PERSONAL ANSWERS II!     DO 67    4/71


         1. AS THE FELLOW SAID, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A LITTLE CRAZY IN THIS JOB--BUT IT HELPS!" & the Lord said, "My people are a peculiar people" (Deut.14:2), & if people think we're a little eccentric, it's not because we're off the centre--it's because they're wobbling around themselves, way off the one & only true Centre, Jesus Christ!
         2. SO NEARLY ALL THE PROPHETS & MEN & LEADERS OF GOD THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE & PAST AGES WERE THOUGHT TO BE NUTS BY THE REST OF THE WORLD--dreamers, visionaries, hearing voices, having hallucinations & pretty well flipped out over religion--but if I'm dreaming, let me dream on!
         3. THE CONVENTIONALIST, TRADITIONALIST & CONFORMIST ROBOT NEVER MAKES NEWS. He's just like all the rest--& who gives a damn about hearing about anybody who's no different than anybody else & is right on Man's so-called norm! It's the unconventionalist, non-traditionalist, non-conformist, radical, fanatical, iconoclast, idol-smasher, breaker-downer, tearer-upper, rooter-outer & destroyer, like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Gideon & all the rest that really make the news! The guys that stay put & never go anywhere & behave themselves, just like everybody else, don't even raise an eyebrow--don't even wake you up, or stir you, or cause a stir. The placid little pipsqueak Mr. Milktoasts, milk & water, string-for-a-backbone-jelly-fish just float around & drift with the tide, like everybody else, & never change anything, never do anything different, never buck the mainstream, never get out of line, are never out of step with the vast spineless majority, & of course, therefore, are never even heard of. They sink down with the rest in the morass of anonymity--in the mire of Nowhere & fade into oblivion, never making history! They always do what they're supposed to do & what they're told they should do, & what they should be like, & wouldn't be caught dead doing what just isn't done & what nobody's doing!
         4. BUT ALL THE CRAZY NUTS MADE NEWS, DARED TO CHALLENGE THEIR SYSTEM, DARED TO BE DIFFERENT, dared to buck the tide, dared to shock their generation, or defy their science, or challenge their morals, or champion an unpopular cause, or do something beyond the call of duty, heroic, or fiendish, good or bad, certainly unusual, above or below the norm, abnormal, radical, heretical, revolutionary, crazy, ridiculous, far-out, heavy, bottle-breakers, freaks, misfits, dropouts, lone wolves, discoverers, inventors, explorers, history-makers, diabolical criminals, angelic saints, both good & bad, but certainly none of them indifferent!
         5. ALL THESE INSANE DREAMERS, WHO ENVISIONED DOING THINGS THAT NOBODY ELSE HAD EVER DONE BEFORE, WHO THOUGHT DIFFERENTLY, acted differently & did differently than their predecessors, were all thought to have a few screws loose, bats in the belfry, or to be just a little off their rockers, compared to the rest of the people--the sickening average, the nauseating lukewarm, whom even God throws up & can't stomach: He'd rather have them hot or cold, good or bad, than just plain zero, because the zeroes never do anything--they never accomplish anything, good or bad; they never change anything; they never even make a dandy bad example. They just drift along with all the other slop, the garbage, the flotsam & jetsam, the froth & the foam, the slime & the ooze of normalcy--the silent majority, who have never made a sound in all history, never made a dent in progress, never changed a jot or a tittle, never sank so low or rose so high, never made a mark, never made any impression, so you never even knew they ever existed!
         6. DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING! I just never liked to be like everybody else! If everybody was going one way, I wanted to go the OTHER way! If everybody else was following the trail, I wanted to go straight up the cliff! Beaten paths are for beaten men!--And burning the candle at both ends may look crazy, but it sure gives a better light! You live in fame & die in flame, but nothing can stop you, 'cause they don't know how to handle it; they don't know where you're going, because nobody's ever done that before--& the rest just aren't prepared for it--so you can get away with it for quite awhile before they catch up with you! Of course, the silent majority always manages to smother the flame, overwhelming it with the sheer number of their dead bodies, but they're never able to put it out of the memory of Mankind!--That here was a man who stood out from the rest, outstanding for his achievements! He dared to be different & did what they told him not to, or they said couldn't be done, because he thought it oughta be, should be--& he could do it, no matter what the hell ANYBODY said--& he did it, by the grace of God or the Devil--& the World heard about him! But who the hell ever heard of the rest of'm?
         7. PRAISE GOD! WE MAY NOT LAST LONG, BUT WE'RE HAVIN' A HEAVEN OF A TIME GETTING THIS FAR! We may wear out fast, but we're sure generatin' a lot of heat!--And I LOVE it! And when this life is over & the Angels beckon you, the World will remember you! And if what you did was right, God will never forget it! You'll shine as the stars forever!--Dan.12:3. "Well done, thou good & faithful servant--enter thou into the joy of thy Lord"--& all the rest who dared to be fools for Christ's sake!--Mat.25:21. PTL!


