SYSTEM SURVIVAL!         DO 1772  5/84

         1. (MARIA: IN A RECENT LETTER YOU TALKED ABOUT THE COMING ANTICHRIST GOVERNMENT ("When the Comet Comes," No.1770) & how those who had certain skills & training would be in demand by those in control, & that this would afford them a place in a society where everyone will be forced to take a secular job. I was wondering about the many of our Family who don't have any advanced skills that are desired in a higher technological & mechanised society because a lot of them dropped out of High school, & many only attended a year or so of college & they didn't really acquire skilled training. And they went right away to witnessing & litnessing on the streets.)
         2. THEY WERE ABLE TO LEARN A LOT SINCE BEING IN THE FAMILY!--ALL SORTS OF PRACTICAL THINGS! (Maria: Yes, but very little of a technological nature.) If nothing else but salesmanship, that always comes in handy.--Convincing people, selling people, teaching! (Maria: However, in a technological society where the most brilliant minds & most skilled people are going to be considered the top & everybody else is not, that probably wouldn't really count as far as their being considered for an important position, would it?)
         3. IN "WHEN THE COMET COMES" I'M TRYING TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY LEARNED OR ARE LEARNING THESE SKILLS IN THE FAMILY! Honey, even being maintenance men around the house or cooks or FFers, all these things are skills, arts!
         4. I SAID BEFORE THAT MANY OF OUR GIRLS CAN BE DANCERS OR FFers OR SECRETARIES. (Maria: Well, who will care for their oodles of kids?) Well, Honey, when that time comes, usually the State takes over the kids.--And puts them in nurseries & schools, etc. Every totalitarian government that ever existed did it.--The Russians & the Germans, Hitler & most of the great empires of the past. Or they simply leave the mothers to take care of the children until they're big enough to go to school.
         5. OF COURSE, BY THAT TIME OUR MOTHERS WILL HAVE TRAINED UP THE CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO FROM VERY YOUNG, even from birth to five years old or school age.--And they will never depart therefrom! (Prov.22:6) Even if they take them away & try to retrain them or re-educate them or brainwash them, they'll never undo what the mother has done! Because by the time he's five a child has already learned 80% of what he is going to learn all of his life, even if he lives to be 80! So those first five years are the crucial years!
         6. (MARIA: I WONDER HOW OUR CHILDREN COULD COPE IN A SITUATION LIKE THAT since their orientation is so completely different!) They'll cope, Honey, children can always adapt & they can always cope, the Lord will be with them & help them just like He was with the Christian youth of believers of every generation of every dictatorial government, every totalitarian system.
         7. (MARIA: YOU MENTIONED THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING OUR CHILDREN IN ALL KINDS OF PRACTICAL WAYS & TEACHING THEM ALL KINDS OF PRACTICAL SKILLS. WHAT WOULD THAT INCLUDE?) Well, first the normal practical things you just learn around the house! I mean cleaning, cooking, housekeeping, fix-it work, handyman, childcare, things that children normally learn in any home if their parents or keepers are diligent to teach them. Our children are probably better trained & better work-oriented than most children of the over-industrialised Western World where they're spoiled & allowed to sit around & do nothing but watch television or play around.
         8. LET ME TELL YOU!--OUR KIDS ARE GOING TO BE BETTER EQUIPPED OR BETTER TRAINED & MORE EXPERIENCED IN ALL KINDS OF WORK, such as servants even would do, than most of the spoiled rich kids of the West! Our kids won't think anything of it & they won't mind. They can do it cheerfully & happily & be thankful to be of service even if it's cleaning toilets & scrubbing floors & preparing vegetables or cooking or taking care of other children. Honey, the necessities of life always need helpers. (Maria: Yes, & they've been taught that work isn't a punishment, that it's something to be enjoyed.)
         9. YES, ESPECIALLY IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES WORK IS SOMETHING THAT'S RESPECTABLE & ADMIRABLE & it's a part of your life of sharing & helping others & caring. So don't worry about it! Our kids are better prepared for the coming System than most. They're better prepared intellectually, they learned to read at an early age. Such a system is going to be astounded at the learning & the knowledge & the intelligence & the wisdom of our children!
         10. LOOK AT LITTLE DANIEL WHEN HE WAS CAPTURED & CARRIED OFF TO BABYLON AS A SLAVE WHEN HE WAS ONLY A BOY! (Dan.1) Right away they took these choice, smart, well-trained, intelligent young boys & put them right in the King's palace & in the King's service.--No doubt as teachers perhaps of other children or his children, etc. Any children that are as well-trained & educated as ours at an early age, & with the wisdom that God has given them, are undoubtedly going to be in demand & appreciated! And the Lord is going to see to it that they are treated well & get good jobs. There is always work to be done, & it is the same kind of work no matter what the system! You have to live!
