Issues, Part 4

May 5, 2003

By MariaMaria #543 CM 3306 7/00



1. An SGA explained how she feels it has worked against us that the Family pushed the point so much, particularly in court cases and with academics, that we are different from other NRMs because we're keeping our young people. Now that a lot of young people are leaving, that seems to cause a natural immediate reaction in the minds of many young people that maybe the Family isn't the right movement; maybe what Dad said isn't true, because the hope of the future is leaving the Family.

2. Lord, please tell us: Were we over­optimistic, or was Dad overoptimistic in his vision? Is the fact that so many young people are leaving an indication that we've failed as a Family in some fundamental way‚ when they're the hope of the future?


3. Whether first or second generation, each person who chooses to stay in the CM Family must choose to be a disciple. If you make this choice, that means you must be willing to live the life of a disciple—forsaking all, following Me daily, going into all the world to preach the Gospel‚ sharing all your worldly possessions, and being separate from and having no part of the evil worldly System. Each disciple of Mine must decide who he will love the most. If you are My disciple, you must be willing to keep Me in first place in your life—and what that means is, My wish is your command.

4. What I'm looking for is a strong band of disciples, those who are dropped out and fully dedicated to the point that they've lost them­selves in Me. You might think this is a very ordinary and general answer, but it's the most radical commission on Earth! It's the most costly profession, and the one with the fewest applicants. There are so few people in this whole world who are willing to love Me more than anything—more than their husbands, wives, children, lands, possessions or reputations.

5. The problem with many in the Family today, but especially those of the second generation, is that you've begun to look at being in the Family as simply a lifestyle. But being in the Family should equal discipleship. Those who choose to stay in the CM Family should be full-time followers of My teachings, and if they aren't, they should go somewhere else—either to the FM Family or to the System. But if you've chosen to be in the CM Family, then you've chosen the life of a disciple, and if you want to know what that means, read the Gospels. See what kind of change of life those who forsook all to follow Me had.

6. How many disciples did I have? Very few, compared with the thousands to whom I ministered and preached. Why was that? Because it was a tough life. There were few comforts‚ much sacrifice, and it killed their pride. Those who became My closest followers were those who didn't care where we went‚ what we ate, or where we slept, as long as they could be with Me. They didn't even understand what was going on half the time; they were just little babes, full of questions and enthusi­asm. They were amazed by the miracles and puzzled by the lessons.

7. But the most important thing is that they loved Me. They didn't care about anything else, really, because they loved Me. They were willing to endure the hardship, the persecution, the people laughing at them or scorning them, the lack of comfort‚ the constant traveling, the tests of their faith and intellect when I'd teach them. All those things were minor sacrifices, because they loved Me.

8. I had so few disciples because so few loved Me that much. So few were willing to take up their cross daily and follow Me. So few were willing to leave everything‚ on the spot‚ to preach the good news. The same is true today.

9. If being in the CM Family equals full-time discipleship‚ which it does, then you shouldn't be so surprised that there are many who choose not to follow. This life is not for everyone; in fact, it's for few. So if many go back, having loved this present world more than Me, then you shouldn't view it as something so shocking or unusual. This is the way it's always been—the true disciples have always been few.

10. If you look at it this way, then it will help you in more ways than one. For one thing, it will spur you on to greater dedication, as you'll remember what you're in the Family for—not to have a good time or enjoy the lifestyle or even to improve yourself spiritually, but to follow Me and preach the Gospel. Secondly‚ you'll realize that strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and few there be that find it. There are so few, and you are amongst those chosen few. Many are called but few are chosen‚ because so few choose My way above all else. Thirdly, you won't blame yourselves when there are those who don't make it. Every religious order has those who wash out, who don't make it. They try, they'd like to make it, they admire those who do, but the choices they make lead them down a path which eventually takes them out of that life that they had originally chosen. They go peacefully on their way‚ and the rest of the order continues.

11. I'm bringing the Family back to the original discipleship standard. I'm purging out the corrupt­ing and time-wasting influences of the System‚ the ways of the world, which are as foolishness to Me. I'm testing the strength and dedication of each member. So think it not strange that this is a purging, and with it, many leave.

12. Focus on those who remain, for I promise you that whether they are 100 or 10,000, you will be stronger for this purging and you will succeed in getting back to the basics. If there are those whose hearts are not fully with Me and who don't have a driving passion to serve Me and live the Word above all else, then you're better off without them. They'll only slow you down‚ distract you from the goal, and cause more problems with time.

13. To Me, it makes no difference if the problem person is 18, 25‚ or 50. If they're polluted by the System and don't want to be cleansed, if they've lost the driving motivation to give their all to reach the world‚ if they're full of doubts and are holding back, if they're contributing to the problems rather than being part of the solution‚ then we need to cut the line and let them go on their own. They're still My children and I love them, but they must find a different path, a different way, at least for the time being.

14. Yes, I have called those of the second generation the "hope of the future," and this is true. But it's true of those who are willing to give their all, those who love Me more than anything else. That's where the hope lies—in total dedication and fullness of faith. That's where I place My hope for the future of the Family—in that kind of second-generation disciple. Note the word disciple—not member, not simple believer, but disciple.

