Are you not your brother's keeper? Are you not to care for your brothers and your sisters? Are you not to protect them from the snares of the Enemy, from the snares of the fowler, from the snares of defeat? When you see your brother or your sister being beaten, do you not come to their aid, to assist them, to stand up for them, to fight for them? When a bully torments your little brother or your little sister, do you come and stand up for them and fight? Or do you sit back and watch them as they are beaten, as they are kicked, as they are pulverized? Are you not your brother's keeper?
He that stands by and watches his brother or his sister get beaten by the bully is the same as the bully, for he protects not the young one, but assists the bully by doing nothing about the beating. I ask you, are you assisting the bully, or are you standing up for your brothers and your sisters? Do you have the conviction to stand strong against the wiles of the Enemy, even when these wiles come with the face of friends?
How much do you love your brothers and your sisters? Do you lay down your life for them? Do you lay down your pride for them? Are you willing to lose your so-called "friends" for them? Will you stand up for them and face down those who bully them in spirit, who lie to them, who speak ill of them and speak ill to them? Do you stand by and watch and let it happen? Or do you raise up the standard of God and stand strong with conviction of Spirit, knowing that you speak the truth against the lies? (ML #3046)
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family