HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY HOME!        DO 2956  10/94
Prophecies with Comments by Mama, Peter and the CROs

Introduction from Mama
1. All of us have been wrestling with the question of our children's education. There's so much to teach them, but so little time to do it. We have such an ambitious program that it's impossible to cover it all, yet we feel like there's got to be a way, because it's all so important.
         2. We've got what amounts to an education program with four major areas of learning: 1) Word Studies, 2) Witnessing, 3) Scholastics, 4) Practical Life Skills or Vocational Training. Our goal has been to see that all of these are covered properly. However, the reality of the situation is that we have fallen far short of that goal and we just haven't been able to find a way to fit everything in.
         3. It's not because of our lack of desire to give our children what we consider a good education, but because we've just tackled a monumental job--much more than the System would ever attempt! They have failed at the little that they have attempted, and here we are trying to do four times as much! A lot of kids in the System can barely manage to put in their hours of schooling and do their homework, and then they hardly have time for anything else. But for our kids, we not only want them to keep up their scholastic studies, but also pack in three other major areas of education as well. So we are trying to tackle a monumental job.
         4. I asked some of our folks if they would be willing to bring this problem before the Lord to ask Him for some very specific answers to what seemed like such a monumental problem to us--to cry out to Him for some supernatural solutions. The need was there, and the Lord had said that He would supply our every need.
         5. And the Lord spoke wonderfully! He very specifically showed us the solutions for fitting everything necessary into our kids' lives and what the proper balance is supposed to be. I was starting off with the wrong basic assumption, that all of our young people had to be trained equally in witnessing, in the Word, in their vocational subjects and also in their scholastics. But the Lord showed us in these prophecies that we don't have to think that each of them has to get the same amount of training in every area; that where we see some being stronger in one area and wanting more training in it, we should give it to them, and not demand that they fill up their time with other things that perhaps they don't need so much or even want. This, of course, is after they get the basic training that they need.
         6. I guess the point is that we just have to relax a little more and realize that the Lord knows that our kids can't be perfect and they can't do everything. We'll have to go along with their interests as much as possible and not demand that they have a high standard in every single thing.
         7. Of course, our younger ones do very much need a good foundation in the 3 R's in order to help them in their spiritual training with reading and writing the Word, but if we're faithful in that, we can expect He can easily bring them through System scrutiny, as He has done so many times before.
         8. If you would seek Him more for help in your monumental tasks, He would dissolve the obstacles and multiply your efforts and make it possible for you to do everything you need to do!--And He will bring in the finances and give you the time for all of your important duties. Everything that He wants you to do and everything you need to do, you can do, if you will look to Him and seek His guidance in prayer and in the Word.
         9. Everything the Lord had to say is already there in the Word, and if you Homes were obeying it, we wouldn't be having to ask the Lord these questions. There wouldn't be such serious dilemmas if Homes had followed what the Lord has already given. These prophecies are like a confirmation or a reminder of what the Lord has been saying all along. But He has had to tell us, "You are not listening to what I've been saying. I've supplied everything you need, but you are not reaching out, you're not taking it. You're not taking advantage of all of the resources that I have put across your path--the instruction and counsel I've already given you, the people that I bring to you and the opportunities that I give you."
         10. Personally, I think we are on our last chance in more ways than one, and if we as a Family don't start looking to the Lord and the Word for His answers, He is going to pass us by and go to someone else to do His job. He has pled and He has begged and He has called, and we haven't been listening. Recently He has gotten even more insistent that we must take time with Him. We must stop and search His Word and hear from Him or we are not going to make it; things are getting too difficult. The Enemy's forces are gaining strength, and if we don't avail ourselves of God's great spiritual forces we are going to fail, because we cannot do it in the arm of the flesh. God is calling us to be little Davids who will fight the battles by His Spirit!
         11. Lately in Letter after Letter and prophecy after prophecy the Lord is also reminding us of the importance of love, that no matter what else we may think we have, it's all nothing if we don't have love--love for the lost, love for our brothers and sisters, love for our children. I noticed that because we haven't gotten the point about how to put love into practice, He has been very specific lately in pointing out how to do it--how to have a "Love Revolution." For example, in what He said about Libby's Homegoing, what He has given about single moms, what He has given about the need for our Family-raised young people to love the YA nationals, what He is saying very specifically in these prophecies about how and when and where to love!
