Mama's Memos--No.12

May 5, 2003

By MariaMaria #529 CM/FM 3287 7/99

Protection for Your Children
In Third World Mission Fields

1. As many of you are making the move to more fruitful mission fields, we've received letters from some families expressing concern about taking their children to some of the Third World fields where the conditions are more dangerous.

2. One family who had recently moved to Africa was naturally concerned about the health of their children and the possibility of them contracting malaria or a host of other diseases common to that field. When faced with going on road trips into remote regions, they wondered whether or not to take their children with them, and also how careful they should be in exposing their children to the people of the land and what precautionary measures to take.

3. When this question was brought before the Lord‚ He gave some wonderfully encouraging promises and good counsel, not only for the field of Africa, but for other fields with similar conditions.

4. (Jesus speaking:) I understand your concern that your children might catch diseases or get sick, or pick up spirits or bad habits that will affect their lives negatively; but if you are following Me closely, I will help you with this. There is a balance to be found. There are many good guidelines and much wise counsel in the Word—the Words of Father David and the counsel in the children's publications—and there is also common sense to be followed.

5. Those taking their children to Africa or other poor fields should be very prayerful, as well as careful. They should follow basic cleanliness and health procedures such as keeping their house‚ clothing, bedding, food and hands clean, and avoiding things or places that are sure to be infested with vermin or diseases. However, these things alone are not sufficient to guarantee protection, because I am the One Who must do the protecting when there is so much filth and disease all around you.

6. Even if you try to be cautious and discerning about who you put your children in contact with, there will undoubtedly be times when you will not be able to avoid some measure of risk. Perhaps you take your children to visit a friend and find out that their child is sick, but they did not tell you beforehand. Or perhaps your older children would be invited to participate in singing to other children who are hospitalized. Or perhaps in some of your CTP ministries you will come across those, such as in orphanages and other institutions, who are trying their best to keep those in their care clean and healthy, but whose standard falls far below yours, for they lack the training and wisdom and experience that you have been privileged with. Or sometimes they lack the facilities or finances to keep a high standard. Although you can always do something to improve sanitation, no matter what you have or don't have, often these ones can only do the very basics.

7. Even if you do not take your children out on such "risky" missions, the fact that the adults or teens go and then later have contact with the children could seem to be putting them at risk. But again, if you do your part by following basic cleanliness precautions‚ I will do the rest—because you are doing My will and fulfilling My mission.

8. You can simply use some good, practical common sense and take time to hear from Me when venturing out on hazardous expeditions. Sometimes I will say, "Leave the little ones at home; this is a mission for the grown men and women." Other times I will tell you, "Suffer the little children to shine and sparkle, because I want to use them to reach these people." If I have told you to let them go forth, will I not keep them and protect them? I say, I will! I can keep them from all manner of sickness and disease if you claim these promises as you march out to battle.

9. Look at Mother Theresa and her followers who served Me in the worst of conditions, yet I kept her to a ripe old age, to continue to be a blessing and help to many. Look at Nostra­damus, who was My tool through the plagues of Europe, when thousands fell at his side and ten thousands at his right hand, but the evil did not come nigh him. I used him as an instrument to heal, to bring life and love and light and salvation through simple means—through My healing power, through cleanliness and fresh air, soap and water, common sense, and killing the Devil's pests. These measures cleaned whole villages and stopped the pests from spreading.

10. I need you to reach out to these who are in the dark in so many ways—physically as well as spiritually. In some cases I will call upon you to give practical training and counsel and even assistance to the people of these lands, as has happened already in some places.

11. It will not always be the case that I call you to get involved in such practical matters, but there will be times when I will lead in this way. If I call upon you for such a ministry, it is of course up to your own faith whether you choose to participate. In most cases, such close contact with potential health hazards should be avoided for your children, however. Ministries that involve going to places where you know you will en­counter extreme filth or disease are the ­missions for the grown men and women that I spoke of.

