         Spend time with Me before you face the cares and duties of this world. Just as you wrap your arms around your loved one to kiss and caress and speak of love in the morning, so you must wrap your arms around Me and we must kiss and caress. You must let Me whisper My Words into your ears. You must drink My Words into your heart. You must be filled and filled and filled with My Words! Swallow them and they become part of you. Eat them and they enter into you, and they strengthen you, and they become you--and you become Me, and we become one. When they see
you, they will see Me. When they feel your love, they will feel My love.
         This will give you more power in your witness, for it will not just be
words, but it will be deeds. They will not just hear My voice, but they will see Me, because you are so filled with Me. So do not neglect time with Me in the quietness of My bedchamber. Do not neglect our sweet lovemaking. (ML #3024)

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