         Such need I have for you to be yielded clay in My hands. Such a great need do I have for you to be willing to be used in whatever capacity and in whatever manner I would choose to use you in. At first this seems to require such a great amount of forsaking, such a great amount of sacrifice on your part; but I promise you, as you give, I will more than repay. I will repay beyond even your wildest dreams.
         I will give you love. I will give you care. I will give you compassion. I will give you tenderness. I will give you the joys of My Spirit. I will give you the contentment that your heart searches hard after. I will give you the stability and the steadfastness that you long for. All these things I hold in My hand, stretched out toward you, for the taking. All I ask for in exchange is your heart--every part, every crevice, every piece.
         Is it worth the exchange? It seems so costly, but no price could be paid for what I offer you, and the giving of your heart and life to Me--even your secret desires and longings--is but a token payment. For I will give you all that you could hope for. I will give you your very life and happiness. I am life. I am happiness. I am all things.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family