THE UGLY AMERICANS!                        DO 2349                            9/87
--Get IN!--Or Get OUT!
         2. (MARIA: MANY OF THOSE JAPANESE CUSTOMS ARE FOR SOME GOOD PURPOSE.)--Customs which they consider part of their culture. It shows what a WONDERFUL CULTURE they have, all of those little customs that are so thoughtful & kind & appreciative. (Maria: And CLEAN too!--Like taking off your shoes before you go into the house.) Yes.
         3. OUR MISSIONARIES JUST NEED TO BE MORE CHRIST-LIKE, THAT'S ALL! What would JESUS do?--He would do His best not to offend the Japanese, & to show appreciation & gratitude & thanksgiving & thoughtfulness & kindness & consideration. These things should just come NATURALLY to CHRISTIANS, to those who love the LORD & love OTHERS!
         4. (MARIA: IF OUR PEOPLE WERE COURTEOUS & WELL-BEHAVED, EVEN IF THEY DID UNINTENTIONALLY BREAK SOME OF THEIR HOST COUNTRY'S RULES & TRADITIONS, their love & consideration in OTHER areas would more than make up for it, & they'd probably be forgiven for a lot of their mistakes.) Exactly. (Maria: But it seems like so many of them are just so pushy, so impolite.)
         5. IT'S SELFISHNESS! THAT'S WHAT IT IS!--IT'S SELFISHNESS! THEY JUST NEED TO HAVE LOVE, THAT'S THE WHOLE THING! If they had as much LOVE as they should have, they wouldn't have all these problems. They'd be thoughtful & kind & considerate & courteous & polite & grateful & clean. (Maria: And here they've had experts for years that wanted to teach them all that, a precious King & Queen, actual Family Members who wanted to help them in every way, but they just almost slapped them in the face, refused their help! They've had wonderful, wonderful people to help them.) Amen, God bless them!
         6. GOD BLESS THE DEAR PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN WILLING TO PUT UP WITH OUR FAMILY MEMBERS IN JAPAN ALL THESE YEARS! It shows the patience of the Japanese. (Maria: Yes, it's a real miracle!)--The kindness & mercy of the Japanese people. PTL!
         7. WELL, I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THEY HAD BETTER PERK UP AND TOE THE LINE AND STRAIGHTEN OUT, OR WE'D BETTER THROW OUT THE ONES THAT DON'T!--Those who think that they are some kind of smart-aleck know-it-alls who don't have to conform to anybody else's culture! It's one thing to be a rebel for JESUS & a revolutionary CHRISTIAN, but that DOESN'T mean you have to be discourteous & impolite & inconsiderate & thoughtless & unthankful, & just go bulldozing your way right across other people's culture, contrary & counter to their culture!
         8. WE MAY BELONG TO A COUNTER-CULTURE AGAINST THE AMERICAN TYPE OF SOCIETY, but it looks to me like the JAPANESE type of society is far more IDEAL, so we DON'T have to be counter-culture to JAPAN & to the Japanese! And our people in Japan had better snap out of it & straighten up! I gave a talk along these lines once before about some of our Americans in South America. (See "Face Up, Dress Up, Trim Up, Straighten Up!--Or Out You Go!", No.1202.)
         9. WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO, WHEN IN JAPAN, DO AS THE JAPANESE DO! That's a general rule of thumb for all Mankind. When in LATIN AMERICA do as the LATIN AMERICANS do!--BEHAVE yourself! Try to FIT in! You don't have to compromise your FAITH or your BELIEF, to fit into a culture & conform to their customs!--Especially when they're GOOD customs & they show thoughtfulness & consideration & courtesy & love! Maybe they've become formalised, but at least it's a GOOD form! It's certainly a Heaven of a lot better than the hellish form of the AMERICANS!--The boorish, clumsy, bulldozing savagery of the Americans!
         10. NO WONDER THEY'VE TURNED AROUND & CALLED THE AMERICANS THE "UGLY AMERICANS"!--Compared to them, they ARE ugly! Americans are ugly, boorish & clumsy! I just can't think of enough ugly words for them, the selfish, ugly, inconsiderate, unkind, cruel & savage Americans!
         11. TO THINK THAT THEY'D GO TO THE BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY, ARTISTIC, WONDERFUL, CIVILISED CULTURE OF THE JAPANESE & THROW THEIR WEIGHT AROUND & act as ugly as they do at home is just HORRIFYING!--Absolutely horrifying! I shudder to think of it! I'll tell you, they'd better STRAIGHTEN OUT & BEHAVE, & learn something from the JAPANESE for a change, look UP to them & ADMIRE them & want to emulate & be like THEM!--Or get OUT!
