Rhymes from Our Times

         Copyright 1998 by The Family -- DFO

         Printed in Thailand. Not for resale.

All poems untitled by author have been given parenthetical titles for referencing purposes.

Table of Contents (by section)

         Joyous Moments   1
         He's My Boy      3
         Tribute to Parents       5
         Our Mother       5
         The Toughest Mission Field       6
         For My Baby's Caregiver  8
         (A Classroom Yarn)       9
         The Beggar Princess      11
         (Place of Rest)  13
         Apostrophe to the Cool Night Wind        14
         Sleeping World   15
         Beauty   16
         As I Am  17
         A Tree   18
DEATH    19
         I Will Come Back         19
         Immortality      20
         Rebirth  21
         Gone Home        22
         Our Love Would Never Die         22
         (Leading Home)   25
         Romans 8:28      25
         Go for the Gold  26
         Growing Young    27
         I Will Not Fear  27
         (Finding Trust)  28
         Take No Thought  29
         He Knows Best    30
         Drums    31
         Trust    32
         Our Heavenly Father      33
         My Birthday Wish         33
FIGHTERS         37
         Shtick   37
         The Final Great Show     37
         Fight On         40
         Let the fight within me not die!         41
         Seconds Out      41
         Keep On Fighting         43
         A Scream of Freedom      43
         O Men of Valor   45
         Passing Love     47
         When Special People Leave Our Lives      47
         (It Won't be Long)       48
         He Sees the Picture      49
         (Still Here)     50
         Let it Go        51
         Goodbye  51
         Unrequited Love  52
         When You Were Here       52
         (Fly Away)       53
         The Battle       53
         (He Holds the Key)       54
         (Wings of Prayer)        55
         Why Goodbyes?    56
         The Veiled Cage  57
         (Hidden With Christ)     58
         The Man for Me   61
         (Better to Love)         62
         (Angel Friend)   63
         The Bird and the Fish    63
         (A Friend Like You)      64
         Driven with the Wind     65
         Infatuation vs. True Love        65
         I'll Meet You In My Dreams       66
         To My Companion for Life         67
         Friends Far and Near     68
         Not a Rose       69
         The Real You     70
         Colors You've Brought In My Life         71
         Because I've Known You   73
         (What you said)  73
         Give Me a Smile  73
         My Misreading    74
         (Looking Deep)   75
         Do You Know What I Want to Do With You?  76
         Chinese Eyes     76
         As Long As      77
         I like your eyes         77
         Special Friends  78
         Eternal Soul-Mates       79
         (Memories Dear)  80
         I Love Your Hands        81
         My Moon  81
         When I Say "I Love You"  82
         (Friends Are...)         83
         (Thorns 'n' Roses)       84
         A Flow of Passion        85
         (Your Love to Me)        86
         If Hearts Could Speak    87
         (Valued Friendship)      87
         (Heaven's Gift)  88
         Easily Given     89
         Keep Loving      90
         (He Had it All)  91
         How Could He Love Me?    91
         The Lifeless Life        92
         Cast Out Our Nets        93
         Smile    95
         Praise the Lord  96
         Why Compare?     96
         Fountain's Peak  97
         Poppies Grow Along Streets of Gold       99
         I Dream of the Future    99
INSPIRED BY PUBS         101
         How To Take Correction   101
         Time Bombs       103
         Our Women        104
         New Weapons for a New Day        105
         The Choice       106
         Driving Tips     107
         What is Wisdom?  107
         The Path to Humility     108
         Pushed to the Edge       108
         Oh Beautiful Word        109
         Say the Words    110
         Currents         111
         The Path of Humility     113
JESUS    115
         (Majestic desire)        115
         One Heart--From Jesus    116
         When the Stars Come Out at Night ...     117
         A Morning Prayer         118
         Only You         119
         More than Enough         120
         You Won My Heart         120
         To You Alone I Go        121
         Creator of Love  121
         (Think It Strange?)      122
         The Ever-Faithful Friend         124
         In The Morning   125
         (Loving Simplicity)      127
         (All Are Precious)       128
         The Special Case         128
         The Little Things        129
         (My Talent)      130
         The "Shiner"     131
         To a Little Person       132
LOVE     133
         Where love is    133
         It's Still Love  134
         Sometimes        134
         Love In Motion   135
         The Pulchritude of Love  136
         Boomerang        138
         Love's Power     139
         Let's Be        139
         The Reward of Love       140
         In the Name of Love      142
         (Greatest Desire)        143
         He Showed Me the Way     144
         (Teach Me Love)  145
         (Bearing All)    146
         (Gift of Love)   147
         Noble Way        147
         God's Touch      148
         Peace    149
PRAYER   151
         The Prayer of the Pilgrim        151
         Starlink         152
         The Star of the Morning  153
         Free     154
         Mountain Of Refuge       154
         Prayer for the Day       155
         Celestial Hope   156
         With My Eyes Stayed on You       157
         My Intercessor   158
         The Center of My Life    159
         To Hell with Hesitating  159
         What Have You Done with Jesus?   161
         Prodigal Son     161
         If It Were Your Last Day         162
         Christmas Gift   165
         The Pisces       166
         The Heart of A Lioness   166
         (A Birthday Prayer)      167
         The Golden Age of Wisdom         168
         (A Prayer for You)       169
         (A Birthday Whisper)     169
         The Love of Two Hearts   171
         To The New Year  172
         I Give Myself    174
         Reach for the Whispers!--        177
         A Special Spirit Helper  178
         Spirit Free      178
         Beyond The Sunset        180
         (Family Alphabet Soup)   183
         (One Family)     186
         A Most Royal Birthday    187
         The Guide        188
         (To Go the Distance)     190
         Puzzle   191
         The Giver        191
         One Life Opened Heaven for Me    193
         (Treasures in the Desert)        195
         Behind... After ... Always ... Forever!  197
         The Journey      197
         Dust in the Potter's Hands       198
         A Better Vase    198
         The Truth Shall Make You Free    200
         Shifting Sand    201
         Crushed Crystal  201
         Hold On  202
         I am Crucified (Gal. 6:14)       203
         Tired, But Not Weary     203
         Joy      204
         The Cellar of Life       204
         Beauty to Behold         205
         Gods Blessings in Disguise       206
         A Prayer to Him  207
         Assurance        208
         (A Tough Spirit and Tender Heart)        209
         The Clouds of Life       210
         The Spirit ... I Believe         211
         The Greatest Gift        212
         The Universal Soul       212
         (Cries of Anguish)       213
         Light of Foot    214
         From Shadows to Life     214
         (Here Today)     216
         The War  217
         The Mask         219
         The Valley of Despair    220
         The Call of the Missionary       221
         A Missionary Make        221
         Peace for the Children   223
         Look of Love     224
         China Haunts     225
         The Princess and the Knave       229
         The Gardener's Dream     237
         The Siren Of Babylon     240
         Lady Jane        244
         Candina  248
         Woman of Faith   255
         Beyond the Curve in the Crossroads       258
         Storming         262
         Compassion       265
         The Passersby    266
         Crossing the Jordan      270
         Backsliders' Bar         273
         Captain Proud?_Or Seaman Humble?         275
         The Race         279


Table of Contents (alphabetical)

         (A Birthday Prayer)      167
         (A Birthday Whisper)     169
         A Better Vase    198
         (A Classroom Yarn)       9
         A Flow of Passion        85
         (A Friend Like You)      64
         A Missionary Make        221
         A Morning Prayer         118
         A Most Royal Birthday    187
         (A Prayer for You)       169
         A Prayer to Him  207
         A Scream of Freedom      43
         A Special Spirit Helper  178
         (A Tough Spirit and Tender Heart)        209
         A Tree   18
         (All Are Precious)       128
         (Angel Friend)   63
         Apostrophe to the Cool Night Wind        14
         As I Am  17
         As Long As      77
         Assurance        208
         Backsliders' Bar         273
         Battle, The      53
         (Bearing All)    146
         Beauty to Behold         205
         Beauty   16
         Because I've Known You   73
         Beggar Princess, The     11
         Behind... After ... Always ... Forever!  197
         (Better to Love)         62
         Beyond the Curve in the Crossroads       258
         Beyond The Sunset        180
         Bird and the Fish, The   63
         Boomerang        138
         Call of the Missionary, The      221
         Candina  248
         Captain Proud?_Or Seaman Humble?         275
         Cast Out Our Nets        93
         Celestial Hope   156
         Cellar of Life, The      204
         Center of My Life, The   159
         China Haunts     225
         Chinese Eyes     76
         Choice, The      106
         Christmas Gift   165
         Clouds of Life, The      210
         Colors You've Brought In My Life         71
         Compassion       265
         Creator of Love  121
         (Cries of Anguish)       213
         Crossing the Jordan      270
         Crushed Crystal  201
         Currents         111
         Do You Know What I Want to Do With You?  76
         Driven with the Wind     65
         Driving Tips     107
         Drums    31
         Dust in the Potter's Hands       198
         Easily Given     89
         Eternal Soul-Mates       79
         Ever-Faithful Friend, The        124
         (Family Alphabet Soup)   183
         Final Great Show. The    37
         (Finding Trust)  28
         Fight On         40
         (Fly Away)       53
         For My Baby's Caregiver  8
         Fountain's Peak  97
         Free     154
         (Friends Are...)         83
         Friends Far and Near     68
         From Shadows to Life     214
         Gardener's Dream, The    237
         (Gift of Love)   147
         Give Me a Smile  73
         Giver, The       191
         Go for the Gold  26
         Golden Age of Wisdom, The        168
         God's Touch      148
         Gods Blessings in Disguise       206
         Gone Home        22
         Goodbye  51
         (Greatest Desire)        143
         Greatest Gift, The       212
         Guide, The       188
         Growing Young    27
         Heart of A Lioness, The  166
         (Heaven's Gift)  88
         (He Had it All)  91
         (He Holds the Key)       54
         He Knows Best    30
         (Here Today)     216
         He Sees the Picture      49
         He Showed Me the Way     144
         He's My Boy      3
         (Hidden With Christ)     58
         Hold On  202
         How Could He Love Me?    91
         How To Take Correction   101
         I am Crucified (Gal. 6:14)       203
         I Dream of the Future    99
         I Give Myself    174
         I like your eyes         77
         I Love Your Hands        81
         I Will Come Back         19
         I Will Not Fear  27
         I'll Meet You In My Dreams       66
         If Hearts Could Speak    87
         If It Were Your Last Day         162
         Immortality      20
         In The Morning   125
         In the Name of Love      142
         Infatuation vs. True Love        65
         It's Still Love  134
         (It Won't be Long)       48
         Journey, The     197
         Joy      204
         Joyous Moments   1
         Keep Loving      90
         Keep On Fighting         43
         Lady Jane        244
         (Leading Home)   25
         Let it Go        51
         Let the fight within me not die!         41
         Let's Be        139
         Lifeless Life, The       92
         Light of Foot    214
         Little Things, The       129
         (Looking Deep)   75
         Look of Love     224
         Love In Motion   135
         Love of Two Hearts, The  171
         Love's Power     139
         (Loving Simplicity)      127
         (Majestic desire)        115
         Man for Me, The  61
         Mask, The        219
         (Memories Dear)  80
         More than Enough         120
         Mountain Of Refuge       154
         My Birthday Wish         33
         My Intercessor   158
         My Misreading    74
         My Moon  81
         (My Talent)      130
         New Weapons for a New Day        105
         Noble Way        147
         Not a Rose       69
         O Men of Valor   45
         Oh Beautiful Word        109
         (One Family)     186
         One Heart--From Jesus    116
         One Life Opened Heaven for Me    193
         Only You         119
         Our Women        104
         Our Heavenly Father      33
         Our Love Would Never Die         22
         Our Mother       5
         Passersby, The   266
         Passing Love     47
         Path of Humility, The    113
         Path to Humility, The    108
         Peace for the Children   223
         Peace    149
         Pisces, The      166
         (Place of Rest)  13
         Poppies Grow Along Streets of Gold       99
         Praise the Lord  96
         Prayer for the Day       155
         Prayer of the Pilgrim, The       151
         Princess and the Knave, The      229
         Prodigal Son     161
         Pulchritude of Love, The         136
         Pushed to the Edge       108
         Puzzle   191
         Race, The        279
         Reach for the Whispers!  177
         Real You, The    70
         Rebirth  21
         Reward of Love, The      140
         Romans 8:28      25
         Say the Words    110
         Seconds Out      41
         Shifting Sand    201
         "Shiner", The    131
         Shtick   37
         Siren of Babylon, The    240
         Sleeping World   15
         Smile    95
         Sometimes        134
         Special Case, The        128
         Special Friends  78
         Spirit Free      178
         Spirit ... I Believe, The        211
         Starlink         152
         Star of the Morning, The         153
         (Still Here)     50
         Storming         262
         Take No Thought  29
         (Teach Me Love)  145
         (Think It Strange?)      122
         (Thorns 'n' Roses)       84
         Time Bombs       103
         Tired, But Not Weary     203
         To a Little Person       132
         (To Go the Distance)     190
         To Hell with Hesitating  159
         To My Companion for Life         67
         To The New Year  172
         To You Alone I Go        121
         Toughest Mission Field, The      6
         (Treasures in the Desert)        195
         Tribute to Parents       5
         Trust    32
         Truth Shall Make You Free, The   200
         Universal Soul, The      212
         Unrequited Love  52
         Valley of Despair, The   220
         (Valued Friendship)      87
         Veiled Cage, The         57
         War, The         217
         What Have You Done with Jesus?   161
         What is Wisdom?  107
         (What you said)  73
         When I Say "I Love You"  82
         When Special People Leave Our Lives      47
         When the Stars Come Out at Night ...     117
         When You Were Here       52
         Where love is    133
         Why Compare?     96
         Why Goodbyes?    56
         (Wings of Prayer)        55
         With My Eyes Stayed on You       157
         Woman of Faith   255
         You Won My Heart         120
         (Your Love to Me)        86


Table of Contents (by first line)

         A birthday wish for me as fair   33
         A cold and stormy winter's night,        265
         A common aliment of the human race       96
         A constant Friend Who takes our hand,    120
         A flower in bloom is gone so soon;       205
         A lad stood at the crossroad of a busy mart,     188
         A thousand could'ves     115
         A trawler was touched by dawn's early light,     240
         A tree is a picture of beauty;   18
         Above a full and busy town,      131
         And so I take Your hand again,   172
         Angels seldom if e'er appear     63
         As a little child, I longed to be mature;        27
         As long as there's a river       77
         As you pass that person you may know     139
         Beaten with ailment,     213
         Behind a man's phony laughter,   219
         Behind every cloud there is always a wide blue sky;      197
         Calling out to a realm unknown,  193
         Cast Out Our Nets        93
         China calls my heart away        225
         Christmas gift under the tree    165
         Come unto our secret place       125
         Constant and true thou, my love, and pure;       81
         Cool night wind  14
         Correction is a funny thing--    101
         Dear Jesus, on this Christmas Eve,       174
         Dear Lord, in Your infinite mercy,       155
         Dear Lord, take my worthless, selfish life       154
         Dear one, I pray this year will bring,   167
         Did You know the sky was inky?   151
         Don't look back, O men of valor,         45
         Dusky and bleak  15
         Everything a heart could want    91
         Fly away from my heart, tender love, fly away.   53
         For a thousand nights I wonder   30
         For two hundred years, in the alleys of Rome,    248
         Friends are those very rare people       83
         From the forests in Siberia,     221
         Give me a smile,         73
         Go for the Gold! Trust Me with all!      26
         God seeks to reward us for the little things, you know.  129
         God works in mysterious ways,    90
         God's touch comes to all of us,  148
         Hark, ye people, one and all:    187
         Have you ever thought for a moment       138
         He climbed the mount at eventide;        144
         He lived as a giver,     191
         He sailed a sea of fortune       92
         He was but a youth, his first time at sea,       262
         Healing is the word that comes   81
         Hear the hubub in the audience   279
         How can I let you know about the incredible impression   71
         How can we live with a one for so long   74
         How could He love me?    91
         I don't know why you love me.    88
         I dream of a world of peace and love,    99
         I have no voice for singing,     130
         I hear a cry come from a distant country         223
         I heard the solemn drums of war,         217
         I like your eyes         77
         I love You, Jesus, this is true!         118
         I never thought the desert       195
         I once was told that when God creates a soul     79
         I see one heart  116
         I see the thronging masses ...   211
         I see your love reflected        8
         I stood before the large oaken door      54
         I took the path "Humility:"      113
         I walk through lonely shadows--  214
         I want so much just to love you  134
         I wanted to forget all my problems,      273
         I wanted to speak of Heaven's things,    147
         I was born long ago in a Galilee town;   255
         I will come back in the soft warm rain  19
         I will not promise not to cry    51
         I wish everyone had a friend like you    64
         I'll not despise my crown,       40
         I'm one of your helpers from Above.      169
         I'm raising the flag     17
         I've heard it spoken by many a tongue    204
         I've heard that in sex, people open their heart  146
         I've never loved anyone  58
         I've walked into the valley      27
         If hearts could speak of what they've felt       87
         If I told you that I loved you,  82
         If your heart is aching,         201
         In the year fifteen hundred and fifty-two,       244
         Infatuation--like a snowflake    65
         It was only a sunny smile.       89
         It's a cold and dreary day; the child has wet feet.      266
         It's funny how our lives sometimes       49
         It's one thing just to stick     37
         Jesus, please bless me as I start this new day;  157
         Let it go.       51
         Let the fight within me not die!         41
         Let's be loving, let's be kind.  139
         Life is like a puzzle, with millions of pieces to it.    191
         Light upon your feet, wealth of Heaven within your heart;        214
         Like a breeze that whispers to me,       135
         Little one, weighed in the balance of things,    132
         Live each day    162
         Look for the Romans 8:28         25
         Lord help me live in such a way  143
         Love at first or second sight    134
         Love is like the sun in the sky  136
         Me name is Captain Proud. Here's de beginning of my tale         275
         Mercy brings to us forgiveness;  149
         My "special friends" were not around,    68
         My mind was filled with thoughts, distraught,    33
         My prayer for you this coming year:      169
         My Savior talked with me today:  178
         My soul, be not thou troubled,   29
         Not for the fainthearted--a serious field,       6
         O Mountain of all refuge         154
         Oh beautiful Word,       109
         Oh, I wish I was a little kid again      127
         Oh, Love! My imperfect failing heart     200
         Oh, my soul yearns to give,      212
         On the workshop shelf, the ornate vase   198
         Once formed, then broken,        198
         Once I thought I knew what I needed.     119
         One notable feature that strikes me about you,   168
         "Out of my way, you insolent soul!"      147
         Over the years as I stop and pray        55
         Past our galaxy on the planet Zong,      9
         Praiseful words are a joy to hear,       96
         Pushed to the edge, out on a ledge,      108
         Scattered o'er the time-swept sand       80
         Shattering icy glares,   97
         She toiled so weary, she struggled through life;         258
         She wandered the byways,         11
         Since I joined the human race    128
         Sister of mine, such a friend, of such worth     166
         Something's coming!      31
         Sometimes I wish for a man in my life,   61
         Sometimes when we're always near,        87
         Special friends, that's what we are,     78
         Take a look around, what do you see?     5
         Take a look at what's developing:        111
         Take a shower,   76
         Take time in His temple;         153
         Tell me why they put those walls         43
         Thank you for the love you've shown;     73
         Thank you Lord for what I am;    128
         The air was cool as we walked along;     270
         The bud appeared,        140
         The champ's lookin' tough, dressed all in black.         41
         The choice is yours--bronze and silver are fine;         106
         The daylight flickers, shadows deepen.   21
         The Endtime teens are already ticking!   103
         The Family, the Family!  183
         The future, though cloaked in a veil of black    208
         The gardener woke like every day,        237
         The golden sun comes up to warm the earth with all its rays.     48
         The Lifeless Life        92
         The longing I feel in my heart so deep:  221
         The only thing that blocks the way       180
         The path to humility, an enduring hard road;     108
         The Pisces are a noble race,     166
         The precious things that up till now     177
         The public are cheerin', the "children" are rearin';     37
         "The rain is pouring down again,         206
         The road may seem quite long sometimes,  203
         The situation looked very bleak,         43
         The Spirit wild and free        178
         The time that went so quickly    3
         The way ahead is engulfed in a mist--uncertainty,        32
         The windows of Heaven are open,  22
         The woman bent, with troubled brow:      158
         There are some things that sorrow brings         204
         There is a land, so I've been told,      99
         There is a love  67
         There is only one kind of beauty         16
         There once was a beautiful story told    229
         There was a war we were called to fight,         105
         There was once a lonely soul,    220
         There were once two beautiful birds      57
         There's a man down deep inside you;      70
         Think it strange that He should choose   122
         This could be your last day here         216
         This love is for a season,       47
         To hell with hesitating,         159
         To smile through my breakings    207
         To the parents I love and respect so highly,     171
         Tonight I'll travel far away,    66
         Tossed like a ship upon the waves of a troubled sea,     197
         Truth has whispered its eternal  28
         Unrequited love, 'tis such a sad thing;  52
         Wave after wave crashes on the shore;    65
         Waves roll, flooding the shores with tide's sure flow    201
         We climbed the hills together;   22
         We forsook the Word, forsook our God,    190
         We had given our lives in sacrifice,     110
         We were parted in the battle     53
         What a happy soul was I,         3
         What costs the least and does the most,  95
         What have we done in the name of love?   142
         What have you done with Jesus?   161
         What is Love? Divine adornment   145
         What is wisdom?  107
         What you said    73
         What's the center of your life?  159
         When a little shoot of friendship        69
         When feverish worries crowd our lives,   25
         When I look at other places      186
         When I'm confused and weary,     121
         When life with you is like a rose,       84
         When mind and heart are full of pain,    56
         When Satan comes to tempt you,   156
         When special people leave our lives,     47
         When the morning stars together sang,    5
         When the stars come out at night,        117
         When there's love deep inside your soul,         86
         When weakness comes and little me        13
         When you feel alone and deserted;        209
         When you've cried all the tears that can be shed         202
         Whenever a prayer comes to mind  152
         Where in this world can anyone find      104
         Where love is, there are hearts  133
         Who's there?     85
         Why did you leave? I loved you so.       161
         Why do we sorrow overmuch        20
         Why do you wait to come my way,  212
         Why does one person catch my eye,        224
         Why is it that the clouds of life grow dark,     210
         Why is it that You never leave,  124
         Yes, the birds will fly again,   52
         You ask me what is my desire.    203
         You can meet girls all over the world;   76
         You sought me out when I was sinking,    120
         You touch my life with Your sweet presence;      121
         You were with her in the quiet of night.         93
         You, a bird, fly high and free;  63
         You're really not that far away  50
         You're sitting with a smile      62
         You've got to be prayerful, you've got to be safe,       107
         Your name went before you and thus I had heard,  74



Joyous Moments
         The time that went so quickly
         Has now come 'round again!
         This time I really want to be
         There through thick and thin!

         I've often told the story
         Of the many happy days
         When the kids were very young;
         Each day was like a maze!

         Of dirty dishes, meals to cook,
         There seemed to be no end.
         It was the same each day and night,
         I hardly had a friend

         Except a busy baby
         And a curious toddler, too.
         The 4- and 5- and 6-year-old
         Were my help to make it through!

         Oh, yes, my mate was very close;
         What else could he be?
         It took all that we both could do
         To keep afloat, you see!

         Well, guess what? They did all grow up,
         And in some ways so did we!
         We grew to like the things we did;
         We liked our specialty!

         There's nothing wrong with doing what
         You like to, if you can--
         Try not to drop the ball with a kid,
         Till he becomes a man!

         I guess we dropped a few of them,
         And that I do regret.
         But today it's helped to teach me that
         It's best that I don't let

         A day go by, a moment fly,
         Where I don't do my best
         To be all that I need to be;
         Seems there's hardly any rest

         Except in Jesus. Yes, He knows
         And He loves and cares.
         He sees my heart, a mother's heart,
         And answers all my prayers!

         Looking back in retrospect,
         A word here to the wise:
         Mommy, don't despise these days,
         For oh, how fast they fly!

         And little faces that look up
         To you to see His face,
         Will grow so quickly, soon to be
         On their own in this great race!

         Little hands that reach to you
         For help to tie that shoe,
         Will someday be the helping hand
         That carries others through!

         By this time, I wipe the tears,
         As I close with this last verse.
         Oh, Mommy, do enjoy these years--
         They are of such great worth!

         For in this life you will not find
         Many things that bring such joy
         As the precious time you spend each day
         With your little girl or boy!

He's My Boy
         What a happy soul was I,
         Without a care from day to day,
         My children safely by my side,
         I watched them grow and run and play.

         What a blessing they bestowed,
         How they warmed my grateful heart!
         I knew they'd forever be my own.--
         Not even death could make us part.

         Then I heard of a young boy
         In a far and distant land.
         His liberty was threatened sore,
         As Satan sought his life to strand.

         As I was summoned to the fore,
         To fight for him on bended knee,
         The tempter spoke, "He's not your boy.
         Let those close to him bear the sword.
         Why should you toil long and hard
         For one who's name you do not know?"

         But as God's still voice filled my heart,
         "Will ye not watch with Me awhile?"
         His love compelled me to take part
         In the fierce battle for this child.
         All day for this young lad I prayed;
         With desperation came my cry.
         Through the night my petition lay.
         I loved him though I knew not why.

         Then as the night's course was past,
         Leading to dawn's early light,
         My tired body found rest at last,
         As in a dream my soul took flight.

         The dream was wonderful indeed--and glad,
         For into spirit's realm I gazed.
         And I saw there this little lad,
         Whose freedom through the night I'd claimed,

         Laughing and singing with joyful heart,
         Safe again in loved ones' care.
         I was so glad I'd done my part,
         To buy his smile with my prayer.

         I rushed to take him in my arms,
         This boy whose name I did not know.
         I thanked God for shielding him from harm,
         And for my love for this child unknown.

         But when I looked upon his face,
         A gasp!--The dream had now become
         A lesson time will not erase.
         For that young boy--he was my son!

         So when called upon to fight and care
         For children far from your life and Home,
         Be not weary as you strive in prayer.
         Remember--that child is your own!
--Francis Fisherman

Written after the 1992 raids in Australia

Tribute to Parents
         Take a look around, what do you see?
         A sight that fills your heart with praise;
         Those babies through to OCs,
         And JETTs and teens and YAs!

         Princes and princesses true,
         Just as David said they'd be.
         They've fought right along with you,
         Spoken in the gates with the Enemy!

         Fruits of labor, products of sacrifice,
         Their reward yours in the end.
         For though you've paid a price,
         Your investment brought great dividends!

         You're honored for your loyalty,
         Obedience, and faith in My Word;
         For then you trusted blindly,
         But now your praises are heard!

         Great is your reward ahead!
         In laying your life down for another,
         You've gone out and done what I said.
         Well done, blessed father and mother!
--Kristine Dayspring

Our Mother
         When the morning stars together sang,
         And God planted the Earth,
         And divided land from seven seas,
         And gave to all things birth;

         And when He fashioned humankind,
         And creatures great and small,
         Six young ones then He also made--
         His loving children all.

         Said He, "What one thing meets their need?
         Each differs from the other."
         Then stood a saint, with gentle heart,
         And said, "They need a mother."

         "For life shall take its toll on them,
         Of woe and pain and sorrow.
         And oft' only a mother's love
         Can bring hope for tomorrow.

         "Give her a heart of patience full,
         And hope never abated,
         That they might know Your and her love
         Are very close related.

         "And last, but then by no means least,
         Give her a love for Thee,
         A trust that hardship cannot shake,
         That she might faithful be."

         God thought this very wise advice;
         He would not have another.
         So on this special day was born
         This precious gift, OUR MOTHER.

Dedicated to my mother, Ginny, and to all our wonderful moms everywhere

The Toughest Mission Field
         Not for the fainthearted--a serious field,
                  For people who bravely dare
         To face a challenge greater
                  Than they'll find anywhere!

         For the natives can be restless;
                  You'll wonder about their plans.
         They're often on the warpath,
                  And that keeps you desperate with the Man!

         You'll wonder if your labors
                  Will ever bear real fruit.
         It takes the utmost patience,
                  And there's not an exit route!

         Have simple faith, persistence,
                  And love that sees beyond
         The difficulties of the day,
                  And let them hear your song!

         There's not much recognition;
                  You'll feel like no one knows
         The labors you bestow on this field,
                  The hours you spend with those--

         The ones you love, your little flock,
                  The ones He called you to;
         The field that's always white and ripe,
                  Where laborers are so few!

         Although it's tough, demanding all,
                  You get more than you give!
         There's no need for lots of sermons;
                  Your sheep learn by how you live!

         I'll cut this short, can't stay away
                  From this busy field too long.
         It's time to teach, clean, play, correct,
                  And sing that little song!

         Oh, yes, it's great to find this field
                  Is very close at hand.
         Although it costs a lot to go,
                  It's not a distant land!

         It's baby Jean and toddler Chris,
                  And stinker OC Mike,
         There's Johnny JETT, and smart teen Joy,
                  Who knows she's always right!

         There's also Jay, and Trish, and Matt,
                  Who were added to the group.
         A parish of these bleating sheep,
                  Are in your mission coup!

         In spite of all the tests and trials,
                  I'd recommend this field to you.
         It's worth the blood, the sweat, and tears,
                  And all that you go through!

         It's the field that's most heart-rending,
                  With lots of outstretched hands.
         You'll never find another field,
                  Where you're in such demand!
         And you'll never find another place,
                  Where your life is so enhanced!
         It's the kind of place you'll want to die,
                  And you'll daily have the chance!

For My Baby's Caregiver
         I see your love reflected
         In her little sparkling eyes.
         It's more than I expected
         And it fills me with surprise!
         But then surprise begins to fade
         Because I realize:
         I've known it all along--
                  the love and care
                  the bond you share
         Was all in that reflection in her eyes.
--Joan Clair

(A Classroom Yarn)
         Past our galaxy on the planet Zong,
         There works a teacher named professor Wong.
         He was busy getting ready his schoolroom.
         He prepared books and a weaving loom,
         A micro-peeper to view squibbly doobs,
         A calculator of ging gangly groobs.
         And of course no good classroom would be complete
         Without for each student a desk and seat!
         He stocked the shelves with some bangaramas,
         And decorated walls with ding dong damas.
         When all was done, the town came to visit;
         Everyone came, none wanted to miss it.
         The professor greeted everyone with a cheery hello,
         And said, "Folks, there's something you should know.
         You may use anything that you need
         But please take the time this notice to read
         'Put everything back in its proper place
         Everything belongs in its rightful space.'"

         Everyone was having a great time
         Playing with the class's pet Zangy Zime,
         Spinning for fun wangatanka honkers,
         Reading about the lost tribe of Zonkers.
         Everyone played until late that night;
         Kids were happy, playing with all their might.
         Professor said, "Good night to everyone!
         Please clean up after you've finished the fun."

         The next day's class was to begin at nine,
         So the professor came just on time.
         He opened the door and what did he see?
         His classroom was bare as a camel's knee!
         Gone were every last bing-a-bong dinger!
         Nowhere to be found was the Zippty Zinger!
         Even the chairs and desks had disappeared;
         This was worse than anything he feared.

         There was not left a rack, or a tract,
         Or a tack, or a sack, or even a knick-nack!
         "But where could everything have gone?
         There's nothing left," cried Professor Wong.
         So he booed and he hooed,
         And he hooed and he booed.
         He was so sad and ready to give up
         His tears could have filled a full tin cup.

         Then into the room came his first pupil:
         It was Jimmy Can Do Me Whoople.
         "Don't be sad Professor Wong!
         Faith can right any wrong."
         Then the Prof dried his eye.
         "Yes, you're right! I must try!"
         So he went straight down to the town square
         And of his problem he made all aware.

         "Good people, I feel lost and forsaken!
         Please return anything you've taken.
         No questions will be asked;
         Please do it now and fast."
         Everyone ran quickly back to their house;
         Karl brought back the computer and its mouse.
         Under one bed was the book of the Zonkers;
         In a cupboard the wangatanka honkers.

         Freddy Linger returned the Zippty Zinger;
         Suzy Winger brought the bing-a-bong-dinger.
         Soon the classroom was back the way it was,
         And the children were so happy because
         Everyone had done the right thing,
         And so the town with joy began to sing.
         They never would borrow before they ask,
         For finding lost things is a long, hard task.
--Peter Picture (reprint)


The Beggar Princess
         She wandered the byways,
         Beggarly clad;
         Drowned in her worthlessness--
         How she was sad!

         Lost in confusion,
         And lost in her dreams
         Of achieving perfect happiness,
         She'd wandered--it seems.

         Uncared for, despised,
         A withering lass;
         She broke down on the roadside
         And wept, saying "Alas,

         "I have no food to feed on,
         No clothes save this robe
         That is tattered and filthy;
         And I have no hope.

         "My body is broken,
         I hunger and thirst,
         But for one thing I long for,
         For one thing I search:

         "Oh, if someone would love me,
         Ah me! I'd be glad
         To know someone cared
         If I was happy or sad.

         "If some hand would reach down
         And call me by name,
         I'd be glad just for love,
         For deliv'rance from shame.

         "But alas there is no one,
         And I fear I will die
         Just a beggarly woman,"
         And she bitterly cried.

         Then a gentle hand lifted
         Her face up to His,
         And He wiped from her cheeks
         The hot tears, with a kiss.

         He said, "
Lass, I love thee,
         And I'll call thee Mine own!
         I shall care for thee, dress thee;
         Thou shalt live in My Home."

         Before she could object
         That there had been some great wrong,
         He lifted her up in His arms,
         Where she belonged.

         He loved her and honored her,
         And gave her a home,
         And He saved her lost soul
         By giving His Own.

         This homely beggar
         Became a princess of love,
         And an heir to God's promises
         And treasures Above.

         Though worthless and broken,
         His love can bring life
         To a lonely, dying soul,
         And make her His wife.

         This little story,
         Simplistic, yet true
         Reveals the Great Love of Jesus
         That made a princess out of you.

(Place of Rest)
         When weakness comes and little me
         Is crossed by strain and tempest.
         And all the things I've worked to see
         Are dropped and crushed and pressed.
         I do what anyone would do,
         And crawl back to my Father;
         And when I'm in His calming arms,
         I tell nor sense a bother.

         Then, when the power of His Love
         Is poured into my soul,
         I feel like all is well again,
         And take back the control.
         But ne'er 'tis long before I feel
         The problems strike within;
         Because I rested not enough,
         I must return to Him.

         And thus this weary circle
         Of bad then good then bad.
         But why not stay within the peace,
         And keep the strength I had?
         Straying away from Jesus
         Turns blessings and joy to pain.
         I pray I'll remember to stay close,
         And not leave His side again.
--Sunny James

Apostrophe to the Cool Night Wind
         Cool night wind
                  as whisper blows
                  breathe on me again.
         Thy fingers break through dark's dense heat;
         refresh me with caressing sweet,
                  dispelling day's strain.

         Soft summer rain
                  that heaven sows
                  descend on me again.
         Gently on my face you beat,
         Softly in my ear repeat,
                  thy comforting refrain.

         Oh Love Divine
                  as balsam flows
                  heal my soul again.
         Embrace me in Thy safe retreat,
         That I may through Thy Love replete,
                  strength anew regain.

         God in Heav'n
                  Who light bestows
                  guide my steps again.
         Without You, life I'd soon deplete,
         So may Thy hand, I Thee entreat,
                  alway my soul sustain.
--Francis Fisherman


Sleeping World
         Dusky and bleak
         The shadows are deep,
         And the earth is deafening still.
         'Lone quietness creeps
         On a world still asleep,
         Where silence lays thick with the mist.
         It seems as she dwells
         Cast under a spell,
         Just waiting for Prince Charming's kiss.
         The beauty of earth
         Awaits her re-birth;
         His breath to awaken her will.

         Then from a distance
         Light breaks resistance,
         Shattering the black and gloom;
         It changes the night
         Into rainbow delight,
         Proclaiming the triumphant news.
         That night is now done
         And day has begun,
         With dawn in brightly lit hues.
         He says, "Now awake
         And join to partake
         Of the glory of life in full bloom."

         Now clouds that were gray
         Turn joyous and gay,
         With colorful, glorious shades
         That under the stream
         Reflect the dream
         Of beauty and iridescence;
         Flowing happily on
         With jolly and song
         For the splendor of dawn's lovely presence.
         Every color is used,
         Artistically fused
         In the picture she proudly parades.

         The birds in their nest
         Awake after rest
         To sing creation's glad heart.
         Their voices they raise
         To join in full praise,
         And all of its beauty adore.
         Cool zephyrs, they blow,
         Caressing the soul
         Of nature reviving once more;
         Who once in a trance,
         Now joins in the dance,
         Rejoicing for another start.
--Joanna (Celeste)

         There is only one kind of beauty
         That can transcend all time.
         And many a woman possesses it
         Tho' 'tis oft a different kind
         Than the beauty many speak of
         That will quickly catch the eye:
         The shapely limbs and features
         That make plain women sigh.