12. It is impossible to always keep your children separate and safe from every potential risk, although it is wise to try. When you know you are going to be in contact with those who are diseased, it is generally not the time to take the children along—though there may be exceptions in the case of OCs and JETTs who are old enough to choose, in counsel with their parents and also according to their faith, whether they have the burden to be part of certain CTP ministries that will involve being around somewhat dirty situations.

13. It's not so complicated. If you are prayerful and teach your children the basic health and cleanliness guidelines consistently and insist upon them for their safety, everywhere they go, with everyone they meet, I will keep you.

14. Again, though‚ there is a balance to be found. You want to keep your children as safe as possible, and you do this primarily by avoiding the exceptionally dirty places and training them how to conduct themselves when you are out in public. For example, teaching them not to touch anything that they don't need to‚ teaching them to avoid touching their face or food unless they get a chance to wash their hands, etc.

For more on health and hygiene with children and good advice on health in general, please see the following:

"Fevers" (ML #878; Vol.7).

"Cleanliness Is Godliness" (ML #1031:55-69; Vol.9 / DB1).

"Why Is Your Child Sick?" (ML #1135; Vol.11 / DB1).

"Cleanliness with Children" (ML #1220; Vol.12).

"Health Gems" (ML #1313; Vol.13).

"Health and Hygiene" (CC3, pg.611).

"Childhood Diseases" (HH2, pg.71).

"The Traveler's Health Guide" (HH3, pg.404).

15. This training and instruction should take place beforehand, however, and not in the presence of those you are ministering to. If you are always telling your children "Don't touch that," "Go wash your hands," etc., those around you might feel that you look at them as dirty and undesirable, and would likely be offended.

16. The keys are prayerfulness and seeking Me to know what witnessing missions are safe to take your children on or not, as well as doing all you can to keep the common-sense health and safety guidelines that you've been taught in the Word, while trusting Me to keep you from what you cannot avoid.

17. Also‚ watch your speech when going out on these missions and how you speak about the people that you are going to minister to. Although some of those whom you encounter‚ intentionally or unintentionally, might be sick and diseased and even have evil spirits, do you speak of them with faith‚ love and compassion, teaching your children that with God nothing is impossible? If so, whether they are going out or they're staying home, they will have a positive, full-of-faith attitude about these witnessing missions, and they won't be fearful. Thus you are planting the seeds of a missionary's heart to grow and be nourished. (End of message from Jesus.)

Why Are Things So Sexual?

18. (Mama: ) We, the Family‚ have always been known for our controversial sexual beliefs, and the Lord has said that it's something He uses to keep us in the news and dropped out of the world. Dad was very sexy and often talked about sex, and related a lot of lessons to sex. Since the Loving Jesus revelation, the Lord has given us quite a lot of sexy words and mess­ages, and our relationship with Him as His Bride has taken on a sexier tone than ever. He's also recently called us to put a renewed emphasis on fully living the Law of Love, which includes sexual sharing.

19. I'm sure that some of you have wondered sometimes why the Lord—and Dad‚ and now Peter and I—put so much emphasis on the sexual aspect of things, why we talk about and believe in so many sexy things, and why so much seems to be related to sex somehow. A lot of you probably don't mind this at all, but I think some might wonder at times whether we couldn't leave sex out of some things a little more, and what the Lord's purpose has been in having some areas of our lives appear more sex-oriented now than before.

20. I asked the Lord to speak to us on the subject, and I think you'll find the following message fascinating‚ as He gives some insight into not only how it's strengthened us so far, but how it will help us—and many others—in the days to come.

21. (Jesus speaking:) I have said that the love of many will grow cold in the Last Days. Man will do that which is unseemly and against My Law of Love. There will be a hardening of man's heart toward the pure love of My Spirit and the normal Godly love of a man and a woman. Man will create more and more abominations of science.

22. He's started with seemingly innocent means, such as creating babies outside of the womb, but from there is moving into trying to create human tissue, human transplants, and human clones. All of this is the way of the world and prepares the way for the Antichrist and his followers. The Antichrist himself will not desire the love of a woman.

23. Thus I'm preparing My children to be a window to My Spirit, a window to My love, to show the world the true beauties of Godly, loving sex, and normal, natural, loving‚ affectionate relationships without the worldly spirit of the Enemy.