         8. STOCK PARAGRAPHS ARE ONLY GOOD FOR ANSWERING THE USUAL QUESTIONS, that are so often duplicated & so much the same that stock paragraphs can take care of them! But never fail to make it sound personal & give it that personal, intimate touch, so vital to good public relations, especially if it requires a special answer, personally dictated, to meet a particular need! For God's sake, let's not have any more people writing us back in disappointment saying they hadn't expected to be answered by a machine & had hoped we'd take a personal interest in their problem.


         9. SOMETIMES, ALL SOME PEOPLE NEED IS FOR SOMEBODY TO LISTEN, & THAT'S HALF THE JOB OF BEING A WITNESS! Let's not fail them in showing them we're willing to listen to their troubles & to give them some personal word of comfort or counsel to let them know we're thinking of them individually & not as just another name, number, etc. Do not minimise the Ministry of the Mail & the importance of the individual! This ministry was built on personal, individual witnessing & personal, individual instruction by the Clinical Method! Don't knock it or neglect it! Use it! Answer! It's much easier to tear down than it is to build, & sometimes one disillusioned enemy can do you a lot more damage than a whole bunch of friends can do you good! It's just as important NOT to make enemies as it is to MAKE friends, that is, if we can help it! You can't always help it if you tell the truth! Of course, you don't always have to tell everything you know & blast'm with both barrels! You can be like the little boy who said he was a peacemaker, because he knew something he didn't tell. Learn how to win friends & influence people, instead of losing friends & antagonising people! EVERYBODY'S IMPORTANT!


         10. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN MY POLICY THAT WHEN YOU'VE GOT A WINNING TEAM OF GOOD STAFF MEMBERS WHO KNOW HOW TO WORK TOGETHER & WHO GET ALONG WELL TOGETHER, WITH AS LITTLE PERSONALITY FRICTION AS POSSIBLE, TO TRY TO KEEP'M TOGETHER, use it & not destroy it, tear it down or break it up, except in the most dire emergencies. When people are happy, hardworking, cooperative & productive in a certain position, it's sometimes risky to change. It could be for the better, but it could also be for worse. It might destroy a good machine that it's taken a long time to build. Any idiotic would-be mechanic can take things apart.
         11. IT'S ALWAYS EASIER TO TEAR DOWN THAN IT IS TO BUILD UP! Almost anybody can tear down, but it takes a lot of time, patience, hard work & wisdom to build! When you've got a pretty good team, fairly successful, running pretty smooth, with a good workable staff & not too many problems, productive, profitable, fruit-bearing & taking pretty good care of itself--for God's sake, don't tear it apart, ship all the pieces out to parts unknown & completely obliterate all that's been accomplished!
         12. WHEN YOU CLOSE DOWN ONE OF OUR HOMES, YOU DESTROY SOMEBODY'S CHURCH, put out the light, lock the door & send them away friendless, with no fellowship, no leadership, no source of instruction & nobody to go to! To whom shall they go? We alone have the Words of Eternal Life & everyday living.
         13. WE ALL REALISE THAT WHEN THERE'S AN EMERGENCY, YOU HAVE TO GRAB THE NEAREST THING at hand to meet the immediate need, so people are taken out of their usual jobs to fill the gap! We're in a battle & when there's a sudden opportunity to take advantage of a breakthrough, an open door in a certain direction where God is leading, we have to seize the opportunity quickly, even if it means some serious sacrifices on the part of some of you.
         14. BUT EVEN THESE QUICK MOVES SHOULD NOT BE MADE, IF POSSIBLE, WITHOUT CONSULTATION WITH THOSE INVOLVED, both staff & leaders, as well as the individuals involved, if there's time, as I've always found it's the best policy to present the need to those we need & let them pray about it & make the choice, if possible. I like volunteers & I like people to make their own choice--& I expect it to be the right choice, if we've trained them right & they're led by the Spirit, which I expect them to be.
         15. AS SOME OF YOU WHO HAVE WORKED CLOSELY WITH ME KNOW, when it came to organising a new team or staff for some new project, mission or colony, it was always my policy to call together the leaders involved first, discuss the personnel possibilities with them & the Lord, including the pros & cons, assets & liabilities, needs & lacks, strengths & weaknesses of both the individuals involved, the jobs they would be leaving & the new job they'd have to fill, how much the vacancy would hurt, who could possibly fill it, how suited they were for the new job & how happy they would be in it. We leaders would then draw up a prospective list of candidates for the new project, then go around to the individuals involved & try to sell'm on the idea, persuade them to volunteer, show them the need, why they were best suited for it, how they could be spared from their present job, consult with them on who could fill it for them & their own qualifications for the new job.


