October 1996
November 1996, The Family, Zurich, Switzerland
"In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Philippians 4:6). "Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24).
Please use this list along with PL 35, the latest long-term list. Thank you!
For 14 years and up. Can be read with JETTs, but they shouldn't read it on their own. Selected prayer requests, answers to prayer and testimonies of answered prayer may be read to younger age groups as well, at parents and teachers' discretion.
1. The Treasure Attic show on the life of Jesus, "Forever Friend," as well as the audio tool, "Christmas Treasures" have been completed, are now at the duping centers, and hopefully should be available in time for Christmas '96 distribution.
2. The first version of the electronic library (HomeARC) has been completed and is on its way to be duplicated. Hopefully it should reach you by Christmas.
3. Crystal (of Peter John) (PL 30:101): "Right after my prayer request against ulcers came out, I went for a checkup on my stomach. The tests showed no more signs of ulcers, only a small pink spot where the ulcers had been! I still have problems with a very acidic tummy, but am feeling so much better! Please keep praying for complete healing!"
4. YA Theresa (PL 33:73): "My breast condition has dramatically improved this month and the pain has subsided a lot! Please continue to pray that the pain will not be so bad, especially before menstruation."
5. Thai Esther (PL 36:56): "The Lord has helped me to have an easy pregnancy so far despite my thyroid condition. Thank you very much, dearest Family, for your prayers!"
6. Trusty (of Clay) (PL 33:80): Delivered a healthy baby boy in spite of complications from being in RH-VE blood group!
7. Suzie (PL 26:98): Healed from a long-term problem with eczema.
8. Lily (PL 33:61): Visa work came through.
9. Burma (PL 36:47): The Lord supplied a house for a pioneer team to begin establishing a more permanent Home there!
10. Freya Rose (PL 36:51): Legal paperwork came through!
North America:
11. Abner (5, of Jared and Rebecca Wood) (PL 36:90): Ear problems greatly reduced.
12. Ready (PL 36:89): Injured eye and wrist completely healed!
13. Eman (PL 37:70): His injured back, in which arthritis had begun to set in, is now almost totally healed.
14. Sammy (of Belen and Rosita) (PL 33:88): "Since we put Sammy on the Prayer List for backaches, the Lord has done miracles and his back is almost completely healed."
15. Tim Streams (of Joy) (PL 36:72): His back has not had any major problems since his name has been put on the Prayer List.
16. Kristina (newborn, of Lalo and Ruth) (PL36:68): Healed from an eye infection.
17. Sara: Recovering well after surgery to remove a tumor on her hip.
South America:
18. Sunny (of John) (PL 36:113): In spite of a high-risk pregnancy due to diabetes, the Lord has supplied for free all the exams that were needed, a private laboratory, a hospital and a program for Sunny's pre-natal care.
19. John T. (of Angel) (PL 33:133): Much less fatigue and fewer headaches.
20. Daniela (3, of Maria Provisioner) (PL 34:94): Her hearing has improved 70%, and consequently she will not have to have an operation.
21. Joy and David (of Jonathan and Priscila) (PL 30:201): Skin problems doing much better.
22. Francisco (of Kitty) (PL34:88): His heart has been functioning better.
Europe and Africa:
23. The Lord miraculously answered prayer for the Home in Italy who had been having problems with their demanding and unreasonable landlord (PL 36:121). After they tried to close down the Home, the landlord filed serious legal charges against specific individuals, as well as the Family as a whole, and was demanding financial recompense. Thanks to your prayers and the faith of the brethren who persevered in negotiating, all legal charges have been dropped! Although the landlord is still requiring some financial compensation, the matter has been settled out of court and there are no longer any legal charges filed.
24. Anthony and Talitha (PL 33:161): The government has agreed to pay for the enormous costs of baby Timothy's medical care (at least $67,000)! Anthony and Talitha write, "We have received sweet notes of encouragement from scores of brethren around the world, and we were touched that they were praying for the Lord to work a miracle with the hospital bills. Well, He has done it! We are overwhelmed with thanks to you alleach and every one who stood beside us in this fiery trial! Through it all, we were never allowed to feel alone. Jesus was always right there, and a super ever-present comfort. And thanks to you, dear sweet brethren, we felt more like we were part of a team than at almost any other time in our lives! We love you."
