Inside China #2

July 15, 2003

Table of Contents



Copyright © 2000 by The Family

Three Unforgettable Weeks in China!

From Abe (of Mercy), Taiwan

What interests us is seeing the eternal creations of God—that heart-to-heart contact of spirit with spirit, the immortality of the human soul that is glimpsed in every person we meet, everyone with whom we come into contact. This is what is thrilling! This is what is exciting! This is what is worth seeing—the everlasting life, the spark of eternity, the creation of God in the hearts of the living (ML #7:5). These words certainly express my feelings when I think back on our trip to China last summer.

My most vivid memories are the precious sheep we met—like Pearl, the kind waitress in a little roadside restaurant. After getting saved, Pearl was so touched by the Spirit that she stayed up most of the night to craft a handmade flower bouquet that she presented to us as a farewell present the next day. Or Paul, the student we met “accidentally” on a deserted mountain slope. His heart's desire was to be a tree, he told us, because then nobody in society would be able to push him around and make him do things he didn't want to. He was so eager to pray with us that he wanted to kneel down right on the dusty path. But I'm getting ahead of my story.

Our Most Powerful Weapons

Three of our children accompanied me on this trip: Elisabeth (11), Evelyn (9) and Erika (8).—Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I accompanied them, because they did most of the witnessing and praying with people, and they were certainly the key to the many hearts that the Lord opened to receive His love.

The girls have been studying Chinese for two to four years. That has been one of the main goals of our Home, and we have invested a lot of time and hard work in the children's language studies. Each member of our Home has made a lot of sacrifices to make this possible.

Now, going on this trip with my three daughters was the payoff. Their language ability coupled with their burden for souls and the Word of God stored in their hearts was such a powerful combination! Many times I would just sit back and watch them win people—people who would have probably shied away if a big old foreigner like me had tried to talk to them.

Elisabeth, who has studied Chinese for four years, has now reached a level where she can get deep with people and feed them from the Word. She had some beautiful witnessing experiences where people poured out their problems to her, completely forgetting that she was just a child. She was then able to relate various Good Thots stories and Bible verses to their problems. Watching her was such a rewarding experience for me!

Letting the Lord Lead

The Lord impressed on us that we should make witnessing our single most important priority on this trip, and that's what we tried to do. Every morning in our hotel room, we would pray about where to go that day. We didn't want to make a move without the Lord's confirmation.

It certainly paid off to hear from the Lord, as we later found out that He had engineered some amazing meetings between His sheep and us. In one city we felt led to go to a certain park one day. However, different things happened and we were delayed, not making it there until the afternoon. As soon as we entered the park, we bumped into a group of university students who had also just arrived. They were attracted to us right away. We spent several hours with them, and two of them got beautifully saved. Later we found out that they only come to this park once a year.

Let me tell you a little bit more about one of the boys in this group. At first he seemed to be the joker type, as he kept fooling around and being silly. But I had a check that there was more to him than that. While we were all resting on a hillside in the park, I suggested to Elisabeth that she take him aside and witness to him. As soon as she started talking about Jesus and salvation, the boy's apparent foolishness and shallowness was gone for good; he became the most sincere and serious person. He was so touched by the salvation prayer that he prayed a prayer back to Elisabeth, thanking God for letting him meet her, and how precious she was and how much it all meant to him.

He said that he felt very much like a sinner, because of his smoking habit. Though he had wanted to quit smoking many times, because of peer pressure he didn't have the strength to. For the rest of the afternoon he stayed by Elisabeth's side, talking very seriously with her. He was so changed from the way he had been when we first met him, and when we had to say goodbye he could hardly hold back his tears.

Another thing I learned was to pay attention to the checks and leadings of the Spirit that the children would get. Once, in a far western city, we had been walking around for a few hours praying to meet a sheep. I was getting a bit impatient with the Lord and the kids, Lord help me! We wandered into a small department store and the kids wanted to look at the artificial flowers. My first reaction was, “Let's get out of here. You guys are just getting tripped off!” But the kids really wanted to see them, so I begrudgingly gave in. It didn't take long until we found out that one of the salesgirls was really sheepy. Erika was able to pray with her right in the store.

Our main witnessing tool and door opener was our photo album, with photos of our nine children. There must have been hundreds of people who looked through that book during those three weeks! In order to make it a witnessing tool, we put some pictures in the back of Jesus the Good Shepherd and Jesus knocking on the door of a heart. But we soon found out that many people didn't know enough about Jesus to recognize Him from those pictures. When we asked if they knew Who that person in the picture was, quite a few people answered no. It was heartbreaking! One man saw the picture of Jesus with the sheep and said, “Oh yes, I heard you raise a lot of sheep in your country!” Ha! So, to get the message across more clearly, we wrote in Chinese on the first page of our photo album: “God is love. Jesus loves you. We love you.” Many people stopped to read those words when looking through the photos.

Fighting Distractions

People in China are very curious, and think nothing of plopping down right next to you and listening to your conversation with someone, or butting in with comments of their own.—To them, that's just being natural. Not surprisingly, this often happened when we were getting close to teaching somebody about salvation. The Old Boy sure sent some nosy people around at the wrong times! But this just made us fight all the harder.

After a few experiences like that, the kids got quite good at devising various distraction schemes. One of them would tackle the newcomer and keep him or her busy, either asking lots of questions or telling all kinds of stories. We had quite a few funny experiences that way.

One time we were just getting ready to pray with a lady in a hotel shop when this nosy businessman kept interrupting us. So Erika took on the job of distracting him. She asked him every question she could think of. Finally she ran out of things to ask, but the lady hadn't gotten saved yet, so Erika kept the businessman occupied by telling him stories about our toddler twins and how hard it is to feed them. Ha!

The Plenteous Harvest

It was beautiful to meet people from all walks of life, all so hungry for the Lord's love no matter what their position. While we were cooling off from central China's heat wave in the air-conditioned lobby of a five-star hotel, a restaurant manager passed by and was drawn to us like to a magnet. She invited the kids and I upstairs to her restaurant, and soon a flurry of waiters were serving us plates of beautifully cut fruits, along with juices and other drinks. It didn't take long for her to gladly receive the Lord. On the last day when we went to say goodbye to her, she was crying and poured out her worries and fears about the future, which gave us more opportunity to minister to her.

Another woman we met had serious problems with her teen son. When I told her that my wife was teaching classes on childcare and how to handle children and teens, she was amazed and said she had never heard of anybody teaching those kinds of classes. It was unheard of in China, she said, and she was super excited about the idea. What a vacuum!—What a job!

