LAST-MINUTE QUOTES       --page 1173--


HomeARC note (10/98): The Charter states the Family's current principles, policies and attitudes regarding marriage, parents and raising children.]

         1. The child is a product of the parents and their nature and character and spirituality or lack of it, including all of their faults. The sins of the fathers will be visited unto the third and the fourth generation, and don't blame it on God! (Ex.20:5) Some people complain about that verse, that God is a cruel monster to visit the judgements upon the poor innocent children! It's not
God's fault, He doesn't do it, they do it! They have visited their own sins on their own children, and the effect doesn't wear off for three or four generations!
         2. Delinquent children are the products of delinquent parents!
         3. The most vital part of this work is our children. If our children can't become what they should become, if our children can't carry the ball and carry on, then we have failed in the most important part of our work, we have failed to preserve the Future!
         4. I think we ought to let children do what they want to do and like to do as much as possible as long as it's reasonable and not hurtful to them or others.
         5. Our children have a great feeling of security as long as they feel our love and our care and concern and they have the Lord. It doesn't matter whether we move tomorrow or turn things upside-down or upset the fruit basket or play musical chairs or whatever, they wouldn't feel the least bit less secure, because they know they've got a Family and they have the Lord and they're perfectly happy no matter what happens.
         6. If children are attached to
things, a certain house and a certain neighbourhood and a certain school instead of to the Lord and the Family, if they have been taught and raised and reared to be attached to "things" instead of to people and to the Lord, then it's going to be quite a psychological wrench to tear them out of that frame of reference into another situation.--If you've allowed them to get attached to those things and that place instead of to God and the Family!
         7. Children are the greatest child psychologists in the World and they'll pull psychology on you! They'll outsmart you, too, if you let'm. They're very smart. They know more about it than you do, you've just gotta keep at least one jump ahead of them.
         8. You should always stop and
pray things through first before making any decisions, especially on where to take your children!
         9. Anyone who reads
anything with any child should always first check the book through, and read it for themselves to be sure it's a profitable story and suitable for young ones to read!
         10. Children's reactions depend on adults' attitudes. Children reflect the parents' good attitudes and faith!
         11. Choose the good and eschew the evil while watching System TV and video shows and be sure each program is previewed by an adult and then thoroughly explained to the children while viewing it with them. After seeing any TV show or movie, be sure the children understand thoroughly the entire message and answer any of their questions.
         12. I don't believe in depriving a child of anything he wants to do that doesn't hurt him or others.
         13. When children show they have learned consideration for others, that's a real sign of maturity.
         14. It's very important that the
first child is well trained, because the younger children then follow and imitate the first one so much.
         15. Violent children usually come from violent homes.
         16. Even if
we fail, the children will still be around like little time bombs ticking away, waiting to explode this World apart, with what they're learning, the languages, the lessons, the training! It'll never leave them! Think of what these kids are going to do! They're going to lead an Army! They are our guarantee that our work will never end!
         17. We never leave the children alone for any time at all, even for what may seem like innocent playtime in our own backyard!
         18. I never liked tickling! It doesn't feel
good, so it must be bad! It's really sort of cruel!
Everyone always needs someone.
         20. If you promise a child something you should be
sure to give it to them if at all possible, good or bad, so they'll know you keep your word whether it be good or bad, outing or a spanking!
         21. I don't think you can give a child too much attention. They need lots of love! It's a big, hard cruel World and they need lots of love and attention.
         22. It's such a shame to go to the doctor to see if your child has a childhood disease and what it might be, then come out of there perhaps having caught every disease in town from all the sick people in the waiting room!
         23. I believe in giving kids a
choice when there is a choice!
         24. You can't
teach a child all day long! There comes a time that you can hardly get them to do anything, they're just anxious to play because they've had enough school for the day!
         25. I taught all my kids to say "Yes sir!" That's how my mother taught me and I've tried to teach my kids that.
         26. Children don't understand everything that's going on, but they trust you that
you understand.
         27. If children can't get what they want by being
good, they try to get it by being naughty!
         28. Make learning fun! Everything should be a learning activity for children!
         29. Everybody needs to feel special to somebody. That's why you have husbands or wives, you need to feel special to somebody!
         30. Even if you have eight children, you still treat them all a bit differently. You can give each one something special. They should feel they're
special to you in some way.
         31. Children have to
know they're special in their own way. We all need to feel special to somebody.
         32. You have to try to explain things to children, maybe even if they can't
understand it, because just the fact that they know you're trying to explain it to them will help!
         33. Children's feelings are much the same as adults', only a difficult experience can be even more traumatic for children because they haven't
experienced some of these things before, and they haven't been assured like you have that things all work out in the end and everything is going to be OK. They don't have experience to go on, like you do.
         34. Children have to go through many things, which though small to us, may seem monumental to them at the time.
         35. Children are so much more vulnerable than adults in a lot of ways, because they don't understand things, mostly because they don't have the
experience to understand them! So you have to treat them even more carefully, tenderly and with more consideration than adults.
         36. Adults almost always demand some kind of explanation for things, and children have as much right to an explanation as anybody.
         37. Children really really need
emotional and spiritual care! Children need to know that they're important and that they really are loved and looked up to by somebody, just like everyone!
         38. Perhaps the problem for the parent has just been a lack of
time, but the child may consider it a lack of love if you don't explain. The child may think it's a lack of love just because he doesn't get the attention.
         39. With most problem children the problem is usually their parents and that they haven't shown them the loving attention or discipline that they wanted and needed!
         40. To understand children, just understand yourself! Children are little people, why don't we just start thinking about them as we do about
         41. People just thrive on love and attention and concern and consideration, and if children don't have it, or they think they don't, then just like with all of us, they're going to feel bad if they feel rejected.
         42. Children aren't that hard to understand if you just put yourself in their position!
         43. Start realising that the experiences children go through are
very similar to things we go through, only harder to understand for them and harder to take, harder to battle against, because they don't realise that a lot of it is spiritual.
