THE WRATH OF GOD--GOD'S VIOLENCE!        DO 2869  6/93

         1. God damn those police who treated our people so cruelly! Lord, sock it to them and their families for what they've done to us! Most of all, God damn the people who persuaded them to do it!
         2. People are getting more fiendish all the time! Well, men's evil hearts have always been capable of the most fiendish acts, but the "civilized" Western societies have generally kept things under control. But now with the evil forces so strong, people are daring to show their true colors and translate into action what is in their evil hearts. Well, this is just the beginning of sorrows (Mat.24:8).--We really haven't suffered much yet.
         3. I'd like to get ahold of one of those guys that caused that trouble! Imagine those fiends treating our women and mothers and little babies that way! I mean, it's horrible! What we need to do now is really expose them to the world, publish all these horrors!
         4. Let's show the world how horrible it was, and how inhuman and cruel it was! They ought to go to every media outlet, every TV, radio and newspaper with that story. Their treatment of us was shocking! It's the kind of stuff that they would put in the news as "police brutality" if it weren't directed against us.
         5. Boy, I tell you, I don't think I'll be satisfied until I get my hands on them myself at the Battle of Armageddon and put them through some of the things they've done to us! But we'll probably be sorry for them instead, and have mercy on them because they know not what they do. They're so blinded by the Devil, so deceived by our enemies.
         6. (Mama: Yes, I guess that's why those backsliders who fight us so bitterly are the most responsible, because they do know what they do. Many other people who don't like us and fight against us have never seen us or known us, and are only going on reports of what they've heard about us, but those backsliders are responsible. They have no excuse. And many of our avowed enemies who make it a project to fight us are also responsible, because they could know the truth. They have not bothered to talk with us personally, nor visit us, nor read our literature with an open mind and heart. They believe what they want to believe; their minds are made up and they don't want to be confused with the facts.)
         7. It's just like the days of Jesus. When the Lord said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," He was talking about the police (Luk.23:34). As He hung on the cross, He was talking about the unknowing Romans, who had been egged on to do it by the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees who did know better. I wonder how they like Hell now! They've been there for 2,000 years! And some of these guys who persecute us are not going to like it any better, no matter how many thousands of years they stay there.
         8. Our afflictions are but for a moment by comparison (2Cor.4:17), and God will avenge us! The Lord really knows how to sock it to them! He said, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay! Stand back and see Me fight! This is My battle, not thine" (Rom.12:19; 2Chr.20:17,15; 1Sam.17:47). Wow! What statements! What God is going to do to them!
         9. Well, I just can't do the subject justice, it's so horrible! Thank God it'll soon all be over, and they'll get their just deserts!--And they'll be sorry they ever laid a finger on us! They'll be crawling to us, begging for mercy--dirt, dust and ashes under our feet! (Isa.49:23; Rev.3:9). It's a good thing I'm not the Lord, or I'd be giving it to them right now. But He's got to wait until their cup of iniquity is full so He can give them their full due of judgment and the horror of His days of Wrath--the period right after the Tribulation when we're gone and He heaps His judgments on the evil world we've left behind.
         10. I feel a little bit like the souls under the altar in Heaven in Revelation who are saying, "O Lord, how long? When are You going to avenge our blood?" And He said, "Just a little while longer until your number of martyrs is completed, until the wicked's cup of iniquity is full" (Rev.6:9-11). Then He's going to trample out the winepress of His fury so that the blood of the wicked runs to the horses' bridles! (Rev.14:19,20).
         11. So God bless you folks! Content yourself with these words of comfort, that "with what measure they have meted it out, it's going to be meted to them again" manyfold! (Luk.6:38). He says, "This is the patience of the saints" (Rev.13:10), and one of the reasons why they're going to reap such great rewards--eternal happiness in His coming Paradise! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus!--While His enemies are suffering His wrath in Hell! God damn them! And the sooner the better!
         12. We recently issued an official statement that we don't believe in violence, with some of the things I've said against violence in my Letters. We don't believe in violence--neither meting it out personally to our enemies nor having other people do it for us--because we know it just brings more violence. But I'm looking forward to God's violence--His fury on them--when the days of His Wrath come! He can do a much better job of it than we ever could!
         13. Just wait until God wreaks violence on them! He pictures it as such a horrible slaughter they won't even be able to bury all of the wicked. They'll be like dung on the face of the earth, and He'll summon the vultures of the earth to devour them in the day of God's slaughter!--His Wrath on the wicked following the Tribulation. (See Jer.25:33; Eze.39:4-21; Rev.19:17-21.)
         14. God can handle it better than I can, and do a better job of it, and He's going to soon. He's already doing it in a lot of cases--humiliating them and frustrating them and confounding them and defeating them, thank the Lord!--And getting us many victories after having suffered seeming defeats, thank the Lord!
         15. I almost seem to hear Him say, "Just wait a little while, just a little longer and you will be avenged as only I can do it, and they'll be sorry they ever opposed you, and in so doing opposed Me. Their suffering will be ten times worse, so horrible you'll even be sorry for them!"
         16. Am I making it clear how much I hate them? God's Word says He's angry with the wicked every day! (Psa.7:11). King David said, "I have hated the wicked with a perfect hatred" (Psa.139:21-22). I guess I'm a lot like him. Saint Peter says the wicked are "brute beasts created to be destroyed!" (2Pet.2:12).
         17. Maybe we should call this "The Wrath of God," about the violence of God. Well, I can't do the subject justice, so I might as well quit and let God finish it. God bless you all, and keep you until the Day of Vengeance when God shall destroy them all and you will be the triumphant victors!
         18. God is exposing the wicked to show how evil they really are! If He didn't let them do some of these horrible things to the innocent, nobody would wake up to how evil they really are. But it's beginning to wake up some people. Some people are beginning to see the light about their darkness, and how evil the System is, and how they're the same all over the world in the way they treat us and God's children everywhere.
         19. Right now some of the churches are riding high, even gloating over their triumphs over the cults. But just wait until they start getting it. They're going to sing a different song, which is going to be a pitiful lament. They're going to be sorry for what they did to us. Some day they're all going to be sorry--too late.
         20. So just wait, their day is coming! Right now God is showing the world how far they can go, how vile and filthy and cruel and wicked they are. But their cups of iniquity are beginning to run over, and God's about to clobber them! So just wait. Be patient. Their time is coming. He's going to wreak His vengeance on them and avenge His wrath on those who are persecuting you. God bless you and keep you until that day! It's coming soon! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Have mercy on Thy children, Lord, and keep them patient until that day, and make them great witnesses--martyrs for Thee!--In Jesus' name, amen.
         21. I don't think people understand the Wrath of God enough. I think you've got to make it clear and call it the violence of God! Wrath means anger, but how is anger translated?--By God's violence, the violence of God! Whew! Wow! Ooh, is that going to be the day!
         22. So God damn you wicked persecutors of God's children!! You are already damned! "He that believeth not is damned already" (Jn.3:18) and shall suffer the fires of Hell, as millions of them are who are already in Hell--all the persecutors of the past, the torturers of the saints, those who caused all the martyrdoms of the martyrs! They're already in Hell, as these will soon be!
         23. So herein is the patience of the saints (Rev.13:10). Yet a little while, and your suffering will be avenged by God Himself, as only He can do it, and He's already given you some victories. Thank You Jesus!--In Jesus' name, amen.

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