         Satan is trying to hinder you. He has many of you in the wilderness right now--entrapped in the wilderness of your mind. For what is a wilderness but a vast land that is set aside where the earth grows wild? Therefore let not the doubts of Satan grow wild in your minds. Fall not for this trap! Let not your thoughts run wild and grow into poisonous doubts that will devour and destroy you.
         Don't accept his doubts! Satan attempts to release the wild beasts of doubts upon the wilderness of your mind--to run wild, to tempt you, that they would devour and destroy. He fights hard to tangle you up in the wilderness of doubts, hitting you from every side.
         But fear not! You have but to call his bluff and they will vanish! As I called out to My Father, you must call out to Me in total desperation for a deliverance, and I will come to your aid. If you will but open your hearts and your minds and your spirits to Me, simply by asking, by putting forth the effort of a believing will, I will send angels to minister to you! (ML #3088)

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