REVOLUTIONARY SEX!       GP 258   3/73

HomeARC note (9/98): The Charter is the current source of Family principles, policies and rules regarding relationships, sex and marriage.]

         1. SO MANY CHILDREN HAVE GROWN UP WITH THE TEACHING THAT SEX & MASTURBATION & THEIR SEXUAL PARTS ARE SINFUL, WHEN THEY'RE PERFECTLY NORMAL, HEALTHFUL PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES just as much as hiking, swimming, exercising, eating & breathing. You're not taught that overeating is a sin. They don't slap your hands & say, "Shame on you! That's naughty! That's sinful!" But OVEREATING IS JUST AS SINFUL AS EXCESSIVE MASTURBATING OR EXCESSIVE SEX OF ANY KIND. It's the EXCESS that is the sin in anything!
         2. IT ALL STARTS OFF WITH THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT SEX IS SIN. To most people these two words are practically synonymous, SEX & SIN. Whereas the normal, healthful, natural, God-created & God-given attitude toward sex should be absolutely no different from our attitude toward any other normal physical activity, such as eating, exercising or even sleeping!
         3. BUT WHEN IT COMES TO SEX THEY HAVE TAUGHT FROM THE BEGINNING THAT IT WAS A SIN, particularly the churches & religions. Nevertheless, the System has seen that it is an activity that they couldn't very well stop just because it is supposed to be sinful. So they have licensed it & made it legal in certain forms, like a sort of necessary evil, as long as you do it their way.--With a marriage license so the System can make money on it & control it, & just between certain kinds of individuals & strictly in private. Any other non-System form of sexual activity is totally taboo & definitely illegal!
         4. IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT THE PARTICULAR NATION OR NATIONALITY OR CULTURE IS ACCUSTOMED TO, AS TO WHETHER ITS PARTICULAR SYSTEM HAS MADE IT UNLAWFUL OR NOT. So that some things that are perfectly legal in the rest of the World are VERY ILLEGAL & actual CRIMES in America; while, on the other hand, there are certain open & legal activities that Americans practice which are unlawful in certain OTHER countries of the World.
         5. THANK GOD WE HAVE BEEN FREED FROM THE BONDAGE OF THE CONDEMNATION OF SIN BY THE LAW OF LOVE IN CHRIST JESUS, so that if it is in love it is lawful as far as God is concerned. However, "whatsoever is NOT of faith is SIN!" So if you THINK it is a sin or you BELIEVE it is unlawful, then to YOU it IS sin & unlawful! (See Romans 14)
         6. WE ALWAYS HAVE TO WATCH OUT ABOUT THE EFFECT OF OUR ACTIVITIES ON OTHERS, EVEN THOUGH THEY MAY BE PERFECTLY LAWFUL & LEGAL FOR US & AS FAR AS GOD IS CONCERNED. In other words, if it hurts your brother it is not love. If it bothers him & weakens him because he is WEAK & considers it a SIN, it could be sinful for YOU to do it in his PRESENCE--even though it may be perfectly all right, healthful, legal & even righteous as far as God's concerned under DIFFERENT circumstances or in PRIVATE or amongst OTHERS who believe the same.
         7. ALTHOUGH NORMAL IN MANY COUNTRIES, MASTURBATION OR THE FONDLING OR EXPOSURE OF CERTAIN SEXUAL PARTS OF THE BODY IS CONSIDERED VERY ILLEGAL IN PUBLIC IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES, & it is even considered sinful in private by a good many Western religious systems & cultures, especially the Judeo-Christian Western cultures & religious systems. To most of them, not only masturbation but ALL sex is sinful! And by most of the so-called deeply religious, even the sexual activity of MARRIED couples purely for PLEASURE is frowned upon!
         8. I THANK GOD FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY & ENLIGHTENED & MODERN NATURAL SCIENCES OF THIS WORLD which have begun to prove that these normal sexual activities are just as natural & healthful & necessary as any other generally accepted normal physical activities, practices & enjoyments! Thank God for the sexual liberation movement!