         12. Over and over in every way He is telling us that we must love, and that we must do it not in word only, but in deed! He has gone to great lengths to show us step by step how to do it, because we have been very dull in our understanding of how to practically apply His love in every situation.
         13. You're so wonderful, Lord, that You love us, Your little children, so much and are willing to do these great things for us. Thank You for Your answers, and that You are willing to keep giving them over and over so patiently, waiting for us to get the point. Help us now not to waste any more of Your precious time in going the wrong direction and doing the wrong things, but to get back on track and start doing what You've been telling us to do all the time through the Words of David.--So that You will be able to pour out Your blessings in every way, to give us not only what we need and want, but to accomplish Your purpose of reaching others with Your love.

Prophecies--With Comments from Mama, Peter and the CROs!
(After one of our WS units prayed about the situation concerning our children and their education, the prophecies they received were sent to Peter, who was holding a meeting with the CROs, and in a united meeting Peter and the CROs read and commented on the prophecies. Mama later added her comments and interpretations of the prophecies as well.)

Care for the Sheep Within and Without Our Folds!
         14. (Prophecy:) "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Train up a child in the way he should go, and it shall go well with your house, and your way shall prosper and your thoughts shall be established.
         15. "Lift up your eyes and look upon the fields, for they are white already to harvest. Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest. For if ye shall seek My children first--both My children within My fold and those without who are lost in the world--then it shall go well with you and your way shall prosper.
         16. "For I have led and guided you in the way that you should go. I have spoken through you and through My prophet and prophetess, that the reason that you are here in the world is to be a witness and to reap the souls of those who are lost; to be as the good shepherd who left the ninety and nine and went out and sought that which was lost and brought them safely back into the fold, and there watched over the whole fold of one hundred. For he was not always gone, searching for the lost sheep, but his job as the shepherd was to watch the hundred and to care for them.
         17. "I send you forth as My shepherds to go and do likewise. When one is lost, go seek and search them out, and tell them of My Words and of My truth and compel them to come into the Kingdom. But neglect not to care for those that are within the fold. For if ye shall care for those that are within the fold, then they shall in turn go forth and bring many into My Kingdom; for they are your investment in the future.
         18. "Have I not said in My Word that if ye do these things, that all these other things shall be added unto you? For I have brought you to this crisis to show that it is not 'business as usual,' but to restore unto you the desire to win the world and to be a witness. And happy are those who will do these things. So I say unto you, neglect not to care for that which is in your hand, for that is your witness. And neglect not to go forth as missionaries to the lost, for that is also your job. The one ye ought to do and not to leave the other undone."
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         19. (Comment from Mama:) The Lord is saying that our harvest, our mission field is not just the world outside our gates, but it is also our children within our walls. He's saying to pray for laborers to help win the world, and to also help win our children. He's saying if we'll seek His children outside (lost souls) and His children inside (our own children who we have raised in the Family, and also our brethren who need love), then the Lord will bless and prosper us.
         20. Our whole reason for existence here on this Earth is to be good shepherds of the ones lost in despair outside the fold, and of the ones who are already in the fold but who also need our care. He says not to neglect them, because they are our investment in the future and they will help to win many others if we will train them up in the way they should go. They are the Kingdom of God and we must make them a priority. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven" (Mark 10:14; Mat.6:33). If we will witness to our children and to lost souls, we will be seeking first the Kingdom of God, and then all of the other things that we need will be added on to us.
         21. He says He has brought us to this crisis in order to restore unto us the desire to win the world and be a witness. What is "this crisis" that He has brought us to? We have a financial crisis and we have a crisis with our children, and He's saying the answer for both of these crises is the same: To get back to our main job of witnessing, both to the world and to our children, and to set the example for our children so that they will want to do likewise. Not only is witnessing, both to the world and to our children, the answer for us, but witnessing is the answer for our children as well. Dad pointed this out clearly in "The School Vision" when he talked about the need for teaching our children and making them witnesses. (See ML #2430.)

Show'm Jesus!
