         You must fight the negative influences which try to overtake you. You must be militant and aggressive. You can overcome by calling unto Me and staying close by My side, immersed and submerged in My Word. Only the sword of the Spirit can defeat the Evil One. He would love to destroy your usefulness, so pull up your socks and fight with all that is within you! Give no place to the Evil One! Give no ear to his negative channel.
         Every time you are tempted to think
negatively, make a conscientious effort to think positively. If you are consistent in fighting the Devil that way, pretty soon he'll give up. Memorize and quote him the Word, just like I had to do when I was tempted in the wilderness. I, too, had to quote him the Word and say, "It is written!"
         Whenever you feel too weak to fight, just call on Me, and I will fight for you, for I am greater than he that is in the world. But you cannot be passive, for the Devil's words destroy and eat like a canker; they spread and multiply like a virus. You either have to fight and be militant and aggressive, or else desperately cry out to Me for My help. Better yet,
do both so that you don't have to endure this affliction for longer than it was intended.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family