         44. Try to put yourself in the child's place as much as possible and try to be understanding and explain as much as possible, be as sweet as possible when you do have the time. Some special little thing or a special word or even touch will really keep people going a long time.
         45. Even if you don't understand what the problem stems from, the Lord understands and the answer is Love, whatever the problem, and through His love He can show you the specific solution.
         46. People are complex. Children are people too and their problems are complex too. If we'd just stop thinking about children as "children" and think about them as people, we'd get a lot further with finding out what's wrong with them, because we'd understand a lot better.
         47. You can't say that children's problems
always are the fault of adults or the parents. You can't always blame children's problems on adults. Maybe the problem is a spiritual one for which you need to have desperate prayer for deliverance.
         48. With a
serious problem, maybe you didn't cause it, but maybe you let it go too far. If the problem gets pretty bad, then for sure someone is responsible for letting it get that serious. Somebody didn't get desperate enough and really pray and try to find a solution and try to give them a lot of love.
         49. Never let kids sleep in a totally dark room! Always have a light on!
         50. Children should not sleep by themselves at all, ever, not until they're almost grown, sub-teens, old enough and strong enough to stand on their own two feet spiritually and care for themselves!
         51. Communication is so important! At times of misbehaviour, it's even better if you don't just spank, but especially
talk about things and give the child a chance to explain himself and talk it out! Try to find out why he's misbehaving. Children should only be given punishment along with understanding.
         52. Swimming is one of the most dangerous sports ever. You can be only one breath away from death, so never be out of arm's reach of those children! It only takes one big gasp underwater to drown!
         53. Every one of our Family Homes need a good, inspired teacher of the Word for our ever-growing population of children! The best teachers are those that make learning fun--an idea person who inspires children to learn the Word!
         54. A teacher is somebody who will make you want to learn, make it pleasant and enjoyable--make the kids almost beg to learn!
         55. It's easy to be bad and it's hard to be good. It's children's natural bent to pick up the negative and the bad, because we are born in sin and we are born sinners and we have to
learn really to be good.
         56. Some things you just shouldn't tell children! My mother used to say, "Talk about the Devil and he'll crop up!" It's not good. Then it gets their minds on those negative things and begins to make them fearful and they spend too much time thinking about it. (Phil.4:8)
         57. Children should not be forced to eat what they don't like to eat if there's a good substitute available.
         58. We do not put up with foolishness, or rowdy, mischievous, naughty, disobedient, wilful, stubborn and rebellious behaviour in
anyone! Warnings are usually needed to give the person time to make the choice for themselves to change for the better, but if not, "The rod of correction will drive it far from him." (Pro.22:15)
         59. It's said that a child becomes an adult when he has children of his own, because then he really sacrifices and lives for someone else. Well, I think our children become adults even before that because they begin very young to learn to sacrifice for others and share and help each other and that's maturity in the Lord's eyes.
         60. The Lord said to me as clear as I ever heard the voice of God, "You must preserve the children, for they are the Future!"
         61. Our children are as good as gold,
         And always do as they are told;
         Psychology we've used for years,
         Then, too, we've spanked their little rears.
         62. It's not at his mother's knees but across them where a youngster learns his best lessons.
         63. In cases of child delinquency you fail unless you get at the seat of the trouble.
         64. "Whom the Lord
loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth!" (Heb.12:6) That kind of love is the answer to everything along with the other kind.
         65. The threat of punishment is one of the most effective deterrents.
         66. Try to fit the punishment to the crime!--Punish the offending member firmly and surely, after fair warning and threats, so they know what's coming if they persist.--And do it consistently without fail so they'll
know they've always surely and certainly got it coming if they do the thing you warned'm not to.
         67. Be sure your first admonition is loving, gentle and prayerful and with a good reason, a cheerful warning as to
why. But if they persist, sock it to'm!--But never with such harsh or severe force as to actually injure, only hurt. Do it in love as the Lord does (Heb.12).--And if you really love them, and they know it and love you, they'll eventually keep your commandments! (Jn.14:15)--And everybody will be happier in the end!
         68. If everyone knows the rules, agrees and abides by them, then everyone can discipline the children, not just the parents! The parents must
trust their childcare helpers to do what's best and they all must agree upon the rules together.
         69. If you make your laws too strict, people are bound to break'm! The governments themselves have made criminals out of a lot of people by making rules that nobody can keep, sort of like the Mosaic Law.
         70. Don't make your rules so strict that you're going to be sorry if you do have to keep'm or make
them keep'm!
         71. I
never spank for an accident, ever!
         72. You have to teach people you mean what you say! That's the only kind of discipline that works: The kind where you mean what you say and you keep your word and your kids know it!
         73. Be sure the rules and the punishment or sentence you lay down are Spirit-led and not too hard to keep or too hard, and not done in anger or without prayer.
         74. God has lots of rules. But under the Law of Love He has even more rigidly enforced some rules, and under Love He has relaxed some others so they're not as tough. You just have to have the Wisdom of the Lord to know the difference, just when to stick to your guns and when to sometimes encourage them and agree to do things
their way.
         75. There's nothing wrong with disciplining in righteous anger over wrongdoing,
God does that! We should get angry over sin.
         76. Patience isn't always a virtue. With misbehaving children you shouldn't have
too much!
         77. There
is such a thing as having too much patience. There are a lot of times you shouldn't have patience, because you need to nip things in the bud and not wait too long. You need to get stirred up and angry once in a while and you need to immediately punish disobediences and correct problem situations before they go too far.
         78. Judgement delayed gives hope of postponement and maybe total elimination. "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed
speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil!" (Ecc.8:11)
         79. It is important that all the parents, the helpers and the children
know and agree upon all the rules the children are expected to obey, so that anyone can discipline any of the children and not just the particular mother or father of the offending child! It's important when a child is disobedient that the judgement and punishment be swift.
