33. FAMILY, OUR  --page 269--

         God setteth the solitary in families. He bringeth out those which are bound with chains (Ps.68:6).

         1. We belong to no man but Jesus, but we can become anything to all men. We have no creed but love, and we can adapt ourselves to all creeds.
         2. Keep it small! Keep it pure! Keep it strong!
         3. We spearheaded the Jesus movement--and without us there wouldn't have been one!
         4. We've hitched our wagon to a Star, the bright & Morning Star, the Star of David, Jesus Christ Himself, & we're really going places faster than the speed of light into realms beyond natural human ken!
         5. We are the busy bouncy buxom bride bursting bearing babies to our Bridegroom!
         6. We're getting closer & closer all the time to really being well-knit & well-prepared, like an army constantly being trained for the final real test.
         7. We are Christian mystics--"mystic" meaning that you believe in the supernatural & the miraculous & you practice it in your religion--& we do!
         8. We are a strictly nonprofit religious, educational & philanthropic charitable Family bent only on improving the spirits, health, living conditions, education, social welfare, security, happiness & future of all mankind!
         9. We're just as diametrically opposed to the false religious systems that control the World as the Communists are to the Capitalists!
         10. The major difference between us and the churches, is that we are not mere members--we're fulltime fighters!
         11. My family, my family, I know it's right, my family!
         12. We are all married to each other in His Love!
         13. We can be God's children in any country under any Government with any religion! We are the most ecumenical body on the face of the earth!
         14. Movement is a sign of life. That's why they call us a movement!
         15. I couldn't change society, I couldn't change the rules, so I created a whole new society where I could have my own rules!--God's rules!
         16. Our Family is a demonstration that has proven that you can take people completely raw, straight out of the World with no religious background & make them into real genuine 100% Christians & workers for the Lord!
         17. The Lord is reviving His original message through us and others in these last days.
         18. We are a Government!
         19. We're probably one of the most important tools of the Lord there is today to try to wake people up & keep them awake & keep the sheep fed & keep the goats out & get out the message, so naturally the Devil is going to fight us!
         20. If you like my religion, you're welcome to it! I feel like the Lord has led us to adopt the best that each of these other religions had to offer!
         21. There's no difference between blacks & whites in the Family, in Jesus, but there's a hell of a lot of difference outside!
         22. Our Family: When right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be put right.
         23. We are all soul brothers--a Nation all of one blood, the blood of Jesus--the Kingdom of God!
         24. They say not everybody can be a preacher or a teacher or a missionary--except in our Family, of course! We're all teachers, preachers & missionaries!
         25. We've got a do-it-yourself religion! We don't need any backing except faith & trusting God! That's why we're doing so much, we can do anything through faith in Him!
         26. We are the living church of the living God, not the white-washed sepulchres of the dead!
         27. We belong to the greatest Family in the World, the Family of God's love!
         28. God's children were intended to be a voluntary family fellowship, cooperating together in love, each of his own free will.
         29. We all need to belong to something, to feel like we're a part of something, to be a team, to belong to each other, to be a Family, to be related, to have fellowship, communication, communion & sharing all things.
         30. There's no unimportant job in the Family!
         31. The whole structure of any house or any government or organisation or religious movement rests on these two key central pillars: The will of God & the will of man. If they get the least bit out of line with each other & begin to be at cross-purposes with each other, watch out!
         32. Lo, the Rebellion of David echoes round the World!
         33. The Lord has brought His people step by step out of bondage!--We are the first truly free church--totally free spiritually, physically, sexually, in every way, in love!
         34. We are God's last Church, the last step in God's progress toward total freedom!--The last chance to prove that the ultimate Church can be trusted with total freedom in this last generation!
         35. That's what God is doing with us right now throughout the World: Infiltrating the whole World...so that He will have a ready-made organisation for running the World when Jesus comes!
         36. God is in the business of breaking up selfish little private Worldly families, to make of their yielded broken pieces a larger unit--One Family!
         37. We are the most powerful force of God on Earth! For we are the voice of God & bear His truth, & Satan hateth it but he cannot help it.
         38. As the new babe must believe & trust the loved ones around him for his every need as he grows, until he is able to care for himself & then others, so must the newborn Christian trust his spiritual family of loved ones & their leadership in the Family of God.
         39. Never in the World's history has so much been accomplished for the Lord by so few!
         40. The best eyes a missionary movement can have: Evangelise, organise, supervise & be wise!
         41. Our Homes offer infinite variety & adequate opportunity, so there should be no problem in finding something for everyone!
         42. Belonging to this Family is a privilege & a blessing & an honour!--And anybody that dishonours this Family doesn't deserve to be a Member!
