50. GOVERNMENT & MATERIALISM     --page 424--

         And the Devil, taking Him up into an high mountain, shewed unto Him all the kingdoms of the World in a moment of time. And the Devil said unto Him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will give it (Lk.4:5-6).

         1. By the System, I'm not talking only about the legal laws--I'm talking about the damnable Satanic principles upon which the damned System is built, its own laws of selfishness and "do your own thing" and keep on living just as you did, refusing any change.
         2. God is not for democracy! He's for Theocracy!: Rule by God and His people, a dictatorship of the Lord!
         3. Only a country that is rich and safe can afford to be a democracy, for democracy is the most expensive and nefarious kind of government ever heard of on Earth!
         4. Majority rule, or a democracy, is the worst and most inefficient kind of government you can possibly have!
         5. Jesus Himself taught that the majority is always wrong: "Broad is the way and wide is the gate that leadeth unto destruction, and many there be that go in thereat!"
         6. Democracy is ridiculous comic opera!--The most inefficient muddled confusion that was ever created by man!
         7. Whenever you have an efficient government you have a dictatorship.--Harry S. Truman.
         8. Rebellious people have to be ruled with an iron hand!
         9. The cleverest form of dictatorship: They tell you you're free when you're really a slave without even a slave's security!--Like in the U.S.
         10. Every worldly dictatorship has been built on fear, people's willingness to surrender their freedoms in order to preserve their lives.
         11. This is how every worldly dictator gets in power: He persuades the people to sell him their bodies and souls and their freedoms to save their lives, purses, and possessions!
         12. The Capitalists worship that which they've already got, the Communists worship that which they hope to have.
         13. Communism is like a flood that is sweeping the whole World with its red tide.
         14. Communism cannot conquer death and pain and sorrow and crying and wipe away all tears from your eyes, but God can and will!
         15. Look at the rich!--They're the most miserable of all men, and yet they have everything that Communism says will satisfy and make you happy!
         16. Communism is a religion--a religion of the Devil!
         17. Communism is a religion--the worship of man, an example of the coming World Antichrist government.
         18. Communism is the ultimate in hypocrisy, trying to pretend that man is good enough without God.
         19. The Communists only pretend to have Communism--we really have it! They only preach Communism--we live it!
         20. When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong.
         21. The test of courage comes when one is in the minority; the test of tolerance comes when one is in the majority.
         22. Oppressed people are frequently very oppressive when first liberated. ... They know best two positions: Somebody's foot on their neck or their foot on somebody's neck.
         23. Every successful worldly revolution puts on in time the robes of the tyrant it has deposed.
         24. Nothing is clearer in history than the adoption by successful rebels of the methods they were accustomed to condemn in the forces they deposed.
         25. Men who use terrorism as a
means to power, rule by terror once they are in power.
         26. How a minority, reaching majority,
         Seizing authority, hates a minority.
         27. That, amid our highest civilization, men faint and die with want, is not due to the lack of nature, but to the injustice of man.
         28. Every World Empire has ultimately been ruled by the Devil and has always persecuted God's people!
         29. This is a new dual personality they have developed in a lot of countries now, watch it! They have a surfaced Party above ground, official, recognised, legal, and become very popular and recognised. Then beneath ground, underground, they've got radical terrorists who are doing assassinations and bombings and all kinds of things, dirty work that they don't dare acknowledge.
         30. The members of the System are bound by the System.
         31. Communism doesn't really offer the answer. It only has a theoretical goal: An earthly Utopian Communist heaven-on-Earth. But Communism even admits it hasn't reached that yet.
         32. In fact, Communism is a religion in itself. The Soviets are very puritanical, extremely self-righteous and narrow-minded. Its' a religion of self-righteousness.
         33. The trouble with the children of Israel was that, although Moses got them out of Egypt, he couldn't get Egypt out of them!
         34. What god does the World give that can love man in his lowest estate and save him in his hour of need from his most pitiful plights?
         35. When people don't stay on the Center--Jesus--they become eccentric, off center, irrational, unreasonable, and almost a little bit off their rocker!