         It's the beauty of the spirit
         That lights the very eyes,
         And transforms a simple woman
         Into beautiful and wise.
         'Tis in women with true warmth and charm
         That are interested in others.
         The women who forget themselves
         And the ones that make good mothers.

         Those who accept each stage of life
         With grace and seek His heights--
         These have the lasting beauty,
         That lives on and never dies.
--Joy (of Benji)

As I Am
         I'm raising the flag
         I will not be encaged
         By the myth they call beauty
         In this day and age.

         With gaunt-like cheeks
         And bones thru' skin
         They bring too much meaning
         To the simple word--"thin."

         Non-existent hips
         A bust filled with silicon
         Those pouting red lips
         Brows plucked and all but gone

         I claim back the right
         To be as I am
         Hips, hair, breasts, and nose,
         My own face and skin.
--Kiana Flame

A Tree
         A tree is a picture of beauty;
         God first made it so young and pretty.
         A tree can grow to such great heights,
         So all the birds can come for the night.

         In you such sacrificial love I see
         To help all of those in need of thee.
         Oh, what a lovely sight to see!
         I look at such a beautiful tree,
         Doing what we all should do:
         Praising Him all the day through.
--Juliet (11)


I Will Come Back
         I will come back in the soft warm rain
         I will come back to be with you again
         I will come back to heal the pain
         To bring back the smiles and joys of the day.

         I will come back, just wait and see;
         We'll soon be together--you and me!
         I had to go, but soon again
         I will come back to be your child and friend.

         Do not cry now, forget the fears;
         The Lord holds your hand, let Him dry all your tears!
         I will come back, not in a year or two,
         But I will come quickly to be with you.

         Don't worry about me, I'm okay;
         I only wished to see you right away!
         But the time wasn't mine, next time we'll be
         Forever together, just wait & see!

         You are wonderful parents, I pray for you
         That the Lord holds you close and brings you through
         This difficult time; I know it hurts!
         But that was God's plan, and we know it works.

         I will come back like the drops of rain,
         Like a warm autumn sunshine to warm you again;
         To be in your arms, to smile and to stay.
         I went for a time, but I'm not far away.

         I will be back, believe and you'll see;
         If you ask the Lord, you can talk to me.
         I am so sorry it hurts right now;
         I love you so much, I can't tell just how!

         I will be back if you wait for me;
         Just wait and be patient and you will receive.
         It wasn't your fault that I didn't stay,
         And next time around I won't go away.

         I love you, I love you, please hold your tears!
         It's wonderful Here; no pain, no fears!
         I'll come back again and until then,
         Remember my name and call me that again.
--Joan (of Richard)

Received in prophecy from their son, Kenny, who went to be with the Lord after one week on earth.

         Why do we sorrow overmuch
         For those who've passed beyond life's sea?
         Who, putting off this mortal touch,
         Are clothed in immortality?

         I think this life too short, too sad,
         To all our dreams fulfillment make.
         Should we not, therefore, more be glad
         For those who pass beyond the Gate?

         For without hope we sorrow not,
         As those that have no Faith, for we
         Are clinging to the solid Rock
         And anchored to eternity.

         Death canonizes saints for us,
         And of saints, guardian angels come.
         They whisper someday, if we trust,
         That sorrow's hand shall lead us Home.
--Sue (20)

         The daylight flickers, shadows deepen.
         The body rests, its course is run.
         A flower falls, its petals weaken;
         Its fragrance spent, its duty done.

         A loss it seems. What be the reason
         Silence calls a good man on?
         A life cut short, is it not treason?
         Does not his soul to earth belong?

         Nay, the soul gives its greatest gift
         As it falls upon the earth.
         The flower's seeds now far adrift,
         Trading death for new rebirth.

         For life in death is multiplied,
         And joy of sorrow born.
         As summer leaves in fall do lie,
         To rise again at spring's bright morn.

         For in this life are we confined,
         Our light on few bestow.
         But beyond, we brighter shine,
         And tho' unseen,
         The lives redeemed,
         Are more by far than when below.
--Francis Fisherman

Gone Home
         The windows of Heaven are open,
         And rising in shimmering light
         To Home, just on the horizon;
         Their faces are shining and bright.

         No pain and sorrow--it's forgotten,
         No heartbreak, sickness or grief.
         For when mortal body's forsaken,
         The spirit to Heaven's released.

         They left in many a heart
         The tender traces well known,
         And forever with us will be a part
         For this life was not merely their own.

         Their time had come to leave this world;
         Their job on Earth was done.
         Their mission here has been fulfilled;
         The promise they have won.

         The windows of Heaven are open
         And standing in shimmering light,
         They're home just on the horizon.
         They've finished and fought the good fight!
--Clare Bare, Russia

Dedicated to the girls of the Austin accident

Our Love Would Never Die
         We climbed the hills together;
         The wind blew softly through my hair.
         I felt your strong arms around me,
         I knew you'd always be there.

         We climbed the rugged mountains,
         And sailed the wind-swept seas.
         We walked through flower-filled meadows,
         Felt the desert's sandy breeze.

         We lay in the forest together,
         Listening to the song of the wind--
         The song of love that echoed on,
         That for us would never end.

         But then you were lost in the dark
         And the love that had held me strong
         Was laid to rest with a tender kiss
         As I realized you were gone.

         That night I lay in my bed
         Thinking of you, my love,
         Calling your name and hoping
         You would comfort me from above.

         Then suddenly it happened!
         I could feel your spirit near.
         You put your loving arms around me
         As you whispered in my ear,

         "Fear not my love, for I am here.
         I will never leave you, never!
                  I am with you along life's winding road.
         I will stay with you forever."

         I climbed the hills afore me
         With a courage fresh and new.
         Love's sweet song was in my heart
         As I walked life's road with you.

         I watched the golden sunset
         Paint the evening sky.
         The sun set, but your spirit shone in me:
         Our love would never die!
--Olivia (17), Thailand


(Leading Home)
         When feverish worries crowd our lives,
         When we are sad and all things fearing,
         When woe and care are multiplied,
         Oh then, believe it--God is nearing.
         He seeth where the sparrows fall;
         Oh trust in God! He knoweth all.

         And when the pathway leads us down
         Into the shadow, dark and lonely,
         We there find our void profound
         Is answered with His comfort only.
         And on His bosom we find rest;
         Oh live with God! He loveth best.

         When we can trust, not seeing ought
         Of where our poor steps next are landing,
         Faith leads us where, with beauty fraught,
         Her sister dwelleth--Understanding.
         There we shall know as we are known;
         Oh follow God! He leadeth home.

Romans 8:28
         Look for the Romans 8:28
         In things you don't understand,
         When it seems He has forsaken you
         And your trials are close at hand;

         In times when everything goes wrong
         And the answers come too late
         Though you prayed and wept and you cried out long--
         It's a Romans 8:28!

         When you yield yourself and give your all,
         But you still fall short of the goal,
         Just think of Romans 8:28--
         It's a comfort to your soul.

         There isn't anything He sends to you
         When you're in "whatsoever state"
         That isn't good!--Because ALL THINGS
         Are a Romans 8:28!
--Gab I.

Go for the Gold
         Go for the Gold! Trust Me with all!
         Hang on to Me, I'll not let you fall!
         Go for the Gold! Tho' it's a climb uphill!
         Give Me your life, My plan fulfill!
         Go for the Gold! Stay on the track!
         Keep your eyes ahead with no looking back!
         Go for the Gold! Lay down your life!
         The Bible says endure hardness and strife!
         Go for the Gold! Just wait and you'll see,
         Your reward ahead and how happy you'll be!
         Go for the Gold! It's worth every ounce!
         Let Me be your Guide; invest in what counts!
--Kristine Dayspring

Inspired by "Go for the Gold"

Growing Young
         As a little child, I longed to be mature;
         But when I "grew up," I wasn't so sure--
         If all the thinking in the world
         Matched the simple faith of a little girl.

         'Tis odd to me; now I long to be
         A heart and a life filled with simplicity.
         Begone the complex, fitful mind;
         Make room for love, and a heart that's kind.

         Away with all the frills and fluff;
         Fill me up with the loving stuff.
         Give light and warmth where my heart is cold;
         And the faith I had when I was two years old.

I Will Not Fear
         I've walked into the valley
         Of the deepest, darkest night.
         The darkness swirls around me
         Like a cloud. Without the light
         I'm groping, but Your presence
         That's so comforting and near
         Gives me courage, and I whisper
         In my heart, "I will not fear."

         The valley's long and deep,
         And I stumble as I go.
         The emptiness and pain I feel,
         The anguish in my soul,
         What depths await me 'fore the path
         Will bring me warmth and cheer?
         I cannot know and yet
         I whisper, "No, I will not fear."

         I know it's just a valley,
         That it has to have an end
         Upon the side of some sweet hill
         And lofty peaks again,
         That when this night is over
         Then the sunshine will appear;
         And so I whisper to myself again
         "I will not fear."
--Gab I.

(Finding Trust)
         Truth has whispered its eternal
         Faith--the gift my eyes can't see.
         If I choose to trust in the moonlight,
         Dimming though it seems to be,

         Though in all our flimsy wisdom,
         We reach for what looks like light,
         Wanting proof that life brings justice,
         Clinging on to what's in sight,

         Think if answers to our questions
         Came with such disgusting ease.
         If every sky turned up with rainbows,
         Every desert chilled with breeze,

         If every moment we could see
         Jovial stars of twinkling gold,
         Every hour pealed with laughter,
         Every unknown tale was told.

         Grace would seem a petty blessing;
         Patience never would we know.
         Love might be a tender weakness;
         Faith could never fully grow.

         So although each day can't have sun,
         And the rainbows never stay,
         There is a light that never dies
         And can't easily be cast away.

         Belief in the greater than "this fool"
         Will give us faith to know--
         Though we can't see and we can't feel
         That we are His, e'en though
         The clouds at times may overwhelm
         And life seems to be unfair.
         In our turmoil we are loved
         For our God will always care.

         His joy removes the pang of night
         That tries to grip us strong;
         He made for us to rest in Him:
         In His arms we still belong.

         Although I have been confused
         And wanting proof for faith above,
         I found it not in needless search:
         God found me in His love!

Take No Thought
         My soul, be not thou troubled,
         Neither weary, nor forlorn.
         For our good Lord, He hath ruled the Earth
         All the while 'ere we were born.

         And the morrow--oh why takest thou
         Thought for what may never be?
         For when we die and buried lie,
         He still reigns from sea to sea.

         So doubt not! Cease thy troubled fretting.
         Rest thy mind and weary brow.
         The same Lord Who hath formed the Earth
         Is performing His work now.

         And while in fleet and one-time passing
         We walk along life's temporal way,
         Let us not be unduly burdened
         But let Him also rule today.
--Red Cloud

He Knows Best
         For a thousand nights I wonder
         What the coming years may bring,
         When the summer nights grow colder
         And the autumn swallows sing.

         What will be the new horizon?
         Will it bring a fairer day?
         Will the people that I meet here
         Walk with me or fade away?

         Will my tender heart be broken,
         Or will all the shadows flee?
         Will my present little duties
         Carry on and greater be?

         But 'tis not for me to know now
         What's to come and yet to be.
         For my life belongs to Jesus
         'Tis for Him alone to see,

         For if we knew that this testing
         Was to bring us sheer delight,
         Then 'twould be easier to follow
         And our burden would be light.

         And so He does not tell us
         What wonders the future holds.
         But waits for our desperate yearning
         Before He joy to us unfolds.

         So, trust the dear, sweet, loving Master,
         That His promises are true.
         Just patiently await Him
         For He knows what's best for you.
--Marie Claire

         Something's coming!
         The sound of distant drums so faint,
         A whisper in my ear
         Causes my heart to tremble, quake,
         As soul and body strain to hear

         Something's coming!
         But hidden now from sight,
         Only the sound of distant drums
         That pound a warning through the night.
         And louder as the tumult comes

         Something's coming!
         I've heard this sound before;
         It echoes in my memory--
         The sound of changes at the door,
         Of who or what or where I'll be.

         Something's coming!
         Will I be ready when
         With blast of trumpets' sound it sweeps
         Across the battlefield and then
         Lays down its changes at my feet?

         Something's coming!
         O Jesus, hold me tight,
         For distant drums sound out the promise
         Echoing across the night:
         That changes are upon us!
--Gab I.

         The way ahead is engulfed in a mist--uncertainty,
                  and I cannot tell now my fate, but I'll see
         Then, when I've passed through the fog, I'll understand,
                  for I must go by faith still holding God's hand.
         Hesitant to rest my heart's full weight on love
                  for fear of it giving way to pain as once before,
         But trust has its own reward of peace and of calm
                  of spirit, from leaning on God's strong arms.
         For all things do come from Him, and therefore trust
                  in His unfailing care I should, I must.
         I have found this world fickle, prone to change
                  so quickly, and all remains not the same
         So that faith is tried, I must look but to Him
                  in joyful expectancy from trust deep within.
         For withal I presume not that I am sufficient
                  to determine my destiny, to realize my vision
         A creature of time, I must trust my Creator
                  Who does all things well and makes all things good for
         The one who has given himself without remnant
                  and trusts that all things in true love are God-sent.
         Although my heart trembles in want of some token,
                  I know that His Word ever stands still unbroken.
         Thus on through the night, though the mist still enshrouds,
                  though love seems uncertain to me; all throughout
         My life He has kept me, I cannot despair.
                  I'll walk on in trust under His loving care.
--Paul Heart

Our Heavenly Father
         My mind was filled with thoughts, distraught,
         When I chanced to pass a flower lot.
         Flowers that danced with morning light
         Had closed and slept throughout the night.
         I knelt beside them, bowed down low,
         And whispered softly words of woe:
         "Little flower, blest thou art;
         Simply live and dost thy part.
         I cannot rest, for I am sad,
         And have lost the little hope I had."

         The flowers still and silent lay,
         But in my thoughts they answer made:
         "Little child, draw very near;
         Reveal we our secret dear.
         For this be our blessed trust:
         Our Heavenly Father cares for us."

My Birthday Wish
         A birthday wish for me as fair
         As all the glad days I've spent in Thy care.
         For now only in Your touch I lie,
         Content to do, content to die.

         Ceasing striving and impatient worry;
         Enjoying You, slowing down from the hurry
         Created by my mind and soul,
         Unneeded pressing towards some goal.

         Set for myself in haste, no doubt, in fury,
         While in others sheer amazement I curry.
         For how a fool, so long can stay
         Away in darkness, from the light of day

         While tending to such unimportant matters,
         Missing the chatter of all the Mad Hatters,
         Letting the bloom of fresh spring slip by,
         Only pausing to heave a sad sigh.

         Time for the Master, time for the Man
         Who holds all my days in the palm of His hand
         Cannot I wait? Oh, cannot I trust
         He in Whose goodness we all must

         Revel and thrill, and enjoy all the beauties
         He has created; for this is one of the duties
         Laid out before us in this Divine life,
         While letting roll past us the cares and strife.

         For this is the love of a Father so tender;
         To the heart of the broken, the only Mender.
         To those who are weary, the bed of rest,
         And to those who are willing, the next test
         Comes their response, a smile and look,
         For as always, they've had what it took
         To take the worst, and turn it into the best,
         Find the wheat in the stubble, sifting the rest.

         Good seems to flow down through their river,
         But to you only comes broken slivers
         Of frustration, unhappiness, loss and grief;
         Yet still some more, this is beyond belief!

         Is it just me?--Or is all life so intense?
         Is it the same on the other side of the fence?
         Ah, it probably is; take heart, weary soul!
         Challenge your spirits, and reach for the goal.

         'Tis not unattainable, though it seems to be far.
         Buck up. Stand tall. Throw your hands to the stars.
         For you just might touch one, or one might fall
         Into the grasp of your hands; and you'd have it all!

         But even if no star ever graces your path
         There's no need for despair to turn into wrath.
         Your life can be hopeful, joyous and fair,
         Blossoming with beautiful flowers of care.

         So reach up high, stretch yourself to the max;
         Don't put yourself down through disparaging attacks
         Of others; on your work, conduct or lifestyle,
         While they're fussing and cussing, you'll be happy while

         You keep yourself above the daily grind
         Of those who manage to somehow find time
         To belittle, condemn, criticize and ignore
         The ones to whom love should be given more.

         You reach out, extend, draw in and discover
         A circle of friends, tighter than brothers.
         You've happened upon the dream of your keeping,
         By giving and sharing, loving and seeking.
--Joy Waters


         It's one thing just to stick
         To a task that's given us.
         Even though you did not pick
         It, why should you put up a fuss?

         It's dangerous to quit
         Before real results are made;
         If you never finish it
         You may not make the grade.

         When you have made a deal with God,
         Stay put no matter what.
         A diamond's just a clod
         That proved it could take a lot.

         Never stop at anything
         That God is blessing still;
         Wait until the bell rings,
         Persevere with a strong will.
--Rejoice Surrender

The Final Great Show
         The public are cheerin', the "children" are rearin';
         It's time for the final great show.
         We've taken our sides: the truth, and the lies;
         Now it's time to rock and roll.

         Our opponent looks large and he thinks he's in charge,
         But he's got a lot to learn.
         'Cause we've studied his moves, now he's gonna lose!
         We'll make him crash and burn!

         He's tryin' to play dirty but we heard the birdy,
         And we got the information.
         Now we're layin' it down all over the town,
         And we're causin' quite a sensation!

         The old boy is scared, his position is bared!
         We're muckin' up his scheme!
         Him and his boys don't like the noise,
         So they're cookin' up stuff that is mean.

         He'll get you to howl, to throw in the towel,
         Any way that he can,
         To get you to stop, to get you to rot,
         Is the goal of his morbid plan.

         The punk hits low, there's no lengths he won't go,
         To cut you from doin' your best.
         But to keep on rockin' even when he's knockin',
         Is what we call "passin' the test."

         The Words we're givin', the way we're livin'
         Is scarin' the pants off these creeps.
         We've made it plain, we're in the game,
         And both sides are playin' for keeps.

         They pulled some stuff, made it look rough,
         Thought it would make us cower,
         But each new case slapped back in their face,
         And it just increased our power.

         They're tryin' to stop us, but they just can't pop us,
         'Cause we've got the right of way.
         The Main Man is here and we're makin' it clear:
         If you mess with us, you're gonna pay.

         So strap on your packs, strip the lit racks;
         And go on, let the message rip.
         If you're not keen on the Endtime scene,
         You're lettin' your morals slip.

         We may look like fools, but we're God's prime tools;
         Though the world thinks that we are absurd.
         We got no choice; got to use our voice,
         And make the warning heard.

         It's better to think that we're on the brink,
         Than to sit around shootin' the breeze.
         With all we know, we've gotta go;
         We can't just do as we please.

         We're bought with a price, no rollin' the dice.
         The ownership papers are signed.
         You won't think it's neat when you got cold feet,
         Standin' in the halo line!

         Like it or not, brother we're caught
         In the Endtime closing scene.
         No time for waitin' or hesitatin'--
         Let's get with our celestial team!

         Let's get off our butts and out of our ruts'
         Start cashin' our part of the deal.
         God's up ahead, think I heard He said
         He's makin' His final appeal.

         Get on board with the horde of the Lord;
         And keep the vision clear.
         Into the ring 'cause we love our King!
         We shall overcome! NO FEAR!
--Sonny Harper (24)

Fight On
         I'll not despise my crown,
         Though the Enemy tries to take it.
         The Punk will never keep me down--
         The Lord will help me make it.

         Rejoice not, Devil! I'll arise
         Each time you knock me down!
         For Jesus is near me, hears my cries:
         He keeps me hallowed 'round.

         Sure, I'll fall--not once or twice,
         But many a time, I'm sure.
         O God, give me courage to pay the price
         And see what I'm fighting for.

         For 'tis not the blows you are dealt that counts,
         Or the times you are knocked to the floor,
         If you get right up, give your last dying ounce,
         Why then you have vict'ry, for sure.

         Forgive, Lord, my spirit of "cannot be done,"
         My groaning that the load was too hard.
         'Twas not for me to bear all alone,
         But to pass right on up to You, Lord.

         But I see now my error--I'll stop in my tracks!
         And I'll give it another go!
         I'll fight for my life, then I'll stop and relax--
         Rest in Jesus, take time to go slow.

         The battle-trump calls: "To the fray! To the fray!"
         And hereforth to battle I go!
         And onward I ride with the Lord at my side--
         He will be the Victor, I know!
--Joan Clair

Let the fight within me not die!
         Let the fight within me not die!
         For all the struggle there is.
         Let my heart not faint from caring for those around me,
         Let my hands not be weary of taking the healing touch.
         Let my feet bear me to their side
         Though the road be rough.
         Let me light their way
         Though I stand in the night.
         Let me generously water
         Though I feel my fount is dry.
         Let my broken heart
         Learn to tenderly love and care.
         Let me not cease from fighting
         For the many, many, dying out there.
         I know Your promised strength,
         I know You care for me.
         I've felt Your healing touch;
         I know sweet relief will come at length.
         I know Your light will shine,
         And You will quench my thirst,
         And for my broken heart to mend,
         Loving others is the cure.
--Joan Love (17)

Seconds Out
         The champ's lookin' tough, dressed all in black.
         The kid's all in white--he's on the attack!
         He's coming out swinging and duckin' and weaving;
         He's got faith in the Word to keep on believing!
         Oooh--he took one on the chin! The champ's lookin' mean!
         He's really got it in for this Family teen! He's got the kid on the ropes! He's punchin' him low!
         He's quenching his hopes with blow after blow --

         The kid's lights have gone out!
         He ain't gonna make it, I can tell!
         Whew! Thank You Jesus!
         Saved!--By the bell!

         That trainer he's got is old and mature.
         He's an old pro himself; he's steady and sure.
         His magic sponge is refreshing the kid's weary face,
         He's challenging the kid, "C'mon, Son!--Run the race!
         Yeah he's big and he's tough, you're wiry and thin;
         He's worldly and cool, but you've got more than him!

         But, if you see him in the flesh, and he snarls and he growls,
         Jab him with a verse, ha! Watch how he howls!
         "He's all show and no go! He's over the hill!
         He's a goner, he's gasping!--Move in for the kill!"

         The kid's soakin' it up: this counsel is true!
         The trainer is old, but his bottle is new!
         "Okay, Shepherd, I'll go for it! I'll follow your lead!
         Use verses and Letters--then watch the champ bleed!"
         The kid's spirits revived, he's got new vision and guts,
         He's coming out swinging, with big uppercuts!
         The champ's taken aback, "Hey, what happened to the kid?
         I had him beat!--Now look what he did!"

         The crowd's on their feet, they're shouting for blood!
         The champ's lookin' groggy. Lord, just one more thud!
         The crowd's with the kid! The tables have turned!
         The champ stands alone, his bridge has been burned!
         Hey, the kid's quite a bruiser, he's holdin' his own!
         The champ looks like a loser, his cover is blown!
         Yeah, he's old and decrepit; he's well past his prime.
         The kid's lookin' good! He's just biding his time.
         The champ's guard has been dropped! His chin is exposed!
         The kid's moving in with one final blow!
         The kid looks to his trainer, who nods and approves.
         "Let'm have it, kid! The champ's gonna lose!"
         The kid lets it rip--the punk's gotta go!
         The champ hits the canvas with that one final blow!

         The crowd's on their feet! The contender has won!
         The trainer hugs the kid, "God bless you, well done!"
         The kid turns to his trainer and speaks from his heart,
         "Together we did it! We each played our part!"
--Jude (reprint)

Keep On Fighting
         The situation looked very bleak,
                  For John Paul Jones who was very weak.
         His arm was badly broken,
                  And his clothes were very soakin'.
         His soldiers were disheartened,
                  And his sails they were a-partin'.
         Then over the noise of the waves,
                  The enemy shouted, "Surrender, ye slaves!"
         "Oh no, We're still on the attack!"
                  Shouted John Paul Jones right back.
         Onward they sped with their mighty oars,
                  Against the current with its mighty roars.
         And he won the battle on that day,
                  Because he fought on and did never sway.

         So when you feel you won't succeed,
                  There is certainly no need for you to recede.
         Just keep on fighting, never quit,
                  And you will surely be very fit.
--Premika (10, of Mark and Faithy)

A Scream of Freedom
         Tell me why they put those walls
         That surround the freedom I have!
         Tell me why they put those chains
         On the scream I want to give.
         Oh, why can't I fly?
         I want to echo in the universe's ear!
         Though they say it ain't possible,
         I tell you to watch and to hear.

         The scream of freedom
         I want to give!
         The breaking of chains
         Is gonna sound!
         The rebel's voices
         Will join together
         As a thunder all around!

         Let Him open up the bars
         And the jail they have inside.
         They may try to keep me quiet
         But my freedom I can't hide.

         Hell can sound here on Earth,
         And bombs destroy this global world.
         Men can chain the hearts of people
         But our voices they can't hold.
         We'll sound in the four winds
         Like nothing ever before,
         And the galaxies will shake;
         There'll be boundaries no more.

         I have the key for my freedom;
         I found the rock to break the walls.
         I've got the reason to be living,
         And found the scream of freedom over all.
         Come, be one more rebel
         Shout in the ears of slavery!
         Come, be one more rebel
         And spread the blood of liberty.
--Sara (17)

O Men of Valor
         Don't look back, O men of valor,
         For the time has come to fight!
         And forget your lifelong sweetheart
         For we march into the night!

         Forsake all your precious children
         And gird up your loins with zeal.
         Set your face forever forward,
         And forget the things you feel.

         Now our Foe is evil incarnate
         And by him no quarter's given.
         But we will not quail to face him,
         For we serve the Lord of Heaven.

         Troubles, trials and persecutions
         Cannot stop our marching on.
         Nakedness, distress and peril
         Will resound with victory's song.

         Men of faith have gone before you,
         Now they eagerly await,
         As a cloud all round about, they
         Line the way to Heaven's gate.

         Angels wait in awe and wonder
         As the Grand Finale comes.
         God sends out a mighty thunder
         Of anointing on His sons!

         So march on ye men of valor!
         Fear ye not the battle cry!
         Laying down your lives to conquer,
         We will meet our King on high!
--Gab I.


Passing Love
         This love is for a season,
         It has come that it may go;
         Just as Heaven's dew is sprinkled
         Gently on the earth below.
         For it renews all the earth's beauty,
         Brings to bloom the fragrant rose.
         Then when morning sun is risen,
         Precious dew, away it goes.

         Oh, I love you, will forever,
         But I will not cling too tight.
         For I know that some bright morning,
         You'll be gone, as is the night.
         And the moments shared will echo
         In our hearts like passing dew;
         We'll enjoy the sweet refreshing,
         Till the morning breaks anew.
--Joan Clair

When Special People Leave Our Lives
         When special people leave our lives,
                  Our hearts may ache or even tear.
         We miss their presence, their lovely faces,
                  And all the joy we shared.

         But although special people leave our lives,
                  They never leave our hearts.
         For our friendship down here was only the start,
                  Of all we'll share Up There.
--Brisa Jasper

(It Won't be Long)
         The golden sun comes up to warm the earth
                  with all its rays.
         The pleasant breeze blows softly on my
                  happy summer days.
         And through it all, it seems that something
                  deep inside me says:
         It won't be long.

         The busy days are filled
                  with lots of needed work to do.
         The leisure hours are also fun,
                  relaxing times, it's true.
         But through it all, somehow I just can't help
                  but think of you:
         It won't be long.

         The sun goes down; the moon comes up,
                  the creatures go to bed.
         Inside my room I'm curled up,
                  my pillow 'neath my head.
         I'm all alone, but I won't fret,
                  for I know what has been said:
         It won't be long.

         And when that not-too-distant day
                  --that glorious morn--shall dawn,
         We'll see with joy the great rewards
                  for which we carried on.
         For then, at last together,
                  we will know by touch and sight
         What we have held onto by faith:
                  His highest will was right!
--Joan Clair

He Sees the Picture
         It's funny how our lives sometimes
         Just seem so muddled up,
         When the very things we've hoped for
         All at once come to a stop.

         It's natural, then, to question why
         I sometimes feel my mind
         Is buzzing full of questions.
         Then once again, I find

         That maybe after time has passed,
         The picture all turns clear;
         I see then why He took away,
         The thing that was so dear.

         So I just need to trust in Him;
         He sees the picture now.
         He knows best and has a reason
         For the things that He allows.

         If I pass the tests and lessons perhaps
         One day He'll give it back.
         Or maybe He has something better!
         If I trust Him, I'll not lack.

         So for now I'm content to trust
         And know that He knows best,
         And I'll keep busy while I'm waiting
         Till with it again I'm blest.

(Still Here)
         You're really not that far away
         I see you every time I pray.
         Your smile's not that hard to find
         I still can see it in my mind.
         Sometimes I'm torn between a choice
         And then I seem to hear your voice,
         Explaining to me what you feel,
         You've never ever been more real.
         Sometimes I hear your whispered prayer,
         And know somehow you really care.
         And memories that we've held dear
         Start comforting me over here.
         But sometimes I feel loneliness
         Remembering the things I miss--
         The walks, the talks, just being friends;
         I know for now it had to end.
         But soon, I know we'll have each other
         And I shall never want another.
         Funny, but you're still my dream,
         As strange as that may sound or seem.
         The Lord told me we'll often part,
         So I thank God that in my heart
         First service is to our Lord above,
         And then each other, in His love.
         God knows how much you mean to me;
         I give you to Him willingly.
         The most I've ever had to give
         Or ever will, so long I live.
         I know He honors faith and trust,
         And so I will, I can, I must!
         It's funny how you're in my mind,
         Your smile's not that hard to find.
         And I realize every time I pray,
         You're really not that far away!
--Ashley Rose

Let It Go
         Let it go.
         It was not mine to keep.
         Why does my heart then weep?
         Why does the pain now wrench it so?
         But in its place,
         That aching heart once filled by love so true
         Will find its Savior's love reborn anew,
         Will lift its sad eyes up towards His face.
         Ah, sweet love!
         You come and go with God's Almighty hand.
         'Tis not for me to know or understand,
         But with gaze fixed e'er above:
         Accept with grateful heart the love
         He doth bestow.
         And when His time has come, just let it go.
--Joan Clair

         I will not promise not to cry
         The day you go away.
         Your love has taken me so high,
         I long for you to stay.

         I will not promise not to cry,
         The day you come to say goodbye.
         My heart will break when you depart;
         My eyes, the fountains of my heart
         Will flow with rivers from my soul--
         Emotion that I cannot control.

         I will not promise not to cry,
         My love, the day you say "goodbye."

Unrequited Love
         Unrequited love, 'tis such a sad thing;
         Pain and heartache seem to be all it does bring.
         The flame in your heart a wound has burned,
         When your desperate love is not returned.

         That tormenting ache deep in your heart,
         The anguish of spirit that tears you apart.--
         You call it a curse, this ill-fated love.
         But this lonely agony comes from Above.

         Though now you may not understand
         How such tears could come from God's Own hand,
         If we could only see behind the scenes,
         We'd find there's a purpose for unfulfilled dreams.

         Right now you may ask, "Why, dear Lord? Why?"
         But someday all your tears He will dry.
         And only then will you understand
         How the love that you felt was from His Own hand.

When You Were Here
         Yes, the birds will fly again,
         And the sun will give its light;
         The buds of leaves will grow,
         And evening's breezes blow, 'til night.
         And flowers face the sun, and grass
         That's crumpled under feet,
         Will grow again, and we will wear
         A smile when next we meet!
         The Earth will turn, the stars
         Will shine; yes, life continues on.
         The pain I feel inside will cease
         In time, though you are gone.
         I look outside my window now
         And see that though I feel
         This emptiness, the world
         Around me tells me what is real.
         And love we've given, it will grow
         And bring to others cheer.
         But it will never be the same
         As 'twas when you were here.

(Fly Away)
         Fly away from my heart, tender love, fly away.
         Your time here has been sweet, but no more can you stay.
         My heart breaks and burns, but the unconsumed passion
         Remains and will mold it in God's perfect fashion.

         So give me no thought as you fly, lover, fly;
         Your home is not here, but away in the sky.
         Your mark is still branded so deep in my soul,
         But I know that this call is beyond our control.

         Don't ever look back; I would hate you to see
         The way my heart's bursting and breaking in me.
         It's all for the best, and my hand lets you go,
         For the grace that is saving is the hope that I know
         That all things let willingly and lovingly fly
         Will return to their nest when His good time is nigh.
--Joan Clair

The Battle
         We were parted in the battle
         Though I sought for you so long
         Midst the noise and confusion
         We were parted, you were gone

         The battle raged a tempest
         But I still took time to pray
         For angels to protect you
         And to guide you on your way

         Reports came of fierce fighting
         That the casualties were high
         My fight was very desperate
         And I sought you at my side

         Came a lull and then they told me
         How you led on through the fight
         How your presence in the battle
         Gave them faith in that dark night

         How the Enemy was routed
         By the forces that you led
         How your face shone with His Glory
         And I wept at what they said

         Now I pray for you again
         While you run to victories
         And my heart breaks with the distance
         This war's brought 'tween you and me

         For I love you like no other;
         And though I don't know when
         This world's war will finally cease
         I'll be by your side again
--Gab I.

(He Holds the Key)
         I stood before the large oaken door
         And knew that it must be shut tight.
         So clearly 'twas shown me, the choice was now only,
         To close it and bar it from sight.

         So I gripped with both hands the large bolted bands,
         And swung the great door into place.
         In the lock went the key (it was never to be!):
         My yesterdays now were erased.

         With trembling hands still, I fought with my will
         To let the last hold go: the key.
         Then I lifted my hands, flung it high o'er the land,
         And it flew behind, far away from me.

         But lo, to my rear, a figure appeared.
         My Savior was standing there by.
         He reached up His hand, caught the key just right then,
         And held it, with twinkling eye.

         I watched Him to see what He'd do with the key:
         He pocketed it deep in His robe.
         And thus my release!--A great feeling of peace.
         It's in His hands, Who holds all the globe!

         And it's easier now to forsake things, for how
         Can I worry, when He holds them close?
         Though it's forsaken from me and no more I may see,
         There's Someone--that's Jesus--who knows!
--Joan Clair

(Wings of Prayer)
         Over the years as I stop and pray
         And count the blessings that He's put in our way
         Joy fills my heart right from the start,
         Even though it looks like we've been apart.
         Although sometimes I know not why
         When I look to Him, I can heave a sigh.

         Faith and trust--He always knows best.
         Put your hand in His; He'll do the rest.
         And just a little way further down, 'round the bend,
         We'll be so thankful in the end.
         It'll be worth it all, when finally at last
         Together we'll be--won't even notice the past.

         Until then we're near, although it seems we're apart,
         As we start with prayer straight from our heart.
         On wings of prayer so close we can be--
         Understand? No need! Through faith we'll see!
         So I'll see you here, there or in the air.
         Till then, I love you each day through the wings of prayer.
--Amy (Palestina)

Why Goodbyes?
         When mind and heart are full of pain,
         The eyes are brimming, spirits wane,
         And it seems like something precious and dear
         From in the heart has disappeared;

         The sun that brightly shone this morn
         Has given place to gloom forlorn,
         And all about seems changed somehow.
         With tear-filled eyes, our head we bow.

         But life goes on, despite the pain,
         And love can blossom new again.
         Not only that, but through these tears,
         A brighter, newer truth appears.

         That through goodbyes, my Lord, He calls,
         To come out from behind those grief-built walls.
         Then He holds me close and near His heart;
         I know that this is the "better part."

         And as I lie upon His breast,
         I suddenly see how I've been blest:
         By saying "goodbye" to the one I love,
         I make room for the glory I knew not of.

         Though these pain-filled partings I resist,
         I know in the end it will work to His best.
         If I let the past go and draw to Him ever near,
         He will comfort my heart and make everything clear.
--Joan Clair

The Veiled Cage
         There were once two beautiful birds
         Who lived in their cage together.
         Their voices were rarely heard
         For they were happy together, none to sever.

         They enjoyed each other's company,
         And daily chattered away,
         But not a song or melody
         Came from those birds those days.

         Until one day the Master came
         And separated those two birds;
         His plan was not a sport or game
         But all in love, He reassured.

         Two cages set apart,
         Covered with cloth, as black as night;
         Broken were those two birds 'hearts
         To be in such remorseful plight.

         After a few days of silent tears
         There arose a sound, still faint, yet sweet
         That so pleased the Master's ears.
         Immediately He sprung to his feet.

         Everyday the music grew
         And filled the air with pleasant sound;
         From the depths those songbirds drew,
         Precious love for their Master was found.