15. You'll see quite a few members of both generations leave in the months after the Shake­up. I do this not only to cleanse the ranks, but also to test the faith and perseverance of those who choose to stay. You've seen Me do this before, and there have been other times when you suffered a great loss of personnel, but the Family was always stronger for it. So fret not for those who leave, for it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault; it's their choice. They've had the Word and I've provided them with the vision, the tools‚ and other missionaries that they could work with. But if they feel they can't make it, or even if they just prefer a different life, then it's better that they go. It's their choice and theirs alone.

16. You wonder if the Family has failed in some fundamental way because many of the second generation have left in the past‚ or are now so dissatisfied they feel like leaving. They're not happy. They feel trapped, frustrated, un­challenged. And now that the Family is tightening up and they fear they will lose some of their freedom, they prefer to leave. You fear that this loss of the "hope of the future" is due to some lack on the part of the Family overall, some misstep or oversight or lack of care. Surely, you feel, if the second generation is the hope of the future, an improvement on the stock, as David promised, then they would have the strength to endure and carry on. So what went wrong? Nothing. This is the natural purging process.

17. Of course, there are always ways that you could have done better, or that the parents of the young people could have done better. No one has followed perfectly, and there've been some failures on the part of the Homes, the parents, and various shepherds. But those failures have not been to the extent that the young people are justified in quitting, giving up and leaving. When I weigh up the lacks and failures with the young people's dissatisfaction, it's out of balance. I forgive them for their faults and failings, as must you, and as they leave, they should not blame you or the Family, for the choice which they have made is their own.

18. The young people of the Family have had great preparation for a life of service to Me. They've had more Word than has been accessible to any other generation. They've seen samples of faith and love and witnessing that they're accountable for. They've been raised in My nurture and admonition, and if they wanted to, they could make it. Each and every one could make it. But that won't happen and isn't happening, because each one has a choice. And many choose not to follow, not to forsake all. This has been the way it's happened since the beginning of time. There have been multitudes who could have been My followers, but they chose otherwise.

19. You shepherds and parents can try to make it as easy as possible for the young people to yield and follow. You can make the changes that I lead you to make so that they'll be strengthened and without their so-called excuses. But still, the decision lies with each one. All must at some point in time decide—between them and Me—what they want to do with their lives. It's your job to continue to try to make it as easy as possible for them to see the benefits of being My disciples‚ to inspire them to greater dedication, to help them learn how to tap into the resources of My Kingdom, to make ways for them to serve Me that are according to their desires and vision. But still, the choice will ultimately lie with each of them, and it's a simple choice: Will they become My disciple?

20. I inspired your David to publicize the great works that the second generation would accom­plish, how they would be an improvement on the stock, the hope of the future. I put this burden and faith in his heart so that he would motivate the parents and shepherds to do all they could to train and prepare their children. If I had spoken to him otherwise and he had said, "We need to do all we can to train our children, but we have to realize that many of them won't make it; they'll make the wrong choice, they'll go back‚" do you think the parents, teachers and shepherds would have done so much to prepare them, to teach them the Word and fill them with spiritual riches? No, they wouldn't have. They would have lost hope and succumbed to laziness and despair.

21. David had to give you the vision for the hope of the future, for the power of the second generation, for the great things that they would do for Me. But just because many now leave, does that mean it's not true? Does that bring into question David's vision and the reliability of his teachings? No! You're just being tested now, and you'll see in the years to come that what he said is very true, and the fruits of the second generation will be tremendous. Those who remain will be powerhouses, remarkable witnesses and teachers; they'll work miracles and reap a mighty harvest. But they must first be purged and tested, and one way is by seeing their friends and peers turn back. This is heart­breaking and the Enemy tries to use it, but those who are fully persuaded in their own minds will not be swayed; none of these things will move them.

22. The Family, and especially the young people, need to understand—you must teach them—that just because there are many who go back, it doesn't mean David's words and vision were not true. My power is not in numbers. I gladly take 100 disciples over 10,000 who are Christians in name only‚ not in deeds. One disciple, a full-time follower‚ is worth much more than those who only follow partway or part-time‚ or who say they will follow but follow not. I'm not limited by many or by few, and I can win multitudes with a few fiery, sold–out disciples, as I did in your early days and as I have done throughout history. So even the second generation should look at this purging not as proof that David's words were overoptimistic or false, but as a sign that those words are being fulfilled.

23. I'm putting the pieces in place so that the hope of the future, the power of the second generation, can come to the fore and be seen as never before. They could never do the miracles and be the witnesses that I need them to be when they were weighed down with murmurers and half-hearts who distracted them, weakened and polluted them.

24. Be assured, those of the second generation who remain will be the hope of the future, and they will be all that David has promised. I will not fail the Family by failing to raise up leaders and laborers from amongst the youth. You'll see those of great dedication arise, and you'll know who are the ones worthy of the most training and attention. You'll recognize those who are the bellwethers, the witnesses, the leaders, those who will carry on until the end. Then‚ and only then, will you see the true power and fulfillment of the vision of David.

