         The freedom you seek can be found in this new day of My Spirit. My Spirit is being poured forth in new abundance, in such great measure that there is not room enough to contain it.
         I am raining My Spirit and the gifts of My Spirit down in great measure, in great abundance. Yet some of My children are timid, afraid of the unknown, and they have gone into their houses, into their huts, under their shelters, that they be not drenched by this outpouring of rain--the kind which they have never seen before. It is new, it is different, it is even strange--a strange truth which I pour out in these last days. But again, it is
this truth--no matter how strange it may seem--which will set you free.
         Others of My children stay out in the open, but have covered their pots and containers with lids, so My Spirit cannot fully enter them and fill them up. They are happy or willing to remain in the rain and to partake in some measure, yet they have not yet the full faith or acceptance to receive My rain--My strange rain--into their very being. For this would be partaking in full, and they wish to wait and test the waters more, to see if it is indeed good, and if this water will indeed quench their thirst and give them the new life and fruitfulness which they have been begging and pleading for.
         Yet there are others who have opened their lids and who stand in the open, under the pouring rain, and are soaking up My life-giving flow of the Spirit. These are being filled to overflowing and are pouring out on others. These are they for whom the blessings of My Spirit are beginning to work magical wonders. For they have taken the plunge and have dared to step out into the craziness of My Spirit, into the strange truths and the new rain that I pour down upon all.
         Those who let the rain fall upon them and around them, yet have their lids closed so they will not be fully soaked, only partake partially and experience
some of the blessings of My Spirit. Their thirst is slaked and they feel some peace and rest to their souls, but they cannot overflow in turn upon others, for they have barely enough for themselves.
         But those who have opened their lids to Me and who invite the rain to fill their vessels--whether they are broken, cracked, disfigured, small, large, dirty or marred--will find that their vessels will be kept full at all times, that they will be washed clean, and that they will find themselves tasting and enjoying the fruits of My Spirit in great abundance and with great enjoyment.
         So open, open, open up! Let My rain wash over your body. Let it soak into the fertile earth of your heart. Strengthen yourself through My Word, for in the reading of My life-giving Words will you find the faith that you need to exercise your new gifts.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family