         9. OF COURSE, MANY OF THESE LIBERATIONISTS ARE GOING TO THE OPPOSITE EXTREME OF TOTAL PROMISCUITY & permissiveness in any form whatsoever, with anybody, any time, any place & any how!--This is not only in defiance of Western SOCIETY & its sexual laws, but also in open defiance of even some of the few ordinances of GOD HIMSELF against a few limited types of sex, such as fornication, adultery, incest & sodomy. These last are really the only four forms of sex which God prohibits or limits or frowns upon, & He even makes a few exceptions to some of these under certain circumstances!
         10. SODOMY IS MALE HOMOSEXUALITY, OR "MEN WITH MEN DOING THAT WHICH IS UNSEEMLY," & which God strictly forbids & severely judged as the most evil & abominable sexual sin of all, & for which as far as we can see He never made any exceptions, although there were many exceptions, allowances & tolerations regarding the other three!
         11. EVEN RAPE WAS ONLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE, & THERE WAS NO IMPRISONMENT UNDER MOSAIC LAW! And as far as ADULTERY was concerned, certain forms which some churches today condemn as adultery, such as divorce & remarriage, were widely practiced in Bible times & even permitted by the rigid Mosaic Law & Jesus Himself under certain special circumstances.
         12. ALSO, WHAT WESTERN LAWS & CULTURE CALL UNLAWFUL BIGAMY & POLYGAMY, or the practice of having more than one wife, was not only extremely common in Bible times, but even perfectly legal under the Mosaic Law, & actually seemed to be encouraged by the Lord Himself, such as the wives of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, some of the Prophets & many others in Old Testament times. However, in the New Testament Jesus seems to discourage but not forbid this practice as being distractive, pointing out that the ideal original were two, or a pair, like Adam & Eve in the Garden.
         13. AND THE APOSTLE PAUL COUNSELS US THAT HE THINKS IT BEST FOR CERTAIN CHURCH LEADERS TO ONLY HAVE ONE WIFE, "the husband of one wife," although some have interpreted this as meaning AT LEAST one wife, in order that they have a family & children & prove themselves able to rule their own households, before being considered worthy & able to govern the Church of God, as well as sympathise with & understand other married couples & families with similar problems.
         14. ODDLY ENOUGH, HOWEVER, ALTHOUGH THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS HYPOCRITICAL LAWS OF THE WEST FORBID SIMULTANEOUS POLYGAMY, or having more than one wife all at the same time, our strange Western culture, morality & legal System is quite tolerant & even encourages SEQUENTIAL POLYGAMY, or having as many wives as you want one after the other, as long as you only have them one at a time, & duly comply with their System's little rules about nicely divorcing each one before you marry the next one! This is strictly in defiance of God's Own laws regarding multiple marriage as outlined very definitely in the Mosaic Law, where, if you took an additional wife, you were forbidden to divorce the first one or ones! What a contradiction between the laws of the LORD & the laws of the CHURCH!
         15. WHAT A CONTRAST BETWEEN THE TRADITIONS OF MEN & THE LAWS OF GOD! As Jesus Himself said to the hypocritical Pharisees, "Ye do make the laws of God of none effect by your traditions! Go now & see what that meaneth: I will have mercy & not sacrifice!" In other words, God's law is LOVE, not a cold, rigid, traditional self-righteous SERVICE according to false, unscriptural & ungodly rules of certain religions!
         16. THERE ARE ALSO MANY BIBLICAL EXCEPTIONS TO SO-CALLED INCEST, or the marriage of certain near relatives. In fact, there would have been no human race if Adam & Eve's two sons, Cain & Seth, had not married their sisters, because there was no one else to marry! This solves the age-old question of, "Where did Cain get his wife?"
         17. SUCH MARRIAGES OF BROTHERS & SISTERS, MOTHERS & SONS & EVEN FATHERS & DAUGHTERS WERE VERY COMMON IN ANCIENT TIMES & were not even considered incestuous, much less illegal, & were not even forbidden for the 2,600 years from the Creation of Adam until the Law of Moses!