         After a space of time had passed
         The Master saw fit to reunite
         Those two love birds, again at last
         Into their cage, their home to flight.

         And those two birds didn't cease their refrain
         But sang their notes most lovingly;
         They took their two songs they learned in pain
         And sang their praise in harmony.
--Sara Praise (22)

(Hidden With Christ)
         I've never loved anyone
         Like I love you,
         And I'll love you forever, it's true.
         But He's asked me to give you
         To Him without stay,
         And, my love, that's what I'll have to do.

         I've hid you with Christ;
         I've given you there.
         I've taken you out of my heart.
         To carry you, long for you,
         That I can't bear,
         Because it would tear me apart.

         The love that I have,
         The feeling, the light,
         That you brought to my soul, to my mind,
         Were so precious and treasured
         That all I can do
         To go on, is to leave it behind.

         I've hid you with Christ,
         The safest of havens;
         He'll protect you with love and with care.
         And if in His mercy
         He returns you to me
         You know I'll be awaiting you there.


The Man for Me
         Sometimes I wish for a man in my life,
         A reliable figure who'd call me his wife
         To share in my sorrows, excitement and joy,
         Through storm-billowed tempests to keep me abuoy.

         It seems so much easier to have someone right there,
         A shoulder to lean on, a future to share,
         Than to have to depend upon Someone unheard,
         Unseen, and perceived but by prayer and the Word.

         So to me comes the choice through every day:
         Will I simply waste my time dreaming away
         Of some dashing, heroic, modern-day knight,
         Who will sweep me away on his stallion white?

         Or instead put behind me these fanciful dreams,
         No matter how fun and exciting they seem,
         And instead try to devote my whole heart to my work,
         And press in as I can instead of trying to shirk.

         A double-minded man is unstable in all.
         You can't waver between two; you'll certainly fall.
         And if brought to a choice wouldn't I rather have Him,
         Who gave up His Own life to save me from sin?

         After all He did for me, the least I can do
         Is love Him and serve Him my whole life through.
         Maybe someday He'll bring someone special along;
         But if not, I'll still serve Him, and life still goes on.
         So Jesus is the number one Man for me.
         Wherever, whenever, however I may be,
         I'll strive now to keep Him that place in my heart,
         And from His sweet presence I'll never depart.
--Joan Clair

(Keep Loving)
         You're sitting with a smile
                  and your eyes are dry,
         But deep in your heart
                  is a burning to cry.
         So when everyone has gone
                  and the lights are low,
         You clasp your head in your hands,
                  and tears begin to flow.
         I know you feel lonely,
                  but it doesn't have to be this way;
         There's Someone here to comfort you,
                  who will love you come what may.
         You can't be always hiding
                  and running from everyone;
         The pain is deep, I know it,
                  but it heals once love's begun.
         Just because someone stops loving
                  doesn't mean that you should too.
         If you keep loving, you'll find someone
                  who's longing to love you.
         "It's better to have loved and lost
                  than never loved," they say.
         You just have to keep giving love,
                  to find happiness each day.
         If you do, by and by, you'll find
                  the pain you felt is gone,
         And your broken heart will once again
                  start to sing its happy song.


(Angel Friend)
         Angels seldom if e'er appear
                  To those upon the Earth,
         But when you walked into my life
                  You gave a friendship birth.
         A friend, and an angel--both the same,
                  For both are blessed and laud,
         And nothing sweeter have I known
                  Than our friendship, TOUCHED BY GOD!
--Sunny James

The Bird and the Fish

         You, a bird, fly high and free;
         A fish, I see things differently.
         Your world below a speck becomes;
         My world and I embrace as one

         Perhaps we'll not see eye to eye,
         Since fishies swim and birdies fly.
         Emotions, to you, brief gusts of wind,
         To me, warm currents without end.

         Much as I sore wish for wings
         To revel in your airy flings,
         A fish with fins I'm apt to stay
         And with the other fishes play.

         Yet friends perhaps still we can be;
         You dive, I leapmomentarily.
         And kiss the space that's left between
         As you and I see worlds unseen.

         Till when, some day up in the sky
         In the legendary "by and by"
         With wings and fins all placed aside
         We'll meld as one by Jesus' side.
--Kiana Flame

(A Friend Like You)
         I wish everyone had a friend like you
         Someone as true
         Someone as strong
         Someone who really tries to understand
         And help you along

         Someone with real depth of character
         And real love in their heart
         Someone who cares
         With whom you can be sincere
         Who you aren't afraid to tell the truth
         And who still tries to be the best she can
         Even if it is difficult

         I wish everyone had a friend
         Who had high ideals
         And was reaching for the stars
         Who cared deeply about life
         And what the results of our actions were going to be

         Someone who would walk with you
         Even if they didn't really know who you were
         But just had the faith to walk along
         And hear your heart
         And believe and care

         I wish everyone had a friend
         That when you were your worst
         They didn't seem to mind, but just kept going
         And kept smiling
         And kept on working
         And kept being loving

         If everyone just had one friend like you,
         the world would be a different place
         and a much more beautiful place to live
         --it's true!

Driven with the Wind
         Wave after wave crashes on the shore;
         The wind blows all night long.
         Lightning flashes and thunder roars;
         It's a struggle e'en for the strong.

         The crags out in their places by the sea
         Stand their ground through any storm.
         The foundation's firm, though the night be long,
         And stands strong through each storm it's borne.

         At worst this storm-driven, tempest-tossed sea;
         At best a constant ebbing, flowing ocean.
         Sometimes at peace, sometimes in storm--
         Is the ebbing ocean of emotion.

Infatuation vs. True Love
         Infatuation--like a snowflake
         Falls into your hand;
         You can't hold it for too long
         For it melts and then it's gone.
         You have it and you want it,
         And you wish that it could stay,
         But it's here and then it's past,
         For it wasn't made to last.

         True love--like an oak
         Blossoms fuller over time;
         The harder the wind blows.
         The sturdier it grows
         When it's young, you have to nurture it
         And water it with care,
         But then you can be sure,
         That to the end it will endure.
--Joanna (Celeste)

I'll Meet You In My Dreams
         Tonight I'll travel far away,
         To a world as yet unknown,
         Where neither time nor tide have sway,
         Where the universe is home.

         My journey leads me far away,
         O'er expanse of space and sea,
         Through galaxy and Milky Way,
         To find there you and me.

         There where love and trust abound,
         Heart to heart we meet.
         And though we utter not a sound,
         We hold communion sweet.

         We gaze into each other's eyes,
         And suddenly all is plain.
         The thoughts we oft held captive inside,
         The things we found hard to explain,

         Are at last sweetly released.
         And as you clasp my hand,
         In unison our hearts do beat--
         It's wonderful, you understand.

         It is then that I return
         To my terrestrial state;
         Inside hope more fiercely burns,
         Brighter is my fate.

         So when noise and strain do fill my day,
         I long for realms unseen.
         Come, my love, do not delay:
         I'll meet you in my dreams.
--Francis Fisherman

To My Companion for Life
         There is a love
                  that young men dream of,
                  that old men reminisce about,
                  that poets write of,
                  of which bards sing and shout.

         A love that comes
                  but once in a lifetime.
                  Love that thrills the heart,
                  something beyond comprehension,
                  consuming you from the start.

         It's not a love found
                  through endless searching,
                  Nor a reward given
                  only to the deserving.

         It's simply a gift of God
                  A wonderful extension of grace
                  That causes a miracle within
                  And keeps a smile on your face.

         This love compels me to speak
                  Openly with God face-to-face,
                  To thank Him daily for this blessing--
                  Yea, hourly is more the case!

         This love inspires me to do
                  More for Him each day
                  Than simple duty would embrace;
                  I long to give Him full sway.

         Honey, we've been blessed with this gift--
                  A love we know is from His hand,
                  And I'm hopelessly in love with you,
                  And wholeheartedly take this stand.

         To have and to hold and to marry
                  You for whom my heart yearns
                  Let's spend our lives together
                  And expect many happy returns.

         And just as I say this to Him
                  I also say to you, and confide,
                  "The thought of you beside me
                  Allows His strength and faith to abide."

         And so to you tonight
                  I pledge my heart in this call,
                  May we forever prosper
                  And we will if He's all-in-all.

         Written to Sharon, for their wedding

Friends Far and Near
         My "special friends" were not around,
         I would complain and whine aloud.
         No one to share life's joys with me
         And tears and special days so free.

         Then off I went to country far
         And realized the precious stars
         Of friendship that surrounded me
         Were nowhere in this night to see.

         My ideals high of love had been;
         The bond that knits two hearts between.
         I'd brushed the kind gestures away;
         Now for one kind word I did pray.

         The best of friends are hard to find;
         We're blessed to taste just once that kind.
         So we should love and cherish those
         Who help to soften life's thistles.

         That one dear, treasured, kindred soul
         God sends in life to fill the hole,
         Should not dim the love of others,
         Friendship of sisters and brothers.

         Best friends move on, yet others near.
         Why pine?--new friends we could endear
         Others ache for their best friends too
         Friends are best missed with friends anew.
--Kiana Flame

Not a Rose
         When a little shoot of friendship
                  in our garden grows one day,
         Why do we always try to grab and
                  make it grow our way?

         Oh, we press it here and there and try
                  With efforts most distinct
         To make it blossom as we'd like
                  And flourish as we think!

         "A pansy? No, most surely not;
                  This plant was meant to be
         A fragrant rose, with rich perfume,
                  To shed its love on me."

         We try and try, only to find
                  That after time has passed,
         The plant we hold within our hands'
                  No different than the last.

         But when at last we just give up,
                  And our vain efforts end,
         We finally value what we have:
                  Still strong and true, a friend.

         So when the Master Gardener comes
                  To seed your garden's heart,
         Know that He is well aware
                  Of each plant and its part.

         We oft can't tell as seedlings sprout
                  What they will end to be,
         But one thing's sure, our own vain works
                  Will bring no victory.

         So trust Him, yes, with life and love;
                  To Him your future give.
         You'll find the path is easy when
                  Not you but Christ doth live.

The Real You
         There's a man down deep inside you;
         I wish I knew him better!
         Behind that skillful mask that's so
         Controlled and all "together."

         A different man--more warm and real
         Than just the usual show--
         The flirty, fun and popular one
         That we all think we know.

         I see this man from time to time
         In a look--a word--a smile,
         A gesture sweet that comes sometimes
         To make it all worthwhile.

         We talked one day, not long ago;
         I saw that real you then.
         And since that day, I've longed to see
         That person once again.

         'Cause after that, things seemed to change;
         The old man came to the fore.
         It seems with us it's different now
         Than what I felt before.

         Now don't think I'm just mushing out;
         That's not my track at all!
         I love you special--as a friend;
         I think you're really "qual!"

         I'd like to know you heart to heart,
         That person way down deep.
         I think he's special, more by far
         Than your other image cheap.

Colors You've Brought In My Life
         How can I let you know about the incredible impression
                           that you've made?
         The glowing colors you've brought into my life are
                           destined never to fade.
         The smiles, the looks and such feelings (of you) that
                           play me re-runs all night,
         The whispers, sweet joys and times we've talked,
                           the moments you've held me tight.
         Unequaled understanding received from you,
                           sympathy too, and quite often,
         Sorting out my feelings so confused;
                           harsh blows you've helped to soften.

         Seconds turn quickly into hours with you,
                  and what I wouldn't trade for the world
         Is just nearly over now, and yet,
                  into another era of my life I'm hurled.
         But the one thing they cannot do, (as of yet)
                           take the life and luster of soul.
         From deep in one's heart, tear it apart,
                  steal my memories forever etched in gold.
         A priceless treasure I simply couldn't afford, (is you)
                  the privilege of your heart;
         Still makes me cry, (I wonder why),
                  though I know you're forced to depart.

         So it yet abides, and there it will stay,
                  until the perfect moment dawns,
         Where love is freed and without restraint,
                  knowing none of our modern qualms.
         So content to wait, content to pray, content to hope--
                  that in good time
         Our reunion'll unfold like a morning glory
                  in our "Somewhere" sublime.
         Until that instant, a friend for you remains,
                  as true as I could hope to be;
         Should a need arise, I'll be right there--
                  you've got my promise and guarantee.

Because I've Known You
         Thank you for the love you've shown;
         I know that my heart has grown
         With love for Jesus, you, and others,
                  Because I've known you.

         Thank you for letting God's light shine through.
         I can see Him in so much that you do.
         Now I know I can love others, too,
                  Because I've known you.

         Thank you for the time you shared,
         It's shown me that Jesus cared.
         Some Son-shine came into my life
                  Because I've known you.

(What you said)
         What you said
                  a kind and thoughtful word,
         Not profound, but understanding
                  has truly blessed my day.

         It gives me strength to carry on;
                  It gives me joy to lighten my way.
         Your friendship helps me to feel loved--
                  Just by those little things you say.
--Gentleness Fighter

Give Me a Smile
         Give me a smile,
         Your last loving smile
         For me to remember you by.
         And keep it awhile,
         Although it's a trial,
         And I know that we'd rather cry.
         You gave me your friendship,
         A wonderful friendship,
         And nothing is taking its place.
         And when I'm alone,
         I'll let God take me home
         To your laughter and sweet smiling face.
         And where am I going?
         Or where are you going?
         Will I ever see you again?
         I have a suggestion:
         Let's leave all those questions.
         Forget it! We'll always be friends!
         Remember the laughter,
         The sweet ringing laughter,
         That kept us when we'd found our end?
         The joy we kept after,
         Our long bouts of laughter,
         Can make you be happy again!
         And follow your dreams,
         Your craziest dreams.
         Believe though it's dark as the night.
         Soon you'll understand
         The blessings God's planned,
         If you'll keep your chin up and fight.
         We've come a long ways
         In these precious days,
         Now parting makes me want to cry;
         So give me your smile,
         Your last loving smile,
         For me to remember you by.
--Ashley Rose

My Misreading
         Your name went before you and thus I had heard,
         Of peril and danger which besets the surrendered.
         Given to listless charms and your piercing looks,
         Your occasional word--weighty as a book.
         Still, intrigue held me and did push me forward,
         Curiosity spurred me, and drove me onward.
         Yet judge that am, and judge that I would be--
         A candle could not hold to this person called me.
         So in shame, I regret, though 'tis not the first time,
         I misread you completely--'tis almost a crime.
         I spoke not much of my conclusion, now for which
         I sigh in relief, for 'twould be hard to unstitch,
         The thoughts I imagined, had I of but said--
         And now tried to reline the dark with gold thread.
         Alas, too late! The words would have been worn,
         And such a poor representation of the joys you adorn.
         Yet the worst would have been the touch and the kiss,
         The tears, laughs and moments I would have missed,
         Had there been no way to gently retrace my steps o'er,
         And find a way into your heart one time more.
         I say "one time more," as in discovering your heart,
         I realize I've felt that I could have always had a part.
         For all the reasons unspoken, unsaid and unknown,
         It took us so long to find ourselves a moment alone;
         I thank you for every touch, care, embrace and smile.
         Your strong spirit makes me feel at home--and it's worth the while.
-- KC

(Looking Deep)
         How can we live with a one for so long
         And yet never know their heart?
         How can we maintain so shallow a plane
         That the real man inside dares not start?

         When you find in surprise that this one that you knew,
         So much deeper and sweeter can be,
         Then you realize, "How foolish and blind I have been!
         All this never before I did see."

Do You Know What I Want to Do With You?
         Take a shower,
         Read a book,
         And sit beside you while you cook.
         Walk together,
         See the stars!
         And say how wonderful you are!
         Pray together,
         Serve the Lord,
         You tell me what you did before.
         Bring a flower,
         Whisper love,
         With praise and thanks to God above.
         Just watch you while you concentrate;
         Wait patiently if you come late,
         And hold your hand,
         And brush your hair,
         And kiss you when I say I care!
         And always sit
         Together too,
         And always tell you I love you.

Chinese Eyes
         You can meet girls all over the world;
         It's something the Lord supplies.
         But who can resist the love that comes
         From a girl with Chinese eyes?

         To touch, to kiss, to hold in your arms,
         Is a feeling you can't describe!
         All the love that you need, all the heaven you want
         From a girl with Chinese eyes.

         How could you guess I'm totally in love;
         I'm totally gone! They're divine!
         So, boys, if you're looking for a girl full of love:
         Try the girls with the Chinese eyes.
--Michael Palace, Taiwan

As Long As
         As long as there's a river
         That's flowing to the sea;
         As long as sunlight's sifting down
         Through lace of branch and leaf;
         As long as stars illuminate
         Like diamonds in the sky;
         As long as there are souls who love
         And birds ascend and fly;
         As long as there is laughter
         And joyous happy songs;
         As long as waiting greets us
         With the breaking of the dawn;
         As long as there are flowers
         Of brilliant rainbow hue;
         As long as men express their hearts
         In the way I think of you;
         As long as there is hope of life,
         Of love and peace and truth;
         As long as there are men of faith,
         Then let this be the proof:
         As long as there are promises,
         I promise this to you,
         As long as these, my words of love
         To you will all be true.

I like your eyes
         I like your eyes
         The way you talk
         The way you hold me
         When we walk
         Your loving ways
         Your touch, your face
         The tender warmth
         Of your embrace
         The funny way you say
         "It's true!"
         The kind and loving
         Things you do
         Your sweet concern
         And thoughtful words
         Just everything!
         Is that absurd?
         I'd make a list
         But there's no way
         It'd take forever
         And a day
         I love you and
         I like you too
         When I think of love
         I think of you
         You're wonderful
         And I believe
         That Jesus made you
         Just for me
         There's no one else
         Could ever be
         So precious and
         So dear to me

Special Friends
         Special friends, that's what we are,
         And special friends we'll stay.
         We care so much and share so much;
         It's always been that way.

         And no matter how much time goes by,
         No matter what life sends;
         I'm glad that we will always be
         Such very special friends.
--Marie Claire

Eternal Soul-Mates
         I once was told that when God creates a soul
         He leaves an empty place in each heart
--A vacuum which only one mortal comprehends

         I scoffed and laughed when hearing the tale
         Claiming that no human in this race
         Could ever hope to fill my "space"

         But when God made you
         He left that space, too
         And thus we were born SOUL MATES

         How can I begin to tell our story
         With all that happened, in what now seems too short a time
         The love we shared that must have been born in Heaven
         And we were blessed to have continued on down here

         I don't believe there could be a purer form of happiness
         Than the tears of joy that flowed from you and me
         You understood my heart, my thoughts, my fears, my       every dream
         And were hurt and felt my pain through each heartbreak

         You're the angel on my shoulder
         That missing piece that made my torn heart whole
         You are my heart's secret prayer finally answered
         My forever friend and eternal soul mate

         I can't take the hurt, the truth that now you're leaving
         I know my life will never be the same
         With you away a part of me is gone too
         But though you're gone a part of you will stay

         So please, don't turn and watch my eyes weep
         Look deeper now and then you'll see I'm glad
         I found true joy inside just knowing I'm part of you now
         And remember always--you're in my heart to stay

         Now's my turn to be the angel on your shoulder
         A part of your heart that will never be torn away
         I'll feel your secret prayers and claim the answer
         I'm your forever friend, your eternal soul mate

         Dedicated to Anna

(Memories Dear)
         Scattered o'er the time-swept sand
         Are memories small and memories grand.
         So o'er the time within my mind,
         Many memories dear, many memories kind.

         Grain upon grain on the seashore's edge
         Make up a vast beach in beauty spread.
         Moment upon moment of journey through time
         Makes up the wonderful of this life of mine.

         Each sweet memory I can't claim for my own
         For none are just for myself alone.
         Most were shared with friends along the way
         And those times shared made happier that day.

         In many a land or far-flung nation,
         At some far off coasts or distant station,
         There are friends from times long past
         And someday in Heaven, when together at last
         We'll remember together
         Each special moment, to be cherished forever.
--Heidi Joy

I Love Your Hands
         Healing is the word that comes
         To mind when I think of your hands.
         The power of love, of God is there
         And when you touch me, hold me
         In such sweet caress, you touch my soul
         And heal the emptiness and want.
         I thirst--but when you touch me
         I am full.

         I love your hands, such wonder
         Like a spring of life
         So gentle, yet so firm and strong
         Your touch can lift a little one
         Or sooth the rage of heartaches throes
         Or minister the Spirit's love
         Or set on course a noble quest
         They give me joy and peace and rest

         When cares or troubles
         Burden me, or nighttime comes
         Or I am cold, or when the pain of sorrow
         Lives within me, then
         Your loving hands restore me still
         And lift me up, and strengthen me
         And give me hope and faith to trust
         I love your hands and gentle touch.

My Moon
         Constant and true thou, my love, and pure;
         Steadfast thy gaze upon the source of thy love.
         Beauteous thy face, how thy look doth allure,
         Enticing my vision to thy sweeter above.

         Radiantly waxest thou, dark earth enlightening,
         Causing my nights to be pleasantly lit.
         Wanest thou softly, demurely inviting,
         Caressing my soul with thy love's benefits.

         Twinkling, the stars in my life's varied scenes,
         Each one a life and a light of its own,
         Each one has shed on my path its own beam,
         Each at some dark point its mercy hath shown.

         And yet thou, my heart, art stronger, more constant.
         Thou shinest more purely, thy peace an ensign,
         Thy love the more steady, thy charities incessant,
         Thy light a reflection of light all divine.

         Lifter of my spirit, my love thou, my moon,
         Reflecting God's loving care into my heart,
         Joy art thou unto me, joy of God's womb,
         Love, mine, of Heaven truly thou art.
--Paul Heart

When I Say "I Love You"
         If I told you that I loved you,
         Tell me, what would you say?
         If I said it's not a mushy love,
         The kind that fades away ...
         It's something else--I can't explain--
         Just something deep inside;
         A happy feeling Jesus gives,
         All glowing and alive.
         It's a love that says, "I like you!"
         And, "I like to be your friend."
         It tells you when you're sad or low,
         "I'll be there till the end."
         Just a friend--that's all I want
         To be, but strong and true.
         So that explains just what I mean,
         When I tell you, "I love you!"
--Joan Clair

(Friends Are...)
         Friends are those very rare people
                  You sometimes just happen to meet--
         Someone you've known for a lifetime,
                  Or someone you pass on the street.
         They don't come along very often,
                  But it's easy to tell when they do.
         A look in their eyes, and you know them;
                  A shake of the hand, they know you.

         Friends are those very rare people
                  On whom you may always depend.--
         As firm as a rock you can lean on;
                  With whom you don't have to pretend.
         They're there every time that you need them
                  And the times when you think that you don't.
         When they've got every reason to hate you,
                  You can rest quite assured that they won't.

         Friends are those very rare people
                  Who love you for all that you are,
         Who know all the battles you've been through,
                  But don't seem to notice the scar.
         You can tell them whatever you want to
                  And know that they will understand.
         They can soothe any tension or heartache
                  With a word or a touch of their hand.

         Friends are those very rare people
                  You simply cannot do without.
         You know that they'll always accept you
                  Beyond every shadow of doubt.
         No matter how down you are feeling,
                  They always can get you to smile;
         But they know when you just need a breather
                  And will leave you alone for a while.

         Friends are those very rare people
                  Who see deep down into your soul;
         Who know how you feel without asking,
                  And reach out to help or console.
         They know all the bad things about you;
         They see when you stumble and fall,
         But will always be known to encourage
                  And never condemn you at all.

         Friends are those very rare people
                  The Lord sometimes sends down your road--
         A shoulder when you need one to cry on,
                  Or help you to carry the load.
         They're glad when you're happy, sad when you're blue,
                  And proud of you when you succeed;
         They're there through the sweet and the bitter;
                  A true friend in word and in deed.
--Patience (21)

(Thorns 'n' Roses)
         When life with you is like a rose,
         So special and so sweet,
         How can I fret about the thorns
         That make our life complete?
         Those thorny moments prick and pain,
         Yet if they'd never come,
         Our love could never not be the same
         'Cause something would be gone.
         So let us take the two as one:
         The roses and the thorns;
         For in the depths of painful times
         The truest love is born.
--Joan Clair

A Flow of Passion
         Who's there?
         I turn to meet the stare
         Of a young, comely man.
         As I gaze into his baby blue eyes
         I feel a flow of passion rise.
         I start to swoon,
         And lose control.
         His strong arms take me and he holds me tightly.
         Slowly, as I lift my head,
         His lips to mine descend.
         Such a soft, sweet kiss--
         I didn't know it could be like this!
         The desire to be touched swells up in my soul.
         And then, as if he knew my thoughts,
         His hand drops to my bosom.
         Softly at first he cups my breast,
         Then with slow but commanded movements
         My body he caresses.
         His fingers run lightly, then firmly everywhere,
         Sending me to heights unknown.
         As we touch, tickle, and tease,
         My whole being cries out for him.
         I thirst and long to be seized,
         And feel him buried deep inside me.
         I don't have to wait long,
         For my expectations to be fulfilled.
         Before I realize what's happened
         We join our bodies in the fullest fashion.
         Rhythmically we move,
         Together we are thrilled
         With the ecstasies love-making brings.
         Oh, God!
         The excitement, wonders and joys You've given
         Make my heart sing!
         Thank You, not only for the love You give,
         But the privilege to share it with another,
         He knows just what I want, and how to give it.
         I thank You for the perfection of your creation
         When You made
         My precious, friend, my lover!

(Your Love to Me)
         When there's love deep inside your soul,
         Like a wind so strong,
         A love much more than love,
         On wings it soars.

         Like the rain gives life to the river
         As the earth receives the sun
         Like the starlight sparkles in the water
         Oh, as the moon softly kisses the sea,

         When dawn brings color to nighttime
         Or spring brings end to the cold,
         Like the earth is dressed with a snow-colored glow,
         Then undressed to reveal a new soul,

         Like a tree that's been bare finally blossoms
         Like the spray of the waves on hot sand,
         Like a flower blooming in the desert,
         Like love's pure touch where hate's been,

         Like the end of the day's true climax,
         When the sun's colored rays fill the sky,
         Or the mood that the moon gets you into,
         When it shines with its fullness at night,

         Or the joy that one heart can experience,
         With just three simple words truly said,
         And the depths of despair it can take you,
         When that promise is broken instead,

         Strong, as the river,
         Real, as the sea,
         Wild, like the wind's dance,
         Free in the breeze,
         Alive, like the sun's warmth,
         Tender, as the snowfalls,
         True, as life's first touch:
         Your love to me.
--Teri (21)

If Hearts Could Speak
         If hearts could speak of what they've felt
         I wonder what they'd say.
         Would they tell of the emotions
         Their possessor felt each day?

         Would they speak of loves that once they knew,
         Or loves that hurt and scarred?
         Would they say that love had eased their pain
         Or that they're bruised and marred?

         I know not what other hearts would say,
         But this I know is true:
         Engraved in my heart you will find
         How deep I feel for you.
--Niki Milestone (17)

(Valued Friendship)
         Sometimes when we're always near,
         We find it hard to see
         The bond of love between us;
         We tend to disagree.

         "Familiarity breeds contempt;"
         We've proven that, it's true.
         It's common to belittle
         The one who's close to you.

         But then the Lord, Who knows us best,
         Will put us far apart,
         To make us value this precious thing:
         A friend who shares your heart.
--Joan Clair

(Heaven's Gift)
         I don't know why you love me.
         There's no logic to express
         Any reason for this precious
         Gift of love with which I'm blest.
         I know I cannot keep you,
         But I'm glad for just a part.
         And I'll thank you till forever
         For this gift that's from your heart.

         Oh, the Heavens must have opened
         When they heard about my need,
         And they sent this special token
         In a gentle, loving creed.
         Gift of love that all envelops,
         Blossoms virtue, veils the sin,
         Sent by Him Who sees our longing
         And inspires love within!

         Though on Earth for but a moment,
         Yet above it always lives,
         And this heart-bond that we've formed
         Will only grow the more it gives.
         For eternity's our future
         In the land where dreams come true;
         There I'll pass each happy moment
         In the joy of loving you.
--Joan Clair


Easily Given
         It was only a sunny smile.
         And little it cost in the giving,
         But it scattered the night
         Like morning light;
         And made the day worth living.
         Through life's dull warp and woof it wove
         In shining colors of light and love,
         And the angels smiled as they watched above,
         Yet it cost little in giving.

         It was only a kindly word,
         And a word that was lightly spoken;
         Yet not in vain,
         But it stilled the pain,
         Of a heart that was nearly broken.
         It strengthened a face beset by fears,
         And groping blindly through the mist of tears
         For light to brighten the coming years.
         Although it was lightly spoken.

         It was only a helping hand,
         And it seemed of little availing;
         But its clasp was warm,
         And it saved from harm
         A brother whose strength was failing.
         Its touch was tender as angel's wings,
         But it rolled the stone from the hidden springs,
         And pointed the way to higher things,
         Though it seemed of little availing.

         A smile, a word, a touch--
         And each is easily given;
         Yet one may win
         A soul from sin
         Or smooth the way to Heaven.
         A smile may lighten a falling heart,
         A word may soften a pain's keenest smart,
         A touch may lead us from sin apart;
         How easily each is given!

Keep Loving
         God works in mysterious ways,
         Though painful at times to our hearts.
         The rose is near hidden at times by the thorns,
         As our love dies before it could start.

         And yet in His love and His all-seeing wisdom,
         I know this is part of His plan--
         Not an act by a person but one He designed
         And sent from His loving hand.

         He too felt those thorns that so painfully press,
         He too felt unloved and forsaken.
         And He sends His sweet comfort and love's healing balm
         To all those whose hearts are a-breakin'.

         So take His great love now and reach out your heart
         To the loneliest one near to you.
         As you reach and replenish their dry, empty cup,
         You'll find that your own's brimming too!

         For life is too short to spend nursing one's wounds,
         Or mourning for loves that are lost.
         So many are lonely, so many in need;
         We must keep loving, whatever the cost!
--Joan Clair

(He Had it All)
         Everything a heart could want
         Or mind could e'er conceive--
         He had it all.
         And yet within, his spirit gaunt
         Had nothing to believe;
         Nothing at all.

         He lived his life, a passing fling
         With thoughts for no one else;
         No one at all.
         But in his twilight hours, nothing
         Was left, save memories filled with self--
         That was all.

         Oh foolish man to think that life
         Is best kept bottled up;
         Spread it abroad!
         You'll find how gloriously alive
         A life can be, how full of love--
         When lived for God!
--Joan Clair

How Could He Love Me?
         How could He love me?
         So unloving I am?
         Unworthy and ashamed,
         I reach for His hand.

         How could He love me?
         How could He care?--
         When I've failed Him and others
         Who came to me in despair.

         How could He love me?
         How could it be
         That He'd lay down His own life,
         That He'd give His for me?

         How could He love me?
         So unworthy I be.
         Yet He loves me, He loves me,
         And has set my heart free!

         Now my only prayer,
         And now my only plea
         Is to have the same love for others,
         That He has had for me!
--Steven (Shaul)

The Lifeless Life
         He sailed a sea of fortune
         Where waves of crystal tossed.
         'Neath diamond stars,
         His life was lost.

         He quaffed the dew of pleasure;
         His only wish was mirth.
         When luck was spent,
         He left this Earth.

         He saw the gates of splendor
         And knew he'd lived all wrong.
         Though repentant,
         His chance was gone.

         O man, let this not be your end;
         Let giving be your creed.
         For this is joy,
         Helping those in need.
--Sunny James

Cast Out Our Nets
         You were with her in the quiet of night.
         You were with her in her lonely fight.
         She was alone, with such pain in her head,
         But You were there, kept watch by her bed.

         She passed with tears to Your Heavenly arms,
         To where she'll never again know any harm.
         Free at last to laugh and love,
         She lives again in her place Above.

         Could it happen here, or only there?
         Are we busy and blind or are we aware
         That sits beside us a drooping soul,
         Who longs for cheer to make him whole?

         Perhaps he smiles and manages the motions,
         When in his depths there's a growing notion
         That love's a fantasy and hope is dying,
         That God is far and doesn't hear our crying.

         Let's cast out our nets! Extend our arms!
         Shelter our loved ones from fear and alarm!
         Give comfort and cheer and take the time
         To lift, to explain, to make things rhyme!

         Jesus, You left us a shining sample
         Of overflowing love and compassion ample.
         You Who left the ninety and nine
         Will always find place, will always find time

         To soothe the sick, to raise the dead,
         To comfort the feeble and lift up his head.
         We who You've rescued out of every land,
         Can we do less? Refuse our hand?

         Let's cast out our nets! Extend our arms!
         Shelter our loved ones from fear and alarm!
         Give comfort and cheer and take the time
         To lift, to explain, to make things rhyme!
--Phillip (reprint)

         Inspired by "Libby's Homegoing"


         What costs the least and does the most,
         And makes life so worthwhile?
         Can you guess this simple test?
         It's just a pleasant smile.

         It's the sensation of feeling good,
         And doing what you can,
         By lighting up your face a bit,
         To let everyone join in.

         A merry heart makes a cheerful face;
         A smile is your best cure.
         God intended you to enjoy life,
         Of this you can be sure.

         A radiant smile has something real:
         It's open and it's pure.
         People smile in every language,
         So make sure you're wearing yours!

         If you see someone without a smile,
         Give him one of yours!
         It's worth a million dollars,
         It can open many doors.

         The best smiles are not "put on,"
         They show you really care.
         You're not dressed without your smile;
         It's one thing you must share.

         Smiles are so contagious,
         So let's pass them all around.
         The world is like a mirror,
         So smile or they'll just frown!
--Rejoice Surrender

Praise the Lord
         Praiseful words are a joy to hear,
         Resulting in absence of doubt and fear.
         A grateful heart has much to say --
         Interspersed praise throughout the day.

         Struggles, disputes, envy and strife,
         Engulfed with praise, depart from your life!
         Thoughts of praise from a thankful heart
         Help emancipate you and give a new start.

         Each happy word holding a praise
         Lifts you up to Heaven where angels stay.
         Oh Lord my God, help me always to
         Read, quote, write or sing praises to You!
--Ruth (14) (reprint)

Why Compare?
         A common aliment of the human race
         Is wanting to be in another place.
         Hoping or wishing you could like another;
         Coveting a gift of a sister or brother.
         It seems it's so hard to just be content,
         And simply accept what God has sent.
         Instead we become dissatisfied
         So that we cannot be gratified,
         And happy with everything we've got
         'Cause we're thinking of that which we have not.

         Now in the Bible, to us Paul tells
         That when we compare among ourselves
         And measure our height, and weight and size,
         It's not only vain, it isn't wise.
         He also says, "Nay, but oh man,
         Thou art but clay in the Potter's hand.
         How can you speak to God Who is just,
         Or say to thy Maker, 'Why hast Thou made me thus?'"

         So the bottom line is that we have to believe
         That everything that we have received
         Is just what we need and nothing more
         To fulfil the task He designed us for.
         Then we'll have happy and joyful hearts
         As we do our best and play our part--
         And the Lord can use us much more this way
         When we simply yield and His will obey.
--Joanna (Celeste)

Fountain's Peak
         Shattering icy glares,
         Melting a stone cold heart,
         Piercing the blackest of nights
         With bursts of radiant light.
         From an inner spring it flows,
         Revealing spirit's glow within.
         Life then special and worthwhile
         A vent for heart's love--
         The smile!!
--B. D. Phillips


Poppies Grow Along Streets of Gold
         There is a land, so I've been told,
         Where poppies grow along streets of gold;
         Where cripples learn to play and dance.
         Could this be Heaven, perchance?

         At times I've heard some people say,
         This special land isn't far away.
         If that be true, then if I may,
         I'd like to ask who knows the way.

         I've often dreamed of some place where
         All wars would cease, love fill the air.
         If this is true, I'd like to go.
         Please take me if the way you know.

         I'm waiting for that special day
         When this old world will pass away,
         And I can fly to where I'm told
         Poppies grow along streets of gold.

I Dream of the Future
         I dream of a world of peace and love,
         A world where there'll be no more wars.
         In the heart of all mankind will reign a dove,
         In the soft blue sky, eagles soar.
         All death, pain and weapons will lie
         Under a blanket of grass so green!
         Not a teardrop in a single eye,
         And each one breathes sweet air, so clean.

         All the horses will be running wild,
         No more bondage, not one cage!
         The love and simplicity of a child
         Will conquer hatred, strife and rage.
         All around the sound of laughter,
         Nothing but happiness, nothing but joy!
         This is the future forever after,
         For every girl and every boy.

         But this dream is much too great
         For a world that's ruled by man.
         That is why we must patiently wait
         For Christ to take us Home at last.
         With trumpets blasting in the sky,
         Heard from the west to the east.
         In that new world, we shall never die,
         For it will be a world of love and peace.
--Natasha (15)


How To Take Correction

         Correction is a funny thing--
         Some people take it with a fling!
         To ease the pain they make it light,
         And still go on in dark of night.