One day in a park out in western China, we were praying to meet someone who was alone, as most people were in couples and groups, and thus more difficult to approach. No sooner had we finished praying than a young woman sat down on a bench near us. We started talking to her right away. She was quite special; it turned out she had come to the park to help a runaway boy she had met recently. Nowadays you see many homeless children begging in the streets and parks in China. She had brought some food in her bag to give to this boy, and she wanted to try and persuade him to return to his parents. In China that is very unusual, as most people couldn't care less about these kids. She was also very discouraged that day because she had just failed her college entrance exams. It was certainly the Lord's timing to give her much-needed encouragement; by the time we left she had Jesus in her heart and a big smile on her face.

In order to make it easier to get people's addresses, we would offer to take a picture of them with the kids once they got saved. Then we had a good excuse to get their address, so we could send them the photo. Since coming back to Taiwan we have already sent more than 20 letters with follow-up lit to the friends we made on this trip, and are praying that some lasting mail-ministry fruit will come out of it. When we first started out we asked the Lord for 10 souls, but as the days went on and we got more and more into the witnessing fever, our faith increased.—By the end of our trip the Lord had blessed us with 27 souls!

Moving Mail Reactions From China

Ten days after we sent our first mail-ministry letters, we had already received eight responses. Some of the things people wrote broke our hearts! When we met these folks we didn't even know about their heartaches and the things they were going through. It made us realize that the Lord had taken very seriously our daily prayers that He would lead us to His needy souls, and had answered each prayer precisely.

We are so thankful that the Lord used us by His grace to bring His light of salvation into the lives of these sad and desperate people. Some of the things they wrote made us feel very convicted that we sometimes forget how much we have to be thankful for.

From a middle-aged lady who had problems with her teen boy:

[To Mercy:] I met your husband and your three beautiful children in China last month. I think it was God's gift and grace for me to meet them. Before that I was very depressed and in poor health, because my husband had been sick for five years with kidney problems. In order to save his life I had to stay with him in the hospital during the operations and recovery, for the last three years. My only son had to be cared for by others during this time, and he lost that close contact with us. His behavior and progress in his studies went downhill. Now he is a problem child.

Then suddenly my father passed away. I was at a very low point in my life and felt so weak. The problems were more than I could handle. At such a depressing time I met your husband and your children. We talked a lot together and their love moved me deeply. It gave me hope to go on with life and I know Jesus will help me. You are such a blessed woman, as God blessed you with such wonderful, obedient children. I would trade anything with you in this world to have an obedient child!

From a woman that worked in a hotel shop selling jewelry and handicrafts:

[To Elisabeth:] I am so happy to get your letter. Maybe you will not believe me, but I am a very emotional person. I am very afraid to be separated from my loved ones. I really believe that it was God's plan that we met in China. I am 22 years old; you are 11. I could be your older sister. When you told me that Jesus loves me and lives in my heart now, I felt so loved. We were seven people in my family. But when I was seven years old something sad happened. My oldest brother and sister were playing by the river and accidentally fell in and drowned. Soon after that, my grandmother passed away. We were very poor and had to build our own house. My family couldn't afford to send me to school and I had to quit school in fifth grade to start earning money. Please write to me again and help me get to know Jesus more.

From a student we met while hiking:

[To Mercy:] I felt so blessed to receive your handwritten letter. I met your family in China last month and through that little photo album, I learned that you had nine children. You and your children are so happy and bright in the photos! Your husband told me that riches do not equal happiness, not even joy. I agree with him. From his words I could feel that he has found real happiness in Jesus. The article you sent, “Turning Trials into Treasures,” I read over and over. Please send me more, so I can learn to be courageous and wise. I don't want a life without meaning. I want to live for something!

From a woman who worked at the airline office selling tickets:

It was such a surprise to receive your letter and enclosed literature. What a joy! You still remember a little person like me in faraway China. Although I only met you for a short time when you were waiting for the bus to the airport, you left a very deep impression on me. Your children had such outgoing concern for a stranger like me, such friendliness and warmth, and they cared for my soul. They taught me to pray and receive Jesus into my heart so I can be in Heaven. It is difficult for me to express the difference they have made in my life. After you left, my co-workers and I were talking about your three children. In all of China you would never find children like yours. I respect you and appreciate what a wonderful job you have done in training your children.

From the young woman who was caring for a runaway boy:

I got your letter. Although I have never met you, I felt such love and care from your words. I met your three children in China last month and they shocked me with their kind-heartedness and warmth. Whenever I think that someone cares for me and prays for me, I feel so moved.

Since I was born, as long as I can remember I always lived with my mother. There were just the two of us. My mother never talked to me about my father. She only told me that he had died. I felt there must be more to it, but I didn't dare to ask my mother as I sensed the sadness in her. When I saw your three children traveling with their father and the bond and joy between them, oh how I envied them! How I wish I could have had a father like him, even just for one day! … Never, never take life's blessings for granted! Treasure and appreciate everything you have. Keep loving each other and those around you. I know God will bless and protect you always!

I like the materials that you sent me to read. Oh, I have some good news to share with you. That little runaway boy, he did show up that day, after you left, though I had to wait for him for more than two hours. After he ate the food I had prepared for him, I insisted on taking him back to his home. When his mother saw him she couldn't stop crying—she had been so worried about him.

When I went back home that day, I couldn't go to sleep for a long time. I was so happy that I had helped this runaway boy to go back home and that I had met your children. I remembered the conversation I had with your daughter Elisabeth, and that I had Jesus in my heart and that I had learned to pray. That is the most blessed and happiest day of my life! Your love and prayer for me has given me so much faith. Thank you for sharing God in such a deep way!

A Time of Watering

From Kurt and Rachel, China

The city where we previously lived is four hours away by train. Memories of the day of our departure and the many tokens of appreciation from our Christian friends are still fresh in our minds, and we feel led to visit them. It's been three months since we left.

We are well received upon our arrival at the train station, and immediately are whisked away to be included in the activities of their underground church. I'm thinking about so many people's utopian dreams of “East meets West.”—This can only be truly fulfilled in Jesus. It's a wonderful feeling to be with our dear friends, together again in His love!

We meet in a small apartment, prepare Chinese dumplings, share testimonies and rejoice in the Lord. The Chinese couple with whom we stay has already decided that they will go to their in-laws while we stay in their apartment for the weekend. We argue about their generosity, and try to politely refuse in the Chinese manner, but they look at us with such shock in their eyes that we shamefully accept and thank them profusely. Their countenance lights up as we understand that it is the Lord giving to us, not just them.

All of us meet together on Sunday afternoon at the park, for a picnic and Word time. We wait to meet a businessman who, since he came to know the Lord, has decided to work with Him in his business. He arrives with three big boxes, one of which contains the prototype of a complete manger scene. He has eagerly waited for this moment to show us his handiwork. I think he wants to see our reactions when we see the 14 pieces that he himself designed. We are delightfully surprised that he kept his promise to complete the scene in time for Christmas. He has already sold 200 sets, and will continue distributing them until Christmas. His life has been transformed.