         43. We're a monstrous Movement on the move.
         44. A Nation has exploded in a day & the fall-out is saturating the World with the Gospel!
         45. Our is one of the largest folds, for we've won many millions of souls!
         46. We have a religion you can live anywhere!
         47. No great movement, no great war, no great denomination, no great revolution, no great business, no great anything that has ever amounted to anything in this world was without some leadership & some organization. But the most successful of those were those who allowed the greatest liberty, difference of opinion, individual initiative & ingenuity & indigenuity--who put the people on their own as much as possible.
         48. We belong to the Kingdom of Heaven that's already on Earth in our hearts & our Homes & our families & our children!
         49. We believe in a sort of democratic from of dictatorship but it's still dictatorship.--Of the Holy Ghost!
         50. He has raised up His
new church, a young Bride, bursting with energy & a passionate love for her Bridegroom!--An alive, vibrant, warm, living, beautiful body that responds quickly, fervently & ardently to His slightest touch & who is wildly ravished with His love! she is exploding with the orgasms of His Spirit & strong to conceive many children unto Him from being fulfilled with the seed of His Word!
         51. "And not one thing shall fail from all of these good promises that I have given unto My Servant David! If thou shalt believe & take hold & grasp upon them & hold them unto thy bosom, then indeed shalt thou be the sons of David & be called his mighty men, & it shall be written & told of thee the mighty works that thou shalt do as the children of God & the seed of David, & men everywhere shall speak of thee & tell of that which thou hast done."
         52. "If thou shalt obey in all of the least of these things which I have given thee, & not fail in all of those things I have revealed to My Servant David, then shall I also fulfill unto thee all those things which I have foretold of thee & give thee all I have promised, according to My Word; & then shalt thou also be that which I have spoken of in My Word according to My Prophet David--according to the Words of the mouth that has spoken & the words that are told, & according to the Words of My Mouth which have become a testimony before them & have become a witness against them. For that is My Word & My promise unto thee."
         53. "For these are indeed My people & they shall be called the Children of God! Many shall come unto them, & say, Teach us the ways of the Lord, for we would inquire of thee. And they shall cast their idols of gold & silver unto the moles & bats within the clefts & holes of the rocks! For none shall stand in those days, but the words of My servants, the words of My prophets, & the words of those that I have given unto David. For they shall indeed be a great people, & a great Nation upon the face of the Earth, & shall overthrow all other nations. For this is My Kingdom, & the king of whom I spake--the Kingdom that I have prepared for Myself through the work & children of My Servant David! Hear ye him!"
         54. "These indeed are the Words that are spoken unto David! How much did Moses & the prophets write unto thee! For they would have seen this day. But thou art blessed above all peoples on the face of the Earth, & thou art blessed above all nations of all times, for all of these things are fulfilled in thee, O My Beloved!"
         55. "For behold, He speaketh unto thee words of love & comfort that He may life up thy heart--that He may feed thy soul--that He may encourage thy spirit--that thou mayest serve Him continually both by day & by night!--For thou art of the Children of David."
         56. "For thou art indeed they of whom I spake. Thou art indeed the last Nation upon the face of the Earth, & thou art indeed My king whom the Lord thy God hath chosen to dwell in--the Lord thy God hath been pleased to dwell in thee! They that put their trust in Him shall never be put to shame. Therefore, I am not ashamed to be called their God, for thou art a chosen people, & thou shalt bring great honour unto My name. Thou shalt cause many nations to turn unto the Lord thy God!--Even the hearts of their fathers unto thee--& their children that do worship Me shall drink & be satisfied!"
         57. "Even so shall it be done unto thy Servant David according to all I have spoken, & thou shalt share with him the Kingdom, & sit with him upon thrones judging all the tribes of Israel!"
         58. "None have the power & the spirit of the Children of David! Listen to the Voice of David! None shall stop us, for God is with us!...How the Lord hath favoured these people with the presence of His Children--because He loves them!... Nothing can equal the power of God in His Children!...All these things come to pass because I the Lord have spoken it & brought it to pass through My Servant David, for I the Lord have spoken it! None of these things could take place if I, by My Spirit, had not empowered My Servant David!...Their line is gone out through all the World, & their words to the ends of the Earth! So it is with the Voice of the Children of God!...For I have spoken it by My Voice! Amen!"
         59. "All the forces of both Heaven & Hell are in favour of David & his children! Nothing can stand against them!"
         60. "Great & mighty kings shall seek unto thee, because they know the favour of the Lord is on thy side, for I shall highly exalt thee, for thou art My People, for thou hast sought a City, an Heavenly place! Thou hast sought a country that shall not be here on the Earth but Eternal in the Heavenlies, & therefore, thou shalt have the favour of thy Lord & thy King & thou shalt have My favour, for, behold!--The Lord is with thee & thy Saviour Jesus Christ is upon thy right hand & thou shalt not fail. It is impossible!"
