         Those who hear My voice, who follow Me closest, who let Me lead and guide, who operate according to the plans that I give them, who seek Me diligently, crying out to Me, these are used to the
maximum! I can pour forth unto them all of My will, and they can accomplish all that I intend to bring forth. They can do it with effortless ease because it will be according to My plans.
         So seek Me in weakness and in humility, knowing that you are nothing, that I may pour forth unto you My strength, My plan and My will; that you in your weakness can operate in My strength and thus accomplish that which is much greater than what you could do in your own strength or in your own flesh. For
your power is very, very small, but My power is very, very great!
         Your little motor is very weak, but My grand motor has power that you know not of! If you will let Me empower you with My motor, the power of My Spirit, you will have strength that you never dreamed possible, for you will operate in the strength and power of God, empowered by the motor of My Spirit, to take you to places you never imagined!
         So let your weakness lead to My strength. Let your weakness lead to My power. Let your weakness lead to My anointing. (ML #3024)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family