         36. A little country who decides to buck a big one had better have a big friend!
         37. There are always some who are not content with Heavenly bliss, but still prefer the madness of an Earthly Hell!
         38. A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
         39. Most politicians are the biggest hypocrites and liars and cheaters and grafters, and you just can't be a politician in America today and still be a true Christian!
         40. God calls the Wicked His sword to afflict His Own people for their sins.
         41. Force and right are the governors of this world; force till right is ready.
         42. When I sell liquor, it's called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on silver trays on Lake Shore Drive, it's called hospitality.--Al Capone
         43. Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical.
         44. Nothing which is morally wrong can ever be politically right--except by the party in power!
         45. The World always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of the truth--that error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the World turns to, when it has been cured of one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one.
         46. We enact many laws that manufacture criminals, and then a few that punish them.
         47. Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
         48. God does not run a Democracy, He runs an absolute total Dictatorship, and the people have very little to say about how He wants to run it, it's His affair.
         49. The sign of bureaucracy is when the first person who answers the phone can't help you.
         50. The only thing harder to clean up than a small boy is politics.
         51. Polls are voting places where you stand in line for a chance to decide who will spend your money.
         52. Why do they call them candidates when so many are far from candid?
         53. There are some politicians who shake your hand before an election and your confidence afterward.
         54. Columbus ventured forth like the thinking of modern government: He didn't know where he was going when he started, he didn't know where he was when he got there, and he did it on borrowed money.
         55. You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.
         56. The media often says what they know is untrue, in the hope that if they go on saying it long enough it will come true.
         57. "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Mat.15:14)
         58. Whoever profits by the crime is guilty of it.
         59. A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation.
         60. Don't tell me there aren't slaves today!--The poor are still slaves of the rich and rich governments who tell'm what to do and how to do it on slave-labour wages!
         61. The whole World System is built on a false foundation, people's faith in the wrong things!
         62. It's amazing how many times "the wicked" and "the rich" are almost used synonymously in God's Word. The Word of God takes the position that the average rich man is wicked or he wouldn't be rich!
         63. Most of the rich get their money by robbing the poor!
         64. The faster the World goes, the faster it's hell-bent for destruction!
         65. Systemites are sure smart about Flatland, but when it comes to anything else, they are totally ignorant.
         66. The System accuses us of the things that they themselves are guilty of.
         67. The Lord doesn't mind rich people as long as they give it away or share it or use it!
         68. Every nation has its reaping time, gleaning time and hour of judgement!
         69. God loves the poor and He'll feed them, even if He has to use the Devil to do it!
         70. Man has turned God's Paradise into the Devil's Hell on Earth with his inventions which are polluting, destroying and annihilating mankind himself!
         71. God doesn't have to destroy the wicked, they destroy themselves.
         72. The System might be roaring after us, but the Lord always saves us!
         73. God is always on the side of the righteous regardless of its political brand name or nationality.
         74. God is almost always on the side of the poor, and the poor win every time in the long run!
         75. While the World's attention is being diverted by minor spectacular events, it is rapidly, subtly and insidiously without much fanfare or notification, heading downward for the greatest economic crash, depression and social and political cataclysm in all of World history!
         76. The most horrible darkness of all is when you think it's light and instead it's black darkness!
         77. There's only one thing worse than a drug addict, that's a System addict!
         78. There is nothing new under the sun! Everything man ever invented is nothing but a cheap imitation, a poor plastic counterfeit, or a simple illustration of the realities in the Spirit.
         79. System addicts are the worst addicts of all! System addiction is the most subtle, most treacherous, most insidious, most diabolical, most difficult to detect, this system addiction of those that are addicted to the God-damned Systems of this World, the fashions of this World!--Love not the World! (1Jn.2:15)
         80. The System can't stand love! It's built on hate, greed, selfishness and grasping war and violence!
         81. One of the foremost signs of the demise of all the famous World empires was when they began to adulterate their metal coinage with baser cheaper metals that were not worth the face value, as most have today. The U.S. "
silver" dollar is only worth about 4 cents!
