         The Enemy goes about as a roaring lion, as a ravenous beast, as a cruel destroyer! He is the Devourer who seeks to rend and tear apart and defeat My children. Satan and his evil spirits never sleep--just as I and your guardian angels never sleep. There is constant warfare in the spirit world--a constant battle of good against evil, light against darkness, the forces of Heaven against the forces of Hell.
         These battles of the spirit world are manifest in the physical world in many ways--through natural disasters, plagues and epidemics, wars and famines. The battles of the spirit world are also manifest in the minds of men, in their thoughts and in their dreams.
         The negative feelings and effects of the Enemy's attacks can be lifted through prayer; they can be destroyed by calling out to Me. They are temporary and shallow, because they are without foundation; they are not based on fact or faith or on the promises of My Word.
         So when you are attacked by the Enemy, go on the attack against him! Rebuke the negative thoughts and feelings--the suspicion, the jealousy, the hatred, the division that the Enemy wants to bring into your life! Take a stand against it through confession and prayer. Take steps to restore the breach and to build unity, and you will see that the end result will be greater and sweeter than before.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family