         In My hands I have precious, precious gifts to give you--gifts of love and forgiveness and mercy and healing! Draw nigh to Me, call out to Me, love Me, seek Me, desire Me, and I will be with you to fill every need, to answer every question, to heal every wound, to strengthen every broken heart.
         You will find that through this deep, dark experience we will gain a love relationship that is of much, much more value. You will know that this time of suffering and pain has been a small sacrifice in comparison to the great joy that we will feel in our love relationship, as this will cause you to draw closer to Me, to know Me as you have never known Me before, to love Me as you have never loved Me before, to feel My mercy, My tenderness and My forgiveness as you have never felt it before.
         This seeming defeat in your eyes will one day be looked upon as a blessing. This breaking process will result in new creatures, new vessels, yielded and malleable in My hands, that will pour forth the waters of life in great abundance. Your hearts will overflow with thanksgiving for My love and forgiveness, and it will drive you, it will compel you to share this love with others. In this way you will be much more valuable vessels in My hands, much more useful tools. Although you cannot see it now, I am creating special instruments which will be used of Me in a very unique, very effective, very fruitful way. Through this breaking you will be remade and you will become new creatures in My hands.
         So fear not. Doubt not. Shake off the shackles of doubt and condemnation and fear that the Devil would want to cast upon you, and receive these gifts that I have to give you--My love and forgiveness and mercy. As you receive these, you will be washed clean from your sins, from your shortcomings, from your mistakes, and you will find new strength, new power, and new anointing. (ML #3007)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family