         My dear mother of My children, My little ones, mother of precious little hearts, My little cherubs. Thank you for saying yes and for being My mother of these little loves. Great is your reward! Blessed is the fruit of your womb, and great shall be your blessings! For yours is a sacrifice of love. Has it not been said that there is no greater love than a mother's love? So shall there be no greater reward than that which I give to a mother, for she gives and sacrifices of her flesh, and of her blood, and of her heart.
         For the things that man counts on Earth as the greatest sacrifices, I count as the greatest blessings and give the greatest rewards. For he that cares for My little ones learns the most about giving, sacrificing, loving--the things I place the greatest value on.
         Your children do not take you away from Me, but they draw you closer to My heart as I see you toil. As your labors increase, so does My grace grow toward you more abundantly, and I give you more helpers in the Spirit. My heart and My hands reach out to help you more. For when you are in sickness, or in pain, or your children are sick, do you not cry out to Me in greater desperation? Is your heart not more broken? Is your spirit not more humble? Do you not become weaker in yourself but stronger in Me? Do you not trust more?
         All of these are not burdens, but are secret treasures you have more abundantly than others as you care for My little ones. (ML #2961)

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