126. SUCCESS/FAILURE     --page 984--

This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Josh.1:8).

         1. If somehow you have not dwelt in the Word, kept the Word and taught your children the Word and made them examples of the Word, then you have failed!
         2. Do you want to be successful for the Lord and with others?--Love, and you can't lose--for love never fails! Do you want the key to every heart?---Try love!--It never fails, because God is Love, and it's impossible for Him to fail!
         3. Some of the saddest words in the English language are, "If I only had!"
         4. There are two kinds of men who never amount to much: Those who cannot do what they are told and those who cannot do anything else.
         5. Lord Byron said, "I've drunk of every fount of pleasure and quaffed every cup of fame, and yet I die of thirst!"
         6. To be a success in your work have faith, be daring, be first and be different.
         7. A life spent in making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing.
         8. If you can meet success and failure and treat these two impostors both the same, then you'll be a man, my son!
         9. Victory is failure turned inside out
         The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
         So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
         It's when things seem worst
         That you must not quit.
         10. Triumph is 10% try and 90% umph!
         11. The formula for failure is to try to please everybody.
         12. Victory is a bright sun that obscures and makes ridiculously unimportant all the little shadowy flecks of defeat.
         13. Be dissatisfied enough to improve, but satisfied enough to be happy.
         14. Mistakes will happen, but must you give them so much help?
         15. If at first you succeed, try something harder.
         16. He that never climbed never fell.
         17. There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is
not being talked about.
         18. Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
         The saddest are, "It might have been!"
         19. Success has made failures of many men.
         20. The secret of success is if you think you've got a lemon, make lemonade our of it. Turn burdens into blessings.
         21. If it doesn't make somebody glad, mad or sad, it's a failure!
         22. Those who win are those who wait upon His Word, and those that fail are those who go ahead without it!
         23. You can't measure your success by your number of failures. All your failures don't count!--If you have just one success!
         24. The only person who has never failed is the guy who's never tried.
         25. The person who never makes a mistake is the person who never does anything!
         26. I'd lots rather go home because I finished the job, than go home because I failed the job!
         27. All growth that is not towards God is going to decay.
         28. If you were to judge Jeremiah by his success in getting Israel to repent, he was a flat failure, but he was faithful and delivered his soul!
         29. God gets His greatest victories out of seeming defeats, and He causeth the wrath of man to praise Him!
         30. One lays down the cross, another takes it up! One forsakes the crown, another cherishes it! One deserts his birthright, another inherits it!
         31. God will not be frustrated, His plan is not going to fail!
         32. We can't always count our success by numbers. It is one indication, but to God just one soul is worth it all.
         33. Even your mistakes are part of your training!
         34. Making mistakes is one way God has of keeping you humble!
         35. Success is a great defeat when it's a success in the World and takes you out of God's Work!
         36. God doesn't fail, but when you fail, you fail to reap the benefits of the blessings that God would have given you if you'd obeyed.
         37. The biggest failures of the Bible were the big shot boys who thought they knew what to do and went out and fell flat on their faces!
         38. If things aren't going quite right we certainly know it's not God's fault, and that we must just not be getting our signals straight somehow, or our wires are crossed somewhere in some way that's not suitable or pleasing to Him.
         39. Pride causes
fear of failure and therefore causes failure.
         40. The minute you neglect the Lord and His Word and the Words of His Prophet, you are programmed to self-destruct!
         41. Nothing succeeds like success--and people like to give to it!
         42. A mistake is evidence that someone has tried to do
         43. From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own.
         44. Love never fails! Even when it looks like we lose, we still
         45. Failure teaches success.
         46. If at first you don't succeed, try looking in the waste basket for the directions you threw away.
         47. One of the secrets of victory is constancy of purpose.
         48. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
         49. Disappointment should always be taken as a stimulant and never viewed as a discouragement.
         50. The rungs in the ladder of accomplishment are composed of difficulties overcome one by one.
         51. One of the greatest mistakes you can make in this life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
         52. The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other foot somewhat higher.
         53. Genius is about 2% inspiration & 98% perspiration.
         54. To err is human, but when the eraser wears out long before the pencil, don't you think that you're overdoing it?
         55. The sign on the door of opportunity says "Push"!
         56. Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts.
         57. Success is getting up one more time than falling down. (Pro.24:16)
         58. Success humbles the great man, astonishes the common man & puffs up the little man.
         59. If only one soul was saved through it all, it was worth it!
         60. Defeat teaches you a lot.
         61. The greatest men in the Bible were guys that made terrible mistakes & realised that they needed God.