There are a lot of people in the park, and no one pays much notice to our group of ten walking along the lake. We share a passage from Matthew six under the rejuvenated, bushy trees of spring. We remember the bitter winter when life seemed to stop entirely under the snow and ice, and we praise the Lord for His life-giving Spirit and power.

Then we spend some time answering our friends' questions. They are concerned about their relatives; some well-intentioned Christians have told them that if their relatives are not saved, they will go to Hell. This negative approach confuses our friends, and they anguish for fairness and justice from the Lord. We assure them that the Lord would bend backwards to give everyone a chance to know Him, whether on Earth or in Heaven. We are thankful to have done our Word homework! They are relieved, and we all agree that it is even more reason to share the good news and pray for them to be saved: “How shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard?” (Rom.10:13-17).

We thank the Lord for how fast our friends have grown in the faith. We reaffirm to them that God will use anybody who is available and willing to be used. They are glad to know Him, and commit themselves to do just that. They caught the vision! Today their family, tomorrow their friends, their neighborhood, their city, their province, China … the world! We know that the Lord will follow them with signs, as they believe (Mk.16:17-18).

But it is getting late, and we must return to the train station. They follow us and insist on waiting until the train leaves. We promise to write and keep in touch, and we pray for each other. We can only “love them and leave them.” But as long as we plant the seed, God's Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

In the lives of little people

From Mick and Filly, China

We would like to tell you about some of the “little people” whose lives have been touched by God, as we've met and ministered to them.

The Little Girl

I have a Christian friend whose daughter I sometimes help with her English. We usually read children's Bible stories together, and talk about them. One day we were studying about the moon and the little girl asked, “Is Heaven in the moon?”

“Who told you that?”

“No one did. I just thought it might be!”

“Well,” I said, “some people think it might be, because the size is about the same as it says in the Bible. What made you think so?”

“You won't laugh? I'm not making this up. Last night I was looking at the moon, and I saw two men standing there.”

I said, “Who might they be?”

“Why, Jesus and His Father, of course.”

The next day she asked, “Who could know if Heaven's in the moon?”

I said, “We don't really know, but it's possible.”

“A prophet would know.”

“And do you know any prophets?”

“Yes!—You,” she replied.

“I'm not a prophet,” I said.

“Oh, that's right—you're a missionary!”

“Who told you I'm a missionary?” I asked.

“No one told me. I just know.”

This little girl is seven years old.—Out of the mouth of babes!

The Beggar

We have befriended a beggar who was severely disfigured from a burn accident. Last year we took him to lunch, and he also got saved. Now he sometimes drops in to see us.

One day I was having a meeting with three live-out members when he knocked on the door. After I invited him inside, he came straight to the point: “Sometimes I read the Bible and I don't understand it.”

So I explained to him, as one of the nationals translated, that it's good to find a quiet place, and pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open our minds and help us understand His Word, as He promised.

I then told this dear beggar that when we don't see him for a while, we miss him, as he is our brother. The beggar replied that he is not worthy to be called our brother, and I explained that none of us are worthy to be called God's children. It's only God, by His grace, Who reached down and saved us in His Love. Because of Jesus, we are all welcome in God's house.

Here is a man who has been completely rejected by society. He was rejected by his fiancé after his accident, which was heartbreaking for him. He said that before he met us, no one had shown any interest in him in the whole seven years since his accident. The day he got saved was exactly seven years after it happened.

I can't remember all the details of our conversation, as we fellowshipped for the better part of an hour, but it was so touching that when we closed in prayer I looked over and he was crying. One by one, the four of us took turns praying; when we'd finished, there were tears in every eye. This dear man had brought us a bag of peanuts that his family grew on their farm. In the eyes of men he is despised and rejected—but in God's eyes, he's a prince.

Protected by an Angel?

Some time ago, two of our live-outs started a new house church. When I asked them how it was going, they said that the Lord had miraculously saved the daughter of one of their friends from a serious accident. While she was at school one day, for no apparent reason she felt led to look behind her, and she saw that the basketball hoop (complete with the huge metal stand and backboard) was falling down. Some other students who were standing right where she had been were seriously injured by it, but she was able to move out of the way in time.

Her mother saw this as the hand of God; she'd been praying for her daughter, who had been very flippant. The girl is now quite a bit more sober. People said of the mother, “She really knows how to pray now.” As Hebrews says about angels, “Are they not ministering spirits, sent forth to serve those who are heirs of salvation?”

The Taxi Driver

Things can be slow in China on a day-to-day basis, as it's a sensitive country. We'd recently had a seminar on soul-winning and had been challenging our friends and live-outs to witness and win more souls. In the process, we were quite convicted about doing so ourselves, so we had been praying daily that the Lord would lead us to people who could get saved. Well, one day I had to get a taxi and it happened that we drove past a church. I asked the driver, “What's that building?”

“That's a church,” he said. Of course I knew what it was, but I was looking for an opportunity to tell him about Jesus.

“Do you ever go there?” I asked.

“No, I don't go. I don't believe in that stuff.”

“Well, I believe,” I said.

“I think I'll go there when I'm old,” the man said. “They say that you can go to Heaven.”

“Would you like to go to Heaven?”

“Yes, I would.”

Then I quoted John 3:16, and asked if he'd like to pray with me to receive Jesus. So he pulled over to the side of the road and prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior. He then said he'd be visiting the church, and asked me where he could buy a Bible.

Mongolia comes to us

I had to go to a neighboring city on business, and was sitting in a restaurant having a bite to eat before the train came. I started to pray, “Lord, there are so many millions of people in this city, and still no Family Homes! Please lead me to Your sheep.” Just then, a girl passed by. Our eyes met and she smiled. I said, “Hello!”

She went up the escalator—then came back down the other side!

We started talking and it turned out that she was from Mongolia, and had only been in China for two days. She didn't know anyone, and was so happy to find someone with whom she could speak English.

I told her that our family had visited Mongolia for the last two summers. She was so happy that someone cared for her country! I started to witness to her and she said that she'd been going to the Mormon church for four months, but hadn't received the Lord. She prayed with me to receive Jesus and gave me her phone number to follow up on her when we come next summer. She'd said she'd be reading her Bible and waiting for us to visit.

The Capital Revisited

Mick and Charline took a two-day road trip to Beijing, a city of over ten million people and the capital of China. We had always found Beijing people very open, friendly and receptive, and this trip was no exception. The first day, on the way to visit some Chinese friends who have a business there, three souls were saved—one beggar and two ladies at a bus stop.