         11. OUR CHILDREN ARE ALREADY CHILDCARE EXPERTS! THEY'RE ALREADY TEACHERS! THEY'RE ALREADY FIX-IT MEN, THEY'RE ALREADY HOUSE WORKERS & DOMESTIC SERVANTS who are always in demand, good domestic servants who know how to take care of children & keep house & cook & wash dishes & all the things that just have to be done, simple jobs around the house. Every ruling society has always had to have lots of domestic slaves, whether they call them slaves or not, they're servants. And what better place to be than to be appreciated, loved & cared for, a domestic servant in the house of your rulers where you're well-treated, well-fed, well-clothed, well-housed & appreciated!
         12. (MARIA: SARA HAD A DREAM ONCE THAT SHE & TECHI WERE IN RUSSIA & the authorities were picking children to go to this school & they chose Techi for a dancer to be trained for their dancing. Sara said they were going to take her away, they picked her out for the school & Sara said she was there & she went up to them afterwards & said, "I'm this child's nurse.") Like Miriam & Moses in the Bible! (Ex.2:5-10) (Maria: She said, "I'm this child's nurse & I taught her & I could come & help care for her. Since I know her & her language, I'll be able to care for her better & she'll be happier & more inspired to learn." And she said they chose her, they accepted that!)
         13. EXACTLY! THERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE! IT'S HAPPENED TIME & TIME AGAIN! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ HISTORY & READ THE BIBLE TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS! IT'S ALL THERE! Every time any superpower or rulers or conquering powers took over, God always made provision for His Own children. He always gave them top jobs.
         14. PEOPLE BEING SLAVES UNDER THE SYSTEM WAS THE RULE THROUGHOUT HISTORY! The days of this so-called freedom & democracy are something very new & unusual & the exception in history! There had never been freedom before, there has never been a real democracy before. People never had any choices before. In all of previous history they were all dictatorships, monarchies, kingdoms, they were all regimented, totalitarian societies & everybody had to do what he was told to do.--And they all had slaves! There's always a place for the man of gifts or talents, even if his only talent is to know how to work! There is always a good place for people who are willing workers & work well. Always!
         15. (MARIA: EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT TRAINED IN ANYTHING ELSE, IF THEY HAVE THE LORD, THE LORD CAN GIVE THEM NECESSARY EXCEPTIONAL GIFTS AT A TIME LIKE THAT, like how He gave Daniel the interpretations of the King's dreams that no one else could figure out.) (Dan.2) Yes, the Lord always gave special gifts that gained them special treatment & talents which made a place for them. God's Word says, "A man's gift maketh room for him." (Pro.18:16) So our children don't have to worry, they're going to be helped by the Lord & are going to be given a place. In fact, rulers of such totalitarian societies, dictators & those who control forced compulsory labour are always looking for the willing ones who don't fight & don't object & don't disagree or dissent & are quick to obey & say, "Yes, sir!" & do it voluntarily & willingly & cheerfully & well!
         16. EVEN THE ANTICHRIST POWER IS GOING TO BE LOOKING FOR TALENT & BRAINS & WISDOM & WILLINGNESS TO WORK & DO JOBS! Who could they have better than our kids? The Lord will give them favour & due favourable treatment in the eyes of their rulers!
         17. (MARIA: BUT I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO BE PERSECUTED? Where does that fit in, since they have to stand up for their faith?) It's all through History & the Bible that they were all well-treated until in the one thing they had to refuse to obey, & that was to fall down & worship idols or worship the King or do something that was against their religion that they shouldn't do.
         18. IN THAT FAMOUS MOVIE WE SAW, "THE SEVENTH QUESTION," IT WAS A COMMUNIST REGIME, & THE CHRISTIAN FATHER WAS COOPERATING WITH THE GOVERNMENT, WORKING IN A FACTORY, etc., & he was telling his wife & son good advice. He took a radish & cut it open for them right there & said, "Look, that's the only way you have to be red!--Red like a radish!" In other words, on the surface, on the exterior, in your work, whatever you're told to do. Obey! Do it! You can still do it with your faith in your heart & you still love the Lord & love others & try to help the best you can within the System.
         19. (MARIA: I UNDERSTAND THAT IN RUSSIA NOWADAYS YOU HAVE TO OFFICIALLY DENY YOUR FAITH IN WRITING, if you go into the military.) Yes, of course, that's where the final rub comes. That's only in certain top positions where they demand absolute loyalty & worship to the rulers, the Government, the System.