25. So be not deceived by the losses‚ the setbacks, or what seem like failures and mistakes. Don't be swayed when you hear of those who've gone back and follow no more. Keep your eyes and attention fastened firmly on those who stick, for there is your treasure.

26. There are many who will come back after they've tasted of the System's pleasures and found that they are but empty husks which do not satisfy or fulfill. There are many who will return much wiser and stronger in their convictions. They'll be purged of their foolishness and double-mindedness, and they will once again take their place amongst the children of David with pride. They will be part of the hope, the improvement, the power that has been promised to the children of David for their second generation.

27. Fear not, for all is in My hands. If you're tempted to waver or be discouraged, take these promises and hold them firmly to your bosom. Count on them, for these are My solemn pledges to you that you will have the hope of the future in your second generation that I have promised you through the mouth of My servant David. (End of message from Jesus)



28. I'm wondering about situations where someone wants to get an education because they feel it would help them in their service for the Lord. For example, say I want to become a lawyer so that I could help the Family by giving legal advice‚ etc. The Lord can show us anything in prophecy, yet we still need and get outside counselors. Is that because we don't have open enough channels to receive specifics from the Lord on things like legal matters? Maybe the Lord wants some of us in the Family to study and become professionals in these areas so that we can better help the Family.


29. If the Family was completely and totally self-sufficient, you wouldn't have as great a need to reach out to others. If all of your financial needs were taken care of, if you didn't ever need doctors or lawyers or businessmen, the temptation would be to relax and lie back, and you wouldn't be as moved or even see the immediate need to get out and witness, to meet new people, to reach the top, to spread My love to the world.

30. I've called you‚ My children in the Charter Family, to a life of full-time service as My mission­aries. It's not My will for you to become doctors or lawyers or pursue another avenue of education. My vocation and calling for you is the calling of a missionary. If I've called you to be in the Family‚ then this is My highest will for you.

31. There are many doctors, lawyers, and learned men in the world, but the calling of a missionary is a higher calling, and so few choose to follow this path of service to Me.

32. You may feel that your going out to the world or studying some skill or profession could be a big boost to your area and the job that the Family is doing for Me. But I've already raised up men and women in these positions—men and women that I have not ordained to be missionaries for Me, men and women whose job and calling it is to support you and help you—and you must simply seek them out. Some of these you've already found, and others are still waiting to be found.

33. I allow you in the Family to often need the help of outsiders for many reasons. I allow this to motivate you, through the necessity of your needs‚ to reach out to others that you might not have otherwise taken the time to reach. I allow you to need the help of outsiders so that I may lead you to My needy and searching ones. I allow you to seek the help of outsiders so that you may be a strength and encouragement to them. I allow you to need the help of outsiders because through helping you they receive My blessings, and I love to bless those who help My children.

34. If you were self-sufficient and had no need for others‚ you would remain secluded in your blessings, and pretty soon you'd end up like the churches. You'd stagnate from lack of reaching out, from lack of pouring out to others to make room for the new waters of My Spirit that I continually pour forth to you. You'd cease giving to others, and thus you would have no room for the newness of My Spirit, and thus you would hinder the flow of My blessings and truth upon you.

35. I've called those of you within My Family to a special, sacred, high calling. It's a calling that is lowly in the eyes of the world, but mighty and great and glorious in My eyes. You're a humble people, My children, and it's necessary that you remain humble, desperate, and in need of Me and others. I use your need for others, even those from without the borders of your tents‚ to keep you humble. You know that you don't have all that you need in yourselves, so you look to Me‚ and I in turn lead you to others—others that help you, and that you can minister to spiritually.

36. Just as I sometimes heal supernaturally and at other times I use the help of doctors—often so that you can minister to those whom you come in contact with—so it is with your other needs. Sometimes I'll supernaturally lead you with My Spirit, or give you the information that you need supernaturally. But at other times I'll lead you to employ the help of an outsider so that you may minister to them or touch their life in a special way. So know that I allow this need for others; it's a part of My plan and I fulfill My will through it.

37. But forsake not your crown and your calling. If I've called you to be a servant, seek not to be loosed. If I've called you to the life of a missionary, seek not to study the ways of man‚ for it is very, very rare that I would call you to do so. The calling of a missionary is a high calling, and if I've blessed you with that crown of service‚ despise it not, trade it not, throw it not away, for it is My gift to you and it is what I have ordained you for. (End of message from Jesus.)



38. It's hard for me if I find out that one of my friends has said some­thing about me, and I've had people tell me that if I want to stay friends with them, I can't ever say anything. I want to do what's right, but I'm caught in the middle and I'm afraid if I do say something to my shepherds, I'll lose that friendship forever.


39. Friendship is many things, but real friendship will always do what's best. This can sometimes mean overlooking faults when they're minor, or if you ask your friend to tell you the truth about your NWOs or something personal, that they'll be upfront with you. Friendship is also forgiving. It's unconditional love. It's offering advice. When a friend knows a friend needs outside help for something that really is important for his spiritual or physical well-being or service for the Lord‚ then it includes seeking this help.