         Their life is like a shallow pond,
         Of which they seem to be so fond.
         They miss the lessons that are deep,
         'Cause in God's Word they are not steeped.

         Then there's another group, like those
         Who think they're so good (I suppose)
         That it's so hard for them to take
         The humbling, and they nearly break.

         Their ego and their pride's deflated,
         That nice old image they've created,
         And so they feel they've lost it all.
         (They miss the chance of growing tall!)

         And then we have the folks who cry
         And make you feel they'll surely die!
         --Who fall apart with each new session
         And just completely miss the lesson!

         They're sort of like the "touch me not's"
         And you can never get too "hot".
         Your pity and your tears they seek
         (That's why they are so very weak).

         Then there are the folks who'd rather choose
         To find, instead, a good excuse,
         And get off the hook, to sadly find
         That they are being left behind.

         They find it hard to know just when
         The Lord has things to teach to them.
         They'd really rather not go near it
         (And then don't see things in the Spirit).

         Then we have the ones who analyze,
         Who dissect and discuss the "why's".
         They'd rather skip a good confession
         And wind up in a sad depression!

         And then their feelings lead the way
         To doubts and final disarray!
         Because they trusted in the mind
         (These are the ever-wavering kind).

         But then there are those who through it all
         Will still get up each time they fall.
         They take each lesson to their heart,
         And make of it a brand new start!

         They fight and win and fight some more,
         They see what Jesus has in store!
         They always grow from their mistakes.
         (And these folks have just what it takes!)

         Correction, strange as it may be,
         Can be your friend or enemy.
         But how you take it really shows
         To what length all your virtue goes.

         So when you come to get your prize
         And look deep in the Savior's eyes,
         May your heart sing in resurrection,
         "So glad I learned to take correction!"
--Ashley Rose (reprint)

Time Bombs
         The Endtime teens are already ticking!
         If you listen, you'll hear them clicking.
         Better stand back! Don't get too near!
         If you're on God's side, you've nothing to fear.

         They are powerful, these Endtime teens.
         They're God's time bombs to blow out this scene!
         They have a power not known to man.
         So just watch out, they're part of His plan!

         They are made of the best gunpowder;
         When they blow, it will be with such power,
         The Enemy will be blown sky-high!
         You'll hear him whimper; you'll hear him cry!

         Because they're time bombs of the Spirit!
         There's been none comparing, none come near it.
         They are God's grenades, sticks of dynamite--
         He's going to use them to wage quite a fight.

         Be not as the world, who seeks after knowledge.
         They worship their buildings that they call college.
         But you have a greater education
         That's preparing you for God's vocation.

         Just be His time bomb, that is His will.
         If you follow Him closely, with Spirit He'll fill.
         With yieldedness and obedience, wisdom He'll proffer.
         Such spirit and knowledge the world cannot offer.
--Rose Secretary

Inspired by "The Summit Letters '96," part 3

Our Women
         Where in this world can anyone find
         Women so wonderful, so loving, humble and kind?
         They've won victories, braved battles, and passed every test.
         Jesus said--we agree--they're among the best!

         For "side by side" they labor and carry such a big load,
         Though naturally weak and gentle, boy, are they bold!
         They have for years and years and years faithfully "gone for the gold"
         And made many a prince out of a former "toad"!

         They're queens, each one, and they'll reign in Kingdom come
         As samples for all of what through them He's done.
         So let's all be sure to hail our queens, our mothers, lovers, and wives.
         They've been our help through thick and thin; brought joy to all our lives.

         So thanks to you, dear Mama, for your loving care and concern,
         To seek the Lord and get His words, that help us all to burn
         With His love so pure, so full, that loves and never measures.
         We sure do love our "elder women," our New Nation's National treasures!

PS to our young hot lovers:
         I pray this poem warms your soul and heart.
         'Cause you, too, my loves, are a major part
         Of the sexiest, most loving Family on Earth,
         That loves and loves for all we're worth.

         So keep on loving, giving, and sharing His love,
         Till we all "come together" in our mansions up Above.
         When His love unites the hearts, and makes us truly one,
         I hope to see you soon, where we'll all in His kingdom come
--Jim Newman

Dedicated to Lily Newman, mother of 10 and wife of 21 years. Inspired by "Summit Letters part 6"

New Weapons for a New Day
         There was a war we were called to fight,
                  we got up on our feet,
         But then the realization hit--
                  we were up for defeat!
         The ammo we were used to
                  hey--it was now old hat.
         What we needed was something greater
                  to whack the Devil back!
         Then, sweet relief! It came right away
                  when our Man J.C. got hot.
         He sparked the flame inside our hearts,
                  and now, look at what we've got!
         Three NEW WEAPONS for a new start,
                  with more cause to fight:
                  have given us new light!
         Man, the Devil's dudes think they're so cool,
                  juz 'cuz they got in the ring.
         But "No can do," is what we say,
                  "We got the upper cut thing!"
         Yeah, this JETT/teen camp in the PI
                  has really got it drilled,
         That, with these far-out NEW WEAPONS
                  we should all be filled!
         The Enemy's darts look so puny
                  compared to what we've got.
         Let's show him what we're made of:
                  Something mighty HOT!
         Now, as soldiers for the Lord
                  coming forward to the fray,
         Throw out those sabers, cock your M16,
                  It's all about NEW WEAPONS for a NEW DAY!
--Nikki (16)

The Choice
         The choice is yours--bronze and silver are fine;
         But what could be better than best?
         Leave it to Me!--The future is Mine!
         I'll pull you through every test!

         I give you your choice; I let you choose
         Your blessings and your rewards.
         But there's one way you never will lose--
         That's by faith in Me and My Words!

         So go for the gold, reach for the heights!
         Win freedom, peace and be blest!
         For down the path of faith and of trust,
         You'll find that My Will is the best.

         And when the day of accounting comes,
         As a wise investor, rejoice!
         For though you paid the greater price,
         You'll see you made the right choice!

         The highest honor will go to you,
         Who trusted in trying times.
         Through faith you won the race, it's true!
         See your medal! Look how it shines!
--Kristine Dayspring, (reprint)

Inspired by "Go for the Gold"

Driving Tips
         You've got to be prayerful, you've got to be safe,
         You've got to remember lives are at stake.
         Grandpa prayed before he went in the car--
         Short distances, long, or even far.
         You have to remember not to take chances,
         Or it will drain not just your finances.
         I knew a young man who was driving too fast--
         The next thing I knew he had on a cast.
         You have to be sober, you have to tune in,
         Or you'll miss the mark and that'll be a sin.
--Timothy (16)

         Inspired by "News and Views part 4, Driving Tips"

What Is Wisdom?
         What is wisdom?
         Wisdom is using the wealth of the Word--
         Delving in deep,
         Striving to keep
         In your heart all the treasures you've heard.

         What is wisdom?
         Wisdom is keeping on growing in love.
         Love to share,
         A heart that cares,
         That's always poured in and poured out of.

         What is wisdom?
         Wisdom is having a kind word for all.
         Watch what you say!
         Anger won't pay.
         Help one another when troubles befall.

         What is wisdom?
         Wisdom is passing on all that you've learned.
         Treasures you've found
         Will always abound,
         If you're using the wealth of the Word.
--Joan Clair

The Path to Humility
         The path to humility, an enduring hard road;
         To progress on this road is what I hope and pray.
         Coming now face to face with a rocky steep gorge,
         Though frightening and cold, I want forward to forge.
         Seeing I shall lose these, for which I am known,
         These covers and fronts I can not call my own.
         I ask, "Why must I take the pass on the side?
         To be stripped of myself, and have nothing to hide?
         Why must the real me be exposed and revealed?
         It seems the fate of my pride is now doomed and sealed."
         My image I have deemed as the pride of my being,
         It may now be forgotten, for at length I am seeing
         That for me to be used, feel fulfilled and be freed,
         The one to be seen must be Him and not me.
         I want now to be robed in this garment of light;
         Be redeemed of pride's cloak, and continue in spite
         Of my mind and my logic telling me it's insane,
         Just to put all my trust, faith and will in His name.
         For from battles fought, I through time understood,
         That for them that trust Him, all works together for good.
--Mike (17)

         Inspired by "Prophecies on Pride and Humility"

Pushed to the Edge
         Pushed to the edge, out on a ledge,
         You ask, "Is there a hedge about me?"
         Parched desert places, testing, trying, purging paces;
         Exhausting mighty mountain peaks:
         Life's valleys, lowly and meek.

         It's the decisions that you make;
         Those times of testing take,
         When you're pushed to the edge, out on a ledge,
         When you feel like givin' in,
         Like, "Man, it's all no win!"
         That show what you're made of.

         Times of sifting, discouragement and despair;
         You look at what's happening--"How could He care?"
         Know, in those times, I'm watching dear.
         Have patience, have faith, do not fear;
         It is there I am able to form and give grace,
         As I melt you, mold you, draw you near.

         You look at my great ones in their situation,
         Not fully coming to the realization--
         The things you read are only these:
         The highlights, the peaks, the outcroppings;
         "Why could they do these things?"
         Because they learned in the little things.

         It's the decisions that you make
         Those times of testing take,
         When you're pushed to the edge, out on a ledge;
         When you feel like giving in--
         Like, "Man, it's all no win!"--
         That turn you into the man or woman you long to be!
--Sam Thankful

Inspired by "Prophecies on Leadership"

Oh Beautiful Word
         Oh beautiful Word,
         Overwhelming me!
         Loving me with abundant benefits!
         Holding me, directing me!
         Guiding me,
         Preparing me!
         With Your arms enfolding me,
         Comforting me,
         How I love You, need You!
         I embrace You, invite You
         To bear fruit in me!
         I love you, oh beautiful Word!
--Harvest Gold (reprint)

Say the Words
         We had given our lives in sacrifice,
         Thinking and trusting this did suffice.
         Duties done; the Word we drilled,
         But still we felt quite unfulfilled.

         Our spirits became dry and weary;
         Our vision was obscure and blurry.
         We received not the promise of love,
         Designed and given from above.

         Married are we to one another?
         Oh my sister, and ah, my brother?
         Meant to be holy matrimony,
         Has it not often been formality?

         "Say the words and thy servant shall heal."
         Tell each other just what you feel.
         Say the words, "Thank you," "I love you"
         "I appreciate you and all that you do!"

         The flowing water of My Spirit,
         The warmth of My love, "Can you feel it?"
         Enveloping, filling, transforming graces,
         Bringing joy and love, flooding parched places.

         "Say the word and thy brother shall heal."
         Tell each other just how you feel.
         Say the words, "Thank you," "I love you"
         "I appreciate you and all that you do!"
         And our Family will be what it was meant to!
--Sam Thankful

         Inspired by "A New Day of Love"

         Take a look at what's developing:
         Kevorkian eases the suffering.
         They're doing things we've never heard,
         Suicide's become a household word!

         Oh, Dr. Death, you've done your best;
         Another soul's been laid to rest.
         But there's much more here than meets the eye,
         Than the pain and suffering of those that die.

         Yes, look and see the interest
         That this provokes, this backroom quest.
         The studies done, the publicity won,
         And before it stops we've become numb.

         "If it's okay for the ill and elderly,"
         It's fair to say, "Then why not me?
         After all, I'm 18, 22 or 35;
         I suffer too, while I'm alive!

         "So why not just end it all?
         I'll go out with a bang! I'll have a ball!
         It's my life; I'll do as I please,
         Who said Someone's there to appease?"

         Yes, another step, the subtleties,
         The product of societies.
         The product of following not the plan,
         Of following not the Maker, but the man!

         Netanyahu, a man of war,
         Of things from the past he does roar.
         He will rule with an iron hand.
         Stand his ground, stand that man!

         The pot is calling the kettle black.
         He vows a vow, then he strikes back.
         So be not taken by surprise,
         As this Endtime play doth realize!

         Curtain time! Curtain time!
         The stage is set; rhyme the rhyme.
         Action! Action! 1-2-3!
         To spell the end of liberty!

         Russian elections, dark defections,
         Each is played out in succession.
         In delicate health--what will Yeltsin do?
         Zhiranovsky awaits his turn, too.

         So take up paper, take up pen,
         And write out a simple illustration.
         Spell out the letters one by one,
         Now reverse them, what have you done?

         As the spelling's close, so's the man
         But a puppet in Satan's hand.
         Trained in the way of generals, them he'll extol.
         Yes, Lebed plays a supporting role.

         And the crowds stand in the theater door,
         They must choose of their own accord
         Whether to sit or participate.
         Tickets now on sale! It's getting late!

         So tune in and watch with anticipation,
         Pay close attention to the conversation.
         Follow the story line, pick up the clues.
         The signs of the times are meant for you!
--Sam Thankful

         Inspired by "World Currents No. 82."

The Path of Humility
         I took the path "Humility:"
         It led to a narrow place
         Where the mountains along both sides
         Left only a small, tight space.

         To get through that gorge, I soon saw,
         There was but one trying way.
         These burdens I'd carried so long
         On God's altar I must lay.

         First, I laid down my selfishness.
         (Oh, it was hard to let go!)
         Next, my self-image of goodness
         Which I had held up for show.

         Yet, I saw to get through that crack,
         I must be stripped of my pride,
         To expose the truth about me
         And all that I'd tried to hide.

         But having no strength of my own,
         This was just too hard to do,
         Till I heard the voice of Jesus,
         "Let Me. I'll do it through you."

         So, trembling, I said "yes" to Him,
         Let my cloak fall to the ground,
         Slipped through to the other side
         And saw I was no longer bound!

         Oh, what peace, what love and what joy,
         What lightness of being I felt!
         I had entered the place of rest
         Where my one true Lover dwelt.

         Naked, exposed, and fearing the cold,
         I found Him there to hold me.
         His loving touch thrilled my soul,
         And we loved wild and free!

         As a lovely, see-through garment,
         He gave me humility.
         It was a robe of light that glowed
         With His pure simplicity.

         "My darling, I have brought you here
         To this lowly place," said He,
         "That you would know My love and care,
         And I might have all of thee.

         "And when the tests next come, just cease
         Trying to do or to be.
         Simply say, 'I shed my cloak.
         I lie down. Pass over me.'

         "You'll find My love never-ending,
         Contentment in little things,
         The fullness of spirit which
         Only true humility brings."
--Jewel (Faith David, 19)

         Inspired by "Prophecies on Pride and Humility"


         (See also the following pages from
To Jesus--With Love. Book One: 6, 10, 21, 56, 58, 84, 113; Book Two: 37, 56, 66, 77, 91, 93, 98, 104, 107, 112.)

(Majestic desire)
         A thousand could'ves
         Followed by a parade of should'ves
         And small regrets
         And not-done-yets
         Oh, woe is me!
         Thank God all is complete in Thee--
         My safe retreat
         Who turned defeat
         Into victory!
         My all in all
         My sufficiency!

         Oh, Lamb of Love
         Do not linger long
         In those perfect pastures above.
         But remember me--
         A weary soul who wanders
         Hedges and highways
         In search of such as Thee.

         Gentle Dove, embodiment of love,
         I long so much for Your touch and sweet caress.
         To close my eyes in this valley of distress
         And awake within Your arms;
         Skin to skin
         Without shame or sin
         Locked in Your embrace
         To kiss Your face
         And feel You place Your strong love within.

         Enough of me!--Now on and on anon to Thee
         What once was or seemed to be,
         Replace with You, so tall and true.
         All small and shabby ways
         Replace with Your rays of love within.
         Oh Love that will not let me go,
         Fling the fetters of life from me
         And with love and grace
         Replace this form
         Now weary and worn
         With Thine Own majesty!
--Paul T.

One Heart
         I see one heart
         Where once were two--
         Your heart with Mine,
         Now stuck like glue.
         Yours, while alone,
         Beat faint and weak,
         But now with Mine
         Its strength has peaked.
         Your love for Me
         Banished the doubt.
         Now we are wed;
         With joy I shout.
         I long to live,
         To breathe in you,
         To share your life--
         Think, move, love, do.
         You long for love,
         You say and sigh,
         But look above!
         No less than I.
         Just think when you
         And I embrace
         At Home at last
         In precious Space;
         I'll draw you near
         And freeze drear time
         Kiss upon kiss
         You'll be all Mine.
         I will not stop
         Till every drop
         Of you accepts
         My love unchecked.
         Then we'll emerge
         Our love-cups filled
         To greet your friends
         The clock unstilled.
         Only the first
         Of many more
         Rapturous nights
         I have in store.
         So, My dear heart
         Doth pain there cease?
         I'm yours, you're Mine
         Sleep now in peace.
--Kiana Flame

When the Stars Come Out at Night ...
         When the stars come out at night,
         I see the light of Love;
         I feel the warmth surround me
         Like a tender, gentle dove.
         I sense Your calming Presence,
         And this passion feels so right ...
         I savor every sweet caress,
         When the stars come out at night.

         When the stars come out at night,
         I let You take control;
         I give up all the worries
         That are hidden in my soul.
         My heart now beats in rhythm
         With the beauty of Your light;
         Desire burns within me,
         When the stars come out at night.

         When the stars come out at night,
         I let You fill my soul;
         I crave Your strong affection
         That I need to make me whole.
         I hunger for Your tender lips;
         Caressing, holding tight.
         Forever will not last too long,
         When the stars come out at night.

         When the stars come out at night
         Together, we're as one;
         The ecstasy continues
         Till the dawning of the sun.
         The freedom of the morning
         Is bursting with the light--
         I'll wait until the stillness ...
         When the stars come out at night.
--Erika Monroe

A Morning Prayer
         I love You, Jesus, this is true!
         For Your sake now I say "I do,"
         For Your work I'll be a yielded tool,
         Just keep me always loving You.
         To You, my Lover, I yield my all,
         My life is Yours, I answer Your call.
         Jesus, teach me Your ways today,
         How to walk and what to say.
         Open my eyes that I may see,
         Help me now that I may be,
         A yielded instrument in Your hand,
         Fulfilling Your will and infinite plan.
         Guide me always on what to pray,
         Keep me hearing Your voice today.
         I yield You my thoughts, please have Your way.
         I give You my all, please take full sway.
         Instill in me all Your good cheer,
         To love and inspire my loved ones here.
         Keep showing me, Jesus, what I can't see,
         By Your loving grace, please set me free!
         Take away my doubts and fear,
         Help me, Lord, to You draw near.
         Cleanse me of my sins--born in pride.
         in Your loving arms may I ever abide.
         Yes I need You, Husband, faithful and true,
         My most intimate Spouse, how I love you!
--Amy (Palestina)

Only You
         Once I thought I knew what I needed.
         Once at Your throne I longingly pleaded
         For someone to hold me, to love me real tight.
         Tears filled my eyes on many long nights.

         But since I have found Your love to be true,
         Now I can say that I'm no longer blue.
         You filled all the places that ached in my heart,
         And gave me a love that will never depart.

         You are the answer, the only real Thing;
         You are my only One, my Love and my King.
--Crystal (of Luke)

More than Enough
         A constant Friend Who takes our hand,
         Who deeply, fully understands,
         Who comforts, "all of this I've planned"--
         That's good enough for me.

         He hungers true to hear our heart;
         Perceives before we barely start,
         And never wants to be apart--
         That's good enough for me.

         In our defeat He comes our way,
         And never lets us downward stay,
         Pours hope sufficient for the day--
         That's good enough for me.

         Entwined, enmeshed our lives become.
         We come to know this Holy One,
         Whose wonders, ways, my heart has won
         That's good enough for me.

         So if in sun or testings sore,
         "Keep on," says He, "I've much in store!
         And soon we'll be at Heaven's door!"--
         That's good enough for me, and more--
         That's good enough for me.

You Won My Heart
         You sought me out when I was sinking,
         E'en though I'd turned my back.
         You loved me still and sought my love,
         Till no longer I held back.

         It was Your loving persistence
         That drew me to Your arms;
         You waited for me so patiently,
         Till I couldn't resist Your charms.

         Yes, Jesus, it's because of You
         That we're so close today.
         In my heart there's so much gratitude;
         I'm in love in every way!

         I love every special moment
         That I can spend with You.
         For it transforms, fills and thrills me;
         In my heart love springs anew.

To You Alone I Go
         When I'm confused and weary,
         Peace of mind seems a theory.
         When dark clouds around me creep,
         And the birds their silence keep,
         To You alone I go.
         For in that darkest hour,
         On Earth there is no bower
         That can match the peace and rest
         I find upon Your loving breast.
--Jewel (Faith David)

Creator of Love
         You touch my life with Your sweet presence;
         Never will I depart
         From such a wonderful feeling of completeness,
         Such feelings of love and tender care.

         You stooped to love me,
         Bent so very low
         To scoop me up and whisper love,
         To cradle and to hold
         A lowly one like me.

         I thank You for Your love;
         I thank You for Your care!
         Such wonderful abundance of life-giving flow,
         Of Words so blessed, so sacred.
         And yet, You bestow upon me;
         How You still love me I don't know!

         I wandered far away from You,
         Isolating myself;
         So ungrateful for all You'd given me.
         But still You take me back
         With such unconditional care,
         And stoop to lift me when I fall,
         And love me all the more.

         Love was created by Your love;
         All earthly love is nothing
         When compared to Your love,
         For Your love is the one that created
         This amazing power called love.
--Mina (16)

(Think It Strange?)
         Think it strange that He should choose
                  To leave His Father's side--
         Where He is hailed as one with God
                  And on Earth reside?

         Think it strange that He'd decide
                  To take the form of man,
         To leave behind the glory that
                  He'd known since time began?

         Think it strange that He'd submit
                  And suffer as we do,
         To take upon our fleshy frame,
                  And all that we go through?
         Think it strange oh, think it strange
                  That He loves us each enough
         To bear the cross and suffer shame,
                  To call the Devil's bluff?

         Think it strange that He would call
                  A motley crew like us His Bride,
         That He should chose to marry us
                  And have us close by His side?

         Think it strange that He would stoop
                  To humbly make request,
         To have our love in such a way,
                  That we could all be blessed?

         Then think it strange that He should have
                  (Much like our human need)
         The desire for love and passion,
                  A desire to plant His seed?

         I think it strange to think it strange
                  When after all He's done
         To become like one of us--
                  The Father's Only Son!

         I think it strange to try to think
                  It could be any other way.
         The spirit world is symbolized
                  In our physical display!

         If anything, I'd think it strange
                  He'd want to be close to me.
         If anything is strange at all,
                  That's what I'd think it'd be!

         Many thoughts go through my head
                  As He calls me to His side,
         But strange is not what comes to mind
                  For One Who so provides
         My every need, provision, care--
                  All this He does arrange.
         I often think of my love for Him,
                  But never think it strange!

The Ever-Faithful Friend
         Why is it that You never leave,
                  When all others go away?
         Why is it that You stay so true
                  When I go so astray?
         How is it that You love me so,
                  No matter what I do?
         Why is it that You cling so close
                  When I am so untrue?
         Why do You stop and wait for me
                  When I fall far behind?
         How is it that You love me so,
                  When I am so unkind?
         Why are those arms so soft and warm,
                  Still reaching out for me
         When I have let You down so much?--
                  What is it that You see?
         No greater friend can any find
                  Than what I've found in You.
         But how often I have gone astray,
                  While You always stay so true!
         Those sweet depths of Your tender love,
                  Oh, how I need them so!
         I thank You for the Friend You are,
                  The tender love You show.
         What can I do, what can I be
                  To ever pay You back?
         What can I give, what could I show?
                  My best would sorely lack.
         And so I give my heart to You--
                  Though wishing to do more.
         My precious, dearest Savior, Friend,
                  My sin Your shoulders bore.
--Francis Storm (16)

In the Morning
         Come unto our secret place
                  In the morning
         Seek Me in the hidden place
                  In the morning
         Honor now our sacred tryst
         While the Earth is soft with mist
         Come, My love, into this bliss
                  In the morning

         Let Me look upon your face
                  In the morning
         Shower you with love and grace
                  In the morning
         Let our hearts commune as one
         Ere the new day has yet begun
         And fading night-sky greets the sun
                  In the morning

         You speak of all I am to you
                  In the morning
         Your heart reveals its love so true
                  In the morning
         And as you bid Me to your side
         And long within My arms to hide
         You closely to My heart abide
                  In the morning

         I bear you up on eagle's wings
                  In the morning
         And give your heart the song it sings
                  In the morning
         And when it quiet lies, and still
         I teach it to behold My will
         And give you My plan to fulfill
                  In the morning

         And so the early hours pass
                  In the morning
         The sacred place we leave at last
                  In the morning
         And as you look upon My face
         I give you strength to run this race
         With the patience you embraced
                  In the morning

         Follow the path I planned with care
                  In the morning
         It shall lead to dreams we shared
                  In the morning
         And as the day draws to an end
         And t'wards the secret place you wend
         There rest--new joy will come again
                  In the morning.
--Red Cloud

(Loving Simplicity)
         Oh, I wish I was a little kid again
         Peering out through eyes of love
         On the big, wide world out there.
         If I could be simple and pure again
         A bundle of love and trust and laughter,
         Just an angel's heart within.
         Life's just got too complicated;
         There's nothin' left to trust.
         And your dreams and hopes
         Now faded, are layin' in the dust.
         Oh, I wish I were a little tot once more,
         Free from all the worryin'
         About what life's really for.
         Free to be a-livin'
         Love in simple ways'
         Free to be givin'
         My little heart away.
         If I shut my eyes I can see myself
         As a little kid once more.
         The day begins with my toothful grin--
         There's so much to be happy for!
         I've got a family, and love and joy;
         There's nothin' more to want.
         If I need sumfin', as a little boy,
         I clap and grunt.
         Hugs and kisses, a family,
         And the simple things
         A smile, a blink--an attempted wink,
         Love that's what life's for.

(All Are Precious)
         Thank you Lord for what I am;
         I'm glad to be part of Your perfect plan.
         Little things You give me to do, I must not minimize,
         For those are the things that are great in Your eyes.

         When others around me are shining bright,
         When I feel like the smallest star in the night,
         That's when I'll praise and thank You with all my might,
         For I know that great or small, we're all precious in Your sight!

The Special Case
         Since I joined the human race
         I liked to be a "special case,"
         Special jobs to do, you see,
         Common jobs just aren't for me!
         (Though special this and special that,
         Tend to make my pride grow fat!)
         When asked to do some menial chore
         Like sweeping up the dusty floor,
         Well, Lord, You know I never shirk,
         It's just that I like "special" work.
         As for those dishes in the sink,
         That's "little people's" job, I think!
         Me, pass out posters nine to five?
         O Lord, how would my pride survive?
         "Clean up?" Whoops! I have to run!
         I'll leave you folks to have that fun!
         That's not my job, that's not my line
         --I'm specialised, I'm more refined!
         "Could you help with some small task?"
         You must not know who you just asked!
         Show some more appreciation
         For my special, lofty station.
         But ... praises turn my head somehow,
         So it's sufficient just to bow.
         You need to talk? Oh sure, that's fine
         Just take a number, stand in line.
         Yes, I've so very much to do
         (Unlike such simple folk as you)!
         Common stock can't understand
         The jobs that need a "special" man.
         I often wonder where you'd be
         Without a "special" case like me.
         (Thunder sounds right overhead!
         A lightning bolt knocks me for dead!
         And now I'm in God's waiting room
         Worried 'bout my pending doom!)
         Oh Jesus, please forgive my pride!
         It's made You very sick inside!
         --You gave Your life just to erase,
         The list of charges that I face!
         Thank You that You loved me so!
         And gave my pride this needed blow!
         Dear Jesus, give me one more try,
         To be like You before I die,
         And help me really run the race
         And not think I'm a "special case"!
--Paul Theophilus (reprint)

The Little Things
         God seeks to reward us for
                  the little things, you know.
         Great works He does through us,
                  and are only His to show.
         But it's the little things we do each day
                  to bring some heart delight,
         Acts of love and lovingkindness,
                  that are pleasing in His sight.

         Oh, we boast inside of great works done
                  in service to our Lord;
         And for the part we played in these,
                  we shall have our reward.
         But the greatest prizes He will give
                  will go to deeds unseen:
         All those little tiny ones
                  that we did in between.

         All the little gifts of love
                  He's given us to give,
         To bestow upon each other
                  as our humble lives we live;
         To make the world more pleasant
                  for each passing girl and boy--
         These are the deeds He'll reckon up
                  with greatest pride and joy.

         Oh yes, our service has its place
                  in God's Almighty plan,
         And the virtues we acquire
                  in His making of our man,
         But such are merely sounding brass
                  in Heaven's halls above;
         There is one greater than these all
                  --a heart that's filled with love.
--Red Cloud

(My Talent)
         I have no voice for singing,
         I cannot make a speech.
         I have no gift for prophecy,
         I know I cannot teach.
         I am not good at editing,
         I cannot organize,
         And anything that I would write
         Would never win a prize.

         It seems my only talent
         Is neither big nor rare:
         Just to listen and encourage,
         And to fill a vacant chair.
         But all the gifted people
         May not so brightly shine
         Were it not for those who use
         A talent such as mine.

The "Shiner"
         Above a full and busy town,
         One dark and lonely winter night,
         Far, far away from the glowing moon,
         And its light.
         Hung a tiny, tiny glistening star,
         By itself and not so bold.
         Twinkle, twinkle, shone that star,
         In the cold.
         Though not a very glorious light
         Shed our dedicated friend,
         Enthusiastically it stated,
         "To the end
         I'll sparkle warmly all my days,
         So all in every house shall see,
         That I can do a simple task,
         Yes, some other stars may be
         More big and bright than I.
         But together we make up the magic
         Of the sky."
         So let men in every country
         Take a lesson from this star.
         Be content in being lowly, and be happy
         Where you are!
--Sunny James

To a Little Person
         Little one, weighed in the balance of things,
         Thy life may be truly called blessed,
         Because thou hast loved and hast sweetly cared
         From a heart full of tenderness.
         And I, thy God, Who filleth all with good,
         The eternal Spring of love,
         With open arms and a crown of life
         Will receive thee Home Above.
         For thou givest thy soul, thy heart to Me,
         By Whom all things consist,
         And the gift which endows My love, thou findest,
         'Tis My most precious gift.
         Thou pourest thy spirit on the broken, the lonely;
         My daughter, it wasteth not.
         I could not have proven My love elsewise--
         Thy heart is the channel I sought.
--Paul Heart


Where love is
         Where love is, there are hearts
         Filled with joy and trust and care.
         There is nothing you won't do;
         No burden too great to bear!

         Where love is, there is no fear.
                  It only sees the good.
         A creating power to fill our need.
         It's being understood!

         Where love is, there is faith;
         A richness without measure.
         Beauty beyond what we can see,
         An ever-giving treasure!

         Where love is, there are miracles,
         The satisfying of the soul.
         It's not blind, it sees it all,
         But still will love the whole!

         Where love is, there is God.
         In this we do believe.
         He's the Lover of all lovers.
         It's Him we must receive.

It's Still Love
         Love at first or second sight
                  is still love;
         Love of one day and one night
                  is still love.
         Love that once lived and then died
                  is still love;
         Love that had to be put aside
                  is still love.
         Love that had to be left behind
                  is still love;
         Love that in us will always abide
                  is still love.
         Love that unites our hearts and our minds
                  is still love;
         Love that hasn't been forgotten
                  will always be love.
--Sharon Starlight

         I want so much just to love you
                  with the love He's given me;
         He shines it through my imperfect self
                  and it's hard for you to see.
         But it's really Him that loves you so,
                  and I've tried to let it through,
         That you're loved and a treasure dear to Him;
                  that's how I look at you.

         Sometimes I've made mistakes with you;
                  I didn't see His will,
         Of entrusting me with your tender soul
                  to show you He loves you still;
         To give His love in such a way
                  that you see Him coming through.
         Forgive me and pray that I'll love you His way;
                  that's how He looks at you.

         It seems we see things oh, so dim--
                  a reflection none too clear,
         Of those He sends to teach us love,
                  His jewels to Him so dear.
         We struggle so and reach too high
                  to graduate the school
         Of "Love the Lord with all thy heart..."
                  His most important rule.

         Though He longs to be our love,
                  we sometimes end up on the shelf,
         Because we left the other undone:
                  "...and thy neighbor as thyself."
         But thank the Lord, He never fails
                  in His guidance from Above--
         At last we fall upon His grace
                  and He supplies the love.
--Gabriella Gypsy

Love in Motion
         Like a breeze that whispers to me,
         Soothing all my pain and fear,
         Like a gentle hand that holds me,
         And wipes away my tears,
         Like after rain, the rainbow
         Spreads its colors once again;
         Like the peace and love that fills the heart
         That knows it's in Your hands;
         Like the moonlight when it sparkles
         After dark clouds drift away,
         Taking with them all the sorrow,
         And replacing love to stay;
         Like the magic of the violet
         And the beauty of the rose,
         As they blossom in their silence,
         Waiting for the great unknown;
         There is beauty all around me,
         There is love so sure and strong.
         I must listen with my heartbeat,
         I must hear the secret song.
         For within every creation
         Lies a hunger to be known.
         He has molded every feature
         And has with our sorrow shown
         That the "ending of the rainbow"
         Is the beginning of the sun.
         And that every living creature
         Is loved by a Someone.
--Gabriela (16)

The Pulchritude of Love
         Love is like the sun in the sky
         Without it, all that lives would die
         Love is like the stars and moonlight
         Giving romance and beauty to the night
         Love is like the oceans and seas
         And all the creatures that live in these
         Love is like fire and ice
         Love is a bird of paradise
         Love is a tiny sparrow
         Love is Cupid's arrow
         Love is like rain in the desert's heat
         Love is two pulses in a single heartbeat
         Love is the sunrise and the sunset
         Love is the memories we'll never forget
         Love is the tide washing over the sand
         Love is holding your hand
         Love is a diamond in disguise
         Love is the look I see in your eyes
         Love is reaching out to someone in need
         Love grows like a mustard seed
         Love is leaving the past behind
         Love, true love is hard to find
         Love is the wind beneath the wings of a bird
         Love is the feathers of an angel's wing stirred
         Love just can't be found by seeking
         Love listens--and talks--without speaking
         Love is the song of a nightingale
         Love loves even if you fail
         Love is a shelter in life's storm
         Love holds you close and keeps you warm
         Love is innocent, love is secure
         Hearts in lament, love is the cure
         Love is liking, without particular cause
         Love is mine, love is yours
         Love never goes out of fashion
         Love is potential passion
         Love is a red rose
         Love is a language everyone knows
         Love is the sunlight caressing your face
         Love is summer's warm and tender embrace
         Love is the colors of the autumn leaves
         Love gives even if it never receives
         Love is winter's white on the tree tops
         Be it any season, love never stops
         Love can pierce the heart like an arrow or knife
         Love is a puzzle, the puzzle of life
         Love is an angel's kiss
         Love is Heaven's bliss
         Lovers can be like night and day
         Love is the light that leads the way
         Love is the sand in the hourglass
         Love lasts a lifetime, till time has passed
         Love is an everlasting high
         Love gives you wings like a butterfly
         Love is blind, but love can see
         Love is the friendship between you and me
         Love doesn't stop when we're apart
         Love is rooted deep in the heart
         Love has always cared
         Love is what we've shared
         Love is warmth that melts the snow
         Love is letting you go
         Love's bond is stronger than the pull of gravity
         The love between two souls can last an eternity
         Love is all these things and more
         Love is forever, after, and before
         Love sustains through all strife
         Love is what created life
--Gerry (15)

         Have you ever thought for a moment
         What a little love can do?
         A little deed of kindness,
         An uplifting word or two?
         A show of appreciation
         Can cheer up someone's day;
         A gesture or a look
         Can send them merrily on their way.

         Oh, just a little deed,
         A hug, or cheery smile,
         Can lighten someone's load
         And make it worth their while.
         And here's an age-old secret
         On giving love away--
         You'll find that spreading happiness
         Will brighten up your day.

         So don't forget this little tip:
         In everything you do,
         Give a little love
         And it will boomerang to you.
--Joanna (Celeste)

Love's Power
         As you pass that person you may know
         Will you an act of love or show?--
         Give a word of hope or one of cheer
         To replace his sadness, or maybe a fear.

         Within your heart a great power lies:
         A love to touch when rightly applied,
         To help a friend in time of real need,
         Giving him hope by doing a kind deed.

         There are many times in the course of a day
         When a heart can be touched by the words we say.
         A life can be changed by the things that we do
         With the love that is living in me and in you.
--B. D. Phillips

Let's Be
         Let's be loving, let's be kind.
         Let's be meek and keep the weak in mind.
         Let's be prayerful, let's be sweet,
         When we go pioneering to nearby Crete.

         Let's be happy, let's not be sad.
         Just jump up and down and be happy and glad!
         Let's be courageous, let's be brave,
         And fight against the devil for "Uncle Dave."

