         I call before Me now My heroines of the home, My mothers of love! These are they who bear and bear and bear again My darlings of love, My little ones, My spirit treasures, My sparkles of happiness. These are they who not only bear, but who guide and direct and maneuver these young ones through the obstacle course of life. These are they who lay down their own lives that their young may pass over into a new world.
         These who raise broods of children in My name, who painstakingly care for more than it seems they are able to handle, receive My inestimably valued jewels of honor and commendation.
         Those who have taken more children into their care and motherly love than I have personally given them; those who take on those of another mate or single, to help, care for and provide for them--these will have double fulfillment and satisfaction in the life to come.
         I call forth My heroines, My mothers of mercy. These are they whom I delight to love, whom I delight to look upon with tenderness. For I see them in the night, tenderly caring for their newborns, gently watching over their flocks, and attending to every need of the household. They give of their own time and sleep and energy that others may be fed and clothed and warmed.
         Upon these I gaze down from Heaven with such respect, with such admiration, with such tenderness, with such gratitude, with such inspiration, for they prove their love unto Me. Their love stands firm and strong under such strain and pressure.
         How can I help Myself when I see such love and endurance?--The endurance and patience of these, My heroines. How can I not prepare the most wonderful, comfortable, delicate, enchanting place of delights for them, Here in My Heavenly Kingdom? Do they not deserve this? They most surely do, and I simply wait for the moment when I may present them with their treasures and rewards. This will bring Me joy and happiness unspeakable--to see the light on their faces, the tears rolling down their cheeks, the sparkle of their smiles, the shock and amazement that they will experience to find out that they are truly My heroines, My mothers of mercy, My angels of compassion.
         I prepare their haven even now, and comfort their hearts and souls with My love and Words until the day when I may take each one into My arms and wipe away their tears, comfort their hearts, and restore unto them every desire and longing which they have given up for the sake of their young, for the sake of their calling.
         Mighty men of the world have come and gone. Conquering heroes have swept across the world, across vast lands. They have procured wealth and have garnered for themselves slaves and the riches of the land, but they fade into oblivion. Yet My heroines, My mothers of mercy, live on throughout eternity. For in the sparkle of the eyes and the lighting of the smile in each of their children can be seen a trace of the mother who gave her life for her son or for her daughter.
         Come, My heroines. Come, My loves, My mothers of mercy. I call you to enter into your rest, that you may soon abide forever in your haven of peace and comfort.
         I love you and I thank you, valiant heroines of the faith.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family