40. A lie that the Devil often tells you is, "They told on me because they're mad at me or have it in for me." Or he'll tell you that they've betrayed your confidence, they've mis­represented you, that you can't trust them anymore, and all sorts of other things. These are some of the Devil's classic lines he'll feed you, because his job is to divide friends and cause disunity. But even more than that‚ he'll try to put up a roadblock to your getting the help that you may need or that is crucial to your service to Me. If the Devil can get you to think that your friend is just "telling on you," then that, in your mind, will justify rejecting any counsel or advice that someone may try to give you, stunting your progress.

41. The Devil is the accuser of the saints—that's what he does all day long. He's the accuser of the brethren‚ just like it says; he stands before God to accuse you day and night. So don't believe the Devil's lies about your friends when they go to your shepherd expressing their concerns and trying to help you. They're doing the right thing, because they're not sure how to help you, or what to say or how to present it. So they're very wise in going to someone else to pray about it, or to get the help they need‚ and that you need too.

42. This is a true friend and the best kind of friend you could have—one who will try to help you even if they know you might get mad at them, which will hurt them too, but they're willing to bear that hurt in order to help you. Now that's real love. That's the kind of friend that will not only get outside help for you when you need it, but will also forgive you, help you out of a tight spot, sacrifice for you, and even die for you.

43. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend. And that's what someone is doing if they ask a shepherd to help you. They have to lay down their life, because it's not an easy thing to do what some people may call "rat on their friend." That's why it really is a sacrifice for them, because reporting on a friend has such a bad connotation, it's like being labeled a traitor. So it takes them laying down their pride to go to a shepherd. It takes courage and humility. It takes love. They have to count the cost. They have to be willing to be hurt, thinking you won't like them anymore or won't trust them anymore, and it can be quite painful for them. Anyone who's willing to lose a friendship that is very dear to them, risk putting the friendship on the line in order to help you, well‚ you could hardly find a better friend than that.

44. It's all in how you look at it. Would you rather have friends who didn't have the courage to speak up if they saw something wasn't going to be good for you—or someone who would have the guts to stand up and say something even if they knew you might be mad at them? True friends will tell you the truth no matter what‚ and they're not really true friends if they don't. True friends speak the truth in love, because they love you and they love Me. (End of message from Jesus.)



45. In the S2K Letters it talks a lot about being your brother's keeper. We have a problem with that in our Home, but in thinking about how we're going to get over it, I'm not sure what steps we should take. It's tricky when you want to do the right thing, but you also don't want to offend the others in your Home. Sometimes the truth can be pretty offensive! We need a balance, but how do we get that? I need it real simple—1-2-3 type steps.


46. Good for you for asking! That's the first step right there—to want to improve, to see the need to do better, to recognize there's a problem. If everyone in your Home sees it, all the better! Unfortunately, that probably won't always be the case. Sometimes you have to try to make progress even when everyone doesn't see the need for it—because as an individual‚ the Lord expects you to keep growing and changing and making the steps that He's asked of you personally, whether everyone else is coming along or not. It makes it much easier‚ though, when you're all in unity about lifting the standard in an area like this one—being your brother's keeper.

47. What does "being your brother's keeper" entail, anyway? It means praying for one another, encouraging each other‚ being there as a friend to help share the load and the ups and downs of life. It means helping your brother when he needs help, pulling him up when he's down, and being willing to sacrifice what you want to do when he has a need. Being your brother's keeper also means correcting each other if you see something isn't right. It means pointing things out to your peers, which is never easy. It's not easy to give‚ and it's not easy to take. It means talking to your shepherds when you see one of your peers needs help. It means being honest and standing up to one another.

48. Overall it means being a lot more honest and open‚ which is just difficult, period. It's difficult because it's humbling. It's difficult because you find out things that can be hard to take, that can threaten to hurt your friendships, if you don't take them the right way. If you're sensitive, being honest and open or having someone be honest and open with you is very painful—it's a real fight to overcome your sensitivity and see things objectively.

49. At first, learning to be your brother's keeper in all aspects, including being more honest and open with one another and with your shepherds—can seem to be hurting your unity more than helping it. If your friend tells your shepherd something that you said in a casual conversation‚ and your shepherd comes and talks to you about it, it's easy to feel like you never want to speak honestly with your friend again. But recognize that for what it is—it's the Enemy trying to make you feel that way, and thus destroy your unity! I know that's hard to do at the moment, because you hurt, you feel that you've been betrayed, and you wonder what your friend's motive was for doing it.

50. But stop right now and remind yourself what you're in the Family for. It's for Jesus, right? It's to serve the Lord and to do the best job possible for Him. What's the purpose of the Word, living by the Charter, and abiding by the standard that the Lord has set down for us? It's to enable us to do a better job for Jesus. So take it right back to the basics and remind yourself where your first loyalty should be, and where your friend's first loyalty should be. That will help to put things into perspective. Then go to the Lord and ask Him what He wants you to learn from the situation.