         Let's be considerate, let's be humble,
         And not be heard to mumble or grumble.
         Let's be on fire, let's be bold
         And tell the world all we are told.

         Let's be listening, let's be on the ball,
         But be like Jesus most of all.
--Timothy (16) and Michael (13)

The Penalty of Love
         If Love should count you worthy, and should deign
         One day to seek your door and be your guest,
         Pause! Ere you draw the bolt and bid him rest,
         If in your old content you would remain.
         For not alone he enters; in his train
         Are angels of the mist, the lonely guest,
         Dreams of the unfulfilled and unpossessed,
         And sorrow and life's immemorial pain.

         He wakes desires you may never forget,
         He shows you stars you never saw before.
         He makes you share with him, for evermore,
         The burden of the world's divine regret.
         How wise you were to open not! And yet
         How poor if you should turn him from the door.
--Sidney Royse Lysaught

The Reward of Love
         The bud appeared,
         Small and tender in the spring-light sun;
         Its name was Love.
         And as it opened, it sent a call to everyone
         To come and see,
         To touch, to smell, the beauty that was to come.

         One heard the call
         And quickly came,
         Reaching forward to take this lovely thing.
         But as he looked,
         A sharp thorn he saw beneath the bud,
         Threatening to pierce those who'd make their claim.

         Taken back, he paused,
         And pondered what the price would be.
         Finally, taken with the promise
         Of the sights and smells to come,
         He reached forth
         To take love into his bosom.
         But in doing so,
         He felt the thorn press deep into his flesh.
         He let out a cry,
         And the pain was so great,
         That the rose he almost let slip from his hand.
         The stem of the rose grew red,
         As the blood from his pierced hand flowed down
         To fall upon the ground.

         This was the penalty of Love,
         From which none may escape;
         The price that each must pay
         To obtain such a precious jewel.

         But the promise was fulfilled;
         The flower fair did open,
         And the hand that bled was comforted
         With the tender caresses of its petals,
         The sweet essence of its perfume,
         The enchanting spell of its sight.
         The bud grew large, larger still,
         Until into full bloom did it explode,
         Bringing joy and laughter,
         Happiness and life.

         As time passed, and so did its prime,
         The petals began to fade.
         Their color did fail,
         And one by one they did fall to the ground.
         The beauty had vanished,
         The caresses had gone.
         Naught was seen but the thorn,
         Which had so fiercely
         Pierced the hand which bore it,
         Until it, too, did seek its place in the earth.

         But what could not be perceived
         With the human eye,
         Was the fragrance of the rose.
         It had endured
         Beyond the appearances,
         Beyond the increases,
         Beyond the decay and death.
         The fragrance had forever
         Permeated the hand of the bearer.

         Though pain had taken its toll,
         Blood was given as a price,
         And beauty seemed no more,
         An inner change this fragrance had wrought,
         That would remain,
         And forever claim
         A sacred place in the bearer's heart.

         This was the reward of Love,
         Which comes to those
         Who, when torn by the pain of Love,
         Persist, and look beyond.

         And when Love's course is run,
         And the petals to the dust return,
         This reward doth yet endure,
         Bringing comfort and warmth.
         For though the penalty of Love is strong,
         Love's reward is stronger still,
         And doth outlive all.
--Francis Fisherman

(in reply to The Penalty of Love)

In the Name of Love
         What have we done in the name of love?
         What have I done in the name of our Lord?
         How far does it go, what I do?
         How far can the echo be heard?
         It is said, by my words, I will be some day
         The discipline and justification of myself.
         Our beautiful ideas mixed up
         With grotesque and damaging actions confuse
         And obstruct the way for all sincere and noble hearts.
         How easy it is to be both ways,
         Where what I do and say is confused in the same heart.
         Your Love is forever, and forever Pure,
         In You there is no betrayal, no doubt of Your wonderful gift.
         To grow in Your rich and infinite Love,
         Is what our desperate hearts are searching for.
         Love them, Jesus. Take me out of the way!
         Help me to not obstruct Your Love for others.

(Greatest Desire)
         Lord help me live in such a way
         That when I pass on, others will say
         That I helped them in some way be more like You,
         Which is the greatest thing a mortal can do.

         Give me Your understanding; let me see through Your eyes.
         When I see someone struggling, help me realize
         That my job as Your child is to make their load lighter,
         Whether or not I feel they're a fighter.

         The Devil's the accuser of the saints;
         Help me never to join his ranks
         By self-righteously criticizing, casting stones
         At those whose inner struggles I don't even know.

         Though I've failed and fallen and blown it before,
         Unmerited mercy on me You have poured.
         Forgive my lack of love, help me truly change,
         So that Libby will not have died in vain.

         Oh, Jesus, fill me with Your Love today,
         So that my words and deeds Your Spirit portray:
         Affection, compassion, understanding and faith,
         Tolerance, care, appreciation, and praise.

         Help me never leave a loved one to fight alone,
         But to freely give the love I've been shown.
         By Your grace I will no longer harshly condemn;
         I take up Your commission to heal, love and mend.

Inspired by "Libby's Homegoing"

He Showed Me the Way
         He climbed the mount at eventide;
         He crossed the chasm deep and wide.
         He braved the wind, the raging storm,
         And reached the top, though battered and torn.
         Now He could see the paths below,
         And which ones were the best to go.

         Now I came myself to the valley deep,
         For I wanted to climb to the mountain peak.
         But I stood alone in the valley below;
         I did not know by which path to go.
         So the One Who had climbed all the way to the top,
         Looked down and saw me, and the path I should walk.

         He said, "Come, Beloved," and He took my hand.
         He showed me the way, and said, "I understand.
         "I've walked the same path Myself, you know,
         "So I'll show which way is best to go."
         He showed by example, He led to the light.
         He encouraged and helped me never give up the fight!

         And through the trials and tests that came,
         I learned the power of His beautiful Name.
         We fought side by side, striving for the goal;
         By His Words I learned to love Him, heart and soul.
         He led me, we forged on, though bruised and beat down,
         And each battle only meant we were closer to the crown!

         Looking back down all the way we had come,
         I saw the progress we'd made, and victories won.
         Then I saw another in the valley below,
         Where I'd been confused and frightened, not so long ago.
         I knew that like me he did not know the way,
         And Jesus looked at me. I heard Him say,

         "Remember how I helped you all along the way?
         Another needs you now, as you needed Me that day.
         Would you be willing to leave what you want to do,
         So you can show him the way, as I once did for you?
         When I first climbed this mountain, I gave My life for thee.
         Will you be willing now to do the same for Me?"

         Oh Jesus, precious Jesus, let that be my prayer--
         To love as You loved me, and care as You cared.
         Help me, Lord, share the love You've given me.
         Let me be helpful, kind, loving, a little more like Thee!
         I want to help those that need that tender care;
         To have a broken heart, Lord, that is my prayer!
         I just want to serve You, however that may be,
         So help me do for others, what You've done for me!
--Joy Rose (reprint)

(Teach Me Love)
         What is Love? Divine adornment
         Of the soul that wears it high.
         It's the crystal-golden pathway
         Keeping us by Jesus' side!

         It's sublime and never ending,
         Always following God's own chart,
         Reaching over lands and oceans
         To console a single heart.

         Jesus, Jesus, Lord of loving,
         Teach me from Thy tender heart
         How to serve all those around me,
         To fulfill my loving part!

         I found love; I found the answer!
         Finally I've found out now
         That to love and serve another
         I just have to ask You how!

         Every soul that looks to Heaven,
         Every heart that's warm and kind,
         Can discover in God's beauty
         All that no one else can find!
--Christina Rose (reprint)

(Bearing All)
         I've heard that in sex, people open their heart
         And reveal their true character there--
         If they're timid and shy or unsure of themselves,
         Over-confident or worried with care.

         If they're picky or trivial or shallow or light,
         Or if they acknowledge the Lord right then too,
         If they love beyond all, with a feeling so deep
         That it makes your own loving seem few.

         I've known those who just give out, forgetting themselves,
         And care oh, so deeply for you
         That all you could want is to give back one small part
         Of that very same love, as they do.

         May I keep that love, Lord, as I've seen in those ones
         Who have left such a print on my heart.
         For in those intimate times when you bare all, it's seen
         The very true soul that you are.

(Gift of Love)
         I wanted to speak of Heaven's things,
         And write upon a scroll,
                  The hidden things
                           in nature's soul.
         But naught did move my pen.

         Of words that tossed and tumbled,
         Within this head of mine,
                  Not one was such
                           to speak of much,
         Still naught did move my pen.

         Then happ'ed I on the gift of Love,
         That Christ gives all men freely,
                  The tears did well
                           and gently fell,
         And Love did move my pen.
--Sunny James

Noble Way
         "Out of my way, you insolent soul!"
         "How could you be so thoughtless with me!"
         "You gutless, uncouth, little nincompoop."
         "So low with you must I always stoop?"
         "Oh please!!!"

         A jab in here, a cut right there,
         "That should do it! We're even. That's fair!"
         Must this so be? Need we this daring display?
         Can't we think of better things to say?

         For to exude our power and might as men
         Our pride and dignity we must surely defend;
         An unkind word or a fist full of punch
         Will get anyone through a difficult crunch.

         Is this where true strength and power lies?
         In cunning remarks, use of brawn and size?
         Would a gentle response, to a gruff word given
         More than suffice? Why not try to just forgive him?

         Here is where courage and honor are displayed--
         By answering softly an angry message relayed.
         It takes wisdom and love, add heart to the list, too.
         All noble things, surely they're found in you.
--B. D. Phillips

God's Touch
         God's touch comes to all of us,
                  but oft in different ways:
         It's the spark that lights our hearts,
                  for a minute or for days;
         'Cause it's God's way of loving us
                  with love that lasts always.

         To some it comes with laughter,
                  after a time of strain.
         --Just a funny thing that hits us,
                  and vanishes the pain.
         It is the joy He sends to us
                  that keeps each of us sane.

         To some it comes through a tiny babe,
                  when he giggles with delight,
         And looks at us with such trust,
                  that our own doubts then take flight;
         We know that through that tiny child
                  God has renewed our might.

         To others it comes in giving
                  some treasured thing they prized,
         'Cause knowing the other's happy,
                  and seeing the light in their eyes,
         Shows us that we've shared His love,
                  that lives on and never dies.

         To others it comes through Earth and sky.
                  We hear His voice so loud,
         When we hear the flock of birds that sing,
                  or see the blessed rain cloud,
         When the sun shines down and warms us
                  --That's His touch so clear and loud.

         To some it comes through a song
                  that's poured forth from the heart;
         To others in a simple task,
                  when they've done their humble part.
         All paint the picture of His touch
                  through that Heavenly art.

         God's touch comes to each of us,
                  but oft in different ways.
         It's the spark that lights our hearts,
                  for a minute or for days,
         'Cause it's God's way of loving us
                  with His love that lasts always.
--Joy (of Benji)

         Mercy brings to us forgiveness;
         Forgiveness makes gratitude flourish;
         Gratitude carries us to generosity;
         Generosity takes us nearer to the sweetness;
         Sweetness enriches us with love
         And perfect Love gives us peace.


The Prayer of the Pilgrim
         Did You know the sky was inky?
         Did You see I'd lost my way?
         Did You feel my heart was empty?
         Did You hear my spirit pray?
         Did You know my world was dying?
         Did You see my bosom bleed?
         Did You feel my heart was crying?
         Did You hear my spirit breathe?

         Keep the candles burning for me.
         Maybe here or far away,
         Maybe somehow and someday
         I will see them and be strong,
         And they will light me Home to Thee.

         Do You know the awful blackness
         Of this vast and hollow place?
         Can You feel the freezing dampness?
         Do You know I'm lost in space?
         And yet, although I am cold and lonely,
         I think that if I had a sign
         That I am not the one and only,
         I can fight to stay alive.

         Keep the candles burning for me.
         Maybe the light through the gray
         Will keep the hounds of hell at bay.
         For I will see it and be strong
         And it will light me Home to Thee

         You must know the endless yearning;
         You must love me, for I see
         Countless beacons bravely burning,
         Lights that say You are with me.
         So I will walk into the darkness,
         I will see the lights beyond,
         And will not stop until the brightness
         Pales with the welcome dawn.

         Keep the candles burning for me.
         Maybe now, or on the day
         When I am too weak to pray,
         I will see them and be strong
         And they will light me Home to Thee.

         Guard the hallowed flames of Angels.
         Stand watch on the stars tonight;
         Keep the solemn midnight vigil
         'Till we dance the waltz by light.
         For I will be Home in the morning
         If I walk by candlelight.
         So keep the candles burning for me,
         Always burning through the night.

Inspired by "The Birthday Vision"

         Whenever a prayer comes to mind
         That words can't seem to say,
         I go out on a starry night
         And pray the Star-Link way.

         How it works I don't quite know,
         My prayer always gets through.
         I send it up, and when it's time
         It's beamed on down to you.

         Go outside and check the stars.
         Look for the brightest one--
         The same star I can see from here
         After each day is done.

         And when clouds don't obscure the sky
         I'll send to God a prayer.
         Knowing somehow, when He sees you
         He'll beam it back down, there.

         So if you have a prayer to say,
         Look to that star you see.
         Its rays will pierce the darkest night
         To send your prayer to me.
--Red Cloud
The Star of the Morning
         Take time in His temple;
         Wait on the Lord.
         Let His Love overtake you,
         Soak deep in His Word.
         Be ever so quiet,
         Don't let your day start,
         Till the Star of the Morning
         Takes rise in your heart!

         Delight in the Lord
         And whatever you do
         Will blossom and prosper
         And bring forth much fruit.
         Let rivers of water
         Run freely through your soul.
         Let His Word flow completely,
         Let Him have control!
--Sara (reprint)

         Dear Lord, take my worthless, selfish life
         And end the emptiness of its strife.
         Let it be melted wholly into Thee,
         For only then will I be set free--
         Free from the attitudes of the past,
         Of wanting this Earth that doesn't last.
         Free from the sorrow, free from the pain
         That comes from looking for selfish gain.
         Free to be humbled in others' eyes,
         Not to worry if they like or despise.
         Free to become as nothing to me,
         Knowing that I am something to Thee.
         Free to have You as my One, True Lover,
         Not being enmeshed with another.
         Free to give my all as a sacrifice,
         Letting You help others through my life.
         Free to know the fullest joy that comes
         From hearing You say, "Darling, well done!"
         This only my fervent prayer shall be:
         Free to let You possess all of me.
--Jewel (Faith David, 19)

Mountain of Refuge
         O Mountain of all refuge
         To Whom my soul doth fly,
         As a bird who, weary of wandering,
         Returns to her nest from the sky.

         In the arms of Eternal strength,
         Hold me safe and fast,
         Under Thy wings o'ershadowed
         Till calamities be past.

         And there beneath the altar
         Unite my heart to Thine;
         Bid me dwell within Thy house,
         To Thy Holy Word incline.

         Else distant from Thy Presence,
         I lose the sight of day,
         And stumbling in the darkness
         Become a castaway.

         This therefore shall be my prayer,
         'Ere that dread day shall be:
         If I forsake the path of life,
         O Lord, please trouble me.

         For then to Refuge Mountain
         My soul will take swift flight,
         As a bird who weary of wandering
         Returns to her nest in the night.
--Gabriel (reprint)

Prayer for the Day
         Dear Lord, in Your infinite mercy,
                  look down on me this day,
         And strengthen, lead and guide me
                  by showing me Your way.

         I have so many imperfections,
                  burdens heavy on my heart.
         But I know You don't hold them against me;
                  always willing to give me a new start.

         I know that You never will leave me,
                  or let me fall from Your grace,
         But Lord, I'd like to be useful,
                  somehow, some time, in some ways.

         I trust You to keep me from sliding
                  or being a testimony bad.
         Your love is so ever abiding
                  more than any other I've had.

         How can I tell of Your goodness
                  to those who have missed their cue?
         Or to those that have possibly never heard
                  of all the love that comes from You?

         The best I can do is be faithful,
                  but there's only one way to do that:
         It's to diligently and religiously follow
                  all the New Wine from Your vat.

         So, dear Lord, precious Lover and Savior,
                  Great Shepherd and my best Friend,
         I ask for Your grace and Your mercy
                  to help me make it to the End.
--Rose Secretary

Celestial Hope
         When Satan comes to tempt you,
         To hinder or delay,
         Just call out to the Morning Star
         Who shines all night and day.
         And when you're feeling downcast,
         With no will to carry on,
         Just be still! Wait for the joy
         That cometh with the dawn.

         And if the night seems long and cold,
         As darkness veils the skies,
         Hold on! T'will not be long until
         The righteous Sun will rise.
         And when you're battle-weary,
         With no more strength to fight,
         Just call on our Lord Sabbaoth,
         And trust His power and might.

         And as your heart grows heavy
         And despair to your soul clings
         Just wait, oh wait upon the Lord,
         And rise on eagle's wings.
         Then shall your soul be lifted
         Out of the miry clay,
         As you fly to the Morning Star
         Who shines all night and day.
--Red Cloud

With My Eyes Stayed on You
         Jesus, please bless me as I start this new day;
         Lead me and guide me each step of the way.
         Help me to keep my eyes stayed on You,
         To be ever faithful, believing and true.

         I know this trying time in my life is a test,
         To see if I'll lean hard upon You and find rest,
         Or try in my own strength to work each thing out;
         But I know that is not what the faith-life's about.

         You want me to run to Your Word first of all,
         At the first sign of trouble, not wait 'till I fall.
         And there, in Your presence, is where I find peace,
         That Heavenly comfort, abandon, release.

         Just resting and trusting that You know all things,
         Only then does the fog lift, and my problems take wings.
         For I know and have faith that You see my plight;
         You're able and willing to see things aright.

         Please help me to not interfere with Your plans
         By taking things into my fumbling hands,
         But to trust and obey and stay faithful and true,
         And be happy today with my eyes stayed on You!
--Melody Comfort

My Intercessor
         The woman bent, with troubled brow:
         "Somewhere, my child needs me now!"
         In intercession strong she grieved,
         Until by peace she was relieved.

         And 'cross the world, so far away,
         Her child had begged that very day,
         "Dear Lord, now send deliverance great,
         And save me from this peril's gate!"

         Those work-worn hands that clasped so tight,
         Those weary eyes that watched the night,
         The spirit strong, though flesh was weak,
         Had brought her child to victory's peak.
--Joan Clair


The Center of My Life
         What's the center of your life?
         Will it survive in the afterlife?
         Is it your mate at your center
         And not the One Who lent her?
         Or your family, friends or work?
         Then you're eccentric! Mad! Berserk!
         You're in for a very rough ride
         If your center's on the side!
         Better stop and get in prayer
         If your Savior isn't there,
         For we can never win the race
         Till Jesus gets First Place!
         Not by power, position or fame,
         But only Jesus and His Name!
         Our vine, our tree, our root,
         The source of all our fruit,
         Our life, our hope, our mentor,
         Keep Jesus always as your Center!
--Paul Theophilus (reprint)

To Hell with Hesitating
         To hell with hesitating,
         When it's time to make a move!
         When you know the Lord has called you,
         You have everything to lose
         If you sit around and wonder
         If you shouldn't or you should.
         But the Lord would not have asked you
         Unless He knew you could!

         So the hell with hesitating!
         Take a stand of faith and go!
         If you don't know how to get there,
         Just start moving and He'll show!
         For the Devil fights the hardest
         Just to get you not to move,
         Tries to trap you in a rut and
         Tries to get you in his groove.
         And he'll use your friends and neighbors
         To all tell you "Why not stay?"
         But if you want a higher calling,
         The Lord's Voice you must obey!

         So to hell with hesitating,
         Once you know you've heard the Lord,
         And He's given you the vision
         And confirmed it by His Word!
         Don't worry about the money
         Or the tickets, or your needs.
         Just believe Him and obey Him--
         "Seek Him first" and you'll receive!

         So the hell with hesitating!
         His Word says, "We walk by faith!"
         Write for clearance and get ready
         And be off to a new place!
         Don't wait 'til you're all set to go,
         Or you may never leave!
         You were needed somewhere yesterday;
         If you're lacking, just believe
         That the Lord has lots of blessings
         If you're faithful to obey
         Once He's called you to a new field
         And you've started on your way!
--Jonathan Harvest (reprint)

What Have You Done with Jesus?
         What have you done with Jesus?
                  Can you please tell me where He is laid?
         Have you buried Him coldly with all the rest?
                  Is a common pine bookcase His grave?
         Is He now just a great man forgotten;
                  Confined to the dead printed page?
         Now resting in honor, preserved on the shelf
                  With other great men from each age?

         What have you done with Jesus?
                  Have you seen Him alive today?
         Is He still, as He said, the Truth and the Life,
                  Ever living to show us the Way?
         Are you filled with His warm, loving presence,
                  That's shining as bright as the sun?
         Alive with His promise that He would complete
                  The great work that He has begun?

         Are your days occupied in His service?
                  Is your heart to the Master a home?
         Are you living together in intimate terms,
                  Or are you just living alone?
         What have you done with Jesus?
                  Do you hear what I'm trying to say?
         We need Him so greatly, so if He's alive,
                  Oh, please won't you show me today?
--Abraham Scribe

Prodigal Son
         Why did you leave? I loved you so.
         It broke my heart to see you go!
         To turn your back seems easy now;
         To leave the field, forsake the plow.
         I got a glimpse of future years,
         And saw your own will stained with tears.
         The dream you searched for broke your heart;
         It was a deadly poisoned dart.
         I saw your head bowed in despair;
         The game just didn't turn out fair!
         Oh, don't you realize? Don't you know
         The dangers of the way you go?
         To you, your way may seem the best,
         But did old Satan tell the rest?
         Your heart is blind, your spirit low;
         Without Him, how long can you go?
         I can't contain the tears I'm crying,
         Knowing that you're slowly dying.
         Oh, please my friend, I don't see why;
         How is it you believed a lie?
         Your saddest song will soon be sung,
         And all your hopes return to dung.
         But even then, I somehow know,
         His love will never let you go.
         I want so much to see the day
         That you'll be coming back God's way,
         When you see clearer in the night,
         By heartaches wrenched without the light,
         And realize you were in the wrong.
         Then please turn back--don't wait too long!
         Forsake your pride, run back with haste;
         The time we've lost is such a waste!
         To Him you're such a precious one,
         Come back to us, oh prodigal son!
--Ashley Rose

If It Were Your Last Day
         Live each day
         As if it were your last,
         As the years before you,
         Soon will be past.
         The life you are living
         Will soon pass away,
         And you must give account
         At the end of the day.

         If this day was your last,
         My friend, what would you do?
         Would you waste it away
         On things only for you?
         Or would you try to help others
         And help everyone near,
         By showing lots of love to those
         You've hurt or sneered.

         So whatever road you take,
         Just remember what's told
         You're walking down God's
         Good path of gold.
         And God will be waiting
         At the end of the line
         To ask you, "Just what did you
         Do with your time?"

         You have no way of knowing
         What will happen to you,
         God could take you Home and ask,
         "What did you do?"
         Will He say to you, "Well done,
         Thou faithful one
         You did well in small tasks,
         I now give you great ones!"

         So if this was your last day
         To do all you must do,
         Would you waste it with vain talk
         And arguing, too?
         So use your time wisely,
         As there's so little left,
         Talk about the good
         And forget all the rest.

         So live this day well,
         It just may be your last,
         As the World's getting worse
         And the End's coming fast.
         Yield yourself to God
         Or it will be quite sad
         And you'll find yourself saying,
         "If I only had."

         So be loving and faithful
         And diligent, too,
         And a bright crown of gold
         Will be given to you.
         You may have only one, yes,
         Just one more day,
         So make it worthwhile,
         And make each minute pay.
--Maria David (15) (reprint)


Christmas Gift
         Christmas gift under the tree
         What, oh what, will you bring for me?
         A moment of joy,
         A moment of glee?
         Oh, Christmas gift, under the tree.

         Christmas gift, under the tree
         You glimmer and glitter fancifully,
         But will your tinseled joy
         Like its wrapping fair
         Vanish soon like dust in the air?
         Oh Christmas gift, under the tree.

         Christmas gift, beyond the tree,
         I long for life and truth in Thee.
         I look beyond life's trinkets and gold,
         A gift much greater to behold.
         Oh Christmas gift beyond the tree.

         Oh Jesus, Jesus hung on a tree--
         Your gift was Your life, given for me.
         Help me this Christmas and every day
         To give to others as You gave in every way,
         And become Your gift under someone's tree.
--Steven (Shaul)

The Pisces
         The Pisces are a noble race,
         But hate to be in just one place.
         They have a warm creative touch,
         But don't like grandeur all that much.
         Tomorrow is a worry less--
         Why lose your health and happiness?
         Charming, easygoing, too,
         But watch that temper, if it blew!
         They're graceful, with good memories,
         And live with a rose-colored ease.
         They tell the future, well and wise;
         It may just happen, to your surprise.
         They comfort you and sympathize;
         A vision sparkles in their eyes.
         In answering they're round about;
         They'll take their time to talk it out.
         Their qualities are not a few,
         Sometimes they'll even humor you.
         They're little bits of everything,
         It just might leave you wondering.
         So we'll just set the record straight;
         Come hurry now and don't be late!
         It's time to sing "Happy Birthday"
         To all the folks who act this way.
         Their character, with charm and grace,
         Is still the noble Pisces race!
--Ashley Rose

The Heart of A Lioness
         Sister of mine, such a friend, of such worth
         Only good thoughts ... when my mind's on your birth
         For that day we were given a treasure so fair
         Of all the good things God has placed in our care

         A charmer, a darling, a talking delight
         One who wishes to see all the wrong changed to right
         A joyous companion, story-teller and more
         Ever overflowing with happiness--just open the door

         Laughter and good times accompany this pretty face
         As she sets off to better the human race
         "For the good of others," her motto yet stands
         Others' hearts carefully cupped in her thoughtful young hands

         Some moment, I promise, to you she will come
         A tale you'll tell of some harm she's undone
         For the heart of a lioness under such pretty guise
         Is one of the wonders of this life's paradise

         So you too, my sister, I am privileged to know
         I have in possession one of the finer gifts to bestow
         How happy I am, and to others I do impart
         The beauty of knowing you deep in your heart.
--Joy Waters
         To a Leo sister

(A Birthday Prayer)
         Dear one, I pray this year will bring,
         Sweet love and joy as you seek to please Him.
         As you fearlessly follow wher'er He may lead,
         Being willing always to just plant His seeds.

         As you patiently wait and watch His plan flow,
         You'll see for sure that's He's in control.
         Never need for a doubt or questioning thought;,
         His will for you will always be wrought.

         You're His special treasure, full of love without measure,
         And caring for you is always His pleasure.
         No need to fretfully try to endeavor,
         Trusting in Him makes life sweeter than ever!

The Golden Age of Wisdom
         One notable feature that strikes me about you,
         Gracing my ears when the words of yours do
         Tumble out from your lips, as from one who is aged
         (Not that you are "old," but more like a "sage")
         The thoughts of encouragement which you lend,
         Console, comfort, and help me to mend
         My fragile and often-shattered poor heart;
         You help me gather the one thousand parts.
         Meanwhile, you spur me on to try again,
         For after all ... you are my friend.

         It cheers my heart to see your smile,
         And to know you've made it all this while.
         And yet a spirit burns hot inside,
         And quite a spirit--not the kind to hide
         Feelings, thoughts and excitement all burst;
         Something "better" replaces all the "worst."
         Giving so much love--yet there's always more.
         This life is a dream, this world is a door;
         Just waiting to be opened, you've barely begun,
         Living life to the full; this is your kind of fun.

         Taking all things in stride, you're calm and cool,
         Succinctly expressing life's cardinal rule;
         That all you do--for another's good pleasure,
         Has bestowed upon you a most dazzling treasure.
         The curls of gray have not taken their toll,
         On your heart or your body, mind or your soul.
         For the essence of you is youth to the core,
         You face up to life, and exclaim: "Give me more!"
         These gifts are not ones bestowed at random,
         This is priceless:
the Golden Age of Wisdom.
--Joy Waters

(A Prayer for You)
         My prayer for you this coming year:
         To rest in Him and know He's near,
         To follow Him though the path's unclear,
         To know His plan is never drear,
         To trust Him always without fear,
         To smile and praise through every tear,
         To be His special flower this coming year!

(A Birthday Whisper)
         I'm one of your helpers from Above.
         I send you these words, with tons of sweet love!
         You're His and He loves you and calls you His own--
         He's thrilled to see just how you have grown!

         You're His delight, no matter what you do,
         As long as to His love you are true.
         He'll hold you and help you and give all you need--
         Just hold to His promise and give it your heed.

         I, too, will be there, for your service and care.
         I'll follow you, guide you and lead you from Here.
         Just call me if ever you need some insight;
         I'm specially for you, and can come day or night!

         I'll whisper sweet mysteries in your pretty ear.
         You'll marvel at all of the wonders you'll hear!
         The treasures and gems that are unknown to men,
         I'll pass down to you, through your little pen.

         Yes, you will speak and write what I give.
         You'll get such Words that will help you to live
         In the spirit so free and so high you will fly,
         With the words sent to you from this helper On High.

         Hey, relax! Don't get scared; the words they will flow!
         Just rest and get quiet, and let yourself go.
         Let's link up our hearts and I'll give to you
         Such thrills, such excitement, that'll always be new.

         Come, sweet baby, Jesus is near.
         He'll give you the faith, so please don't you fear.
         He'll kiss you and gently lead you along.
         He may even give you a special new song!

         So rejoice in this freedom that He promises you.
         It'll help lead and guide you in all that you do.
         You'll give and you'll give and then you'll give again;
         The words He gives to you will just have no end.

         And not only me and your Jesus so sweet,
         But others up Here can give you a treat
         Of leading and comfort, of answers and fun,
         Of courage and faith for the job to be done.

         My precious fair maiden, tap into the Source.
         You'll be given the help to finish your course.
         As you glide over obstacles, held up by His hand,
         Go forth in this venture and claim the land.

         His gift is for you; it's yours for the taking.
         Sweet maiden so fair, your thirst He'll be slaking.
         Pouring into that heart of yours, it'll overflow:
         His Spirit, His love, His Words--you'll just glow!

         This token of love is for you my dear one.
         Reach forth and receive and the victory is won!
         My precious Word-liver, my sweet maiden fair,
         Step out by faith--yes, into thin air.

         He'll catch you and fill you and give you each thing,
         If only your heart and your will you will bring,
         And lay it before Him, with all on the altar,
         Then your footsteps, on His path, will never falter.

         Your life set before you, He's promised to keep,
         In shelter, provision, in love--you're His sheep.
         What joy and fulfillment awaits you ahead,
         As gently, so gently, by Him you are led.

         And I, as your helper, will also be there.
         I promise to you my love and my care.
         Just call out my name and so swiftly I'll fly,
         'Cause I am your guardian, your special guy.

         What is my name, you may now wonder,
         Well, let's just say my name it is Thunder!
         For as you can see I'm a boisterous fellow,
         I sing and I dance--I'm rarely too mellow!

         But I love my sweet Jesus and for Him I will do
         Anything, everything, and I commit to you too,
         To be there, to help you, inspire you, and so
         Just call out my name and my love I will show.

         Happy Birthday, dear girl, may your life ever flow
         In paths of His mercy and love that you know.
         Burn free, dear beloved! Burn bright for your Lord!
         Let love rule your heart, and your guide be His Word!
--Amy (of Gabe)

The Love of Two Hearts
         To the parents I love and respect so highly,
         For you have shown how to truly live life;
         In love, always caring, living by sharing,
         Differences aside, standing as man and wife.

         Joined firmly together, as one it did seem,
         Intent on finding and building your dream--
         A family, your children, built in fine order;
         Your hearts were the bricks, love was the mortar.

         Building your lives on foundation secure;
         How wise you were, for your love did endure!
         And such happiness brought to others partaking
         Of the blessed experience: your life in the making.

         For not every day does one chance to find
         A love rich and sweet, aged as fine wine,
         As was cultivated here, by Mom and Dad--
         And enjoyed by their children, and friends they've had.

         With a grateful heart and admiration dear,
         The emotions surge as I wipe back a tear.
         I celebrate in this special joy--your own;
         For I am proud to call this place "my home."

         This ranks at the top of my treasured heritage,
         As I witness before me a "golden" marriage.
         My hope? My desire?--From all, I can say...
         May your coming years be as glad as this day!

         As anniversary bells fade out their song,
         A new life commences from the start;
         For this rich love you've shared so long...
         Is most truly the shared "love of two hearts."
--Joy Waters

To The New Year
         And so I take Your hand again,
         Here pausing on the mountain peak.
         Behind me lies the past, now dead;
         Before, the future that I seek.

         And pondering all that You have done,
         Now weary from the year behind,
         I see the rising of the sun,
         Sent with the strength I could not find.

         The cool breeze whispers promises,
         My life will never be the same,
         As I kneel down and look upon
         God's Spirit in a candle flame.

         May this flame burn the whole year through
         Inside this heart that clings to Thee,
         And keep the dreams I cherish there.
         As Thou wilt have it, let it be!

         Here on the chilly mountain top
         I see all life and sight its end,
         And know the strength to finish it
         Will come from Thee, oh, chiefest Friend.

         The dangers of the road ahead
         I sometimes feel I'd rather miss.
         Teach me the value of them all;
         They hold for me a secret bliss.

         Let them enrich the life I live
         In Thy knowing way, not mine;
         So long constrained now by Thy love,
         Still, let it still be Thine.

         And when companionship may come
         And three will walk this road,
         Let it be for Thy glory
         That we bear each other's load.

         Not just my hand, Lord, take my all,
         And lift Thy little needy girl,
         And carry her until appear
         Those shining far-off gates of pearl.

         I say goodbye to yesterday
         And all its joy and fear,
         And on this peak alone with You
         I welcome thee, New Year!
--Ashley Rose

I Give Myself
         Dear Jesus, on this Christmas Eve,
         I give myself to you.
         I don't have much
         But I'll give my all,
         And try to start anew.

         I want this day to make a mark
         In my life from this time on;
         A seal of love
         Between You and me--Love that carries me along.

         I pray I won't let a single day pass
         Without doing a loving deed.
         The service that counts
         Is the service that costs
         And that gives to those in need.

         You were a sample of this love
         From the day You were born 'til You died
         You loved me so much
         You gave all the way,
         And for me You were crucified.

         I can't even try to give as You did;
         I never could pay You back.
         But whatever You ask
         I will do cheerfully;
         I know this is simply my task.

         Now all of my life is only Yours.
         You deserve every beat of my heart.
         Of my every word
         And my every thought
         I want You to be a part.

         You've given so much,
         It's beyond my dreams
         And I don't think I'll ever see
         How One like You
         Who owns all the world,
         Would give it all up just for me.

         Now I come, on this day of Your birth,
         And in gratefulness for all You've done,
         I give You all of my heart
         And all of my life.
         I'll forever be Yours alone.


Reach for the Whispers!--
They Await Their Second Chance!

         The precious things that up till now
         Were too great to be known;
         The puzzle pieces now allow
         Their places to be shown.
         Mysteries of worlds beyond
         The carnal sight of men,
         Insights to the things o'er yond'
         Where sinning saints have been.

         We all have questions 'bout the Place
         That eases troubled minds,
         The place where He'll our fears erase,
         Eternal joy we'll find.
         If we have faith and heed their call,
         They're clamoring to speak!
         Just open up and give your all,
         With all your might, just seek!

         For they're the ones who want so much,
         To share the Master's plan;
         They want the ones who love them so
         To have the key at hand!
         They want the ones who follow here
         To follow closer still,
         And for those who don't know He's near
         To finally seek His will.

         So listen! Can you hear them?
         The Whispers from His throne.
         They will not cease 'til you release
         God's Word in men's hearts, sown.
--Gabriela (15)

A Special Spirit Helper
         My Savior talked with me today:
         He called me by a name.
         "Mary" was the name He used,
         And other times, the same.
         So I asked Jesus why this name
         To call to me He chose.
         It seemed to be a love-name used
         When intimate and close.
         "My Mary of old sat near Me,
         And drank all of My words.
         As you have chosen that good part,
         Your spirit is like hers.
         Not only you, but all of them
         Who seek My heart and love;
         I've sent you all My Mary
         To help you from above.
         In these last days she guides those
         Who want that link with Me.
         And so long as you continue there
         My Mary you will be."

Spirit Free
         The Spirit wild and free
         She rips my mind
         And breaks the grind
         That makes a dull head out of me.

         She moves in me, the Spirit free.
         She's fresh air, she's love unbound,
         Enticing always with her sound
         That plays a tune in David's key.

         Oh, Spirit that frees
         That wraps me with her wings,
         And makes me drunk on living springs
         Instead of tepid church-water from the Pharisees.

         Spirit extreme, Spirit free,
         With your messages I want to burst,
         Tear and expose all the accursed,
         And shout to them, "Woe unto thee!"