25. Peter and Sela (PL 32:108): "Since we asked for prayer to be able to ship provisioned goods to the brethren in Eastern Europe, we have had many shipping companies that want to help for free. We now have a regular shipping contact to Russia and other EE countries."
26. John David (10), (PL 34:134): Healed of asthmatic bronchitisand much quicker than the doctor said it would be.
27. Sebastian (3, of Aaron and Sharon) (PL 33:170): Healed from constipation and stomach aches.
28. Benji (baby, of Philip and Kasia) (PL 36:127): Down's syndrome. "The way the Lord is taking care of and healing Benji is a miracle. The neurologist was very positive and said that for now she sees no problems with his development. The psychologist was also very optimistic about Benji's psychological development. There are a few things that the Lord wants us to be desperate for with Benji, but generally speaking he is well and a happy, sweet boy." (See prayer request #123.)
29. Elena (7, of James and Anna) (PL 34:132): "At her last checkup, the doctor informed us that she is starting to use both eyes at the same time. Thanks for your prayers. Please continue to pray for her complete healing from crossed eyes."
30. Betty (16) (PL33:185): "Since my prayer request against frequent nose bleeds has been on the Prayer List, I've been healed and have not even had one. This is a miracle, as I usually had at least two a day."
31. Comfort (PL 37:152): Recovered completely after a minor operation to remove pre-cancerous tissue. Still awaiting final test results to determine if cancer is present elsewhere.
32. Chieharu (of Paul and Megumi) (PL 36:176): No asthma attacks.
33. Jonathan (of Faith): "My back hasn't been troubling me as much as it used to, and this must be because of the prayers of the Family through the Prayer List."
34. Faith (of Jonathan): Prolapsed womb and hemorrhoids healed.
35. Aaron: Dizzy spells gone.
36. Faith (of Philip), Asia: In the advanced stages of breast cancer. That she will be able to rest comfortably at nights and won't experience much pain or burning sensation from the tumor.
37. David (18, of David and Charity), North America: Severely injured in a motorcycle accident. David broke his back in six places, and the doctors say that he might end up paralyzed from the neck down, although he does have some feeling in one of his legs. Please pray for David's healing, faith and encouragement.
38. Swiss Phoebe, Europe: Continued strength and healing from Hodgkin's disease and pain in throat.
39. Phillipe (14, of Luke and Joy), Europe: Diagnosed with advanced brain cancer. The doctors say he has little chance of recovery. Please pray for miraculous healing for Phillipe; that the Lord will give him and his family grace, faith and strength for this battle, and that the Lord will give Luke and Joy wisdom and guidance concerning any further medical treatment.
40. Miguel (of Clara), South America: Recently diagnosed as having a rare blood disorder. He is now undergoing treatment (cortisone) which has serious side effects, one of these being he's only able to sleep about three hours a night. Please pray that his blood count will increase and reverse the decrease of his blood defenses, and that he will be strengthened and encouraged through the Word.
41. Mama: Against extended menstrual periods which weaken her considerably and put extra strain on her eyes; that her periods will normalize and she will gain the strength she needs. For extra protection from colds and headaches, and that the burning pain in her eyes will lessen.
42. Peter: Recurring neck aches and backaches.
(Please also see the prayer requests for Mama and Peter in the last long-term Prayer List, PL 35.)
WS Pubs and Tools
43. For the GPU (GP Pubs Unit): That the legal apparatus needed to make the unit fully functional will be set up; that all the business details involved in publishing GP books will fall into place properly.
44. The distribution of the CVC program: This has been printed and is now on its way to the CRO areas. For safe and speedy shipping to each Home.
Family Leadership
45. Wisdom, strength and anointing for the CROs and their office staffs, especially in handling the increased workload since the implementation of the Charter.
46. That our VS teams will be a help and blessing to the Homes they visit. For the wisdom, discernment and love needed for their important job. That the Lord will continue to raise up others who are qualified and willing to visit the Homes and provide the loving shepherding and help needed.
47. Strength and wisdom for our ABMs and their worldwide networking in order to help the Family with their movements and communications.