         22. (Prophecy:) "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me. Ye ask, 'How can we do it? How can we do the one and not neglect the other? How can we care for our children and also care for those outside our walls?' I say unto you, lift Me up and I will draw all men unto Me. Put Me first. Raise Me up. Make Me the center and I will not fail you. Show them Jesus--not only those that you witness to outside, but those little ones right there before you. If ye lift Me up, I will draw all men unto Me, and I will lead and guide you and provide abundantly for you. For will I not care for My Own? Think ye not that I love them and will provide for them and for you?
         23. "Ye have but to lift Me up! Lean not to your own understanding, lean not to the arm of the flesh, but lift Me up. Seek Me every day in prayer, for it is all there before you in My Word. If ye will but abide in that Word and let it abide in you, it will bring forth fruit, and that fruit shall remain, that fruit that ye desire, the fruit of your children that will never leave you, brought up in the nurture and the admonition of My Word."
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         24. (Comment from Peter:) The Lord repeated a number of times, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me. Show'm Jesus." How do you show'm Jesus?--You give them the Word. But it's also having the life of the Spirit within your Home. If you seek the Lord every day in prayer through communion with Him and time in His Word, then you'll have real excitement of the Spirit--of hearing from the Lord and being on the move with the Lord in the direction and place that He wants you to go.
         25. The Lord also said, "If you lift Me up, I will lead you and guide you and provide abundantly for you." So it's part of the financial solution as well.

Pray Over Each Situation!
         26. (Prophecy:) "As the wind bloweth where it listeth, so is My Spirit. As you so well know, each situation is different, but look to My Spirit and it will guide you into all truth. In each situation, look to My Spirit. Stop, look and listen. I will give you the specific solution to each situation if you will stop and look and hear from Me. For My Spirit will bless you and lead and guide you and will melt your problems away."
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         27. (Comment from Peter:) This is a major point: You can't apply every word of every Letter to every situation. You can take the principles and guidelines and the truth from the Word, but each situation is different and you've got to pray. Dad brought this out clearly from the very beginning when he wrote "For God's Sake Follow God!" (ML #4). We need to pray over each situation--looking to the Lord for what to do each day, what to do about this sheep or that contact or that child.
         28. The key is dependence upon the Lord and seeking Him for the answers through the Word, and not expecting others to tell us all the answers. The Lord says He will give us the specific solutions if we will ask Him and look to His Word.

Be Happy and Challenged and Shine for Jesus in Your Own Unique Way!
         29. (Prophecy:) "Behold, I have raised up a mighty army and each one is precious in My sight--every man, woman and child. Each one has their gift and their place, and each one has their strengths and their weaknesses. It is My desire to supply the needs of each one, and I pour forth according to the faith and the desire of each one.
         30. "For I have put before you a task that is so great and so monumental that it will force you to your knees to call upon Me and to lean and depend upon Me, that you might realize that without Me you can do nothing, and without Me it is an impossibility. And in realizing your own lacks and your own weaknesses and your own inability, I shall be able to come through and show My strength and My power through you.
         31. "This is My design and My plan and I have prepared the way. I have brought upon you this crisis, this emergency, this monumental task, that I might be glorified. And with what measure you seek Me and look to Me, with the same measure I shall pour forth solutions and finances and all that you need.
         32. "For each one is precious in My sight, and I would that each person, both small and great, would be fulfilled and satisfied and challenged. I have already provided the means for you to be fulfilled and satisfied and challenged if ye would but seek and open your eyes to the vast treasures that I have already set at your fingertips, if ye would just seek in My Word for that which I have already provided. Diligently and aggressively seek for the answers which are there for you.
         33. "For I place this responsibility upon each person. All of you work together and all of you bear the responsibility, and all must feel the weight and carry their part to move the mighty mountain, to move the monumental task and accomplish My will. It is not possible to place the weight upon the shoulders of only a few, but all must get behind this giant boulder to push and to make progress and to reach the destination.
         34. "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill My Law of Love. Each person must aggressively reach out to those around them to fulfill the need and to lift the burden. Each person must play their role in witnessing, in Home life, in childcare, in prayer, in all spheres of the revolutionary lifestyle that I have given you. None can say, 'That is not my job, that is not my ministry, that is not my responsibility.'
