         You have been anointed not only with oil, but you have been anointed by fire--the fire of affliction, the fire of battle, the fire of desperation. You have been molded and made into the vessels of My choosing. I also pour upon you My anointing. I pour upon your head the anointing of oil mixed with wine, the oil of My Spirit mixed with a broken heart. I give unto you My Spirit of compassion, of love, and of understanding. I give unto you the oil of the Spirit mixed with wine, symbolic of My blood, of the sacrifice that I have given.
         I give this to you so that you will know that I know and I am aware and I understand the sacrifices that you have made--the giving of yourself, the giving of your loved ones, the laying down of your all to serve Me. I give you this anointing--the anointing of My oil, the anointing of My blood--as a token unto you, that you may know that I understand, and that I know of the hardships, the heartaches and the heartbreaks.
         I know your very heart and I love you with an everlasting love. And I say to you who have given your lives unto Me, you who have laid down your lives daily--great is your reward in Heaven! Great is your reward for eternity! Great is your reward in My arms! When you come unto Me, you will know that every drop of blood shed, every trial, every test, every heartbreak, is rewarded with great rewards!
         Receive My anointing upon your head, mixed with My understanding, My compassion, and My love. All of you together receive this, My anointing, this, My love, these, the kisses of My Spirit. (ML #3095)

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