         80. Once you have actually promised sentence, you may temporarily suspend sentence and put them on probation. But once you have said, "Now you're on probation and we've decided we're going to do thus-and-so with you, exile you to such-and-such a Home or excommunicate you entirely," or whatever the sentence is, and you suspend the sentence for right now, tell them, "But if you
don't respond to this probation and straighten out, then such-and-such an exile or complete excommunication will immediately occur!"
         81. Not only the adults should agree to the rules, but you should give the kids some say-so too. Kids are normally harder on themselves than you would be.
         82. If the children have helped to make the rules, then they're more aware of them, and will be more inclined to obey them and more apt to accept the consequences that they themselves have laid down.
         83. If children are allowed to get away with things, then they're going to lose confidence in the adults that
let them get away with disobedience!
         84. The
Word helps motivate the children to do the right thing, and that, along with the rod, is definitely the long-term solution to disciplinary problems. But if they haven't been given the Word, the immediate solution is to use whatever discipline will make unruly children obey.
         85. You
have to lay down the law to get the kids disciplined and in order, and then of course, you have to continually administer the Word to motivate them to do the right thing and to help them to get convicted by the Spirit when they're disobedient.
         86. The long-term goal is to encourage the children to obey out of love and to have the conviction to
know what's right and what's wrong and therefore choose to do the right thing.
         87. Ideally we're to try to explain things to children and help them to understand
why they did wrong and take the time to reason with them, but if you've got a major problem on your hands and lots of screaming kids, then it's not time to explain.--It's time for laying down the law!
         88. It confuses children if there are different standards for different children, and that can, of course, cause contention and disunity and disharmony!
         89. Homes that have regular childcare council meetings seem to be the ones with the least problem children!
         90. Better the child should cry than the father.
         91. The idea of school is to
learn. If there is a way to make it easier for students to learn, then do it!
         92. We should
all be teaching all the time!
         93. Whatever the children
enjoy learning is what they will learn the best.
         94. It's so satisfying to really fill children with the Word! You know it'll forever be with them and it'll always be a blessing! Not one Word is wasted!
         95. The best academy, a mother's knee.
         96. We are now developing an educational system and educational materials for the new education of the New World!
         97. You have got to have animation, you've got to have enthusiasm, you've got to have inspiration. You've got to really sock it to'm and put a lot of real meaning and interest in it in order to really get and keep a little child's attention. You've got to really illustrate it and you've got to really put everything you have into teaching kids. If you sit there and read on and on monotonously from some System book or even from a TK, they're going to wander off physically or at least in spirit and forget all about it.
         98. If during the Millennium we are going to rule the Earth with a rod of iron with the stern tough strict discipline and authority of Jesus Christ, what more can that mean than that we are going to train people and educate them and teach them to be good.
         99. Our children are the Future forever! They are the Future for the Millennium!--The next 10 years, the next thousand years! They are going to be
the Future and what works on them now they are going to be teaching others later and teaching others to teach others to teach others.
         100. When you feel like criticising the younger generation, just remember who raised them.
         101. The best thing parents can spend on children is time--not money.
         102. To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.
         103. Our children are our greatest task. They are the responsibilities and the little disciples that God has given you that you have to take care of and you must train and they had better be taught well and reared well in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and trained up in the way they should go so that when they are older they will not depart therefrom.
         104. You're all childcare workers, you all should be interested in working for the children and helping to take care of the children in one way or the other, because I think they're our greatest task now. We have them and they are ours, they are our personal responsibility, every single Family Member's responsibility!--Not just the so-called childcare workers, but every secretary, every cook, every maintenance man, every litnesser, busker or whoever, and you're finding out how valuable the children are. You take care of the children and the children take care of you!
         105. It only takes one parent to spoil a child!
         106. God bless the precious ones who take care of the children, the unsung heroes of the Revolution, the custodians of the future!
         107. Fear communicates. If the parents freak out and the kids see them, then of course the kids are gonna freak out too.
         108. Our own attitudes and samples of faith as parents are such a standard to the children. The more effort of faith or prayer we show them in concern for their healing, the more they too get desperate for themselves.
         109. When we live all together, we
all assume responsibility for the children.
         110. If you don't discipline a child from the time they're a baby, they're going to be a failure and a flop and a mess and a problem by the time they get to be a year old!
         111. A pregnant woman is absolutely radiant! She has an absolute glowing radiance about her. A pregnant woman must have a double aura, she absolutely radiates!
         112. The more pregnant that a woman becomes, the more motherly she gets and the more beautiful!
         113. I always did say a pregnant woman just glows with
Heavenly beauty!
         114. My Mother believed in
prenatal influence! She genuinely believed she was highly influencing my personality even before I was born, and I believe she was!

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HomeARC note (10/98): Please refer to The Charter for the Family's current doctrine and policies regarding most of the following subjects.]

(ADMINISTRATION and ORGANIZATION) It is a bad plan that leaves no room for modifications.
(BACKSLIDERS and PRODIGALS) Backsliders seldom ever backslide alone. Their infection spreads rapidly and they try to infect as many people as they can by spreading their murmuring and division. They have to do that to justify themselves for leaving, and persuade as many people as possible to do the same thing to show they're right and they're not the only ones who feel that way. They organise their rebellion against authority and against their Home and their leadership and have special little meetings together to plan their rebellion.
(BACKSLIDERS and PRODIGALS) The greatest danger of problem cases within is sowing further dissension, discord and murmuring, and poisoning the camp! That's the greatest danger--what they say! --Poisoning the camp and murmuring!
(BACKSLIDERS and PRODIGALS) Even if you've lost everything, your birthright, your inheritance and everything, the Father still loves you and wants to save you. You can still come back and enjoy His love and His salvation. Even if you have no reward, at least you're in the Father's house.
(BACKSLIDERS and PRODIGALS) God breaks us in mercy and has mercy in our breaking. And if you've left the Father's house, He'll break you to bring you back some day. You missed the blessing and your reward, you're too late for the crown, but thank God you're saved.