         16. IN OUR OLD SCHOOLS, WE USED TO HAVE A GRADUATING CLASS OF BASIC TRAINEES EVERY THREE MONTHS. These then went into three months of leadership training on the job under supervision where they would be teachers, assistant teachers, or have other leadership responsibilities under the leadership of others.
         17. AFTER THREE MONTHS OF BASIC, PLUS ONLY ABOUT THREE MONTHS OF THIS ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TRAINING, WE WERE READY TO TEST THEM IN SOME LOCAL FIELD ON THEIR OWN, not too far from the watchful eye of some experienced supervisor, to see if they could make it & to catch them if they fell short, rescue them if they got in hot water--& in any event, make sure their project succeeded, so it would not be totally dependent on the success or failure of the new shepherd trainee, but a nearby seasoned veteran would be able to come to the rescue if needed.
         18. WE HAVE BEEN USING THIS PLAN MORE OR LESS THROUGHOUT THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS & it has worked very well, thank the Lord. It's really a system of crash course training to meet a sudden emergency, similar to that of WW II army training courses: Three months basic, three months officer training & three months field training--nine months in all, or up to a year, if need be, to produce a seasoned veteran leader, well trained & experienced in his job.
         19. IF ANYONE HAS BEEN WITH US A YEAR & IS STILL NOT A LEADER, WE HAVE FAILED, or somebody has failed, because producing leaders is our principal task at this stage of the Revolution. After a year in this outfit, he ought to at least be a leader of the Clean-Up Crew, Dishwashers, Floor-Sweepers or Toilet-Swabbers, if nothing else--& don't minimise these jobs, they're just as vital to our operation as front-line witnessing. In some armies it keeps ten men busy BEHIND the lines to keep one man busy ON the line.--But I think our clinical method of training & operation has improved on this ratio, with a maximum of efficiency & productivity & usefulness of every talent available of even the lowliest babe in the shortest possible time, with the least possible waste--& it's working!
         20. MOST OF THIS, OF COURSE, IS DUE TO THE MIRACLE-WORKING POWER OF GOD, the marvellous way in which He is supplying our needs, the miraculous way in which He is developing labourers, the wonderful way He is protecting & keeping & strengthening us.