         12. (MARIA: IF WE HEAR OF ANY MORE CASES OF OFFENDING THE JAPANESE, WE'LL HAVE TO THROW THEM OUT.) Right! ABSOLUTELY! Any of these ugly Americans that are caught misbehaving there any more ought to be absolutely EXCOMMUNICATED!--Especially people who are so ungrateful to people who have been so good to them!--The Japanese & the Latin Americans & God knows, EVERYWHERE! These so-called "foreigners" have been very good to those who, to them, really ARE foreigners, the AMERICANS mostly!
         13. AND ANY MEMBERS OF OUR FAMILY WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO TOE THE MARK & TOE THE LINE & STRAIGHTEN UP & STRAIGHTEN OUT & BEHAVE LIKE CIVILISED PEOPLE DO, in places like Japan & Latin America & the Orient, OUT they go! We'll have no more of that kind of behaviour again! We're NOT going to tolerate it, we're just not going to stand for it, that's all! Now you just tell them!: STRAIGHTEN UP or GET OUT!
         14. I'M JUST AMAZED THAT THOSE LEADERS HAVE LET THEM GET AWAY WITH WHAT THEY'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH! It shows the low quality of their leadership! (Maria: They rarely get places on time. They don't take care of their vehicles, they let them sit & rot. They provision thousands of Dollars of goods & let them spoil. They live in the homes of their kings & let them fall into a state of disrepair. They "borrow" things from their kings & don't return them. They offend their neighbours because they refuse to conform to local custom. The list is endless, it goes on & on & on!)
         15. WELL, WE'RE GOING TO GET JAPAN CLEANED UP, I'LL TELL YOU! I'd rather have HALF as many people, but decent, WELL-BEHAVED people, THOUGHTFUL, CONSIDERATE, LOVING, KIND, GRATEFUL people, than a bunch of those BOORS! We're going to purge the ranks!--If we have to have a pogrom & just get RID of these ill-behaved, misbehaving little savages, juvenile delinquents! I'd rather have Gideon's 300 than some of these places' 3,000! We've always had that principle. I'd always rather trim them down & boot'm out & get RID of the troublemakers & the people who set a bad example & are ill-behaved & offensive! I'd rather get RID of them ANY day! We're NOT for NUMBERS!--We're for QUALITY! Numbers mean NOTHING if you don't have QUALITY!
         16. WE'RE FOR REAL CHRISTIANS WHO ACT & BEHAVE LIKE CHRISTIANS & TREAT OTHERS LIKE CHRISTIANS SHOULD!--Not just a bunch of hippie communes where they live like HELL!--Dirty, impolite, discourteous, inconsiderate, just ignoring & flouting the sweet & beautiful customs of superior cultures!
         17. AND OUR KIDS HAD BETTER STRAIGHTEN OUT & NOT BE UGLY AMERICANS ANY MORE OR THEY'RE GOING TO BE OUT! I'm just FURIOUS about it! I want you to get Japan cleaned up & cleaned out of all those ugly people who can't conform to a beautiful, cultured, courteous & polite society that is built on consideration & thoughtfulness & gratitude! (Maria: Yes, & industriousness & diligence & faithfulness in the LITTLE things.) And cleanliness, frugality, being saving & not wasteful! Boy oh boy oh boy! If they don't get straightened out QUICK, they're going to be SORRY they ever went there to be such pitiful, horrible examples of Christianity!
         18. WELL, I'LL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW, IF THEY DON'T STRAIGHTEN OUT, JAPAN WILL BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM!--And the FAMILY will certainly be better off without them! So they'd better GET OUT or GET IN!--Or get IN or get OUT, one or the other! They'd better MELT in & FIT in & GET in or get OUT! (Maria: Yes, & treat our Japanese disciples with a little RESPECT & a little LOVE & not as second-class citizens!)
         19. THE AMERICANS HAD BETTER WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT THE JAPANESE ARE TODAY THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! They're outwitting & outdoing the Americans on every hand in every way! The ugly Americans ought to be ASHAMED of themselves, look UP to the Japanese & LEARN something from them. They NEED to! I think that would be a good title for this, "Get IN!--Or Get OUT!" Praise the Lord! So get IN or get OUT!--Amen?

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