         Spirit of love, wonderfully free,
         You make my lamp to burn.
         Thy love, thy freedom, how I yearn.
         Hear, oh Spirit, my plea!

         The Spirit wild and free,
         I love your love
         Made 100% out of
         Pure radical honesty!

         Oh Spirit, Spirit, mind-ripping and free
         A celestial girl
         That captivates me with her swirl
         And causes all to flow in harmony.

         Spirit wild, Spirit ever-free,
         Grab me with your bliss.
         Please concede me this:
         Be my joy, my ecstasy!

         Oh Spirit, Spirit free,
         I intensely desire thy power
         To show my sister and my brother
         What thrill there is when joined with Thee.

         Oh, Spirit of Love, Spirit so free,
         Stir me with your caress.
         In spite of all my wreck, my mess,
         Move and sing and work in me.

         Spirit so wildly free,
         Hit me with this new GN;
         May I support it with a big "Amen!"
         And show with deeds that I agree.

         Spirit wild and rich and free,
         I want your priceless lovely gold;
         That kind that's best, that grows no mold,
         That has eternal guarantee!

         Spirit of love, Spirit so free,
         Break your box of alabaster.
         Bathe me in perfume from the Master,
         And drop your blessings down on me!
--Jonathan Nubes

Beyond The Sunset
         The only thing that blocks the way
         'Tween this life and the next
         Is the thing that some folks call the end,
         And others just "the rest."
         The ones who have been through the pain,
         The hardships, and the strife;
         The ones who've known the fears, the strain
         Of living without life--
         They missed the chance they had while livin'
         And now they want a turn
         To give all that they have been given,
         And mercy, love, return.
         "He opened up His arms," they say,
         "He loved me through it all.
         Now only let Him show the way.
         Please heed our desperate call.
         Though tears of sorrow cloud your eyes,
         Hold on until the end.
         Beyond the sunset of this life,
         Undying love waits 'round the bend.
         Hold on, receive Him. Let Him take
         The life you have to live.
         'Cause if you do He'll make of it
         Much more than you can give."
--Gabriela (15)


(Family Alphabet Soup)
         The Family, the Family!
         There's nothing like the Family!
         Such a peculiar people before God.
         We've our own unique ways
         In these ol' last days.
         Why, even our language is odd!

         We've got our slogans and phrases
         In our songs and our praises,
         The volume of which is tremendous!
         And an alphabet soup,
         Like no other group,
         Our abbreviations are endless.

         Like the BIPs and the BOPs,
         The KWIC and the MOPs,
         GNs, FSMs and the WNDs,
         DMs and DBs,
         And the new FTTs
         Are just a few with which I begin.

         Our tools for STS: TAs and KVs;
         We also have FFs and TIVs;
         And with the bundles and stacks of posters and tracts,
         You'll even find old DTDs.

         Our mailings come in OPs,
         OP4J and OP4Ds,
         OPH, and OPD and OPF.
         From WS and the NPC,
         Now I'm getting so diz-zy.
         Can you remember any that are left?

         The educational plan
         Offered our Family clan
         Can be CLE, CVC, or in the rest
         Of our multitude of books--
         Big or small, you can look
         The largest of which is the BEST.

         There's FC, and it's been said
         You gotta watch out for the FED--
         For their papers and books are on the loose.
         And we still have lots of GAPs
         And HSVs upon our laps,
         Such a volume of material we produce!

         Now on outreach we can meet
         Some sweet hungry sheep
         So hungry they could become CATs,
         Or DFers or LOs,
         And God only knows
         What new names may yet appear upon the stats!

         We "consider the poor"
         And go "door to door"
         And "hitch our wagon to a star."
         We "ride the wave,"
         Got the world to save--
         What busy people we are!

         We need to "share the know,"
         Send a TRF to the CRO,
         And faithfully "schtick" to our "get out."
         Don't forget the funds for the HER,
         And let's practice the PER,
         With encouragement and love spread about.

         And we've got our brand "new models,"
         Who can often "break our bottles"
         With the truthful, yet unusual, things they say.
         Ask a YC or an MC
         Or OC, then you'll see
         They can speak in such a cute, innocent way.

         And with our pubs and our Grapevine
         We've got lots of brand New Wine
         And maybe it sounds strange, but still 'tis true.
         'Cause we read it and we think it,
         At the same time that we drink it;
         No wonder it's soaking thru and thru.

         And on the serious side
         We got to "swallow our pride"
         And put on the "garment of humility,"
         Flow with the moving of His Spirit,
         Speak His Word as we hear it
         And hone our gifts of prophecy.
         And God bless our generations
         In this wonderful new nation,
         With unity and with more heart-to-heart.
         Lord help us all to blend,
         On each other to depend,
         And truly, to have a brand new start.
         So in closing, I love you,
         Dear Family,
         And our lingo fun and zany.
         For my Family,
         With my Family,
         There's no place I'd rather be.
--Joanna Newheart

(One Family)
         When I look at other places
         Of service for the Lord,
         And start to think that in
my place
         All I can be is bored
         Becuz' I'm on a different status,
         "Fellow member" is the name.
         Nothing much to rave about;
         No way a "claim to fame"!

         But then, something inside me kicks
         And says, "Yo! What's the fuss?"
         And I realize that I have just
         Lost all my faith and trust
         In the Guy Who's kept me going,
         Seen me safely all these years;
         He's held me tight and set the light
         Upon my doubts and fears.

         Then, I remember what's in a name
         Or rather, "The Family"--
         Like five fingers upon a single hand;
         Isn't that what we're s'posed to be?
         No, I haven't lost my Salvation,
         Rather, I've gained a lot
         Thru' the breakings and remakings
         These tests and trials brought.

         For all you folks out there who know
         Jus' what it's like to be
         Called a "FMer," hey--
         We're one big Family!
         Remember, that the real test
         Is our faithfulness to the Lord.
         So please, let's stay together
         Like one unbroken cord.

         Yes, there've been misunderstandings
         And mistakes on our own part,
         But I think that what matters most
         Is the individual's heart.
         OK, all you FM teens,
         You've gone thru' a lot
         And probably you feel like me--
         Discouraged in your spot!

         Well, listen, cuz He's got news--
         Jus' what He's said before:
         That no matter what our status is,
         We're all soldiers to the fore.
         Jesus, He loves us jus' the same.
         There's no more doubt in my mind
         That He doesn't judge by status,
         No--His love then is blind.

         And as we work together,
         We'll all clearly see
         That, whether "FM" or "CM,"
         We're still "The Family"!
--Nikki (16)

A Most Royal Birthday
         Hark, ye people, one and all:
         The Kingdom celebrates!
         Come gather for a special feast--
         The banquet hall awaits;
         Decked with food and newest wine
         From Heaven's untold store.
         By grace of God and our dear queen
         We keep on getting more!

         The knights and nobles of the land
         In full attendance be.
         The princesses and ladies too
         Are quite a sight to see.
         And we all be of one accord,
         As we come here to say:
         May the Gracious Lord now bless and keep
         Our Queen on her Birthday!

         Behold, ye knights and ladies,
         Lords and nobles of the land,
         Behold, here come the king and queen;
         Let all arise and stand!
         A toast, a toast, guests of the realm!
         May every hand be seen!
         And as one voice let ours be heard:
         Hooray! Long live the Queen!

         May the good Lord bless and keep you
         Safely through another year.
         May your nights be filled with comfort
         And your days be filled with cheer.
         May His presence lead and guide you
         Always, lo, until the end,
         And may we always heed you closely,
         Our dear Mother, Queen and Friend!
--Red Cloud

The Guide
         A lad stood at the crossroad of a busy mart,
         Where roads each direction led.
         'Twas a place of decision that required an art,
         To choose the right path ahead.
         The art was acquired by one, Experience,
         Who passed this spot not oft!
         Time fell fast, and with the mart so immense,
         "How shall I find her, alas!"
         Then a loving hand he felt clasp his own,
         And a soothing voice fell to his ear.
         "Can I show you the way to walk, dear one?
         I've learned from Experience; come here."
         The guide had travelled the way before,
         And knew well of the dangers ahead,
         So she softly spoke, and did gently implore
         Him to follow, as she safely led.
         So they walked together, and she led the way,
         And at last they arrived at home.
         The guide had led the right way that day;
         He was glad he hadn't journeyed alone.

         To explain now this simplistic allegory,
         And disclose what I'm trying to say,
         May I retell this childish story
         In a little more personal way?

         As a child, I stood at a crossroad of life,
         Where decisions that count are made,
         Where thoughts run deep in the human heart,
         And the foundation for future years laid.
         I was too young by experience to learn,
         And to choose the right from the wrong,
         Yet those in whose hearts conviction did burn
         Came, eager to help me along.

         When majestic gates of Heaven are opened so wide,
         And we cross over the Golden Sea,
         We'll see Jesus, and there by His side
         This story again we shall see.
         The Heavenly trumpeters then will sound,
         And the angels with joy will sing,
         As each of you step up to receive your crown,
         And the rewards for you Jesus will bring.
         Then we'll show you, on the 3D TV,
         Just how much you meant in our lives.
         You adults are who led us to Jesus, you see!
         Thank you for molding our lives!

         Though now this poem is written in thanks,
         It's a brief shadow of what is to come;
         The Lord has much more in store for you there
         Just wait till we all get Home!
         Thank you, dear adults, for leading the way,
         And guiding me through all these years;
         Though no one is perfect, still I must say
         We've been joined as one through our tears.
         Thank you for jumping right into the PER,
         Though I'm sure it's not easy to do,
         But your tender words, prayers, your love and true faith,
         Have seen us JETTs, teens and YAs through!
--Rene (reprint)

(To Go the Distance)
         We forsook the Word, forsook our God,
         We left the road of faith untrod.
         We closed our eyes, turned from the light,
         We went our own way, which seemed so right!

         We forced some doors that were better locked,
         We danced to sounds of worldly rock.
         We tasted Babylonish "meat,"
         To find it knocked us off our feet.

         'Twas our own fault, our proud demands,
         That left us face down in the sand.
         But there in spite of fisted glove,
         Your hand reached down with mother's love.
         You showed us where we'd gone astray,
         And all we'd nearly thrown away.

         Dear Mama, how we need you so,
         To lead in every way we go.
         You show us how we ought to be
         And share Dad's Words that make us free.

         Now why walk when we can run?
         Reach for the stars! Reach for the sun!
         Why splash in puddles when we can swim?
         Why settle for anything less than an on-fire, all-out win?
--Kerenina (reprint)

         Life is like a puzzle, with millions of pieces to it.
         You get closer to the pieces 'round you as you go through it.
         Each generation is a puzzle to be completed;
         Each new generation is the puzzle of life repeated.
         The pieces around you are your family and friends;
         Although all unique, you fit together in the end.
         Some may be close to you, or further apart,
         But each piece is made by the Master of art.
         No puzzle piece is exactly the same as another--
         We all have our differences in one way or other,
         But in one way we're all the same;
         We're all part of the universal game.
         It's a game that will never cease
         Until we complete the Creator's masterpiece.
--Gerry (15)

The Giver
         He lived as a giver,
         But never would say
         How much of his life
         He was giving away.
         He didn't keep records
         Of all his good deeds;
         He just gave his life
         To fulfil other's needs.

         He talked with the broken
         And poor, ragged ones.
         He made them his own,
         Called them daughters and sons.
         He led them to Jesus--
         The way and the truth--
         And reached out in love
         To the lost lonely youth.

         He taught them the Bible
         And how they could give
         And witness to others
         The way that they lived.
         But needless to say,
         There were those who opposed,
         Who fought him and slandered
         The life that he chose.
         For all of his loving
         Put their lives to shame,
         Exposing the secrets
         Of their System's game.

         The kids asked him questions;
         He heard from the Lord
         And wrote them the answers
         From God's precious Word.
         He is a true shepherd
         Who weeps for lost souls.
         "Let's take the world, brother,
         That is our goal!"
         So we stay quite busy
         Fulfilling a dream.

         We're getting lots done,
         Though we're quite a small team.
         A tree is so judged,
         By the fruit that it bears.
         So you can judge us
         By the love that we share
         And the lives that we change
         And the songs that we sing.
         We've made a commitment
         To give everything!

         And so we are fought,
         And slandered, accused,
         For our simple faith
         And the life that we choose.
         But we keep on going;
         We'll fight till the end!
         With David our Shepherd
         And dear loving friend.
         It sure won't be long now
         Till Jesus returns,
         And gives out rewards There
         That everyone earned.
         So hop on aboard,
         If God's calling you!
         There's lots to accomplish,
         So much work to do.

         We're God's Endtime Army!
         We stand for the right,
         And if you want fulfilment
--Ashley Rose

Dedicated to Grandpa

One Life Opened Heaven for Me
         Calling out to a realm unknown,
         My life centers
         Around something I've never seen.
         What holds me together I do not know,
         But a power out in some galaxy
         Beams hope to me.
         My life seems fragile,
         Bound by an invisible force,
         But feeling it, I know it's real!
         What once held me dear has gone
         Where I may not yet go,
         Yet opened the door for me
         To where I belong.
         Somewhere greater than I know
         Holds someone who cares for me.
         When darkness penetrates my life,
         One star ever shines.
         One life never died,
         One life made mine worth living,
         One life opened Heaven for me!
--Esther (15) (reprint)

Dedicated to Mama


(Treasures in the Desert)
         I never thought the desert
                  Would become a beautiful place to me.
         I tried so hard to stay away
                  From that place of misery.
         I could handle the mountains
                  And endure the Jordan crossings,
         But the desert--not the desert!
                  Just days of endless walking
         Through burning sand and lifeless valleys,
                  Threatened by the sun.
         I knew life was full of adventure,
                  But for me this would not be one.
         Yet that's where Jesus took me,
                  And I did not understand.
         Why this dreary place where brave hearts trembled?
                  'Twas not how I had planned.
         My heart arose in protest,
                  And I knew He heard my cries
         He said, "My Love, one day you'll thank Me
                  For this blessing in disguise."
         Blessing; desert--
                  Can the two coexist?
         Is it worth all the struggle,
                  Worth all that I've risked?
         Could I endure the loneliness,
                  Withstand the scorching heat?
         Take the hunger and the thirst,
                  The burning sand beneath my feet?
         It all seemed so overwhelming
                  And I just felt so small,
         Certain I would tire
                  Certain I would fall.
         But Jesus saw my desperation,
                  He was touched by my heart's cry.
         Then in His dear and gentle way,
                  He began to tell me why.
         "My darling," He said, "how can you testify
                  Of My unending love,
         If you have not experienced
                  What you are speaking of?
         How can you say I'm all you need
                  Unless you've lost all else?
         How can you say you truly trust Me
                  Till you surrender to Me yourself?"
         So I ceased my protests and complaining
                  And hesitantly answered, "Yes."
         Jesus had given His all for me,
                  So how could I give less?
         Apprehensively I began the journey--
                  Actually I should say "we,"
         'Cause Jesus never left my side.
                  He was always there beside me.
         He became my light and warmth in the darkness,
                  A shade from the burning sun.
         The arms of a lover when I felt alone,
                  My song when I needed one.
         He nourished my weary body,
                  And strengthened my heart with His Word.
         I found such joy in His presence;
                  His voice was the sweetest e'er heard.
         When we reached the end of the desert,
                  And our journey had come to an end,
         I looked up into the eyes of Jesus;
                  He was now so much more than a friend.
         The closeness we had found together
                  Turned the desert sand to gold,
         And made it a precious, beautiful place
                  Worth more than riches untold!

Behind... After ... Always ... Forever!
         Behind every cloud there is always a wide blue sky;
         After a storm, the sun will always brightly shine.

         Behind every tear you'll always find a tender heart;
         After a failure, there's always hope for a fresh new start.

         Behind every struggle there will always be a Mighty Force;
         After this battle, victory will be FOREVER mine and yours.
--Sharon Starlight

The Journey
         Tossed like a ship upon the waves of a troubled sea,
         My mind filled with questions, my heart with agony.
         Where am I to turn, in a world of trouble and woe?
         Who will guide me and show me the way that I should go?
         This journey, alone, is not possible to complete,
         For there is one who rallies and vows my sure defeat.

         But the knowledge of my Savior and His promises to me
         Is assurance enough, giving me the courage that I need
         To tempt the raging storm and cross the troubled sea
         Into a world as cold as stone, and a land filled with greed.
         My heart is set to go, as One has called me there
         And promised me the victory as I knelt with Him in prayer.

         So with faith and courage will I follow this honored call
         For the One that leads me there is Lord and King of all.
--Phil, IVM

Dust in the Potter's Hands
         Once formed, then broken,
         Then through the fire again--
         The heart and mind, the soul are crushed
         Like dust in the Potter's hand.

         The grinding and the sifting
         In the life of every man
         Are just to cleanse and purify
         The dust in the Potter's hand.

         Now ready to be molded,
         Meet for vessel pure and fair,
         He takes the dust, with Master touch
         And tender loving care.

         Creates a man of beauty,
         Of mercy, kindness and
         A soul that's ever yielded
         Like the dust in the Potter's hand.
--Gab I.

A Better Vase
         On the workshop shelf, the ornate vase
         Was quite an impressive sight--
         Proudly posed where the light would shine
         On its colors, gaudy and bright.

         The Master Workman of the shop
         Was fond of the vase on the shelf.
         But now He paused as He entered the room
         And quietly mused to Himself.

         He brought the bright object down from the shelf,
         And with a swift blow of His skilled hand,
         Within seconds He'd broken the proud frame down,
         The image that once was so grand.

         That pots don't feel or think, we know,
         But just reflect for a moment on its fate.
         The same's surely happened to many a man
         Who began in the first-mentioned state.

         Here we are, sitting, our colors aglow,
         Feeling quite pleased with ourself;
         Failing to realize, because of our pride,
         We nonetheless are "on the shelf."

         But then the Master sees our plight,
         And knows we are being deceived.
         That is His purpose in tearing us down,
         Though surely His heart is grieved.

         For then from the shattered fragments of pot,
         From the humbled and broken man,
         The Master can form a more useful life,
         According to His best plan.

         The vase then need no longer boast of itself,
         Or strain for the window's light.
         For now from the yielded, loving heart,
         Comes another, gentler bright.

         You see, once the vase stopped trying so hard
         To be something gorgeous and great,
         And just let the Master break its pride,
         It was more beautiful by far in that state.

         When a man stops working so hard on his own
         And yields to the Master's breaking,
         A truly great life can then be formed
         Of the Master's choice and making.

         Oh, Jesus, take my life this day;
         Whatever You must, please do!
         Help and transform me as to You I yield,
         Into a new, humbler vessel for You!

The Truth Shall Make You Free
         Oh, Love! My imperfect failing heart
         Is tearing my mind and soul apart!
         Can Your love so vast and great
         Deliver me from this weary state?
         This trap I fell into on my own
         Is the heaviest burden I ever have known!
         I cannot tell others of my secret sin,
         So I sit in the cage I have made, locked in.

         In the stillness I wait--for what I do not know;
         Then, the breeze, it begins to flow.
         Comes Heavenly breath; it is my own true Love!
         He holds me close--my cheek feels His lips.
         My soul is revived with one tender kiss!
         "Darling," He whispers, "My precious pet,
         Even all My love cannot free you yet."

         He senses my despair and holds me to His heart.
         "All I want is your joy, but you must do your part.
         Your secret festers within, like an intensive sore;
         A concealing bandage cannot health and beauty restore.
         Allow those who love you to understand your sin and pain.
         It is noble indeed to yield, and not to fear shame.
         Though it be a difficult road, yet walk it with Me.
         I promise you, My love, the truth shall make you free."

         I slip a trembling hand into that of My wise Creator
         And though His path takes courage, I know it is greater:
         The joy of pleasing my dearest Friend,
         And living in truth will never end.
         I'm free from the desperate tears I cried
         When I clung firmly to foolish pride.
--Kylie Rain

Shifting Sand
         Waves roll, flooding the shores with tide's sure flow
         Sands windblown searching for a quiet resting place
         New faces sweep across the sky's cloudy surface
         As mist and vapors, so are the trends of time
         Tomorrow all is forgotten, remembered no more
         The wave vanishes into the deep blue, another forms
         The dunes of sand change shape under sightless wind
         A cloudy mist blends in the vast sky, altering images
         The fashions of man shift and change, nothing remains
         The sure and solid Rock will always be, forever lasting
--B. D. Phillips

Crushed Crystal
         If your heart is aching,
         Searching for one you cannot find.
         And you feel it's just about breaking,
         That crystal way deep down inside.

         Crushed, but not yet broken,
         Quelled, but not yet blue.
         And your spirit is a-croakin',
         For that help to pull you through.

         But in your darkest hour,
         Which is always right before dawn.
         You'll find that boost of power,
         And your sadness will be just about gone.

         That might, where did it come from?
         That strength--surely it seems odd!
         That vigor should suddenly come to you,
         Shows it was purely from God.
--Angelina (15) (reprint)

Hold On
         When you've cried all the tears that can be shed
         When you've claimed every promise in the Word you
         When you've said all the words that can be said
         When you've given all the punches that you can throw
         When you've prayed and prayed 'till you're prayed
         When you've fought the fight 'till your strength is gone
         There's one thing more that you can do:
--Hold on!

         When you've taken all that there is to take
         When you've lost your last ounce of hope ...
         When you feel like your life is one big mistake ...
         When you've come to the end of your rope ...
         When it all seems wrong and you don't know why ...
         When the struggle is just too long ...
         Don't fold up and die, but give this a try:
--Hold On!

         When you've borne your burden for days on end
         When you've endured the pain 'till your heart could break
         When the road ahead seems to have no bend
         When you've forsaken all that you can forsake
         When the night seems like an eternity
         When you've waited and waited for the day to dawn
         The light will come; I promise thee:
--Hold on!
--Joanna (Celeste)

I am Crucified (Gal.6:14)
         You ask me what is my desire.
         Does my heart crave for things?
         Or does the future "light my fire,"
         When I think about my dreams?
         Do I have someone who belongs to me,
         To whom my heart is tied?
         No, from these I am set free,
         For I am crucified.

         Is there something great that I must do,
         Some position I must fill?
         A job to keep me strong and true,
         A place to do my will?
         Is there anything I long for now,
         That grips me deep inside?
         Or things that I would not allow?
         No, I am crucified.

         My Savior was nailed to a cross
         And thus He's bidden me.
         He said it would be gain, not loss;
         That to die, I'd be set free.
         The world around I cannot see--
         It is dark on every side.
         My eyes are fixed on Calvary
         Yes, I am crucified.
--Gab I.

Tired, But Not Weary
         The road may seem quite long sometimes,
         And the days deemed a bit dreary,
         But the Lord keeps keeping on for me;
         So though I'm tired, I'm not weary!

         There are some things that sorrow brings
         That joy could scarce impart:
         The empathy and tenderness
         Of a deep and softened heart.

         Though oft to bear the soul's heartbreak,
         It takes but all your strength,
         In God's good time you'll surely know
         'twas more than worth the length.

         In every cup brimful of tears,
         Along every stormy trail,
         You will know more sure than ever
         The Love that never fails.

The Cellar of Life
         I've heard it spoken by many a tongue
         And mused by many a mind:
         "If you find yourself in the cellar of life,
         Just look about for the wine!"

         But, my friend, heed well this word,
         For sure as God is fair,
         The only wine you'll ever find
         Is what you've stored down there.

         Two men went to their cellars,
         To the dankness and the cold,
         'Twixt walls of stone to be alone
         With naught but burdened soul.

         One, he moaned and groaned and sighed
         Between the gray walls drifting;
         The other, in time, chanced on some wine,
         And found his spirit lifting.

         Ho! Everyone that thirsteth, come
         And buy wine without money!
         Stock up the cellar of your soul
         While days are bright and sunny.

         For then, when you may chance upon
         This dank and darkened room,
         The bottles nigh will catch your eye
         And drive away the gloom.

         So, remember this, my friend,
         In cellar of despair:
         No stock wine therein you'll find
         Unless you've placed it there.
--Red Cloud

Beauty to Behold
         A flower in bloom is gone so soon;
         A sunset fades away;
         A rainbow arcs across the sky,
         But it doesn't last all day.

         If you catch the sight of a falling star
         It's a precious thing you've found;
         The sparkling drop only hangs so long
         'Til it plunges to the ground.

         The butterfly in the meadow
         Disappears on wings of flight,
         And the frost upon the window
         Melts away with first sunlight.

         The child playing by himself,
         Well, he soon becomes a man;
         And it isn't long 'til the life he's given
         Is taken back again.

         Some things take but a moment,
         They're fast and fleeting--gone.
         We are passing by this way but once,
         Then we must be moving on.

         O' beauty, precious beauty,
         So difficult to hold,
         You belong to just a very few
         Who know how to let you go.
--Gab I.

Gods Blessings in Disguise
         (Little girl:)
         "The rain is pouring down again,
                  oh, mother, my-oh-me!
         How it flows from off the roof,
                  and drips from leaf to leaf.
         I saw the birds a min't ago
                  as they hustled towards the tree,
         I bet by now they're wet and cold,
                  'cause they were tiny, wee."

         "I had my sun hat ready
                  'cause I was off to play.
         But now it's wet and muddy;
                  bet I'll be in all day.
         Now I feel sad and droopy;
                  through the window the sky looks gray."

         "Now I can't even find the sun,
                  though I'm up on my tippy-toes.
         It must be hiding somewhere far.
                  Oh, Mother, do you know
         Why all this water has to fall
                  on us down here below?"

         And as I sat and listened
                  to my questioning little child,
         I thought how I've oft felt just the same
                  about life's many trials.
         But just a little later,
                  the silence was suddenly broken,
         As she ran back to tell the news
                  about God's special token.

         "Mummy, please do come and look!
                  Look out at that tree!
         The leaves now seem to sparkle,
                  'cause they're all washed and clean.
         And if you'll listen closely,
                  There's a sweet song to be heard,
         'Cause she's also had her shower!--
                  It's a cute little bird!"

         "The grass got to drink some water,
                  and the dirt's gone from the porch,
         And I saw a little flower
                  that too much sun might scorch."

         "And you know what Mommy?...
                  I think I like the rain."
         (And then I said within me,
                  "Lord, thank You for the pain.")
         "Cause we need both rain and sunshine,
                  to keep stuff alive and clean."
         ("Yes," I thought, "both joy and pain,
                  the best from life to bring.")
--Joy (of Benji)

A Prayer to Him
         To smile through my breakings
         To go on without fear
         To accept life's disappointments
         With a heart that's full of cheer

         To have victory through heartache
         To give forth sweetness amidst pain
         To fall beneath my cross
         And then to lift it up again

         To follow without question
         To shine love pure and true
         Oh Lord! Make me a blessing
         This is what I ask of You
--Gab I.

         The future, though cloaked in a veil of black
         That my eyes cannot see the ground where I walk,
         Need not falter my faith in Thy Word
         That You know the way, and can see through the night.
         That my life, not a maze, but perfectly planned;
         With my hand in Yours, I can walk assured.

         Life's way is steep, and I had well nigh slipped,
         If Thy mercy and truth had not held me high.
         When I had not the might, nor heart to climb on,
         Your loving arms upheld me, and when I
         Had not the strength to take a step alone,
         Thou didst for me, and carried me, 'till I was strong.

         Thy Word, the unbreakable promise beneath,
         That supports my life, unwavering still.
         For though that life may falter and fail,
         The Rock can never, for sturdy it stands.
         Abiding forever, my faith in It placed;
         It has not, It cannot, It will never fail.
--Joanna (Celeste)

(A Tough Spirit and Tender Heart)
         When you feel alone and deserted;
         While the throngs about are the same;
         When love that you've given gives naught in return,
         And "friend" is only a name;

         When what you've wanted the most to prove,
         Proved you wrong, or incapable, weak;
         When dreams that overwhelmed youthful ideals
         Are shattered and broken and cheap;

         When you come to a path that says "hopeless";
         When dark shadows, groping, descend;
         When your life isn't worth the dust 'neath your feet;
         When the milestone ahead reads "The End";

         If you can do what the brave few have done,
         With nothing left in their hand--
         One thing, nay, but twain my friend,
         You must first understand.

         While God sends hardship to strengthen the soul,
         And toughen the wavering mind,
         He strips us of all that we think we own
         Or are, that we may find.

         Sweetness and strength are not as we think
         To choose, as if one or the other.
         The toughened spirit and the virtue of strength
         Are all in need of another--

         Which is a heart broken and breaking still,
         Not brittle, but soft and kind;
         The heart that feels, the heart that calls
         The tears of another "mine."

         When you've been faced with death and are battle-worn,
         But a tougher battle comes,
         Friend, if two things you can do,
         With God's help both at once,

         Then you've learned the secret to every battle in life,
         In whole, not just in part:
         "Keep a tough spirit, soldier,
         And with it a soft tender heart."
--Clare T.

The Clouds of Life
         Why is it that the clouds of life grow dark,
         And sometimes seem they'll never be light?
         God in His infinite wisdom knows why,
         And always, always He lights up the sky.

         These times, they come to test and make us,
         So that utterly in God we put our trust.
         He helps us make it along the way,
         And keeps us safe day by day.

         He wants us to love Him wholly and truly,
         And not have others distracting our minds.
         He wants us to put Him first and foremost,
         And not only "when we find the time."

         In everyone's life we must have some rain,
         And a lot of times a little bit of pain.
         But God knows just how much we can take,
         And always gives back the sunshine again.

         God never gives us more than we can bear,
         Even though sometimes we may think it's not fair.
         He knows what He's doing much more than you and I,
         So I guess it's best to say, "It doesn't matter why."


The Spirit ... I Believe
         I see the thronging masses ...
         Rushing, giving, running, living;
         And I believe.

         I look into their hidden souls ...
         Dreaming, sighing, hoping, trying;
         And I believe.

         The quiet eyes of innocence ...
         Trusting, believing, growing, achieving;
         And I believe.

         A mother's tender heartcry ...
         Wishing, sharing, helping, caring;
         And I believe.

         The older, aging heartbeat ...
         Praising, knowing, praying, showing;
         And I believe.
         If you look, you too will see it ...
         Searching, turning, breathing, learning;
         And you'll believe.
         Someday, the world will know Him
         Loving, seeing, touching, freeing;
         And they'll believe.
--Erika Monroe

The Greatest Gift
         Oh, my soul yearns to give,
         My heart wishes to supply
         A needy one with love enough
         To renew his broken life.

         Alas, in me alone,
         Such a love does not abide,
         My Savior descending from His throne,
         Has suffered for all and died.

         His Love so much sweeter than my own
         Can fill the lonely heart,
         Giving freedom and joy to him,
         That never will depart.

         Yes, best the thing I can do,
         To reach the lonely one,
         Is to give the love of Jesus,
         God's precious, loving Son.
--B. D. Phillips

The Universal Soul
         Why do you wait to come my way,
         To tell me all you have to say?
         For it was yesterday I needed to hear,
         That I needed your heart by me so near.
         For I tell you now in all humility
         That my prayer is for love, simplicity.
         Though I have the world at my feet,
         I count every glory of the past a defeat.
         I would know of the love of your Lord,
         For this, all my wealth cannot afford.
         So to you I plead, with a dying breath:
         Let me live in your love and your rest.
         That I may revive and live once again;
         I pray that you to me He will send.
--Phil, IVM

(Cries of Anguish)
         Beaten with ailment,
         Stomped upon by depression,
         Slapped and scarred by misjudgment.
         Eaten with grief.
         Viciously torn apart by careless and hateful hands.
         Slashed and forever impaired by malicious rumor.
         Crippled by belittlement.

         Broken with heartache.
         Fevered and trembling with fear.
         Tortured by their nightmares and evil imaginations.
         Tied up with inexplicable and confusing emotions.
         Raped by the selfishness of man.
         Naked and cold with emptiness and loneliness.
         Hungry and searching--for what?
         For one glimmer of genuine and trustworthy care in the eyes of a passer by on the path
         By which they must sit and wait.
         Cruelly aware of the terror that this insane and perverse world will surely strike them with.

         Will you be those eyes?
         Go one step farther and be the hands.
         --Reach out.
         One step more and be the arms.
         One last step and be the home.
--Sunny James

Light of Foot
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Rom 10:15)

         Light upon your feet, wealth of Heaven within your heart;
         The ground that is beneath your feet will shine bright as
         The footprint will light the way for the lost and searching
         In answer to the prayer they pray, and show them the way
                  to go.
--Phil, IVM

From Shadows to Life
         I walk through lonely shadows--
         Seeing, feeling, breathing life;
         I gather in my senses
         The songs of human strife.
         I see the passion blossom
         Like a changing melody;
         I hear the fearful silence
         In the soul of every being.
         It's painted in their pictures;
         It's cried out in their songs;
         It's portrayed by every feeling
         That surrounds us all day long.

         Escaping death and yet afraid
         Of living love and life;
         Refusing help, but crying tears
         That die like shades of night.
         Filled with wonder, but ashamed,
         Denying what they feel;
         Reaching for true happiness,
         But blinded in their fear.
         I lived that life of needing more,
         The endless searching stare;
         Still wanting it, but dreading
         That the power wasn't there

         Enveloped by emotions,
         They have little time to breathe.
         Ignoring all the ache inside;
         Pretending it will leave.
         Bleeding from the emptiness,
         Attempting to beat life;
         Hoping that the killing pain
         Will self-destruct in time.
         Yet in the dark, their tears run free,
         Begging for sincerity
         "Why is it that at night we dream
         And daytime is reality?"

         Please, these hearts are dying!
         They need Your sweet caress;
         Reveal the truth You promised--
         Take away the angriness!
         Comfort their confusion;
         Calm their troubled minds!
         Let them find what I can feel
         When looking in Your eyes .
         Then I heard His gentle whisper,
         Like a breeze that echoed low.
         His response won't be forgotten;
         It clutched my heart and held my soul:

         "My love is yours to show them;
         Their answer is in your hands!
         Will you fulfill their longing?
         Will you go reach their lands?
         My joy is theirs forever,
         But your will must be on leave!
         Will you give up your desires
And lose your selfish dreams?
         Only with your broken heart
         Can I express My care;
         To dry their tears of emptiness
I need to have YOU there."

         My heart repeats the challenge
         As I hear the angels sing
         Will I give up all my longing?
         Will I yield my dreams to Him?
         Will I listen to their heartcry,
         And, in turn, surrender mine?
         Will I die to live His loving?
         Will I care, with arms flung wide?
         Will I wipe away the endless tears
         That blind the broken hearts?
         Will I share the light I've cherished
         With the poor souls in the dark?

         His design will last forever
         My heart's dreams will fade away;
         His love lives beyond tomorrow
         My mind only knows today.
         When my heartcry has been silenced,
         I will hear a longing life
         That has cried a million teardrops
         At a thousand different times.
         And with the peace that flows within me,
         I'll have love enough to share;
         When the life replaces shadows,
         I'll be there because
HE cares.
--Erika Monroe

(Here Today)
         This could be your last day here
         So what are you going to
do about it?
         Are you going to hold back the message you owe,
         Or are you gonna sing and shout it?
         Will you really give till it hurts,
         Or will you keep it within?
         Will you seek God for new plans,
         To see places you've never seen?
         Will you treat every heart that you meet
         As you would that God should treat you?
         Will you do all that you can to help them,
         Whatever, to pull them through?
         Will you really seek and save,
         Sacrifice yourself for the lost?
         If not, don't move, be still, ask God
         To help you count the cost.

The War
For the Refugees in Croatia

         I heard the solemn drums of war,
         The men that marched, behind, before
         As bestial as it could be,
         A waste of life, such tyranny!
         I saw the sky, all black with smoke;
         Heard mothers, children, cry and choke.
         I saw the homes that were destroyed;
         No honor there, no help employed,
         As men and women trod the night
         To leave the danger of the fight
         To live in safer better lands,
         But finding not a helping hand.

         And on and on the war drums beat,
         The air smelled of a hushed defeat.
         How many men to war must go?
         How many die? Oh, who can know!
         Herded together like a flock,
         Living in a tattered block;
         The lives went on in hopelessness,
         Tried not to think of all they miss.

         A peaceful land, a happy nation
         Is undone for a generation.
         And there's so very little left
         Of what's not lost in smoke or theft,
         Or simply blown into the sky,
         As children ask their mothers "Why?"
         Life means so little anymore
         For us, the stricken and the poor,
         Defeat is all that can prevail,
         Life is a rugged winding trail.

         But no! What's that below a snow white dove?
         Some people that believe in God Above.
         They say there's peace, yes, even here,
         Where death is always drawing near,
         A light is shining on their face,
         Their home, they say, is outer space!
         And I'm invited to a Feast,
         Where all our miseries will cease!

         Oh, who can bring such fantasies
         So near to a reality?
         So much that they can say it's true,
         It's just as if they really knew.
         Far from the world of refuge camps,
         Of long food lines and quarters cramped,
         They say that worries There are o'er
         The drums of killing sound no more.