         20. IT'S ONLY IN THE FINAL RUB & THE LAST ANALYSIS THAT PERSECUTION COMES, THE EVENTUAL CRACKDOWN, SUCH AS WILL COME for example when the Antichrist declares himself to be a god & puts up his Image & orders that everyone should be killed who refuses the Mark of the Beast! (Rev.13) Then there will come more severe persecution. But the Lord always makes a way & a place for His Own. It says the Church will flee into the wilderness where the Lord will take care of her for the full three-&-a-half years of the Tribulation! (Rev.12:6) There are going to be lots of countries who don't like the Antichrist & who will sympathise with us & hide us & take care of us.
         21. (MARIA: DO YOU THINK THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE WHO ARE STRONG ENOUGH WITH THAT MUCH CONVICTION NOWADAYS? THE WORLD IS SO WEAK NOW!) Honey, there are lots of good people left in the World who, when they see the evilness of the Antichrist System & how he begins to claim to be God, they'll stand up to him! Let's face it, most of the World, particularly the Third World, are very simple & religious & extremely devout & worship some kind of god, have some kind of religion. And the Antichrist religion is going to offend all these people because they are loyal to their own, & they are going to refuse or try to avoid worshipping the Antichrist & his Image, the Beast. There are oodles of evidences of it right there in the Scripture, all the descriptions of the Antichrist Government where the people are rebelling against him, whole nations rebelling against him! He has to fight wars against them! (Dan.11) It's amazing what persecution does, Honey, it makes them strong! It divides the sheep from the goats!
         22. (MARIA: BUT SWEARING LOYALTY TO THE PARTY & GOVERNMENT IMPLIES A DENIAL OF FAITH, DOESN'T IT?) Oh baloney, until they explicitly tell you to deny Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you're not denying your faith just because you're a faithful member of their society!
         23. GOOD NIGHT! NEARLY EVERY SINGLE WORLD GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN HEATHEN, PAGAN & ANTI-GOD, BUT GOD HAS HAD HIS OWN SERVANTS IN TOP POSITIONS IN ALL THOSE GOVERNMENTS since the beginning of time! You don't have to deny your faith just to pledge your loyalty to even the Antichrist Government, until the time comes you can't be a member of that government unless you are anti-Christ. I've been teaching this for years, decades, that when that Antichrist Government takes over or if you're in a country where there is such a totalitarian regime, the thing to do is obey, willingly, cheerfully, loyally, faithfully & diligently! Work hard & show them that a Christian is better than their people!--Right? Be a testimony! Be a witness just by your life & the way you live & the way you do your work, that you're better than their own cantankerous, selfish, obstreperous people that they have so much trouble with!
         24. I TAUGHT OUR HIPPIES THAT IT'S BETTER TO CUT YOUR HAIR & CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES, IF THAT'S WHAT IS CAUSING YOU PERSECUTION, & appear, at least on the outside, like a member of the System, in order to escape such avoidable harassment & persecution, & to obey the government--even the anti-Christ U.S. Government, which is almost as bad as the Russians! But in the case of Russia, one reason apparently that some of them stay hippies & keep the hippie look is because then the Army doesn't even want them! But of course they don't get jobs either! That's the way they persecute them in Russia. If they refuse military service or they refuse to sign loyalty pledges to get to the best schools or the best jobs, then they're just ostracised, they just drop out!
         25. BUT THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF THAT PERSECUTION THAT MOST PEOPLE CAN STAND. Very few people get to the extreme of actually being tortured for their faith or slaughtered for their faith! In most of those totalitarian regimes & societies they just simply make it hard for them, that's all, which usually makes them even better Christians! Adversity makes you stronger.
         26. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, I THINK A LOT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE LORD HAS CALLED YOU TO DO, what He asks you to do for your particular job for Him, your particular witness for Him. I led a bunch of rebel hippies out of the System in defiance of the System , & certainly against its regimented education & church system, & we were persecuted!
         27. SO WE ESTABLISHED OUR OWN SOCIETY! We managed to figure out how to survive economically ourselves without the System, without the Government in many ways, or at least without being members of it, & to be free to serve the Lord full-time, which was very unusual. It's about as unusual in the United States as it is in Russia! So there it was no great deal different.--Well, that was our calling in those days!
         28. WELL, EVERY MAN TO HIS OWN, TO EACH HIS OWN, ACCORDING TO HIS CALLING. He says in His Word, "Art thou called being a servant? Seek not to be free! Art thou called to be a free man? Seek not to be bound! Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called." (1Cor.7:21,20) God has to have witnesses everywhere, in & out of the System, rebels & loyals!--Servants & slaves, or topdogs & officers! He has got to have witnesses & Christians everywhere in every sphere & level of society, even in a dictatorial Antichrist system, & He will have them! That's what we're running into in Russia: We're running into loyal, faithful, true genuine Christians who want to serve the Lord & be faithful followers of the Lord & faithful witnesses both in & out of the System. Some of them are church Christians with jobs & are working in the System even though they're not of it.
