         Bitterness is like a slow poison that weakens and kills slowly but surely, day by day. Those who are bitter are not just bitter against those who have wronged them, but they are also bitter against Me, because I allowed it to happen. They feel that I failed, that I was unjust, that I turned My back on them when I allowed something so horrible, so unfair to befall them when they were so undeserving of such treatment. Bitterness not only builds a wall between the person who is bitter and the person they feel has wronged them, but it also builds a wall between the bitter person and Me.
         Bitterness is the result of lack of faith, lack of trust, thinking you know better, self-righteously wanting to judge and rule and cause the other person to suffer as you have suffered.
         These attitudes of heart and mind do not bring Me closer, and do not cause My Spirit to reign freely in your life. They do not cause you to draw nigh to Me, that I might draw nigh to you, but instead they have the opposite effect. They cause you to be distant and unbelieving, and they quench the flow of your love toward Me. They cause you to be closed and hard and resistant to the flow of My love toward you. (ML #3090)

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