PRAYER LIST No.10!--From WS      DO 12/92
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord
delivereth him out of them all!"--Psa.34:19.
Dear Family,
         GBY! WLY & pray this Prayer List finds you happy, healthy & inspired in your service for Him! Prayer List 10 is a special "rush" Prayer List containing only the most recent or timely prayer requests, new answers to prayer, etc., not the more "permanent" prayer requests usually found in the "worldwide" section. You can use it
together with PL 9 rather than in place of it during your prayer vigils or personal prayer times. We pray this is a blessing, & we thank you for your faithfulness to uphold our worldwide Family in prayer.--And thank the Lord for His wonderful answers! PTL! WLY!
         "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases."--Psa.103:1-3.
ANSWERED PRAYERS: For All (OCs & under with guidance)
         (Some of the prayer requests which were answered below were not mentioned in past Prayer Lists, but were prayed for locally. We've included them here for your encouragement, & to glorify the Lord for His marvellous faithfulness in answering prayer!)
1. For all intents & purposes, the court battle in Sydney, Australia is now over! (See PL 9:84.) The case was scheduled to drag on for many more months, & many bitter backsliders were about to take the stand to begin airing all of their garbage in order to try to smear the Family. But the Lord intervened & an agreement has been reached whereby the Community Services have withdrawn all of their CA accusations & agreed to back off from any further intervention in our Homes or with our children, & we are free to continue our normal activities & work for the Lord, PTL! A wave of favourable nationwide publicity has now followed! Some papers called the ruling "a major slap in the face for the Department of Community Services," & called for an inquiry into "the `Soweto-like' police action in dragging the children out of bed early in the morning & holding them in custody for six days." PTL!
2. One of our Australian QCs who is ill has been diagnosed with cancer of the bowels. But since the Family has been praying for him (see PL 9:84), he's feeling much better & hasn't suffered as much from the treatments he's receiving.
3. A devilish deprogramming/subversion plot by some of our worst & most traitorous backsliders/enemies--including Hart Inkletter (aka Sunny, Edward Priebe), Samson Warner (Daniel Welsh), Watchman (Rick Dupuy), Deb & Bill (Davis), Zac the Greek (Samuel Ajemian), etc.--has been completely exposed & undone! Criminal charges have been filed against some of them. Their failed plot has also exposed our enemies & their plans as never before, in answer to the Family's prayers! (See PL 9:76; also "Victory in Manila," FSM 227.)
4. The Lord's judgements on our enemies in Barcelona (PL 9:74): There've been two big scandals in the Catalonian (Barcelona area) government in the last few weeks. Different ministers & ex-ministers have been accused of embezzlement, fraud & abuse of power, with some being jailed. This is the government that has fought us so bitterly for years!
5. Victories over menopause! (PL 9:47) From Josie, WS: "The Lord did a wonderful miracle in delivering me from symptoms of menopause! Mama's prayer request for our girls going through menopause gave me the faith to ask for prayer in Sunday Fellowship, as I was having night sweats, hot flashes & many other symptoms, & He answered dramatically! The next night I slept straight through the night for the first time in weeks! I have continued to sleep very well since then, my hot flashes have subsided until now I rarely get them, & the other symptoms have faded as well. It's wonderful how the Lord loves us so much to answer our prayers!"
6. Victories over negative thinking! Kevin (PL 3:25), who wrote the article on "Deliverance from Bitterness & Negative Thinking" in FSM 192, recently testified: "I'm so happy that I haven't had major battles in my thoughts & heart lately. I am so thankful that the Lord has helped me to clear out a lot of bitternesses & problems so that I can have better relations with others, & have good clear thoughts toward them. It really pays to fight negative thinking, because after a while the Lord lets your mind get reprogrammed into a new pattern where it's not so easy to fall prey to negative thoughts about people. I've been thinking that a lot of it is probably because I've had so many people praying for me, a lot of prayer power, which has been very beneficial. I would like to send a thank you to all those who have prayed for me. I'm very thankful for what the Lord has done for me!"
