         Freely you have received, freely give, for I have given much unto you. I have poured forth into you, and now I send you forth as vessels full of the water of My love, full of the elixir of My love, full of My healing balm to pour upon your brothers and sisters. Be vessels that pour out. Do not be vessels that withhold and contain, but be open vessels that freely give, even as you have received.
         As you pour out, I will replenish, and your vessel shall not run empty. I will fill you up to overflowing as you overflow upon others. For unto whom much has been given, of the same shall much be required. This I require of you: that you love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your soul, and that you love your neighbors--your brothers and sisters and the lost--as yourselves. These things do I require of you, because of that which you have received.
         As you pour out, pour not out in your own strength, but simply open your vessels so that the elixir of My love may flow out of its own accord, that it may be drawn out by the vacuum of others, by their need for love. (ML #3095)

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