choices that people make from this time forth will more definitely secure their place either in My camp or that of Satan. Choices that are made from this time forth will move people toward their destiny with greater force and greater speed than ever before.

157. The light within you, My children, will grow stronger and more powerful by the day, just as the darkness within those who are in rebellion against Me will grow stronger by the day. It is this very darkness, however, that will expose them and defeat them.

158. You have nothing to fear, for as long as your trust is fully in Me, I will defend you; and more than defend you, I will aggressively seek out and destroy the efforts of those who lift their voices and hands against you, My anointed ones. (End of message.)

Be a Warrior Who Loves the Fight

159. (Jesus: ) The Enemy is the author of fear, for fear has no place in Me and in My Word. You are to fear Me—not out of dread or worry of the consequences, but rather out of respect and reverence. Fear of the Enemy is believing that he is more powerful than Me, and you worry about what he can do to you.

160. The Enemy is trying to get you to look at the waves, to worry about each wave and wonder if it will sink the boat. Then another one comes, and you wonder if that will sink the boat, and on and on it goes; you're tossed by every wave that comes. If you allow your carnal mind to take over, you will constantly be "seasick" and tossed by every wave of fear that comes crashing down around you. Whereas if you put your faith in Me, your Captain, and trust that My ship will not sink but will bring you safely to the shore of My Heavenly Kingdom no matter what storms beset it, then you can laugh out loud at each wave that rises high above and threatens to sink your ship, for you have faith in Me and My ability to save and keep you.

161. Yes, the media wave that has come crashing down on your ship has been a mighty wave, and has knocked many who are on deck up against the rigging and has made them have to hold on for dear life. But do not fear the waves, or the ones that are to come, because I have forewarned you of these things. Just keep the lifeline of My Word and your connection to Me secure, and you will remain on board‚ and the waves will not be able to sink you.

162. I built this ship to last, and it will not be sunk as long as you continue to man your posts and obey My orders. Even if the ship gets battered and damaged, know that it will only serve to strengthen the crew and to prepare you for the future when the AC and his entire system are trying to stop your work for Me. In that day you will be hated of all nations for My Name's sake. But what is that to thee? Follow thou Me!

163. Do not allow fear to enter in and cause you to become defensive, or to think that you somehow bring attacks upon yourself. The attacks are from the Enemy because you have done the right thing in witnessing and winning souls for My Kingdom, and because you are such a threat to the Enemy and to his system and his plan.

164. Did you notice that the Enemy isn't really that concerned about the other Christians in the world today? Sure, there are those who receive persecution or ridicule, but are they making the front page or national papers? Are they the ones everyone wants to interview? It's ridiculous to think that a small group of only several thousand is making headlines and such a splash and is being targeted by the Enemy's big guns! But it's because you're not just some small group that really isn't that important—you're the Enemy's prime target, his most dangerous enemy!

165. That should make you feel pretty good that you're hitting the Enemy where it hurts!—That the Family is once again being seen as a serious threat to the Devil's plan for world domination. The Enemy has tried many different ways to stop you. He first tried to get the Family to compromise and to settle down, to cool off, and to become lethargic and complacent. But that didn't work, because I exposed his plans. He then tried to get many to turn away from Me through vicious lies and an outright attack on the young people, trying to literally pull them out of the Family‚ but again that failed.

166. The Enemy was convinced that his plans would work, because he saw the foothold that he had in so many of My children's lives. But then when those footholds were lost and his presence was cast out through the renewal and he was not able to enter again afterwards, this enraged him and he decided to vent his anger!

167. This attack was an outright reaction of anger and hatred aimed at My king and queen because of their faithfulness to give My Words and to not compromise or to tone down My message, but to give it out even if it meant that they would lose large numbers and be trimmed down once again to a Gideon's band.

168. Through this attack the Enemy thought that he would cause the Family to run in fear and to hide out, to cower and to compromise in order to not be associated with this attack. He somehow thought it would divide the Family and turn even the most loyal against Mama and Peter. But that is where he was wrong, for this attack has only served to strengthen the Family and to unite you!