(BACKSLIDERS and PRODIGALS) Many have rebelled against me but many shall repent and return to the house of their Father in those Evil Days and shall know that God was right, too late for the reward but thankful for Salvation.
(BOLDNESS/SHYNESS) When I was young I was shy and had an inferiority complex and I had no self-confidence, but when I got filled with the Spirit I had a lot of confidence!--But it wasn't self-confidence, it was Christ-confidence, Christ-consciousness.
(CHANGE) One thing most people need is regular change. The Bible says you need change. (Ps.55:19.)
(CHANGE) Changing one thing for the better is worth more than proving a thousand things wrong.
(CHANGE) To do so no more is the truest repentance.
(CHANGE) We make policies, but there are times when you can break a policy when it comes down to the sake of the important work, and the sake of others, even risking your own life or whatever it takes to save the lives of others!
(CHANGE) I change my mind according to the situation, the condition, the time. There is a time for everything. There is a time to sow, there is a time to reap, there is a time to laugh, there is a time to cry, there is a time for everything!
(CHURCHIANITY and ORGANISED RELIGION) Churchy people have to stand by their old-bottle convictions and old-line doctrines and old conservative practices, their old habits that they'll never change. It's going to take probably the whole Millennium for us to change some of those people and persuade'm to God's way of thinking and our way of practising.
(COMMUNION) I think Communion time ought to be a happy time! We ought to be happy about healing and Salvation! It should be a time of rejoicing.
(CONVICTION/COMPROMISE) It does not take great men to do great things; it only takes dedicated men.
(CREATION) Nature is the living, visible garment of God.
(CRITICISM and GOSSIP) To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.
(CRITICISM and GOSSIP) An idle rumour is generally very busy.
(CRITICISM and GOSSIP) The opposite of gossip is often the truth.
(DEATH/LIFE) Are you willing to die and still trust the Lord?--Still have faith even as you die? Can you die in faith? The greatest test of faith is death! That's the ultimate test, if you can die trusting the Lord.
(DEATH/LIFE) Life is a voyage that's homeward bound.
(DEVIL'S DEVICES) The Devil gets into a lot of people in unguarded moments. Any time you just let down your guard and for a minute you're off guard or out of the spirit, disobedient, wilful, murmuring, complaining, just any little thing the Devil can use, he'll get in. He's waiting.
(DEVIL'S DEVICES) The Devil's afraid of us and he attacks us any way he can get in--into you or any little weak character or any little weak sister or anybody who's not 100% sold and loyal and faithful and diligent and spiritual and absolutely all-out for us and this Family and for Jesus.
(DEVIL'S DEVICES) A little stone may upset a large cart.
(DILIGENCE IN BUSINESS) God blesses honest, sincere, hardworking, righteous people even if they don't know the Lord!
(DISCIPLESHIP) No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his body, to risk his well-being, to risk his life for a great cause.
(DOUBTS) Our doubts are traitors,
         And make us lose the good we oft might win,
         By fearing to attempt. [
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare]
(EDUCATION, SYSTEM) Few minds wear out; more rust out.
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) We don't believe in complete demon-possession of any child of God by the Devil's angels, but I'll tell you, I've see some saved children of God who love the Lord who have thrown some fits and done some tricks which only the Devil could have done through them!
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) The one thing of all things that those demons don't want is to be cast out! That's what they fear the most.--Whether it's a demon out of the body or troublemakers out of the Church! If you keep fiddling with them and nursing them, that's exactly what the Devil wants! Above all, they want to stay in the nest and be a problem child--that's their mission.
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) Your problem cases get away with so much because you don't lay down the ultimatum and execute positive sentences and discipline them! When you've given your word, you have to carry out the sentence, whether you want to or not.
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) It's much better to have an enemy on the outside than on the inside!
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) The Devil always accuses you of what he himself is guilty of. There's only one thing that keeps a demon happy--to stay in the body where he's causing the trouble!
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) When the Devil finds he's stuck his neck out too far and is about to get it cut off and he begins to realise what it's going to cost him, and he doesn't want to get kicked out, he will often act very meek and submissive in an attempt to escape judgement!
(EXORCISM and SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS) Better to lose a few digits, to lose a few members [have them leave], no matter how important they are and how tragic their loss, than to have them corrupt the whole body and cause the loss of all!
(FAITH and TRUST) Sometimes people think they've got the faith but they really don't, if it doesn't happen. Even though they think it, they expect it, if it doesn't happen, obviously they didn't have the faith. If what they thought was going to happen or expected to happen or wanted to happen, doesn't happen, then obviously their faith was not real faith. It was just presumption.--Or maybe even spiritual pride.
(FAITH and TRUST) "For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast." (Eph.2:8,9) And that principle is true of everything, including healing and everything else!
(FAITH and TRUST) The whole name of the game is faith and trust and to trust Him anyhow! He loves to see if you've really got real faith and you're going to trust Him anyhow, no matter what!--Even if you weren't a shining example and didn't have a glorious victory!--You trusted Him in seeming defeat, and that's a glorious victory!--You trusted Him in seeming defeat, and that's a victory in itself, to be a good loser!--More than a conqueror!
(FAITH and TRUST) Quit worrying about the future, quit worrying about tomorrow, quit worrying about even the next hour. God will give you grace when the hour comes!--Not just power for the hour, He gives you power for the second or the split second, the instant! That's all you need.
(FAITH and TRUST) Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.
(FAITHFULNESS) One of the best verses for your life and ministry is, "He that is faithful unto the end I will give a crown of life!" (Rev.2:10)
(FAITHFULNESS) You can only live one day at a time, you can only be faithful one day at a time. Don't worry about when you weren't faithful yesterday or whether you're going to be faithful tomorrow, but do your best to be faithful today. Forget the past and tomorrow will take care of itself, or the Lord will take care of it.
(FAITHFULNESS) Too many people think about "faithful" as being some kind of a works thing that you worked up and that you did. But if you're full of faith, you're faithful and faith comes from the Lord, comes by hearing the Word and reading the Word.