48. For the meetings being held to view the videos of Peter and Gary's classes from the Summit and Peter's at the delegates meetings in the U.S.A. That these videos will be a help to all in answering people's questions, strengthening their faith in and obedience to the Word, and inspiring them in their service for the Lord, which will result in happier, more loving and united Homes!
49. Financial supply to pay the remaining BI court case bills, which are substantial.
50. Plentiful and reliable home support for those leaving their home fields for poorer mission fields. Speedy supply of travel and landing funds. That they won't get bogged down in unfruitful situations while trying to raise support. Free tickets and discounts on air travel.
51. For those pioneering new cities: For housing, new contacts, good outreach, good provisioning and the supply of all their needs.
52. For the countries where the Family is operating that are experiencing severe social and economic crises; that these upheavals will not negatively affect the Family's outreach and ability to raise funds.
Witnessing and Outreach
53. Contacts and open doors for Christmas performances and witnessing opportunities.
54. Fruitful Christmas outreach: Lots of souls, open doors for performances and other witnessing, bountiful financial supply, and inspiring witnessing opportunities for our children and young people in particular.
55. For friends, contacts and supporters who are experiencing financial difficulties or health problems.
56. For road trips into sensitive or previously closed countries, such as China, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Middle East, etc.: Wisdom, protection, provision, open doors and fruitful witnessing; that the Family can reach as many people as possible with the message, without arousing the attention or ire of the authorities.
Home Life
57. That we will go to the Word for the answers and solutions to our problems, both individually and on the Home level. That we will fight to make time for the Word, prayer and listening to the Lord.
58. For unity and loving interaction within and between Homes.
59. Turkey: For the translation of Treasure Attic into Turkish, and the finalizing of two DFs in Turkish.
60. Thailand: Against terrorism and unrest in the southern areas of Thailand, and for the safety of the Family in these places.
61. India: For the children in several Homes who are recovering from whooping cough; for increased resistance and good health in the future.
62. John (of Esther): Complete recovery from a neck injury after a diving accident.
63. Esther (of John); Natasha (14): Insomnia.
64. Elenor and Susan (3, twins of John and Esther): To learn to speak clearly.
65. Isabelle (16): For good medical counsel regarding dental problems and other affected areas.
66. Larissa: Recurring sores on her legs.
67. Michelle (5, of Daniel and Rachel): Repeated ear infections, and infections on her legs.
68. Nathan (of Leah); Steven Fighter (of Claire): Back problems.
69. Martin: Recurring bouts of extreme fatigue, headaches and aching, which last for days at a time.
70. Heidi (of Gideon, PG with number 13): For health, strength and a good pregnancy.
71. Praise (of Paul): Possible glaucoma (eye disease).
72. Jesse (of Penny): Intestinal problems.
73. Faithy: Frequent migraines.
74. Andrew: For the custody of his three children.
75. Natasha (11, of Victor and Dove); Spring (YA): Skin allergies.
76. Joy C.: Painful nerve disorder in her wrists.
77. Victory: Middle ear infection causing dizziness.
78. James and Charity; John and Jacintha; James and Joanie; Jessica (of Simeon and Liz): Legal work.
79. Kittiya (4, of Gid and Claire): For appetite and weight gain.
80. Thai James: Easily weakened and tired due to a heart condition. For his daily strength and encouragement.
81. Mikey (9, of Thai Bright): Handicapped. For his mental and physical development, and vision and patience for his caretakers.
82. That North Mexico will continue to get sufficient rain, so the current drought won't get worse.
83. Los Angeles Homes: That the new city curfews for all children under 18 that they are trying to pass in LA and Orange counties will not hinder our work and witnessing.