         18. SO THERE SEEMS TO BE ONLY ONE SEXUAL SIN WHICH WAS ACTUALLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT EXCEPTION & JUDGED VERY SEVERELY BY GOD, & which even gets its name from that ancient licentious city, Sodom, which God totally wiped out & horribly destroyed for its common indulgence in this sin! Sodomy, or homosexuality between men, seems to be an abomination to God & utterly & unequivocally forbidden, ALTHOUGH THE LAWS OF MAN ARE BEGINNING TO TOLERATE IT & EVEN ENCOURAGE IT!
         19. THE BIBLE ALSO SEEMS TO IGNORE MASTURBATION OR SEXUAL MASSAGE. Contrary to popular belief, "Onanism" was not & is not masturbation, but the selfish refusal of Onan to marry his brother's wife & to give her children to share in the family inheritance! So, although he had intercourse with her, he indulged in the selfish practice of sudden withdrawal at the moment of his orgasm & ejaculation of semen, thus spilling the same on the ground, which was an abomination to the Lord, so God slew him!
         20. GOD IS OBVIOUSLY DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED TO ANY FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL WHATSOEVER! It's almost as bad as abortion, which is just plain infanticide, or child murder, no matter how legalised! "CHILDREN ARE AN HERITAGE OF THE LORD," & BIRTH CONTROL, ONANISM & ABORTION ARE ABOMINATIONS TO GOD, violations of His laws, & atrocious Man-made attempts to interfere with the natural course of God's Creation!
         21. SO IF ONANISM IS NOT MASTURBATION, THEN WHAT ABOUT MASTURBATION?--Isn't that one of the prohibited sexual offenses? My Mother certainly prohibited it, told me it was very naughty & dirty, slapped my hand for doing it when I was little, & even threatened to cut it off if I didn't stop! Like most other Western children, I was given the very definite impression at a very early age that the God-created sexual parts of the human body were somehow evil & their activities wicked.
         22. NEVERTHELESS, DESPITE ALL DIRE CONDEMNATIONS & WOEFUL WARNINGS & PREDICTIONS OF PERDITION, most of us youngsters were still frequently driven by the God-implanted biological urges & sexual necessities of our own God-given sexual organs to shameful, secretive & furtive indulgences in fondling, petting, masturbation & more.
         23. SINCE THEN OF COURSE I HAVE LEARNED THAT THE BIBLE APPARENTLY HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT MASTURBATION, & evidently nothing against it, as far as I can see, except the usual admonitions to "be temperate in all things" & "let your moderation be known." I've also learned, as most of us have, from the books & lectures of modern men & women of science, that masturbation in moderation can be a perfectly normal, healthful, helpful & even necessary sexual activity of the normal human adult, & not only helps to relieve the body of the build-up of these excess fluids, but also the emotional stresses & strains & temperamental tensions caused by the perfectly natural biological desires & urges of the normal adult for sexual intercourse.
         24. MASTURBATION IN MODERATION (ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK, AS IN MARRIED SEX, DEPENDING ON YOUR STRENGTH) HAS ABSOLUTELY NO HARMFUL EFFECTS WHATSOEVER upon the human body, & in fact is a perfectly normal God-given method of legally & lawfully satisfying these irresistible biological sexual urges of the human body amongst unmarried adults.
         25. CHILDREN SHOULD BE TAUGHT, AS WE TEACH OURS, THAT YOUR BODY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATION OF GOD & that every part of it is perfectly normal, natural, good & God-made for perfectly good purposes & uses, if used in the proper way at the proper times with the proper people & in a way which is not offensive to others. The evil is only in the excessive or selfish, greedy, neurotic, abnormal fascination & over-indulgence in such activities.
         26. A CHILD'S INTEREST IN THE EQUIVALENT PARTS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX IS ALSO PERFECTLY NORMAL & NATURAL. I believe it is the Western custom of prohibition, punishment & lack of satisfactory explanation of sex, sexual parts & sexual activities, which creates in some children an abnormal fascination with sex, & an unquenchable curiosity to try to satisfy their desire for information & experience in sexual activity which is forbidden them through the normal channels of parental instruction & mutual examination & experience with each other.
         27. THE RESULT OF AMERICA'S ABNORMAL ATTITUDE TOWARD SEX RISES, OF COURSE, LARGELY OUT OF ITS OVER-RESTRICTIVE RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND OF MISLED CHURCHIANITY, but the consequences of America's phony prudery & double moral standard & holierthan-thou self-righteousness have produced one of the most neurotic, psychotic & sexually frustrated societies as yet known to man, in which VD is raging at the rampant rate of one of the worst in the World, & more people need psychiatrists than anywhere else on Earth!
