4. AUTOMOBILES   --page 18--

         The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings (Nah.2:4).

         1. The driver's seat is one of the most responsible and dangerous positions in the world! Take it seriously, and ask God for help!
         2. The automobile did away with the horses. Now it's working on the rest of us.
         3. The driver is safer when the roads are dry; the roads are safer when the driver is dry.
         4. Don't drive as if you own the road; drive as if you own the car.
         5. Drive carefully! Remember: it's not only a car that can be recalled by its maker.
         6. Two of the best known finishes for automobiles are lacquer & liquor.
         7. Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs.
         8. Drive carefully: watch the car in back of the one in front of you.
         9. Rhyme for pedestrian safety:
         Bill looked, Joe didn't.
         Bill is, Joe isn't.
         10. Some rights are worth dying for. The right of way is not one of them.
         11. Automobiles have killed more people than were killed in all of the wars of the World put together!
         12. The best way to inspire courteous treatment by other motorists is to drive a police car.
         13. If you drink don't drive, If you drive don't drink.
         14. The trouble with a good many cars today is that the engine won't start & the payments won't stop.
         15. Fast, reckless driving often leads to slow, soft music.
         16. Sign on entering St. John, Indiana, USA: "Drive Carefully. See St. John, Not St. Peter."

         (See also No. 150, 285, 807, 812, 831, 851, 921, 1024.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family