84. Mercy (of Andrew): Frequent pain and bleeding in uterus; against tumors.
85. Ava (of Matt): Abscess in the left breast.
86. Mike, Kerenina and Joy; Sharon (of Art and Becky): Legal work.
87. Stephen Piper: Lumps in his arms.
88. Dave G.: Stiffness and soreness in his leg and knee, making it difficult to work.
89. Anna (of Tino): Excessive dryness on hands.
90. Maria (of Ezekiel): Fallen womb, and problems with her digestive system; for a complication-free delivery.
91. Sweety: Mild heart murmur.
92. Nina (of Mike): Tailbone infection.
93. Sam (of Sara): Persistent cough.
94. Andrew Greeneyes: Hernia.
95. Christina; Sara (of Solomon): Insomnia.
96. Simon and Stephen Farr; Madi (16): Back problems.
97. Steven (7 mos., of Paul and Ruth): Eczema.
98. Mercy Nubes (of Jonathan): Polyps (growths in mucous membrane) in her nose to disappear.
99. Ana (of James): Hypertension, causing headaches and dizziness.
100. Juan David (2 mos., of Mateo and Katrina): Jaundice.
101. Maria Clara (5, of Mateo and Brunilda): Unable to walk since birth. For her left hip to move into place so she will not need an operation; for her kidneys to work properly, and against infection.
102. Paloma (of Miguel): Excessive bleeding during menstrual periods.
103. Priscilla (of Tiago): Painful lumps on her back; for guidance concerning having an operation or not.
104. Susanna Song: Painful gum infection causing loose teeth.
105. Sara Fighter: Cyst in her breast.
106. Josias (YA, of Jordan and Maria): Loss of sight in right eye due to an accident four years ago that affected the nerve.
107. Rebeca Amor: High blood pressure and dizzy spells.
108. Lucero (of Zacarias): High blood pressure and cholesterol; abnormal bleeding after years of menopause.
109. Maria (67): Psoriasis on her feet; glaucoma.
110. Abigail (of Simon): Lesion in her uterus.
111. Maria (of Mateus): Fibroid tumors.
112. Joshua (of Priscila): Heart problems.
113. David and Promise: Injuries as a result of an accident.
114. Sunny (of John): It seems her unborn child has Down's syndrome, and continues to have an accumulation of water in his stomach which can be quite serious. For strength and encouragement for John and Sunny. (See answered prayer #18.)
115. Sara PI (of John Ricky, PG with number seven): For a problem-free pregnancy and healthy mother and baby in spite of a high-risk pregnancy due to overactive thyroid.
116. Flor (of Abel, TS): Problems with her pregnancy.
117. For the Lord's leading and anointing on proactive media campaigns, particularly in areas where religious freedom is being seriously challenged, such as in Russia and Poland.
118. That the Lord will anoint communications with a parliamentary committee in Belgium investigating NRMs. That they will be open to hearing the truth about the Family and that they will come to favorable conclusions about us.
119. For an upcoming book being published in Finland which contains a chapter on the Family's home schooling; that it will be a positive witness on our education and get wide circulation.
120. For a study a Russian academic is doing on the Family. For wisdom for those he will be interviewing; that the Lord will bless our continued relations with him and bring him closer to the Family.
121. For the necessary funds to be able to continue to supply the Homes in Russia and the EE with free posters for mass distribution, and follow-up lit.
122. For the necessary funds to get humanitarian aid and supplies to needy cities and towns in Russia.
123. Benji (4 months, of Phillip and Kasia): Down's syndrome. That a gap between ventricles in his heart will close up, and for his neck muscles to develop properly. (See answered prayer #28.)
124. Domie (2, of Phillip and Kasia): Allergic rash spreading over her body.
125. Christine H.: Appendicitis and frequent stomach aches.
126. Paloma (of David, PG with number eleven): Tumor on her uterus.
127. Jan A.: Eye infection.
128. Joy Mercy (of Abner): Insomnia.
129. Faithy P.: Kidney problem.
130. Pavel: Rheumatism.
131. Christina: Bacterial infection on breast.
132. Eleonora (YA): Migraine headaches.
133. Magda Happy: Cyst in her breast.
134. Lithuanian Francesco: Gastritis, causing daily pain.
135. Mike: Persistent facial fungus.
136. Peter: Damaged nerve in leg causing cramps.
137. Liberty Swiss: Chronic, asthmatic cough.
138. Rita May (2, of Tim H. and Claire); Susane (of James and Joan): Eczema.
139. Praise; Michael; Andrew (of Lily): Hernia.
140. Michael (of Judy); Free; Mary; Jonathan Harper; Joshua; James (of Joan): Back problems.
141. Willing: Weak and sore ankles.
142. Philip (16, of Johannes and Joanna); Sharon Dawn (18): Continual headaches.
143. Lisa: Asthma.
144. Sean Patrick (2): Chronic diarrhea due to a lack of helpful bacteria in his intestines which the doctors call dysbacteria.