We went to a party with some of our friends' business contacts, and our friend was telling some of his associates, who are also Christians, that all his staff are now Christians. He said, “It's because of Mick and his children! They prayed over the business when they were last here.” We said that it was a joint effort, as we had prayed with him and the Lord was the One Who should get all the glory, as He is the only One Who can do such a miracle.

It's wonderful to see the Lord watching over our friends while we are apart!

Mongolia Fact Box

A Soviet satellite until the breakup of the Soviet Union, Mongolia (also known as Outer Mongolia) has been a multi-party democracy since 1992. The Russians pulled out quite quickly, and left a big vacuum.

There is quite a lot of religious freedom. Officially foreigners can't distribute literature or go DTD, but nationals are completely free to engage in any such activity. It could be good for teams who have the vision to establish a catacomb ministry and an indigenous church.

There are about 2 million people in Mongolia, and 488,000 in the capital of Ulan Bator. They are very open and want English teachers as well as Russian and Chinese teachers. It could be a good opening for teams who are winding down from Russia.

Mongolia is an incredibly beautiful country, especially in summer, with the deepest blue skies and rolling grasslands. People still ride on horseback, even in the capital! There are also about three million Mongolians in China, mostly in the adjacent Chinese province called Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. They are also spread throughout the Northeast in Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces (formerly called Manchuria). There are at the moment no Homes in either Outer or Inner Mongolia. Please pray for the Lord to send laborers into this harvest, which is truly ripe!

China's Year of Jubilee

From Kurt and Rachel, China

As China was gearing up for the 50-year birthday of the founding of the PRC (People's Republic of China) on the first of October 1999, we received this prophecy a few days before the ceremony. We interpreted it as being quite significant for the Lord and His children throughout China, and even more so when we read the China GN (ML #3273; GN 877). We wanted to share it with you, to claim the promises of Leviticus 25 for His Chinese children.

“And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants therefore” (Lev.25:10a).

(Jesus speaking:) The dragon has raised his head in great fury, for he knows that the time has come. He is soaring to new heights. He slaps his tail on the waters.

The time has come to let My people go. Do you see My people on their knees? O Dragon, do you see them weeping and imploring after 50 years of bondage? You're coming with a haughty look today, and I'm coming as a whirlwind and as the Deliverer of My people, and they follow after Me. They have been pleading day and night for deliverance.

Bring your prophets to Mount Carmel. Bring them in the open, I say, and let Me deal with you swiftly. For My people are looking at their God and standing on My promise of the Jubilee—a year of rejoicing that I have spoken to Moses and promised, when the inhabitants of this land shall return to their possessions, the inheritance that I have prepared unto them for this time. They have paid their duty; they have redeemed their time. I am coming to fulfill the promise. It is holy unto them.

Oh, what a year it will be! They are preparing for the feast, for the rejoicing. In that day the glory of dead men [the Chinese Christians who died for their faith] will come to My remembrance. And others will be invited to walk in the light of it, and they shall. And the glory of the Lord will shine upon His people.

Yes, I did see some of those things 50 years ago. That which we've only seen in a measure, in a greater manifestation shall come. Things are working according to My plan. You'll be conscious of Me at work in the body [all the Christians at work in the Chinese church], for you'll be strong in body. Strong! Symptoms, lying symptoms of the dragon, will dissipate and disappear. And your body will work perfectly.

Watch and see the release of the prisoners. On that day [the first of October] the doves will fly high to their freedom in such unison. Can you see it? I will multiply the balloons that you let go by the millions, the souls of My people coming and being set free to meet Me in My Kingdom. Now believe it, look forward to it with great anticipation, and it shall come to pass. Someone said, “Well, who is that jubilee for?” The Word that is spoken is for everyone that needs it! It will come to pass in the lives of everyone who believes it. For it is the jubilee; it shall be holy unto you. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Lord also told us in prophecy to spend the morning of October 1st watching the TV news, and to pray and command Him to bind the dragon and free the Chinese people that we saw. Many friends also called us that morning and told us to watch the parade. Little did they know the Heavenly power that was being released on all sides! It was truly an effective way to pray and claim these leaders for the Lord … and we indeed saw the doves and the balloons. Praise the Lord!

All in a Week's Work

From Martin and Val and team

Martin and Glory (12) took a two-day trip to a major city to minister to three sheep the Lord had given us there. We were able to give Lydia a lit pack of all the lit we have available, and a Chinese devotional book. When we visited her in the morning, she and Susan, who received the Lord on the last trip, had been reading it. They were so turned on!

We shared with her the vision of giving out the Word to others, and prayed that the Lord will lead her to others that can get saved. She will pass on a lit pack to James, who got saved with Val on our summer holiday road trip.

We had prayed that the Lord would raise up some new sheep, as we have the vision to keep winning more, as well as feeding the ones we know already. But after two days, we had not met anyone new.

We had desperate prayer and said, “Lord, we have to catch our train tonight. We know Your promise cannot fail, so we ask that the people we are with on the train would be Your sheep, that You will place Your sheep next to us as we travel.”

As is our custom, we brought a small New Testament with us, to read and for witnessing.

In the morning we noticed in our compartment a girl who we had met the day before. She was having trouble closing her suitcase and we offered to help her. So Glory, another Chinese fellow and myself were trying to close her case. She finally gave up and removed a book and some tissue, and the case closed. I saw by the characters on the book's cover that it was Shen Ching (the Holy Bible). It was too obviously one of the Lord's setups to ignore. So I asked her, “Is that the Bible?”

“Yes,” she said.

So, you're a Christian?”

Oh, no! My friend gave it to me and I'm reading it.” She opened up to Matthew six that she'd been reading, and it was all marked up.

How long have you read it?”

I got it a month ago, but just started reading since last Saturday.” (It was now Thursday morning.)

Let me show you something!” I said, turning to John 3:16. “God loves you and wants to live in your heart, forgive your sins and take you to Heaven. Would you like that?”

Oh, yes!”

We prayed for her salvation and for her to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We got her address and promised to send her some follow-up lit. She wants us to visit her. So ripe, so ready and such an answer to prayer!

We stayed in another city for two days ministering to another friend, John. We gave him a Bible class on personal witnessing, and a pack of all the lit we had in Chinese and English. When we arrived home, he called to say that he had found out that three members of his staff are Christians. He got together to pray with them and they were so turned on about the Word.

A few days later he called again to ask for prayer for his journey, as he had a business trip. He said he needed more literature, as his workers had taken all we gave him and were photocopying it to give their friends. There were now eight Christians where he works. We arranged a trip there next week to minister to them, and to give them the vision to win and train others. As in the first city, we had prayed and asked the Lord for more sheep there, as we had only one when we left. The Words work wonders; we now have eight and they are already out of lit and asking for more. It seems the fire's burning!