7. Provisioning victories as the result of follow-up (from Eastern Europe) (PL 9:67): "In the last two weeks the Lord's done quite a few miracles. We wanted to open a new small apartment & told one king about it, & he pulled out his chequebook & paid for four month's rent on it ($800). We told another friend of our need for a new TV & he also gave $800. When we went to buy the TV, another friend gave a 70% discount on a new TV. Another friend who owns a factory gave us 120 pairs of good quality running shoes. TYL! We are meeting or ministering to all of these men regularly & they look at us as their church."
8. Favourable media in Japan (PL 9:85): In answer to our prayers, a favourable article came out in a special magazine which reaches the Japanese Diet (congress) as well as the top of the country!
9. Our Family friends making trips (PL 9:63) had safe, very inspiring, fruitful journeys, returning with a greater vision of our worldwide work!
(South America:)
10. Zeb (PL 9:113) had severe attacks of asthma off & on for a week, literally struggling for every breath. However, he took a stand of faith, gave up his aspirator, & the very day he was raised from his sickbed, the Lord used him to record a beautiful new song. PTL!
11. Jo (of Rosemarie) (PL 9:82) had a minor operation on his back, which was very successful. He was even able to walk the day after the operation.
12. Russian catacomber Tanya (PL 9:125) has come out of the coma she was in after being hit by a car, & is doing quite well. Doctors have said this is only the second case they had seen of such a recovery in 7 years, & very unusual--a miracle! The Family had daily prayer for her & was visiting her daily, which really impressed both her mother & the doctors. This has also been a lesson for the other catacombers on the responsibility & power we have to pray for people.
13. Two of our new Russian disciples (PL 9:125) have been able to get a full year off from school, with the prospects of getting a second year off as well. Both are good English speakers, TTL!
14. Recording of the first two Russian tapes is almost done (PL 9:126). The life of the director of the Russian children's singing group has changed tremendously since she started working with us, & she & her group want to do more to get the Message out!
15. Division amongst our enemies in Eastern Europe (PL 9:129): In one country, the wave of anti-cult propaganda that was being generated by the Orthodox church has died down because of fierce schisms within the church, which have gone as far as violent fighting with guns & knives in some churches! As one magazine put it, this crisis within the established religions is causing many people to turn to alternative religions in the form of sects, & people are more willing to listen to us than ever before. Also Keith (PL 7:189), an American evangelist who has been very anti-Family, has lost quite a bit of his prestige & popularity & is having some problems.
16. Our Home in Scandinavia (PL 9:124) has received court permission to Home School their children after a fight which took several months.
17. Miracle (1-&-1/2) of Polish Jan & Eve (PL 5:39), was declared completely normal in her growth & weight gain around the time the worldwide Family prayed for her, & the doctor examining her has done so free of charge.
18. Sydney Teen Home. The owner had asked us to move unless we paid double the rent, but the Lord touched his heart & he only asked for a 30% increase. He was also approached by the media, who wanted him to slander us, but he said he was our friend.
19. Joy (of Paul) (PL 9:84) was having abdominal pains which a doctor said might be a cyst on her ovary. After prayer, she went to get an ultrasound to find out more about it, & it seems that the cyst had dissolved & she's no longer having any pain!
20. Our Japanese Hosts (PL 9:85) are doing well.
21. Premature baby Brunella of EAs Miguel & Cherish (PL 9:136) has made miraculous progress & has now been released from the hospital. Her lungs are totally developed & healed, her heart is beating normally, & she is gaining weight steadily every day.
22. EA Byron (PL 9:137): The benign tumour on his arm was removed with no complications. His recovery was so fast the doctors were amazed, & he can now use his arm without any trouble!
(North America:)
23. New Housing. The Lord has continued to supply good housing & witnessing apartments for the repioneering of several large cities! (PL 7:149)
24. Jasper (18) of Jay & Rose has experienced no further pain or discomfort from his hernia, which bothered him frequently for years! (PL 9:98)
25. No bad publicity has resulted in Canada & all the legal investigations have been cleared! (PL 8:144)
26. John & Sara's legal problems are almost completely resolved & they are now living in a DO Home! (PL 7:139)
27. Sharon (19) hasn't had any problems with painful feet for the first time in years! (PL 9:101)
28. Marie had a good natural delivery though she has a hernia & the baby was in a breech position. (PL 9:92)
29. Katrina (PL 9:88) wrote after teen Steven, her son, left to join Watchman: "The Lord has given me real joy & thankfulness for this time in my life to draw me close to Him & make me realise once again, `who is my mother, son or husband' but those that do the Will of God."