24. The sexual nature of the Loving Jesus revelation is important, because the Devil is against Godly sex, good spiritual sex, and is trying to destroy it. He wants to destroy people's belief and participation in any form of Godly sex. He would pervert that which is good and persuade people to follow him and his manner of destructive, selfish, lustful‚ perverted sex—even Satanic sex.

25. Only those who are strong in the spirit and strong in My ways, strong through practicing loving Me intimately and living the Law of Love, will be able to instruct many in the days to come. Many will be confused through the powerful influence of the media, through the testimonies of the Devil's children‚ through the laws of man, through the Antichrist spirit which will influence the world. They will not clearly see right from wrong and will need a standard bearer. They'll need to see clearly what you, the children of David, can show them through your untainted beliefs in truly loving sexual experiences, both with one another through normal sexual relationships‚ and with Me in the spirit.

26. Though the world might think it strange that you have sex with Me in the spirit and that you declare this openly, the day will come when many will turn to you for anything that is pure and that is from Heaven. When they see the destruction that the Antichrist will loose upon the Earth‚ they will turn to those who have spoken of loving sex with Me and with each other, seeking an escape from the Enemy's perversion and horror. Many will believe, and many will receive the good and the truth.

27. Practicing loving, Godly sex is a yielding to My Spirit. It's humbling, surrendering, and yielding yourselves to one another and to Me. The more My children yield and surrender to one another, the more I will use it to help them to continue to yield and surrender to My will. It helps My children to stay soft and flexible in My hands, as a piece of clay that I can easily shape and mold according to My will, because they've been under the sweet heat of My love, the loving heat of sex and lovemaking in the flesh and in the spirit.

28. Sex is more than a physical thing; it's also a spiritual thing, and the spiritual dynamics of sex are good for your spirit. This is why the Enemy fights and wants to discourage and destroy Godly sex, because he wants to control people's spirits and minds and draw them to follow him. That's why My children have a very powerful tool in their hands through the Loving Jesus revelation, through living the Law of Love, and through upholding Godly sex. They have the spiritual weapon of a close connection with Me and each other, the powerful tool of humility, yieldedness, and affection, which will help them to stay clean and pure in spirit, separate from the spirit of the world. It's from Heaven and carries the spirit of Heaven, and one day the world will see clearly and recognize the spirit of Heaven that you carry with you—beautiful, clear, simple, loving, giving, humble and yielded. (End of message from Jesus.)

Gala Weddings

29. (Mama: ) It's wonderful to hear of so many new couples—both young and older—teaming up together in the Lord's service! God bless each of you! Over the months, we've received a number of wedding announcements to be published in The Grapevine. In hearing of some of these more extravagant accounts of the great fanfare that went into the celebration—and in some cases, relatives and visitors coming for the event from other countries, some probably having to even fly in for the occasion—I wondered what the Lord would have to say about this.

30. Getting married and committing to live your life for the Lord with another person is a monumental event, but I wondered if going to such extremes and getting so into the expensive frills of what sounded very much like a typical System wedding was pleasing to the Lord. I was also concerned that if we were to publish such gala announcements, that other couples in poorer fields, or those who couldn't arrange such a fancy reception or ceremony, would feel bad, like their wedding or betrothal was not as ­special as someone else's.

31. I asked one of our channels to ask the Lord about this‚ specifically about whether or not He wanted our weddings to involve so much travel for our Family members, with those getting married inviting all their best friends to attend, even if that meant traveling for several hours or longer. Here is Dad's answer:

32. (Dad speaking:) If it's a time of uniting and fellowship for the folks involved, I'm not necessarily against it. The Family craves fellowship, and these weddings are important for the young people. If it helps them take their vows more seriously and if it's particularly important for them to have their loved ones present, then I think in some cases it's fine.

33. In some ways, it's really commendable that our young people are wanting to take their vows of marriage seriously and make this declaration before all. It can be a time of bonding not only for those who are wed, but for others in attendance‚ and anything that promotes unity is good.