         29. JESUS SAID, "YE ARE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD." (Jn.17:11,16) They had to be in it, but they didn't have to be one of them. Now the Lord gives you lots of opportunity, lots of options, lots of choices according to your own desire. "Delight yourself in the Lord & He'll give you the desires of your heart." (Ps.37:4)
         30. THE RUSSIAN HIPPIES OUGHT TO READ SOME OF THOSE OLD LETTERS! We were all going through that very stage in those early days & really, in some ways, that is the kind of Letters that that type of folks who are back where we were then ought to be reading. But we finally found out it was a lot better & a lot easier not to confront the System, not to be an obvious rebel, so we could even be detected by our hair & our clothes, but to try to blend in with the System as much as we could, as long as we could.
         31. IT'S WORKED IN A GREAT WAY THAT WE HAVE BLENDED IN & mingled & have tried not to be obvious, tried not to show rebellion, but to do our best to simply be humble & quiet & cooperative in many places, in closed countries , working just as personal, loving, quiet witnesses for the Lord just like you & I did in Spain under Franco! We carried on all of our heavy witnessing & FFing in Franco Spain!--Supposedly closed dictatorial Spain!
         32. --AND WE DIDN'T FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT, WE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING BAD AGAINST FRANCO. We even complimented them as being one of the most Christian nations on Earth & Franco as being one of the finest leaders, & I believe he was, frankly. I could say it with conviction & sincerity. And the Guardia Civil & the spies they sent believed us, that we were not anti-Government, anti-Franco; in fact, we were more loyal adherents & supporters & complimenters of their Government & leader than some of their own people were! So the officials loved us! They cooperated with us & let us have tremendous freedom & get by with a lot for a long time.
         33. SO IT DEPENDS ON WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO, WHETHER YOU WORK IN OR OUT OF THE SYSTEM, WHEREVER YOU ARE MOST EFFECTIVE.--Whether you are working outside of it with the rebels like the hippies of Russia, or whether you even pretend to be a member of the System & sign loyalty pledges & all the rest, as long as it doesn't require you to deny your faith outright or specifically.
         34. BUT IF IT COMES TO THE POINT WHERE THEY ACTUALLY INSIST ON YOU DENYING YOUR FAITH IN CHRIST, THIS IS WHERE YOU PART, & this is the point to which it will come eventually under the Antichrist Government after he declares himself a god & puts up his Image & insists on worship & accepting the Mark of the Beast! That's the ultimate choice. There is no getting around that anymore. You either accept the Mark of the Beast or you refuse, because accepting his Mark is accepting his brand, showing that you belong to him, not God, not Jesus, not a religion, but you are one of his, & that brings you to an absolute decision, a clear-cut decision. But even then the Bible is very plain about it, that He is going to protect His Church in the wilderness of nations even in that day & "those that do know their God shall do exploits, & those that have wisdom & knowledge will teach many!" (Rev.12:6; 11:3-6; Dan.11:32-33) Some, He says, are going to be persecuted, that's true, & suffer, well that's always true.
         35. WE HAVE ALREADY SUFFERED PERSECUTION IN THE UNITED STATES from the Government, the FBI, etc. Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, sent his personal representative to persecute us, Black Lightning as he was called, Ted Patrick, with a specific mission of trying to destroy us, kidnap our kids & hold them hostage in prison & try to brainwash them & all the rest!
         36. THEY PERSECUTED US! We were persecuted by State governments, local governments, county Sheriffs, city bailiffs, representatives of the military, Draft Boards--sure we suffered persecution! But, we survived it, we lived through it, & we are today more numerous, stronger, better organised, better indoctrinated, & prospering economically! We are thriving!
         37. SO THINGS HAVEN'T CHANGED ALL THAT MUCH. Things are just going to get a little tougher in some ways, but we'll always manage to survive it somehow. The Lord will always get us out of it or into it in some way, whether we are witnesses in the System or out of the System! So it depends on what the Lord has called you to.--Whether He has called you to be a witness in the System as a real personal witness & testimony like our FFers, etc., even to the top government officials & powerful men, or out of it like the Russian hippies! Take your choice!--But whatever you do, serve!--Serve the Lord & souls & others--& even the System if you have to! "We're fools for Christ's sake!" (1Cor.4:10)--Whose fool are you?--GBAKY serving Jesus no matter where or what you are!--Amen? ILY!--D.

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