LOVE vs. LAW!    GP 647   23/7/77

         1. FIRST OF ALL, WE KNOW THAT ALL MOSAIC LAWS ARE NULL AND VOID as far as WE are concerned. CHRIST was the END of the LAW, He FULFILLED the law, and from then on we were no longer under the LAW!
         2. It is impossible for ANYONE to be good according to the MOSAIC Law! The Mosaic Law makes EVERY ONE of us a SINNER because not ONE of us can keep it! Nobody has EVER kept the Ten Commandments except JESUS HIMSELF, NOBODY! Its impossible!
         3. That's why Jesus had to DIE for us, so that we could be FORGIVEN and be SAVED by His GRACE and His MERCY and His LOVE WITHOUT the law! By the LAW we are JUDGED for our sins and CONDEMNED to die and to suffer! But Jesus came to SAVE us by LOVE, by His GRACE, by his MERCY, showing that LOVE and MERCY are GREATER than the law, and He says so! (Jn.1:17; Gal.5:14; Tit.3:5)
         4. He said you need to go back and learn what God meant when He said, "I will have mercy and not sacrifice." ((Mt.9:13; 12:7) In other words, I would rather see you have LOVE and not this sacrificial dutiful LAW-keeping offering of sacrifices and duties. I'd rather you'd give LOVE to somebody than to just be so SELF-RIGHTEOUS.
         5. THERE IS NO OTHER LAW BUT LOVE. If it's done in LOVE and all parties concerned are AGREED because they LOVE each other, then there is NO SIN.--It is LOVE!
         6. When I gave her to others because I LOVED them, there was no sin whatsoever. I did it in pure sacrificial unselfish LOVE for THEM.
         7. I was concerned about them and their NEED for LOVE and I WANTED her to love them because I knew they needed it.
         8. I deliberately, willfully, knowingly, determinedly, myself willingly GAVE her to them, loaned her to them for a little while, that she might LOVE them and RELIEVE them and try to SAVE them. This was NO SIN on my part, this was LOVE!
         9. It was certainly no sin on HER part, she did it out of sacrificial love as well.
         10. And as far as HE was concerned, because I was willing and SHE was willing and we both did it in LOVE, he took it by FAITH, and it was NO SIN!
         11. If he received it by FAITH he also has NO SIN because he is receiving love as a GIFT of love.
         12. SO AS FAR AS WE'RE CONCERNED AND AS FAR AS THE BIBLE SAYS, FOR US THERE IS NO SUCH THING ANYMORE AS ADULTERY! There is no such thing anymore as a Biblical law against adultery, as long as whatever is done is done in LOVE, because the "LAW of LOVE" supersedes ALL other laws!
         13. God NOW only judges us according to whether we have LOVE or NO love--whether we have LOVE or hate--whether what we do is done for LOVE or selfishness and lack of love.
         14. If you know you're acting in LOVE, then you can go ahead by FAITH according to God's WORD and you don't need anything else. You don't need any other laws to go by, you don't need any other laws to confirm it. You're not guilty or disobeying GOD'S laws as long as whatever you're doing you're doing in LOVE.... So LOVE!

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