         28. MASTURBATION, INCIDENTALLY, IS A GOOD OLD CUSTOM WHICH MOST PARENTS PRACTICE ON EACH OTHER BUT FORBID TO THEIR CHILDREN, so you'll find that it is also helpful in marital relations, as the marrieds masturbate each other to achieve total satisfaction & to relieve one another. Let's face it: NEARLY ALL GENUINE LOVEMAKING IS MASTURBATION pure & simple, or a massaging of the sexual parts to orgasmic satisfaction by either the hands, fingers, mouth, tongue or penis, & in some cultures even by the feet!
         29. EVEN THOUGH GIRLS MAY NOT ADMIT IT TO THEIR OWN FRIENDS, & CERTAINLY NOT TO THEIR FAMILY OR PARENTS, MASTURBATION IS ABOUT ALL THAT GIVES MOST POOR GIRLS ANY RELIEF. What is a poor girl to do when she becomes definitely sexually aroused & stimulated by her own normal bodily functions & urges of her God-created sexuality, particularly from the age of puberty on (usually about 11 or 12 onwards), & yet she's not permitted to marry before she's 18 or 21?
         30. IN MANY ORIENTAL CULTURES GIRLS ARE MARRIED AT A VERY EARLY AGE, USUALLY AS SOON AS THEY REACH A STATE OF PUBERTY, & have already been promised to some male member of the community long before that. They are married as soon as they have normal sexual desire & capability as well as childbearing potential.
         31. SO WHAT IS THE MODERN WESTERN GIRL TO DO WHEN SHE REACHES THE BIOLOGICALLY MARRIAGEABLE AGE OF 11 OR 12 OR 13, but still cannot become socially acceptably married for another 10 or 15 years, when her body literally demands it? What is she to do indeed, but normally, naturally, wholesomely, healthfully, pleasurably & frequently masturbate by the gentle application of her own loving middle finger pressing that tender & responsive little button that turns her on, her own God-designed sexual organ called the clitoris.
         32. AND WHY NOT?--WHY SHOULDN'T SHE MASTURBATE, AS LONG AS SHE DOES IT MODERATELY, temperately & no more often than she would normally have sexual intercourse if she were married, such as two or three times a week, depending on her own personal need & physical stamina, & providing it is not giving her some kind of neurotic guilt complexes due to her artificially inculcated inhibitions because of an earlier, more restrictive & prohibitive upbringing from which she has not yet been freed.
         33. OF COURSE I WARN YOU THAT ANY FORM OF INTEMPERANCE, IMMODERATION, OVER-INDULGENCE & EXCESSIVENESS IN OVERDOING CAN WEAR YOU DOWN & WEAR YOU OUT, whether it be eating, drinking, working, reading or playing, including normal sexual intercourse or masturbation. So don't overdo it & don't let it become offensive to others. After all, masturbation is a rather private affair, like any other normal sexual activity in most Western cultures, so it is NOT TO BE DONE OPENLY OR PUBLICLY LEST YOU OFFEND OR ANNOY OTHERS OR EVEN AROUSE THE LAW.
         34. OTHERWISE, HAVE FUN & ENJOY THE PLEASURES THAT GOD HAS CREATED & the senses & feelings He has made for you to enjoy, where, when & with whom possible & expedient, remembering the Scriptures' own admonition that all of these things may be lawful to you, but they are not always expedient or advisable under ALL circumstances, anywhere with anybody at any time. DON'T OVERDO IT, or you may be sorry!
         35. ON THE OTHER HAND, DON'T UNDERDO IT EITHER, BY DENYING YOURSELF THE JOYS & NECESSITIES OF LIFE THAT GOD HAS CREATED FOR YOU TO ENJOY, & thereby bringing to yourself & others unnecessary misery, unhappiness & dissatisfaction. As Paul has pointed out, "It is better to marry than to burn!" It is just as wrong for you to starve your body of its normal sexual needs & satisfactions as it is for you to starve yourself to death by not eating! Enjoy yourself, you are part of God & His Creation, & He created you to love & enjoy both Him & His Creation forever--including yourself & others sexually!