         21. SOMETIMES WE HAVE TO MOVE FAST, MAKE MANY SPLIT-SECOND BATTLE-FRONT DECISIONS, sacrifices to fill gaps & holes & open doors, which will always multiply faster than the labourers! God is more willing to give than we are to receive. He'll always furnish the fields if we'll supply the labour. He doesn't draft you, you have to volunteer. He'll be glad to send you, if you're willing--but you have to be willing. He likes whole-hearted volunteers, 100 percenters, forsake-allers--total commitment!
         22. I KNOW SOMETIMES THIS MEANS FOLLOWING LEADERSHIP BLINDLY BY FAITH on the spur of the moment, when there isn't time to explain, or even ask you if you'd like to. But when the emergency is over, perhaps this can be rectified & readjusted. Perhaps the emergency soldier can be sent back to his regular outfit when it's over.
         23. WHEN SOME OF YOU WERE SMALL, DAD USED TO TRY TO EXPLAIN TO YOU WHY HE WAS ASKING YOU TO DO CERTAIN THINGS & try to get you to choose to do them of your own accord, after understanding the reasons why it was necessary, that is, if we had time! However, in certain sudden emergencies, I had to tell you to do it quick, when there wasn't time to discuss it or argue, "Just because I said so, I'll tell you why later." And you usually obeyed in these emergencies, because you knew I was usually right--that I usually tried to be fair to you, explain to you when I could & let you make your own choice when it was possible! When we DIDN'T have time for this, you trusted ME to make the right decision. This is true of any general in battle. In peace-time, there's more time for training & explaining & even requests for transfer, when some buck private figures he's a square peg in a round hole.
         24. BUT IN WARTIME WE'RE IN A HURRY & WE CAN'T ALWAYS TAKE TIME TO EXPLAIN, OR FIGURE EVERYTHING OUT IN ADVANCE & WAIT FOR YOU TO VOLUNTEER. We have to move & move fast, before the Devil moves in ahead of us--& you'll just have to trust us, that we're doing what's best, the best way we know how, & hope to be able to explain it to you later.


         25. WE FAILED TO FILL A GAP QUICKLY ENOUGH ONCE & those who had held the door open for us turned to others for help. Maybe it's not always wise to send a scout team ahead to some positions to reconnoiter the field.
         27. SURPRISE IS ONE OF THE PRIME ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSFUL MILITARY STRATEGY: Hit'm hard & fast & bowl'm over before they know what hit'm--much less give them advance information on your operational strategy & methods of attack. I believe we've made a mistake on this in some cases. Never let your roots grow too deep--stay mobile, fluent & fluctuating.
         28. WE ARE PRIMARILY AN UNDERGROUND CHURCH--the called-out, dropped out, separated ones--so the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing--the only way we can survive. As a result, we have accomplished more, grown more & received tremendously more publicity, far out of proportion to our numbers, than the static, visible, aboveground, recognised, organised, so-called church of today.


         29. FRANKLY, I THINK THE RELATIONSHIPS OF BABES WITH THEIR SPIRITUAL PARENTS SHOULD BE CONTINUED AS LONG AS POSSIBLE UNTIL THESE BABES ARE WEANED ON THE WORD & are strong enough to stand, walk, talk, feed & dress themselves, if need be, & do without Mama or Papa when the occasion warrants--just like our physical babies--when they should go on to advanced training & more responsibility for both themselves & others!


         30. SOME OF THE MAMAS & PAPAS ARE FIGHTING THIS HARDER THAN THE BABIES & are resisting change more than the children. [T]hey're no different from the other Systemite Mamas & Papas, hanging on selfishly to their children as their own, rather than giving them to the Lord & His Work, like the little prophet Samuel! And you parents had better watch out, because if you persist in this selfishness, they'll remain YOUR little brats, instead of becoming the Lord's Prophets! If you can't take this, you don't belong in the Revolution! "He that withholdeth more than is meet, it tendeth to poverty, but he that scattereth abroad, it increaseth!"--Pro.11:24.
         31. IF YOU HOLD YOUR CHILDREN BACK FROM GOD'S BEST, GOD WILL SURELY TAKE THEM AWAY FROM YOU, or cause them to be a disappointment & a heartbreak, but if you give them to God, you can't lose!
         34. MY MOTHER PUT ME, HER ISAAC, ON THE ALTAR OF GOD & GAVE ME TO THE LORD--& that's why I am where I am today! As a result, because she was faithful, God gave me back to her many years later, when she needed me the most! You'd better wake up! Nothing short of right is right. I don't care how good a job you're doing in every other way! This ye ought to have done & not to have left the other undone!