51. It's not easy; it kills your pride to humble yourself like that, to accept things and learn from them. But it's good for you, and if you can believe it, it will strengthen your relationship not only with the Lord, but with your friend—because you'll be basing your friendship on the policy of "Jesus and His Family first," and the Lord will bless that. You'll learn to have more honest and open communication together, and that will also strengthen your friendship.

52. The same principles apply when you have to be the one to correct your friend, or go and mention something to your shepherd that you just don't feel is right. First of all, check your motives for doing so. Is it to lift yourself up, or to try and avoid getting in trouble yourself? If so, you'd better stop and pray and ask the Lord to help you have the right motives.

53. Your motive should be that you really love your friends and want to see them make it. You might not think that a little thing like reporting on them or correcting them will help them make it—in fact, it might seem quite the opposite. But you have to obey‚ because the Lord said that it's your duty of love‚ and trust that He will work it together for good. Then take it back to the basics—remind yourself of your loyalty to Jesus above all, and to His work next. Then ask the Lord to help you present things lovingly, fairly, objectively and wisely. Even if you're just reporting something to your shepherd, who you think should have a good view of the big picture and should take your report wisely and pray over it before doing anything about it, it's still your duty to pray and present it wisely.

54. Those are some of the basic ground rules. And then you just have to do it. Pray and ask the Lord for His love. Pray together, as a Home, and ask the Lord for His love and grace. And then be willing to talk about things together when they come up. If you have to mention something to someone and it doesn't go so well, go back and apologize. Or, if someone mentions something to you and you're hurt and offended by it‚ or you have a bad reaction‚ go back and apologize, and talk about it. Get things worked out. Get things out in the open. Really pray and ask the Lord to give you His love and help you see things as He sees them, and then ask the other person how they see it.

55. Open communication will solve so many problems. Granted, you've got to implement that with a lot of love and wisdom. And you might feel that you don't have that love and wisdom personally. But that's okay—you don't have to! Thank God for the new weapon of prophecy, by which you can have all the wisdom that you need—simply by asking the Lord what to do, what to say, and how to say it. He's more willing to pour out the love you need than you are to receive—literally! So try it! Okay? I love you! Love, Dad. (End of message from Dad)



56. Do you have dreams and visions like Dad used to? If not, why do you think that is?


57. No, I don't. For one thing, I'm not as spiritually sensitive as Dad was. Dad was very sensitive in spirit‚ and I imagine that's one reason the Lord used visions and dreams a lot to speak to him and convey His messages. The Lord has chosen to speak to Peter and me more through prophecy right now—receiving His messages directly in that very clear way, as well as the messages and help of other departed saints and Heavenly helpers.

58. I'm not ruling out the possibility of having more dreams and visions in the future, as it is a new day! But I don't have them personally at this point, and I think the main reason is because the Lord has chosen to speak to us in a different form.

59. I asked the Lord if He had anything further to say about this‚ and this is what He said:


60. My dear queen, to different ones I give different gifts—according to their needs‚ according to the needs of those they are responsible for, and according to what I wish to accomplish. So did I give your Father David dreams and visions to fulfill the need, and so have I given you My direct voice of ­prophecy—for I know that all My children will have great need of that particular gift in the days to come.

61. This does not mean that dreams and visions are of any less importance, but at this time, hearing from Me in prophecy is easier for you, and thus I lead you down this path. You don't have to wonder what I mean, for I speak to you plainly. You don't have to greatly interpret, for you can ask Me clear and specific questions, and in turn receive clear and specific ­answers!

62. I've promised that I will pour out of My Spirit, and some will receive dreams and visions—and this will be part of My leading to them and the way in which I shepherd and direct them. But all must strive to exercise their gift of prophecy and learn to receive My clear answers directly in this way. They cannot lean on other ways and means, for the way I'm leading them now is through prophecy. I'm teaching and instructing, and these are the days of "practice runs" before the real intense life–and–death battles hit.

63. So learn and practice in these days of peace, and rest assured that I will pour out My Spirit and give you whatever you need to lead and guide and support you. I love you, My pre­cious children. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Percentage of the People
We Pray with Actually Get Saved?


64. When we win souls, what percentage of those people actually get saved? If a three-year-old walks up to an old lady and asks if she wants to receive Jesus and she says, "Oh, yes, I'd love to," and she does it, not really knowing what she's doing, just thinking it's a cute thing the kid says, does she really get saved? Or if you talk to someone who's not a native English speaker, for example, and you think that they understand more than they really do and they repeat the prayer with you, not really fully knowing what they're doing, are they then saved? Or if you're singing to a thousand kids and they all sing along with "Into My Heart," did they all receive Jesus, or are we fooling ourselves?


65. That's a good question. When I was there with you on Earth, I wrote about that. I was convinced that all a person needed to do was to open their heart to love and to want that love with all their heart. That's the first step, because God is love‚ and in wanting the spirit of love—even the love they see in you or your children, your words or your songs—they're wanting God‚ and He counts that for righteousness. Since coming Here, I've been so encouraged to see that I was right! The Lord has such great love and mercy on folks. He wants every­one to come to know Him, and He uses some of the most unconventional ways to bring them to Him! Here are the basics:

66. The person has to have a basic under­stand­ing of what's happening in order to be truly saved. That doesn't mean they have to understand it theologically, or even know the whole story of the crucifixion and resurrection. But they do have to understand that they're opening their heart to Jesus or to His love.