145. German Mary: Persistent eye infection and rash around eyes.
146. Jonas: Hyperactive thyroid glands.
147. Romanian Faithy: Stomach problems.
148. Pat (of Richard): Excessive menstrual bleeding.
149. Maria (of Juan): Hormone irregularity.
150. Jason (10, of Joan): Eye strain.
151. Ginna Rose; Daniella Joy: Strengthening of eye muscles.
152. Charity (of John): Loss of hearing.
153. Marianne (6, of Paul and Maria): Asthma and bronchitis.
154. David: Slipped disk in neck.
155. Christina (of Michal): Placenta previa.
156. Justin (14): Dizzy spells.
157. Joanne: Her eyes will not focus and glasses haven't helped.
158. David G.: Worsening problem in the tendon of his right elbow and wrist which causes pain.
159. Kento: Warts that are spreading.
160. Joseph (of Sara): Infection in his arm muscles.
161. Jamie (7 mos., of Stephen and Praise): Bronchiolitus (inflammation of the bronchial tubes); that there will be no lasting damage to his lungs.
Graduation Notice:
Fe of Gideon (North America): The Lord took dear Fe Home to Heaven, after her battle with leukemia. Please pray for Gideon and their seven children, that the Lord will comfort them in their loss, with the sweet peace and reassurance of knowing that Fe is happy and safe in the arms of Jesus!
"Without the Smell of Smoke!"
From Paul Servant, Norway:
We wanted to share a little bit with you about how our son, David (3) is doing. (He is recovering from Hodgkin's disease.) Things are looking very positive right now. David had a series of tests done this month, and all the pictures showed no sign of the cancer. We are very excited. It has been a miracle how the Lord has kept David through these treatments. The doctors have all commented on how well David is doing. Many of the small children who come in for cancer treatment literally stop in their development and it takes them years before they catch up. Also, nearly all of them must come into the hospital for treatment against all manner of sickness, disease and complications they have contracted between treatments. Yet the Lord has brought David through all of these dangers without even the "smell of smoke"! He has continued to develop in a totally normal way. The Lord has faithfully seen us through some very difficult times economically, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, for which we are so very thankful! We're still not sure of the final outcome, but we have the assurance and peace that the Lord will see us through.
David has a very positive and uplifting attitude, which has been an inspiration for all those who have been involved with his care. Every nurse and doctor has asked several times why he is so patient and trusting, and David is so faithful to give Jesus the glory. If the doctor starts talking about how the medicine is helping him, David without fail comes in with a cheerful and bright "Thank You Jesus! He's healing my bump!" One day he turned to us and said, "Jesus whispered in my ear that He is going to heal me!" He keeps us in check too, making sure we are praising the Lord! We are convinced that there are many reasons for David's illness, and though at times we may have shaky knees, it's the end result that matters. God has tailor-made this situation to help us grow, and the things that He sends our way are a special blessing. So we are thankful for this time. We would like to ask for everyone's continued prayers for David, that these upcoming tests will be negative. The Lord assures us that He would rather "let it be healed," and this is our confidence and prayer request.
Dad Intercedes for his Children!
From Sara (of Marcos Translator) Brazil:
(Excerpts of a letter to Mama)
After reading about Dad's visit to Nicolas and Daniella's kids in GN 682, I wanted to write you about a beautiful experience I had with Dad a year-and-a-half ago when I had to stay isolated with my two young kids who had a contagious illness. Thank the Lord, they both had a mild case, but because of that, I think I got overconfident, and I let Vitoria, my three-year-old daughter, get away with not taking her naps and resting enough. One night she came down with a high fever and a strong headache that got to be so painful that she could not move her head and wouldn't even let me touch her forehead. I knew the Enemy was attacking and trying to scare me into believing that a serious secondary infection was setting in. I knew I had to fight for her healing, but I was feeling so weak and so desperate.