         82. The steel industry is one of the worst things that ever happened to mankind, because out of the knowledge of how to make steel has come weapons of war and destructive automobiles and all kinds of evils of the World!
         83. Man doesn't really create anything, he merely discovers what God has already made and how to put it together.
         84. A soldier goes out and dies for his country.
         A diplomat goes out and lies for his country.
         85. This whole World is on fire in the basement!--Not a very secure place to live unless you trust the Lord!
         86. None so blind as those who will not see! None so deaf as those who will not hear!
         87. If history teaches one lesson above another, it is that leadership passes from nations whose morals become corrupt.
         88. Probably the reason why a politician stands on his record is to keep voters from examining it.
         89. Materialism is really the major religion of the World.
         90. The rich everywhere all carry the same spirit: It's a lack of concern for the needs of the poor.
         91. The vast majority are always wrong in the World at large!
         92. America has been living in luxury at the world's expense while other nations are starving.
         93. America is the epitome of the Great Whore of Revelation 17 and 18.
         94. The pollution of society is the greatest pollution of today.
         95. Peaceful socialism is an impossibility, because the rich will never voluntarily share their wealth!
         96. The whole world's financial system is collapsing right now!--Because it is based on paper pig money instead of God's good gold!
         97. God judges a government by the way it takes care of its poor.
         98. The existence of any system in the World depends both on the will of God and the will of man.
         99. God has always showed Himself to be on the side of the poor and against the rich, the tyrants and the despots.
         100. Systemites are slaves of the chains of conformity forged by their own hands!
         101. The vast majority are nearly always wrong and wicked, according to God's Word.
         102. Man is not evoluting, but devoluting (Devil-luting), without God, and the end is Hell on Earth!
         103. God is always for minority rule of the righteous over the wicked majority.
         104. The Devil has been trying to rule the World for thousands of years. In empire after empire after empire he has been the king. Even if that empire had a series of kings, he possessed them all, very few of them escaped.
         105. The political system is always of God. He gives exactly what the people deserve. (See Romans 13.)
         106. There are none so blind as those that will not see and those whose minds are so made up they don't care to be confused with the facts!
         107. The U.S. no longer judges other countries by whether they're good or bad, but only by whether they're pro-U.S. or pro-Communist--if they're friends of the U.S. then they're okay, no matter how bad they are!
         108. All the powers that be are of God, whether a blessing or a curse, and they are sent by God to do His Will and accomplish His purpose!
         109. Man creates Hell on Earth while he seeks Heaven on the Moon.
         110. Oil, which has become supposedly the greatest blessing to the World, will now become one of its greatest curses if it has to do without it!
         111. I don't think the Lord likes iron and steel, because look what damage it's done to the World!
         112. Babylonic blobs are the epitome of inefficiency and wasted manpower.
         113. When people are drowning, they will grasp at any straw, no matter what price thy have to pay in loss of liberties, freedoms, honour and conscience.
         114. Majority rule means rule by the wicked majority, because the majority are always wrong.
         115. If fifty million people say a foolish thing it is still a foolish thing.
         116. The Bible teaches that if the rich don't give it to the poor, God will allow the poor to take it away from them.
         117. Power may justly be compared to a great river; while kept within its bounds it is both beautiful and useful, but when it overflows its banks, it is then too impetuous to be stemmed; it bears down all before it, and brings destruction and desolation wherever it comes.
         118. The poor are trying to figure out how much they can get from the rich, and the rich are trying to figure out how little they can possibly give, and there's no solution without love.
         119. Cities are man's festering sores on the body politic! The curse of civilization is its cities!
         120. City life: Millions of people being lonesome together.
         121. The typical successful American businessman was born in the country, where he worked hard so that he could live in the city to make enough money to retire to the country!
         122. Vulgar of manner, overfed
         Overdressed and underbred,
         Heartless, Godless, Hell's delight,
         Rude by day and lewd by night,
         Bedwarfed the man, o'ergrown the brute,
         Ruled by boss and prostitute,
         Purple-robed and pauper-clad,
         Raving, rotting, money-mad,
         A squirming herd in Mammon's mesh,
         A wilderness of human flesh,
         Crazed with avarice, lust and rum,
         New York, thy name's Delirium.
