         The key to situations is to let Me into the situation, to let Me reign. Take time in the morning and say, "Lord, what should we do today?" And even more than that, say, "Lord, what do
You want us to do today? You see, we have these problems, we have these situations. Please help us. We stand back now and we let You in. We ask You to take care of this. We ask You to take care of that. We ask You to show us whether we should do this or whether we should do that.
         "We're Your servants, Lord. We ask You to take over. We ask You to help us not to strive. We stop our striving now, Lord, and we lay at Your feet. We ask You to come into every heart and into every situation, to solve every problem, to take care of every personal relationship, to take care of any friction that there might be. We also ask You to supply our needs--our needs for love, for good health, for inspiration, for excitement.
         "We need You to do it all, Lord! We need You in every inch, in every centimeter, in every iota of everything we do. We ask You to come into it all, Lord, and to chase out the Enemy. The Enemy goes about as a roaring lion, but we know that You are the Lion of Judah and that You break every chain, and You give us the victory again and again! And so we ask You to give us the victory this day, Lord!"

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family