         35. "For I place this burden of reaching the world, and of raising the little ones, and of being a good sample upon the shoulders of all. But there are those who are more gifted in certain areas. Each person is different--some have gifts that lie in one area, and others have gifts which lie in another area--and these shine according to their strengths and their gifts.
         36. "Likewise with your young people, they will not all be the same. There will be those who will be strong in scholastics, who have the desire and the mind and the intellect for it, who have a burden and a hunger for that area; and there will be those who will be your great and mighty Word warriors, your best teachers, those who know the Word and who have memorized the most; and there will be those who will shine in vocational areas, for that is their burden and their strength which I have given unto them; and there will be those who will be your shining witnesses, those who will be especially burdened for lost souls and gifted in winning them.
         37. "For as I have raised up the adults in different areas and ministries, so will I raise up young people likewise, and they will not all be the same. And as they grow and their gifts and burdens mature, take heed to their desires that they may grow and be fed and challenged according to their specific gifts and burdens which I have given them.
         38. "For it is a rare person who can be gifted and strong in all areas. Therefore, give everyone your basic training and then let them grow according to their specific burdens and gifts. In doing this, My Family shall be well balanced; you will have what you need and you will be a body fitly joined together."
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         39. (Comment from Mama:) In this prophecy the Lord is repeatedly trying to get the point across that every person is different. He has made everyone unique, with different gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. They cannot all fit into the same slot; they cannot all do the same job; they will not all think the same way; they will not all have the same ideas; they will not all understand things exactly the same.
         40. Some will be slow, some will be faster. Some will be weak in some areas and strong in others, while others will be strong in someone else's weak areas but weak in their strong areas. But God is the One Who has made us this way, and each one is precious to the Lord just the way he is, and therefore each one should be precious to us just the way they are.
         41. Each one should have the freedom to be happy and challenged and to shine for Jesus in their own unique way. He specifically says about our young people that some will be strong in scholastics--those whom the Lord has given the desire, the burden and the hunger for it, as well as the mind and the intellect for it. Others will be great and mighty Word warriors, some of our best teachers, those who know the Word and have memorized it the most.
         42. Others will shine in vocational areas, for that is their burden and their strength that the Lord has given them. And there will be those who will be our shining witnesses, who will be especially burdened for lost souls and gifted in winning them, for the Lord has given them that special gift. According to their desires and their burdens be it done unto them. According to the gifts that God has given be it done unto them.
         43. So He says let them grow in the areas that they are interested in; give them opportunities for challenge in those areas. After we have given them their basic training, then we must let them follow their leading. And for God's sake, and their sake, don't compare them and say one is better than another, or one is more capable than another, because God has done this work and He doeth all things well.
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         44. (Comment from Peter:) The Lord says the task is so big that it is driving us to our knees. He said that He brought this crisis and emergency to force us to realize--and here's the key--"that with what measure you seek Me and look to Me, with the same measure I shall pour forth solutions and finances and all that you need." A measly prayer gets a measly answer.
         45. The Lord said, "I place this responsibility on each person." It seems the responsibility that He's talking about is in just about every area of our lives. The education of the children is not just the teachers' responsibility; the shepherding of the Home is not just the shepherds' responsibility; the bringing in of finances or the witnessing is not just the responsibility of a few. We're all responsible!

You Must Give Them the Spirit!
         46. (Prophecy:) "Behold the small sparrows who care for the young of their nest. They fly to and fro to gather the seeds that I have given them for their young. They toil and gather to feed their young, and I provide for them. Their labors are not unrewarded, they are seeking first My Kingdom and the lives of these young ones that I have put in their nest. Therefore I have honored their faith, and so shall I honor you as you care for your children, and as you care for the lost.
         47. "What have you done today to save a soul? Have ye carried your part of the responsibilities to save a soul today? Not in the works of the flesh and in obedience to your schedules, but in prayer and supplication, have ye carried your part of the load? Have you carried your part in caring for the children? Have you carried them to My bosom in prayer?
         48. "If your children lack, have you wrestled in the Spirit for them? These burdens that I lay upon your heart, have ye acted upon them? If ye have not come unto Me in prayer and wrestled in prayer for the needs of your children and of your flock, ye have not done what you can do today to save a soul.