Meanwhile, back at home the team followed up on a girl whose family got saved when the Lord answered their prayer and eased her pain from her leukemia treatments. Two weeks before He had also healed her of a fever. We were able to give her mother a lit pack.

The following day we spent the day ministering to a precious Christian friend, who poured out her life story and we were able to pray with her. She and her daughter are very bold to confess their faith, and her daughter always wears her gold cross outside her school uniform, although she's only six. We promised to see them the next weekend again and spend the weekend with them.

Please keep us and the work here in your prayers!

(Note: According to Church Watch and mission strategists, the Chinese Church is experiencing the fastest growth of any nation ever in the history of the New Testament Church. An estimated 50-80 million people now confess faith in Christ, and the number is growing at a phenomenal 30,000 per day or one million per month! It sounds incredible, but at this rate it will still take about 120 years for all of China to be saved, as China has 1,320,000,000 people, 1/5th of the world's population—and growing!)

Observations from the Mainland

From Elle Kay, China

A couple weeks ago, some of the students that Carl teaches invited us to the city's biggest discotheque. It was quite the experience! It looked exactly like the disco/night club that Richard Gere goes to at the beginning of the movie Red Corner. (That movie is banned in China.)

It's such a contrast, walking in from the street where people are simple and humble to this modern, hi-tech place where hundreds if not thousands of young people are rocking out to the latest rap or techno music from the West. We stayed for a couple of hours and danced with our friends and got to talk a little—although with some difficulty, as it was so loud.

I was invited to dance by a couple of Chinese men, which was fun. These dear friends were touched that we would become one with them and relate to them on their level, as no other foreigners were there. We have invited them to come over to our place next time!

That's just one example of Chinese hospitality. We've been to several parties and outings with neighbors, friends, taxi drivers, fellow teachers, etc. People are so sweet and friendly—it's so inspiring! And they really respond to our genuine interest and efforts to become friends with them.

We're learning to hear from the Lord about every little move, as we can't afford to blow it by leaning to the arm of the flesh! It's a sobering thought, but great training for the future. I'm happy for it! We pray about each person we meet, and the Lord is faithful to speak to us and give us the key to reaching him or her. Sometimes we really don't know how to do it; even if we did, we wouldn't want to miss the boat by not checking with the Lord. More and more I'm realizing how easy life can be when you let the Lord solve your problems for you!

Recreation, Food and Sports

Last Sunday we went kite-flying with some of our teenage Chinese neighbors. It was fun, except that the “ideal” wind was also freezing. Ha! Then our landlord's son took us all out to a nice restaurant for dinner. We had Beijing duck, which was delicious—as well as everything spicy you can think of: liver, fish, chicken, other meat, etc. Our landlord's son is a close friend and really wants us to teach him English.

I've noticed that young people here are really into sports, but with a healthy attitude. I got to play a fun Chinese game with some students, in which you stand in a circle with other people and you kick a feather ball the size of a ping-pong ball to each other. It's quite fun and exotic, ha!

Our Family Day CTP

On our way to the zoo one family day with the children, we had brought along some corn bread to feed the bears. But we ended up giving most of it to a couple of beggars that we met on our way there. One humble beggar got on his knees, crying and begging us for a little money to buy something hot to eat (on that day it was very chilly).

I almost started crying with him! We gave him a generous donation and some bread, said shang di ju fu ni (God bless you), and helped him to his feet.

He said, “Thank you, kind older sister!” So sweet! (In China, people refer to other adults as sister or brother, in a polite and friendly way, and children refer to adults as uncle and aunt.) So that was our CTP for the day, and it was quite inspiring.

China reminds me so much of Russia, in that you learn to enjoy and appreciate the simple pleasures of life—friends, nice food, a walk, fresh fruit, nature, meeting new people, etc. People here have not forgotten the real values of life, as so many have in the West. TYJ!

Relationship Opens Heart's Doors

We've known a young foreign teacher who works for the same company we do, for some time now. We have invited him over several times to birthday parties, to watch a movie with us, etc. He's very open and receptive. When praying for him, the Lord told us we should go slow, and that our sample would win him over.

Then one day he introduced us to his Chinese girlfriend. She fell in love with us immediately and loved to come over with her boyfriend every time he visited us. They decided to get married, and came over one day to share the news with us. Of course, we were very excited, and started up a “hugging party” which they eagerly joined in on, ha! We opened a couple of beer cans to celebrate and toast/pray to their future. They were very touched, as we all went around saying what our wishes/prayers for them were. Our friend was in tears and very moved by the love and support he felt, as it's a big step for him.

His girlfriend also said that they would like to model their family after our Family couple (Carl and Viv), as the sample of love and harmony they've seen every time they come over has been very special to them. As they left, we were all flying high, as we got together to talk about the visit and what the Lord wanted us to do next. He told us that it would be a good opportunity to bring the Lord into their marriage equation by sharing how it's the Lord's love that has kept them together and helps them make things work. We decided that Carl and Viv would invite them both out to dinner “to celebrate,” and to witness to them more deeply. So we left it at that—for now!

Another Sheep Asks in Faith

At a cafe, we proceeded to enjoy the self-service buffet special. As I went to inspect the displayed goodies, a sweet-looking Chinese waitress greeted me with a smile and asked my name. She spoke fairly good English. She was very interested in getting to know me better, so we exchanged phone numbers and I promised to get in touch with her.

I did just that the following week. We went for a walk to a big park and after talking for awhile she got beautifully saved. I explained to her about God's love and that He has a plan for her life. She had actually been very discouraged, as she hadn't been able to find a full-time job and was wondering what future she had ahead of her in China.

When I told her that we could pray and ask the Lord to help her find a job, she was flipped and eagerly joined in the prayer. The next week I saw her again and she was bubbling over as she told me how her prayer had been answered: just a couple of days after our meeting she had been offered a good job in the capital, something she hadn't even hoped for. She kept saying over and over how quickly God had answered her prayer and that, “It really works! It's for real!”

I was just as excited as her, as I had also prayed the Lord would not disappoint her childlike faith. In my natural reasoning—with ever-rising unemployment in China's big cities, and millions of youths graduating and trying to find a job—the situation didn't look too bright for her, especially because her major isn't presently in high demand.

But Jesus once again came through and honored this babe who put Him to the test. She wants to study the Bible now and know more about the Lord.

It's been very inspiring seeing the Lord put people in our path as we follow His leadings and walk through the open doors that He puts before us. Although sometimes we really do wonder, “Lord, are You sure about this?”—Thank God for His guiding voice and confirmations.

Slow Boat to China

From Stephen S., written while in Russia

My son Jonny (12) and I tried pioneering a different route back through the Manchurian side of China through the northern city of Harbin and then onward to the far east side of Russia. Since it was summertime, we decided to go by boat from Korea to the port city of Dalien, China. From there we would catch an overnight train to Harbin, and then travel onward by train and hydrofoil to the port of Fuyuan. We would exit China by hydrofoil boat and proceed up river for 25 kilometers to the port city of Khabarovsk, Russia.