30. Disaster outreach (PL 9:87). The Lord has marvellously blessed & prospered this outreach to the homeless & needy, as well as the relief workers, doctors & troops! Many needy & desperate souls have been won & countless others have been given new hope despite their hardships & loss of everything! We now even have some on-fire Marine catacombers from the troops who were there to help the hurricane victims!
(Please remember that these are
new prayer requests, & do not replace the ones in PL 9. Thanks!)
DAD & MAMA: For All (OCs & under with guidance)
31. Dad & Mama's security, & protection from vicious enemies of the Family, some of whom would do anything to find them, even stirring up the authorities to locate & persecute them.
32. Dad's health. He has recently had frequent dizzy spells.
33. Please pray for Mama's strength, as she has felt very tired & weak lately.
WORLDWIDE: For All (OCs & under with guidance)
34. Protection from deceitful attacks on our Homes by bitter backsliders & enemies. Wisdom & discernment on the part of Home Shepherds as well as those who deal with new friends & contacts, that they can discern between the true sheep & the wolves in sheeps' clothing.
35. Against our enemies. For the Lord to fully expose & bring to justice--& God willing, put behind bars--those enemies who perpetrated the recent attack against a Home in the Philippines. Good, dedicated lawyers who will fight for the Family & help us. Recovery of the stolen goods taken from the Manila Home. God's judgments on the perpetrators of this foiled plot.
36. Against Hart (Sunny) & his book, which contains a pile of poisonous lies & slander about the Family, which he is hoping to publish via a major Christian publishing house in the U.S. That this publisher--as well as any other publisher--will reject the book to keep this vile venom from being aired & influencing the ignorant against us. That Hart's lies & wild tales will be discredited.
37. Against Deb's first book about the Family, that the Lord will halt its distribution & evil influence, as well as stop further anti-Family books from her or others, or translations of her present one. That the Lord will inspire more people to write positively about us!
38. Against Watchman's anti-Family "documentary" video, which he is gathering material & interviews for in an attempt to smear the Family audio-visually as he once tried to help the Family. That he won't be able to raise the funds nor obtain the footage for such a video, that his sponsors will desert him, & that his lying attacks via video will come to naught.
39. Lamb's case, which has been appealed to the Supreme Court by her opposition, the CSV, which contends that "significant harm" has been done to her children by our Family lifestyle. This case will set a precedent as to what is the legal definition of "significant harm," so please pray that Lamb, lawyers Graeme Morrish & Ivan will be able to refute the ridiculous charge that any harm was done to her children!
40. Legal victories in Melbourne, where our families are still engaged in a court battle with the Community Services over their children. The case has grown much more intense, since Legal Aid has cut off funding for our lawyers, while the well-financed opposition has brought in backsliders, enemies & so-called "expert witnesses" from overseas, & are stepping up their attacks both in the media & the courts. Please pray desperately that the Lord will "raise a standard" against this flood of evil to get an even greater victory from these vicious, lying attacks. That governmental pressure will force the CSV to drop the case against the Family & come to an agreement, as they have in Sydney. See Answered Prayer #1.
41. Australian QC who has cancer. See Answered Prayer #2.
42. Upcoming "criminal" case in Barcelona, in which our enemies are making outlandish allegations against the Family, charging us with fraud for our provisioning & psychic damage to the children. Our lawyers have submitted our defense to the Provincial Court, where a panel of three judges will study the case & set a trial date some months in the future. Please pray for the following:
Our lawyers. The Lord's anointing of wisdom & conviction for our cause. For them to grow in the overall vision of the Family & for us to be able to feed them the Word. That they can receive the Lord.