         36. FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE I CAN TELL YOU THAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED MUCH MORE & DONE GREATER THINGS & achieved greater success in God's Work since I have become more sexually liberated & enjoyed greater sexual activity than ever before. It was only then that God helped me to achieve this spiritual & mental & physical freedom that I have since had, to completely explode in a total orgasm of psychological, social, economic, political, religious & sexual freedom & liberty & worldwide accomplishments!
         37. IF YOU'LL EVEN TAKE A LOOK AT BIBLE HISTORY, YOU'LL MAKE THE SHOCKING DISCOVERY THAT MOST OF GOD'S GREATS HAD OODLES OF WIVES, women, mistresses, harlots & what have you, as well as multitudes of children! MOSES HIMSELF WAS A MAN OF SUCH SEXUAL POWER, prowess & potency that at the end of 120 years & several wives & quite a few children, it is said in the Bible that, "His eye was not dim, neither were his natural forces (literal translation: "sexual juices") abated!"
         38. SO WHO THE HELL (OF HELL & THE DEVIL!) THINKS GOD IS AGAINST SEX WHEN HE CREATED IT, ENJOYED IT & MADE IT FOR US TO ENJOY!--And who thinks He's against LIFE & PLEASURE & HAPPINESS when He CREATED these also for us to ENJOY? I don't have a SAD God, I have a HAPPY God Who wants ME to be happy TOO, & YOU as well! This is the whole POINT to it all, to RELIEVE us of the suffering, pain, death & tears brought into the World by the ENEMY & the SINS of Man.
         39. BUT DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME: I'M NOT SAYING THAT THERE ARE NOT TIMES WHEN WE MIGHT HAVE TO "DENY OURSELVES, take up our cross & follow Him," when we will have to make SACRIFICES & CRUCIFY the flesh in order to follow in some of the hard places where He will lead. But this is not necessary all of the time, or we just couldn't humanly physically TAKE it! God loves life too, & He created it for you to love & enjoy.
         40. GOD CREATED EVIL & DEATH & ALLOWED MAN TO CHOOSE IT & SUFFER IT IN ORDER THAT HE MIGHT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE & DESIRE GOODNESS & LIFE--the good life, good living! So LIVE it! Look & live, my brother, LIVE! O why will ye die? God wants you to desire LIFE & to love it & enjoy it, but He wants you to desire HIM & love & enjoy Him & His CHILDREN even MORE! So that's where some self-sacrifice, self-denial, suffering & crucifixion will come in sometimes, to prove you love Him & others even MORE than this wonderful life He has given.
         41. THE PROBLEM OF FEMALE FRIGIDITY WAS WHAT ACTUALLY GAVE RISE TO THIS DISCOURSE ON SEX, & our consideration of the causes, practices & side effects of MASTURBATION, & its differences in the male & female. Boys naturally learn to masturbate sooner & practice it more than girls, because the male organ is external & therefore more easily stimulated, whereas girls are usually a little more hesitant, timid, backward & fearful about such things. Girls are also often more influenced by their mothers' indoctrinated aversion for sex & the belief that it is a sin.
         42. THEREFORE SINCE SEXUAL DESIRE IN WOMEN IS NOT AS EASILY ACTIVATED AS IN MEN, & in women it has even been repressed & suppressed & made to be thought sinful & wicked, if a girl has practiced masturbation at all, she has probably done it guiltily & as quietly, secretly & softly as possible. She has therefore been accustomed to repressing & suppressing her reactions.
         43. SO SHE MAY, AS A CONSEQUENCE OF ALL THIS, CARRY OVER INTO MARRIAGE ITSELF THIS SAME SUBCONSCIOUS SELF-CONTROL & SUPPRESSION & actually be embarrassed or ashamed to manifest her orgasm! This subconsciously restricted attitude & unconscious habitual mental restraint would certainly not help her to achieve the full explosion of the orgy of orgasm.
