THE SECRET!      DO 845   4/78

         1. (MARIA: WHAT WERE YOU SAYING ABOUT LOVE?) I said God is Love. Love is God & God is Love. He's always said that for a long time, the Bible says it: God is Love, Love is God. The greatest commandment is to love.--1Jn.4:8; Mat. 22:37-39.
         2. (Maria: And love is an emotion.) And love is an emotion, something which causes you to MOVE OUT into something good--love--an emotion. So I don't like people that are ruled by their cold calculating cruel minds.
         3. I like people who are ruled by emotions, like me. I'm ruled by emotion, desire, sex, affection, sympathy & love. That's me. Isn't that me? (Maria: Yes, it definitely is! That's the greatest thing.)
         4. I don't like these cold calculating mentalists. Mentalists are mental-less. I want emotion, I want EMOTION! (Maria: So being sexy really is good because it's being emotional.) It's being honest. (Maria: But some people just aren't that way.)
         5. Not to be sexy is not natural. God made us to be sexy, He made us to be emotional, He made us to be loving & kind, emotional. We're creatures of emotion, love, desire. The Devil is Satanically intellectual, he is a god of knowledge.
         6. Intellectuality brings pride. Knowledge brings pride. Love & emotion is humiliating & humbling. Sex is humbling. Love is humbling. All these other God-damned things are of the Devil--pride, intellectuality, knowledge, power--they're cold icicles!
         7. (Maria: Why then would the Lord have made whole groups of people under different sunsigns with those particularly strong traits?) For balance. (Maria: Is it still of the Devil?) No, no. But the Devil rules & reigns more over certain signs than others.
         8. (Maria: But you couldn't say the Devil rules & reigns more over Aquarians than some other signs?) It depends on what Aquarian. Some Aquarians are cold, cruel, calculating, proud, fame-seeking Aquarians. In every sign there is a good side & a bad side, a positive side & a negative side. In every single sign there's good & evil. And it all depends on which side YOU CHOOSE, whether you choose to be good or be evil.
         9. Your sign is either positive or negative. You can choose the positives or the negatives, the good or the evil. You can choose the good & eschew the evil.--1Pet.3:11. That's what God has left up to your choice, and that's the evil the Devil brought into the Garden, the choice of the knowledge of evil.
         10. You can take your pick. You can either live up to your good side of the positive things of your sign, or you can live up to the bad side, the negative things of your sign. You know that. (Maria: But now it becomes a decision as to what is good & what is bad.) Yes, that's what we're here for.
         11. You're here to make the choice, you're here to make the decision, whether you will choose the good & eschew the evil, or choose the evil & eschew the good. (Maria: But sometimes it's difficult finding which is the good & knowing which is the evil.) No, no, never, never! It's never difficult.
         12. The decision is so clear cut you can never ever ever have any problem finding the difference. (Maria: I think some might say that it's difficult.) Only the problem cases, only the problem cases who are hanging in the balance, who have a lot of pride & a lot of selfishness,
         13. Only they have any problem finding the difference. (Maria: Even I wondered, well, am I attacking Timothy too much with sex? He can do without it, so,
         14. (Why should I impose a lot of sex on him?)--To humble him. To humble him down to Earth & show him he needs it whether he likes it or not.
         15. (Maria: So his intellectuality gets in his way, huh? His mind gets in his way?) Oh, his carnal mind, his carnal intellectuality, so stupid & ridiculous & idiotic, it makes me sick! The spirit is so much more beautiful.
         16. He will be so bound to you, he's not going to be totally free, he's going to have a battle. But that's what they must know, he loves you the most. He knows you love him the most.
         17. He's got to love you more than them, or he's not fit for the kingdom. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. He that loveth anyone else more than me is not worthy of me. Don't you understand? He that loveth wife or sweetheart more than me, meaning YOU in this case, is not worthy of me. Do you understand?
         18. He cannot have anybody else taking priority over his Queen. He cannot have anybody else that he would rather have than you.
         19. If he's not totally captivated by you, I can't use him. If he wouldn't rather have you than anyone else, if he doesn't know that by then, just forget it.
         20. If he doesn't love you the most, it's treason! If he loves [others] more than you, that's disloyalty, don't you understand? (Maria: But it has to be the Lord that gives the love.) Of course! The Lord's TRYING to give the love. (Maria: So he's just got to be yielded to it?) Of course, he's got to receive it.
         21. My God, you are God's Love! You're giving it to him. You're giving him God's Love. I mean, he's got to either receive it or reject it. Thank God, so far he's received it. But he's got to love it more than theirs, or it is treason. We cannot have a man who loves anything or anyone else more than you, me, & the Lord.
         22. Do you understand? To love anyone more than you, therefore, is treason.--And idolatry. Understand? (Maria: Yes.)
         23. He cannot have YOU without ME. (Maria: Amen, that's for sure!) And he cannot have US without GOD. And he cannot have GOD without US. And he cannot have those ridiculous little foppet muppets of his past, those other women. He cannot have THEM above YOU.
         24. To have them above YOU is to have them above ME. And he'd better learn real fast where his priorities are! Do you understand? If he can be satisfied with less than the BEST, let him have it. In that case, God has someone else, someone who would rather have you & me than anyone else in this whole World. If he's not going to put YOU & ME & the LORD first, if he's going to put [anyone else] first, then let him go.
         25. They're all flesh, too fleshly & too self-righteous! (Maria: What is self-righteous?) His own righteousness. (Maria: How is his self-righteousness manifested?) Self-righteousness is of the flesh & the Devil & exalts itself above God, above God Himself & above love & above all things.
         26. And this is the greatest of all sins. This is the worst of all wickedness, the most damnable of all despicableness! (Maria: But how does it manifest itself in Timothy?)--In self-righteousness.
         27. (Maria: I mean, how is his self-righteousness manifested?) In any any any attraction to the loves of the past! His allegiance must be totally unto THEE, & YOU must be his supreme love. (Maria: Why would that be self-righteousness, to love the loves of the past?)
         28. Because it's defiance against the Will of God ! (Maria: Ah, & that's self-righteousness?) Of course! To put YOUR righteousness above the righteousness of GOD is the ULTIMATE SIN! To put YOUR will above the Will of GOD is the ULTIMATE SIN!
         29. To say that you know better than God, that you would prefer [some other] lover above your Queen, the anointed of God--YOU--is the ultimate in wickedness, the ultimate in self-righteousness, the ultimate in horror, horror, absolute HORROR!
         30. He has to make you his FIRST love above ALL other loves. He must love YOU the most, more than Rachel & more than his wife, more than everybody. He has to love you. That's very important, that he must love you above all other women. That's the secret!

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