         49. "This Revolution was built in the Spirit!--Not on schedules, not on rules, but the Spirit. It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing. It is the Spirit that maketh alive! Are ye burdened to see the joy sparkle in your children's hearts? Are ye burdened to see them carry on the Revolution? Then you must give them the Spirit! They must see it burn within you, the love of Christ that constraineth you.
         50. "Above all else, they must see you give your hearts to Me. They must not see you looking upon the fleshly pleasures of this world, but looking unto Me, caring for Me above all else! If they have not seen this in you, then they greatly lack. If they have not seen you pour out your heart for their needs, they shall go astray; for they shall be stunted and will not grow into the men and women that I have designed them to be.
         51. "Are ye drinking from the Word? Are ye daily partaking of My Spirit, delving into My Words and drinking and finding Me? Cry out to Me and I shall bring these wonderful solutions! Cry out to Me and I shall open the riches of My Spirit, the riches of My Word, and this world I will lay at your feet. Ye have not because ye ask not.
         52. "Ye have not the direction of My Word that ye need to bring the solutions to these problems because ye seek Me not. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and My righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Cry out to Me daily and love Me first and see the wonders that I shall do through you, that shall inspire your souls, and all these things shall be added unto you."
* * *
         53. (Comment from Peter:) The importance of prayer and supplication is being made quite evident in this prophecy. The Lord is trying to get across to us with a 2 x 4 that we're supposed to pray. But we're so busy we can't even stop to pray. We're so busy taking care of kids, getting the Home organized, doing our phone messages, and so on and so forth! At every level of Family life, everybody's just too busy! And because of that, we postpone prayer and the Word. But when we have so much to do, we need to spend even more time in prayer.
         54. These prophecies not only cover education and children, but the whole spectrum of our lives. I think every Home member is going to be convicted and feel, "I haven't been wrestling in the Spirit for the children in this Home, I haven't poured out my soul today for the children."
         55. And not just for the children.--What about your converts? What about the souls that you're trying to lead to the Lord? What about your contacts? What about each other? When somebody's having a problem or struggling, are we praying for them and asking the Lord to work? Or do we just go talk to them and try to make them get the victory in the flesh?
         56. The Lord says, "This Revolution was built in the Spirit!--Not on schedules, not on rules, but the Spirit. Are you burdened to see the joy sparkle in your children's hearts?"--Not just the children, either, but the whole Family, everybody! "Are you burdened to see them carry on the Revolution? Then you must give them the Spirit!" It's not enough just to give them the Word. If they don't see the Word alive in you, and if you're not giving them the Spirit, then the Word will just become dead to the kids--and not just to the kids, the Lord is speaking to all of us!
         57. Our kids and adults--our Homes--have got to have the Spirit! They've got to see the Spirit burning in their shepherds' hearts, and the kids have got to see it burning in the adults of the Home. Otherwise, as one child said, "Does God really answer prayer? We pray, but nothing ever happens!" If you don't have faith and you're not obeying, you're not going to get answers to your prayers. And if you're not, then the kids are going to think, "What are you doing? Why are you praying? What a waste of time!"
         58. The Lord also says, "The children must not see you looking upon the fleshly pleasures of this world, but looking unto Me, caring for Me above all else!" They've got to see our fervent love for the Lord. The fire has to be lit in them, and that only happens through the Word and the Spirit. If they see that you have the fire burning, then they'll want to burn too!

Use the Children More!
         59. (Prophecy:) "I shall supply all of your need according to My riches in glory. But you say to Me, 'You have not supplied.' Yet I say, My Word says I have supplied. For each of your situations I have supplied all of your need according to My riches in glory. But you have not asked, you have not knocked, you have not sought to find it. You say, 'How shall my children learn to read?' I say to you, how many of you read? Each one must teach one, and even a little child can lead.
         60. "Each one contains so much talent, so much ability. Have you invested your talents wisely in your children and in those around you? Have you poured forth what knowledge you have? How much are you sharing? Or are you selfish? Are you sitting on your talents? Are you burying them in yourselves and not letting them burst forth in your children?
         61. "You can increase your talents by pouring them into children, for they multiply quickly! There is so much children can do, but you do not see it that way. You often see children as a burden, and yet I said unto you a little child shall lead them.
