Notice to FM Family Regarding Feast 2000

Maria, Peter
May 8, 2003


From Maria and Peter

Dear FM Family,

1. God bless you! We love you very much, and keep you in our thoughts and prayers! As you read in the LNF about the timing of the Feast (see LNF 278), the Family will be holding the Feast during December 29-31 this year. The Family birth­day will be cele­brated as usual on February 18.

2. The major thrust of this year's Feast is individual reading and taking time to hear from the Lord and prepare spiritually for the year ahead. Besides several special messages to read and some important prayer requests to concentrate our prayer power on, there's also a new series of GNs called "Ask Me Everything!" which the Lord has asked us to dedicate this Feast to reading, praying about, and learning to put into practice.

3. We realize that due to other com­mit­ments or responsibilities, you might not be able to take December 29, 30 and 31 off to fully dedicate this time to the Feast‚ but we pray that you'll be able to take some time of prayer, reading and reflection at the end of the year and in the weeks that follow to spend with the Lord, reading the special messages He has poured forth for this time. The Lord laid out a specific timetable for the CM Family to read the pubs in‚ but please don't feel bound to read them at those exact times if that doesn't work out for you.

4. Following is the list of GNs that you'll be receiving‚ which the CM Family will be setting aside to read during the Feast days:

GN 868: "Praise Him!"

GN 870: "Intimate Details of My Life!"

GN 872-874: "Ask Me Everything,"
Parts 1-3

5. Here are some excerpts of what the Lord had to tell us about this upcoming Feast, which we hope you'll find very inspiring and feeding.

Watch and Pray!

6. (Jesus speaking:) As the world ­enters the darkest days of all time‚ I would that My children pass this time in prayer and preparation, in prayer and supplication to Me for the days of the End that are upon the world. I would have you devote this time of Feast 2000 to prayer and vigil.

7. At this turn of the century, there are those in the world who read the signs of the times, but there are very few who are of true understanding. There are also many who ignore what they see and have become blind in spirit. They mock, eat, drink and continue on their merry way, choosing to "live for today" rather than discern what is happening in the world and prepare and act accordingly. Yet I have called you, My children, to be ­sober, to be vigilant‚ for you know your adversary walks about, seeking whom he may devour.

8. I have called you to be as ­shining lights in gross darkness, beacons of light and truth to the nations. Though the world enters its darkest night, you, My children, are entering your days of glory. There­fore, on this eve of the great days ahead of you, I call you to dedicate this time to Me, committing yourselves to prayer and supplication, that you might draw your strength from My hand.

9. I call you to watch and pray. I call you to be ready. I have called you to prepare. I have called you to preach My Gospel in ­every nation. I have called you to spread My truth far and wide. I have called you to battle. I have called you to be the saviors of the world. I have called you to be My shining knights of the End—those who will stand tall and erect for My truth, freedom and liberty, those who will usher in My Kingdom come on Earth.

10. Therefore let this Feast time be a time to look to Me in earnest for the strength and power I promise to pour out upon you, My children‚ as you march on strong in the days ahead—these troublous and perilous times that span the Earth.

11. You have spent many months and years preparing. These many months and years I have been preparing, instructing, nurturing, feeding, groom­ing you, My Family, for this great final hour that is about to come upon all the Earth. And now, as this turn of the century marks monumental change and drastic measures that will affect the whole world, you must spend this time, the eve of the end of all time, in prayer, in dedication, in calling on Me‚ in making supplication to Me for My power and strength for the days ahead.

12. Let each one pass this time get­ting My direction, listening to My whispers for the guidance, counsel, wisdom, inspiration and encouragement needed for the days ahead. Let this Feast be a time to stop‚ to unite, to praise, to commune with Me, to listen to My voice, to make supplication, to stand united with your brethren around the world in earnest vigil, for in such unity there is great strength.