         123. God doesn't like the cities of man, they're the anti-type, the exact opposite of the Heavenly City of God!
         124. God speaks through His Creation, but how many people in those big smelly stinking filthy wicked vile cities can hear Him?
         125. Cities are a completely devilish, fiendish, diabolical, false, artificial, superficial environment not created by God but by the Devil himself, utterly separated from the real things that God made, the beauties of His handiwork and the glory of His creation.
         126. Every city man has ever built has crumbled to dust and ruins! The most gigantic and marvelous and beautiful cities of all are in ruins today, and so will be these modern cities of today, their towers will fall and they will crumble to rubble and ruins in the coming Great Atomic War and the Wrath of God!
         127. Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
         128. The Devil was king of every World empire and possessed their kings just like he'll be king of the Antichrist kingdom at the End.
         129. There is no such thing as horizontal control in the Kingdom of God, it's strictly vertical and it's strictly from the top down from God Himself.
         130. Democracy tears a nation apart. The people can't govern themselves nor have they ever been able to govern themselves.
         131. I believe in dictatorial socialism where the dictator robs the rich to feed the poor and takes it away by force, because that's the only way it'll ever happen.
         132. God's whole governmental structure has never been a Democracy, it's
always been an absolute totalitarian dictatorship from the family unit on up, and every time you get away from that you get in trouble. That's why so many Western democracies are in such a helluva mess right now.
         133. God's Government is not a government of the people, it's a Government of God and His chosen, ordained, anointed, divine leadership. It's got nothing to do with what the people want, the people are always wrong, the people are always going astray.
         134. I believe in total theocracy--government by God and not through any kind of Congresses. The earliest governments of God were theocracies with God as the Boss and His primary agents the Prophets of God.
         135. The coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ is going to be an absolute dictatorship, not of the Proletariat, not of the God-damned Christ-hating Communists, but the Dictatorship of God through His King, Jesus Christ, with us as His officers doing exactly what He tells us to do and nothing else. Because that's the only decent, good, effective, efficient powerful kind of government sufficient to run the World.
         136. You can't make people be righteous, you can't make people obey. They have got to want to obey or they're going to find some way to disobey. That's why in our Kingdom we try to rule in Love, and if people love you and love the Lord, then they want to please you and they want to obey and do what's right.
         137. The World of today does not admire weakness. The only thing they respect is force, strength and violence. The ones they will worship are the ones who have got the might and who they consider right because they have the strength and the power.
         138. No power can conquer this World except by the Will of God. The Communists are not where they are by their own will, nor because they are so smart and Communism is so great. They are where they are because God lets them be.
         139. War is a mere symptom. Economic bankruptcy and distress is a symptom. Political confusion is a symptom. The whole mess is merely the exterior sign of the disease within, and the disease within is irreligion, atheism, rebellion against God and defiance of the Lord and anti-Christ opposition to Jesus.
         140. I don't believe in Democracy, I believe in Dictatorship. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not going to be a Democracy and it isn't even one now. It's a Dictatorship of the Holy Spirit and if you don't listen to God's dictates, you'd better watch out!
         141. I'm not for equality. I'm not for racial equality, I'm not for economic equality, I'm not for political equality because God and the Bible are not for any such nonsense. Every man shall receive according to his works and some shall shine as the stars and some shall rise to everlasting shame and contempt!
         142. There is no such thing as equality except spiritually in Salvation. If you're not equal before you get saved you'll never be equal after you're saved, except spiritually, that's the only equality.
         143. The rich are so smart about making money, but they are so blind about seeing real value in the future and what it's leading to.
         144. God's given man 6,000 years to run the World his own way and he's made a helluva mess out of it. There has hardly been a day in history where there hasn't been a war going on somewhere, people fighting, killing, maiming, wounding, injuring and selfish and starving and disease-ridden. Man has made one Hell on Earth of what was once a Heaven on Earth.