         62. "I have supplied all your needs if you will only have the faith for it. It is there! I am not a stingy God! I will not lay a yoke upon you that you cannot bear. You say, 'Oh no, a greater weight. We must raise finances. We must cast aside everything else.' Oh children, children, have ye no balance? Where is your wisdom? Look unto Me and be enlightened. Turn to Me and I will teach you the way. Listen and pour out. Give and it shall be given unto you, with good measure, pressed down and shaken together."
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         63. (Comment from Mama:) The Lord is saying that we have been blaming Him for things that are our fault. We are the ones to blame. He says we're complaining about His stinginess and that He isn't keeping His promises, but He's saying that we haven't done our part. He's saying that His supply is right there waiting for us if we will just reach out for it.
         64. He says, "You have not asked, you have not knocked, you have not sought to find it." You'll notice that the seeking and knocking usually go along with the asking. When the Lord says that we aren't asking, the asking He is talking about encompasses far more than just saying, "Lord, please give me such-and-such." If we really want something, we will be determined to get it, to seek wholeheartedly, to knock on every door. It will be a wholehearted active search that will refuse to give up without seeing the needed results.
         65. Let's face it, most of us haven't been that desperate. Instead, we have been content to tolerate the lacks, to live with the insufficiencies, to murmur about the needs but not to do anything about them. We haven't wanted to pay the high price of stirring ourselves up enough to get desperate with the Lord in prayer and make the sacrifices to search the Word daily for the answers. We've been selfish and lackadaisical--not only not wanting to stir ourselves up to seek the Lord desperately, but unwilling to "invest our talents wisely in our children and those around us."
         66. The Lord says, "There is so much that children can do, but you do not see it that way. You often see children as a burden, and yet I say unto you, 'A little child shall lead them.'" He says if we all share with one another what we know, and then let them lead the way in every area, great blessings will be upon us. "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over"--giving of our time to seek the Lord, giving of our witness to the world, giving of our finances to the Lord's work, giving of our love and diverse gifts to our children and each other.
         67. This is a message for each of us! The Lord is giving a special commission to each of you: "Each one teach one." You are to look for opportunities all day long where you can be sharing what you know with someone. If you adults use your talents--whether big or small--to pour into your children, then the Lord promises He will multiply those talents in their lives, and you will reap great dividends. You will see the children becoming the leaders that the Lord has promised.

Be Little Davids!
         68. (Prophecy:) "I would that you would be as David, but many of your Homes are like Goliath. You are cumbered about with heavy armor, and your shield bearer and armor bearer must go before you to bear all the armor and the heavy shields. You are so weighed down with all these obstacles, with all these things, that you are not free to do the work that I would that you would do. Be like David, who did not have these cumbersome things--this armor, these great shields--but who could simply take a few little pebbles that I had given him to accomplish My will.
         69. "Out of each Goliath I would make many little Davids who can run speedily here and there to accomplish My will. And I will free the armor bearers and the shield bearers so that they may also accomplish My will of witnessing, of teaching and of instructing the children. But they are so burdened with carrying armor and carrying shields and the duties of the Home and the organization and the business and the problems, that they are not able to devote themselves to what I would that they would do.
         70. "So be as My little Davids, not encumbered with the cares of this world, but devoted simply to obeying My will for the moment. Go forth as little Davids in the power of My Spirit and ye shall overcome! Ye shall save souls and reach the lost and push back the Enemy's forces and rescue them that are captured by the Enemy's armies.
         71. "For even as David had no strength of his own, but sought his strength from Me, and even as he had no heavy armor, but simply the smooth little pebbles of My Word which he did use as I instructed him to, even so did he accomplish that which I wanted him to do. For they that wait upon Me shall renew their strength, and ye shall mount up with wings as eagles. Ye shall walk and not be weary; ye shall run and not faint."
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         72. (Comment from Mama:) It sounds like the Lord is trying to tell us something about our large Homes. When He compares our large Homes to Goliath, it is clearly symbolic of the arm of the flesh. He's saying that some of our large Homes are unwieldy, so encumbered by burdens and so slow-moving that they can't accomplish anything. People are so weighed down with the administration and organization, business and maintenance and problems that they can't spend the time doing what the Lord wants them to do: They can't witness to the world or the children, and can't teach what they know.