         61. "And all these I have brought unto thee--advocates, judges, & kings! And powers & dominions shall be given unto thee through all the Earth, for thou art indeed My Children & I am thy God!"
         62. "For thou art the peacemakers of this Earth, & except they recognise Me as their King & their Prince of Peace, they shall have no peace! For I am the Lord thy God & thou art the Children of God!"
         63. "So shall the followers of David be numbered by not thousands or tens of thousands, but by the millions, as those that follow the Lord their God! And the followers of Saul are as nothing but fleas that thou shalt crush if it be thy will! For I shall dispose of those that stand up against thee & thy power, because I am with thee & thou art My Children & I do love thee with an everlasting love!"
         64. "Thou shalt hear him & heed him & take heed unto the word of My Servant David & king of kings I have given thee, that thou shalt honour & highly exalt & listen to him, that thou shalt be honoured of the Lord thy God! Many are the wonderful works of the Lord!"
         65. "Thou dost take over the nations! Kings do bow down before thee & I do open the doors of all the nations of the Earth, for they cannot resist the power of thy spirit nor can they refuse the love of thy heart. For they shall yield unto thee every one & open their hearts unto thee & open their hands unto thy needs, & their mouths shall speak forth the wonderful Words of the Lord. For they shall receive thee unto their bosoms as the little lambs of My fold, & they shall nourish thee, & kings shall serve thee & queens shall minister unto thee, & thou shalt suck at the paps of the Most High!"
         66. "And yea also shalt thou suffer for Me! Yea, also shalt thou be crucified for My Name's Sake! Yea, also shalt thou be slain all the day long. Also shalt thou be slain for the words of David & smitten for all that I have spoken through him!"
         67. "In the end shalt thou triumph over them, for they shall be dust & ashes under thy feet, for thou shalt reign victorious over all the Earth & thou shalt forget the hinder years & remember only that which is called the glorious, golden Age that I given thee--the Age of all ages!"
         68. "Thou dost hearken unto the words of David that thou mayst live! Blessed are all they that do follow him! Blessed are ye, the sheep of My pasture! Blessed are ye, the lambs of My fold! Blessed are ye indeed, the little ones of My bosom, even as these that do gather unto David, & these that do rest in his love, & these that are blessed by his arms!"
         69. "For they cry unto Me & call upon Me in their distress & their hunger, for they are as sheep having no shepherd & they are scattered abroad throughout all the Earth."
         70. "Therefore, I have given them a shepherd that shall guide them into the fold of the True Shepherd."
         71. "My Voice shall they heed through My Servant David! For My sheep hear My Voice & know My Voice, & they follow Me, & the Voice of the stranger they will not follow."
         72. "Ye indeed are they upon whom the ends of the Earth are come. Ye indeed are they of whom all the prophets have spoken. Ye are My witnesses of the Last Day of whom I have spoken throughout the Ages by all My holy prophets. Ye indeed are they that shall be strong & that shall do great & mighty exploits & shall instruct many in the ways of Truth & shall open the Book by My mighty power by the wisdom of My Spirit & shall reveal these secrets unto others."
         73. "The rebellion of David is exploding throughout all the Earth! The armies of David that I have promised to march abroad, the things that I have promised unto David I have fulfilled & every word shall be fulfilled & every thing that I have promised shall be done!"
         74. "Listen to the words that I have spoken unto thy Father David. Heed that which I have said unto thee through his mouth. This Royal Family that God hath chosen from out of this horrible chaos is going to rule the World! Know ye not that ye shall judge angels?"
         75. "Haste therefore to perform the Will of My King David, that thou shalt not be slothful, but be diligent in business & depart, & carry abroad the wisdom of his people! For this is the Nation wherein I have desired to place My name, & this is the people I spake of through all the Prophets of all times!"
         76. "All the World is burgeoning with the stories of the Children of David!"
         77. "These are the fruits of their father David. This is the glory of the reward of your father, that he may enjoy the sight of his children. This is the reward of thy father, this is the joy of thy father, this is the fruit of the Words of thy father. These are they which I have called unto the Family of your father that they may shine in My glory for Me!"
         78. "Behold, how I did break the heart of David & cause his tears to flow for thee, My little lambs."
         79. "They that follow Me & hear My voice, & they that savour My fragrance & see those things which I show them, they are the Children of David!"
         80. "For thou art My People for this Last Day, & I am with thee, even as I was with My servant Moses to separate My children from Egypt & to lead them into the Promised Land--My Kingdom which is not of this earth--but is heavenly!"
