         The flocks need bellwethers--those among them who set the pace and who faithfully follow the shepherds. The younger sheep will look to the bellwethers and see that they are faithful and that they are following, and the young sheep will follow them. The sheep will follow the bellwethers, and the bellwethers must follow the shepherds.
         So to you bellwethers, you young ones, I say learn--learn to follow the shepherds, learn to follow their sample, learn to follow their advice.
         To you shepherds, I say, teach--teach the bellwethers, pour into them, for the sheep will follow the bellwethers and the bellwethers will follow you. When the bellwethers look to you, what must they see? They must see prayerfulness. They must see those who are being led of Me. They must see My Spirit within you--the joy, love, excitement, dedication and desperation.
         You must learn to let the bellwethers shine brightly, but you must help direct their light. The bellwethers and the shepherds must be one, so that as a team they can shepherd My flocks, My children, My young ones.
         The young sheep desire young shepherds, those who understand them. But the young bellwethers do not have the wisdom, for they are not yet shepherds. They must look to you for help, for guidance, for wisdom, for experience.
         You must pour into them! Hold not back, but teach them all, so that they can grow and learn to make the step from being bellwethers to shepherds.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family