         73. He says we have so many people in our large Homes to do the job that we depend on them and not on Him, and because of this, even though we have so many people, they fail, and they don't accomplish the job. And the more people we have, the more people we need to take care of them, whose job would be better spent out winning the world.
         74. He wants us to start being little Davids who can go when He says to go and come when He says to come, who can move at His command, and who don't insist on carrying along a lot of paraphernalia, but whose strength is in the Lord.--Little Davids who don't have anything else to depend on, just Jesus and His Word.

Give, Pour Out and Hold Back Nothing!
         75. (Prophecy:) "With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Ye must not look at the hours in the day or the task that is before you, or the huge mountains there are to climb, but ye must look to Me and to My limitless power which will work through you.
         76. "For as ye give and give and give again of your time and your energy and your love in every way, I will multiply your efforts. As you each do your best and do all you can, I will bring in much more than you ever thought or imagined, and there will be such an abundance. There will be an abundance of finances, there will be an abundance of time to teach your children, and there will be My blessing if you give and give and give again, looking not at the impossibility of the situation, but looking to Me for strength and for power.
         77. "This is their time to be educated, to be trained, to be taught in My Word, but the teaching includes the witnessing. They must be taken out, they must be allowed to pour out.--Not as one that vainly scatters the seed without rhyme or reason on the ground, but as one that is guided and taught how to sow. For this is part of their education and this is their time for learning the Word.
         78. "The Word is also part of witnessing. But they must learn to wield the Word, how to answer with the Word, how to understand people with the Word and how to understand the events of the world with the Word. Each thing that happens to them can be an occasion for them to learn and grow and be trained. But it depends on you giving out--not only to your children, but to all whom you come in contact with.
         79. "Do you witness to the man that makes deliveries to your house? Do you witness to the man that you see on your way, in the bus, or on your street? I have put these people in your path, I have sent them to you and you have not heeded. I have sent you funds and you have not heeded it. You have not heeded the blessings that I have put in your way because you have been too busy with a little here and a little there, and the man was gone. But if ye go out and start each day looking for how you can pour out and how you can give, you will be faithful trainers of the children and you will be faithful witnessers, and I will bless you above and beyond anything you can imagine.
         80. "But it must start with your attitude of giving, for as you give I will give unto you, and I will bless mightily and abundantly. But as you withhold, it tendeth to poverty, and it is not the training that you should give to your children. But if they see you giving and pouring out, they will learn, and they will be inspired to follow your example.
         81. "And as you continue to do this, I will continue to bless, and to pour out, and your needs will be met in every way, even the time to give to your children--and you will have showers of blessing as I have promised."
* * *
         82. (Comment from Mama:) When the Lord says, "Share what you have and you will have more than enough to go around," it sounds like what we need is already all there. He says you'll have enough to teach your children, to support yourselves and to supply every need. In other words, if everybody gets busy using the talents that the Lord has given them, the Lord will multiply our efforts.
         83. God is promising that as we take the steps of faith to obey and do the job that He has set before us, He will multiply the bread and fishes, and He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. He says He's going to multiply our efforts, and that as we give and give in every way, He will give back to us many times more than what we have given.
         84. He says there's going to be an abundance--an abundance of finances, an abundance of time to teach your children, and more than enough provision for every need! As we take our children and do the job of witnessing that He has set before us, we will win the lost, gain supporters, renew our fire, train our children in the Word, get them turned on to the Spirit and have a wonderful time!
         85. But as you witness, you must teach your children how to use the Word and how to understand people with the Word, and how to look at events from the perspective of the Word. It says you must take every opportunity to explain things to them that they don't understand or are unfamiliar with. We must be instant in season and out of season, ready to give an answer to every man and woman that not only asks us, but that comes across our path.
         86. Just think, the Lord says He's sent people to us, even with finances, and we have been so busy that we've failed the people and missed the blessings. He says that we must begin and go through each day looking for ways that we can pour out and give to hungry hearts--that if we do, we will not only reach the lost, but we will be the samples that our children need to see. He says He will bless us beyond anything we can imagine.