67. Even if they don't exactly know who Jesus is, if they see the Lord's love in you and want what you have, and are willing to say the prayer with you just in order to please you, because they feel the Lord's Spirit and want it, the Lord honors that and He comes into their heart. Or even if they've just felt His love in the tract that they read, but they don't under­stand all the whys and wherefores of salvation or that they have to admit they're a sinner, but they want that love in their life and they say the prayer, they're saved!

68. As far as those mass shows that we've done and still do‚ where thousands of children sing "Come into my heart‚ Lord Jesus," the Lord knows that in many cases that's the only chance they will receive, and He comes into their hearts. Later He might give them another opportunity to more fully under­stand what they've done, and of course once they come Here to Heaven they'll be given education to understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for them. But even in the simplest of circumstances‚ He comes into their heart when they ask Him.

69. The Lord judges people by their hearts. For those who are very ignorant, very weak, and many times are given only one opportunity to receive the Gospel‚ He makes it simple. He doesn't require that they even say the words. If they open their heart to Him and desire Him, His love, or even just the spirit that they see in you, the Lord comes into them and saves them. Isn't that beautiful?

70. He's also eager to win those who've been given a lot of exposure to the Gospel, but who haven't yet been brought to the point of decision. While on the one hand they're responsible for the truth they've heard, on the other hand the Lord is very merciful, loving, and longsuffering. He'll give them chance after chance to make a decision for Him, so that they'll have sufficient opportunity to be saved, and when they meet one of our kids and pray a salvation prayer with them, or read the salvation prayer on one of our posters or tracts and agree with it, the Lord takes them at their word. He wants all men to be saved, and He's happy to have them as one of His children.

71. Doesn't that make you want to go out with the Lord's love and reach as many as possible? Doesn't it make you want to go to places where the people are simple and hungry and haven't yet had a chance to receive the Lord's love in a tangible form? When you go out as messengers of the Lord's love, you make all of Heaven rejoice. You're filling up Heaven through your witness, and every soul that's won through the love that you've given or the part that you've played in a witness is to your credit.

72. Part of your everlasting reward will be to meet and receive the love and appreciation from those you've won to the Lord. You'll weep tears of joy when you see the thousands that have come to know the Lord through your sample‚ through your smile‚ through your witness, through the Word that you passed out. You have no idea how far your love has gone! Keep it up, folks! It's worth it all! (End of message from Dad.)

(See also "Your Two-Year-Old Can Receive Jesus," ML #708, Vol. 6, and "What Is Jesus," ML #2618, Lifelines 19.)

The Desperate Need for Leaders


73. It probably won't surprise most of you to hear that there's a need for more leadership in the Family. As a matter of fact, it has become a very desperate need—one that must be filled if we're to move forward as a Family. Apparently very few of you young people want to be leaders or shepherds. As we've heard time after time lately, the SGA VSs and CROs take a lot of flak from their peers, who call them man-pleasers or social climbers, mostly behind their backs‚ and this has discouraged many of them. This is a very sad attitude. If you don't want to be leaders and shepherds, you certainly shouldn't criticize your peers who are VSs and CROs and talk negatively about them for being obedient to the Lord at great sacrifice.

74. We have a desperate need in many of our Homes and areas of responsibility‚ and many of you young people have the qualities needed to do the job, but there just aren't enough of you who are willing to fill those places. We need people who are willing to be bellwethers to their peers and stand up for what's right, whether they have a title or not. We also need people who are willing to carry the weight of a title and all the sacrifice and responsibility that comes with it. Again, few are willing. In isolated cases some of you are trying to help your younger brothers and sisters, but for the most part, many young people are just refusing to do anything that smacks of any kind of leadership or shepherding. Of course, this isn't across the board, but it's pretty much the case, and is very, very sad.

75. We certainly thank the Lord for those of you who are willing to be shepherds and work in leadership, who are willing to undertake all the challenges it brings and endure the breakings and forsakings in order to help your brethren and help make it possible for us to help others. We love you and need you and appreciate you!


76. "The Word of the Lord came unto me‚ saying‚ 'whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said‚ 'Here am I, Lord, send me.'" What's happened to the revolutionary spirit our Family was built on? What's happened to the spirit of do or die, sink or swim, and being willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly cause? What's happened to the willingness to follow the Lord and do what He asks of you‚ to lay down your lives for your brethren, that the end result might be more souls saved from the Enemy's clutches and even from the fires of Hell?

77. How do you think Ezekiel felt when the Lord asked him to eat cakes baked with dung, purely as a sample and warning to the nation? How do you think Moses felt when the Lord asked him to go before Pharaoh time and time again, as dangerous as that was‚ and as poorly as Moses could speak, for the sake of His children in bondage? Do you think their hearts leapt for joy at the thought? Do you think it seemed easy or pleasant or agreeable to them at the time? No! You bet it didn't! Look at the men and women of God throughout history and the sacrifices the Lord asked of them in order to use them as He saw fit.