(FAITHFULNESS) I just have to depend on the Lord to keep me faithful, that's all, and trust Him that my faith won't fail, because my faith comes from Him. Faith is a gift of God.
(FAITHFULNESS) Only the Lord can keep you faithful. Of course, you have to give Him a little cooperation, you have to listen, you have to read, you have to obey, but that's the easy part. It's His job to keep you faithful, full of faith, filled with faith which comes from Him, it's a gift of God! All you have to do if you don't have enough faith is just hear the Word, read the Word, that's the source of faith, and He'll give you all the faith you need. Just keep trusting the Lord and don't worry about it.
(FAITHFULNESS) You don't have to have faith for tomorrow! You don't have to have faith for next week or next month, certainly not for next year or the Tribulation, not now! You'll get it when the time comes. Power for the hour! The only faith you need is just for today.
(FAITHFULNESS) You don't even have to have faith for a whole day. Just have faith for this moment, right now, one moment at a time. You just have to have faith for this one second.
(FAITHFULNESS) If a grain of mustard-seed faith can move a whole mountain, it shouldn't even take a microscopic microbe of faith to keep doing what little things you've got to do all day long.
(FAMILY, OUR) You talk about an integrated work force, we've got it! And we are all shades and colours and backgrounds and former religions and everything. We come from all races, creeds and colours but now we're all one in Christ Jesus and that is a miracle in itself!
(FAMILY, OUR) I don't think anybody else in this World is as great a threat to the Devil's kingdom and his dirty work as we are!
(FAMILY, OUR) There are all kinds of people, all kinds of faith and all kinds of strengths and all kinds of weaknesses. It takes all kinds to make a World and it takes all kinds to make our Family too.
(FEAR, FREEDOM FROM) Our fears always outnumber our dangers.
(FELLOWSHIP) We weren't put here just to have Homes and Heavenly fellowship and freedom. That is a part of the blessings of God that He has given us in order to make our main job possible. He's given us all these as rewards and blessings for obedience and obeying Him and doing what He told us to do--to get out there and reap. And as long as we keep reaping, keep obeying, keep doing what God has told us to do, the Lord will keep supplying and He'll keep blessing and He'll keep protecting and He'll keep making it possible if we'll just do it.
(FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT) All through life you'll have a lot of spills. Just remember, never give up! Just get right back up! You may fall into puddles, but you don't have to lie there!
(FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT) No one is ever beaten unless he gives up the fight.
(FORGIVENESS and MERCY) A chip on the shoulder is about the heaviest load a person ever carries.
(FORGIVENESS and MERCY) The longer you carry a grudge, the heavier it gets.
(FORGIVENESS and MERCY) There, but for the grace of God, go I.
(FRUITFULNESS) No one is useless in this World who lightens the burdens of another.
(FRUITFULNESS) I don't like to make bad investments in people who are not getting results and from which there are no returns, no benefits, no dividends.
(FRUITFULNESS) We're just like any investor. We've got to know what's the good investment. We've got to know where it is going to get results, not to make money, but to make saved souls.
(FUTURE) Coming events cast their shadows before.
(GIVING) He that gives his heart will not deny his money.
(GIVING) When there is room in the heart there is room in the home.
(GIVING) He who lends to the poor gets his interest from God.
(GOD'S WAY vs. MAN'S WAY) When God measures a man, He puts the tape around his heart instead of his head.
(GOVERNMENT and MATERIALISM) Democracy goes by the majority vote, and if the majority are insane, the sane must go to the hospital.
(GOVERNMENT and MATERIALISM) In cities, no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.
(GOVERNMENT and MATERIALISM) The reason almost every country in the World is in trouble right now is because they borrowed money. The borrower is servant to the lender. The [ACs] had the money, they lent it and now the World has got to sell their souls to them and be their slaves and do what the [ACs] tell them to do while the [ACs] rule the World, mostly because they stupidly borrowed money and lived beyond their income and were extravagant and squandered it.
(HEALING) Lord, help us not to read those medical books! They're not faith-builders but fear-igniters!
(HOLY SPIRIT) We've got even better powers and riches and genies than Aladdin did. We have the Holy Spirit, who can do the greatest miracles of all! The Holy Spirit is the greatest Genie in the World!
(HOLY SPIRIT) Not everybody receives the gift of tongues when they're filled with the Spirit, and you don't have to have the gift of tongues to prove that you are filled with the Spirit.
(HOLY SPIRIT) We do not believe that the gift of tongues is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
(HOLY SPIRIT) Eventually most people who have the Holy Spirit are able to speak in tongues too, because it's a wonderful way of praying. It's one of the commonest gifts, but actually the least useful as far as witnessing or being a leader or anything else. It's mostly just for your own benefit and your own edification in the Spirit, to be able to pray in tongues.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) There are great men who make every man feel small. But the really great man is the man who makes every man feel great.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) King David of the Bible is a dandy bad example, yet a great example of a great man who was apparently lifted up in pride for awhile and thereby got into great sin and therefore he had to have a great humbling, a great judgement, a great confession and a really terrible stripping of everything.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) The Lord can't trust you with a high and mighty job or a high and mighty testimony, or a high and mighty responsibility, something that might really lift you up in pride, until He has really humbled you and broken you so that you know it's the Lord and you give God all the glory and all the credit and it doesn't go to your head and make you proud!
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) All the preparation of the arm of the flesh doesn't even mean a thing without the Lord. Only the Lord can do it and He can do it under some pretty strenuous circumstances, some pretty rough and tough methods if you really need to be brought down few notches and humbled and made to sort of say "Yes, sir!" when He's putting the pressure on you and leaning on you, to really remind you that you really are totally utterly dependent on Him!
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble when you are praised is a great and rare attainment.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) There is no true holiness without humility.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither fine clothes, fine houses, nor fine furniture.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) Lord, help me to admit when I am wrong, and make me easier to live with when I am right.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) No one has more to learn than the person who knows everything.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) Better to ask ten times than to go astray once.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) He that will not be counselled cannot be helped.