169. The Enemy is deluded and drunk with his own power and pride to think that he can stop Me! It doesn't matter how many times I thwart his plans and save My Own, he still thinks he will win—but he never will!

170. These attacks will only serve to strengthen you, My children. If I didn't allow these attacks, then what would happen to you if all of a sudden you were attacked on all sides without any preparation or prior experience? True‚ I could keep you, and I will in situations that you're unfamiliar with. But in My wisdom I am allowing these attacks to prepare you for what is ahead.

171. So do not allow fear or dread to enter and cause you to wonder if you have what it takes. You will have what it takes when it's your time to stand before the media or to blast the Enemy's lies to bits, for the power of the keys will fill you, and My words will flow forth and cut through the darkness brilliantly!

172. This is what the Enemy fears—My children speaking out, all with conviction, saying the same thing with one voice! This is the testimony of My truth, and it speaks louder than any lie the Enemy can muster and attempt to smear you with. Though his lies are slimy and icky, and though his attacks are vile and filthy, yet they will be burned away with the heat and fire of My Spirit! Nothing that the Enemy can conjure up will be able to stand against My truth!

173. The truth is what the Enemy hates, because he has no power against it. You are the living proof that his words are lies. Even if you never utter a word, just the fact that you are at peace and show such love one to another, this speaks volumes over the Enemy's lies and is like a mighty flood that washes away the filth and distortions.

174. So fear not, My loves, but believe. Believe in Me and in My power to work through you to bring to pass all My promises to you. Fear not what man can do to you, for his power is nothing compared to My power, and nothing that he can put together can override or disrupt My plan and My will. My truth will march on to victory right over the forces of evil and all their lies.

175. You, My children, are destined to win! You are the ones who will defeat the Enemy and his forces and will be the leaders of this Endtime war. Others will follow in your wake, but you will break the forces and the line of the Enemy‚ and will cause him to retreat and cower in fear. Though there be a thousand enemies, you will defeat them all with My power!

176. Never let yourself get put on the defensive. Never feel that you are in the minority, for I am on your side and with Me you are the majority! You cannot lose as long as you stay close to Me and fight by My side. Even if you feel weak and your knees are knocking, claim the keys of boldness and you will find strength that you know not of. Claim the keys of praise and you will find such power to fight the battles that it will seem a joy to you!

177. Learn the art of fighting! Learn the art of defeating the Enemy and reveling in the battle! Every warrior loves the fight! It is only when a warrior is idle and not fighting that he becomes weak and feels uncertain about his abilities. But it is when he sees the Enemy and knows what he must do, and does not doubt for a minute that the Enemy will be destroyed, even if he dies fighting, that he is strengthened.

178. This is your calling. This is your vocation. This is the life that you have chosen—that of a warrior! So stand tall now and form the line. Do not allow the Enemy to place one toe across that line, but cut him down and defeat him!

179. Although you may be afraid, allow Me to turn this fear into praises to Me for the strength that I will give you to rise above. As you praise Me you will be unleashing the full power of Heaven to fight on your behalf. As you allow Me to turn your fears into praises to Me for the victory, you will be turning every attack of the Enemy into a victory and will be using his own weapons against him. So praise and do not fear, but trust that I will conquer your Foe! (End of message.)

Some well-known Christians persecuted for their faith

Stephen (Acts 6–7), first martyr of the Early Church.

Paul (Acts 9-28)‚ beaten, stoned, imprisoned, and finally beheaded by Nero.

James, the brother of John (Acts 12:1-2), killed by Herod.

Peter, executed in Rome.

John‚ imprisoned, underwent an attempted execution by boiling in oil, and was finally exiled to Patmos. (According to Foxe's Book of Martyrs, all the apostles except John were martyred.)