This sounds exciting and all, but it wasn't without its tests. For example, we found out later that foreigners were not allowed to exit China by the port that we had. Nevertheless, the Lord saw us through as another indication of His wonderful supply and protection. Miracles can happen—even in the closed country of China.

With our three-week road trip in China coming to an end, Jonny and I prayed about our return to Russia. We got a vision of a plane and then a boat. The plane seemed easier as it was a one-hour flight from Harbin to Khabarovsk, but the boat seemed more exciting. Little did we know!

First our good friend “Hunter” (a Chinese student who majored in English and had gotten saved) purchased “hard seat tickets” for us, on an initial train trip that took 6½ hours. Crowded conditions and we being the only foreigners made it interesting viewing for practically everyone we came in contact with! The land was cultivated and surprisingly fruitful, even this far north. Mountains began to appear as we approached Jiamsui, a city of half a million.

On the train we met a friendly student who lived in Jiamsui and offered to help us get tickets at the boat dock. Much to our dismay, once there the Chinese-Russian woman who worked at Immigrations refused to issue us an ongoing ticket to Khabarovsk.

We were quite discouraged, but a suggestion was made that we try the government office the following day. This proved fruitless, but it was the Lord's setup as in the process we made two new friends: a young doctor, and a young man we met on the bus.

So humble and desperately concerned about our safety and security, they became our guides and paid for everything they could. It was touching, considering their living conditions were so poor; the room they rented would have been considered destitute by any standards. Nevertheless, we were very thankful that the Lord brought these young men along, and they later both prayed to receive the Lord.

Upon our departure we gave them copies of all the Chinese lit we had, which they eagerly accepted. So with a wave of our hand and a prayer in our hearts, we boarded another hydrofoil heading north, bringing us closer to our beloved field of Russia—but also somewhat afraid of being again rejected at the port of Fuyuan. This in itself was a test, as our only option would have then been to return back to Harbin, some 12 hours away.—And since it was peak season, flights were fully booked for the next nine days!

Exhausted, our funds running low, and in need of Family fellowship, we were getting desperate! Opening up my Prayer Vigil Promises book, it fell right on the section “Crossing Borders.” The verses that spoke to me were Psa.107:28-30: “So they be glad because they be quiet; so He bringeth them to their desired haven.” And Exo.32:34: “I have spoken unto thee: behold, Mine angel shall go before thee.”

Leaving at 7:30 a.m., we had a beautiful ride up the Songhua Jiang River, which eventually branches off into the Heilong Jiang River (or the Amur River to the Russians), which constitutes the border between Russia and China.

Coming into dock, we discovered that a lot of trade goes on between the locals here; the Russian city of Khabarovsk is only 25 kms from the Chinese port town of Fuyuan. The port itself was quite small, and sure enough, it was not an open port. It was accessible only to the Russian/Chinese traders and buyers. Foreigners were not allowed to cross.

As usual, our God is a God of miracles, and our “angel” appeared. He was in charge of Immigrations there, and after looking at our passports, he counseled with his underofficers and went into his office. Things were looking hopeful!

He returned later with two other officers and approached me to explain the situation. He told us that technically we were not supposed to even be here, but that he personally would see us through! The amazing thing is that some kind of local government official was there as well, and it seemed like the whole place was trying to put on a “good show” or something. Thank the Lord!

Getting on the Russian hydrofoil was like our former experience of coming into Russia on Aeroflot Airlines, with bags and baggage everywhere and people pushing and shoving trying to get places with a lot of shouting in between. One woman let Jonny sit next to her while I waited in the aisle. But once the boat got in motion and everyone settled in, out came the vodka and the beer and food, and the Russians began to celebrate their return home with all their shopping. They were very kind to us, especially to Jonny who speaks Russian, treating us like guests and giving us food and drink. It felt good to be back in familiar territory again.

All in all, on our trip to China we were able to personally witness to 21 people, resulting in eight souls. Humble beginnings, but nevertheless exciting fruit!

Lessons and Tips

Checking out universities for jobs: The difference between being a Foreign Expert (Master's or Doctorate degree) and a Foreign Teacher (Bachelor or Undergraduate) is important to note, as these classifications affect the status of your salary. Foreign experts get a much higher wage, although still small compared to western salaries, as well as other benefits to be offered (e.g., paid vacation and paid flights).

When pioneering a potential city, it may be good to have a contact number such as your hotel for any hot leads you may have. I found the Chinese to be very punctual in returning calls. Some have beeper numbers as well as mobile phones. If you are able to hang around about a week or so, by all means do so; that way you can get a feel for the city and meet your potentials as well as check out teaching jobs.

Go to the universities: All the universities I went to had a foreign language department, and the students spoke very good English. They were very eager to talk and help however they could. We also met students coming from other countries studying Chinese—Americans, Koreans, Japanese, Russians, etc., who proved to be friendly and receptive as well.

Hotels can sometimes charge you an extra 5 RMB for the room, no matter what the sign says. This is for police registration and security. Also included in this fee (at least in Harbin) is a city project fund to help with the city's modernization.

Food and other supplies are normally a few RMB more expensive at the points of transit, such as railroad and bus terminals. If you go into the back streets, you can find more reasonable prices. The vendors will barter with you, but speaking a few words of Chinese really does open them up. I had fun getting to know people, as bargaining is a way of life here. But foreigners are often overcharged; the government at one time encouraged it, I heard, so the tradition does continue. But with a lot of love and a smile, they often will give you a fair deal.

Once we found a clean and friendly place (for eating, getting drinks or whatever) we would keep going back there. Our presence would get people's curiosity going and they would come to talk. In one case we popped in to see a friendly restaurant owner as we were leaving the city. As this was our third visit, I took the plunge and gave her a tract, and told her I was a Christian. She was so happy, and indicated that she was a believer too! She gave my son a big motherly hug and kiss, then prayed to receive Jesus.

A funny incident about body hair: The Chinese in this neck of the woods are not shy at all, and really like to look you over—literally! In some ways their curiosity and simplicity is like a child's, and very different from people in the West. One time while visiting our friends' restaurant, a man came over to touch the hair on my arm and then pointed to the hair on my chest (the Chinese generally don't have much). It got to be kind of a funny situation and drew a small crowd of 5-6 people. I just joked that everything had moved around a bit, and then removed my hat to show them my thinning hairline. They broke out into a huge roar of laughter, ha!