(HUMILITY/PRIDE) The Devil got lifted up in pride until he wasn't satisfied being God's right hand and light man but he wanted to be God Himself, so he lost his position. God cast him down and he's still been trying to be God ever since and finally he is going to try to be God here on the Earth. If he can't be god of the Universe, at least he is going to be the god of this World and the Lord is going to let him, just to show both him and the Antichrist and the World and everybody that man without God or even the Devil without God can't do a thing and will make a mess of things.
(INSPIRATION and ENTHUSIASM) It pays to be crazy in this outfit!--Crazy about the Lord and His work!
(JEALOUSY) The fire that in jealously you kindle for another often burns yourself more than them.
(KINGS and SUPPORTERS) Let's not give our friends such strong medicine and such strong comments and words and testimonies in our lit that it would be hard for them to receive and hard for them to explain away to their friends if they wanted to show it to them or it fell into their hands.
(LAW vs. GRACE) Are you an Old Testament Christian or a New Testament Christian? Are you still under the law or are you living free and liberated by the grace and truth of Jesus Christ?
(LAW vs. GRACE) My God, help and deliver us from that damned old Mosaic Law!--It's damned because it's already judged and it's finished with and it's ended, it is no more. We don't have anything to do with the Mosaic Law or ancient Judaism. We don't have Judeo-Christianity. We've got the love of God and the love of Jesus! We're free! And if you don't believe it you ought to read dear Apostle Paul's epistles from start to finish.
(LAW vs. GRACE) There is no such thing as adultery anymore, not for a Christian who is living under grace and under the law of love. "All things are lawful" to those who are living under God's law of love. If not, why did He say that, if it's not so?
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) Any situation that a leader can't handle, he needs to report to a superior officer who can.
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) A head of a Home who can't spot failing parents who are spoiling a child is failing.
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) If a top leader cannot unify his family and cannot control them and cannot rule his own house well, he doesn't deserve to be a top leader!
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) The New Testament says you're not to give a novice any position of great responsibility or leadership lest he be lifted up in pride and fall under the condemnation of the Devil. (1Tim.3:6)
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) The Devil really tempts you with pride to make you get high and lifted up, and especially if you accept the praise of men and you don't remind them it's the Lord.
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) My confessions have aroused almost more thanks and gratitude than anything else. My defeats have encouraged the Family almost more than my successes! Because it showed that I was also human and that I was just as fallible and just as weak and just as bad and had just as many problems as they had, but praise the Lord, I somehow made it anyhow, the Lord pulled me through anyway.
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) It's encouraging to people to see that even their leaders are not perfect, they're human. All the leaders in the Bible and even in church history were men.--Men of faith, but all of them had feet of clay and all of them made mistakes and the Lord had to show that they were just men and flesh and blood and just as weak as we are and made mistakes like we do, and it was all the Lord! Those great leaders became shining examples--not of their own greatness but of their utter dependence on the Lord.
(LEADERS and SHEPHERDS) The price of greatness is responsibility.
(LOVE) A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
(LOVE) 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
(NO NEUTRALS) We know what happens to people who try to stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.
(OBEDIENCE) Nobody is indispensable unless they obey God, and if they are disobedient, rebellious, stubborn, wilful, unwilling to take correction themselves, then we can't take a chance on them anywhere.
(OBEDIENCE) Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love.
(OLD AGE) It is not by the grey of the hair that one knows the age of the heart.
(OLD AGE) Old age is the greatest time of life! If you've lived a good life and you've lived it for the Lord and accomplished something and you see good fruit, it's the best time of life!
(OLD AGE) There are no happy Devil's old folks. They have nothing but sorrow and they even commit suicide and all kinds of horrible things.--Because what have they got to be thankful for? What have they got to look back on that they've accomplished? What good have they done? They're a miserable bunch usually.
(PERSECUTION) We, God's children, don't have to hurt our enemies, but can live the Golden Rule like Jesus did, and God Himself deals with our enemies for us!
(PERSECUTION) The prophet and the martyr do not see the hooting throng. Their eyes are fixed on eternity.
(PERSECUTION) The way of this World is to praise dead saints and persecute living ones.
(PERSECUTION) There's no way they can fight the truth but to try to kill the Truth-giver, and this is what they did to Jesus and His disciples and some of the Patriarchs and every Prophet of God and every man of God that's ever arisen to speak the Truth of God!
(PERSECUTION) When everyone approves of what you are doing, you ought to ask yourself what's wrong.
(PERSECUTION) Only at trees bearing fruit do people throw stones.
(PUBLICATIONS and PAPER POWER) Our enemies haven't failed to publicise all kinds of rot and shit and lies against us, so for God's sake, why don't we publicise the good we do!
(READING and VIEWING) In order to read the newspaper right, you have to know who's writing it and who's publishing it, and why and where they stand on different issues, and then you can get the right interpretation.
(RELATIONS WITH PEOPLE) You can knock the chip off the other person's shoulder simply by patting him on the back.
(RELATIONSHIP TO THE WORLD) All fame is dangerous: Good brings envy; bad, shame.
(RESISTING THE DEVIL) The Devil will sure run if you throw the Word at him!
(RESISTING THE DEVIL) The Devil personally possessed Judas to do the job of betraying Jesus. And he will try to get into you every way he possibly can and do the same if he can if you don't look out! You have to be deeply on your guard in the Lord and in the Word and in the Spirit or the Devil could get into you and do the same thing!
(REVOLUTION FOR JESUS) I'm not averse to changing my mind. I'm willing to do something different, go another direction, turn around and go the opposite direction if God tells me to. That's what revolution means--to revolve, to revolute, to turn around and go the other way, if necessary.
(REWARDS) They which received us with joy shall be crowned with joy. And they that denied us will be damned with doom.