Justin Martyr (100–165), young Roman philosopher who became a Christian and took up his pen to defend the faith, and was later beheaded in Rome. He was one of countless early Christians persecuted and killed by the Roman Empire.

When the Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire, persecution did not cease. In the Inquisition period, which ranged from the late 1100s through the 1500s in several European countries‚ hundreds of thousands of men and women were imprisoned, beaten, tortured, or killed for their faith, including the Cathars, who were eradicated.

John Wycliffe (1330-1384), English philosopher and religious reformer who supervised the first English translation of the Bible. He denounced abuses in the Roman Catholic Church and suffered constant harassment, persecution and trial.

Jan Hus (1370-1415), Czech religious reformer who was persecuted by the Catholic Church, imprisoned, and sentenced to burn at the stake.

Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French visionary who laid down her life for the will of God, and was burned at the stake by her English captors.

Martin Luther (1483-1546), German priest who began the Protestant Reformation‚ and endured many attacks by an enraged Catholic Church.

Huldreich Zwingli (1484–1531), Swiss theologian and reformer who attacked unscriptural Catholic practices and was killed in a battle between Protestant and Catholic forces.

William Tyndale (1495-1536), British priest who translated much of the Bible into English, and was burned at the stake.

John Calvin (1509-1564), French theologian persecuted by the Catholics because of his support for the Protestant Reformation.

The Huguenots (1500s), French Protestants, were severely persecuted by French Catholics, with whom they fought eight bitter wars in the late 1500s. On August 24, 1572, St. Bartholomew's Day, the French queen mother and the king caused thousands of them to be massacred in Paris and elsewhere in France.

John Knox (1514-1572), Scottish priest who suffered imprisonment and exile as a leader of the Reformation in Scotland.

In 1614 Christianity was outlawed in Japan‚ and many thousands of Japanese Christians were executed for refusing to renounce their faith.

George Fox (1624-1691), English religious leader and founder of the Quakers, was frequently imprisoned for his beliefs, as were many other Quakers.

John Bunyan (1628-1688), English lay preacher sentenced to jail for refusing to stop preaching; he wrote Pilgrim's Progress while imprisoned.

William Penn (1644-1718), English Quaker who wrote and preached on religious liberty and was imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he refused to recant. Later released and granted land in North America to settle a debt to his father, he immigrated and founded Pennsylvania.

William Carey (1761-1834), British missionary to India, who overcame church opposition before he was allowed to become a missionary, and once in India‚ was opposed by the East India Company, which was hostile to his mission work.

Robert Morrison (1782-1834), British minister and the first Protestant missionary to China, who endured harassment from the British East India Company and persecution from the Chinese empire while he translated the New Testament into Chinese.

Adoniram Judson (1788–1850), American pioneer missionary to Burma who endured years of imprisonment and suffering.

John G. Paton (1824-1907), Scottish missionary to the New Hebrides Islands (South Pacific), who converted many of the natives from cannibalism to Christianity, although he suffered great hardship and persecution.

William Booth (1829-1912), founder of the Salvation Army, who underwent a heresy trial by the Methodists and suffered a great deal of persecution because of the militant image of the Salvation Army.

Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)‚ British missionary and founder of the China Inland Mission, who endured persecution from the British for his unorthodox method of "becoming one" with the Chinese and persecution from the Chinese for witnessing.

Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), British missionary to Sri Lanka and India, where she risked her life and faced kidnapping charges many times to save Indian children sold by their parents to Hindu temples for prostitution.

Since its birth 2‚000 years ago, research shows, more than 70 million Christians have been martyred. More than half those deaths were recorded in the 20th century alone. About 160,000 Christians are expected to die for their faith this year.

Christianity Today editor David Neff recently wrote: "The typical Christian lives in a developing country, speaks a non-European language, and exists under the constant threat of persecution—of murder, imprisonment, torture or rape."

"And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword‚ out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured‚ not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned‚ they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (of whom the world was not worthy) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect" (Heb.11:32-40).

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