Latest News Flashes!--No.268     CM/FM    4/98
By WS Staff

The END Is Now DFO!
Dear Family,
         God bless you! Thank you for your enthusiastic and encouraging reactions to the
END! We pray it will continue to be all that the Lord wants it to be, and that you'll find it interesting, informative, inspiring and feeding.
         When we were putting together
END #3, we thought many outside friends and contacts might also find the ENDs inspiring and feeding, so we decided to ask the Lord if we could make it DFO. The Lord said yes, and here are some excerpts from the message He gave us.

(Jesus speaking:) Break the box and let it roll! Break the mold and get out the gold, the gold of My Words and messages from Heaven! Though it be hot and heavy for some, the greater number will be helped and influenced by these Words. My views on the news through the voice of your Father David will help to awaken some to how late the hour is.
As for the radicalness of the message, many are the radical messages that flood the world today! I would not have you hold back the flame of David and the fire of the candle that burns. Seek not to smother it with overprotective hands. I will give you wisdom in what to use. In some cases, I may lead you to use David's comments in a "Currents" GN for the sake of the inner Family. In other cases, where I wish for more of the world and your concentric circle of friends to hear the message, then I may even give part of the message Myself.
Let those who would argue with the fire and fervor of My Words take issue with Me. I know you have many enemies who would eagerly seize upon such words, and stand waiting to wrest them, but I will protect you and help you, and they shall not be able to gainsay or resist the words and the wisdom with which they are presented. For these are My Words, and if they are hot, it is because I have spoken them in My wrath!
So you may make the END DFO, and I will help you with its contents as you seek Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

         So beginning with
END #3, the END is DFO and may be photocopied in part or in whole for friends, contacts and receptive outsiders, if you think they could benefit from the message contained therein. Praise the Lord!
         Please bear in mind that even though the
END is DFO, it contains a wide variety of articles and prophecies, ranging from the milky to the meaty. Sometimes Dad really cuts loose with blasts that some of your friends might find too extreme for them! So please use wisdom in choosing what excerpts you give to whom, and consider what their spiritual maturity is and what they can take. Remember, if you're not sure whether a certain article or excerpt would be received well, you should pray and ask the Lord.
         Also, please remember that
we didn't write these news articles we're reprinting in the END, so the opinions and viewpoints expressed in them aren't necessarily in agreement with ours or to be considered "the Gospel truth!" Some may have been confirmed by the Lord or by Dad in accompanying messages, but others are just helpful general confirmations of what Dad has been saying for years, or are signposts pointing to how close the End is getting!
         These monthly mags are not meant to be commercial tools and thus distributed en masse to outsiders. So we ask you not to sell them or any compilations or excerpts from them. They are classified DFO so that you can give them at your prayerful discretion to those whom you feel would be helped by them or appreciate them.
         God bless you in your ministry to others, and we pray that you'll continue to be a great blessing to them--and that the
END will be a great help. We love you!
         Your WS Family

P.S. You'll find the END available in the member's-only section of our Web site. It is posted in Adobe Acrobat format as well as rich text format (RTF).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family