(REWARDS) My Lord, what a horrible fate even if you're saved.--How horrible to know you missed the boat, missed the fun and missed the reward, but at least you're saved. That's sure better than Hell but your Hell is going to be your memory of failure and everlasting shame and contempt. What a fate! My God! But it's better than Hell anyway. It's kind of a Hell in Heaven to have to remember your failures and what it cost and to suffer everlasting shame and contempt. It's sort of a Hell in Heaven forever.
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) There is no worse pride than self-righteous religious pride!--The self-righteous, Pharisaical, proud, religious person who thanks God he's not as other men or as other women and looks down on them because they don't have as much faith as he has and they didn't do this or they didn't do that! Self-righteousness can cause you to have absolutely no sympathy for the poor guys who haven't got it and can't make it and have to resort to other means, and not just pure faith and faith alone.
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) Everybody is bad. Everybody deserves spankings and punishments. Everybody deserves the worst. We're all sinners. That isn't what God blames you for. He blames you for not calling on Him to help you and for not repenting, not letting Him change you, not letting Him do it. You can't do it yourself.
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) The Lord lets you go through some of those tests sometimes, even to let you think He's being a little too hard on you! "How could He let our children suffer like this? How could He do that sort of thing to people? How can He let that sort of thing happen, etc.?" The Devil is always around to ask you those questions to try to make you doubt the Lord and even criticise the Lord, to make yourself righteous with God.
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) Job finally got the point that his sin was self-righteousness, self-perfection. He thought he didn't have any sin, and he couldn't understand why God was doing all this to him. When he finally confessed that he wasn't righteous and it was all the Lord, he was healed!
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) "O grave, where is thy victory, O death, where is thy sting?" (1Cor.15:55) The sting of death is sin, and the victory of the grave is to keep you dead! But the marvel of righteousness is faith! Faith is really the only righteousness, and that results in victory over the grave, resurrection!
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) The worst kind of sin is to pretend you're good when you're bad!--Hypocrisy!
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) There was never yet a truly great man that was not at the same time truly good.
(RIGHTEOUSNESS/SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS) When a person is always right, there is something wrong.
(SALVATION) There is one case of the deathbed repentance recorded, that of the penitent thief, that none should despair; and only one that none should presume.
(SAMPLE) There's not much practical Christianity in the man who lives on better terms with angels and seraphs, than with his children, servants, and neighbours.
(SILENCE) Learn to hold your tongue; five words cost Zacharias forty weeks of silence. (Luk.1:20)
(SILENCE) If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it yourself.
(SIN) There is no such thing as secret sin! Be sure your sins will find you out and you will be exposed sooner or later and you will reap what you sowed in that secret grave where you thought you had the thing well hidden! (Num.32:23)
(SIN) There are sins of omission as well as of commission.
(SPIRIT WORLD) If it weren't for the Lord and His angels, we'd have been gone long ago. Out beyond this circle of angels which are camped 'round about us, there is an even bigger circle of devils and demons and Satan himself trying to get in!--Waiting for just one little opportunity, one little crack, one little bad thought, one little evil idea on your mind or heart, and that becomes his territory, that becomes his avenue to get into you.
(SPIRIT WORLD) There is nothing more powerful than individual witnessing, one-on-one, personal, face-to-face witnessing, because you've got all Heaven, God's Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the angels of God, everybody on your side. They're there practically holding their breath, waiting to rejoice when you lead one sinner to the Lord. You've got a great mighty cloud of witnesses watching you every time you witness to a soul, praying for you and rooting for you.
(SPIRIT WORLD) God created Satan as a dandy bad example and to test the World with evil. Otherwise they'd have never known what evil was like.
(STRENGTH and POWER) It's gotta be the Lord and He wants to do it and He wants to get he credit for it and the glory. If in any way, shape or form you think you're going to get a little credit for it and be able to brag about how you did it and made it and had the faith and all the rest, He's apt to slap you down a little to show you Who's Boss in order to really humble you and make you look to the Lord alone!
(SUCCESS/FAILURE) There are going to be a lot of sorry people in Heaven, a lot of crying, weeping people in Heaven, where God is going to have to wipe away all their tears and try to cheer'm up! But nothing is ever going to erase the past and their failures and their sins and the results of them. They will reap what they have sowed throughout Eternity just by plain failure, if nothing else, even if they are saved.--What might have been, what could have been if they would have obeyed!
(SUCCESS/FAILURE) Two types of men please God--the one who serves Him with all his heart because he knows Him; and the one who seeks Him with all his heart because he knows Him not.
(SUPPLY) God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the nest.
(TAKE ACTION!) He who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do anything.
(TAKE ACTION!) "One of these days" is none of these days.
(TAKE ACTION!) The chap who says, "What's the use?" is never the engine, always the caboose.
(TAKE ACTION!) Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
(TAKE ACTION!) He that never climbed never fell.
(THANKFULNESS/MURMURING) They murmured against Moses because he'd married an Ethiopian, when he'd just issued the laws from God that they weren't supposed to intermarry! Did God punish Moses or the murmurers? Which was the greatest sin?--The murmurers were very rigorously disciplined! (Nu.12:1-10)
(THANKFULNESS/MURMURING) Murmuring against God and leadership is one of the worst sins.
(THANKFULNESS/MURMURING) Some people that we had to relieve of their duties had justifiable complaints, but their murmurings were not justified! If they had come in the right spirit and told these things, all right, but the spirit was wrong! There is only one thing that will make a murmurer happy, and that's to keep on murmuring and murmur until he destroys the work!
(THANKFULNESS/MURMURING) Constant complaints never get pity.
(THANKFULNESS/MURMURING) If you don't know what to be thankful for, be thankful for all the trouble you haven't had.
(TIDBITS) Bachelors' wives and old maids' children are always perfect.
(TIDBITS) True religion is the best armour in the World, but the worst cloak.
(TIDBITS) Better a good enemy than a bad friend.
(TIME, REDEEM THE) A man who has taken your time recognises no debt, yet it is the only debt he can never repay.