The brethren. That the Lord will empower them with His Spirit so that they can stand up for the Family. For a vacuum to study the Word & the Statements. For the preparation of the children, 7 years old & up, as some of them are being called to testify at the trial; for boldness & conviction, especially for the older children & teens.
The panel of three judges presiding over the case. That they will be unbiased, attentive & open-minded, & able to judge righteous judgement. For the Lord to open their hearts to the Truth even before the trial as they study the files of the case, since they may very well come to court with their decision already made.
Good media coverage & a real vindication of the Family.
Against Jose Maria Jansa, a deprogrammer from Pro-Juventud who has been fraudulently setting himself up as an expert. That he will be thrown out of our case.
Against Pro-Juventud & CROAS, that their illegal methods against us will be totally exposed. For the Lord to confound & confuse them & the DA, & their experts & witnesses which they are presenting.
43. Researchers & their work on finding the literature, materials & resources we need for our lawyers to help enable them to refute the false allegations against us. That the Lord will make their work fruitful, simple, quick & inexpensive!
44. Expert witnesses, authorities in many fields who can testify that our way of life is superior; that our children are socially, mentally, physically & spiritually fit & well-adjusted; that our Posters, Tapes & Videos are not harmful in any way, but uplifting & edifying; that we are a Family of Bible-believing Christians rather than a "destructive cult," etc. That we can win & keep such contacts, & be able to minister to them spiritually.
45. Follow-up on our friends, contacts, supporters & lawyers. In Australia the brethren have gone on a push to feed & minister to their contacts, as well as win new ones. The brethren began by writing down names of all their contacts, as well as the names of the ones they wanted to try to meet, but hadn't had a chance to yet. After reading some Word on witnessing & follow-up, they then went around the circle & prayed over each name & claimed verses for them. At the end the Lord gave some prophecies. Here are some excerpts:
         "Behold the newborn babes that I have placed in your care. What is that in your hand? What I have placed there, ye must
nourish & ye must strengthen, & ye must feed them with the Words of David, that they may grow & that they may face the adversity that will come for standing up for My children. Fear not, take unto you the whole armor of God, & strengthen those that fight by your side. For there be many that try to turn them away from the forces of David, but ye must turn them towards the light. For they are but babes, they are weak in My Word. Ye must cause them to stand with the power that I shall give them. But I have no hands but your hands, I have no feet but your feet. My Love must be shown through you to them. Pray for them, feed them, strengthen them with the Words of Life that they may grow thereby."
* * *
         "Say not ye there are yet four months & then cometh harvest; look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest."
* * *
         "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. I have brought these into the Kingdom for such a time as this; this is the part that I have done. Now I am asking you to do
your part, & to win them to the Kingdom.--To sacrifice for them, to lay down your lives for them as they are laying down their lives for you, risking their reputation, their occupation & their lives for you. Love them with all that you need to love them, & woo them with all that you need to woo them, & pray for them as they need prayer. This is your part, this is your call to arms. Go forth & win the battle!"
* * *
         In other prophecies for our lawyers, the Lord showed us that they're our QCs & barristers helping
us in the physical, but in the spiritual we are like junior barristers to the Lord, & we're representing them in the Courts of Heaven! We have to fight for them just like they have to fight for us!
* * *
         One of the Australian brethren wrote the following about the victories won through prayer, & the need for continued prayer in ministering to the important people the Lord has brought across our path: "It's been quite thrilling to see the fruit of the worldwide Family's prayers for the situation in Australia. It seems like we're seeing answers to these prayers every day in the miraculous way the Lord raised up our legal teams in the first place & how He is
continuing to raise up folks to help us, so that now many top lawyers in Australia are getting involved on our behalf, most of it on their own initiative! We're the talk of the town in legal & political circles, & important people are interested in us & our case. It seems like an open door for us to be able to meet & minister to people we never would have any other way. It's so thrilling, as you know it's only due to the prayers of the Family, as we could never have engineered anything like this, or even thought of anything like this happening. It's not over yet, & we still need those prayers!"
46. The encouragement of all Family Members, & a close connection with the Lord as protection against attacks of discouragement! "When wearied with the strain of it all, you can fly to God on the wings of prayer & faith, & get the relief that He alone can give you." (MOP 13:30.)