         145. The two greatest superpowers in the World are both officially anti-Church, anti-religion, anti-God and anti-Christ.
         146. In the Millennium God will rule over the World's remaining wicked for a thousand years of absolute totalitarian iron rule where everyone will be forced to obey, to show the World how it should have been run and how it could have been run if they would have obeyed Him voluntarily, and how much better it will be under such a government in which everybody is compelled to be righteous and is forced to obey and has to do good. There is no more crime, no more vice, no more rebellions, no more riots, no more war, but total perfect peace under the iron rule dictatorship of the Lord, in which you and I work with Him as His officials, like the angels of God, super men with super power!
         147. If a society doesn't repent or turn around or revolute or revolt or have a revolution, it eventually becomes stationary, static, stagnant and stinks, because it's dead! The body politic dies, corrupts, decays, until God has to send a young, livelier, more moving society along to bury it, because it encumbereth the ground and endangers the health of the World. It stinks so bad even God can't stand it anymore, so He sends along a revolution to bury it.
         148. People get the kind of government they deserve. A corrupt people get a corrupt government. A self-righteous hypocritical people get a self-righteous hypocritical government.
         149. All attempts at changes for the better in today's governments, whether violent or non-violent, by unregenerate and sinful man, will only bring more unregenerate and sinful governments, economies, pollutions, educations and religions, resulting from man's sinful heart. To truly change these instruments and ailments of man you must change man himself and his evil heart, something only God can do. Otherwise you will only have revolution after revolution, war upon war, rich and poor, pollution and disease, the vain babblings of science falsely-so-called, political religion and regime after regime and empire following empire, all in vain and waxing worse and worse, for man is not
evoluting but Devil-luting without God and the End is Hell on Earth.
         150. In order not to have to confess its faults or expose its errors or show its weaknesses and the fact that it could be on the verge of collapse, or the Earth on the Eve of Destruction, the tendency of each existing system is to keep the people in a state of ignorance and semi-unconsciousness of what is really going on in the World and space, in a desperate attempt to preserve law and order through the establishment in the lives and minds of the people of a false sense of security.
         151. Any country that refuses to participate in a war is bound to prosper, because countries spend from half to two thirds of their total economy on war--paying for past wars, present wars and future wars, so they have to waste most of their money on wars, and it's a terrible burden on the people!
         152. The weakness of dictatorship is the death of the dictator. As long as he's alive and is a good, strong, smart, wise, God-blessed man or sometimes even when he's bad, at least there's a strong government that keeps a hold on the country and enforces peace.
         153. If two men grab guns to get what they want, they're criminals. If a group of them organise and get together and grab guns to get what they want, they're gangsters. But if they're trying to get their political freedom and grab back territory that once belonged to them that some other bunch of gangsters has already conquered, then they're terrorists. And if they are a pretty good-sized army of so-called terrorists, then they're guerrillas. Finally, when they get an army big enough to conquer the territory and grab it back or from somebody else then it's a legal, sophisticated, self-righteous army. What names they call you, all depends on how big you are and how powerful you are.
         154. Worldly governments today are based on power and money and guns and who's got the biggest friends.
         155. The World has opted out
against righteous rule and for the mad majority rule instead. That is the Devil's own doctrine.--One-man one-vote majority rule, because that way he can guarantee that he is going to stay in control.
         156. I believe Russia and Communism are God's judgments on a wicked World.
         157. The Religious Whore rules over the Bestial Governments, and the government has to do whatever the religionists say.
         158. The whole World is in a war between the dying anti-Christ Capitalistic West and the rising anti-Christ Communist East.
         159. There could undoubtedly be forces of [AC] conspiracy who are backing Communism as well as Capitalism and backing their enmity against each other and their confrontation so that they'll destroy each other and the [ACs] can pick up the pieces with the Antichrist and rule the World!
         160. The poor nations of the World hate the Americans for being so rich, and the only reason they're rich is because they have robbed the poor of the World!
         161. The [ACs] have been the downfall of America and brought it to shame! They're the tools of the Devil, out to wreck God's Creation! They've helped to destroy the West, which they now control!