To soothe her headache I put on a tape of Dad's "Songs of Heaven," and as he started to sing I began to pray desperately with my face on the floor, crying with all my heart, asking the Lord to forgive me and to heal my child and give me strength to fight this battle. Then I took Vitoria in my arms and kept on praying, this time asking Dad to please help me and intercede for me, as I needed his help so much. I instantly felt at peace, and when I looked down at Vitoria, she was smiling at me and said that her head didn't hurt anymore. She was also all wet because the fever had broken, and after that she only got better and better! She was healed!
I believe with all my heart that Dad interceded for me and he was the help that I so desperately needed that night to fight for Vitoria's healing! I felt his love and his concern for me and my little one and he was there to help me fight that battle! I keep this in my heart as a memory to encourage me that although Dad is not here physically anymore, he's still around helping us any way he can, because he loves us!
Healed from Cancer!
From Marie Claire (SGA), VS and single mother, Pacific:
I want to share the testimony of how the Lord healed me from cancer, first of all as an encouragement to others, and secondly, to testify of the Lord's mighty power to heal! As you may remember reading in the Prayer List (PL 24:103), I had some operations about a year ago which had serious complications, and which resulted in my being diagnosed with cancer. To be able to understand what a miracle my healing was, I will give you a brief summary of what happened.
Due to pregnancy complications I became very sick, and after going for a checkup, the doctors found that I wasn't pregnant after all, but I had tumors in my womb. The only way to get rid of them was to have a series of operations to have them removed. The first set of operations went very well, and there were no complications. However, only two months later, I got the tumors again. I spent almost an entire month in the hospital, and because I was so sick and couldn't eat anything for quite some time, my body began to reject any food, and shut down my metabolism. I had to be put on an IV drip for two weeks. I had daily tests, and four separate operations. As a result I became very weak. I lost over 10 kgs, and my hormone level rose higher and higher.
After a short time the doctor confirmed that I had cancer. The only problem was, they couldn't find the actual growth. He suspected that it was in my lungs, or cervix, and although I was allowed to return home, I had to come in for weekly tests. The doctors were frantic to find the cancer, as each week my hormone level would go higher, showing that the cancer was growing rapidly. One week when I came in for my tests, the doctor asked me if I had brought my belongings. When I looked puzzled, he told me that the nurse was supposed to call me and let me know that I would be starting chemotherapy that day, and to bring my things! He hadn't asked me if I wanted to have chemotherapy or not, he just assumed that I would do it.
When I told him that I wanted time to think about it, he was quite upset, saying that I didn't have time, and to refuse the treatment would be virtually committing suicide. He went on to explain that the radiation dosages would be very heavy, and although my hair would fall out, and I would get very sick, and there was a 50 percent chance that I wouldn't even live through the chemotherapy, that it would be worth it if it got rid of the cancer, which he said would surely kill me. I told him that I wanted a few days to think about it, and he finally relented.
I was able to take some time off in prayer, and reading the Word. Dear Stephen Faith, who had at that time just been healed from cancer, sent me some beautiful quotes that he had compiled during his illness, which were a big encouragement to me. Most of the quotes were on fighting and not giving in, and this was just what I needed, as I had been accepting all this as my "fate," so to speak, and not really going on the attack. LHM! I guess it was all such a shock to me that I had a hard time knowing quite how to cope with it all.
I took time to hear from the Lord, and He told me to trust Him, and to wait on the chemotherapy. He told me that if He wanted to heal me, He could do it without the doctors and their medicine, and if He wanted to take me, well, there was nothing they could do anyway. So, together with a couple of others for support, I went back to the doctor and told him I wanted to wait. Of course he said I was insane and that I was going to regret it. I told him that until he found the cancer, I wouldn't touch the medicine, but if they found it, I would think about it again. He agreed to my staying at home, and only coming in for weekly check-ups. This is where I faced the greatest testto keep trusting that the Lord was going to do what He said, even when circumstances seemed contrary.
Each week my hormone level rose higher and higher, indicating that the cancer was spreading fast. The doctor took me into his office one day and discussed my options with me. The scans, X-rays and tests had still not found the cancer, but according to my hormone level, it was thereand spreading. The danger was that by the time they found it, it would be impossible to treat it, so he wanted me to act immediately. He said that due to the fact that I had these tumors twice, something almost unheard of in the medical profession, I should have a hysterectomy (womb removal) to ensure no further complications. This could also eliminate the cancer. He explained that I would probably never have children anyway, as my womb was so affected from all the operations, the tumors, and now the cancer.