* * *
         87. (Comment from Peter:) As Mama admonished, we had better change or the Lord is going to give the job to somebody else. People have got to have a change of heart and a change of desire, a desire to witness. It's great that we have wonderful Homes, and that the sociologists love us and write books about us, and that we have singing groups, and we're on TV and on the radio, but we're here to witness! Not that all those other things aren't witnessing, but the bottom line is that everybody is to be a witness.
         88. Now some people do have other needed gifts, and they should abide in that calling; but they should have the spirit of witnessing and they should still witness whenever and wherever and to whomever they can. Maybe they can't go out that much, but they can certainly witness to our children, as the Lord has said. They can certainly pray for the lost; they can certainly pray for those who can go out. In all this, they can be a very vital part of our witnessing ministry.

Be a Vessel of His Love!
         89. (Prophecy:) "I have given enough love to go around. I can give you enough love to go around if you will yield more to Me. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. For there be some who are strong who could support many more of the weak. Some desire and are covetous of a ministry or of a position, but ye do limit yourselves and ye make yourselves smaller than you need to be, for such is unyieldedness.
         90. "I have desired for every man to have many gifts of love, many talents of caring. I desire to pour forth through every man a great abundance of love--love enough to go around, love enough to minister not only at your desk in your coveted ministry, but in every possible way around you. No matter what great ministry or calling I have for you, there is a greater ministry, and that is to love and to be a vessel of My love at all times, and to be yielded to Me at all times.
         91. "I would open unto you many more pathways of love, if you would be open to it, if you would yield your hearts and your minds to be My vessel of love to all around you at all times. As you stand and wait for your food, as you sit and relax, as you walk from place to place, there are so many more ways that you can be vessels of My love!
         92. "Do not limit yourselves by such unyieldedness or covetousness, to only look upon your own things. For I would make each of you a much fuller vessel, flowing much more fully with My power of love."
* * *
         93. (Comment from Mama:) This is another whole aspect of having happy, fruitful Homes.--There must be love, and lots of it! Each member must feel warm and secure and cared about, with all of their needs fulfilled. He or she must know they are loved the way they are, for who they are. No one should feel left out or looked down on. No one should have to compare, if we will all look not on our own needs but on the needs of others.
         94. The Lord says when we're covetous of someone else's job, we make ourselves smaller than we need to be. In His eyes, when we're in the center of His will, the job He has given us is the greatest job that we could be doing, and we belittle ourselves when we desire someone else's job.
         95. He says that when we covet another's position, we are unyielded, because we are unyielded to what He has already given us and what He knows is the best for us, and what He knows in the long run will make us the happiest and what He knows is the very greatest job for us.
         96. And on top of that, He says the greatest ministry is to be a vessel of His love. No matter what wonderful ministry you may think you have, they all pale by comparison to the greatest ministry that He offers each of us--that of loving one another, of loving our children, of loving the lost!

More Visions and Verses!
         97. (Vision:) I had a vision of a giant panorama. There were all these different things going on, showing the different facets of our life. There was a childcare worker, teaching the kids, and praying for the witnessers. There was a provisioner waiting in an office to see somebody, and he was praying for the children back home who were having school.
         98. It went on with the cook in the kitchen busy at her work, and she was praying for the provisioners who were out at the market getting the food. There was a secretary at a desk and she was praying for another team out on business. The shepherd in his room was praying for the teens who were out on outreach. There were a few Home members gathered around the table about to eat lunch and they were stopping to pray for all the teams out.
         99. A mother was hanging up laundry and she was praying for a person the Home was witnessing to. A group of JETTs was having school and they stopped to pray for the media people who were out at an appointment. Somebody else was in their room doing paperwork and they were praying for a PG mommy, and it went on with more pictures along this line. Then I got the verse, "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal.6:2). The whole impression was that everyone was bearing the others' burdens through continual prayer.
         100. Then I saw a picture of the Home eating dinner together. They were sitting around the dinner table sharing the victories of the day, giving the Lord the praise. It seemed like this was the fruit of what I saw in the picture above, that they were all praising the Lord for the victories of the day as they had all been upholding each other in prayer and bearing one another's burdens through prayer during the day. I had the impression that they all very much felt a part of what each one was doing throughout the day--a body fitly joined together.

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