         My children shall shine brightly with My love! They shall be beacons in all the land--beacons of My love in the time of darkness, when the world is so dark. My beacons shall be a bright, shining light that many shall see. Many shall come unto them, and they shall be enlightened, and they shall be filled with the warmth of the light. They shall put forth their candles to the light, and they too shall be lightened, and they shall go forth with their light. And though their light may not be as strong as the beacons of light, yet it shall lighten the hearts of many, and many shall rejoice!
         But My
beacons shall be deep wells of love, deep wells of light, deep wells of encouragement, for they shall be filled with Me because they have loved Me and they have lain in the bed of love and they have been empowered by My seeds.
         This world shall see a new thing! They shall see the Christians that I have made, the Christians that have the
true love of God, that share My love, and that give My love to one another. And by this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another, and if you have love for Me. For how can you love one another unless you love Me above all? For it is My love that I will pour forth to you for one another.
         It is My love that will do this thing in this new day, and people shall see it and shall rejoice! They shall see that you are unlearned and ignorant men, but they will know that you love Me. You shall glow! Your eyes shall be enlightened. Your hands shall hold the elixir of My love to heal their broken hearts. (ML #3032)

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