         "Oh, friend, I tell you, I believe,
         And more than that, I do receive
         The love you preach, the songs you sing,
         You've given me back everything.
         For now I know that God does care
         You are the answers to our prayers!"

         They gave me something I could read,
         "Something on which your soul can feed,"
         And when they leave, I'll reach them still
         By pen, believe you me, I will!
         I've asked them what their name would be,
         They call themselves "The Family"!
--Ashley Rose (reprint)

The Mask
         Behind a man's phony laughter,
         The plastic grin and empty eyes;
         The shallow exchanges, empty, emotionless--
         A heart softly, silently cries.

         Buried beneath each display of confidence,
         There is a life permeated with fear;
         And the shallow joy that they boast of
         Is a mask for a soul shedding tears.

         A glimpse into a life of bravado
         Shows a heart that is cowering low;
         A spirit battle-weary and dying,
         Seeking rest from his manifold woes.

         Some revel in a pleasure that's empty;
         And they laugh to escape from their pain;
         While their hearts yearn all the while longer
         For the day when truth and liberty reign.

         They need not wear their masks much longer,
         For the curtains will soon be drawn
         And we'll leave this life's stage to a new world
         When the day of freedom will dawn.

The Valley of Despair
         There was once a lonely soul,
         Who roamed this desert earth.
         Desert?--Of places, things and people it lacked not,
         But love, peace and understanding is what this dear soul sought.

         Where'er this soul would seek,
         To her dismay she'd find
         That those around her, of only themselves cared.
         And as her endless search went on, she found herself
                  greatly despaired.

         Yea, trapped she was--
         Not in prison, or cave, or anything of the sort.
         But in life--in vain it all seemed.
         Love, peace and understanding? Why, that was only

         One day, God's love passed by;
         A simple thing it was!
         A word, embrace, a song or smile? I know not to this day!
         But I do know God's love worked a miracle, and I can boldly say:

         This soul no longer seeketh,
         "Trapped" now has no meaning!
         Freedom, joy, happiness, peace of mind,
         God's love, with her doth always abide. For He is ever merciful and kind!

         Neither you nor I may have been out there,
         In the desert of the world.
         But may God help us to be His love in the midst of their despair.
         Don't forget, you could be that soul that was hopelessly wandering out there!!
--Ruth (17) (reprint)

The Call of the Missionary
         The longing I feel in my heart so deep:
         The call of the missionary wild,
         To be free to go to the distant land,
         Not to stay in the murk and the mire.

         It's pulling so strong that I can hardly sit
         Or stay in one place for so long.
         I dream of the day that I'll be far away,
         Singing the missionary's song.

         Lord help me to go where You want me to go,
         To yield to Thee e'ry step of the way.
         I dare not take a step out of Your will;
         I long to stay faithful to Thee every day.

         Help me to be what You want me to be,
         Whether it's here or there.
         I care not to stay in the lush low lands
         Where life is boringly fair.

         The call that I feel is strong in my heart,
         It's leading me o'er the seas.
         So speak to me, Lord, for I want to know
         How You with my life I can please.
--Rose Secretary

A Missionary Make
         From the forests in Siberia,
         To Arabia's sandy soil,
         The world has felt the impact
         Of their prayers and their toil.

         These unknown, humble people,
         Doing simple, common tasks,
         Were called by God for service,
         To do what Heaven asks.

         Many left riches and family;
         They gave up everything,
         To love the peoples of other lands,
         To follow the voice of the King.

         Some will say that serving God
         Is stupid and weak and grim,
         But watch what God can do for you
         When you give your life to Him.

         In deserts, rain and jungles,
         Through swamps where pests abide,
         David Livingstone in Africa preached,
         The Gospel far and wide.

         Adoniram Judson traveled
         To Burma far away,
         And preached God's Word relentlessly,
         Until his dying day.

         Hudson Taylor sailed
         The ocean deep and wide,
         To reach the people of China,
         When he got to the other side.

         Then Pandita Ramabai,
         So frail, weak and old,
         Brought Jesus to her people
         In the mountains high and cold.

         Another man preached faithfully
         For years without acclaim,
         To the peoples of vast India;
         William Carey was his name.

         There are countless faithful others
         Who are in God's hall of fame;
         They lived to tell the Good News,
         Not for comfort or a name.

         So although the road of plenty,
         Seems the easiest to take,
         Walk the path of humble service,
         And a MISSIONARY make!
--Sunny James

Peace for the Children
         I hear a cry come from a distant country
         From a heart that is beating with hope
         That one day true love will come to light the world,
         And bring deliverance from all violence and hate.

         When will there be peace for the children?
         For those who long for the day
         When detonations will cease.
         The world will be filled with peace,
         And these terrors will vanish away.

         With nation rising 'gainst nation,
         And predictions of more destruction and doom,
         Who can lift the burden and ease the sorrow;
         Mend the broken hearts and heal the wounds?

         Who can rescue the hearts that are bleeding,
         And the lives torn with anguish and fear?
         Who can give them hope of brighter days,
         And wipe away their bitter tears?

         Who will give peace for the children
         Who live for the dream of a world with no war?
         Where waves of sadness, hatred and dying,
         Never wash the sands of this dream-world's shores?

         Won't you listen to a love that is pleading
         To hold your hand and give you peace in your storm?
         To put a song on your lips, and faith in your heart,
         Wipe your tears and soothe the heartache you've known.

         Soon we'll step on the shores of a life that's forever;
         Hatred and suffering won't reach those golden sands.
         The memories of pain will vanish and cease;
         The World will be filled with love and peace.
         And your children can be children again.

Look of Love
         Why does one person catch my eye,
         When I walk down the street?
         A certain magic touch that links
         My eyes with those I meet?

         The second's look that sweeps between
         Is not easily defined;
         Nor is the pull I feel inside
         For that one I leave behind.

         And yet there must some reason be
         For each and every meeting;
         Why Jesus crossed our separate paths
         And set those hearts a-beating.

         There's oft no time to say a word
         Or give a witness then.
         And after that 'tis seldom that
         We ever meet again.

         So why the draw, the magic pull
         That links our hearts as one?
         That leaves a tender feeling deep
         Long after they are gone?

         Well, it makes me want to give my all
         For them in desperate prayer,
         And pray that they will then respond,
         Though I know not how nor where.

         I know this is not wasted time;
         I know there is a purpose.
         Why God should have us meet that day
         More than just on the surface.

         I pray that my smile, the light in my eyes,
         The Jesus they see shining through,
         Is something they can't brush from their minds.
         And will bring them someday to You.

         So I'll keep on praying, and loving too,
         I'll hold onto my secret dream,
         That one day perhaps again we will meet,
         As unlikely as it may seem.

         And yet, who knows? When someone stands
         In prayer and doesn't give in,
         The effect it can have in a lost one's life
         May save him at last from his sin.

         Then in Heaven again, all these loved ones we'll meet;
         Only then dreams will really come true.
         But from now until then, when you're safe in His arms,
         I won't give up praying for you!

China Haunts
         China calls my heart away
         China haunts me night and day;
         Of China I dream, rise and wake
         China threatens my life to take
         For all the danger that goes there.
         My waking moments spent in prayer
         That somehow I can find a way
         Someday, my debt to that nation pay
         For all the goodness I have had
         All my gladness, while they're sad
         My heart, it breaks, because I know
         That if I don't, oh, who will go?
         Not much appeal it holds for most
         But to me lies there all that's close
         To a heart that beats, eyes that see
         Lips that speak, breath that breathes
         When will I be released to find
         The thoughts now racing through the mind
         Of each soul that lies in ignorance
         Waiting for my work to commence?
         To show, to tell, to touch, to heal;
         To give in place of lies, a truth so real.
         May each tear, each drop of blood
         Each toiled labor in sweat and mud
         Be in honor of that mighty land
         Where I would love to put my hand
         To service for my God, my King;
         Every ounce of strength I'd bring
         Let possessions go, the world behind
         New sets of friends and family I'd find.
         Their searching eyes hold me in a grip
         Ne'er to be released till I've made the trip
         Across the seas, and o'er high paths
         Embracing happiness, enduring wrath.
         My soul, it bursts, oh will it hold?
         Till all are brought within Thy fold
         My admiration and longing is with those
         Who advance, press on, despite the foes
         Boring through the great wall, stone by stone
         Whether with friends, or whether alone.
         This passion has never been surpassed
         And till my dying day, 'twill be the last
         Prayer that leaves my thirsty and parched lips
         The souls of China, from my heart rips
         The cries, the calls, the anguish full
         As so many in their contented lands mull.
         We own but one life--live it to burn out!
         Fear not for yourself, take the high route!
         Place your soul in God's wings and onward go
         Leaving all else who would remain below.
         If in solitary company, you still have God
         Who would show you the best way to trod
         Can you not give it up, for one such as I?
         Who would gladly give all, even if called to die?
         Take my place, take my heart, only just
         Find within you courage to do what I must.
         Sell your being to this land that has not much
         Make your way there today, to give but one touch
         When your life ends, will you say with pride
         "China has taken my life--for them I have died"?
         I plead for those words, that your lips they not miss
         For my spirit, seal every Chinese soul with God's kiss.
--Joy Waters
         Dedicated to Jonathan Waters


The Princess and the Knave
         There once was a beautiful story told
         From times of castles and knights of old;
         And though it's set in times far gone,
         I've found the lessons still live on.
         The tale lay deep in an old worn book.
         I flipped each page, began to look.
         I thought you might learn from it, too,
         So here it is, retold for you.

         It all begins with one sweet lass
         Who was born into the ruling class
         To be a Princess of the King.
         She loved to play and dance and sing;
         She thrilled to hear the trumpets sound,
         And so, she made her father proud.
         Her teachers all were very wise,
         And life was all one big surprise.

         She spent her day with castle folk;
         She'd work with them or hear a joke.
         Her dark blond hair and clear blue eyes
         Were to each viewer such a prize.
         She loved the castle gardens fair,
         For she could feel God's presence there.
         Then one day at the break of dawn,
         The sky turned red as men marched on.
         There was a war within the realm;
         She heard the clashing swords and helms.
         And so she ran to her Father's side,
         Her face in his two hands to hide.
         "Oh, Father, I am frightened so!
         How many men to war must go?"

         "My Princess, you must be more strong.
         This war I feel may last quite long.
         Our enemy has sworn and said
         He will not stop till we are dead.
         The monarchy he would destroy,
         But still, there is some cause for joy:
         Our defenses are guarded well,
         And we shall win, as time will tell.

         "But I would caution you, my dear,
         To entertain no strangers here.
         I feel, if you can comprehend,
         Our enemy, dressed like a friend
         May seek your life as well as mine.
         So please, my Princess, don't be blind!
         This time for you will then have been
         The careful making of a Queen.

         "My darling, do you understand?"
         She lifted her head and kissed his hand,
         "Oh, Father, you know I will try,"
         She spoke as tears welled in her eyes.
         They knelt in prayer before the throne.
         "We cannot fight this war alone."
         The King went on, "We need Your might,
         Oh, God, to help us in this fight.

         "And also, I would pray for she
         Who shall be ruler after me.
         Let her be wise and cautious, too,
         Of those who seek her harm to do."

         The months passed by, the war went on;
         The enemy's strength was all but gone.
         King's men conquered cities for the throne,
         Because they trusted God alone.
         Then Achen, chief of enemies
         Sent out some very urgent pleas.

         So cross was he, and so outraged,
         His noblemen were quickly paged
         To have a conference and to choose
         A man to help them not to lose.
         The evil eyes of Achen burned
         With hatred as his subjects learned:
         He was obsessed to have the crown
         And be a ruler of renown.

         "What is it, men, our tactics lack?
         How is it they're not driven back?"
         Then up stood one with fierce attire,
         His eyes, like Achen's, burned with fire.
         "I have somewhat to say, my lord:
         This war cannot be won with sword.
         The thing I feel we so much lack
         Is a well-schemed inside attack!

         "Look at the King; he's old and weak.
         It is the Princess' life we seek!
         I'll get inside the castle ground,
         A 'gardener' who works around.
         For I have heard she spends her days
         Among the flowers, in God's praise.
         And then, I think, t'will not be long
         Before she sings her final song."

         "Oh, what a bright and simple plan!"
         Said Achen, "Yes, you are the man!
         But win her trust by being nice.
         This chance may not be given twice.
         Our chance to succeed is but lent
         Until they find our true intent.

         "Tear down her vital confidence
         And then her childish innocence;
         Plant thoughts in her like evil weeds,
         But coat them well, like golden seeds."
         The enemies now laughed with glee,
         And toasted all to victory!
         Meanwhile, arrangements had been made
         For Achen's man to be so laid
         As if he was a wounded man.
         Oh, what a cunning, crafty plan!
         He stole his attire in the night
         From a dead soldier in the fight.
         And so, as if a dying soul,
         With one small wound he played the role.

         As Princess came to make the rounds
         In sickbay, she would hear the sounds
         Of wounded men, and tried to smile,
         Encourage them or sing awhile.
         And she was loved by many men;
         She longed to see them well again.

         "And who is this? He must be new!"
         She asked a nurse who was in view.
         "Oh, yes, my Lady, he's just in,
         And soon his treatment will begin."
         "Oh, let me help you, please," she said
         "I'll fetch some water and some bread."
         When she had come back to the bed,
         She kissed the man and stroked his head.

         "What is your name? How does it go?"
         "I'm Derick, ma'am," he whispered low.
         "Oh, how your beauty heals my heart
         Of all the pain that is a part
         Of fighting in this noble war.
         But I feel I can fight no more.
         I long to see the gardens fair
         And work within the sunshine there."

         "I'll see if that can be arranged,
         So that you don't feel so estranged,"
         The Princess said. "I'm often there,
         When I have any time to spare."
         "Oh, precious lady, you're too kind!
         Your gentleness is hard to find."

         "Rest now, my weary soldier friend,
         So that this wound may see its end."

         Her faithful friend, Anne, cautioned her,
         "Princess, his records are unsure.
         I don't know, but I feel somehow
         It isn't wise to trust him now."

         "Oh, don't be so suspicious, Anne!
         He's just a very simple man.
         He seems so kind and truthful, too.
         I think he's sweet, so why don't you?"
         "It's just a bit too fast to trust
         A man who's only come in just."

         But Princess did just as she pleased,
         Though Anne still felt a bit uneased.
         "A wonderment, this past of his;
         I want to find out who this is!"

         So Achen's man went right to work;
         Under a cloak of light he lurked.
         He won her trust by his kindly deeds--
         Those poisonous, but pretty seeds.
         He meekly questioned how she'd be
         A Princess, "Ma'am, I just don't see!"

         "Oh, Derick, I don't want to now!"
         She told him with a wrinkled brow,
         "But God has asked this thing of me.
         This is the way it's meant to be."

         "Oh madam, are you ready quite
         To lead in such a fearsome fight?
         There are some maidens much more strong;
         Your heritage just might be wrong!"
         "Oh, Derick, why do you speak on?
         My confidence is nearly gone!"
         She walked away, but deeply thought
         About the words that Derick wrought.
         "'Tis true I'm not most qualified.
         What would I do if Father died?"

         As she let Derick's dirges ring,
         Her thoughts grew weak with comparing.
         She failed to eat and lost her strength
         By dwelling on her lacks at length,
         So she plunged into deep despair,
         For other maidens seemed more fair.

         And as she walked the halls one day,
         Her father met her on the way.
         "What is it, darling, are you not well?"

         "Oh, no, it's nothing I should tell.
         It would seem silly anyways.
         For you these are important days.
         Don't bother now, with me, my King.
         I'm in control of everything!"

         But deep inside the seeds had grown;
         She felt more distant, more alone.
         As all the negativity
         Was strengthening its gravity
         And pulling her so quickly down,
         Thus distancing her from the crown.

         And through the months her strength grew poor,
         As she believed lies more and more.
         But Anne had kept a watchful eye,
         As Princess weakened by and by.
         Researching into Derick's life,
         She found he held old Achen's knife,
         Anne quickly went to tell the King
         Of all that had been happening.

         Meanwhile the Princess lay in bed,
         And wished to God that she were dead.
         "I'm good for nothing anymore.
         I don't see what I'm living for.
         I feel so lost and so forlorn--
         I wish that I was never born!"

         "I want a knife," she told the maid
         "Make sure it has the sharpest blade!"
         The servant left and closed the door.
         "My goodness, what was all that for?"

         "Here is the knife you're sent to find!"
         The maid near screamed, and looked behind her--
         There stood Derick, full and tall.
         "There's no cause for alarm at all!
         Give her the knife, don't let her cry!
         There isn't time to tell you why."

         The maid went back inside the room;
         The Princess said, "You're back so soon!"
         "Well, someone out there seemed to know,
         And brought this knife, so here you go!"

         "Now leave me, please, and close the door.
         I shall not see you anymore."

         "This seems too good to all be true,"
         Laughed Derick low, for now he knew
         His plan was just about complete.
         The Princess he would soon defeat;
         But better still, by her own hand--
         And from within as he had planned.

         But his great triumph would be short,
         For just then came the King's escort
         And seized him, but he felt no shame.
         "She's dead!" he cried, "I won the game!"
         "We'll see who wins the final score,"
         Spoke the King and burst the door.
         He grabbed her knife and hugged her close,
         "NO! NO! Princess, of all the host!
         How could you be so blind to try and take
         The life it took God years to make?

         "That Derick is our enemy;
         In this knife lay his victory!
         His is the chief of Achen's men,
         Thank God, the Kingdom's safe again!
         But this was his most cruel attack--
         To try to get the Kingdom back.

         "My Princess, do you see it now?
         You nearly let go of the plow!
         For as your faith grew less and less,
         You could not rule in righteousness."

         "Oh, Father, I'm the one to blame!
         I let myself, I'm so ashamed!
         Through all his falsities and lies
         Those deadly thoughts and alibis
         But now I have been weak so long;
         How can I change and be more strong?"

         "I think I know what we should do,
         Said Anne, "This Bible is for you.
         We'll read these pages, you and I;
         This is the Book you shall rule by;
         The secret of our righteous land
         You must hold tightly in your hand.
         Let's pray for you, my dear Princess,
         That you can give your very best,
         That God will make you fit to reign
         And never choose that road again."

         And so, they spent the night in prayer
         And sought God's help together there.
         While seeking guidance on their knees,
         God gave the needed victories.
         And in the morn, we heard them sing--
         Sweet Anne and Princess, and the King!

         And now, my friends, she is a Queen
         Who rules in love, the best I've seen.
         And what her Kingdom never lacks
         Is safety from inside attacks.
         Too well she knows that evil spell;
         She guards her mind and guards it well.
         Love burst those chains and now she's free
         From all that negativity!
--Ashley Rose (18)

The Gardener's Dream
         The gardener woke like every day,
         And tended the garden his own sweet way.
         Each plant that was residing there
         Was object of his tender care,
         As daylight slipped away.

         But as time passed, years came and went,
         The gardener grew slowly discontent.
         Weary he grew of his work and toil,
         Tending the plants and turning the soil,
         And sadly he did lament.

         The gardener woke again at dawn
         And thought, though from him hope was gone,
         "This garden needs my tender care,
         To tend the plants and flowers fair,"
         And so he toiled on.

         But though he worked, his joy had waned,
         For deep inside, his heart was pained.
         "What calling is this job I keep?"
         He had a feeling, 'way down deep,
         His service was in vain.

         "Certainly you wouldn't be missed,"
         The master tempter, Satan, hissed.
         "Your lowly job's so very small,
         You need not give your heart and all,"
         So cleverly he did persist.

         "Alas, 'tis true," the gardener sighed,
         As all the hope within him died.
         "I cannot fight, for I'm too weak;
         I shall not reach that mountain peak.
         No use--though hard I tried."

         But while the gardener thus did fret,
         Another One looked on--and yet,
         He knew the big part the gardener played,
         And how God's work would be delayed
         If this one would his job forget.

         The gardener dreamed a dream that night,
         Beheld an amazing, wondrous sight--
         A Heavenly City, great and grand,
         Under the Son of God's command,
         With all types of delight.

         And to a quiet, peaceful place,
         An angel led, with gentle pace.
         The gardener took a careful peek
         For joy he then could barely speak
--That joy flooded all his face.

         For before his eyes lay waiting there
         His Earthly garden of flowers fair
         More glorious now than e'er before,
         Transformed with Heavenly splendor
         From all his loving care.

         "What does this mean?" the gardener asked,
         Turning to his guide at last.
         "How does this garden come to be
         'Way up here in the Heavenly,
         When I thought all had passed?"

         Said the angel, "Jesus wants to show
         That all your labors there below,
         Though seeming small, are really great,
         And help your part of Heaven make,
         Though little then you know.
         "And all the hours you've labored there,
         Someone does see you, loves and cares.
         He every sigh and tear does see
         For He holds all Eternity,
         And He will reward you there.
         "So now go back, with joyful heart,
         And to your fellow, this impart:
         How every deed will seem so great,
         When seen beyond that Pearly Gate.
         Your joy, then, won't depart."

         The gardener woke, next morning bright,
         And as he worked, his heart was light.
         For he had learned the only way
         To keep true happiness day by day,
         Was keeping Heaven in sight!

         And when a passing one would say,
         "What makes you happy all the day?"
         With shining eyes and glowing heart,
         He'd tell the story from the start,
         How Jesus showed the way.

         And like that gardener, we can too
         Find that same joy in all we do
         For no job's ever really small
         If you put your heart in, give your all,
         And Jesus will come bursting through!!
--Joan Clair

The Siren of Babylon
         A trawler was touched by dawn's early light,
         Raised anchor and caught the breeze,
         And the sails that filled with wind from the coast,
         Drove the ship to the high, open seas.

         Out on the seas, on the high, rolling seas,
         With nothing but ocean in sight,
         The nets were let out with a lusty shout--
         Lines cast to catch what they might!

         At the helm was an ancient man of the sea,
         A Mariner weathered and wise.
         His happy crew laughed as they toiled on the craft,
         'Neath the free and boundless skies!

         As they trawled one morn near the shimmering reefs,
         For the fish of the tumbling deep,
         A strange, eerie song was borne o'er the waves,
         So gripping, it made the skin creep.

         "Tis the Siren's cry," the Mariner said,
         "That has swept many men to their graves!"
         Then he pointed to a Nymph of the Sea, whose moan
         Came echoing low on the waves.

         "Tis very enchanting!" a young man cried,
         As he cocked his head to hear.
         "Do not be deceived," the Mariner warned,
         "For the price of such folly is dear!"

         "There's no end of bones on the coral below,
         Of men who sleep 'neath the tide,
         Who turned from their quest at the Siren's behest,
         And were swept to the bottom and died!

         "She's a Witch and she seeks to lure you, lad,
         And her song's from the Netherworld!
         Now come! There are nets to cast o'erboard,
         And sails to be unfurled!"

         The youth turned to his work again,
         But his tasks now seemed so long.
         He was drawn all day, in his mind, to her,
         And his heart was sick with her song.

         All he saw was the lure, and the beauty of her,
         And her palace of shimmering shell!
         What he couldn't perceive and wouldn't believe
         Was that she ... was a creature from Hell!

         Finally he put down his compass, and stood
         Caught up, bewitched by her wail,
         And leaving the crew to labour alone,
         He threw himself over the rail!

         "Save him, old man!" cried the youths in alarm,
         As they saw him swept off in the swell!
         "It's no use," he replied, "pulling him from the tide,
         If his heart is still bound by her spell!"

         "He must drink his belly full of the deep,
         Like a dog to his vomit must go,
         Before he'll want free from the Witch of the sea!
         But then, by God, he will know!"

         The youth barely tasted the Siren's delights,
         Though she'd promised them oft in her song,
         For a whirlpool from Hell, quite unseen from the rail,
         Quick caught him and swept him on down!

         Like Jonah, he sank, and he went all the way,
         'Bout as low as a man could go,
         Entangled in weeds in the depths of the deep,
         Yes, then, only then, did he know!

         'Twas a hard fight back by the half-drowned lad,
         But he knew now all he'd lost!
         And he prayed to the Lord, "If You'll bring me back,
         I'll serve You at any cost!"

         There's a wise young man on the trawler now,
         On whom the Mariner depends,
         For he's learned the sow-wallow, dog-vomit way,
         How the song of the Siren ends!

         Many was the time, in the months that passed,
         When a-fishing, out high on the sea,
         That he heard her alluring, wailing call,
         As hauntingly sweet as could be.

         "Hi-ho!" he would laugh, "You'll not get me!
         I've my compass and chart in my grip!
         There's a sea full of fish that I must catch,
         And haul up onto my ship!

         "I'll not turn aside," he said, "No, I won't,
         For the Witch of the waves full of wile!
         I'll close my ear to her Siren's lure,
         And distrust her friendliest smile!"

         "There are oceans to trawl, precious cargo to haul
         'Cross the high, rolling waves of the sea!
         I'll not be allured! Thank God I've been cured!
         (I tell you, that lad was me!)

         "O Mariner, tell me," they hastened to ask,
         "The meaning of all that we've read!
         Who is this Siren and what is the Sea?"
         Then turning, the old man said:

         "The waters thou sawest, where the Whore doth sit,
         Are peoples, and nations and tongues!"
         "But who is this Whore on the waves," they implored,
         "Alluring both old and young?

         "The name on her forehead is Babylon!
         Here's the Truth that must be believed:
         Her merchandise is the souls of Men!
--By her sorceries are nations deceived!

         "The glittering, enticing spells she weaves
         Of fashions that're passing away,
         For ages have dazzled poor youthful hearts,
         And by millions have led them astray!

         "Her riches and fashions and music allure!
         Like a moth to the flame they're drawn!
         They yield to her pull, abandon their goal,
         And are sucked into Babylon!"

         Are you enticed by the Siren's song?
         Is she snaring your soul with her wail?
         Does her glitter and gold bedazzle your soul
         And lure you right over the rail?

         Or do you, instead, look straight ahead
         In your life that you live for the Lord?
         Do you know what is right?--So that false, cheap delights,
         Cannot lure your soul overboard?

         Only what's done for Jesus will last,
         In this short fleeting life nearly gone!
         Give your all for lost souls, and don't you be fooled
         By the Siren called Babylon!
--Hart (reprint)

Lady Jane
         In the year fifteen hundred and fifty-two,
         On Britain's once-Catholic shore,
         A bold new religion, the Protestant faith,
         Had rapidly come to the fore.

         Young King Edward, who ruled at the time
         Was the son of Henry the Eighth;
         But he slowly was dying and had not an heir
         To guide his deeply troubled State.

         The young king's guardian (he wasn't of age),
         The Duke of Northumberland by name,
         Was a follower staunch of the Protestant faith
         And wished for all Britons the same.

         He confided to good Lady Frances one day,
         "Enthroned may no Catholic be seen!
         We must somehow annul their claim to the crown,
         Give England a Protestant Queen!

         "Two Catholics, Elizabeth and Mary, are first,
         But verily, their faith I disdain!
         Then next in line art thou, my dear Lady,
         And after, thy young daughter Jane.

         "Elizabeth's mother, that Anne of Boleyn,
         For treason was sent to the Tower;
         And Mary's a bastard, without and within;
         To such can I never grant power!

         "Marry thy daughter to Guilford my son,
         And let her be named to the crown,
         Then I--rather, we--may rule all this land,
         Though to Jane they may bow down."

         Now, young Lady Jane was a kind, lovely girl,
         She was learned at sixteen years old;
         Though naturally quiet, when she spoke of her faith
         She was most unusually bold!

         She believed that a person could come to the Lord,
         Why just by faith in His Name!
         She despised the pomp of the churches and priests,
         For she knew their forms were in vain.

         So Guilford and Jane were soon after wed;
         In a manor house settled they down,
         And there fell in love, both deeply and true,
         With nary a care for the crown.

         To live but in peace and love was their thought,
         But this was abruptly denied!
         "King Edward is dead! Long live our Queen Jane!",
         The Duke of Northumberland cried.

         "No!", Lady Jane wept, "I cannot be Queen!
         Thy plan is deceit and not right!"
         But Guilford replied, "Much good may be done
         If the just--not the wicked--have might!"

         "If the good--not the wicked--have might", he said,
         "If the righteous will dare take a stand,
         We may do what we dreamed!--So be thou the Queen!
         And help thou the poor of the land!"

         So for nine short days, the Monarch was Jane;
         'Til she was one night betrayed!
         The Council, alarmed at her radical ways,
         Said, "Mary should rule, not a maid!"

         They shamelessly left their fealty and faith;
         They shouted, "Let Mary now reign!"
         Enthroned, Mary cried, "Arrest all the traitors,
         And lock away Guilford and Jane!"

         Away in the Tower, the teens were thrown;
         Then a priest came after some days.
         He said, "Lady Jane, full pardon is thine,
         By renouncing thy Protestant ways!

         "Mary the Queen wishes not for thy death,
         But thou art a threat to her throne;
         If thou wouldest live, confess that good works
         Save men--and not grace alone!"

         He reasoned with her for awhile, then exclaimed:
         "Thy faith is too steadfast to quail!
         Thy answers are pure! I perceive all attempts
         To convert thee will utterly fail!"

         But what of the Duke? Why, in that same hour,
         He quickly relinquished his cause;
         Though starting out right, he gave up the fight,
         And fled back to the church and its laws.

         As slowly but surely the last hour neared,
         Jane said to her husband, "I see
         How well it's worked out, despite prison walls,
         Than ever we dreamed it might be!"

         "When first we did meet, I wished not to wed,
         But clearly, 'twas part of God's plan;
         For, stood we alone, we'd certainly fall,
         But united, my love, do we stand!"

         So they parted inside that dark prison room,
         Jane tenderly kissed him goodbye.
         "Adieu!" whispered Guilford, "Do not tarry long.
         I'll await thee in Heaven on high!"

         Then, each in their turn, they climbed up the steps;
         Their heads to the block were lowered,
         They sealed with their blood the faith that they loved
         And went up to meet their Lord!

         Far better 'tis, to be true like these teens
         Who willingly died for their cause,
         Than to be like the Duke who cast off his faith
         When certain that victory was lost.

         The Duke may have lived for a few years more
         By exchanging his faith for his breath;
         But Guilford and Jane, though they fell in "defeat,"
         Were more than conquerors, in death!

         These two young martyrs made bold their stand
         In the face of death and pain;
         So may we too live--or die--for our faith
         Like Guilford and Lady Jane!
--Joan Clair (reprint)

The Christian Maiden of Rome
         For two hundred years, in the alleys of Rome,
         The Christians would secretly meet:
         Or they lived in hiding in the Catacombs,
         Deep under the city street!
         But after two centuries of persecution,
         The Church of the Lamb had rest:
         For a wiser Caesar, Philip by name,
         Sat down on the throne of the West.

         From their hidden dens, from the forests and glens,
         The Christians cautiously came;
         From the Catacombs 'neath the streets of Rome.
         Came those loyal to Jesus' Name.
         Young men and elders and Patriarchs,
         Mothers with babes on the breast,
         Fathers and daughters and thousands of children,
         Came forth when the Church had rest.

         In two hundred and forty-eight A.D.,
         In the year this story begins,
         Rome's persecution of Christians, at last
         Seemed to have come to an end!
         In a dingy, old building on a small, narrow street,
         In a tumble-down part of the town,
         Lived a poor Christian man, his children and wife;
         In a room with just four walls 'round.

         He worked in the market most of the morning
         To earn their rent and their board;
         But the rest of the day, he'd witness his faith
         And seek lost souls for the Lord!
         His daughter, Candina, was sixteen years old,
         And though she was slender and fair,
         She had no perfume, nor necklace, nor silk,
         Nor broach for her long golden hair.

         "Would you please take care of the children, my dear?"
         Her mother often would say,
         "For the baby is fussing, there's dinner to cook.
         And I'm doing the washing today."
         So Candina would play with them, care for their hurts,
         And read from father's great Book
         The stories of Jesus, when He was on Earth
         While her mother would launder and cook.

         But oft when she went to the market on errands,
         She'd pause at the shops and she'd sigh,
         When the sashes and jewels and Eastern perfumes
         Would catch her wandering eye.
         She'd stop and look long at the silks on display;
         For her own faded dress was plain,
         And she'd wish for a looking-glass all her own,
         Though she knew it would make her vain.

         And hardest of all, as she walked through the plaza,
         Was to see the richer girls pass;
         Well-dressed and laughing with carefree young men,
         With all that a heart could ask!

         Then one day, as she paused by the jewellers,
         Longing for a bright golden ring,
         A voice from behind smoothly exclaimed,
         "My, aren't you a lovely thing!"
         She turned in surprise, looked into the eyes
         Of a handsome, richly-dressed youth;
         "I was right," he whispered, touching her cheek,
         "You're a fair young blossom, in truth!"

         "My name is Eros Centaurius," he smiled,
         "I'm the son of a noble of Rome:
         I live in the night when the city is wild,
         And I choose wherever I roam!"
         With his talk he enticed her yearning young heart,
         With his smile he drew her away;
         And her thoughts were of nothing but his dark, handsome face
         And his riches, day after day!

         One day she went to the market to buy,
         And she failed to ever come home:
         So her father searched for her all the long night,
         Through the dark, wicked streets of Rome.
         Ah!--But she passed the hours carefree and wild.
         And her heart was filled with delight!
         --For Eros had captured that beautiful child
         And lured her off into the night!

         Rome by night!--Dressed in rich Eastern silk,
         Hair up in a golden broach:
         Bathed in perfume like a flower in bloom,
         And off in a clattering coach!
         Rome by night!--Full of pagan delight!
         Full of wine and laughter and cries;
         Drunken parties and pleasure and pagan gods,
         Then to bed, too weary to rise.

         In the weeks that passed, as her faith slipped away,
         Allured by the riches of Rome,
         Her parents would kneel and weep in prayer,
         "Oh Lord, bring our daughter home!"
         Months passed!--And Candina lived in the wealth
         Of Centaurius, the handsome young knave;
         Lying in luxury, with all that she wanted,
         And waited on by a slave.

         To the hunt in the morning! To banquets at night!
         To the theatre to watch the absurd!
         To the Arena to see Gladiators fight!
         --Swept up in a pagan world!

         Then, in two hundred forty-nine A.D.
         Decius came to the throne!
         Decius the Devil, Decius the Damned!
         --Was now the new Caesar of Rome!
         "The Empire is pagan, and pagan shall stay!
         To Christians, death I command!
         Hunt them! Destroy them! Sweep them away
         Blot out the Church of the Lamb!"

         "I barely left being a Christian in time,"
         Candina thought, and she smiled,
         Then called for a slave to do up her hair
         And to have her fingernails filed.
         "Come! We're off to a truly splendid sight!"
         Laughed Eros, entering the room;
         "They're killing the Christians in public tonight!
         You have just an hour to groom!"

         Then off they raced to the Coliseum,
         And a great swelling crowd was there;
         But Candina was silent, and too anxious to hear,
         The riotous laughs in the air!
         Then suddenly the laughter turned into jeers
         As the guards led some Christians by,
         Beaten and bloody and shackled with chains;
         And Candina let out a cry!

         For there, scarcely more than ten feet away
         With blood still wet on his cheek
         Her father stood! And he met her gaze,
         Though it happened too quick to speak!
         For a second he stared deep into her eyes,
         As deep as a look might go;
         And she felt a sickening wave of shame
         Through the breadth and the length of her soul!

         "Come! We'll be late!" called Eros, oblivious,
         As the guards pushed her father away,
         "All our friends are waiting up in the stands!
         By the gods, what a splendid day!"
         Yes, they were all there, all of her friends
         That she'd partied with for so long;
         And she sat down slowly, silent and stunned
         In the midst of the riotous throng.

         Then she saw her father walk into the ring
         As tall and noble and straight
         As if he had come to be crowned a king
         --And not to meet his fate!
         She hung her head and the tears ran hot,
         Staining her painted cheeks,
         And a vice of shame so gripped her thoughts
         That her lips could scarcely speak!

         "Oh look" laughed Eros, "Oh, look, I say!"
         He nudged the weeping Candina
         "They're throwing the Christians' children, as well,
         To the lions in the Arena!"
         Across the dust of the wide, massive floor
         Came a woman, her head held high,
         Her children around and a babe that nursed
         On her breast, so he wouldn't cry!

         Candina grew pale as she strained to see,
         And the blood roared through her heart!
         Then she saw at last who the woman was
         And it tore her soul apart!
         There stood her mother, her brothers and her sister,
         With her father in the tiny band;
         Then the lions were loosed!--And a deafening roar
         Of cheers broke out from the stand!

         But just as the lions circled the group,
         Something astonishing occurred!
         For up in the stands. and across the arena,
         A startling cry was heard.
         "I am a Christian!" Candina cried out,
         As she bolted from her seat to the ledge
         She threw off her shoes and leaped right up,
         And stood on the great stone edge!