34. Every situation is different, and you can never know the background of every wedding and what went into it. The Lord may have a definite plan in wanting to even call the System relatives of the couple together for the witness, or perhaps He knows that the area needs to get together and unite, and that this would be a good forum for it. Or perhaps the Lord opens the doors of provisioning wide, and wants to bless those who are giving. If He pours out blessings in the form of wedding extras, then you should accept them and be thankful. The most important thing to remember‚ though, is that it doesn't have to be this way to be blessed.

35. Those who've had big weddings and large gatherings of Family members at their cere­monies didn't necessarily miss the mark. I would hope that they confirmed their plans with the Lord. In most cases, the Lord seems to have supplied and blessed them with some of the extras that they wanted. I'm just concerned that the Family doesn't think that they have to have these things in order to have a good or perfect wedding. It's certainly nothing to compare or feel bad about if the Lord doesn't lead that way, and I don't believe that's generally the trend that He wants to lead the Family in.

36. Of course, there is a down side to these big weddings, and in some cases, sad to say, all intentions might not be pure—so this is a difficult decision to make. There's the financial aspect to consider, and I'd say that's a pretty big factor. Then you've got all the comparing that it can bring on for others who aren't able to do the same, and even for some who want to get married but haven't found a mate! Others could feel left out if they weren't able to attend their loved one's wedding in a faraway location.

37. Each situation is different, and folks are going to have to ask the Lord. It may be the Lord for loved ones to visit after not having seen each other for a long time. Or maybe the Lord knows that it's important for folks to unite at a particular time for their inspiration and strengthening. Maybe they really need and deserve the break and time away. Maybe the Lord will supply the transportation for free. The Lord loves to shower blessings on His children. He promised to supply, and He does supply abundantly for His children. Traveling long distances for things of this sort is a common practice among the children of the world, so why shouldn't the Lord supply for His Own if it's His will? But the key here is it being His will!

38. There may be other situations, though, where it's much more important for the relatives of a young couple getting married, for example‚ to stay in their Home or field at the time. Maybe they're having a big witnessing push or they're needed to continue following up on their friends or contacts. Maybe they're some of the only adults on their team pulling the load of a small Home or in a pioneer situation‚ and they really can't afford to pull out and get away, and it just wouldn't be expedient. Or maybe it would be a bad sample to their sheep or friends or new disciples, and those they leave behind will feel badly and feel like they're being extravagant or wasteful. In some cases it wouldn't be right to leave the Lord's work at the time, or His little sheep‚ which is really your priority, as I know you know.

39. In some cases it would also be a much more powerful testimony and witness of the simplicity and freedom of the Spirit to just have a simple wedding without a lot of hoopla—­really breaking free from tradition and the "accepted" way of doing things.

40. So this, as most things‚ is really subject to interpretation! You'll just have to tell folks to pray and hear from the Lord before they begin planning their weddings, to make sure that the ceremony they hold glorifies the Lord and doesn't simply attract attention to themselves or to their glamorous setup. Folks shouldn't be trying to compete for extrava­gance, or see who can create the biggest shebang! That's ridiculous! The most important thing is the Spirit—that the couple has the blessing of the Lord's Spirit.

41. Your weddings don't need to be great big flowery affairs in order to have meaning! Some of the most meaningful things in life are simple and low-key. So don't let the Enemy trip you up into thinking that the best weddings are the kind that the System has, with all the fluff and frills of the world. The Lord, in prophecy‚ can give you the script for a wedding plan that will knock your socks off! His Spirit can infuse wonderful life, charge and inspiration into your ceremony.

42. You don't have to have a limo for the day to have had a good wedding—nor any of the other traditional trinkets! If the Lord provides them, fine. But just remember, your sights shouldn't be set on those things; they should be set on the Lord and His will and program for your wedding ceremony. (End of message from Dad.)

43. (Mama:) That sure makes it clear that you need to seek the Lord and His plan for your upcoming wedding celebrations. They can be a wonderful time to unite, fellowship, and share love and unity. But be sure that you're going by the Lord's plan and not just your own!

44. Sometimes less is more‚ and a simple wedding without all the fluff that comes along with typical System ceremonies can be really special, touching, and Spirit–filled. A small gathering full of the Lord's Spirit and His and each other's love, without the trappings of tradition, can be so free and beautiful.