78. You say, "Well, things are different now, and the Lord isn't asking things like that of us. If He was, it'd be easy to do, because we'd know it was important." But you know what? He is asking some­thing of you. He's asking you to be willing to lay down your life for your brethren in whatever way He calls you, even if that means being in leadership or a position of responsibility.

79. You say, "Great. If the Lord calls me to do that, I will. But He's not going to call me—I'm not a good enough sample. I don't have the people-handling skills. And besides, I'll lose my friends, and people probably won't like me as much if I have to tell them what to do."

80. Let me tell you something—and right now‚ dear one, I'm talking to you! I'm not talking to the Family as a whole or to other Family members, but to you. There's a need in the Family for leaders. There's a need in the Family for people who are willing not only to be leaders‚ but to endure the refining and the breaking that comes with the job—the humbling, the humilia­tion, the giving of yourself and the daily sacrifices for the sake of others.

81. You have to forsake all. You have to be willing to put in long hours behind the scenes‚ both in prayer and desperation with the Lord for the answers, and then in counsel with your teamworkers at what­ever level or rank you are. Then there are the painstaking hours of trying to implement the solution—the talking with people, the work involved, the following through, the going back to the Lord to iron out the kinks and get further direction‚ and it just keeps going. Before you're finished with one situation or problem‚ there are ten more waiting at your door to be solved! And, after all that‚ no one will probably even know you gave it a second thought until Heaven. It's a thankless job, and a difficult one.

82. Then there's being willing to be what the Lord wants you to be. If you're not a good speaker, well, you'll probably have to talk to people sometimes anyway, and let the Lord use you however He sees fit. If you're not a good people-handler, the Lord is going to work on that area of your life to make you more loving. You're going to face no end of situations to keep you desperate, humble, and very close to the Lord. You know why? Because the Lord needs you! He needs you as His representative.

83. At every level of the Family right now we need pillars. We need those who are willing to lay down their lives as shepherds to the little children. We need people who are willing to dedicate their thoughts, their prayers, and their energies to helping our young people, our JETTs and junior teens, to find fulfillment and draw closer to the Lord. We need people who are willing to shepherd Homes and take the rough road that comes with that ministry. We need people who are willing to travel as VSs, helping, encouraging, laying down their lives, their will, their plans, and even their personality and opinions in deference to the Lord's plans‚ living the New Wine, lifting it up, expressing their love for the Word and the Lord, and going the way the Lord is moving.

84. It's a rough job‚ and none of those things are easy. Each has its rewards and each has its extreme trials, forsakings, and battles to fight. But you know what? It's part of being what the Lord has called you to be.

85. Now I know that everyone in the Family is not called to be in "leadership" per se. Many of you might be called to excel in other fields. Or maybe the Lord is going to call you to be a leader sometime in the future. Just because I'm talking about leaders right now doesn't mean that they're the most important people or that the Lord loves them any more than anyone else. They have faults just like you, they're weak and make mistakes just like you, and they're trying to serve the Lord just like you. But one thing I will hand them right now is that they've been willing to accept the calling the Lord has asked of them and carry the accompanying responsibilities bravely—which is more than some of you can say, if you're really honest with yourself.

86. One reason that their loads are so heavy right now is because they need more help! The Lord is trying to work on some of you, whether in the preparation stage—also known as breaking and remaking you into a more useful tool—or in the stage of actually facing you with a need and asking you to fill it. But some of you have so convinced yourselves that leadership isn't for you that you can't even see it when He faces you with it—which means it's time to wake up! Lord help us!

87. The Family has some problems right now, and one reason is that there simply aren't enough people who are willing to give up what they want to do for the sake of others, to become shep­herds to help care for the sheep. It's as plain and simple as that. And if you're not willing to yield and sacrifice in this area of your life, chances are that you're not going to be as yielded in other areas of your life either, making it even more difficult for your present shep­herds, who need your help!

88. Now I'm not going to paint a rosy picture here. You might be getting inspired to help do some­thing about this, but I want to warn you that the price of leadership is yieldedness, and that doesn't usually come easy. The Lord has to work on you. He has to refine your sample, and it continues throughout your time in responsibility. But we need you! I need you! Mama needs you! Peter needs you! Are you willing to do it for Jesus? Are you willing to do it for us?

89. Another thing: I'm tired of hearing you talk behind the backs of those young people who have decided to take the step of fulfilling the re­sponsibility the Lord has asked of them, whether it's as VSs, CROs‚ Home teamworkers‚ dedicated teen shepherds, or what have you! This talking behind their backs and basically spurning them from your fellowship adds to their burdens, and it dis­courages others from joining their ranks. Brethren, these things ought not so to be!

90. If you're not willing to pay the high price yourself, the least you can do is keep your mouth shut and refrain from labeling your peers in positions of responsibility as "self-righteous," "spiritual," "social climbers," and some other things that I won't even condescend to put in print! Sure, they're not perfect—they're not claiming to be! I'm sorry if they're a bit self–righteous or come on a bit strong or are difficult to yield to at times. But don't worry‚ the Lord's working on them and they'll change. You should be praying for them, supporting them in the spirit and helping them all you can‚ because the load is heavy! If you don't believe it‚ try it yourself! You'll find it's a hard job, and they need all the help, support and prayer they can get!

