         A member of the body that is bruised or cut or wounded must depend on the strength and the reinforcements of the other members of the body. If the hand or the foot has a cut, it can no longer operate at full capacity and must in humility receive help from others. Even so have you been wounded and must humble yourself and confess your need for the help of stronger members.
         In time you will be strengthened. But you must receive the assistance and the help of the whole body so that your wound or bruise can be healed, your cut can be mended, and you can be brought back to full strength.
To receive healing you must honestly confess that you need the help of the whole body and the strength of others.
         You must yield and be open and humbly confess your need. You must work together with others. In time, your faith will be strengthened and your sight will become clear. As you accept the help of ones that are stronger, you will be healed. You can be used again in a greater capacity as you yield and receive the help you need.
         But if you resist and fight against it, and in pride try to walk along when your foot is wounded, it will be damaged further. You must honestly confess this need, get strength from the body, and receive the help that you need--not fight against it or resist it, but receive it and be thankful for it. In time you will be strengthened and you will become new.
         You need the strength, the faith, the loyalty of the rest of the body to help you through this troublous time. If you yield and receive, you will be healed. The choice is up to you.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family