         62. God gets some of His greatest victories out of seeming defeats.
         63. If you want to be successful, it's just this simple: Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.
         64. The very fact that you fear you'll fail ensures your failure, because only faith succeeds.
         65. Nothing succeeds quicker than success, & nothing fails faster than failure!
         66. The secret of success is to do the common duties uncommonly well.
         67. The World expects results: Don't tell others about the labour pains.--Show them the baby!
         68. I would rather fail in a cause that someday will triumph, than triumph in a cause that someday will fail.
         69. The road to accomplishment is dotted with many tempting parking places.
         70. Men don't fail--they give up trying.
         71. The man who does not make mistakes usually does not make anything.
         72. God not only remembers all the good you're doing--but He even forgets your failures! (Isa.43:25; Heb.8:12.)
         73. Experience is a great thing--it helps you recognise your mistakes every time you make them again.
         74. When you're on the top, it's not only the most victorious place to be, but it's the most dangerous!
         75. You can tell you're making progress in your Christian life when you're passing things, not just because you've got your engine running!
         76.Oftentimes calamity turns to our advantage--And great ruins make way for greater glories.
         77. We're the flame of His fame forever!
         78. Practice makes perfect.
         79. Sometimes the best gain is to lose.
         80. There are some mistakes which you make which can never be corrected, because it's too late.
         81. Negative thinking is one of the forces that destroys accomplishment.
         82. We make enough mistakes that we
can't help, without making mistakes that we can help!
         83. The World is a staircase, some are going up, some are coming down.
         84. You can live it up, but you might not be able to live it down.
         85. What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you are bringing to the New Year.
         86. The reason there are so few good talkers in public is that there are so few thinkers in private.
         87. The Lord can't fail & He doesn't want you to fail. But even if you
do fail, there must be something good about it. Either you need to learn a lesson, or some others need to learn that you can fail, so they'll keep their eyes on the Lord, or maybe you need to fail in that particular thing because that isn't what the Lord wanted you to do. There are a lot of good reasons for failure, so don't always lament over failures. You may be thankful you failed in some things when you find out what might have happened if you'd succeeded when it wasn't God's will.
         88. You may fall into puddles, but you don't have to lie there!
         89. God's bus of golden opportunity
         May lift your spirits still,
         If you're really sorry that you missed it,
         And want to find His will.
         90. Use it or lose it!
         91. "Well done, thou good & faithful servant! Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" You may not have always been successful, but you were faithful. You may not have always been a big-shot or somebody important, but you were a good & faithful servant, you served Him well & you did a good job faithfully.
         92. The saddest stories in the Bible are of men who were disappointments to God, the ones He gave every chance & opportunity to make good & they flubbed it & went back on it, forsook Him or forsook their job, forsook the work because they weren't willing to forsake something else--their wives or their family or their home or their wealth or their pride or their "freedom"!
         93. If God offers you much, & you're unfaithful in that, He can hardly even trust you with that which is least after that.
         94. There are plenty of instances of messes that men in the Bible made when they tried to do the Lord's work without the Lord!
         95. If you don't keep your eyes on the Lord & your mind on His Word, you're doomed to defeat & doubt & disillusionment & finally failure!
         96. Are you giving them prayer, love, the Word, Jesus & fellowship? If not, you're failing God & begetting poor little parentless homeless starving orphans.
         97. The people who are ever learning & never coming to a knowledge, who never profit from their lessons learned, who never make the grade, who never stay in God's school till the bell rings, seldom accomplish much for the Lord. He just can't trust them--& neither can we!
         98. Pride causes fear of failure, & then the fear makes you weak, or impotent, so that you do fail. You don't have enough power.
         99. It's meekness & quietness, meekness of humility, believing in God & the quietness of faithful obedience to the Lord which wins the battle--regardless of how few you have & how weak you seem to be & how little you're got! It's
God that honours your faith & your meekness & your quietness & your obedience to win the battle.
         100. One of the smartest things any of us can do is assess our own assets & liabilities, or let somebody assess them for us or get together & assess them. What can I do & what can't I do?
         101. You're never going to accomplish as much if you keep trying to do it in the energy of the flesh & all yourself instead of sitting down & saying, "Now Lord, what do
You want me to do?"
         102. You learn some of the best lessons of all the hard way, by your
         103. God knows what you're best suited for & what He wants to use you for & what kind of tool you are, so you had better do what He knows you can do best or you can fall flat on your face & fail if you try to do other things.

         (See also No.9, 12, 25, 31, 35, 211, 238, 242, 263, 312, 313C, 328, 334A, 383, 551, 599, 639, 703, 727, 952-1, 954-8, 957, 958, 962, 991, 1002, 1028, 1032, 1089, 1090, 1111, 1141, 1232, 1330, 1385, 1420, 1425, 1485.)

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