         He slept beneath the moon,
         He basked beneath the sun;
         He lived a life of going-to-do
         And died with nothing done.
(TIME, REDEEM THE) God never imposes a duty without giving the time to perform it.
(TIME, REDEEM THE) What I don't know, I don't worry about! A lot of people seem to worry more about what they don't know than what they ought to know! They've got more time to think up questions and ask questions about stuff that is not even important and we don't need to know now, when they ought to be busy doing the things they do know!
(TIME, REDEEM THE) If you haven't got time to read it, I haven't got time to write it.
(TRIALS and TESTS) Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into Heaven.
(TRIALS and TESTS) Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.
(TRIALS and TESTS) All I know is we've got to trust God anyway! Like the little girl said, "And Lord, please take care of Yourself most of all because if anything happened to You we'd all be sunk!" We've got to trust God anyhow, no matter what, even if we don't understand. Some day we'll know, even if we don't know now. Maybe that's why God lets some things happen that we don't understand, we don't know, just to test our faith and see if we'll still trust Him anyhow!
(TRIALS and TESTS) That's the greatest victory of all, when you seem to be defeated and you still trust the Lord! That must be the greatest and the most pleasing thing of all to God, that even when it looked like you were lost and you were defeated and you didn't make it, you still trusted Him anyhow, like Job!--Faith in the face of disaster, faith in the face of agony, faith in the face of death!
(TRIALS and TESTS) Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.
(TRIALS and TESTS) When life knocks you to your knees, you're in a position to pray.
(TRIALS and TESTS) We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger.
(TRIALS and TESTS) There are a lot of things we don't understand now. That's one of the great eternal questions of this life: "Why does God allow sin and suffering?"--We probably won't know all the answers to that question until we get to Heaven. We can see some of the answers and understand some reasons why, but I presume most of it we won't really comprehend till we get there and see the whole picture. That's going to be part of our training and education, to learn why and finally get all the answers!
(TRUTH) When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty.
(TRUTH) When in doubt, tell the truth.
(TRUTH) Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
(TRUTH) The truth is always the strongest argument.
(UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) The U.S. will soon be another closed society with no freedom to leave it, but there is still time, Brother, and you'd better use it quick if you want to go and not get stuck with all the other prisoners of the great society of slaves.
(VISION and GOALS) You see things and say, "Why?" But I dream things that aren't and I say, "Why not?"
(VISION and GOALS) Either I will find a way, or I will make one.
(VISION and GOALS) There are two kinds of dissatisfaction is this World: The dissatisfaction which works and the dissatisfaction which wrings its hands. The first gets what it wants and the second loses what it has.
(VISION and GOALS) Make no little plans: they have no magic to stir men's blood. ... Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.
(VISION and GOALS) If the profits are great, the risks are great.
(VISION and GOALS) All I can give you is the original push and the right direction and tell you what God wants done. You have to work out the details.
(WAR) War is the child of pride.
(WISDOM and WISE SPEECH) Some folks are wise and some folks are otherwise.
(WISDOM and WISE SPEECH) Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.
(WITNESSING) Sometimes the best thing we can do is say, "I don't know!" All I know is God! I don't know why, I just know the Lord is and He loves and He knows best, that's all! If we don't understand now, we will later.
(WITNESSING) If you're going to talk to intelligent educated people, you need to know what's going on in the World and be able to converse on almost any subject. You're not cloistered behind monastery walls and ignorant of all their devices, you know the score, you know what's going on! You're not a bunch of dummies that don't know what's going on out there, you know all that and you've got a Heaven of a lot more!
(WITNESSING) The Bible is still a pretty well-recognised authority and it may lend more weight to your word if you use the Bible, because even a lot of people who aren't saved and are unchurched and the so-called wicked sinners out in the World still have respect for the Lord and for the Bible.
(WITNESSING) I am sold on personal witnessing and soul-winning and I don't think there's anything in this World to compare with it! Nothing! Not lit, not radio, not music, not all the preachers or the churches or television, or anything! Nothing equals that personal, electrical, powerful, face-to-face, one-on-one witness with you filled with the power of God and the Love of God they can hardly resist.
(WITNESSING) I found that if nothing else worked, if I just took their hand in a friendly gesture with one hand and laid my other hand on their shoulder and said, "Well, let's pray" and just started praying, that there is something about the power of God and the Holy Spirit and the fear of God that strikes to their very being and they're almost afraid to say another word. God shuts'm up! And they have to listen and you have a chance to preach'm a good prayer.
(WITNESSING) I'm for personal evangelising. I'm for witnessing and I don't think there is any ministry more effective, more efficient, or more fruitful, which can more surely get absolute results and win souls, than this personal face-to-face witnessing in the field, whether it be on the street corner, house-to-house preaching, singing in the park or the restaurants, busking or FFing.
(WORD) The Word is your magic lamp! You must rub it into your head, into your tummy, into your heart and make it shine for you so it can use its magic powers for you.
(WORD) The Bible is not merely some churchy handbook, but it is the most wonderful, supernatural, miraculous, amazing, marvellous Book in the whole World!--Which has the answers to everything!--Where we came from, how we got here, why we're here, how to survive and be happy while here, and how to love and have happiness forever!
(WORD) The greatest proof that the Bible really is the miraculous, supernatural Word of God Himself is that it works!
(WORD) The most wonderful thing about the Bible is that, through its words, we can get to know its Author!--For the Bible is God's great Love Letter to us! Its Life-giving Words make it the greatest Book in the World, with the only Author in the World Who can guarantee life and love and happiness and Heaven forever through simply reading it and believing in its main Character, the One Who loved us so much that He gave His Own Life to save us--Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
(YIELDEDNESS) God had to toss Saul on the scrapheap of history, an unusable tool, a brittle, unbending, unyielded tool who kept going his own way and kept going further and further astray till God had to choose just a little shepherd boy out of the field, a little nobody, a nothing, to take his place.
(YIELDEDNESS) Too many are waiting for God to do something for them rather than with them.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family