(Dad:) Don't you see what a wonderful, wonderful gift from the Lord your children are? He has blessed you and gifted you so specially and honored you with these precious babies. The fact that it is difficult for you to have them makes it all the greater testimony, and He will reward you greatly for your sacrifice.
         I know it's difficult for you and sometimes you complain, as do most mothers. Once in a while you get weary in well doing; you're tired and weak and the battles seem so great. But don't worry, my dear one. The Lord will strengthen you and you'll be so glad you trusted Him in the end.
         There will come a time when you will be so glad that you trusted the Lord for your children. When you look at each one and you see their beautiful smiling faces and what a treasure they are, and what a testimony they are, and you see how much the Lord uses them, you'll be so glad you trusted the Lord for your children. You'll be so glad that you said yes to Jesus, and that you were willing to be the vessel to bring these precious ones into the world.
         Though you are weak in the flesh, you are strong in the spirit, and for this reason the Lord is trusting you with these precious little ones. He knows that you'll faithfully train them and love them and teach them to love Him. He knows you'll impart to them a desire to serve the Lord. He knows you will be faithful stewards of these very precious blessings that He has placed in your care.
         Even though you are weak in the physical, the Lord continues to bless you in this way. You may look at it as a curse and as a difficulty, but actually it's a blessing! It's the greatest blessing the Lord could give you. He doesn't see your weakness in the flesh; He sees your strength in spirit and your great ability to love and train these little ones. He looks at your patience with them. He looks at your faithfulness--at the way you pray for them and guard them and love them and cherish them. When He sees this, then He knows He can bless you with more.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family