The fragrance of roses rises to Me and I welcome it as a beloved gift. It comes with pain and is garnished with tears, but in every dewdrop that falls from the rose sparkles the glory of the rainbow. Every dewdrop is raised to immortal life on high, and so will your dewdrops be. They will melt and become part of the rose, to enhance and fulfill its beauty. And that rose will sparkle like a diamond. Those dewdrops of pain, suffering and loneliness will glow as costly gems of great price that set this rose apart from the ordinary.
My little rose, how I love you! How I would hold you close to My bosom! But you would not have Me dry away those dewdrops, would you? I would wipe those tears in an instant, but the diamonds would be lost. So cherish those dewdrops for Me. Every twinge of pain, every heartbreak or lonely moment is but another diamond being formed to decorate My rose. Delight in those dewy moments, for I form each of them with My Own hand--their length, breadth and type. Look not at people, for they move only at My bidding. I love you too much to let somebody tamper with your life! I carefully plan and engineer every aspect of your life.
But your morning will come when all the dewdrops will have melted away, and the sun will shine warm upon you! You must wait for the morning. Watch for the sunrise, as it creeps over the mountains. For when it seems it will not come, all of a sudden it is there! Your morning will dawn, glorious and bright, when all the tears of night will be gone--gone, yet cherished as a sweet and beautiful dream, the pearl collection of dewdrops which tell the tale of those lonely times when you found Me, and when our special bond was formed.
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family