Do keep your luggage locked in your room and your money and passports with you. One evening we left the room for about 10 minutes and it was just enough time for someone to come in and steal US$60. Thank the Lord they didn't discover all of our funds! Some hotel rooms here do not give you your own key. The hotel management has a floor matron who cleans the rooms and they do have easy access. Stay sweet, but beware. I complained to the management who took me to the hotel security, but they couldn't really do anything about it.

In this city there are several ritzy hotels, in some cases overseen by managers from HK. These are called “joint-venture” (which means they are cooperating with an outside source). The staff usually wants to learn English and the management is willing to pay for it, but it seems a little difficult to get a visa through them. However, I heard of an American woman who did this, and they even provided her housing in the hotel. It may be worth checking into, as it seems you could meet English-speaking businessmen as well as some of the more affluent Chinese traveling on vacation or business.

Traveling tip: Students (maybe others as well) can order your ticket for you. If you have a student friend, it can save you an extra trip to the train station if you need to book in advance.

“China's Hour” Rings True!

A reaction to ML #3273 from Alina (of Zack SGA), China

I'm so thankful for this GN! I often get that overwhelming feeling that there's so much to do and so few to do it, here in China. I thought the Family could never really realize how needy this field is, so I'm so thankful for this Word!

I would like to comment about some of the insights the Lord gave, and how amazingly correct they were:

In par.10, Jesus said: “China is a land of labor leaders. China is a land of missionaries waiting to be discovered, who only need a bit of love, encouragement and direction, and then they will turn around and help to feed the masses, the millions who are hungering and thirsting after that which only I can give.”

Our main ministry is doing exactly this. We have three regular Bible study groups each week, where basically all the people are active witnessers, ministering to many other Chinese. They are just so hungry for any input they can receive from us. PTL!

And that's not even to mention the individuals we give private Bible classes to on a regular basis who are so on-fire, spreading the Word everywhere they go! I grew up and joined the Family in a country where there are many catacombers and outside witnessers, God bless them! After I joined, I lived in different countries where catacombers and live-outs were all on fire. Yet I have never seen such a conviction in Christians for witnessing and really putting the Word into practice in their everyday lives, like I see here in the Chinese Christians.

In par.11, the Lord said: “Oh, My precious children of David, you are so rich in the spirit! You have been given so much. Do you long to be able to pour out all that you've been given? Do you seek for an outlet for the rivers of living water which I have put within you? Are you tired of approaching people who have already been given a choice to receive the truth, and have rejected it? Are you willing to lay down your life, as a martyr if need be, so that others might find eternal life and know that I love them? If you answer yes to these questions, seek Me as to whether I'm calling you to this beautiful, vast, thirsty and waiting nation—China, land of My children waiting to be born, land of My babies waiting to be fed.”

It couldn't be said better! There is no way anyone can feel unsatisfied in feeding the sheep here. It's just incredible that even the milkiest teaching, even the basics of the basics which we don't even think is teaching—we think it's just the way we do things—is such input for them.—Just because although they are very sincere and long to do the Lord's will, they really lack training.

Just like the Chinese Christian spirit put it in par.23: “We call out to those of the West, 'Come to shepherd us, to teach us!' We who have not, call unto you who have. Though you may think that you have not, you have much. We have not. We have only the desire to hear the Lord our God, to read the pamphlets, to hear the Words of life, that we may be nourished. We can live on but a morsel of rice, and we can live on but a morsel of bread, and we can live on but a morsel of the Word of God, if you would give it to us.”

I've noticed that many young people in the Family don't think much of their knowledge or training in spiritual matters. My husband grew up in the Family. He's not a rah-rah type of guy, nor a fiery evangelist or an extraordinary outreach person, yet with another YA they take care of feeding the Word to people who are house church leaders, teachers and instructors—educated, intelligent Chinese, who look up to them and acknowledge their authority in the Spirit. They support us by giving us their tithe, God bless them! Some of those sheep are 10-20 years older than any of us who take care of them.

From our friends' reactions, we can see that the abundance of Word and training that we receive in the Family is truly superior to any training one can get in a church organization. There is quite a bit of missionary movement all over China. People come from different churches and organizations, trying to establish their church here. Our sheep often tell us about other foreign missionaries, and that they feel funny about some of their doctrines or how they can see that witnessing is often just a duty for them and that they don't have the love and dedication we do, etc. None of our friends know that we are the Family or that we even belong to a group, yet they flock to us and seem to compare us favorably with church Christians.

In par.14, the Lord said: “Now is China's hour. Now is the time when she can be reached with the Words of love, the Words of David. Now is the time to strengthen the national church, to prepare for the dark days ahead.”

In par.16, Mama comments on a message “from a departed Chinese Christian that explains more of the desperate hunger that they [the Chinese people] have, and the need for someone to come and teach them, to give them the truth. Many know the Lord already, but have so little of His truth. They know they believe, but they lack even the basic foundation stones of the Word, and they have an incredible hunger to learn. House churches are expanding and gaining converts at an incredible rate, but they lack teachers, pastors, and shepherds.”

It's so very true! We have more people to minister than we are able to minister to, because of this very fact that house churches are growing at an amazing rate. You can't really see from outside the country how wonderful the work is here, because we are not able to share much of the specifics. But when our people come and plug into learning the language and witnessing, they soon find out just what an amazing field China is!

In par.41 the Lord says: “Now, at this time in history, there is a spirit of receptivity and great hunger among these people. The common people, and even the officials of the land, have become more open and inquisitive about new things, more desirous of information and input. The truth is that in their hearts many seek for answers, and they're hoping to find them through these outside influences, through the media, and through the things that they read and hear from other lands.”

We experience this almost on a daily basis. Chinese generally look up to foreigners and, sad to say, they even feel inferior to us in many ways. (Of course, those who have had experience with the “ugly American”-style foreigners sometimes look down on or criticize foreigners, and you can feel it in their spirits. But that's all the more challenge to show them that a Christian foreigner is totally different—just like Grandmother said in her prophecy.) We can use this to our advantage and give them the Word, but we have to be careful with the presentation at first before they get saved, because the Word is so pure and really exposes their wrong attitudes—which comes many times from their Communist upbringing and indoctrination. But because it's the truth and because now “in their hearts many seek for answers,” many of the people receive the Word as the answers they are seeking.

Another thing I'd like to comment on is what Jesus said in par.161: “You will be looked up to by many parents there who love their children too, but lack in education and spiritual training in how to care for them. You will be a help to many, and thereby many will help you too.”

It seems like such an unimportant thing sometimes to spend one's day in the nursery or with a childcare group. I did that for at least four of the seven years I've been in the Family full time. Every time I lived with a family in China as a childcare helper, Chinese friends commented on how much I knew about taking care of children. Sheep in our city still make positive comments on Mark and Caren's kids, who used to live in this city about two years ago. Now I'm expecting my first baby, and when I share different prenatal care tips with some mothers and women, they are amazed at how much I know. It's only the Word and the training I've received in the Family! Praise the Lord!