         81. "Oh, behold how they watch with joy the words & the deeds of thy father & his children!"
         82. The Lord has brought you into something that is glorious & wonderful & really a revival of the marvels of the past, even more so! He has poured out such a stream of the Word! I am astonished, I'm amazed, I'm awed at how much God has given this generation! He has given you more than any other generation!--Perhaps because you've suffered more & some are going to suffer more, so He's really loving you & trying to encourage you!
         83. My Country is trying to save the World, stop the wars, relieve the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick & liberate the captives that are bound by countries like America!
         84. I don't know of so small a group in all World history that has done so much!
         85. Indigenuity means self-supporting, self-governing & self-propagating!
         86. In our Family, becoming one should work both ways!
         87. We have the recognition of the Kingdom of God & that's the only Government we need to be recognised by.
         88. Although this is the Army of Lord, & we observe strict discipline, it is voluntarily, willing-spiritedly, & cheerfully given, not forced labour or slavery. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver! (2Co.9:7.)
         89. We have taught our Homes to be independent, self-governing, self-propagating & self-supporting--truly indigenous, so that they will not be totally dependent on higher leadership.
         90. The Revolution was a miracle, our whole Family is a miracle, & the fact that we're still here & still going is a miracle!
         91. This Family is Thy creation, Lord, Thy work, & we're Thy people, this is Thy Church, this is Thy doing, & it is great in our eyes!
         92. The nine principal necessities for the success of our Family are the right kind of foundation, message, personnel, methods, organisation, communication, stats, security & support.
         93. The Family lives a tough hard soldier's life where everybody works day & night & does anything they're told, anytime they're told, does anything that has to be done no matter what their plans were.
         94. Sex has probably been the greatest differentiation between us & the average Christian & Christian group & probably the thing for which we are condemned the most, critisised the most, & about which they are horrified the most.
         95. We are called out of every nation & religion on the face of the Earth to become one nation, one people under God, & not just under Him, but in Him.
         96. The Lord called you out of the mass of humanity because He knew you were ripe & ready & hungry & needy & He loved you & needed His Love & here you are.
         97. In this last generation the Lord wanted a really pure Church that had never been a part of any other church & was not a mere split-off of some other kind of religion, but He wanted to get us back to the real original religion, completely liberated & completely free, not tied or bound by any other group or religion, so He drew you out of the hills & the valleys & the hidden places & sent out searchers to find you everywhere! Isn't that wonderful?--What a miracle of God in this Last Day.
         98. The Lord certainly designed our religion, & I believe it's the original religion, the religion of God Himself & the Lord Jesus Christ & His Holy Spirit. Other people think we're a very progressive, even too advanced type of religion, but actually we're sort of a throw-back to the early one.
         99. We are back almost to the pure state of Adam & Eve in the Garden, in direct communication with God & pure freedom physically, spiritually, in every way to enjoy Paradise & all the wonderful things & pleasures that God has given us, His whole Creation!

         (See also No.C, G, S, 23 ,83, 89, 94, 96, 100, 128, 148, 155, 172, 174, 179, 585, 589, 590, 600, 657, 658, 716, 748, 752, 754, 756, 766, 770, 771, 773, 800, 868, 877, 1099, 1335, 1336, 1355, 1366, 1368, 1398, 1514, 1534, 1592, 1598,

LEV.20:26 And ye shall be holy unto Me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be Mine.
LEV.26:12 And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be My people.
DEU.4:7 For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon Him for?
DEU.7:7,8 The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the Lord loved you, and because He would keep the oath which He had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh King of Egypt.
DEU.14:2 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations that are upon the Earth.
DEU.26:18,19 The Lord hath avouched thee this day to be His peculiar people, as He hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all His commandments; And to make thee high above all nations which He hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the Lord thy God, as He hath spoken.
DEU.28:9,10 The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto Himself, as He hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in His way. And all people of the Earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord.
2CH.15:2 The Lord is with you, while ye be with Him; and if ye seek Him, He will be found of you.
JOB.8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.
PSA.68:6 God setteth the solitary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
PSA.68:13 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.
PSA.85:10-12 Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the Earth; and righteousness shall look down from Heaven. Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.
ISA.60:22 A little one shall become a thousand, & a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in His time.
ISA.62:3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.
JER.1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
JER.13:11 That they might be unto Me for a people, and for name, and for a praise, and for a glory.
MAT.13:17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
ROM.12:4,5 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
1PE.2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him Who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.

         (See also DEU.7:6-9; ISA.43:18-21; ISA.55:1-22; ISA.60:1-21; EZE.34:23-31.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family