47. The IVM editors, as they work on footage from our Family around the World to produce vitally needed PR videos, to give the public a better idea of all we're doing for others.
48. The technical setup at the IVM, & for the Lord's help in solving the various technical problems that come up, as well as learning more about our new equipment & how it works, so that we can get the most out of it!
49. Clean, pure water supplies for our Homes around the World, or water purification systems if necessary. That the Lord will keep us from the inroads of water-borne diseases in dirty Third World countries.
50. For our CROs, who have an extra heavy workload this month, many projects to take care of & decisions to reach.
SOUTH AMERICA: (For age 14 & over.)
51. For the complete closing of the case opened against us in Brazil last year. That the legal process will come to an end, with no further repercussions.
52. Handicapped Pepe of Ebed & Estrella, who has been in the hospital with a high fever & a serious infection, which has lasted for quite some time. For permanent relief from his present state of discomfort & suffering.
53. One of our kings in Brazil, that he can continue in his present job & remain a help to the Family.
54. Deliverance from childhood diseases for two Homes whose children have been affected. For the complete healing & recovery of these children.
55. Christina EA, newly pregnant, who has recently come down with German Measles. That this will not affect her developing child, & that the young couple & everyone involved will manifest a real fighting spirit of faith for healing.
56. Trust, mother of 7, for her complete healing from a brain infection that has left her bedridden & barely able to move or function. Physically there has been some improvement, but her mental progress has been minimal. That she can regain full use of her limbs, learn to talk again, & that the Lord will supply the funds for her treatment.
57. Josias (15, of Jordan & Maria), who was hit by a bus. For his complete healing, without any lasting effects.
58. Against anti-Family group in South America made up of backsliders who are distributing the "Watchman Story." For protection & preparation of the Family & Work in South America against any upcoming onslaughts of the Enemy.
EUROPE: (For age 14 & over.)
59. Steven, falsely accused of rape by the backslidden daughter of his mate, Rachel. That the Lord will release him from the charges against him & that the judge will see that the case is so weak that he will decide not to bring it to trial. Also, for wisdom in knowing which of our enemies are involved in stirring up the daughter to make this accusation.
60. Swiss Phoebe, who has Hodgkin's disease. Against high fevers.
61. Jo (of Rosemarie). Healing of his back & nerves after an operation, & return to normalcy in all his activities. See Answered Prayer #11.
62. Repioneering of a very successful Prison Ministry, without encounters with churchy prison ministries also active there.
63. Gabe, for real breakthroughs & long-standing victories against carnal-mindedness, shallowness & immaturity, pride & cynicism.
64. Air travel within Russia, since Aeroflot's services have been very irregular, & there may even be a nationwide air strike pending. In 1993, air prices within Russia may increase tenfold! This would radically alter our present ability to travel so cheaply throughout the country, so please pray that the Lord miraculously keeps the doors open for cheap air travel & that there will be no further disruptions.
PACIFIC: (For age 14 & over.)
65. Tarkis, a long-time friend & supporter of the Family, had a successful spinal operation. For a quick & complete recovery.
66. One of our friends in Australia, who is going through big battles, along with his wife. That both will remain friendly & supportive, & that the wife will get saved & have a change of heart.
67. English journalist & newly-won friend of the Family, who is suffering from cancer & says he only has six months to live. A sweet, sincere man, he's gotten saved with us & we've prayed with him for his healing. That the Lord would deliver him from his illness & have His way in his healing.
68. For friends in Japan who are crusading to get the influence of the powerful psychiatric lobby exposed & the "Mental Health Act" changed, or at least prevent it getting changed in some way that would endanger both them & us.
69. A new location for our follow-up meetings in Tokyo, as well as the success of a new follow-up programme to strengthen & feed our present friends & contacts with the Word & our sample.
70. Newborn Brunella, of EAs Miguel & Cherish. For her to be able to adjust to life outside the hospital, & that her body temperature will regulate; for the strength to nurse without falling asleep before finishing eating, against any eye or brain damage as result of large amounts of oxygen given her in the hospital. See Answered Prayer #21.