Going ahead with a hysterectomy was unthinkable to me, as it would mean there would be no way for me to ever have children, the one thing I wanted more than anything. I told the doctor I didn't want to have it done, choosing to leave it in the Lord's hands. It was a difficult decision, in that I knew I could be allowing the cancer to spread further, yet the Lord had said that if He wanted to heal me, He could do it without the help of the doctors. So I knew that He wanted me to trust Him.
In all I'm sharing, I hope I don't sound like I had a whole lot of faith, as that was not the case. I was weak in faith, I didn't know what to do. There were times when I just felt so low and so hopeless, like there was no light at the end of the tunnel! Sometimes I felt that there was no use fighting for myself, as I was such a mess anyway. God bless all those who took so much of their time to write me, to pray for me, coming to the hospital to visit me, staying in the hospital with me, reading the Word with me, and fighting with me in the Spirit. I know I couldn't have done it if it weren't for the Lord, my sweet Family, and the Word, which kept me holding on. Then there were the precious teens that I was shepherding at the time, whose faith in me made me want to keep on living for their sakes. I also want to thank all of you who read my prayer request in the Prayer List and prayed for me. It meant so much to know that I didn't have to fight this on my own, but that my precious Family was there with me, fighting with me, and there in prayer with me. I know that is why the Lord did the amazing miracle of healing me.
Four weeks after the Lord had shown me not to take the chemotherapy, I went in for my weekly checkup. After taking the test, the doctor said that something had gone wrong with the test, and that I needed to take it over again. I asked him what it was, and he told me the test showed my hormone level had gone down. I went back to the testing room for the second test, praying all the way that the test hadn't been a mistake, that indeed my hormone level had gone down, meaning that the cancer was disappearing. The second test matched the first! The cancer was going away! The doctor was shocked and amazed. Of course, he said not to get my hopes up, that it could just be due to something I ate, or something my body was going through at the time, and blah, blah, blah. But I knew it was a miracle, and that the Lord had healed me. From then on, each week I went for a checkup, my hormone level had gone down, until only one month later, the cancer was totally gone and I was completely healed! PTL!
But the story doesn't end there! A short while later I got pregnant! A total miracle! I had a healthy pregnancy and a smooth delivery with no complications. I now have a beautiful baby boy! My miracle baby! Every time I look at him, hold him in my arms, see him smile, and see how healthy and happy he is, I know that the Lord loves me. This baby means so much more to me, knowing that he is the child I was told I would never have, and it just proves that with God nothing shall be impossible! I pray now that I can give this child all the love and care he needs, and I constantly thank the Lord that He has seen fit to entrust such a precious, priceless gift into my hands. I know that the Lord has also allowed me to go through all this so that my testimony can be an encouragement to others, to help them know that when you place your life in His hands, He will give you what is best for you, and what will make you happiest!
I love you, and pray for each one of you that are going through any physical afflictions right now, that the Lord will give you the grace, and the peace that passes all understanding, to know that "He knows, He loves, He cares. Nothing His truth can dim! He gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to Him!"
Following is a brief summary of the main topics covered in the last long-term list (PL 35). We hope this can come in handy to jog your memory when praying for these topics. This is not meant as a substitute for PL 35, so please try to refer to PL 35 for the specifics whenever possible.
* Mama and Peter and their staff
* Family Leadership, CROs, VSes
* Pregnant mothers/newborns
* Childcare teachers/shepherds
* Children and their shepherding/education
* Teens/JETTs
* General good health of all Family members
* WS pubs production
* Video/audio productions
* Witnessing/follow-up
* Friends/supporters
* Young people's witnessing ministry
* Special outreach ministries
* Mail ministries
* Home teamworks
* Home/WS finances
* Good Word/prayer time
* Housing
* Landlords/neighbors
* Legal paperwork
* Vehicles/drivers
* Stability of local and national governments
* Media teams
* Lawyers/academics
* Media coverage/contacts
* Protection from persecution
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Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family