         35. SINCE YOUR LEADERS AT THE TOP WHO HAVE TO MAKE SOME OF THESE QUICK & SUDDEN DECISIONS TO SKIM OFF THE CREAM OF YOUR MANPOWER for some new project & some sudden emergency cannot possibly know all of your individual men of the rank & file & their personal qualifications like you, the local leaders do, I'm therefore convinced that you local leaders should be consulted, if possible, on who you think is best qualified for the job that you can spare, the top leaders having told you what they need, so you'll not be stripped of some vital part of your machinery, or send somebody that's not suited for the job & won't be happy in it!
         36. IF THERE IS TIME, I BELIEVE THE LEADERS OF THE LOCAL HOME SHOULD PRESENT A LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR THE TASK, whom they have found able & willing to do it & whom they can spare if they have to, then from these lists the new team should be compiled by the top leaders & the leader of the team in conference, leaving the first choice, if possible, up to the team leader himself who is to have responsibility for the project, who must go according to his faith & the faith he has in his men.
         37. THIS ALSO LEAVES NOBODY ANY EXCUSES FOR FAILURE BECAUSE SOMEBODY ASKED'M TO DO SOMETHING they didn't want to do, or pushed somebody on'm they didn't want in the first place, or gave them a team or team members they couldn't work with, or put them under leadership they didn't get along with!
         38. THIS CAN'T ALWAYS BE TRUE, OF COURSE, BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS BOUND TO HAVE A FEW RUBS HERE OR THERE, personality clashes you didn't know existed, weaknesses you hadn't detected, etc.--but if you let the local leaders submit their own choice of candidates they can spare & let the team leader himself choose his team from these, in consultation with you, this should solve a lot of problems & eliminate some unnecessary & inadvisable dislocation of forces!
         39. TO PUT IT SIMPLY: FIRST OF ALL I WOULD GATHER THE LEADERS AROUND & ASK THEM point-blank "What do YOU think we oughta do about this situation?" or "What do you think the LORD wants us to do about it?" Then after hearing their opinions & leadings, since we're all supposed to be on the same channel & in tune with the same Spirit, I would usually say, "Well, that about confirms what I thought & what the Lord showed me!"--"Now let's ask the undershepherds if they agree & who they each think they can spare for the job."
         40. AND YOU REMEMBER HOW EACH OF THEM USED TO MAKE US UP A LIST OF PROSPECTS that they thought would make possible candidates. When we had gone over these & agreed on the choices, we would then have them contact them personally & say, in effect, "How would you like to go? Or if not, what WOULD you like to do, or where DO you think you oughta be? What IS your vision & what DO you have faith for?" Because if they don't wanna do what you think they oughta do, you'd better find out what they do think they oughta be doing, or you may discover someone who's already out of God's will & whom you'll have to help find it! Some of their answers may surprise you & you may find they have some project of their own they'd like to do instead, but just hadn't had a chance to tell anybody until you asked them! So you may then have that to consider--& they may be right--or they could be wrong! You'll have to pray about it together & promise to discuss it with the leaders, & let them know! I think we've lost some good material because we didn't consult with some people about what they really wanted to do, we just told'm to do something they didn't like, so they quit!
         41. GOD GIVES US A LOT OF LEEWAY & CHOICE, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, SO I THINK WE OUGHTA TRY TO DO THE SAME FOR THEM IF POSSIBLE! Of course, this may not always be possible & they at least deserve an explanation why, so they can pray about what is possible.
         42. ANYHOW, IF THEY RESPOND ENTHUSIASTICALLY OR AT LEAST WILLINGLY TO YOUR INVITATION to a certain project, you should then report their reaction to your leaders & the team leader, & they can take it from there! Notify them in due course as to whether they've been accepted. Let it be as much their own idea as possible. You'll get a lot better cooperation that way & go a lot further in the long run than just commandeering forces & shanghaiing labourers for your job without consultation or sufficient prayer & consent!


         43. EVERY HOME SHEPHERD, FOR THIS REASON OF KNOWING OUR PERSONNEL THOROUGHLY & THEIR ABILITIES & DISABILITIES for every job, should be keeping a brief, thorough, accurate card-reference file on his little babes & their progress, etc., to be referred to his overseer at a moment's notice when there's a need for a man to fill any job! A leader should know his men so well he'll be able to advise & recommend to the overseer who he thinks could do it & who he could spare so the overseer can pass on this information to his overseer when there's a need.