         Centaurius fell back in shock in his seat,
         And a hush swept over the crowd!
         Then the young Christian maiden tore off her jewels,
         Raised them, and cried aloud:
         "I am a Christian! And my life and my soul
         Belong to the Cause of the Lamb!
         I despise these riches, these glittering trinkets,
         For they're only an empty sham!"

         "No!" cried Eros, "The maid is but drunk!
         She's drunk! Good Romans, don't listen!
         Look at her decked in her perfume and silk!
         You can that she's not a Christian!"
         Then she cast her jewels into the stand,
         Removed her earrings and broach:
         And cried, as she took the rings from her hand,
         "I'd rather have Christ and reproach!"

         Then she took her snow-white silken shawl
         And, wiping her tear-stained face,
         Removed her make-up and scented oils,
         Wiping away every trace!
         Holding the shawl, she cried to the crowd,
         "Here's the beauty you adore
         --The cheap, painted beauty that masks the soul
         Of those who seek nothing more

         "As for these robes and this soft, silken gown,
         All smooth to the touch and fair,
         I need them not!" And she took them off
         And flung them into the air.
         She stood on the edge, high up on the wall,
         Just a slip on her slender frame;
         And cried to the crowd. "You can have the world!
         All I want is the Lamb's Holy Name!"

         As she turned and dropped from the great stone wall
         To the arena floor below,
         A gasp came out from the crowd in the stands
         And the friends that she used to know.
         In an aura of earthless beauty and light
         That Eros had never seen,
         She crossed the Roman ring that night
         With the majesty of a queen!

         Even the lions, with their bellowing roars,
         Stepped fearfully 'side as she came;
         For her face it shone with an Angel's light
         That knew no fear nor shame!

         Her father smiled and he held out his hand,
         And she met his deep, warm gaze;
         "What you taught me," she said, "is worth dying for!
         And I know that this is my place!"
         She knelt, hugging her brothers and sisters,
         Said, "I'm sorry I left you alone!
         I was led astray, like a lamb in the wild,
         But now I am coming home!"

         "Mother," she wept, "I have been so lost,
         But I've come back home tonight!
         Though it's far less important to die like a martyr,
         Than to live the martyr's life!"

         As the lions drew ever nearer to their band,
         The Christians burst forth in singing
         And it sent such a chill sweeping through the stand,
         That for years it's echo was ringing!
         When the lions had done their grisly work,
         And the Christians lay still in the dust,
         The Romans arose from their seats and left
         For home, all silent and hushed.

         And many became Christians themselves,
         They were moved so deeply inside,
         To see the conviction and joy of the martyrs,
         And to watch how bravely they died!

         O, beloved, remember the name of Candina:
         The tale of a Christian girl
         Who forsook her faith for pagan pleasure,
         Who abandoned her Lord for the world.
         And though she came back in the last, trying hour,
         And went on to meet her Lord,
         Her life was not as it might have been
         And she missed the greatest reward!

         Does your heart yearn for cheap, worthless trinkets?
         Or do you fight for the Cause of the Lamb?
         Do you stand with your Family in the arena
         Or sit with the world in the stands?
         Will you live the life of a martyr now?
         Will you lift your voice on high?
         For it takes more love to live for the Lamb,
         Than it does to bravely die!
--Hart (reprint)

Woman of Faith
         I was born long ago in a Galilee town;
         I was once young and pretty, wore never a frown.
         Boys from my village would watch me at play:
         "What a pretty young thing," they'd admiringly say.

         But as the years passed, I grew ill one sad day.
         "An issue of blood," I heard somebody say.
         Alas, from this illness was no cure, it seemed;
         Hopelessly afflicted, by all I was deemed.

         I was still young and hopeful.--"There must be some cure!
         If we only keep trying, we'll find one, I'm sure!"
         Physicians from far came to offer their aid,
         But I only grew worse from their lucrative trade.

         The years came and went with no sign of relief;
         I had now learned to live with this burden and grief.
         But at night on my bed, I would cry out in tears
         To God up in Heaven, and long that He'd hear.

         As my body grew weaker, my spirit changed too.
         From deep in my heart, an evil root grew:
         I grew bitter from this sickness that had stolen my life,
         I was lost in a sea of resentment and strife.

         Then, lo, one bright morning, some news I did hear,
         "Jesus is coming!--He's already near!"
         Jesus? Why, He is that far-acclaimed Man,
         Famed as God's Son, with miracles at hand.

         Miracles? For a moment, my heart leaped for joy!
         Could He indeed do what none other could employ?
         No matter how wild this chance, or how small,
         I must try to reach Him, and tell Him my all.

         I donned my long cloak and I ran for the square,
         From afar I could feel the great joy in the air.
         A large crowd had gathered 'round a Figure I could see,
         My heart started pounding.--Could this truth really be?

         I pushed through the crowds that thronged at His side,
         Yet then, at my big moment, I wanted only to hide.
         He's so very busy.--He has no time for me!
         I'm nobody special. I'm of such low degree!

         A man standing by, who I knew from my town,
         Ran forward and knelt, with his face on the ground.
         As he begged Him for healing and pardon from sin,
         The Master gently touched him and cleansed him within.

         But I? No, I couldn't!--And yet, I knew I must;
         For nothing worthwhile was e'er reached without cost.
         I knew if I'd touch but a small part of Him,
         That would be all needed to heal me from sin.

         I leaned slowly forward, praying for courage I lacked.
         I touched the hem of His garment--then quickly pulled back!
         I felt the rush through me, of power and love!
         My life was then flooded with might from above!

         Then He turned--He had noticed!--and scanned
                  the whole crowd.
         "Who was it that touched Me?" His words rang out loud.
         "But Lord," a disciple, confused, whispered low,
         "The crowd's all around you. How do you know?"

         But the Lord took no notice, for He knew what was done;
         He had felt His Own virtue go out to someone.
         His eyes roamed the crowd, then they locked into mine:
         What I saw in those eyes I could scarcely define.

         Then I threw off my cloak and I fell to my knees.
         "O Master, 'twas I, but now pardon me, please!"
         I poured out my heart, as the tears washed my face.
         I cannot describe what just then did take place.

         I told him of all of my bitterness and sin,
         And begged Him to cleanse me, so I could follow Him.
         I told of my dread to approach Him that day,
         But knowing He'd heal gave me strength to stay.

         He listened in silence to my story of pain,
         Then He reached down and touched me; our eyes met again.
         With a voice filled with love, He said, "Daughter, go in peace,
         Your faith made you whole; from your burden be released."

         I knew in that moment my deliv'rance had come,
         My heart felt like soaring where no angels dared run.
         I was free!--Free from sorrow and bondage and sin!
         How strange that the answer was only in Him!

         I tell you this story in hopes that you'll see,
         It can happen to you also, what happened to me!
         We all have our weights that are holding us down.
         But Jesus can free us, though with them we're bound.

         Have you battled for months or for years with one foe,
         Feeling that grip on you ne'er would let go?
         Then I know how you feel, but give up your vain fight,
         For all that it takes is one glimpse of His light!

         Just a touch of the hem of the garment divine,
         When mixed with true faith, makes the victory thine!
         Then confess it!--Don't hold it in all for your own:
         The secret to keeping it is making it known!

         So come, let's rejoice in the One who can save,
         Whose power's the same now as it was yesterday.
         He wants us, so let's give our heart and our all,
         And answer with gladness His every call.
--Joan Clair

Beyond the Curve in the Crossroads
         She toiled so weary, she struggled through life;
         Each day was a battle of trouble and strife.
         Her path, full of obstacles, wearied her might,
         Yet onward she traveled, by day and long night.

         The load on her back seemed more leaden each day;
         Yet try as she could, it would not go away,
         But rather in size and in weight it increased.
         This boulder of troubles now trapped her beneath.

         And life still went on as she journeyed--though slow.
         Each step that she took came with sorrow and woe.
         "Alas!" she despaired. "I cannot walk this road.
         All alone I'm too weak while I carry this load."

         Then she lifted her eyes, and to her sore dismay,
         A captivating sight now before her there lay,
         A large, rugged mountain, and before it, two paths
         Which curved out of sight then behind a high pass.

         As she pondered the two roads, a figure took shape,
         With scintillating stardust hung around like a cape,
         "These paths are the two which you've known all your life:
         The road to your Future and the road back to strife.

         "The choice now is yours, and alone you can choose.
         In your heart, though, you know
                  what you'd gain and you'd lose."
         The figure, with those words, now faded away
         And alone she was left, her decision to make.

         So she ventured up closer and examined each road:
         The left road seemed smooth, with no ill to forebode.
         But the sign that was pointing said in words dark and
         "The path of your feelings and self, as of old."

         On the right path, she turned to examine its way,
         The ground seemed more rugged, the way was less staid.
         And the sign, also pointing, in letters more rough,
         "The pathway for Jesus, Whose reward is enough."

         Was it time to decide? Oh, she shrank from the chore,
         And backward she stepped as she viewed them once more.
         Then a form did appear--but a one quite diverse,
         A darker-clad figure, who seemed quite perverse.

         But the words that he whispered somehow seemed quite
         And she pondered them closely. He said, "Now if you
         Were to travel the right road, you know what it'd be.
         Just more of this path you've been on--wait and see!

         "More problems and boulders and stones in the way,
         That load on your back would grow denser by day!
         With your weak weary body, no progress you'd make;
         Oh, surely that right road you must not ever take!

         "The left road, now then, is a much easier one--
         Oh, you may not be happy, but at least it'd be done!
         No burdens and toils, a smooth road, no strife--
         The left is the road that you want for your life."

         As the speaking form vanished, she was alone once again.
         But as she looked towards the left road, a person there came.
         'Twas a friend she had known, oh, but how she had changed!
         This left road for sure had her life rearranged!

         Now tattered her garments, her body was scarred;
         Her face nigh disfigured, her gaze firm and hard.
         The burdens she bore seemed a giant man's load,
         And she stumbled and struggled to the bend in the road.

         This wanderer raised up her eyes to her friend,
         And she cried with a sob, which her whole body rent,
         "Oh, look what this crossroad has done to my soul,
         And ponder now then if you want this same toll!

         I cannot escape now, my spirit's too weak!
         But you--you can make it, if you fight to that peak!"
         And, her strength now all gone, exhausted she fell,
         And her load seemed to drag her away, back downhill.

         Her friend watched in horror as she faded from view.
         But her mind still was troubled; oh what should she do?
         And just then came a man, from the right road he came;
         His vesture, though ragged, did glow all the same.

         "Come!" he cried boldly, "This road you must take!
         Choose this road for Jesus; you'll make no mistake!
         Though the road won't be easy, and the battle is hard,
         The reward that's in store will surpass it by far!

         "I know, I have seen in the distance that crown!
         I saw mine--and yours too, if you'll hold to this ground!
         And your load, it will lighten, if you'll just pass it on!
         Don't delay your decision!" And with that, he was gone!

         Now she knew what to do, but despair filled her heart.
         "Lord, I still have my burdens; I have from the start.
         I am weak, Lord, and feeble, I cannot go alone.
         Please show me Your way and I'll go where I'm shown."

         Now being invited, the first Figure re-emerged,
         The stardust-clad Friend of the weak and discouraged.
         "My child, let Me help," as He softly raised her head.
         His embrace held her close, as though raised from the dead.

         He kissed her sweet lips and His Love filled her heart,
         His strength seemed to give to her life a new start.
         Then He lifted her load, placed it on His own back,
         And, lifting her gently, set off down the track.

         "I'll carry you, child, till your strength is regained.
         Then you can fight on for Me and for others the same.
         But for now, rest on softly, that's all you must do.
         I'll hold you right here till this battle is through."

         So she lay in His arms as He walked the right way,
         And they rounded the corner, where it sparkled like day!
         And her eyes moistened softly, but glistened like gold,
         For she knew she was rescued, and in Jesus' fold.

         And one day she'd return to this crossroad again,
         But this time, as a messenger, to bring lost ones in.
         She'd come, battle-weary, but glowing with love
         That was put in her heart as her gaze fixed above.
--Joan Clair

         He was but a youth, his first time at sea,
         And he thought himself cunning and strong.
         His spirit was high, sails unfurled in the sky,
         As the ship began moving along.

         "Goodbye, dreary shore. I'm looking for more,
         I'm leaving you far, far behind,
         And setting out for a place unknown,
         A new world I'm searching to find."

         Sea life was rough, but Lad did his best,
         Working hard all the day long.
         And when evening would come, and all chores were done,
         He'd delight himself with a song.

         The journey was long, but Lad didn't mind,
         He lived and he slept with the crew.
         He learned all their duties, helped where he could,
         And everyday learned something new.

         The captain was careful, he'd charted the way,
         He knew just where they should go.
         So the ship sailed majestically on its way
         As the wind filled the sails and did blow.

         But all great ships are made of small things;
         In the compass there was something wrong,
         And the ship started veering slowly off course
         The farther it went along.

         Now Lad had lived by and studied the sea,
         And knew of its paths and its ways,
         But no one saw how far they had strayed
         Till the first mate discovered one day ...

         "Captain, my sextant says something is wrong!
         We're sailing miles from our course,
         We must prepare to put about ship,
         Before this will get any worse."

         But it was too late, a storm was approaching,
         Lightning streaks flashed through the air.
         The orders came quick, "ALL HANDS ON DECK!"
         Everyone helped to prepare.

         "Batten down hatches! Secure what is loose!
         Take down and lower the sails!"
         No sooner t'was done, than the battle begun,
         They were caught in the midst of a gale.

         The waves began roaring and lashing the deck,
         Smashing what wasn't tied down.
         The same ship which had sailed so majestically on
         Was now helplessly tossing around.

         The captain had weathered out many such storms,
         So the men of the crew weren't afraid.
         But the only thought filling Lad's anxious mind
         Was the course from which they had strayed.

         The captain had steered the ship into the storm,
         As any good captain would do.
         "But he's not turning back. This is the wrong way!"
         Was all Lad saw from his point of view.

         "Captain, oh captain, this isn't the way!
         I've studied the charts and I know
         This way will not get us anywhere,
         That is the way we should go!"

         The captain barely had time for the lad,
         His eyes on the raging sea.
         "But captain, we need to put about ship!
         This isn't the way, can't you see?"

         The mate who stood near called Lad to his side,
         "I know that you think you are right.
         But the captain, he knows, that the way the storm blows
         Is the heading to face--and hang tight."

         "Sure, we may even be miles off our course,
         But we need to face this storm down,
         Cause if we'd turn now, you well can be sure,
         We'd capsize, and all would be drowned!"

         "We must face the wind, and keep up our chin,
         Not turn around or go back,
         Then when the storm's over and the waters calm down,
         We'll be able to get back on track."

         Lad got the point, and after awhile
         The winds started calming back down,
         They checked their directions, then slowly but surely,
         The ship began turning around.

         Though parts had been damaged, repairs were soon made,
         And the ship sailed again on its way.
         Leaving behind it the dark, fleeing clouds,
         To enter a bright and new day.

         It took still a while till they were on course
         In the direction they needed to be,
         But Lad learned his lesson, "I'll trust and obey,
         For the captain knows better than me!"
--Red Cloud

         A cold and stormy winter's night,
                  my steps were bound for home;
         I thought of all my loved ones
                  and of how I lived alone.
         I thought of the fire lit,
                  giving warmth and light to the room--
         How I wished someone could share it
                  and cheer away the gloom!
         As I was lost and brooding,
                  I heard a feeble call,
         "Please sir, can you help me?
                  I've had nothing to eat at all."
         And what I saw before me,
                  brings tears when e'er it's told:
         His clothes were torn, his feet were bare
                  and he was only six years old!

         I gave him a coin and quickly said,
                  "Hurry on home; it's far too late.
         Your parents must be worried,
                  so please don't stay or wait."
         And as he spoke, it touched me
                  and a tear rolled down his cheek,
         "My parents, good sir, are in Heaven,
                  and my home--well, it's the street."
         I lifted the child in my arms
                  and placed him close to me.
         I fed him all he could eat
                  and then I gave him a cup of tea.
         I laid the boy in my bed,
                  for he was weak and ill.
         And begged the Lord to keep him,
                  if this was to be His will.

         I cried myself to sleep that night,
                  as I sat beside the bed.
         And when I woke, I found alas,
                  that my friend, the boy, was dead.
         For God took him to Heaven,
                  where the children laugh and sing,
         Where they live with warmth and love,
                  and joy and never lack a thing.
         And what that night taught me,
                  forever I will see:
         That I did less for that child
                  than that child did for me.
--Daniel Albatross

The Passersby
         It's a cold and dreary day; the child has wet feet.
         Timidly he steps out, greeting daylight on the street,
         Hoping just to chance upon someone who is kind,
         Whose giving will soothe and ease his young mind.

         His eyes barely open, his clothes are all torn,
         He makes his way slowly to the spot he's oft worn.
         The first car, it passes, and with some surprise,
         A man tries to pretend he saw not the child's eyes.

         Why, he has a boy too, by a few years just shy,
         And what a sack full of gifts at Christmas he buys!
         "But this one's not mine! Whose fault is it that
         He shivers outside without proper coat or hat?"

         By this time he's passed him; think of the trouble
         If he'd have to turn now to pass for the double!
         So on he scurries, trying hard to forget
         The memories he now has of awful regret.

         The next car holds a lady, fine and rich,
         Suited in clothes she would never herself stitch.
         Blinking her eyes, she takes a second look--
         "Shouldn't that boy be in school, behind a book?"

         "How careless some are these days--uncaring too!
         She must be delinquent, for all mothers should coo
         About their young children; mine are in fine shape.
         In this sort of weather, they'd sport a soft, velvet cape!

         "Furthermore, do they really expect us to be content
         To raise our children amidst a lot so bent
         On cluttering our streets with such pitiful sights?
         Subjecting our darlings to this cannot be right."

         The chauffeur interrupted her thoughts just in time.
         The boy was long gone, looking at the next line
         Of cars, as they formed; he scratched his young face
         And leaned against a pole, securing his sad place.

         Then came a host of rich cars; they sped right on by,
         Prompting our lad to lower his head with a sigh.
         "Can not one choose to give even a coin that's worn?
         It wasn't my choice to enter a family that was torn."

         His mind drifts for a moment to his mother, all alone,
         Scraping just to barely survive, eating off the bone;
         While up just a distance, within eyesight's easy reach,
         Tall glamorous buildings richly decorate the street.

         "Why such a contrast? Why can't we just have food?
         Why must our lives depend on another's kind mood?"
         Though a teardrop trickled down his sobered cheek
         "I will continue," he pressed on. "I mustn't be weak."

         Just as he had determined to face life one time more
         Came the blessing to his prayer behind a rusty door.
         A pickup truck, barely running, ground to a jerky halt.
         The jolly face peering out announced his name as Walt.

         And then a woman, also kind, moved closer in to see
         Just who was there, and seeing the lad, she grinned broadly.
         "Oh come on in--just for a moment!" she nudges the man.
         The boy's wary look changes her tune, "Ah! I think we can"

         "Scurry on over--if this rattletrap will--and park over there.
         We'll find a spot in that coffee shop and get settled where
         Acquainted we can become, and warmed a wee bit too.
         Coffee we'll have, and we'll get some good hot food for you!"

         The boy turned his face away, for a tear was forming fast,
         But as the warmth filled his soul, he turned back at last.
         "Why thank you! I'd be much obliged and in return?"
         "Why, nothing at all," Walt said, "but more I'd like to

         "About your life and how you came to wander in the cold."
         "And how," the lady added, "you've grown to be so bold."
         By this time the three were nestled into a snug booth.
         The lad unfolded his story, every word spoken in truth.

         Underneath the table, the couple clutched hands together;
         Troubles a-plenty had fashioned their exterior into leather.
         But the twinkle of their eyes, and passion of their smiles
         Kept them soft inside, and dishing out joy all the while.

         This little lad would not learn their deep and sad secret,
         Of the child they both had lost, for they resolved to keep it
         From those already burdened; no, they would share cheer,
         And this young soul had known already his portion of fear.

         As they rose, a cloak was placed around his slender frame
         With a smile he held it tight, and gave forth his name.
         The youngster's name--Billy--resonated within their ears,
         As they fought and struggled to hold back all the tears.

         But as in times past, when grief threatened to overthrow
         They opened their hearts to the sunshine, in letting it flow.
         And as God has always promised, love washed clean,
         Replacing with better things what the best once seemed.

         Onward the trio trudged, to find the rest of Billy's clan
         The couple would promise to fill the void left by a man.
         The tragedy of a young mother would be covered soon;
         The little ones with shoes and clothes would play at noon.

         And Billy would, in time, forget the biting looks unkind
         Of the passersby in cars that had once soiled his mind.
         But one memory would never leave--the old red truck;
         The encounter that he knew could not be termed as luck.

         As the kindly couple aged, for their life was fully spent.
         Billy, now a man, in gratefulness daily to them went;
         At long last he inquired of their life, and pressed them far
         And with a gentle creak, the door of their life stood ajar.

         Then every lesson crystallized, every wound was healed;
         The truth of a lost loved one within his heart was sealed.
         Is it not the truth that those who have, often hoard more?
         While the givers cheerfully offer what they've lost before?

         Any hurts from deprivation, or any wishes gone awry,
         Billy tossed behind his back, as he faced the open sky.
         His mentors now had left this Earth, but still he held fast
         The jewel of accepting loss, not remaining in the past.

         He set his mind to change gears, to tune up afresh
         Never to pass that child by, and always live to bless
         So he did till his ripe days faded; every step was made
         In honor of the golden street of kindness he had laid.

         When you next pass a child or needy folk of some kind,
         Observe carefully and make good note of it in your mind.
         Who it is that reaches out; who gives to their own hurt?
         It is the one that loss has touched who understands the
--Joy Waters

Crossing the Jordan
         The air was cool as we walked along;
         The birds sang and the sun shone.
         The leaves rustled in the gentle breeze;
         The flowers blossomed beneath the trees.
         The path we followed was that of my life,
         Which had lead through joy, pain and strife;
         Yet always my Savior walked close by my side,
         And through every hardship near me would abide.

         I have known of His love from the time I was small
         And have often listened and heeded His call.
         And then there were times I stubbornly went astray--
         Wouldn't listen, heed His checks, or obey.
         Yet He always chided in such love and compassion,
         Rarely drawing the sledge to give me a smashing.
         Yes, my path of life was mainly of pleasure--
         Oh, how I loved the fun, especially the leisure.

         My NWOs--I felt--were a thing of the past,
         And now through my teen years, I was rid of them at last.
         So I coasted along, just happy to be existing,
         Not really realizing all that I was missin'.
         I am married, have kids, a ministry and all--
         Yes, life is exciting for me. Never a day is dull!
         For serving Jesus is what I like doing best,
         But just my fighting spirit had gone to rest.

         Well, like I said, we just were out walking,
         When the road took a bend and I stood gawking.
         For there before us, a dark river barred our path;
         With swirling torrents it raged on in wrath.
         I looked up and said, "There is no way around!
         If I try to wade, I'll be swept away and drown!"
         Then looking into my eyes, in tenderness He spoke,
         "This is the Jordan of trials; this is My yoke.

         "A time of forsaking, a time of despair
         A time of discouragement--but I'll always be there.
         This test I require to help make you strong,
         But you must keep on trusting when it seems long.
         Trust Me in thy heartache and in thy forsaking;
         Trust Me in thy molding, for I do the shaping.
         And through it all I will hold you all the day long,
         For I know you can make it and sing the victor's song."

         So I took the plunge, though my faith was still wavering,
         And stepped out into the water and started wading.
         The other bank in the distance I could barely see,
         And the further I went, the higher the water rose around me.
         The currents tugged as I struggled along;
         The waves splashed like a threatening throng.
         I turned to the Master, in desperation I cried,
         "Why do You watch and not walk at my side?"

         His gentle voice then sounded close by:
         "I understand the pain and for you I do cry,
         As My Father did for Me when I died.
         But just as My calling I could not set aside,
         I cannot stop what is required for you,
         For it is My will that these depths you go through.
         All of My children must pass this way,
         To prepare them for the future to face that day.

         When you reach the other side you shall be clean
         And know Me in a greater way than what has been.
         For there is much that lies for you ahead,
         But the cost is great, just like I have said.
         And when your strength begins to fail and you can't go on,
         My Spirit can renew, restore, and help you along.
         And if you are fainting and falling under the strain,
         I can re-envigorate and help ease the pain.

         But I cannot make the Jordan easier to pass,
         The depths more shallow and currents less fast.
         For if I did this would not be a true test,
         And you would wind up missing My highest and best.
         So please just trust Me, My dear child,
         And hold on to My Word all this while."

         With my faith renewed I trudged on some more,
         Clinging to His Word though the waves did roar.
         On and on I went--it seemed like there was no end.
         Till the waves lapped my cheeks, and head upward bent,
         Upon the murky depths my feet wearily groped.
         And though I had come so far, I started losing hope.
         "Oh Lord my God, when will this all stop?"
         As I lifted my arm and my brow I did mop.

         Then came His voice, like music on a harp:
         "I understand these depths and the trying of men's hearts.
         For I have walked the deepest paths of this Jordan, too.
         Yes, even unto death, and I did it for you,
         And even though the pain and the sacrifice was great,
         The victory is millions of souls through Heaven's gate.
         Yes, now this trial seems heavy and long,
         But the joy when it's through is to help others along.

         And now that your strength is failing and weak,
         Avail yourself of My full resources to be at peak,
         But do not despair for the rage of this storm.
         Do not faint in your mind, for I will bring you home."

         So I turned out again with vigor and new fight,
         Determined to walk by faith and not by sight.
         Suddenly the clouds in my way began to clear;
         At last I could see the shore ever so near!
         And there on the bank with a smiling face,
         Arms outstretched, waiting for me to embrace,
         Grabbing my hand onto a rock He pulled me up.
         And lovingly held me as tears of joy I wept.

         For before I had known Him only as a good Friend
         Who was there when I needed and His blessings would send.
         But now the bond within my heart was deeper;
         My Husband, my Savior, my dearest Keeper.

         Oh Jesus, I pray, always stay by my side;
         Keep me from straying, for You are my Guide.
         I thank You now, Lord, for this time of test,
         For bringing out in my life only the best,
         And for treating me with such love and care,
         Even though I doubted and spoke of despair.
         Lord, I am ready now to follow where You lead,
         To do Your every bidding, helping those in need.
         For I have learned in this time of Jordan passing,
         That without You what I do would not be lasting.
         And now only others do I desire to seek and serve,
         Knowing that You give the best to those who You know
         Help me to fight now and hold Your standard high,
         And be a faithful soldier till the day I die.
         Lord help me to keep well--stored in my heart
         The lessons You taught me so we'll never part.
         And now that I have passed through Jordan's lonely gale,
         Help me to comfort others when they may take that trail
         With the same comfort that You and loved ones gave me,
         So they'll make it also and come through victoriously.
--John M. (24)

Backsliders' Bar
         I wanted to forget all my problems,
                  so I thought I'd just have a drink,
         But believe me when I tell you,
                  not the kind you get from the sink.
         I wanted out the foolish way,
                  and did not have to look very far,
         For down around the corner
                  was ye' ole' "backsliders' bar."
         I'd hung outside a time or two,
                  but I'd never yet dared inside.
         Yet somehow its doors seemed to call me,
                  so I thought I'd just slip in and hide.

         I walked on up to the counter
                  and sat myself down on a stool.
         Hey, there was my old buddy Joe.
                  When he left I'd thought, "What a fool!"
         The bartender's face was familiar,
                  and I knew his mission quite well:
         He was always there to put me down,
                  to take advantage whenever I fell.
         I thought I'd start if off easy,
                  just a pint of discontent.
         But that was just the beginning,
                  and this is how my drinking binge went.

         I had a "double murmuring,"
                  and a bit of "sin on the rock."
         Funny thing about this joint
                  is the way it wears down the flocks.
         I had a shot of rebellion
                  and a glass or two or doubt;
         The pride was strong and aged,
                  and the criticism good and stout.
         Now the bartender kept them coming,
                  and I've never been one to say "no."
         My thinking was muddled and blurry,
                  and I was drinking myself into woe.

         "Ah, who cares how high the bill will end up!
                  I'll pay at the end of the year!"
         So pass a self-righteousness screwdriver,
                  and a mug or two more of fear!
         Then I said, "I'll call that a night.
                  See? I can still show myself to the door!"
         But the last I distinctly remember
                  was a face-to-face chat with the floor.
         Somehow I must have awakened,
                  for the bartender was laughing with glee.
         My God!--how far I had gotten--
                  'cause you don't just go in there for tea!

         "Somehow," my weary mind told me,
                  "somehow, leave now or you're dead!"
         But that was near to impossible,
                  with that terrible ache in my head.
         But glory, right then I remembered,
                  that wonderful time-proven way;
         And when my old body was under,
                  my lips fought for me... I prayed!
         And in a second--a flash--
                  it was over, and I knew it was just a bad dream.
         But this message from God was a warning
                  and it's funny how real it seemed!

         So if ever you're feeling discouraged,
                  and tired and weakened you are,
         Drink deep of God's Word or creation,
                  but stay clear of that "backsliders' bar!"
--Daniel Albatross

Captain Proud?-Or Seaman Humble?
         Me name is Captain Proud. Here's de beginning of my tale
         Of how I met wit de Lord and um Jonah's big whale!
         I've been captain of me own ship now for years,
         I've been tough--ya know, never showin' no tears.
         I am proud of me ship, dat is, and have always been,
         No one came in me way or dey were tossed in de bin.
         I've always been able to steer my ship out wherever
         And I've never been scared of any type of weather.
         But me story begins when I was at sea one day
         I was goin' along fine, I was assured in every way,
         Den all of a sudden as I looked beyond me wheel
         I saw a storm a comin' ('twas only part of de deal);
         De waves came a crashin' and a hittin' 'gainst me boat,
         It bent and tilted 'till we scarcely were afloat.
         'But I'ms Captain Proud, I want you to see,
         So dis storm ain't gonna get to me.
         Den as time was a passin' by and de waves wouldn't stop
         I screamed out to de Lord "Save me and de whole lot!"
         I told de good Lord "I'll be doin' anythin' You say;
         Just save me ship and rescue me life today."
         Just den de Lord stopped de wind, waves and rain
         And I be sayin' to de Lord "Thank you" again and again.
         When it was all over I introduced meself to de Lord:
         "Me name is Captain Proud and You are most welcome aboard."
         Then de Lord He said to me, in a very plain way
         "Captain Proud, will you let Me steer your ship today?"
         Me automatic response was as plain as may be
         "Lord, don't You know that only I can steer dis ship correctly?"
         But den after much thought and considerin' what He just did
         I figured it couldn't do much harm--if He did as I bid.
         I den inquired "Do You have a workin' knowledge of a boat?
         Can You use a compass or even make me ship float?"
         De Lord den looked at me and said clear as day
         "Just trust Me and I'll lead and guide the way."
         So we were a startin' on de right path (accordin' to me)
         Headin' straight for me treasure, as far as I could see.
         But den to me total shock and disheartenin' dismay
         I learned He'd never used a compass (dey came after His day),
         He was steerin' off course and was goin' off to de right
         And oh, me treasure island was getting' out of sight!
         "Oh, Lordie," I said in the most distraught way,
         "You're strayin' from de treasure; may I lead de way?"
         De Lord den took a deep look into me green eyes,
         "If you want a real treasure, don't ask anymore whys."
         I den told de Lord "Listen here, me good man,
         Just let me steer my ship, 'till we get to land."
         De Lord handed me de wheel and walked quietly away
         I den picked up me compass and yelled out 'hooray!!!'
         Oh, how proud I was, I knew I was hip
         I had de Lord on my side and on me ship.
         I was boastin' of my great ship and how 'twas all mine
         When all of a sudden a large wave knocked me out of line
         Me leg got sort of bent, so I got a wooden one instead.
         But it didn't stop me, I was proud in me head.
         I den was a rarin' to go, as proud as can be
         Steerin' me ship up de waves, around and across de sea.
         Boastin' I was of de new leg dat I had
         When me boat tilted and de wheel hit me very bad
         It got me eye, 'twas just a little poke;
         Now a wooden leg and a patched eye, 'twas still just a joke.
         Now dis Captain Proud had an image instead
         A look of a pirate from me leg to me head.
         But no, one wooden leg and a big patched eye
         Ain't gonna stop Proud! I floated on by.
         Now I was a movin' along, it was simply a breeze
         As de ship, in my control, headed over de seas
         Just den I looked and it was der as plain as day
         "It's de treasure island!" I yelled in a boastful way.
         I moved on in closer and 'yes', der it was clear
         "But wait, it's movin', comin' dis way, ohhh. I can't even steer!"
         De island was coming closer and closer to me;
         "It's got eyes and a mouth as big as can be."
         "Oh, Lordie, it's Jonah's whale!"' I blurted out.
         "Please help me get me ship away," I began to shout.
         Den de Lord spoke to me and quietly began to say,
         "But I thought you wanted to steer the ship your own way?"
         "No, no, no Lord, you see, I wasn't feelin' too good,
         So me marbles weren't operating like dey should."
         "Captain Proud," said de Lord, turnin' once more to me,
         "And what about the compass?" But I den said instantly
         "Oh, dat old thing, it must have lost its marbles too.
         Please, just save me and I'll do anythin' You want me to do."
         Den de good Lord brought me ship to land
         And I be sayin' "Here Lord, shake me hand."
         But de Lord He said back to me very plain,
         "You didn't already forget your part in the bargain?"
         "Oh, no, Lord! I'll do whatever You say!", was me reply
         "Captain Proud, you must not ask where, what or why."
         "Yes Siree, I got dat down; is der anything more?"
         "Yes, there is," He added, "from now on I'll control the oar."
         "Whatever You say, Lord" was me answer to Him.
         "Now is der anythin' else I may help You in?"
         "Oh, yes there is My son, there's a whole lot more.
         More you could do for Me, on many a distant shore."
         I was so exited dat my pants nearly tore in two
         "But first," He said, "I want to make a new man out of you."
         "A new me?!" I gasped, "Lordie, whatever You say."
         "You'll be called Seaman Humble from hence forth this day."
         Humm I thought to myself, Seaman Humble, You say?
         Well, I guess dat will do, okay, I'm dat from now dis day.
         "Oh, and Lordie," I added "I won't be proud of me new name;
         And with or without me marbles, I'll serve You just de same."
         So, dat was de end of me story and pirate's tale
         How I met wit de Lord and um Jonah's big whale.
         But really it was when me whole life began;
         I became what God wanted, a changed new man.
         So learn from dis experience and don't be proud like me;
         Serve de Lord, be humble and trust Him wholeheartedly.
         May de good Lord be with you each and every day,
         As you sail on life's ship, just follow God's way!
         With love, Seaman Humble (no longer Captain Proud)
--Nepheli (16) and Dulcea (13)

The Race
         Hear the hubbub in the audience,
         All have taken their place,
         All wait in anticipation
         For the beginning of the race.

         "Who's racing today?" I whispered
         To the plump lady standing by.
         She looked as if she couldn't wait,
         I caught a sparkle in her eyes.

         "My son will be in the race today!"
         She answered excitedly.
         "Oh, look! There he is now!
         "The one who's waving at me!"

         I looked, and looked again,
         And was surprised at what I saw.
         Those racing today seemed to be all
         The "chaff" of the straw.

         Kids from the handicapped section of school
         Stood at the starting line of the track
         Some autistic, some mongoloids,
         And others, whom "quality" lacked.

         The whistle blew, the flag was waved,
         All started to run with their full might.
         Parents, brothers, and sisters shouted,
         "Go, go, go! Fight! Onward! Fight!"

         But suddenly the mother beside me gasped,
         I followed to where she now gazed.
         There, behind the others a ways,
         Her son had fallen down on his face.

         Then something amazing happened,
         It still haunts my mind all the time,
         The other kids turned right around,
         Love sparkled from their eyes with a shine.

         The mother watched, I watched,
         The audience stood gazed quietly in awe
         To see the children who had turned around
         Help the child up after his fall.

         Then they all stood in a line,
         And linked arms with one another.
         They walked side by side just like that,
         And finished the race together.

         Shouts from the audience sounded in the air.
         Everyone jumped and cheered,
         As the children made their way along,
         As the finish line they neared.

         "How dare I say that quality they lacked?
         "How dare had I even thought it?"
         Those kids had taught me something great,
         I swear will never forget it.

         They taught me that love was more important
         Than winning something great,
         Than making a big name for yourself,
         Their names are number one on my slate.

         Today I stand on that racetrack,
         The school is now broken and old,
         But the memory still lives in my heart,
         That special gift untold.

         I thank the Lord above everyday
         For bringing me to watch that race.
         The lesson will always burn in my heart.
         I'll always put love in first place.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family