         Because of the hindrances of the flesh, the things of the spirit are sometimes difficult to understand. That is why you must have faith and drink in and swallow and receive, little by little, drop by drop, step by step, and follow Me by faith.
         Many of My disciples turned away and followed Me no more because they did not see with the eyes of the spirit, but tried to understand it in the flesh.
         But I am pleased with you, My children, who have been faithful and obedient and have followed Me by faith, the children of faith. And I know you will continue to follow by faith!
         Do not worry about the future or the opinions of men, just look to Me and love Me in obedience and in faith and I will see you through. So worry not and doubt not and fret not, but simply accept by faith. For this is pleasing to Me--the eyes of faith and the acceptance of faith. I will reward you with the desires of your heart, a closer relationship with Me as a result of your faith. (ML #3031)

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