13. As each of you come before Me in supplication, I will speak. I will give fresh vision and fresh anointing to all those who kneel before Me. I will give strength and power‚ vision and foresight, personalized guidance and instruction.

14. You must not fear nor be dismayed at what the future holds, for as this year 2000 marks the beginning of the end for man's rule on Earth‚ so does it mark the beginning of glorious days for you‚ My children! It marks the beginning of the days when you will shine with the glory of the Son—the Son of God—before the world, illuminating many with My truth, love, salvation and happiness! Therefore, let this encourage your hearts.

15. This is why I ask you to devote this time during Feast 2000 to prayer‚ supplication, seeking Me‚ and consecrating yourselves to Me, for only through Me and My power and in My strength will you fulfill this mission wherein I have called you.

16. Let the theme of this Feast be: "Watch and pray and be ready." Let this Feast 2000 be days of feasting on My Word, days of strengthening, of getting My battle plans, of hearing My voice fresh and pure, days of prayer, of vigil, of feeding and refilling, and a time to receive My fresh anointing for this new era you now enter.

17. I have poured out abundant mess­ages about the need to hear from Me more in prophecy, and these messages will provide the backbone of strengthening that I'm talking about. As you drink these in with faith and begin to obey, you'll find strength and anointing that you know not of. You'll begin to see greater and greater miracles, and your efforts of love and sacrifice will be multiplied many times over.

18. I will also give you specific prayer requests to keep in your prayers during this time—to uphold in supplication both unitedly and personally. (Note: GN 868 contains the list of prayer requests the Lord is referring to.)

The End of an Era,

And the Beginning of a New One!

19. (Message from Jesus continues: ) My beloved ones, as the world is entering its darkest days‚ be encouraged that you, My children, are entering days of great miracles and mani­fes­tations of My power upon you in this final hour. Soak in My Words and My comfort to you, and let it renew your faith and trust in Me as never before. Feast 2000 will mark the eve of your greatest period of glory as you glorify Me before the world.

20. Though the turn of the century ushers in great days of trouble and dark­ness for the world, it ushers in great days of glory for you, My children. As this page in history turns, though the world grows darker and darker, you will shine all the brighter as ­beacons of light to the lost and dying world.

21. This turn of the century is a monumental time in world history‚ for it marks the beginning of not only a new century, but the beginning of the End, the beginning of the final hour. In the eyes of man it marks the beginning of a new era‚ and so it is‚ but not the way man would think‚ for it marks the beginning of the end of the rule of mankind. And so it also marks the days of great glory and splendor when the power and might of Heaven will be manifested through you, My children.

22. As I have said, the millennium bug will have wide and varied implications‚ some great, some small, through­out the world. Some of its effects will be felt immediately, and some will be less obvious outwardly, yet nevertheless with great reper­cussion that will come sooner or later. I call on you, My children, to be ready. Be ready for the effects of Y2K. Be ready, for the hand of Satan manipulates the world at his whim to bring about his dastardly deeds and to wreak havoc where he will. Therefore you must be ready at all times—ready to follow where I lead, ready to give light and hope to the lost and dying world, ready to lead, ready to guide, ready to bring My truth to those who will hear.

23. Feast 2000 marks the beginning of the End. It marks the entering of a new era. I have great things to pour out to My Family during this Feast, as you stop and watch and pray and listen to Me. Great will be the results of this time with Me in prayer and in supplication!

24. As the world falls and crumbles to ruin, you, My faithful ones of the End‚ will stand strong and tall, defying the very forces of Hell itself as you march on in My might, power and strength, conquer­ing the evil of this day and restoring the world to its rightful owner, ushering in the Kingdom of love and truth and righteousness. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

25. We love you and pray this Feast will be a very special and feeding time for you as you sit at the Lord's feet and receive His strength, guidance, inspiration and power for the new year and new era ahead. God bless and keep you all, and continue to make you a blessing to all those whose lives you touch this year.

With much love,

Mama and Peter