         Jangled lines! Mangled, tangled, jangled lines! Complexities! A great web of complexities, all tangled and snarled and intertwined--in and out and over and under, fumbled, mumbled, garbled, the great web of jangled lines. They are jangled and complex. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophies and vain deceit, after the rudiments of the world and not after Me.
         My truth is simple and easy to obtain, easy to put into practice, even in the complex and tangled world in which you live. Simplicity is My law! I do not put the doorknob too high for My children of all colors and creeds and races to reach. I speak not only of My salvation and of My love, but of all spheres of your life. My will is simple. Simplicity is My law.
         So beware of the tangled lines, for the Evil One walks about as a roaring lion, seeking to entrap and snarl you up in the web of complexities. He advertises his propaganda far and wide through the network of jangled and tangled lines.
         You, My children, must walk in wisdom toward them that are without. You must be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves. Just as you must try the spirits to see if they be of Me, so you must try the information that comes across your path, by praying and seeking Me in all things, to see if it be of Me. Be wise as serpents, praying and seeking the wisdom that is from above, and be harmless as doves as you proceed down the path of My will.
         Continue to seek Me in all things, so you may know what is from Me. Satan is very wise and very sly. He mixes much truth with the lie so that it is desirable, delightful, appealing to the eye, soothing to the touch, yet poisonous within. Did not the serpent beguile Eve in such a way--tempting her with a believable story? He is the same old Satan today! He does not always come around in a red suit with horns, pitchfork, and a tail, but with smooth words, pretty pictures, desirable appeals, even miracles to some degree.
         You must try the spirits to see if they be of God. Continue to stay close to Me and My Words, with your eyes fixed upon Me, seeking Me desperately in all things big and small, that you be not led astray from My simplicity. (ML #3053)

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