71. JETT Tommy of Jimmy & Joy, that he will have a real breakthrough in the spirit from being withdrawn, nervous & critical of others, & that he will be filled with the joy of the Lord & have peace of mind.
72. Mark GLP, recovery from partial paralysis.
73. New housing for pioneer teams & new Homes.
74. Against the editors, reporters & publishers of the Shukan Bunshun magazine, who are planning to do further articles against the Family.
ASIA: (For age 14 & over.)
75. Jewel (of Josiah) (see PL 9:149), who had a very delicate operation after being diagnosed as having a large brain tumour. For her complete recovery from the operation with no side effects.
76. Our traveller's clubs, that we can make full use of the opportunities the Lord is presenting to witness to many hungry young travellers in Asia & Southeast Asia. These young people are children of the upper & middle class who are searching, &, as was the case when many of us were that age, are quite disillusioned with the System, realising that they're living in an economic depression, & want to do all they can to help others.
77. Tina (2) of Stephan & Joy. Crossed eyes that she was born with.
78. Two deaf teens. That we can help them grow & mature in the Lord & in His Spirit, as well as their understanding of the Word & all that they read.
79. Housing in India & Thailand.
80. Kanti, whose brother died of malaria; that he will have peace & be comforted in the loss of his loved one, who had recently gotten saved & had even come to the Home to visit the Family right before he left on a trip & got sick.
81. Angela, asthma.
82. For V., our faithful brother & friend who has been very instrumental in launching our legal attack against Hart (Edward Priebe) & Sam Warner (Daniel Welsh) for their recent criminal activities against the Family. V. has truly risen to the occasion & proven himself a mighty man of David, willing to lay down his life for his friends & forsake all for the Lord's Work. Please pray specifically for his strength & encouragement during this time, that he will draw fresh inspiration & faith from the Lord, His Word & good Family fellowship. Also that legal efforts V. has initiated against our enemies will prosper & accomplish God's purposes.
NORTH AMERICA: (For age 14 & over.)
83. Disaster outreach: The Lord's leading & wisdom, organisation & faithfulness in follow up. Continued open doors, souls, & positive media coverage. For our Marine catacombers to stay strong in the Word & be fruitful witnesses.
84. For a reporter who is working on an important story about the Family, that the Lord will touch his heart & help him to be receptive to the message, as well as fair & favourable in his reporting. Against the lies of our enemies & their material, which they're flooding him with.
85. Pioneer teams, to establish new Homes in large US cities, & for lasting fruit & souls in "Consider the Poor" ministries.
86. Gabriel of Miracle, battling against cancer of internal organs, & taking chemotherapy.
87. For a full-of-faith, "It CAN be done!" attitude!
88. Peter (17) of Steven & Abiah, against negative & analytical thinking, pride & self-righteousness.
89. Amy (11) of Laz & Marie, against fear at night, insomnia, to become a fighter & draw closer to the Lord.
90. Jason (7) of Tim & Joy, asthma.
91. Ana (15 months) of Zac & Paloma, deliverance from convulsions during high fevers.
92. Esther of Ira, chronic eczema & a breakthrough in her walk with the Lord.
93. Mercy Psalms, recovery after infection in her womb.
From Katrina, Europe:
         The Prayer Lists are a real inspiration to me. I feel it's really starting to draw all of our Family together more in unity, all over the World. It's making us all stronger & more united in heart, mind, body & soul. It really touched my heart when my daughter's name (Joan) came out in the first Prayer List, as she lives on another continent. I sure felt the love & concern of all my Family pulling together in united prayer for her to pull through & make it.
         Then when her name came out in Prayer List #2 under answered prayers, it really brought tears to my eyes & thrilled my heart. It made me so happy as I knew it was a real answer to all our prayers, & as a result of everyone being in unity & in prayer, it brought her through to a victory! I'm truly thankful to all of you for all your loving prayers for her, & especially Dad & Mama for having pubbed these beautiful Prayer Lists.