         44. FOR GOD'S SAKE, LET YOURSELF GO! Let go & let God, & enjoy the power of total surrender to the Spirit in an orgy of total surrender to the Spirit in an orgy of sexual orgasms of your God-given organs to the point that you're so wild & free in the spirit, & believe that it is so right & the way it ought to be, that you could even be like the nymphomaniac who chased the preacher around the church & grabbed him by the organ, where he rammed the fear of God into her!
         45. GIRLS, MAYBE THIS IS ONE REASON FOR YOUR DAMNED FRIGIDITY!--YOU'RE TOO EMBARRASSED & ASHAMED & AFRAID TO LET YOURSELF GO. So you actually defeat it, frustrate it, suppress it & make it virtually impossible for yourself to reach a climax! It took me years to persuade my wife that it was not a sin to enjoy sex, & not to be afraid to SHOW it!
         46. MY GOD, MY DEAR, FOR GOD'S SAKE & YOUR HUSBAND'S SAKE, SAVE YOUR SAINTLINESS FOR THE PUBLIC! But don't be afraid to be a devilish little rascal in bed & sock it to him with all your might in private--HIS privates! If THAT doesn't do it, LET YOUR HUSBAND DO IT FOR YOU with his own finger!--And if that STILL doesn't do it, you may have to develop a little DO-IT-YOURSELF TECHNIQUE with your OWN finger or a vibrator until you can, to achieve the full satisfaction of a complete orgasm & its consequent release & relaxation from tension, & the blissfully restful feeling which should follow.
         47. OTHERWISE SHE MAY BE LEFT WITH THE FEELING OF UNFULFILLED DESIRE & FRUSTRATION & IN A PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITION which might be described as similar to the pain of a male erection being maintained for hours to the point of exhaustion! If this dissatisfaction is repeated often enough, it can eventually result in actual physical complications in her body, manifesting themselves in backaches, headaches & even more serious troubles, real or imagined!
         48. THOSE WHO CAN'T ENJOY NORMAL SEXUAL ACTIVITIES, including a moderate amount of necessary masturbation for personal relief or married satisfaction, are simply weak sisters & weaker brethren spiritually, because they do not know the Scriptures! They had better STUDY CHAPTERS SUCH AS ROMANS 14, 1COR. 7 & ALL THE OTHER GOOD REFERENCES ON SUCH MATTERS, INCLUDING SOME OF OUR LETTERS on these subjects!
         49. FEAR IS THE OPPOSITE OF FAITH, JUST AS MURMURING IS THE OPPOSITE OF PRAISE! Fear murmurs. Faith praises! Fear murmurs no matter what happens. Faith praises no matter what hap pens! So remember, if you have fearful inhibitions regarding sex or masturbation, then you don't have the faith you should have.
         50. YOU'RE NOT TRUSTING THAT GOD MADE YOUR SEXUAL ORGANS FOR YOUR USE & ENJOYMENT, & therefore you're not THANKING God for them & enjoying them! "In everything give thanks," "thanking Him always," for "every good thing which cometh from above," including sex, your sexual organs & the natural pleasure & satisfaction of normal masturbation & sexual intercourse!
         51. DON'T LET THE DEVIL FOOL YOU INTO THINKING YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR SEX BY SINFULNESS in order to enjoy it! Just FACE your fears & tell him he's a LIAR, slap him in the face with GOD'S WORD, REBUKE him, & he'll FLEE from you!--And then go ahead & masturbate and/or fuck with all your might & thank God for it!--And don't be afraid to explode like an atom bomb, girls, even if your legs go straight up & hit the ceiling, or your butt bangs the bottom of the bed! Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think!
         52. ENJOY YOURSELF & SEX & WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU TO ENJOY, WITHOUT FEAR OR CONDEMNATION! For "perfect love casts out all fear," for "fear hath torment," particularly SEXUAL fears can be physical TORTURE!
         53. LET YOURSELF GO INTO THE BOSOM OF GOD & LET GOD DO IT TO YOU IN AN ORGASM OF THE SPIRIT TILL YOU'RE FREE! You're His Wife, sock it to Him! "Hallelujah, I am free, Jesus gives us liberty!"--Amen?--NOW try it!--You'll LIKE it!--And THANK GOD FOR IT! Amen?

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