Since Chinese are allowed to have only one child, it is a very important thing in their lives, because they feel that that is their only chance to do it right, so women are eager to learn about this more and more.

We have several university students we're ministering to. Their whole life is ahead of them—marriage, family, career, etc.—and they keep coming to me with questions about their private lives, decisions they face, even asking me whether they have the right attitude about different aspects of life. They also constantly observe my interactions with my husband and ask questions about that, ha!

As far as the spiritual requirements listed in the GN, I'd like to say that although it almost seems that the doorknob is a bit too high, all the young people I've met and talked with about it, almost without fail have told me that it was worth it to forsake their hang-ups in exchange for what they've received on this field. Please pray for many more people to get the vision for this vast country. I love you!*

Tips for Ministering in China

From Barry and Dawn, China

Living in China is like the story of the blind men and the elephant, in the sense that everyone's experiences are different and everyone touches a different part of the whole. Our time here has been wonderful and rewarding, and we can hardly express how thankful we are to spend this time among the precious souls here.

A Daily Example

One thing we have learned and which we feel is the real key to living for Jesus in China is what the Lord said in “China's Hour”: “You will have a different ministry there, for I will manifest My love though your loving actions and words. The people will grow to trust and believe you, and then after many years, or in some cases a few months, accept Me. But they must see you first to see Me. That's how I will work there. So I say that you will be the shoe leather. You will be the Bible for them.”

People coming to this field have to know that things move slowly here. Ministering takes time and effort, and the building of relationships. When the local people ascertain who you really are and what you stand for, they will trust whatever you have to say. But first they watch to see that your deeds match the words you speak.

Though it's not always the case, in our experience we have found that fruitfulness generally comes through laying the groundwork and building trust. It's a lot like farming. In “Problems and Solutions, No.5,” the Lord says: “For I am the Farmer God. I slowly till the field, prepare the ground, and plant the seed. I wait patiently as the seed grows. I nurture it, and I stake it, and I weed it, and I dung it, As it grows, I see and know that fruit will come ... but that takes time—time for the plant to grow, time for it to receive its nutrients, time for the roots to grow deep, and time before it brings forth the fruit that will benefit others. ... Before the fruit there is much labor, much tending, much watering and weeding and fighting against the pests.”

The Lord wasn't talking about witnessing or China in this excerpt, but the principles certainly apply. In the same prophecy the Lord continues: “You, my children, must be farmers in the spirit—farmers who move slowly, patiently and faithfully, who know that the fruit comes forth through their patient labors. They can't make it come forth faster. They must do what they must do in obedience, in faithfulness, and then the fruit comes forth.”

The above quotes helped us many times to be patient and keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him for the results. It's so true what the Lord said about us being the Bible bound in shoe leather. If you're a teacher, your students will be watching. Your workplace colleagues, your neighbors, the local shopkeepers—all are observing you. You're a constant example. If it rings true, they will hear and receive what you have to say.

Timing Your Witness

When the Lord leads you to a sheep who is receptive to the few hints or seeds that you've dropped about the Lord, you have to find a time and place where you can safely talk more deeply with him or her. This may be over a simple meal, a cup of tea, or even—if the Lord so leads (as He has often led us)—in your own home.

We've found that it often takes more than one encounter before we feel the time is right to “pop the question.” There is no set formula, because everyone is different. You just have to keep in touch with the Lord and be sensitive to the person to whom you're witnessing to know when the time is right. In our situation, in-Home witnessing has been effective because our whole family or team is there and we have more freedom to bring out tools or a Bible or even show them the Jesus Movie CD in Chinese.

The Lord brings out in “China's Hour” that this field is not for those of us who may be used to flashier ministries and high stats and so on. It is a very different approach from what we were used to in the West. Because of the slow pace, it's easy to feel condemned, like you're not doing enough or getting enough results. This is where your connection with the Lord comes in. He can tell you if you really aren't doing enough. He can and will encourage you time and time again on what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it plus console you when you fail.

Acknowledging the Lord has become the principal factor of the work. The New Wine has been such an inspiration and strength in this regard; the new weapons, such as prophecy, are indispensable to our existence here.

Who To

There are a lot of people who we want to witness to but haven't yet had the opportunity. By “opportunity” we mean that little window of time when all the factors are in place.

For example, about five months ago I went with a secretary from my school to another city where we had some business. It was a two-hour bus ride and we were sitting right next to each other. No one could overhear us, so the time was right to introduce her to the subject of Christianity. I gave her my testimony of how I had been a hippy, confused and searching for the truth and some real love, till I found a personal faith in Jesus that changed my life—so much, in fact, that I love to tell other people about the big miracle that happened to me and that Jesus loves them too.

She listened and asked a few questions and came out with the standard “most Chinese are Buddhist” answer. From then on, I knew she knew and the other Chinese workers would soon know that I was a Christian. That meant that they would expect to see their idea of Christianity lived out in my interactions with them. Over the next months I dropped little seeds here and there, and at home we prayed for her and the chance to minister to her.

Just the other day, while we were sitting and eating lunch at her desk, I noticed a pretty handwritten card there and I asked her what it was. She then read off 1Cor.13, and said it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever read. She went on to explain that she'd been reading the Bible recently and had learned so much about God and Jesus. I then said, “If you're interested in the Bible, why don't you come over to my place and we can study some more beautiful things from the Bible together.” She said, “Wow, I'd really like that very much!”

So in this case, the stage is set for the full witness and she'll be coming over some time in the next week. Praise the Lord! This is just a little example of the kind of ministry we've been involved in and how things have been working. It is slow, but it is rewarding.

Another girl actually attempted and nearly committed suicide because she was so unhappy and depressed. We got close to her and led her to the Lord, and from that point on she just took off in her spiritual growth. Although she lives in another city and we don't see her that often, she has been instructed by the Lord Himself through the Word on what to do at each step of her growth, and has even begun bearing her own fruit in witnessing to her friends.


Generally speaking, the Chinese are wary and carefully examine a product before buying it. They are good shoppers, and are looking for the genuine article; they seem to know it once they see it.

China is a wonderful place, because if you are caring about people, praying for their souls and hearing from the Lord, you will inevitably bear fruit. Every soul we touch, every word we speak, every action we do speaks volumes and is a large part of the overall witness, even though it may seem slow and like taking the long way around to get to the point of salvation. We can only say that it is worth every minute. We have never been on a more rewarding or fulfilling field.

If you are having a tough time in the West, perhaps the Lord is using it to urge you on to greener pastures. This field here is desperately in need of laborers. I'll close with a verse: “Say ye not there are yet four months and then cometh harvest … lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest” (Jn.4:35).

(End of file.)