         162. I'm proud of the Third World as being far more righteous than the West, far more humble and loving and affectionate and sweet and kind and good, better in almost every way!
         163. The religion of World is materialism, whether it's a little thatched hut and a wooden canoe or a rich mansion and a Rolls Royce, if you worship it it's a sin. If you worship it and love it and work hardest for it in order to preserve it and keep it above God Himself with no love for God nor your fellowman nor neighbor, then it is your god and you are worshipping it. When it's your everything and you'd give up anything for it, even if it's just a shanty or a grass shack, if it's what you'd rather have above all things on Earth and what you worship, what you love above God and others, then it's your idol, it's your god, it's your religion. If you worship things and materialism you're worshipping Babylon, the Whore because she is the goddess of
things, the goddess of wealth, the goddess of possessions, the goddess of materialism.
         164. Materialism is worship of things and its followers are servants and slaves to things--Mammon is their god and materialism is their religion.
         165. Commercialism, materialism, buying and selling, manufacturing things, selling things, buying things, serving things, living for things must be classed as a form of false religion.
         166. Modern materialism is also part of the false recognised religious system. The worship of the god Mammon is a part of the False Church, it's the major false religion of today, the major worship of today. God's Word says that whoever you obey, you're their servant. Whoever you're working for, you're their servant. If you're working for money you're money's servant. So modern materialism and commercialism is the major worship and religion of the day. This is the church to which most Americans belong--a church of the great god Mammon, the one they attend daily and worship at least 8, 12, 14 or 16 hours a day!
         167. Most people are not slaves to their churches or their false established religious system. Their greatest slavery is to the god Mammon, the god of wealth and material things, and the ultimate in this is Communism, dialectical materialism as Karl Marx called it.--No faith in the supernatural or the spiritual or God or the Bible or anything religious supposedly, but only faith in what can be seen, heard, felt, touched, tasted. It's the ultimate form of materialism which Communism claims is their major goal and should be the aim of all the world and all society--to make a god of economy, eventually a god of the government, and according to the Bible eventually they will make a god of the leader of the Government, the Antichrist! So here we have materialism in its ultimate, and in Capitalism we've got a pretty good ultimate of materialism also, the worship of material things.
         168. A wicked people always deserve a wicked king.
         169. The rich have fences and walls and gates to keep out the thieves and the robbers and the criminals and the murderers, but the demons of Hell are able to pass over those gates and enter their homes and their hearts with fear and sickness and disease and worry and insanity and suffering and pain and death!
         170. The fiendish, devilish economic System keeps Christians from serving God or gives them an excuse for not serving God and is built on the manufacture of the weapons of war and the idols of luxury and sends our boys to be cannon-fodder so some people can make money while most of the World starves; it robs the poor to feed the rich and is now tottering on the brink of bankruptcy.
         171. When the white people of the World began to forget God and use their superior power to their own selfish advantage, exploiting the poor, the Lord took it away.
         172. God has given riches to the World to show what they'd do with them. Therefore He's going to wipe them out because they've robbed the poor to stay wealthy instead of sharing the wealth.
         173. The only way America can have plenty is with war. American economy, Western economy, Capitalist economy can thrive only on war.
         174. When a nation demands more than they need, when they demand absolute excess and extravagant luxury--they have to rob the poor to get it, and to rob the poor to get it they have to wage war.
         175. God is angry with the too-rich industrialists and selfish Capitalists who covet it all and want more than their rightful share and withhold from the poor and withhold the hire of the laborers that reap down their fields.
         176. Does God say it's wrong to be rich? Not really, He just says watch out what it does to you. If you've got the right attitude, you can even be rich 'cause you're always sharing what you've got.
         177. Capitalism is coming to the end of itself. It has overextended itself, it has lived beyond its income. It's living on borrowed money and borrowed time, and some day soon it's going to have to pay!
         178. The wrong people are preaching the right message and the right people are preaching the wrong message. The Communists today are preaching sharing and the church is preaching selfishness.