45. In other cases, the Lord might lead and provide for a more expensive traditional setup, and some or all of the accompanying frills, perhaps including friends and relatives from faraway places. Gala weddings are not the general trend the Lord is leading the Family in‚ though, and would be more the exception than the rule.

46. Pray and seek the Lord as to how to make yours the most meaningful and special, and He'll show you. The power of the Lord's Spirit and His lasting love is what makes a wedding—or any gathering—a beautiful and memor­able one.

Persecuted for
Righteousness' Sake!

47. In Grapevine 59 (February of 1999) there was a prayer request for the safety and protection of our Family in an Eastern field. As you may know, there have been a number of violent attacks on Christians in that particular country over the last several months, and as was explained in the prayer request, two of our national disciples were badly beaten up while on a road trip. When praying for these dear ones and for the general protection of our Family there, the Lord gave the following message which I'd like to share with all of you:

48. (Jesus speaking:) Blessed are you who are persecuted for My Name's sake! Blessed are you who endure affliction for righteousness' sake. Blessed are you, who though scoffed at and mocked, wounded and bruised‚ continue holding fast to your faith as My missionaries of peace and truth.

49. You are My messengers of peace, yet Satan and his evil followers seek to wage war against you. There are many dark spirits in this land‚ and they fear being overcome by the truth, the love, the power of My Word‚ and My Spirit in you, My children.

50. In these Endtime days, as times grow darker‚ the evil forces are allowed to be unleashed in greater measure. Thus have the forces of the dark side stirred up these anti-Christian sentiments in this land that has much darkness, yet also has many of My sheep that need to be reached.

51. Don't let this persecution, and that of other Christians in the land, cause you to cower and fear, or to retreat from your mission for Me. Rather let it make you see all the more the need for light and truth in this land, that it be not too quickly overtaken by darkness. For dark and perilous times will come, and they have come upon some of you already; yet this is but a sign of how needed you are, how needy the people of this land are. They would be overcome by darkness if it were not for the light that you cause to shine among them.

52. My precious ones‚ faint not and be not discouraged, thinking that this came upon you because of your sins, or because of any wrong that you had done. There are lessons to be learned, and from this experience you will gain greater wisdom. From now on you will carry a spirit of great caution and prayerfulness in all your ways. But don't ever let caution overcome your desire and conviction to preach My truth in the ways that I show you.

53. Don't hold back when I call on you to speak the truth in love and give My message of the Gospel, for fear of reprisal or persecution. I will help you and lead you to find the balance between standing up for your convictions and speaking the truth with boldness, and walking in wisdom and being careful concerning what you say and to whom you say it. The key is coming to Me and hearing from Me so that I can show you and teach you the best way, the best place, the best time. If you follow what I've shown you explicitly, you'll be protected from harm; or any harm that does come to you will be for My Own perfect purpose.

54. I cause all things to work together for good, and even in this instance, I did not suffer you to be tempted above what you were able to bear. You've been tested and sorely tried, you've been wounded in the flesh and in the spirit, but I will heal and restore and make you every whit whole. You will learn and grow and be strengthened through this time of sorrow and affliction. You will rise from the ashes of sorrow in more glorious victory than you had known before!

55. You will be wiser‚ stronger in spirit, and more desperate with Me. You will be examples to your brethren of seeking Me about every step, bringing Me into your counsel and conferring with Me about each plan, asking Me for My plan, so that you may do that which I know is best. Thus I can more fully protect you.

56. In times past I sometimes winked at your ignorance, or even your lack of willingness to follow the principles of the Word, the things that I've asked of you. But as you've seen and felt and experienced firsthand, darker days have come, and the Enemy is after you. He's on the attack, seeking to either snuff out or hinder or discourage whoever of My children he can. I restrain him and hold back his hands, but in this case I allowed you to be singed, both as an example to others of your faith and conviction‚ and for the lessons and strengthening that it will bring about in your own lives.