91. Now I mean it, folks! I don't want to hear any more of that bad talk, whether to their faces or behind their backs. And if you think no one is going to hear you and be affected by it, the Lord hears, and what goes around, comes around! As sure as the law of gravity, what goes up must come down. So beware!

92. If the Lord has called you to some position of responsibility but you gave Him an excuse, now would be a good time to search your heart and reconsider. Now would be a good time to pray about what He's asking of you, and realize that it really isn't much in comparison to what He did for you.

93. Even if it means a life of isolation and trying circumstances‚ giving up all that you thought you would be‚ or all that you hoped for, wouldn't it be worth it for Him? Wouldn't it be worth it, just knowing that He's going to use your sacrifice to further the Kingdom in some way? He won't require anything of you but that He'll multiply it many times over to bring forth fruit! "Only one life, 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last!" Praise the Lord!

94. Lord, give them the grace and willing­ness to heed Your call! Not just the grace for right now as they make their decisions, but the grace for each day as it comes, each moment, every time You ask them to make sacrifices to help others. We know it's worth it to live for You, Jesus. That's what the Family is all about. So help these dear ones to choose Your first best, even if it means a life of total sacrifice, breaking and remaking to be able to give life and strength and comfort and help to others. You can make us a blessing in spite of ourselves. We only have to be willing—the rest is up to You! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! (End of message from Dad.)


95. As Dad said in that message, there is a need for more leadership at all levels of the Family structure. We have a particular need at the VS level. I've heard from many of you about how much you'd appreciate or need a visit. Unfortunately, however, because we have so few VSs, it's often difficult and even impossible for them to meet all the needs and attend to each of your questions, battles and difficulties, although they'd like to.

96. The Lord has repeatedly stressed that the CROs need to actively seek out more VSs to help with this important task, and thank the Lord, they have recently appointed, with the Lord's confirmation, some new VSs in each area. But even with these new appointments the need is still great, especially in light of the Shakeup and the responsibility that the CROs and VSs have been given by the Lord of helping ensure that the Family standard is kept high and our ranks are kept free from ungodly influences.

97. Besides the VS ministry, there is also a great need for help with shepherding at the Home level. Maybe the Lord is calling you to help shepherd the young folks in your Home who are in need, or calling you to help raise the standard in your Home. If so‚ please heed His call! You don't have to have a title to be a shepherd; you just have to be obedient to the Lord and be a bellwether who follows Him closely and helps others do the same.

98. If the Lord is calling you to help shepherd others or take on more responsibility—whether it's by having your leadership request your help or by putting the burden in your heart Himself—I pray that He'll give you the strength and grace to make the right choice. You don't want to miss the Lord's highest for you by saying no to Him! You don't have to wait to be approached by your shepherds. If you have a burden in your heart or feel the Lord is calling you to give more of yourself, please don't be shy about writing your CROs or Peter and me‚ and let us know that you're willing to fill a need somewhere. And then start today, in your Home, to make a difference. Remember, a shepherd is a servant. Begin serving those in your Home, and as the Lord finds you're willing, He'll see to it that you're used to your full capacity in His highest will.

99. Here's a little excerpt from Jesus with sweet commendation for those of you who have taken up the torch and accepted the responsi­bility of being leaders. He understands that some­times your peers give you a difficult time for accepting the ministry of leadership, which makes it more difficult. I know it's not an easy job, and the Lord highly commends you for your willingness and sacrifice!

100. This message the Lord gave is to all of you who have chosen to stand up for the truth and be counted, whether you carry an actual title of leadership or not. If you're where the Lord wants you and you're pulling your own weight and trying to help others come along as well, then you're one of the leaders the Lord is talking about! Praise the Lord! We love you and need you and are very proud of you and thankful for you! Keep it up!


101. My young leaders, My bellwethers, I com­mend you for choosing the good and not giving place to the bad, to those who would mock‚ condemn or criticize you for your yieldedness and dedication. I'm calling you to a life of commitment, of freedom and happiness‚ of mean­ing and fruitfulness. Don't let the jeers and the back­biting of any of your peers pull you off the wall.

102. This life will be a difficult one‚ a life of constant change‚ challenge, forsakings and even breakings. But you will be worthy of high honor and praise in the day when you come before Me to receive your rewards.

103. In that day, the crowds around you will not be jeering you for your dedication and yielded­ness. They'll be cheering you and lifting up their voices in thanks­giving and praise for the wonderful fruits of a life lived for others, with little thought of self.

104. So come, My young ones! Come, My called and chosen leaders! Take up the challenge and raise your voices in the battle cry! Don't hide your banner, but wave it proudly, knowing that it's a banner worth raising. You're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are cheering you on! Don't be ashamed of Me or of My calling and Words in your lives. Be proud of Me and of the life I'm offering you, the mission I'm calling you to! And I will be proud of you in that day, when you come before Me and before your brethren in My Kingdom. (End of message from Jesus.)