1. I HAVE OFTEN ADVISED YOU ALL AGAIN & AGAIN NEVER TO DISCUSS YOUR FINANCES WITH OUTSIDERS, at least not the specifics, such as inheritances--nothing can kill people helping you like their thinking you already have plenty. Never discuss the specifics of finances before ANYONE except those directly involved & who have to know. This has always been a standing rule & anything else is a serious breach of security & woeful lack of wisdom. We don't even care to know anything about YOUR finances, except to know that they're being taken care of. The details are YOUR business & that goes for all of you. But if you need any, you should let us know, or if you have a surplus that others may need, you should let us know. I not only believe in praying & trusting the Lord, but also that it pays to advertise!--"Ask and ye shall receive."--Mat.7:7.
         2. AS A GENERAL POLICY, WE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT IN FAVOUR OF PURCHASING PROPERTY! We are too mobile, times are changing too fast & our task is too hazardous & we're too apt to be asked to move, even if we own it--& then you're left holding the bag, with a lot of money tied up in a piece of dead real estate that you can't move with you, maybe even burdened with a contract, payments etc., that you might not be able to sell. We prefer to BORROW property, RENT or LEASE it or even just get the temporary use of it. I hope we never get that stationary that we buy & settle down! I can't see any record of the Early Church doing that, & when they finally did, it was their ruination. Property that we can't get out of can become a great big loss. DON'T BUY!
         3. BUYING HAS ALL THE DISADVANTAGES, RESPONSIBILITIES & BLAME. The Government always holds the owners to blame for anything that goes wrong, such as Building Code, Health Restrictions, Safety Laws, Neighborhood Disturbance & dozens of other things. All they can do to renters is just kick'm out--& moving is one of our professions! We're Gospel Gypsies, having here no certain resting place! This World is not our home. We are Pilgrims & Strangers here in many strange lands!
         4. PROPERTY ISN'T WORTH ANYTHING IF YOU CAN'T USE IT! It doesn't even matter if you're the owner--they can still tell you to get out, if you don't use it to suit the System! So it's really the government that runs it & owns it & you're merely the tenant, so you might as well let somebody else pay for it! Just use it!--As long as they'll let you, & then move somewhere else, until they kick you out of there too--which they always will when God is through with you there! That's why He sends PERSECUTION--when you don't take the hint that it's time to go! He sends along a little persecution to force you out & get you moving again, after you've delivered your soul & reaped the harvest & it's time to go somewhere where you're more needed! So for God's sake, don't get stuck with a piece of property on your hands!
         5. WHICH BRINGS ME TO ANOTHER SUBJECT: BOATS!--Speaking of ownership, there's hardly anything you can buy that's more trouble & expensive to maintain & dangerous to operate than a boat! Both the Apostle Paul & I have not had too good experience with boats. His wound up a wreck & ours sank in the Bahamas. It takes a real genius full of guts & years of experience & knowledge of the seas to be a good sea captain! And it takes a sizeable crew who really know what they're doing also!--Not to speak of a tremendous amount of constant maintenance & expense. Why do you think it costs three times as much to go by boat as it does by plane?--It COSTS that much! The reason why only millionaires can own yachts is not because they're the only ones who can afford to buy'm, but that they're the only ones who can afford to OPERATE & MAINTAIN them!


         6. PARTICULARLY ALL OF YOU WHO ARE GUESTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES should remember that you are only temporary guests of those countries & subject to their hospitality & pleasure & you need the local citizens & leaders of that nationality to assist you in establishing these foreign Homes. The citizens of that country are absolutely essential for the establishment of such a strictly indigenous & independent foreign Home & cannot be dispensed with in high-handed fashion & a wave of the hand, saying, "We don't need you"--or you may find yourself waved out of the country. Most governments like to do business with their own citizens, recognise & bless them in a strictly native effort & somewhat resent any foreign interference or control, meaning YOU--so watch out! You need'm!
         7. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T TURN DOWN ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF HELP that those governments have to offer, as long as there are not too many strings or controls attached. You're not that damned independent of all worldly powers yet!--Not till you take off for Space City, when Jesus comes! You'd better read ROMANS 13 again!--"Obey the power!"--Or you'll be OUT! We are strangers in a strange land & we need its citizens to help us, even its System! So don't knock it, USE IT!--At least invite them to help--if they refuse, that's their business.
         8. WHAT WOULD WE HAVE DONE WITHOUT THE PEOPLE WHO HELPED US GET STARTED even though some of them later dropped us? It was even the PHILISTINES WHO HELPED DAVID TO POWER in Israel after the death of Saul!--DAVID WAS THEIR GUEST & they permitted him to return & take over his country. But while he was a guest in their country with his 600 or more, he behaved himself very wisely & prudently, lest he be forced out of his haven of refuge prematurely, before he had some place else to go. Use your head! These citizens know their own people better than you do! USE'M!
         9. ALSO, YOU'D BETTER WATCH OUT ABOUT ILLEGAL IMPORTATION OF ALIENS OR ANY GOODS THAT ARE NOT DUTY FREE, such as: You cannot take an automobile or any other such taxable items, such as typewriters, cameras etc., into another country & dispose of it there by sale or otherwise, without paying duty on it, which is an import tax. And if you allow any of your people to OVERSTAY THEIR VISAS, they are going to be subject to either illegal entry or unlawful stay in their country, subject to FINES, DEPORTATION & not to speak of the disgrace & bad reputation for both them & your group.
         10. SO CHECK THOSE VISAS FOR THEIR EXPIRATION DATES so you don't get caught with any illegal aliens on your hands, which may bring reproach on your entire Cause! Keep track of your own visa & either get out of the country before it expires or get it RENEWED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE! I was ARRESTED in Mexico once & detained at the police station & threatened with a HEAVY FINE for just being SIX HOURS OVERDUE in leaving the country. Remember, that's one thing the Immigration Officials are sticklers about: Checking both PASSPORTS & VISAS (usually just an expiration date stamped in your passport) on both ENTERING & LEAVING their country! So watch it!--Or you could wind up in an IMMIGRATION DETENTION HALL & subject to a HEAVY FINE!
         11. ALSO, WATCH OUT ABOUT ALLOWING YOUR PEOPLE TO WORK FOR MONEY! IT'S AGAINST THE LAW FOR TOURISTS on tourist visas, & unless you are a resident or student employed in connection with your studies, in a bona fide school. You guys better read your little information slip handed you by Immigration upon entry! Nearly all countries have this same rule. They want you to put money into their country, not take it out.
         12. AND YES, THEY CAN REQUIRE YOU & SOMETIMES DO IN MOST countries, on entering their country, to prove your financial responsibility by either producing a RETURN TICKET-anything that'll get you out of the country--or enough MONEY to their liking or a promise of SPONSORSHIP, meaning room-&-board support from one of the local residents, as their guest.--In other words, a local recommendation--so you'd better be prepared for one of the three, & of course, the local reference is the cheapest. GBY!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family