Despise not this day of teaching and training your little ones. Be not weary in well doing, for there is great reward for mothers and fathers who live their lives for their children. Their children, when they come of age, will make a decision as to how far they want to go for Me, and how they want to live and serve Me, and it will be their decision. You cannot force them or make this decision for them. But what you can do is teach them to love Me above all things, and put a desire in their hearts, through your example and your testimony, to live for Me and witness and lay down their lives, even unto the death.
Teach them to love the Words of David and to drink deeply at his fountain. Teach them to stay dropped out, to become Mountain Men, to remain clean and unspotted from the filth of Babylon. Do your best to prepare them for a life of service for Me. Teach them to love David, Maria and Peter, and when they come of age, they will make their own choices, whether to go or whether to stay, and how they wish to serve Me.
Take heed that you do not cloud their vision or burden their hearts, or weigh them down through your sins of bitterness, bickering, backbiting, lack of love, disunity, worldliness, or excesses of the flesh. For if you pollute and lead astray the little ones that I have placed in your care, I will hold you responsible. Therefore walk in My fear and do good, and I will reward you accordingly.
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family