         Be not weary with the battles, with the trials and the tests that come your way. Be not weary in well doing, for these battles and testings and trials come from My hand. They are not a condemnation, nor a chastisement, nor a demonstration of My displeasure, but they are an
honor! I am honoring you with these battles and testings and trials, as I put you through the fire to make you finer, stronger, purer vessels for Me.
         Do not compare yourselves with those around you, for each life is unique to Me as My creation. Comparing only makes you say, "Oh Lord, why have You made me thus? Oh Lord, why have You cursed us with these constant battles and ongoing problems from which there is no relief?" This comparing does not bear good fruit; it only bears bitterness and resentment.
         Therefore, I say, compare not and be not weary, but look up, for your redemption, your deliverance, is nigh! (GN 649)

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