         44. I DON'T THINK THAT LEADERSHIP FOR PIONEER WORKS CAN ALWAYS BE TAKEN RIGHT OFF THE TOP, lest this weaken or even destroy that Home's effectiveness, unless there is very good leadership there who knows the operation & is ready to take its place. Neither, of course, can it be taken off the bottom from the inexperienced, untrained & untested novices. However, I AM convinced that after the Crash Course--or at least our old Three-Month Basic Course--that these grads should be ready for more responsibility, & some, much more than others. You may have to give a younger brother an important & responsible position if he can fill the shoes, if there's a desperate need & there's not an older brother available who can do it! At least give him a chance, & if he muffs it, that's his funeral. Many officers have had to be appointed on the field of battle, on the spot, when their superiors were knocked out in combat, or there was a need for special leadership that wasn't readily available from the home front.
         45. THAT'S WHAT I DID WITH SOME OF YOU: I PUT YOU IN POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY, some of you when I hardly knew you, because we were desperate--& SOMEBODY had to do it--& you were there. It's like that story about the girls in Australia. They didn't have any more than the girls back home--but they had it THERE--ready, willing & available.
         46. SO I THINK MOST OF THIS PIONEER LEADERSHIP WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO COME FROM NEAR THE TOP, OR AT LEAST THE UPPER HALF, of those trained, tested & experienced in considerable leadership responsibility! The Apostle or Elder at the head of such a team, it seems, should certainly have been with us at least a year of proven loyalty, & longer, if possible or available, but his men should come at least from the ranks of the leadership trainees, if not the actual field trainees--certainly not basic trainees! No battlefront general in his right mind wants to have to nurse a bunch of babes & train raw basic recruits with one hand while he's trying to fight the enemy with the other.
         47. I ONCE SAID THAT A LEADER, IF HE HAS TO, CAN TRAIN HIS BABES ON THE ROAD--BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! If there are any trained & experienced soldiers available, let them be your first choice for a pioneering team--& as you found out, two dozen people in a new situation can be quite a handful, especially if it's a new team not used to working together. It would be easier to move an entire, already well-organised staff that knows each other & is used to working together--if you need numbers! But if not, I'm still persuaded that Jesus' idea of using a small team of a dozen for a starter is about all you can handle in a new situation, & earn while you learn, especially if you haven't worked together before.
         48. THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY I'M IN FAVOUR OF THE TEAM LEADER PICKING HIS OWN MEN, if possible--so he'll have a staff of at least a few whom he's used to working with & can count on, for what he knows they can do & who know him & have confidence in his leadership! But breaking in a whole new organisation or brand new situation who haven't worked together before at a moment's notice & without proper preparation is almost madness!


         49. SMALL TEAMS WILL COME IN HANDY where you haven't got much room for housing & your ministry is mostly witnessing, until you have a place for training. Some of you thought what I said about the need for new small teams was contradictory to an older discourse on Colonisation, but the truth is that both are needed, each for different situations & at different times. I believe we need a few large Homes for power, unity & strength & the handling of major projects such as the mail, printing, photography, etc.--Headquarters operations with which little Homes should not have to be worried until such time as the larger ones are no longer possible & we are scattered & driven underground. Then each small team will have to be as self-sufficient as possible.
         50. BUT RIGHT NOW SOME CENTRALISATION OF CERTAIN OPERATIONS SUCH AS PRINTING & PROCESSING OF MAIL IS NECESSARY FOR THE SAKE OF EFFICIENCY, economy & coordination. But the smaller Homes are already needed, even now, for pioneering new areas & opening up new fields.
         51. THESE SMALL HOMES HAVE PROVEN YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH A LOT WITH ONLY A HANDFUL & have proven to be excellent units for training babes & leadership both, & have been a good sample to all of us. Sometimes I think they're more efficient because they use everything & everybody they've got to the hilt & the nth degree & they can't afford to waste anything.


         52. DON'T HESITATE TO SHOW THAT OUR WORK IS BEING RECOGNISED & APPRECIATED BY THOSE IN AUTHORITY, as being of great value to the community. [S]olving the problems of their youth with Jesus is our business! Praise the Lord!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family