         179. Communism is more Christian than Capitalism in ethics and in behaviour and in their puritanical morality. The Russians today act more Christian than the Americans. In fact, in the Russians the Devil is copying this very system from Christianity. He's trying to show the World how you can have Christianity without God.
         180. As long as the powers-that-be pretty generally and fairly well represent the laws of God, and its officers are the officers of His law, then God keeps them in power. But when they begin to be completely contrary to the laws of God and they go against the Lord and His people, for this many a great nation and empire has gone down the drain!
         181. Governments are bold-faced liars, constantly telling lies to each other and to the World and lying to themselves and their people!
         182. The Western World is crashing and crumbling financially, economically and is already totally bankrupt. It's just waiting for the faith of the people to fail before the bottom completely drops out.
         183. The World today is lost, but they're going hell-bent, hell-fast to destruction, not willing to stop, not willing to wait, not willing to hesitate, not willing to stop and find out why or ask God to help them, just going willfully on their own way until pretty soon they're going to crash into the stone of destruction and judgement!
         184. While the former savage parts of the World are now getting civilised, the formerly civilised parts are now going savage.
         185. Governments print millions of dollars that they don't have any backing for whatsoever, and it's just as worthless as the ones that the criminal counterfeiters print.
         186. The World is not
going bankrupt, it's already bankrupt, but they're just trying their best to hide it!
         187. The governments want to keep the people asleep, and they don't have too hard a time doing it because the people don't want to wake up! They like to be asleep, they don't want to know the Truth. They're just shutting their eyes hoping it will somehow go away, but it won't.

         (See also No. H, L, 10, 65, 103, 105, 108, 149, 162, 205, 214A, 216, 219, 226, 230, 232, 239, 243, 245, 255, 256, 270, 272, 274, 282, 284, 288, 294, 310, 310B, 313B, 321, 327, 333, 342, 350, 358, 373, 393, 574, 596, 601, 634, 681, 733, 738, 741, 742, 867, 869, 908, 911, 918, 938, 961, 1053, 1059, 1192, 1193, 1223, 1226, 1227, 1241-1245, 1263, 1283, 1326, 1340, 1342, 1538.)

JOB 12:6 The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly.
JOB 31:24,25,28 If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence; If I rejoiced because my wealth was great, and because mine hand had gotten much. This also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge: for I should have denied the God that is above.
PSA.37:35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.
PSA.49:11 Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.
PSA.49:16,17 Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased; For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.
PSA.58:1,2 Do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the Earth.
PRO.1:19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.
PRO.8:15,16 By Me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By Me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the Earth.
PRO.10:2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
PRO.11:4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.
PRO.16:8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
PRO.21:6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.
PRO.21:17 He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.
PRO.22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
PRO.27:24 Riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?
PRO.28:22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.
PRO.29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
ECC.2:11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
ECC.5:10 He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.
ECC.5:12 The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.
ECC.5:15 As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.
ECC.6:7 All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.
ECC.10:20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell a matter.
JER.6:13 From the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness.
HOS.8:4 They have set up kings, but not by Me: they have made princes, and I knew it not.
HAB.2:12 Woe to him that buildeth the town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!
HAG.1:6 Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.
MAT.19:24 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
MAR.4:19 And the cares of this World, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the Word, and it becometh unfruitful.
MAR.8:36,37 Or what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole World, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
MAR.10:24,25 Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the Kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through he eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
LUK.1:53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
LUK.9:25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole World, and lose himself, or be cast away? For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My Words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He shall come in His Own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels.
LUK.12:15 And He said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
LUK.12:19-21 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
JOH.19:10,11 Then said Pilate unto Him, speakest Thou not unto me? Knowest Thou not that I have power to crucify Thee, and have power to release Thee? Jesus answered, Thou couldst have no power at all against Me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered Me unto thee hath the greater sin.
ROM.13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
COL.3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the Earth.
1TI.2:1,2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty.
1TI.6:9,10 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
TIT.3:1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work.
JAM.5:3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

         (See also JER.18:6-10.)

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