From Arnold, WS:
         Our Monthly Prayer Day was really precious. It was so good to be able to get into the Word & pray. The Lord has really turned me around, as I used to have real difficulty concentrating during prayer, & despite all my working hard at it, it never seemed to help. It seemed I spent most of my prayer time apologising to the Lord for failing to keep my mind on what I was doing. But during Prayer Day I was realising how it has become so much less perspiration for me, & that my time in prayer is so much more relaxed & intimate than what it used to be. My victory is in large part due to what Mama has shared about prayer, keeping it short, more heartfelt, & even just reading the prayers.--Such as turning the prayer requests in the Prayer List into prayers as I read them. TYJ!
From Angela (13), SEA:
         It's nice to be able to have the Prayer Lists, as I never knew all the different things that other Family Members were experiencing, & it has made me more desperate to pray for them. It was really encouraging to see how we actually have very
few diseases & problems in the Family compared to the multitude of sicknesses that the System experiences. TTL! It made me so thankful!
From Samuel (12), SEA:
         When we read the Prayer List, we were each given a different assignment from it to pray for daily, during our personal prayer time. Then reading the answered prayer section in the
next Prayer List was really faith-building, as I saw that many of the ones we had been assigned were answered. Hallelujah!
From Lily (14), SEA:
         I thought how encouraging it must be if I were going through some heavy times in my life, to have the whole Family pray for me. It really touched my heart to see how Grandpa & Mama are so concerned for us that they have the whole Family pray for us when we go through it. It makes you feel that you're not alone in the fight, but that everybody is fighting for you in prayer. TTL!
From Stevie, Asia:
         I have found all the Prayer Lists very inspiring, to see the Lord really answer prayer specifically all over the World in so many different ways. It has encouraged me to see the need for prayer for others more & the great effects it can have, & how much more the Lord expects of us now in prayer. I am grateful that it helps me to get my eyes off myself & focus on the needs of others & not on my personal problems. TYJ!
From Faith Jesus Only, Asia:
         I am very thankful for these Prayer Lists as they cause me to stir myself up more & take personal responsibility for all the dear ones who are suffering. Before, I used to pray only for things concerning myself & my area, but now it is wonderful to pray for all our dear brothers & sisters, & I feel much closer to them & feel burdened for them. The wonderful thing is, He never fails & He wants to deliver us & strengthen us all in faith.
From Swiss Joy, SEA:
         Since we use the Prayer Lists & pray for the Family & different areas of the World, I feel the "One Wife" vision coming alive so much more! It's beautiful to unite together in prayer & fight unitedly for something. I have never known united prayer to be so beautiful, especially listening to the Lord afterwards & getting prophecies. Now more than ever I feel part of an army with an important mission! PTL!
From A., SEA:
         Every time I use the Prayer List to pray for others, it gives me more of a vision for our worldwide Family & helps me to be more desperate for others, & not just think about my own situation & problems. Since I've been on the Prayer List, I feel much more inspired & encouraged in a lot of ways. Even though my prayer request is for my paperwork, the Lord has been using it in other ways that I didn't expect. I feel a lot more fulfilled & happy in the place of service where the Lord has put me. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. It's a real fulfilment of that song, "Somebody Prayed".
From Hosanna, Charity & Maryann, Asia:
         Reading the specific prayer requests on persecution got us really stirred up & united as a Home. The Lord gave us some encouraging verses, so we know that our precious Family everywhere are going to come through with flying colours, as the Lord is going to do it. It has impressed upon us the importance of being desperate in prayer for them & fighting with & for them in the spirit, as the Lord is depending on us to uphold them, expecting Him to fulfil His promises.
From Ready, SEA:
         The prayer lists have given a totally new meaning to my prayer vigils. Before, I looked at them as a time to get in the Word, read something "Family-oriented" or about Dad, & then pray for Dad & maybe some urgent Home prayer requests for 15 minutes or so. Now as I walk in the garden with my prayer partner, with these worldwide Prayer Lists, as well as our local prayer requests & maybe a DM, MOP, or something to read to get some Word or verses on the subject, we pour out our hearts in prayer for these different situations. We actually spend the whole hour in whole-hearted, desperate prayer for our worldwide Family. It is so uniting, & it is inspiring to read about all the miracles the Lord is doing to answer so many of these requests.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family