57. Not only will it cause you to be more prayerful and attuned to My voice, but it will make your beliefs in the truths that you've been taught stronger. You've seen how you could be harmed or even killed because of your decision to follow Me and preach My truth. Yet in spite of that‚ can you not feel in your hearts, stronger than before, the conviction that it's a truth worth living and dying for? Receiving persecution is part of your testimony, for it shows that you're devoted and dedicated to Me, that you want to please Me above all, even though it is to your own hurt. This testimony and this statement of faith in itself will draw many to Me through you.

58. So be not discouraged and be not dismayed, for I have My hand on all things, including your lives—your bodies and your spirits. I'll make you stronger‚ purer, and through this suffering your brethren will also benefit. There will be lessons that all can draw from the experience, and most of all, it will serve as a reminder to all of what you're here for‚ of what the costs are, and of the price you must be willing to pay if you want to be My frontline warriors.

59. But those who fight with faith and courage are invincible, and the Enemy is no match for you! When you're willing to give everything, how can anything be taken from you? How can you suffer any loss? You can't‚ for I will always either protect you, or when your time comes, take you to a better and more beautiful place. So no matter what happens‚ know that you can't lose.

60. This is a war that you and I are destined to win! Of course there will be hard times—battles are hard times. But when the war is won, I will honor you and decorate you with rewards and medals and high commendation—not only for your good works and your labors of love, but also for the things that you've endured and suffered for My sake.

61. So blessed are you, the persecuted ones, for great is your reward in Heaven! You've proven to Me, to yourselves‚ to your brethren, and even to your attackers that you're Mine, that you're faithful to Me. For this your stars will shine brightly, forever and ever. (End of message from Jesus.)

62. (Mama:) Praise the Lord for His wonderful promises! The days certainly are getting darker, and the Enemy is out to attack not only us, but all Christians, more ferociously than ever. Please continue to pray for our Family in this Eastern field, as well as those in other countries where our brethren are experiencing increased persecution for their faith. Do your part to ensure their safety and protection by upholding them in prayer!

63. Let's all take these important lessons to heart, and learn to walk in greater wisdom and prayerfulness in our witnessing and every­thing we do. You never know when your field might become more sensitive or dangerous‚ or when the Lord may call you to another place that is. We all need to learn more about bringing the Lord into our decisions and seeking Him for His plan each step of the way, so that we can be more fully protected from the attacks of the ­Enemy—especially ones that come about as a result of our own lack of watchfulness. Our close connection with Him is what will keep us sheltered by Him. And if the day comes when we suffer persecution, He'll keep us then too, and help us to be a testimony through the persecution.

64. You probably recall that in "The Shake­up" the Lord warned us, "Now is the time to strengthen and purge the flock lest it be scattered through persecution. But persecution, a time of battle, is not inevitable. That would be a last-ditch effort to try to preserve the children of David and the Family as My pure voice and sample of truth. I will stay My hand and the per­secution, and I will continue to give you peace and safety even amongst your enemies if you will follow My orders implicitly and fully" (ML #3257:90, GN 857). As I explained then, there is a difference between being persecuted because we are living Godly in Christ Jesus and being persecuted because we are not.

65. The Lord recently said, "There will still be those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, even if the Family does fulfill what I am asking of them in light of the Shakeup. There are many other reasons I allow persecution: Sometimes it is because you have done the job sufficiently in an area and I want to make it perfectly clear to you that it is time to move on. Other times it is because I want to get you more out in the open and cause the full meat of My truth to be delivered to the public through the media. Sometimes it is because those of a certain city or country have rejected Me and I want them to fill their cup of iniquity so that I can pour out My judgments upon them. Any persecution you receive will, however‚ be on a much smaller scale, provided My admonitions to the Family through the Shakeup are followed."

66. If you stay close to the Lord and obedient to His instructions and the guidelines of the Charter‚ you'll be doing your part to protect the Family from premature or unnecess­ary persecu­tion—the kind that is not necess­arily "for righteous­ness' sake" but that is used by the Lord to shake up or chastise His children. Then if you do receive persecution in your area, you can take heart and be encouraged by the promises He gave these dear ones, which are for you as well.